Working Women Magazine | Spring 2014

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Working Women Women’s Network Australia


w w w.w o m e n s n e t w o r k . co m . a u


SPRING 2014 AUD $8.75


wealth building secrets



ways to deliver more with less


follow the gourmet food trail


Print Post Approved 100003825

stop second guessing yourself

ICE challenge empowers entrepreneurship


Contents 6







Managing employees addicted to online interaction


PUBLIC RELATIONS Turn your next speaking gig into a PR storm


Top solutions for making changes easily


ABOUT YOU Intuition – stop second guessing yourself

13 14

Risk managing when buying a business


EXPERT CONSULT Cash flow problems – turn unpaid invoices into instant cash


Lean thinking – deliver more with less


COMMUNICATIONS Is your past catching up with you?


Demand for in-home care is trending



Outsourcing myth management


The 5 basic foundations of success


Getting unstuck from the everyday



Success UP FRONT World champion mindset


Tapping into overseas markets in not only for widget makers

The journey to stepping into the spotlight








TAKE IT ON Save time with systems


Hot entrepreneur changes lives



Pleasure – really is a miracle super food


How safe is your home or office environment?


TRAVEL Tasmania’s hidden treasure


Nepal – Travelling with purpose


Xi’an – where ancient and modern worlds meet


Leasing business premises? Proceed with caution


4 Common mistakes to avoid when registering a trade mark

Debt recycling – the secret to building wealth



Show me the money –financial empowerment for teenage girl



Get your business premises and your SMSF working together

In Every Issue


Simply Stated


In Brief


Selling your business? Here’s how to get your asking price

SALES Are your customers feeling the value?


RISKY BUSINESS Stay afloat when your business is sinking


CYBER SAVVY Website cobwebs – a sure way to send customers packing


What to avoid when buying SEO services


SMART TRACK Lost the plot? How to get back on track




Date Publication ory siness Direct Bu d Classifie g in ok Bo g rtisin Display Adve g in Book Advertorial ial Material & Advertor g in is rt ve Ad e ag Authors Im Editorial &


2 WORKING WOMEN® n Spring 2014 –

20 Dec 2014 1 Nov, 2014 1 Nov, 2014 1 Nov, 2014

8 Nov, 2014 15 Oct, 2014

What We Like


Off the Shelf


Health & Beauty


Reel Entertainment


Classified Business Directory


Advertising rates and deadlines


SimplyStated Working Women Women’s Network Australia


Welcome to our spring issue. Whether you are looking for inspiration and ideas to improve your business, tips on building your wealth portfolio or where you can holiday to relax from the stresses of life, you’ll find it all covered in this issue.

entrepreneurial role heading up a new media communications agency. Her champion mindset is amazing and an inspiration to any woman at a crossroads in her business life.

As always our articles are diverse, interesting and generously contributed by those willing to share their expertise so that women across the nation have access to information and resources that can improve their skill and knowledge base. Whether you’re looking to start, buy, sell or run your own business, everything you need at your finger tips about how to do it successfully can be found between the pages of ‘Working Women’.

I hope you enjoy this issue and please consider using the services of our advertisers. In this digitally focused environment it’s no secret that without our supportive advertisers you would not be holding on to this glossy magazine!

On the subject of business ownership and realising your dreams, I am sure you will enjoy reading Aleisha Haslemore’s story. She’s certainly inspiring and adaptable to say the least. Using everything she learnt on the ice skating rink as a champion skater she has transferred those very same skills to her

Lynette Palmen AM Founder and Managing Director Women’s Network Australia

Working Women Women’s Network Australia


FOUNDER AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Lynette Palmen AM NATIONAL ADVERTISING MANAGER Nikita Harris DESIGN Tricia Mahoney – Scarab Blue Design PUBLISHER Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd ABN 66 010 793 727

WORKING WOMEN® is a registered trade mark of Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd

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Editorial is most welcome if it is of a newsworthy nature and accompanied by a good quality photograph. Articles should be directed towards our readership base of business and professional women. Women’s Network Australia has editing rights on all articles submitted. Editorial submissions are accepted on the basis that the publisher may use the author’s name, comments and content for this publication and promotional purposes including electronic and print media. Authors waive all right to copyrights (if any).


Advertisements created by Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd for this publication cannot be copied or reproduced without permission of the editor. Women’s Network Australia also reserves the right to refuse any advertisements which do not complement the magazine’s vision.


SPRING 2014 AUD $8.75


wealth building secrets



ways to deliver more with less


follow the gourmet food trail


stop second guessing yourself Print Post Approved 100003825

We also introduce you to public relations queen, Catriona Pollard. Over the last decade and half I have personally watched the elevation and entrepreneurial growth of Catriona’s business. From the young savvy solepreneur who walked into one of our networking luncheons with the big dream of building a PR agency of note, she now boasts a list of blue ribbon national and international clients and travels the globe speaking and promoting her PR Agency business and books. Needless to say, her solepreneur days are behind her as it takes a team to run her agency these days.

Every edition of ‘Working Women’ is like undertaking a mini course in small business success. Many women’s dreams of business start-ups and expansion plans have been fuelled after thumbing through the very magazine you are holding. As I have always said, when like-minded women gather and the collective agenda is information and selfconfidence, business success is sure to follow.

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ICE challenge empowers entrepreneurship


Entrepreneur Aleisha Haslemore’s adventure began at the age of four on a makeshift ice rink in New Zealand. By the time she blew out the candles on her seventh birthday cake, she had won the first of countless figure skating medals that would see her representing Australia on the world stage. Inspired by both the lessons and obstacles she encountered during her success on the ice rink Aleisha is carving out a new entrepreneurial path in the world of business.


Advertorial is accepted in all sections. A large, clear professional photograph must accompany all articles. Prices are available on application. Please call 1800 052 476.


Women’s Network Australia is not responsible for any copyright infringements for images supplied by writers or advertisers. Materials and articles in this publication are general comment, not advice. The information is believed to be accurate and reliable but no responsibility is taken for any opinions expressed or for errors and omissions. Readers should not act on the basis of the material without taking professional advice relating to their particular circumstances.

COPYRIGHT ©1993 – 2014 Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd

All artwork created by WORKING WOMEN® is the property of Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd and must not be duplicated in another publication or promotion without written permission as it is subject to Australian copyright law. – Spring 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 3

InBrief GOOGLE is now responding to requests from people wanting to be forgotten by the world’s leading internet search service. Following a ruling in the European Court that under certain circumstances individuals do have the right to have links to information about them deleted, Google has formed an advisory committee to help strike a balance between freedom of information and people’s rights. The court ruled that people have the right not to be haunted by outdated, inaccurate untruths or acts from the past. Google now has an application form available for ‘forget me’ requests. HOUSEHOLDS where women report they are the main breadwinners have increased in number by more than 10% in six years, according to research released by the National Australia Bank. The survey, by Roy Morgan, found women nominated themselves as the main income earner in 39.5% of Australian households, compared to 2008 when 28.8% reported they earned more than their partners.

OFFICE WORKERS spend $230 a week in retail shops during their working week, with $76 per week spent on food and drinks. Most of this spending happens in the middle of the day, with 84% of workers opting to buy their lunches during the week. A survey of 3700 office workers revealed that 97% of workers buy something before, during or after work and 30% will buy clothing or footwear during the week.

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PHILAN TH women ROPIC giving is d study r riven with a r evealin ecent g that A women ust w a tax-d ere more like ralian eductib ly to m ak le men. W omen g donation tha e n ive 0.37 salary c % of th ompare eir d counte rparts w to their male ho give Campa ig 0.31%. mornin ns such as ma rathons g teas, cupcak even he es and , ad $1.4 bil shaving raise lion abo researc a year for me ut h alone dical .

GOVERNMENT data reveals sole trader registrations rose in 2014, while private company registrations slipped for the first time since 2008. Sole trader registrations made up 57% of all new businesses registered for the year ending May according to Australian Business Number statistics from business. This figure is the highest in years, and is beaten only by 2007 when 58% of new ABN registrations were for sole traders. Sydney is the leading capital city in the sole trader stakes with 1152 new registrations, trailed by Melbourne on 672. PET TRACKING is the new frontier for technology with the RSPCA launching a secondgeneration GPS tracking system that locates the position of your pooch or pussy cat should they go missing. The new technology collar pinpoints the position of the your pet and provides the location which you can access via an app on your computer or mobile phone. You can even set boundaries for your pets and when those are compromised a message will be sent to your mobile. ACMA’s recent report shows that the mobile commerce sector in Australia is booming, with monthly sales growing by a massive 448% in just three years. The research snapshot, using data sourced from Roy Morgan, shows 3.4 million Australians used a mobile commerce service during December 2013, significantly up from 620,000 for December 2010. The figures measure the number of consumers banking, paying bills, or buying goods and services online using their smart phones.

RESERVE BANK statistics reveal that Australians owe $49.8 billion on their credit cards with about $34.7 billion accruing interest. There are more than 15.4 million credit card accounts in Australia. Despite plastic interest rates ranging from as low as 9% to up to 23%, interest paying cardholders are not being proactive by changing providers to get a cheaper deal. INTERNET usage research has found that more teenagers might be connected to the internet but surprisingly adults spend the most time online. While teenagers go online more frequently, they do not spend as many hours on the internet each month as adult Australians. In December 2013, teenagers spent an average of 14 hours and 42 minutes online, while people aged 18–54 spent on average more than 40 hours online, and those aged 55 years and over spent a little over 32 hours online.

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SLEEPING too much in middle age can be just as bad for you as not having enough sleep. A study of almost 9,000 people found that those aged 50 to 64 who slept fewer than six hours or more than eight hours a night had worse memory and decision making abilities. The dangers of sleeping too little or too long can lead to a decline in brain function and dementia. Getting the optimal amount of sleep provides positive results. LOCATING lost superannuation is less of a concern to most Australians than locating their mobile phone, with more than six million accounts with a total of $18.2 billion dollars currently lying around unclaimed. Despite millions of accounts being deemed as ‘lost’, nine out of ten Australians believed they had no missing super. Super is considered ‘lost’ when a fund member cannot be contacted and at least two written attempts have been made and they have not made a contribution within 12 months. Visit to check for your ‘lost’ super.

MORE CONSUMERS are choosing online shipping over the bricks-and-mortar experience. But online shoppers are canny bargain hunters with nearly 80% researching products on the internet to compare prices before making a purchase. Online retail sales have almost doubled in recent years, from 3.8% of total sales in 2010 to 6.6% in 2013.

4 WORKING WOMEN® n Spring 2014 –


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World champion


Reinventing herself with a drive and determination learnt as a child on the ice skating rink, this super charged female entrepreneur is set to skate through any barriers that might stand in her way. Aleisha is already edging her way up the top echelons of business women and is someone to be watched over the next decade. With her skating career over, Aleisha has brought the same level of passion, enthusiasm and discipline to her professional career.

Aleisha Haslemore’s adventure began on a makeshift ice rink in a small tin shed in Gore, a rural town of 8,000 people on the southern-most tip of New Zealand’s south island. She was four years old when her forward-thinking parents slipped on her first pair of ice skates knowing that to learn to skate well, you must learn at a very young age.

the masters of radio advertising, applying “The 4 Keys to Success” to emerge as one of the industry’s top salespeople. With five recordbreaking, multi-award-winning years at the Australian Radio Network, in July 2014, Aleisha launched her boutique media communications agency, Ultimate Edge Communications to expand her reach and influence beyond radio to include all media platforms.

Their foresight was the catalyst that was to define Aleisha’s destiny. By the time she blew out the candles on her seventh birthday cake, she had won the first of countless figure skating medals. She learnt that to win, she had to be at the ice rink at 5.00 am, and do the hard work, like resurfacing the ice, riding on a modified lawn mower attached to a garden hose! The ice skating rink she practiced on was one third the size of a regulation rink, which meant she had to re-configure her program for each competition. Some might think this was a disadvantage, but Aleisha chose to see it as an opportunity to be creative, flexible and adaptable to overcome challenges and obstacles, one of the many guiding principles she picked up from her parents. Aleisha learnt to be driven, focused and to ‘never take no’ for an answer from her father who, after four long, tedious years of countless council, neighbourhood interest group and real estate project development meetings filled with knockbacks, obstacles, politics and competing interests, got a regulation-size ice rink built. Opened to the public in 2002, today it sits within a multi-sport facility that is the pride and joy of the town and a devoted father’s legacy to his daughter about what is possible when you fully commit to a goal and follow through. Once Aleisha won every national award she could, she set her eyes on the World Championships. One small problem – New

Zealand did not have a team! Unperturbed, she packed her bags, moved to Sydney and realised her dream of becoming the first New Zealander to compete at a World Championship in 2006 in Prague, representing Australia. With her skating career over, Aleisha has brought the same level of passion, enthusiasm and discipline to her professional career. In 2008, she attended a Business Building Boardroom Briefing staged by The Exponential Growth Strategist, Dr Marc Dussault. At the end of the session, she once again stepped out of her comfort zone, borrowed an entire year’s wages to register for a business mentoring program designed to teach exponential thinking and the strategies required to achieve extra-ordinary results. She quickly took to the program’s scientific and methodical approach, quit her job in the printing industry and jumped straight into radio advertising as an account manager at Mix 106.5. With no prior experience, she learnt to mirror

6 WORKING WOMEN® n Spring 2014 –

Aleisha’s parents worked tirelessly, often working opposite day/night shifts, sacrificing themselves to keep their household finances afloat, and eventually succumbed to divorce. Today, more than ever, Aleisha appreciates her mother’s selflessness and tenacity as a single parent to provide for her children. Even under extreme duress, she never wavered in her belief that her children “could achieve anything they set their minds to”. Consequently, Aleisha has structured her business to achieve financial independence before she starts a family so she can remain present and engaged with her husband and children while she successfully runs her agency. Aleisha’s champion mindset is what got her out of bed at 5.00am. It’s the same grit, drive and determination she has today when she wakes up to face the day’s challenges. The difference is, it’s not minus 10 degrees celsius and she’s not spending the first hour of her day falling down on the cold hard ice! n

CONTACT Aleisha Haslemore BUSINESS Ultimate Edge Communications PHONE +61 (2) 8958 2957

A L E I S H A’ S T O P 6 LEADERSHIP TIPS 1. Be careful who you listen to. Most people want you to take the safe and easy road so you avoid disappointment, not realising that without risk, there are very few (if any) worthwhile rewards. 2. Follow your passions as far as they take you. You might surprise yourself and discover what you are really capable of. 3. Live your values every day and your moral compass will guide you to your ultimate destiny.

4. At critical moments, believe in yourself and follow through without doubt or hesitation.

5. Give of yourself generously along your journey, ‘paying it forward’ every chance you get.

6. Don’t sell yourself short. Choose the best mentor you can afford. Do your due diligence, your future (destiny) depends on it. – Spring 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 7


6 TOP TIPS TO MOVE FROM UNKNOWN TO EXPERT Develop your personal brand: Personal branding is central to how people perceive you, so it is important to pick your niche and stick to it to avoid confusing your audience. Describe yourself: Developing an elevator statement or pitch is an effective way of making great first impressions, and they can also lead to new business and customers. Write your bio: It’s important to craft yourself a winning biography that sells you to your target audience, the media and conference organisers.

Start blogging: Blogging is a great tool to increase your profile and it allows you to connect with your audience in an engaging way.

Network: Take networking seriously. Attend Women’s Network Australia events, connect with local businesses and make yourself known to anyone who is interested.

Pitch stories: Use the media to share your expertise and reach the people who will influence your success. 8 WORKING WOMEN® n Spring 2014 –


The journey to stepping into the


Do you believe in yourself and your power? If you take your cue from CATRIONA POLLARD, you will be on your way to stepping into the spotlight to tell your story, connect with people and capitalise on your expertise. When Catriona Pollard started her business 13 years ago, just standing up at a Women’s Network Australia business luncheon to introduce or talk about her business, was a challenge. Fast forward 13 years, she is now is a highly regarded expert in PR and social media, who speaks across Australia and globally. Catriona has also just released a book everyone is raving about – From Unknown To Expert.

Through her speaking, social media and consulting work she has helped thousands of people get into the spotlight, and she realised she wanted to reach as many people as possible with her specific system. Her recently released book, From Unknown To Expert is the summation of more than a decade of her experience helping brands and entrepreneurs gain millions and millions of dollars in media exposure.

Clearly there has been a lot of hard work during that time, as well as monumental obstacles and challenges Catriona has overcome. Her biggest advice to business women is to “Start believing in your own power”.

It includes the best of the step-by-step processes she used to leverage the power of PR, social media and other strategies to build the reputations of companies large and small. And it outlines the same ‘5 Star System’ she used to grow her own personal brand from a relative unknown to an industry expert featured in hundreds of magazines, newspapers and even on TV, and attracting big name clients, all within just two years.

According to Catriona, this is so critical because many times, women are held back by fear and a sense that their business isn’t good enough or that they are not enough of an expert to even begin the journey of getting their message out to the world. “Before I started my thought leadership journey I had self-limiting beliefs about telling my story. Did I know enough? What if I get up on stage and forget everything? Do I know more than the next PR person? Am I really an expert?” “I had to back myself, believe in myself, and stand in my own power. I had to believe that I am truly an expert, and to be prepared to tell people I was. And I think that is a challenge for many people.” “But the truth is, you do have knowledge in your particular field that others don’t, and you can capitalise on this by offering your expert comments and opinion to the media and on social media. The more you accept that you are an expert, the more everybody else will accept it too,” says Catriona. It’s taken a few years. Catriona has consistently used PR and social media tactics over those years with a clear intent to build her profile, and it has worked.

In her book, Catriona shares her personal journey to becoming a recognised expert and the strategies and tactics she employed and how she has helped thousands of other experts and thought leaders achieve expert status. She believes that the right mix of media exposure and social dialogue will enhance your

business’s reputation, give you a competitive edge and boost sales. The trick is to identify your stories and then see them through the eyes of editors and program directors. Catriona knows first-hand that anything from an innovation, to a new book, to a childhood memory has news potential if it’s packaged correctly. And it has absolutely no news value if it isn’t released to the media or shared online at all! “In the competitive business environment, we have to deal with the fact that it’s no longer enough to simply be great at what you do. You now need to be great at telling people what you do!” Catriona believes that when you start telling your stories and sharing your expertise it is helping the people who are listening or reading it. “You will be amazed at the emotional connection that you start building with people and the relationships you start developing – because you are positively impacting their lives.” n CONTACT Catriona Pollard BUSINESS CP Communications PHONE +61 (2) 9460 9200

FROM UNKNOWN TO EXPERT: How to use clever PR and social media to become a recognised expert

Author: Catriona Pollard Price: $27.95 Printed | $9.99 Kindle Public relations and social media can be the difference between being a well recognised expert and thought leader in your niche and just wishing you were. From Unknown to Expert delivers a comprehensive, step-by-step framework that will skyrocket you into the spotlight using the proven Unknown to Expert 5 Star System. This book captures 20 years of PR and social media know-how into a practical guide to help you gain more exposure, increase sales and enable new career opportunities. Packed full of easy-to-use templates and examples, it will give you the confidence and skills to get you the media coverage and online community you deserve. Available for purchase from – Spring 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 9



entrepreneur changes lives

The inspiring story of a 50 plus stay-at-home mum and her unplanned journey to successful entrepreneurship, and all because of her personal experience with ‘change of life’. At age 52, starting a business was the last thing on Wendy Eade’s mind. Married to AFL Legend and Coach Rodney Eade, and with children, stepchildren and grandchildren, Wendy had more than enough to occupy herself. This was until a very ordinary transition into menopause created a very extraordinary opportunity, and Wendy found herself at the helm of a successful and very demanding sleepwear business, aptly named Eaden Sleepwear. As Wendy says, “Who would have thought that sweating through the night was going to completely change my life! I knew menopause symptoms were referred to as ‘The Change’ so I thought maybe that’s what they meant!” The Eaden story all started back in 2007 when Wendy’s menopause symptoms really started to take hold. Wendy was struggling to get a good night’s sleep and like many women, found that conventional sleepwear was getting damp from night sweats. She was waking up cold and uncomfortable and even resorted to changing her sleepwear frequently during the night. The lack of sleep was playing havoc with her peace of mind and with her marriage. According to Wendy, “I would often be so frustrated that I would get out of bed and jump onto the computer looking for a solution. Little did I know that the answer was already in the bedroom drawer!” One night out of desperation Wendy borrowed one of Rodney’s sports t-shirts which contained a special fibre called Dri-release® with Freshguard, designed to wick moisture away from the body during exercise. To Wendy’s amazement, and relief, the t-shirt worked and she and Rodney had their first uninterrupted sleep together in months.

However, not content to sleep in a man’s sports shirt for the next five years, Wendy tried to find feminine sleepwear made of the same miracle wicking fabric, and came up with nothing.

didn’t do it all alone. Wendy is a big believer in employing the help of experts, whether it be finance, shipping, design, marketing or social media.

“I then became extremely frustrated that we 50-ish aged women were not being looked after. Why hadn’t anyone thought of this? It seemed to me that no one cared that we didn’t sleep.”

Wendy says, “Work to your strengths and if you don’t know how to do something, employ someone who does.”

After searching high and low for wicking sleepwear without success, Wendy got online, and her research began. She sourced the fabric, found a factory in China that made it, hopped on a plane with a girlfriend for support and before long the two women were sitting in a factory in the middle of winter in China, sipping an interesting tea concoction and negotiating the manufacturing of a complete sleepwear range, made from the high performance fibre.

Today Eaden is worn by tens of thousands of women across Australia – menopausal women, pregnant women, breast-feeding women and women suffering the side effects of cancer treatment. In fact, it could suit any woman, young or old who suffers from over overheating and night sweats, teenagers included. Not one to rest on her laurels, Wendy has recently developed an undergarments range and a menswear sleepwear range. Apparently men sweat too!

During this period Wendy spent many sleepless nights stressing over her new venture. However, she also learnt to always follow her instincts, work to her strengths and that no problem is ever as big as it seems at 2.00 am. She began keeping a notebook next to her bed to jot down things that were worrying her so she could address them the next day. Above all she learnt to be patient.

Looking back Wendy says, “I used to scoff at motivators who would say if you put your mind to it you can achieve anything. But now I know firsthand that if you are truly passionate about something you can pretty much achieve anything.”

“Rome wasn’t built in a day and I have learnt to be patient for the fruits of my labour to show.”

She says, “My customers. I love to receive an email from a woman who tells me her story of her battle with cancer and how she now sleeps comfortably in her Eaden nightie. Or the lady who suffers from terrible eczema and Eaden is the first sleepwear product she has been able to wear in over 20 years. And my favourite was from a lady who slept on a towel for ten years before wearing Eaden!” n

Suddenly it wasn’t the menopausal sweats that were keeping Wendy awake, but her Eaden Sleepwear business that was causing her sleepless nights! In any case, during this period Eaden Sleepwear was born. That was five years ago. Now Wendy laughs when she looks back at her own inexperience and how she actually got her business up and running. But she concedes she

“I then became extremely frustrated that we 50-ish aged women were not being looked after. Why hadn’t anyone thought of this? It seemed to me that no one cared that we didn’t sleep.” 10 WORKING WOMEN® n Spring 2014 –

Today with the worst menopause symptoms behind her, how does Wendy Eade stay motivated?

CONTACT Wendy Eade BUSINESS Eaden Sleepwear PHONE 1800 209 204

WEN DY’S TOP 6 TIPS FOR SUCCESS 1. No problem is ever as big as it seems at 2.00am. Keep a notebook next to your bed and jot down things that are worrying you so that you can address them the next day. 2. Follow your passion. Believe in your product and keep focused. 3. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Running your own business and seeing the fruits of your labour can take time. 4. Listen to your instincts. If it doesn’t feel right then it probably isn’t. 5. Work to your strengths. If you don’t know how to do something well, employ people who do. 6. Listen to your customers. Their feedback is the key to your business. – Spring 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 11


Managing employees addicted to

online interaction

Get ready for change because the new breed of employee will soon be starring at a workplace near you. On the go and constantly connected online Gen Z are set to completely transform the way business is done. ANNA CAIRO looks at the opportunities and challenges employers face as this new generation makes their way into workplaces across the globe.

As the next generation of workers begins to hit the workplace interesting challenges emerge from an age group who have not experienced a pre-internet world. The main generation I refer to is Generation Z, those born roughly between 1995–2009, a generation which is technology focused, raised in a world of instant information and immediate gratification where technology is not only a part of their lives, it is their life. It is important to note that ‘generational stereo types’ are more a marketing invention than reality. Usually, generalisations are fraught with danger as they are not accurate and are mostly myths. However, it is valuable to acknowledge that this is a generation whose understanding, usage and relationship with technology is different to that of the previous generations who experienced the world prior to the Internet, social media and mobile technology. Whereas we remember ‘dial up’ they only know ‘high speed’ and connectivity. This generation is almost addicted to the online space and are constantly connected and spend most of their daily life online. For them there is no separation between being on or off line. It is all one. They experience anxiety when not connected or when the amount of time they are connected is reduced. Most Generation Z professionals will work

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in jobs that don’t exist today. They will be a different kind of professional, not the typical 40-hour a week worker but freelancers who solve problems involving specific expertise. They are not interested in a 30-year job at one organisation. They will be less loyal but this doesn’t mean they won’t be loyal.

WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR WORKPLACES AND EMPLOYERS? Every generation believes they are better than the previous one and can change the world. With this always comes some negativity toward new generations entering the workforce. Further, each generation has a diverse set of values, expectations and views of work and lifestyle. Employers need to recognise this and be mindful of the differences and speak to their communication preferences as well as their values. Only by choosing these communication channels will employers be able to effectively communicate with this generation and engage them. Regular feedback is important to them as well so routine meetings to discuss issues, give advice and praise and listen to their ideas is important. It is also crucial to involve these employees in making improvements and solving problems as this encourages engagement and fosters communication, allowing employees to be more productive to face upcoming challenges. This generation is

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Consulting • Seminars • Workshops Contact Anna Cairo for your obligation free social media assessment P: + 61 (3) 9855 1856 | M: 0417 010 877 E: | 12 WORKING WOMEN® n Spring 2014 –

all about collaboration and engagement. Having managers who have the required skill sets to effectively engage, encourage open dialogue and understand the diverse expectations is essential. This generation will not necessarily be any more challenging than the previous ones as each generation with its fresh ideas, varied expectations and values have always challenged employers. Generation Z will be no different. They may be dependent on technology, however, this can be an advantage. As more high tech occupations emerge, this generation will be more skilful than the previous one to take advantage of this and to support employers. The key factor for employers is unlocking the employee’s potential by finding out what works for them, what motivates them and what concerns them. The key question is what do they value? By answering this, employers will be better able to manage and motivate this newest generation of workers. n

CONTACT Anna Cairo BUSINESS Anna Cairo Consulting PHONE +61 (0) 417 010 877


Turn your next speaking gig into a


Be a REAL and RECOGNISABLE face for your business.

Squeezing maximum value out of each task you undertake is a smart way to expand your business. KERRIN SMITH talks about multiplying the value of your next speaking engagement by turning it into five powerful multimedia tools.

If you are a keynote speaker you know how much energy, time and creativity goes into preparing your presentation. You spend hours upon hours practising in your mind, aware that this is your chance to show people you are an expert in your field, the go to person, the leader.

Put these vital elements together to create a fabulous speaker show reel. Imagine being able to send out this video at the press of a button to event organisers? They will be able to see you present and deliver your topic to the audience. A well created show reel will give you the edge in securing your next big gig.

But why limit this hard work to the people in the room? What if you could expand your audience, attract a new fan base and keep in touch with your existing clients?

4. The feature film – a full length presentation recording

How do you do this? It is easy with these five powerful multimedia tools.

1. Bottle the excitement – video blog posts Leading up to your presentation you will be full of nervous energy. Turn these moments of excitement into valuable video blog posts. People love authenticity and what’s more authentic then REAL butterflies before you present? Not the put on ones that people inject into their pre-recorded video posts – you know, the ones that come off looking too ‘happy’. Capture some raw emotions for your blog, and show who you really are – suffering from nervous excitement crossed with focus and anticipation. You cannot script that, let alone act it out later.

2. A picture is worth a thousand words – photos of you in action A picture is still the most instantly absorbed piece of information available. It takes a split second for someone to look at an image then feel, think and act. If you are able to capture a dynamic image of your presentation you can plaster it across every online platform available. You can even add text and turn it into an inspirational image, a new banner for your newsletter or even an invite to your next event.

3. Line up your next event – create a show reel A video show reel is by far a speaker’s best asset for securing new gigs. This is a showcase of your presentation highlights, your elocution and your audience connection; all of which will do your work justice. Organise someone to video for you, focusing on key statements, audience involvement and body language.

Get noticed online. Portrait Photography Package $290

Record yourself presenting from start to finish. Why? Well there are two very valuable reasons. The first being that a full length video will give you the opportunity to watch yourself back. Think about how you are presenting? Are your audience members looking bored? Are you starting to lose your pizzazz? If the answer is yes, you can now correct or enhance your presentation based on the review of your original performance. The second reason for this full length recording is so that you can package it up as a product. You could offer it as a freebie to encourage people to opt-in to your database. Or you can make it a stand-alone product ready for sale straight from your website. You can even send it out to your loyal clients as a thank you.

Build trust and credibility. Business Video Package $590

5. Find some happy people – testimonials Testimonials are worth their weight in gold so do not miss this chance to grab three or four people for a brief one minute recording after your presentation. Again, this will allow you to secure new business and speaking engagements in the future. People are often happy to share their experiences – all you need to do is ask. There is nothing better than creating a solid set of marketing tools to have at your disposal. So plan ahead, organise someone to help you video and photograph the event and before you know it you could be speaking to hundreds of people both live and online. n

Create powerful personal branding with affordable and personalised photography and video packages by Kerrin Smith. Work with a Creative Professional: Headshots, Profile Pics, Business Portraits, Keynote Speaker Coverage, Events, Testimonials, Intro Videos, Video Blogs.

For more information on video and photography packages contact Kerrin Smith on: 0457 229 087

CONTACT Kerrin Smith BUSINESS Kerrin Smith Photography |

Film | Art +61 (0) 457 229 087 PHONE

Available Brisbane, Gold Coast & Sunshine Coast. – Spring 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 13


Save time


Establishing and documenting business systems helps you simplify the administrivia process so you can spend more time working on your business, rather than in it. KRISTINE DAW explains how good business systems create an environment for quality outcomes in your business every day.

The one consistent challenge facing small business owners is time management. They are often so busy handling daily urgencies and administrivia, there is no quality time left for strategic quality action.

insurance. Yes, it is also an investment of time, but is truly one area that delivers on the ‘spend time to save time’ mantra.

As business people it is so easy to spend too much time in the reactive space. It can make you feel very busy and effective running around ‘fixing’ things and tending to situations on the fly as they arise. By spending time in a proactive space, you are more likely to be creating quality outcomes.

1. Communicates clearly

One of the easiest ways to save time is to implement business systems. When you have a blueprint, a plan of action, a known standard process for all aspects of running your business, your time is freed up. It is from this space that long-term quality and business growth springs forth.

THREE GOLDEN RULES FOR GOOD BUSINESS DOCUMENTATION Is the language and tone clear and easy to understand? Is it appropriate for the intended audience? Does it provide definitions of acronyms or other industry jargon at the outset? n

Does the document flow well, presenting information in a cohesive and organised manner? n

Are the documents easy to navigate with tables of content, headings, sub headings and references for supporting documents?

There are no half measures when it comes to writing policies and procedures. Badly written, illogical or poorly communicated business documentation can leave your business open to legal action should there be an OH&S, Environmental or Human Resources complaint. Writing, preparing and checking your policy and procedure documents is an exercise in

Is it clear which company this documentation belongs to? Is it branded with your logo or other company imagery? n

Does it follow the standard format for the type of document – letter, manual, procedure, presentation, or project report? n

Do you have your company manuals, policies, procedures and other technical documents available as hardcopy, bound in topical folders, or in a hardcover company book? Are they on display in your office as part of the overall image you wish to convey for your brand? n


2. Meets legislative requirements Are your legal requirements covered in your business documents? n

Documenting policies and procedures, manuals and forms that are tailored to your industry and meet legislated requirements form the basis of a well-run business.

your suite of business documents?

Do they cover Health and Safety, Environmental, and Human Resource requirements as legislated by governing bodies, with corresponding references? n

Does the documentation clearly state what the responsibilities of the employer and employee are in such situations?

Designing and writing business documentation that communicates clearly, meets legal requirements and forms part of the professional presentation of your business takes time. However, it is the best way to establish and document your business systems. Whether you do it yourself or outsource it to a writing professional, it is an investment that will help free you to work on your business. n


3. Looks good Does it look professional? Is it consistent in style and formatting, each piece fitting into n

CONTACT Kristine Daw BUSINESS Dawtek PHONE 1300 329 835

Prepay your funeral with Australia’s leading prepaid funeral plan When you prepay a funeral with White Lady Funerals, our care, understanding and service are assured. Secure the funeral you want and relieve your family of stress and uncertainty.

Proud Member of InvoCare 14 WORKING WOMEN® n Spring 2014 –


Risk managing

when buying a business

The prospect of buying a business can be exciting and you can get caught up in the moment. Before you leap off the edge, close scrutiny is required or your excitement could soon turn to bitter disappointment and end up a very expensive exercise. ILONA TEREMI provides guidance on the important aspects to consider when purchasing a business.

After searching for months, you have found that perfect business to buy! The price seems reasonable considering the return on investment it will give you and the industry is something you could be really passionate about. Whilst some of the asking price may be attributed to the goodwill component of an established business, this in itself is an advantage over starting up from scratch. An established business will have employees already within that business with some knowledge and experience in that industry and you should be able to draw income from it straight away right? Before handing over any final cheques for the purchase, you will have the opportunity to go through a due diligence process about the business you are looking to buy. Make sure you have researched the industry so you know what questions to ask the current owner of that business. Prepare a list of your questions and record the answers on a sheet so you can refer back to them at later date if needed. Also specify the nature of the documents you would like to look at and ask if you can retain copies of anything you inspect. The real danger in the due diligence process is that it is costly to engage lawyers and accountants to help you with this process, which will make it tempting for you to do it all your own. To help you manage costs, think

afterwards in case you need to invest in new machinery or systems or employee leave payouts!

about what parts in which you could really use your advisors key skills and split the tasks. For example, you might want your accountant to review any financials further uncovered in due diligence and point out red flags which you can then ask more questions about. Your lawyers might be asked to review any key contracts or employee liabilities. Assess how forthcoming the owner is being with their answers. Ask the owner what transition period is on offer and make sure all transitioning requirements are outlined in your contract for sale. Whilst you may have your heart set on buying the business, be prepared to walk away. If you can’t walk away, have a plan B ready to go in the event that things turn out a bit differently to what you expected after you have purchased the business. More importantly, ensure you have enough spare cash set aside

The lease for your premises is an important aspect to consider too. The landlord may prefer you to sign a new lease rather than to take an assignment under a current lease, which may have a short term left on it. Consider taking up a new lease only if there are advantages in doing so, such as the ability to negotiate better terms and secure a longer period at the location where the business is currently situated. Dealing with a new lease can, however, add to costs and your stress and it may be that an assignment is the better option until you settle into running your new business. There are many other aspects to cover when looking at buying a business but ultimately it comes down to what value you as the new owner can add to that new business. What skills do you already have that you can transfer to this business and how will you make it your own and take it to the next level of growth. Exciting but challenging times lie ahead for the brave at heart! n

CONTACT Ilona Teremi BUSINESS Commercial Law Group PHONE 1300 204 425

Are you looking for someone... ...who can help your business develop and grow while ensuring you pay no more tax than necessary? Someone who provides a professional yet personal & friendly service and helps you achieve your personal and financial goals? If so, you have come to the right place. Here at TaxBiz Australia, we want to become valued advisers to help you and your businesses reach and surpass their potential. We pride ourselves on always being available to you. We listen to our clients and provide timely, innovative solutions that save them money, time and stress. So please call Kellie Clay (WNA Member) today to see how we can help you +61 (3) 9720 6811.

Creating SolutionS For Your Future – Spring 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 15


Cash flow problems

turn unpaid invoices into instant cash The stress of cash flow can make or break small businesses especially when they have exhausted all avenues of funding by the banks. MARGARET LANGE looks at how you can turn your unpaid invoices into instant cash?

As you are reading this article you may be experiencing the stress that comes with the responsibility of waiting for unpaid invoices to be paid which is causing a cash flow headache in your business, or as an employee you may be wondering why your boss is so grumpy. Invoice factoring, invoice discounting and the new kid on the block, invoice financing, are three ways out of this cash flow quagmire.

invoice processing. Although there are key differences between factoring and invoice discounting, the benefits are the same: Releasing up to 80% of the value of outstanding invoices within 24 hours. n

Funding can be secured without requiring other assets. n

Cash is freed up to either lessen cash flow problems or grow the business. n

Let’s explore how each can help ease your cash flow stress.

1. Invoice factoring and invoice discounting Both factoring and invoice discounting are financial services that enable businesses to release the funds tied up in unpaid invoices. Both involve a third party company advancing money against outstanding debtor balances. There are clear differences between factoring and invoice discounting: With factoring the third party company takes control of the sales ledger, chasing customers for settlement of invoices and managing the credit control of the business. They are also responsible for processing the payment of invoices, meaning that your customers are fully aware of your business contract with a factoring company. n

With invoice discounting your customers are unlikely to be aware of your relationship with a financing company. You maintain responsibility for the sales ledger, payment chasing and n

Supplier invoices paid promptly will increase your power to negotiate discounts. n


Funding levels increase with your turnover.


Both services are competitively priced.

The additional benefit of factoring is that it comes with a complete credit control and collection service, enabling you to focus time and resources on other areas of your business. An additional advantage of invoice discounting is that responsibility for credit control and debt collection remains with you and your customers are not aware of any cash flow problems you may be having.

2. Invoice financing The beauty of invoice financing is that it encompasses all the benefits of invoice factoring or invoice discounting but with even MORE added value. Invoice financing does not require a third party company to purchase your entire debtor ledger.

There are some important benefits to this scenario such as: You maintain control over what invoices you want to fund and those you don’t. n

You are not locked into an ongoing funding process by an invoice factoring or invoice discounting third party company that you may not be able to end. n

You can use the funding on an ‘as needs’ basis. n

There are no establishment fees or ongoing fees or exit fees which may exist with invoice factoring or invoice discounting companies. The fees reside in the single invoice you have chosen to sell. In this way your entire bottom line is not compromised. n

Where some unpaid invoices are from the same company and constitute 40% or more of the entire ledger, invoice factoring and invoice discounting companies will not fund. This does not apply to invoice financing. n

It’s time to take back the control and look at how you can use your unpaid invoices to pay your business expenses whilst waiting on payment for work done. Think of it as another overdraft the bank won’t give you and much cheaper than using your credit cards. n

CONTACT Margaret Lange BUSINESS Fifo Capital Bayside PHONE +61 (0) 400 147 738

Not moving your business forward as quickly as you’d like? at business links australia we have accounting, taxation and business advisory expertise and experience under the one roof. We provide real solutions to our clients problems so they can:

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Move your business forward with have perfect clarity about the business they are building and how to build it Business Links Australia enjoy the experience of business ownership and leading a team be satisfied with the financial return from their business step back from many of the day to day responsibilities build a sustainable and valuable asset which they can choose to retain or sell at some future point

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16 WORKING WOMEN® n Spring 2014 –



deliver more with less

Did you know that by improving your systems and processes, a lean approach to business can cut your costs by 15 to 30 per cent? JOANNE CLEARY discusses how lean thinking optimises costs, quality and customer service by creating and delivering value in the eye of the customer and removing all that does not contribute. So what is lean thinking? Lean is the systematic pursuit of value through the elimination of waste in all aspects of business processes. Value is what clients want or need, and are willing to pay for. Toyota in the 1930s looked at Henry Ford’s revolutionary assembly line model and invented the Toyota Production System through a number of innovations. Later this model was defined as ‘lean thinking’. The result: quality outcomes for the customer (internal and external) at an optimum cost. Lean must never be seen as a tool for headcount reduction or mindless cost cutting. This fundamentally misses the purpose of lean, which is to create value through eliminating waste.

Principles of lean Follow the five-step thought process for guiding the implementation of lean techniques from Specify value from the viewpoint of the customer. n

Identify all steps in the value stream, eliminating those steps that do not create value. n

Make the value-creating steps tight so the product will flow smoothly toward the customer. n

As flow is introduced, let customers pull value from the next upstream activity. n


Continuously improve the process.

Adding client value. Lean guiding principles avoid providing too much – service,

unnecessary tests, equipment, etc. because more activity or time doesn’t necessarily mean more value. Value added. ‘Extra’ features of a product, service, person etc. that go beyond standard expectations and provide something ‘more’ while adding little to its cost for competitive advantage. The result can be incremental change or a quantum leap to meet what clients really want.

Eliminating waste in 8 key areas Waste is any activity that consumes resources but creates no client value. Can you identify waste in these areas in your business? 1. Over production: More products or services are produced than necessary or at a faster rate than required generating excess inventory, creating waste, or causing defects. 2. Waiting: The enemy of all businesses, particularly service industries and those with many internal clients. A simple audit trail can identify many causes of waiting. 3. Transportation: Excessive material handling occurs caused by poor layout and/or poor planning by transporting of goods within or to and from a workplace for no value. 4. Inappropriate processing: Busy being busy. Examples include:

5. Inventory: Can hide inefficiency found in stockpiles of raw materials, finished goods that lie around for longer than necessary and work in progress. 6. Motion: All employees are involved in movement. Ask: “How much movement is really required?” Often ergonomics of a workstation and better work place layout is a simple remedy. 7. Defects: Rework and defective goods are a visible and easily detected type of waste. Defects need to be rectified where they occur but are often accepted as part of a regular process. 8. Unused creativity: Losing time, skills, improvement and learning opportunities by not engaging with or listening to staff. Utilising staff skills provides increased employee engagement, motivation and satisfaction. Nominate three areas of waste in your business and write them down. Devise a strategy of how you will minimise the waste you nominate and think about the client benefits achieved. Regularly reviewing these eight areas of waste will give you greater insight into producing a quality outcome at optimum cost. Start with the easy ones first. But start today. n

the wrong machine or person producing a product or a service n

senior management doing the work of junior staff n

CONTACT Joanne Cleary BUSINESS Blue Chip Consulting Group PHONE +61 (0) 407 414 101

Let the experts uncover the hidden profit in YOUR business In today’s uncertain economy business survival requires improved thinking and performance. Blue Chip Consulting Group are the experts in helping businesses uncover their hidden profits. STRATEGY - developing strategic insight into the changing competitive environment to position you for short and long term success. GOVERNANCE - developing your governance framework to demonstrate that good governance is good business. LEADERSHIP - developing the power and influence of key staff to harness the energy and efforts of all staff to work together in an integrated organisation. CHANGE MANAGEMENT - aligning what happens day to day with strategic outcomes by review, improvement, reengineering, technology and innovation.

Uncover the hidden profit in your business. BOOK A FREE PRELIMINARY CONSULTATION TODAY Call Jo Cleary on M: 0407 414 101 or E: – Spring 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 17


Is your past catching up with you? Have you ever had a ‘light bulb’ moment when you recognised how something that occurred in your life made you what you are today and fuelled your passion for what you do? JANET CULPITT outlines why you need to share your story and how easily it can be done by developing your very own biography. When you run your own business it is imperative you continually promote yourself and the products and services you offer. Hopefully, you are already doing this via your website, promotional material and on social media. But are you also including a background story on yourself?

which comprises of... Go on to provide details of entry back in workforce if relevant and progress thereafter and how family life was integrated.

something they feel might be detrimental to you or your business. If they respond with a “wow I didn’t know that” or “that’s really interesting” then you know you have nailed it.

5. Include all current roles, specialty areas,

Potential customers love to know the details of who they will potentially be doing business with. By taking the time to develop your own biography you can easily share your past achievements, and tell everyone about your journey and how you have arrived at where you and your business are today.

6. You can also include the reasons behind

You will be amazed at how writing your own biography can help you to better understand why you are doing what you are doing. It will also help you to refocus and reset your goals.

This can then be shared in many ways and provides a great insight for others looking to do business with you. It’s a personal testimonial of sorts.

Steps to getting started 1. Who is it about? Use your name but make it in third person, e.g. Mary Smith, she…

2. Provide a snapshot of your childhood and background. Here begins your point of difference.

3. Include details of your studies and achievements. Include both personal and professional.

4. Outline your career beginnings and progress, including any interruptions that may have occurred, especially relevant to women, e.g. Mary Smith gave up work to have a family

experience and achievements. why you have taken on different roles or experiences along with why you have made certain choices and what you felt about them.

7. And finally, ensure you have your document edited and proofread before publishing it or displaying it anywhere.

Be proud of yourself and your achievements. Letting your past catch up with you can be one of the best business testimonials you will ever receive.

Your biography is in effect a story about you (that is things you are happy to share) and it definitely is not a CV or a resume.

Even if you never publish your biography on your website or social media, when you are out and about networking you will be in a better position to tell others about yourself and your business.

Developing a like, know and trust biography gives you credibility. Being clinical and only stating your accreditations and achievements does not always reflect the true you and the ‘whys’ behind what is driving you and your passion.

Final note: If you are publishing a biography make sure you review and update it regularly. Just like your professional portrait photo or any other business or financial strategy, you need to make sure it remains current and on track to achieve your goals.

Through developing your own biography, you gain a genuine insight into your past and you will quickly realise that in essence your history has created the person you are today.

Now off you go and check out some biographies on websites! n

Always have a trusted friend or colleague critique what you have written before publishing. Make them aware that you want them to express their thoughts if they read

Motivational e e Fr Speaker Are you looking for a Guest Speaker who can motivate, inspire, educate and entertain your colleagues, staff or group? Marie Bean is the original Lazy Runner and the author of the successful books – Lazy Runner and Lazy Loser Marie can present on a range of topics: health, fitness, running, weight loss, business and personal successes. Book Marie for: Lunchtime Chats, Fitness and Running Workshops, Special Event Training, Corporate Events & Conventions. Available in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Sydney & Melbourne. Call 0417 626 961, email or go to to find out more 18 WORKING WOMEN® n Spring 2014 –

CONTACT Janet Culpitt BUSINESS Arrow Focus on Wealth Pty Ltd PHONE +61 (7) 5530 3500

For the woman who has everything When you’re juggling a career and a family you probably feel like you’ve got your hands full. But what if sickness or injury meant you were the one who needed looking after? How much would it cost to replace everything you do - both at work and at home? Getting the right Financial Advice is never more important than when others are depending on you.

To make sure YOU have a backup in place, contact Arrow Focus On Wealth on 07 5530 3500 or

General advice only. A financial adviser can help you determine what’s appropriate before you make a decision, and provide you with a Product Disclosure Statement. ABN 61982105983 Arrow Focus On Wealth Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative of (CAR number 270472) GPS Wealth Limited AFSL 254544 ABN 17005482726.


TAPPING INTO OVERSEAS MARKETS is not only for widget makers Australia represents only 1% of the global market, so to maximise your chances of growing your business, you need to engage with customers overseas. JENNIFER McQUEEN provides you with a plan of action for taking your business services to the world. By limiting yourself to the local market, you are exposing your business to all the potential risks such as changes in consumer spending habits, recession, switch in fashion, elections, and so on, not to mention a finite number of customers.


By selling overseas in addition to Australia, you spread your risk, reduce your costs per sale and equally important, expose yourself to a myriad of different business ideas, technologies and practices that can inspire you, be adapted to your own style and generally contribute to a significant increase in efficiency and productivity, not to mention your bottom line.

Then look for a market that has similar businesses aplenty that you feel comfortable in. Service providers, more so than exporters of ‘widgets’ need to be adaptable and comfortable with the culture of their destination market.

Australia’s trade in services last year topped $116.4 billion, while the top ten markets last year purchased a total of A$29.7 billion of services from a variety of Australian service industries. These markets included: China at number 1, then a variety of Asian destinations, but also the US at number 4 and New Zealand and the UK at number 6 and 7. So what do we sell? Australians are known as innovators and a knowledge based economy. Successful Australian businesses operate in a wide range of industries and locations, including: travel, education, tourism, telecommunications and IT, nanotechnology, aerospace, environmental technology, engineering services, architecture and interior design. The biggest increase in services trade was in professional and management consulting services, business travel and financial services.

Firstly, closely examine the nature of your key target clients in Australia. What do they have in common? Are they all from one industry or do they have similarities but are spread across many industries?

You need to allow for differences in approach and requirements. It also helps to like the food as one of the best ways of getting to know your clients and allies is over a meal. Start sifting through the key players and approach a few – NOT to make a sale, but to determine their ‘in principle’ interest in your services, should you set up in their country. If you get some bites, visit the market and introduce yourself and your expertise. If you are in a sensitive industry, in many Asian countries, it pays to present yourself to government. Find the appropriate department that has special interest in your field, tell them why your business is different and what you can help achieve, and ask what they need most from businesses in your industry and seek their advice on future trends, their perception of the industry and regulations you need to be compliant with. Do this in person, not by email. Once you’ve received some good feedback, it’s time to find a suitable local partner. This

If you are in a sensitive industry, or in many Asian countries, it pays to present yourself to government. is a company that is complementary to your business and would work well to underpin your services. They should be servicing the same customer base as your business, have an established track record and be in a position to continue to source work for both of you. Once you have your partner identified, you can offer them almost immediate business, through those earlier ‘bites’ you received. This will make you a desirable partner who is serious about their home country and if you play your cards right, local companies will compete for you as their partner. Then it’s a matter of building the relationship, so you don’t have to be in the market full time. Keep in touch, visit regularly to meet with mutual clients and have a proper agreement, with targets and a sunset clause in case it doesn’t work out. If and when something goes wrong, your partner is your friend, as is the government official you met at the start. You now have an established support network in your new market. n

CONTACT Jennifer McQueen BUSINESS Ausnindo Consulting Group PHONE +61 (3) 8862 6363

Be part of the new global trend SERVICES EXPORTS > Fastest growing sector in Australian overseas business > More smaller companies succeed in services exports Ausnindo has been exporting services longer than anyone else in Australia, we were the FIRST International Business Consultancy. Don’t miss out. Whatever your target market, talk to us first. Every client receives personal and dedicated attention. Tel: +61 (3) 8862 6363 Email: – Spring 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 19


Leasing business premises? Proceed with caution

Not all businesses have the capital available to purchase premises and therefore the leasing of business premises comes into the equation. However, there are pitfalls and before entering into a lease it is of utmost importance to fully understand your options and the legal ramifications. JUDY BLISS outlines what you need to consider before signing on the dotted line. How important do you consider the lease for business premises to be? Many businesses underestimate the importance of their lease. Having a lease in place that has been negotiated to suit your needs is worth its weight in gold. The process of agreeing to a new lease can be timely. Would you rather make hasty decisions, and maybe regret it later, or take the time to ensure all your needs are incorporated in the lease? As in any lease scenario in Australia there are three elements:

1. Offer and Acceptance. There is an agreement between two parties, being the landlord (also referred to as the lessor) and the tenant (also referred to as the lessee). One party makes an offer and the other party accepts the offer or makes a counter offer.

2. Consideration. All parties concerned give an item of value away (tangible or intangible). The landlord gives the tenant use of their property and in return the tenant gives a rental payment.

3. Intention. Each party must enter into the lease willing to have a legally binding lease. Prior to agreeing to a new lease agreement, the landlord and tenant should consider the following terms: n

Start and end date


Description of the premises


The amount of rent to be paid and how often

Do you want to attract new clients in 2014, but not sure where to start? Our Visual Marketing Plan is a series of practical tools that will arm you with a clear map of how you can drive your marketing strategy. Call us now to gain a clearer understanding of WHO you are marketing to, and WHERE they are. Email Mobile 0405 041 014 Website

Conditions under which the rent can be altered n

Outgoings – is the tenant responsible for outgoings and if so what are they and what is the cost, i.e. land tax, maintenance of premises etc. n

The type of business to be conducted at the premise n

Bond type or other security, i.e. cash bond or bank guarantee n


Primary trading hours

Is GST included in the rent amount or is this an additional cost? n

For tenants, GST expenses are either included in the rent or paid in addition to the rent to the landlord. The Australian Taxation Office allows business tenants to claim GST credits for the GST included in rent. To be eligible the Australian Taxation Office states the criteria as: • A property is leased from another person to carry on your business • Tenant and landlord are registered or required to be registered for GST Including an option period or periods in your lease agreement is a good way to secure the property without costing you a fortune. As part of the original lease, the landlord may agree to include an option to renew the lease if certain terms are met by the tenant. n

grant the option provided all the existing terms and conditions of the lease have been complied with by the tenant. In order to exercise the option correctly tenants must not be in default of any of the terms or conditions of the lease and the tenant is required to give written notice during the periods stated in the lease. Tenants need to be aware that the lease originally offered by the landlord is not the one that needs to be agreed to. The landlord may draft a lease agreement tailored to their requirements. Tenants should have a legal professional who specialises in commercial and retail leases, to review the proposed lease prior to signing. This will ensure that you as a tenant are completely aware of all of the terms and conditions. If necessary they can negotiate amendments to the lease on your behalf. The main message is one size does not fit all. It is wise to for businesses to engage the services of a property conveyancer to negotiate with the landlord on the tenant’s behalf to ensure the lease is tailored to your needs. Always remember that if a dispute arises between the landlord and tenant the lease will be the document everyone refers to in order to settle the dispute. n

CONTACT Judy Bliss BUSINESS Bliss Conveyancing PHONE 1300 659 231

An option allows the tenant to renew the lease for a set period of time which is contained in the lease. The landlord is legally required to

Our services include: • Purchase and Sale of Residential Property • Retail and Commerical Leasing • SMSF for Property Wealth • Complimentary Contract Reviews

Ph: 1300 659 231

20 WORKING WOMEN® n Spring 2014 –


SELLING YOUR BUSINESS? Here’s how to get your asking price

Whether you are about to sell your business now or considering doing so in the future, there are a number of preparatory steps you can take to help maximise the asking price, as well as decrease the costs and delays that can be involved with the sales process. SIMONE PENTIS outlines how to get your ducks in a row before placing your business on the market. One of the biggest hurdles in any sale can be successfully getting through the due diligence investigations undertaken by the buyer, their financier and these parties’ advisors to back up the business’s value and asking price. While the type and size of your business may determine the extent of any due diligence likely to be undertaken, in any event a buyer will want to ensure they are getting value for what they are buying. If due diligence inquiries do not go well then a buyer may not proceed, or seek continual extensions and further information, or renegotiate the price to take into account any perceived risks. Additionally, if finance from a bank or another party is being sought, they may also require satisfaction with the due diligence investigations before they will lend any finance. Therefore, a badly prepared and managed due diligence investigation can not only cause unnecessary delays and legal and accounting costs, it risks losing the sale or at least reducing the sale price. To help avoid the above potential problems, before undertaking any sale you should: Make sure you have kept and maintained clear accounting and tax records that are readily available to be provided during the due diligence process; n

Regularly consider what are the key and material arrangements for the business’s continued operation and/or success, then ensure these arrangements are current and clearly set out in writing. This could include premises leases, employment agreements with key personnel, supplier agreements, client databases, franchise agreements, licenses, registered trade marks, design and/or patents rights etc.; n

Be aware of any security interests someone (for example, a financier, landlord and/or supplier) may have taken out against your business, as it may be necessary for you to have these securities removed before any settlement can proceed; n

Do an internal intellectual property audit. Work out what intellectual property you use, who owns it (any key materials produced by third parties may mean copyright belongs to them rather than you, unless you have had the rights assigned to you) and whether you have sufficiently protected your intellectual property. For example via registrations, confidentiality agreements, intellectual property notices etc. If not, take steps towards ensuring you own all rights and hold all required copyright, patent, design and or trade mark rights and registrations. Prepare or update a written register that clearly sets out your intellectual property, and any design, patent, trademark etc. registrations you hold. n

Give yourself the competitive


This register will not only help parties to see what valuable rights you hold, making due diligence easier, but will also potentially help you to realise areas you may need to tidy up. Another consideration before selling your business is to work out a strategy of how you will promote the business and what information you will hand over and when you will require them to sign a Confidentiality Deed or enter into a Contract of Sale with confidentiality provisions. You do not want to give access to your valuable confidential information and intellectual property unless you have managed to obtain some assurance as to confidentiality. Finally, get expert advice from your accountant and a lawyer experienced in business sales before you sign anything. Your accountant should be able to assist you with any due diligence as well as advise you the best way to apportion the purchase price in the contract of sale (i.e. goodwill, stock, plant and equipment, work in progress etc.) while your lawyer will ensure any contract of sale includes all the required terms and any additional protections they may recommend for you. n

CONTACT Simone Pentis BUSINESS Advantage Partners Lawyers PHONE +61 (0) 406 992 365

Advantage Partners Lawyers proudly provides commercial solutions for individuals, start-ups, small, medium and large Australian and International businesses. We can assist you with a range of legal services for: • General Commercial Business • Franchising & Licensing (Franchisor/ Licensor & Franchisee/Licensee) • Intellectual Property (inc. Trade Marks, Copyright & IP Assessments) • Business Sales & Purchases

• Property Sales & Purchases Conveyancing • Leases • Sponsorships • Competition Terms & Permits • Mediations

Advantage Partners Lawyers Mention this advert for a free no-obligation consultation and to hear our current special offer for Working Women readers. View our website at or directly contact our proud WNA member and Managing Director, Simone Pentis, on or 0406 992 365. – Spring 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 21



COMMON MISTAKES TO AVOID when registering a trade mark

The trade mark registration process is not necessarily a complex one. At the same time, it is not an easy one. MICHELLE DON PAUL explains the common mistakes made by applicants when applying for trade mark registration.

Due to the intricacies of successfully registering a trade mark, many applicants seek the assistance of a registered trade mark attorney. However, many business owners believe they can save money by filing their own trade mark applications, unaware of the pitfalls. If you decide to handle your own trade mark application, you should guard yourself against these common mistakes.

The Australian Trade Marks Office offers a list of pre-approved descriptions for goods and services which can be selected. However, applicants should exercise caution when choosing from this list as the pre-approved descriptions may not be an exact fit with the specific goods or services you provide.

1. Misidentifying your trade mark

Your trade mark should not be a descriptive or generic term that other traders would have a legitimate need to use in relation to their similar goods and services. For example, registering the name Tasty Fast Food for a fast food outlet would be very difficult.

Many applicants register what they ‘think’ their mark is, instead of registering the mark that they are actually using. This problem arises where businesses use the same mark in different ways throughout their marketing materials, website and printed publications. Use of your trade mark in a consistent manner not only avoids misidentifying the mark in the trade mark application, but increases brand recognition by consumers.

2. Inaccurate description of the goods and services The trade mark application includes a statement of goods and services describing the goods or services in relation to which you currently use or intend to use your trade mark. A common mistake when preparing the statement of goods or services is listing goods or services that you do not actually trade in, or omitting goods or services you do trade in.


3. Avoid choosing a trade mark which is descriptive or generic

Rather, your trade mark should be capable of distinguishing the nominated goods and/or services from those of another trader. Fanciful, arbitrary, and suggestive trade marks tend to be registered more quickly and successfully. For example: ‘Xerox’ is fanciful trade mark that did not exist until its owner created it; n

4. Lack of due diligence Your trade mark should not be identical or deceptively similar to a pending or registered trade mark. Prior to filing a trade mark application, it is imperative you perform a search of the Australian Trade Marks Register to identify any registered trade marks, and search of the marketplace to identify any unregistered trade marks (common law marks), which are identical or similar to your proposed mark and covering similar goods or services to your own. A lack of due diligence may not only result in a waste of time and money trying to register the trade mark, but could potentially lead to an opposition or infringement action. Being aware of these common mistakes will hopefully aid in successfully registering your trade mark. Ultimately, you may decide it is worthwhile to enlist the services of a registered trade mark attorney who is trained to correctly file trade mark applications, which will save you money in the long run and ensure you attain trade mark rights which are enforceable. n

‘Apple’ is an arbitrary trade mark using a word already in existence, but unrelated to computers; and n

‘Greyhound Bus’ is a suggestive trade mark that suggests the idea of a speedy and efficient transportation system. n

CONTACT Michelle Don Paul BUSINESS Adept IP PHONE +61 (3) 9566 7241

Protecting your most important business asset Intellectual property (IP) can be the most valuable asset your business has. Intellectual property plays an integral part in securing a leading market position and ensuring that competitors do not copy your innovations, ideas and reputation that create your competitive advantage. Whether you have: n a new and distinctive shape or appearance for a product to be protected by a Design; n an idea or invention to be protected by a Patent; and/or n a name and/or logo to be protected by a Trade Mark.

Adept IP takes the time to understand your business and its needs so that we can help you identify, build and protect your IP, so that you can maximize and profit from your IP and “add value” to your business. WORKING WOMEN READERS OFFER: Call (03) 9566 7241 or visit: to book a free no-obligation consultation. WNA Members receive a 10% discount off our service fees.

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Top solutions

for making changes easily

Change is inevitable, however, for many people it’s also frightening. Some people accept change easily, and others resist it. LOUISE CORICA provides tips on how to overcome the barriers to change so you move forward in a direction that empowers you to achieving your goals.

Today you are where you are because of your past decisions. If you want to be somewhere else, change is the only thing that will get you there. Woodrow Wilson once said, “You are here to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world”. When making change, promise yourself that you will stay positive and focused on your goals. There are two important points to remember when making change: first you need to ‘start’ one proposed change idea, and then you will need to finish it before progressing to the next. It is important to consider when, where and who will be part of those changes. Understanding the extent of the change you are about to embark on will also provide you with the opportunity to make essential adjustments to your plans along the way. To achieve success when making change, there are several key points to keep in the forefront of your mind: n

stay focused on your vision of change

know what questions to ask yourself when you start n

use clear communication when sharing relevant information n


understand your personnel problems


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provide adequate explanations


clearly identify outcomes

be realistic in your involvement in the project n

It’s amazing how many people enthusiastically commence making changes without fully understanding the effect of those changes and the impact they may have on their people and the business itself. So, it is important to have a clear perspective and a list of answered questions and priorities when delivering the change message. Simply selecting the right time to speak, and demonstrating respect of others’ ideas is essential and a good place to start. For the best results when making change, take each aspect of the process step by step. Utilising the right ideas and the right people in a change project is critical. This enhances the chances your change vision will be a success. Far too often business leaders attempt to impress their own team leaders and as a result forget the people who are the ones to implement the change. Know your people well. It is important to manage your attitude and embrace change during this phase.

You are in charge of your destiny, whether it’s your day-to-day activities or a lifelong passion yet unfulfilled. Applying yourself by using the key points provided will identify how to make changes that actually work. When you decide to make changes, consider how much assistance will be required. In fact, ask yourself how much will be needed? Where the project is time challenged, calculate it in terms of technology and people requirements. As a business owner, it is important to be ‘in touch’ with the challenges your people may have with your proposed change ideas. Listen closely to what they see as a challenge. After all they are at the coalface of the changes you propose, and therefore need to know that you will support them too. Regularly review the above key points during the change process from start to finish and you are on your way to achieving an effective outcome. Oh, and don’t forget that promise you made at the beginning: stay positive and focused on your goals. n

You are in charge of your destiny, whether it’s your day-to-day activities or a lifelong passion yet unfulfilled. In order to make changes effective it is important to use an appropriate methodology. Often people may not know where to start and consequently this affects their progress.

CONTACT Louise Corica BUSINESS time2manage – business

management solutions +61 (0) 418 458 616 PHONE

Want to achieve business success by making changes? Louise Corica’s latest book “Make Changes Easily” – The Change Guide For People in Business. Phone Louise Corica for the supporting workshop or seminar on +61 (0) 418 458 616 or via Her tailored seminars and expertise will help you make changes TODAY – Spring 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 23



We love showcasing and introducing you to products savvy women have developed for the domestic and international markets. The products are as diverse as the businesses and careers of the dynamic women behind them.

Multiple choice

We love the versatility of this product. It’s the perfect travel accessory as it can be worn as a necklace, choker, bracelet, hair accessory or belt. Available in plain and mixed metals and various colours, all you need to do is decide on the length and width that suits your style. RRP: $29.95. To see the full range and order visit:


Perfect for the office and best of all never again will you have to tell anyone how you take your tea or coffee. This ‘What’s Your Order’ mug lets everyone know your personalised drink preference. It’s the perfect practical gift for friends and co workers. RRP: $26.50. Order online at – search for Super Cali Print.

The 10 way necklace

This stunning necklace will take you from work to play and is perfect for holidays. The 10 Way Necklace conveniently changes to 10 different styles with no clasps! Instead, it uses four really strong rhodium plated magnets. RRB: $108.00. To see the entire range of colours and the ‘How To’ video visit


Are your treasured photos just sitting on your hard drive or phone? Now you can get them off your device and into your life. With PosterCandy you can showcase all your favourite Facebook and Instagram collections by displaying them in stunning print for your home or office. RRP: $15.00 for a poster. For more information visit

Cheers to that

It’s the ‘Swiss Army Knife’ of bartending, with 10 essential bartending tools in one sleek compact design. Now you can mix up your favourite cocktails and mocktails whenever the mood strikes. The Bar10der is simple to use and easy to store. The perfect gift for the bloke who has everything! RRP: $49.94. To order visit


Discover the difference NETWORKING can make to your business.


We love this set of rose patterned canisters. They are sure to brighten up any kitchen this spring. You can use them for anything but how good would they look storing your favourite tea, coffee and sugar? Bring a little joy to your kitchen bench. RRP: $29.95. You’ll find them online at

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Just jars




You’ll turn your daughter’s birthday party into a social media sensation with this super cute Ice Cream Van stand. Add ice creams, treats and cakes or fill the paper cones with sweets and watch Instagram go into overload. Card van stand pack includes 12 x paper ice cream cones, a board sign and stickers to personalise. RRP: $42.95. Order today from




Jump online and visit

We love this cute range of glass jars and bottles. Perfect for dressing up events and creating ambience, you can even decorate the jars with striped paper straws, stickers or chalkboard labels. Totally on trend and ready to showcase at your next get together. RRP: $48.00 for 50 bottles. For more details visit

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Whether you are tackling the urban jungle at home or jet setting to your latest business trip, the Commuter Rolling Laptop Backpack by Zoomlite is the perfect travel accessory. With a padded laptop section that holds most 17” laptops, and its large multi compartment design, inline skate wheels and telescoping trolley system, this bag is super easy to transport. RRP: $179.95 (small) or $199.95 (large). To purchase visit

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stop second guessing yourself

Could women’s intuition be the key to establishing and sustaining a successful business? Clairvoyant and medium KIM PLATZER explains the benefits of accessing your intuitive power and the role it can play in leading you to a more successful and fulfilling personal and business life. Modern women are intelligent, and up to date with the latest technical trends and financial markets. They know how to balance work with family and have mastered the art of promoting business through what some males refer to as ‘women’s gossip’ or social media. Modern women follow the financial trends and consumer buying habits and wait for a gap in the market to launch a new product or service. With all of this know-how, many still question their initial thoughts or give away their personal power by listening to the doom and gloom news. In the end all of this leads to second guessing the missed opportunities. WHY? For thousands of years women have held families together, healed the sick, managed the budgets, and prepared three meals a day, often with very little ingredients. Women are no doubt creative, intelligent and every bit alluring when it comes to being in power. So was there ever any doubt that one day they would want to run a successful business? Is there something that has been forgotten? Is there a key element that lies buried deep inside each and every woman, waiting to be fully utilised? Think back to when you first decided to create a business. What was the first thought? Did you just wake up one morning and think, “Today I will establish a business”. How did the idea become a reality or are you still wanting the reality. Many of you have probably thought of a fantastic, unique idea only to let it go because

you second guessed yourself? Months or years later, the idea you had is now in the market and you are kicking yourself because the idea that now belongs to someone else, was yours. Why does this happen? Our ego can get in the way of a great idea. The left-brain logic and self-doubt kick in while the right-brain creativity waits for action. After a while, group consciousness plays a part and someone else picks up on the thought. Yes, that’s right, your thoughts are in the ether for others to grab. It is a little like when you ‘know’ the phone is going to ring or the person you have thought about contacts you. Energy has weight and power and it is what our intuition is comprised of. Accessing intuition is as easy as thinking of a great idea. Maintaining intuition is a little harder because the ego needs to come second. The ego is about letting go of control to allow the gut feelings and inner senses to rise through our consciousness. The more the ego learns to come second the clearer the mind becomes. Our thoughts begin to change as the little negative voice takes a back seat. You begin to feel lighter, more creative and even happy. You will start to manifest a successful business that is financially and personally stable and all by allowing the deep sensations that lie within to surface, your intuition. It will present itself through thoughts, feelings, knowing and visions such as imagination. Intuition also has answers and guidance to solutions on how to achieve our goals. n

STEPS TO ACCESSING INTUITION Take time each day to go back to how you actually feel both physically and emotionally. Acknowledging emotions and physical sensations is human and necessary in order to shift the energy behind the issues which are weighing you down. n

Focus on breathing from the abdomen. A simple technique is breath in for six counts and out for four. If you feel to giddy stop, slow down and then try again. n

Finally, have the intent of being shown what is holding you back from achieving your goal. How can you move through the issue? n

If your query is in regards to specific business questions or areas of business then set this as the initial intent. Your intuition will lead you to understanding why the business is more than a way of making money. The business is YOU and in every part of you is the seed to making it grow. Trust your intuition and let it guide you to a reality that is beyond what you imagined.

CONTACT Kim Platzer BUSINESS Kim Platzer –

Clairvoyant and Medium +61 (0) 409 195 638 PHONE

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• A Soul Reading will access the guidance that traditional practitioners cannot. • Find clarity, establish your goals and let me help you create your future. • All areas of life are covered i.e. health, career, business, relationships etc. Kim Platzer Clairvoyant & Medium. (In person, Skype/ Phone sessions available) E: P: +61 (0) 409 195 638

26 WORKING WOMEN® n Spring 2014 –


Are your customers

feeling the value?

JEN HARWOOD looks at three simple concepts that can play a major role in increasing sales and customer loyalty whilst building sustainable cash flow in your business. Best of all you don’t even have to source one new client to start implementing these strategies. If you want to build your business for longterm cash flow, value and profit, rather than chasing and replacing customers, start focusing on how you can build customer loyalty. Naturally you want your customers to stay with you and more importantly you want them to buy more from you and more frequently. For this to happen you will need to give your customers an incentive to stay and an even better reason to keep coming back. One of the easiest ways to do this is to offer some type of customer loyalty card. It’s a great solution and a concept used successfully by large businesses for many years. Over recent years small businesses have cottoned on to the fact that a good customer loyalty program can also be their secret weapon to creating better customer relations. The other option when it comes to creating customer loyalty is to offer a ‘Buy 10 times and get the 11th free’ card which gets marked by the retailer with a sticker or stamp at every purchase. Whilst it is also a good strategy, it only addresses the transaction, not the deeper relationship you want to develop with your customer. Whichever solution you decide to go with, you want it to result in your customer driving straight past your competitor to do business with you. Not only that, you want them to recommend their friends and family and everyone they know to buy from YOU. But a customer loyalty program or card isn’t going to provide a quick fix if you don’t deliver

value. To create loyalty you must be creative in regard to both the perceived and added value your customers will receive if they stick with your business and only your business.

investment. Most businesses don’t plan to keep customers, they plan to keep getting new ones which is very labour intensive as well as expensive.

Think of the coffee shop owner who remembers every customer’s name, coffee type and food order. It’s not hard to understand that their customers feel special and part of the family, hence that’s the only coffee shop they go to as it feels like their home.

When you maximise and enhance loyalty with your customers, you increase the number of transactions and increase cash flow. You have probably heard of LVOC before, it’s an acronym for ‘Lifetime Value of Customer’.

Value is all about creating benefits that your customer can actually see, talk about and feel. What does your business offer that your customers will: 1. See as value? 2. Talk about as value? 3. Feel is of value? When creating customer loyalty, you must address all three of these values. And ‘no’ you cannot do just one well, you need all three to create excellence in customer loyalty. When customers experience all three they end up being ‘in love’ with your business as it meets all their needs. Remember, buying is a logical experience as well as an emotional experience. If the dollars and pricing lines up and the emotional attachment is solid, your customer is loyal, they are in love with you and won’t look anywhere else.

Let me give you an example. Let’s say for a coffee shop the lifetime value of a coffee customer is three years. A daily visit of coffee for 48 weeks, 5 days a week at $3.50 x 3 years = $2,520 (profitability of the customer is $1 per transaction). So how could we add more profit? Sandwiches and a drink combo are more profitable than a coffee (a profit of $4.00). Therefore, if the customer in the morning buys coffee plus a pre-paid lunch pack for $10.00 for two days each week, the customer is now worth an additional $2,880. That’s a total of $5,400 over three years with more profit. This concept works for every business. If you looked at the products and services your customers currently buy, what is your LVOC? What else could you offer to increase the LVOC and profit? n

Build profit. Marketing correctly to attract new customers takes time and is a big ongoing

CONTACT Jen Harwood BUSINESS The Jenerator! Pty Ltd PHONE 1300 791 291

Have you locked your clients in to be LOYAL to your business? Jen Harwood has coached over 1000 small businesses that have got awesome results. If you want better results, then book a free 30 minute coaching session. 4 Business Coaching – Leads & Conversion 4 Sales Process & Team Training 4 Business Loyalty Programs 4 Motivation & Inspiration to get results!

“When your customers are loyal, you can build on it and diversify. Every business can get loyalty, just ask me how.”

E: W: Call 1300 791 291

Sales Training • Business Coaching • Loyalty Programs • Motivation & Inspiration – Spring 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 27


Stay afloat when

your business in sinking No matter what line of business you are in there is one thing that’s guaranteed to stop you in your tracks. Cash flow! Could your business survive without it? KATE FAIRLEY explains how to stay in business even when the ‘Worst Case Scenario’ unfolds.

All businesses require good cash flow whether you are a retailer, service provider or even a not for profit. Cash flow is what keeps the cogs turning allowing you to generate more goods or services to sell so that the cycle can continue. So what if the cash suddenly stopped coming in? What would happen if? Storm damage to your shop prevents you from trading while the repairs are carried out. n

Customer information is stolen by a hacker who also planted a virus to crash your website. n

Your make-up kit is stolen including the stock you had set aside for the weddings next weekend. n

These are all very different ‘Worst Case Scenarios’ for very different businesses, but they have one thing in common; they are all insurable. Have you ever been through a time where business was slow, maybe non-existent and you were barely keeping your head above water? In that moment you would have done anything to have a guardian angel paying your bills to give you some breathing space until things improved. Under the right circumstances, ‘Business Interruption’ insurance can be exactly that, a guardian angel looking over your shoulder. It’s an optional part of every standard ‘Business Pack’ and if you choose this option it will activate when a worst case scenario happens (which is covered by your policy).

Example 1.

You have a fire in your kitchen and the restaurant is unable to operate for one month, but you are insured for gross revenue. Assuming your business was profitable, you will be able to pay wages for permanent employees, rent, utilities, contracted supply of goods AND then keep the leftover profit you would normally earn.

Example 2.

You operate a hairdressing salon next door to a restaurant that had a fire which is deemed to be suspicious. You are closed for a week while investigations are carried out but you find a nearby salon who allows you to continue servicing your regular customers for a small fee. Because your business interruption cover includes ‘Prevention of Access’, your insurer will cover the additional costs of you working from another premises as well as the reduced revenue. Sounds too good to be true? It’s not. The reason you haven’t heard about it before is because it is not promoted by insurance companies. The reason they don’t promote it is because it DOES result in such large claim settlements. The reason your general insurance broker will encourage you spend the extra money on this section, is because it is their responsibility to represent your best interests.

TOP 5 TIPS FOR A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS INTERRUPTION CLAIM 1. Choose the right sum insured. If you are found to be less than 80% insured your insurer

Sunshine Coast, Queensland

Call Jeanne on 0413 374 634 28 WORKING WOMEN® n Spring 2014 –

may apply co-insurance and only cover a portion of your loss.

2. Choose the right period of time. How long could you be out of business? If you are leasing your premises you could move elsewhere but if you are the property owner how long would it take to rebuild?

3. Keep accurate financial records, making sure they are backed up and stored off site. Your insurer will need proof in order to substantiate your claim.

4. What are the additional benefits? The most important one is having professional fees to cover the claim preparation in the case of a large event where important documents are destroyed.

5. Get advice from a qualified professional. Insurance often uses a different language to accounting and the way your claim is calculated may require a different sum insured than you might think to provide. When done correctly insurance can be a guardian angel in your time of need, and having a qualified broker’s advice increases your chances of accessing a superior product and the correct coverage so there won’t be any gaps. n

CONTACT Kate Fairley BUSINESS Get Informed PHONE +61 (0) 433 544 211



a sure way to send customers packing How long has it been since you undertook an audit of your website? In the consumer’s mind, out-ofdate information, broken links and poor copy calls the credibility of a business into question. KAREN CURRAN shares some ideas on how to shake the cobwebs off your online presence so your business always appears fresh and engaging.

We all know that having a website is a necessity in today’s market. After all, it’s the very first place consumers go to learn more out about your business and the services and products you offer. The reality of today is that if a business doesn’t have a website or some form of online presence, potential consumers start to question the size, capability and credibility of the enterprise. Worse still, if a business website looks dodgy, out-of-date or unattended, potential customers will perceive the business as one that is best avoided. In their minds, if a business cannot even look after their own house, they are certainly not going to be able to look after their customers. With this point in mind, if your small business is to succeed it becomes critical that your website copy, links and contact details are up-to-date and that all information across your website is being audited on a regular basis. Websites are not a set-and-forget marketing tool. You can use a web designer or content manager to maintain your website or DIY. However, your time is valuable so you will need to give careful consideration to the hours involved in maintaining your online presence and whether your time is best spent on other areas of your business.

ONLINE REVISION Links – Regularly checking the links on your website is most important. So many businesses

forget to check the links themselves by actually clicking on them on at least two different types of devices. The past – Check out-of-date specials and materials on your website. How many times have you gone to a website to find old specials from years ago and nothing else updated? It is not a good idea to have dated specials on your web page if you have no intention of maintaining the information. Social – How long has been since you have revised your social media pages. Is the copy up to date? Are your contact details, web links etc. in Facebook and LinkedIn current? Have you tested the links? Many people insert their website link across all sorts of platforms and don’t run a check so never realise that the link is not actually working.

5. Check that the internal links on your website go to within your site, or open on a separate page if they are an external link. You need your website to remain open behind any external page view window.

6. Check that all spelling and grammar is correct. If you don’t have time to do this yourself, hire an editor or proofreader for a day and get them to go over your entire website with a fine tooth comb.

7. Check your website on a different computer or platform. Sometimes things work on a PC and not on a Mac, and vice versa. And it’s exactly the same situation with smartphones.

8. Add a blog if it is something you will be able to maintain on a regularly basis. The bonus is that a blog will help with your business being found by search engines.

9. And finally, if time and funds allow, update

HELPFUL TIPS 1. Put yourself in your prospect’s shoes (or eyes) and look at your website and social media pages critically.

2. Include a form for email contact as well as an email link and phone contact.

3. Ask a business colleague or friend for their critical input regarding your website. And don’t forget to thank them with a small gift in return for their trouble.

4. Click on all the links across your website and ensure they are working correctly.

your website with either a new template if it’s DIY, or engage a web designer to develop a new fresh look for your business so that your website automatically resizes for smartphones and tablets. Your website is a marketing and engagement tool for your business, so work it! n

CONTACT Karen Curran BUSINESS Unicorn Graphics PHONE +61 (0) 412 465 037

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What to avoid when buying

SEO services

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) guarantees are something which have single-handedly ruined the integrity of the SEO Industry. Online marketing guru, MEZ HOMAYUNFARD, points out that even Google warns against using SEO vendors that offer guarantees. With the number of complaints rising to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), here are a few tips to avoid the pitfalls.

SEO guarantees are misleading and deceptive, most SEO companies will offer a certain number of keywords, let’s say 10 keywords and guarantee that a certain number will be on page one by six months or 12 months and lock you into a contract. With the majority of these ‘guarantees’, the keywords that will fall under the guarantee are obscure, long-winded terms that either generate no search volume, or are keywords you could rank for yourself. There is a big difference between ranking for ‘Plumber’ (4,400 searches a month) and ‘Best Plumber Sydney Killara’ (zero searches a month). Both are a page one ranking, but which one will generate you more business? SEO guarantees are usually a sales ploy, because ranking for obscure keywords will not generate business. 80% of the work most SEO companies do when you sign up is to do with boosting the popularity and authority of your site. One of the biggest ranking factors Google looks at is the popularity of your site. They determine this by your site mentions around the web, so naturally SEO companies will try to get you lots of mentions. In the past it was easy to fake popularity by building links on dodgy sites so that when Google scanned your site and associated links they would see them as good, but in reality they were just tricking Google. This type of ‘Search Engine Trickery’ no longer works as it used to since Google’s Penguin 2.0 update. The majority of SEO companies are still engaging in this type of deceptive link building. So to avoid this you need to be asking potential SEO companies what exactly their link building or authority building strategy is? Can they show you examples of links they have earned in your industry? Can they show you how this has translated into increases in traffic, enquiries and sales, not just rankings? A major element in SEO is making your site relevant for the search terms and clients you want to attract. Content is a huge piece here. Many SEO companies will not offer comprehensive services around producing sales copy, blog, infographics and content to make your site ‘relevant’. This is a major

alarm bell as you can’t have an SEO campaign without content because content drives growth for SEO. SEO companies who offer ‘Pay as you rank’ or ‘don’t pay until you rank on page one’ services, are another major area of contention and one being targeted by the ACCC. With this particular scheme a vendor will offer a client a payment system where they start for ‘free’ and only begin to pay once ranked on the first page. Sounds like a great deal, right? Wrong!

WHAT’S THE CATCH? 1. Once the ‘guarantee’ is hit, you usually have to sign into a lengthy contract.

2. The majority of the time you have no choice over which keyword it is that the guarantee covers.

3. These SEO guarantees can be hit easily by targeting obscure or long tail key terms that are easy to rank for that you wouldn’t need an SEO vendor for anyway. Other issues with this type of model, are do you really want your SEO vendor working ferociously to try and get your rankings up as quickly as possible, risking the long-term integrity of your site and SEO? Do you want to set the standard that ‘rankings’ are what your business needs, not enquiries, traffic and sales? The best advice is to steer well clear of this type of model.

WHAT TO LOOK FOR WHEN SELECTING AN SEO VENDOR? Can they demonstrate success through longterm traffic increases? Any SEO company can claim page one rankings for obscure terms or sudden large, unrealistic increases in traffic in an astronomically short amount of time. What is important to look for is a vendor who can demonstrate safe, long-term growth to their clients’ businesses. Google releases updates every four to six months that change the game, therefore, when a vendor claims they got someone to page one in three months, it is not really a significant achievement. You need to avoid vendors without credibility. Ranking for a keyword like ‘Best plumber

30 WORKING WOMEN® n Spring 2014 –

A major element in SEO is making your site relevant for the search terms and clients you want to attract. Content is a huge piece here. Many SEO companies will not offer comprehensive services around producing sales copy, blog, infographics and content to make your site ‘relevant’. Sydney Australia’ is nowhere near as cool, and will generate nowhere near as much business as ranking for ‘Plumber’ or ‘Plumber Sydney’ (4,400 and 1,600 searches a month). The latter terms are extremely competitive, and terms that most SEO companies will avoid (and won’t guarantee).

A good SEO vendor with a sound strategy will be able to show you: Their ability to get quality sites ranking for these competitive terms. n

Prove that these quality sites have consistently dominated their market for competitive terms. n

And last of all be able to show you how they did it! n

A final checklist of DON’TS 1. Don’t pick an SEO vendor who offers guarantees or ‘pay as you get results’ schemes. No one can guarantee an outcome.

2. Don’t pick an SEO vendor who cannot show you the work they are doing or the links they have built.

3. Don’t pick an SEO company who cannot demonstrate how they have delivered traffic, sales and enquiry growth for their clients. In the end, as is the case with all aspects of your business, you need to do your due diligence before engaging any service provider. n

CONTACT Mez Homayunfard BUSINESS Online Marketing Gurus PHONE +61 (2) 8202 9970



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Morgans and CIMB – Please visit to understand the products and services within our alliance. – Spring 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 31


Demand for in-home care IS TR EN DI NG

In our evolving workforce, women are no longer working traditional hours, the standard working week no longer exists. KAY GANLEY looks at a few of the flexible family care options that are now available. Care for our families needs to be as flexible and individual as our lives. Assistance for family units such as day care, after school hours care and activities, aged care and disability support needs are under serious pressure to become more flexible so they adapt to fit the new-age worker. Alternative options of support from professional carers along with in-home care is gaining momentum with the demand for care now being tailored to each family’s circumstance and the individuals receiving the care.

Trends in care options NANNY Centre-based child care is not your only option. Many parents are now using a nanny to support the care needs of their family. It’s always best to use a reputable employment agency that only places qualified staff who are reference checked and hold a working with children Blue Card. The early years are paramount to the physical, intellectual, emotional, creative, language and social development of your child; so it is important that your child receives the best possible care to prepare them for the learning years ahead of them. While the black market may be a cheaper option, the risks of using an unqualified person who does not have a police check are high. A trained professional will be able to update you on your child’s development and will account for the hours they spend with your child.

Funding: There is support funding available through the Federal National in Home Care Scheme. Families who meet certain requirements will receive the Child Care Rebate for their In Home Care. The Special Child Care Benefit is a 13 week program, offering no out of pocket expenses for In Home Care for extreme circumstances, including serious injury or illness.

AU PAIR Au pairs are usually international travellers or students wishing to experience Australian life, while living with and caring for a family. They will usually work up to 20 hours per week, providing care services for the host family. Care services provided by an au pair can range across child care, elderly companion care or disability support.

Au pairs will have travelled far to live with you and experience life in Australia. If the relationship is nurtured, they will become an extension of the family rather than an employee. They may not be qualified, but they are excited and committed. The responsibilities bestowed on them will reflect this. This form of care is not regulated by the government. Employing your au pair through an agency will protect both parties; the agent will conduct reference and police checks on both the families and the carers. Funding: In return for the care and support an au pair provides, you are required to supply board, lodging and an agreed allowance.

AGED CARE Sadly many families and individuals are forced into becoming an aged carer overnight, with

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little or no notice. When care is needed, at short notice, waiting lists in facilities mean that families may have to compromise the high standards they would usually expect for their loved ones.

Care Program and the new Home Care Packages that may assist individuals with the cost of care.

Aged caregivers perform a wide variety of tasks to assist their client in daily life. Examples of caregiver responsibilities can include accompanying them at home, grocery shopping, assisting with doctor’s appointments, administering medications, or helping the disabled or elderly person to cook, eat, bathe or dress. We may like to assist our parents or frail loved ones with these activities, but there are only so many caregiver hours employees can afford to take. This care may be required for months or years, and may take an emotional, physical and financial toll if provided by a loved one.

An agency should be your first port of call when hiring in-home care. Agencies will provide you with quality and qualified staff who have been screened and matched to your needs and lifestyle. Your carer will be legally employed, with award wages, tax and superannuation. Most importantly an agency is another contact of support for you.

Funding: All aged care costs are generally income tested. There are certain government programs, including the Home and Community


Our families are our most precious resource and we should expect superior care for them. n

CONTACT Kay Ganley BUSINESS Charlton Brown PHONE +61 (7) 3216 0288

RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS – How to reignite your love life Author: Evelyn Olivares Price: $13.00 eBook

Looking for answers to your relationship issues? Relationships are only as strong as the weakest link of the pair. Both parties need to be committed and ready to grow together. This eBook will help you sort through the problems that impact everyday relationships, get you back on track, share with you the tools to cope with and create change around the things that come up and make all the difference. Don’t run away. Overcoming the obstacles together is the essence of successful relationships. eBook, DVD and mp3 available at

BertyButton Gets a Team! ® – Spring 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 33




Whether it’s a beautifully bound book, CD or eBook the key to happiness and many of life’s questions can often be found in a book! Regardless of the format they have been resourcing, inspiring and educating us for centuries. Here are our top choices. MAKING CHANGES EASILY: The Change Guide for People in Business

Author: Louise Corica Price: $16.99 Printed | $3.99 e-Book | Kindle $4.99 The only constant in life is change, and when you embrace it, you will achieve more as a person and within your business. Discover the changes you need to make, make a commitment to change, and implement changes easily and effectively with this guide. Making Changes Easily will show you how to apply the tools, techniques and tips that successful leaders use to achieve change from start to finish. Whether you are a small business owner or work for an organisation, this book is full of practical tips, techniques and common sense advice to increase your results. Available for purchase at

NOW WE’RE TALKING – Health for Mature Women Health for Mature Women will ensure you are fully equipped for a zestful life!

It is an easy read, packed with a diversity of topics from exercise, laughter, mind-set, Pilates, hypnotherapy, chiropractic, menopause and Thought Field Therapy to genetic profiling and much, much more.

Authors: Bev Brough, Doreen Schwegler, Maggie Beer, Lisa Curry and Diana Williams. Price: $30.00 Printed This enlightening and engrossing book presents a diverse group of wellness-focused women, all experts in their field, specialising in working with mature women: their wisdom will help you make the most of what can be the best years of your life, full of freedom, choices, adventures and new challenges.


This book will inspire you to fill your life with energy and vitality in your mature years.

This enlightening and engrossing book is packed full of useful and interesting information on topics including mindset, hypnotherapy, improving energy, menopause, exercise, genetic profiling and more! It includes over $1000 worth of free goodies from the contributing authors, who are all experts in their fields. Now We’re Talking – Health ABOUT BEV BROUGH for Mature Women, is written for a demographic that is demanding recognition and information: mature women who are, or want to feel, vibrant, energetic and vital during the best years of their life. Each book sold supports the work of Oxfam. Available for purchase from Maggie Beer

Phillipa Challis

Lisa Curry

Helen Dooley

Deborah Harrison

Paula Holmberg

Narelle Lee

Katrina Malin

Rosanna Mosca

Sarah Nanclares

Meg Phillips

Doreen Schwegler

Leanne Sklavenitis

Shelley Taylor-Smith

Bettina Tornatora

Brooke Williams

Diana Williams

Bev Brough is the founder of Womens Business Now where she connects, supports and inspires mature women to live the life of their choosing. Bev is increasingly a catalyst for change in women’s lives as she provides resources, contacts and seminars to empower them on their professional and personal journeys. This is Bev’s second book in her ‘Now We’re Talking’ series, the first being ‘Inspiring stories for mature women’, published in 2012.


Author: Shannon Bush Price: $29.95 Printed Personal Leadership Style offers a new way to understand who you are and to experience self-acceptance. With an emphasis on discovering and using your core strengths to achieve greater happiness, confidence and purpose in every aspect of your life, you will find everything you need to know in this book and more. Written specifically for women it provides insights into 12 unique personal leadership archetypes, a combination of which makes up your Personal Leadership Style. An Amazon best seller, available online at

ISBN 978-0-9872028-2-6

Bev is also the Director of Master Networking, a speaking and training business teaching business professionals how to network strategically.

PERSONAL LEADERSHIP STYLE: How To Lead Your Life With Effortless Happiness, Confidence And Purpose

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Author: Karen Seinor Price: $49.50 Printed Book and Card Set Tarot & Aromatherapy comes with a set of 22 cards. The book presents the 22 Major Arcana cards of the Tarot as living archetypes that can be accessed for personal empowerment and transformation. Descriptive meanings are provided for each card along with a combination of three aromatherapy oils that correspond to them. The healing action of the essential oils is described, making it very clear as to how they relate to the card. This package offers a powerful blending of tarot archetype and natural healing and is very popular with tarot lovers and aromatherapy enthusiasts alike. Available for purchase at


Author: Helene Young Price: $23.95 Printed | $12.99 eBook Darcy Fletcher drags a handsome sailor from a stricken yacht, and is drawn into his mysterious world. She saved his life, but can she rescue him from his dark past? Or will he endanger all she holds most dear? Noah, keeper of the peace and guardian of the Banksia Cove secrets, cannot tell Darcy the real reason this man has washed up on their shores. If she understood the links between him and her own dysfunctional family, he would lose her love forever. They take refuge in an old whaling station, and by morning, no one will be the same again. Lies will surface. Hearts will break, and not all will find safe harbour. Safe Harbour is a heart-stopping novel of high drama and desire. Available at and all good booksellers. 34 WORKING WOMEN® n Spring 2014 –


Author: Maria Nicola Price: $20.00 Printed Accessorise Me! solves every myth and problem women encounter when it comes to accessorising. Supported with gorgeous images, the book celebrates being a woman and all the accessories that come with it. Learn how to best adorn yourself while feeling comfortable and special at every occasion of your life, no matter what stage of womanhood you are at. Learn how to use and enjoy your relationship with jewellery. $1.00 from each book purchase is donated to the Cancer Council of Australia. Order online at


Debt recycling The secret to building wealth

The great Australian dream is to own a home but really it should be to own a home and have no mortgage. SARAH ROGERS looks at a simple strategy called debt recycling designed to help you pay off your home faster whilst building your personal asset base. Whatever stage of life you are at or whatever your unique situation, if you have a mortgage the number one goal is to pay off that mortgage. If you have owned a home for a few years now and have diligently been making repayments, chances are you have built up some equity, which is the difference between the value of your house and how much you owe on it. The money that is paid off your mortgage can be working harder for you, without increasing your monthly expenses. This can be done by releasing some of this equity, for example, using the equity as a deposit to purchase an investment property and then borrowing the difference. Effectively this means you could buy another property without being out of pocket. The property type you will be looking to purchase with this strategy is a positively geared property. A positively geared property is when the rent you receive from the property covers all of the expenses related to the property such as the mortgage, insurance and rates. Then after the expenses are paid, ideally you will have a surplus left over which you can use to pay off the home that you live in.

paying any extra off the house you are living in, to reduce your non-tax deductible debt. The debt-recycling strategy can be accelerated the more you pay off your home. This is because you are building more equity, which in turn may give you the ability to repeat the process by purchasing another investment property. However, your ability to purchase investment properties doesn’t rely only on the equity you have available, it also relies on your ability to repay the loan; this is called serviceability. Serviceability is determined by your income and expenses, and the more equity you have the more properties you are able to purchase. This should increase the amount of surplus cash you have from the properties thus increasing the amount of extra repayments you can pay off your home, leaving you debt free faster. Plus there is an extra benefit – any of the costs associated with the investment property, including interest costs, maintenance costs, insurance costs, are tax deductible.

There will be a loan for the cost of the house and the costs involved in purchasing that property, which should be set up as an interest only loan.

This strategy also gives you the ability to increase your wealth. From investing in residential properties, you receive two forms of return: the yield or income which is the rent you receive from the property, and also the growth of the property. This is when the value of your property increases over time.

The aim of this is to keep the loan for the investment property as high as possible, while

This means, rather than having one asset which is growing in value, for example, the

family home, you may have two, three or even four properties that are growing in value. Although you are not paying down the loan on the investment properties because you are using the surplus to pay your home off faster, in principle these properties will be rising in value. This can leave you with a substantial portfolio in the long run and once your home is paid off you can begin paying down the loans on the investment properties with the income they are producing through rent. This rental income is generated with no real effort of your own and is what is known as residual or passive income, which can set you on the path to becoming financially free. n Sarah Rogers is an authorised representative of AMP Financial Planning Pty Ltd, ABN 89 051 208 327, AFS Licence No. 232706. Any advice given is general only and has not taken into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Because of this, before acting on any advice, you should consult a financial planner to consider how appropriate the advice is to your objectives, financial situation and needs.

CONTACT Sarah Rogers BUSINESS PY Financial Services PHONE +61 (2) 6021 7000

Could you be paying your home off faster by investing in property? If you would like a complimentary consultation valued at over $300 with Sarah Rogers to discuss your needs, please contact us on +61 (2) 6021 7000 and mention this advertisement. This session will explore your current financial circumstances and goals, highlighting opportunities for wealth creation, financial growth and wealth protection strategies. – Spring 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 35


Show me the money Financial empowerment for teenage girls

The fundamentals of money matters need to be taught as early as possible. ANDREA CINCOTTA shares some helpful tips that will empower teenagers to become financially fit. Over the years, governments and various financial institutions have conducted extensive research on teenagers and money, not only here in Australia, but in the UK, the USA and Canada.

If they were grasping the ‘right’ aspects, there would be no need to worry. However this is not the case. Furthermore, they do not know the practical steps to take to get off to a financially sound start and stay that way!

Generation Z, those born between 1995–2009, are an interesting cohort to research and work with. You may even live with a Gen Z-er and could add your own summation of their unique characteristics! They are the digital generation. They give and receive advice online and build social networks they trust. They are savvy and inquisitive. They do think of the future and the need to save, but many do not know how. They do read alarming articles about never being in a secure enough position financially to leave home and rent, buy a car and eventually buy their own home; and this worries them.

The average teenager, whether they are working casually or not, receives ‘some’ money each week. Many still use piggy banks to save and just randomly throw what may be left over into this. Others simply give it to their parents. Whilst these two forms of saving are at least a start, the girls do not realise that piggy banks don’t give you a reward (interest).

Gen Z is more informed than previous generations having had information at their fingertips, and they are the most formally educated and materially endowed generation in the western world. Finally, and of major importance, is that the majority of them get their financial advice from their parents and have formed ‘habits and core behaviours’ around money by the age of seven. A recent Cambridge University study suggested that “most young children had grasped all the main aspects of how money works and formed core behaviours which they will take into adulthood and which will affect financial decisions they make for the rest of their lives”.

Additionally, when parents or guardians do the banking on their behalf, this limits responsibility and control and does not encourage learning and confidence. Our girls are also living in a ‘cashless’ society compared to previous generations, so understanding the value of money and the need to allocate money to savings and to budget proves more difficult.

Modern women and money Did you know that women lack the confidence to make the bigger financial decisions in life? When it comes to investing in the share market, buying a property on their own, selecting who to put their super with and how to allocate that super between the asset classes, women lack confidence. Fifty per cent of women (a conservative estimate) are stressed about their financial situation. The gender based wage gap has had wide coverage in the media. Due to career breaks

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to have children, women have fewer working years overall and therefore end up with less superannuation. Women are still outliving men though, which means we will have to spread our retirement funds over a longer period of time. After a divorce, it is mainly women who are financially disadvantaged.

What can you do to help the teenage girls in your life? n

Talk to them about money

Show them how you actually get paid, and how you pay the bills n

Setup online banking if you haven’t already (Internet banking has now surpassed branch usage) and show them how you navigate around n


Download apps to make it even quicker

Encourage their schools to incorporate programs into their pastoral/student well-being programs. n

On a positive note, there is help available and women are more likely to ask for it than men, similar to the way that woman were more likely to ask for directions before the days of GPSs! n

CONTACT Andrea Cincotta BUSINESS FIT (Financially Independent

Teenagers) +61 (0) 449 008 292 PHONE

Would you like the teenage GIRL in your life to: learn about the importance of savings plans? learn how to take control from an early age, to ensure financial security? n start thinking about her financial future? n n

Financial guidance for girls FIT offers a 1.5 hour workshop for teenage girls, covering the basics on personal finances n FIT comes to your school, youth group, sports group, etc... n

Andrea is a qualified secondary school teacher and an experienced financial services practitioner

Call today us on (07) 3018 0587 Email:

AFSL: 290769

36 WORKING WOMEN® n Spring 2014 –

Andrea Cincotta – 0449 008 292


Get your business premises and your SMSF

WORKING TOGETHER Have ever you dreamed of being a landlord and your business owning bricks and mortar? Where are your assets and are they available for your retirement? KYLIE TEMPLE explains how changes in legislation means your self-managed superannuation fund could potentially purchase your business premises and allow you to expand your investment strategy to something quite rewarding.

Since the early 1980s, Australia has seen the popularity of self-managed super funds (SMSFs) grow significantly with the majority of investments held in cash and or shares. Prior to 2008, only the cash rich SMSFs were able to purchase property and invest in managed funds. In 2008, legislative changes to allow specific types of borrowings within superannuation funds meant a new era for investors and strategists was born. The majority of Australian investors are not all that comfortable with borrowing to purchase shares or managed funds. Given the love affair with property, personal experiences and the tangible product, it is easy to understand why the popular strategy of purchasing business premises continues into superannuation funds. Some reasons why business owners might consider purchasing their business premises with superannuation include:

1 Australians hate paying rent. If you plan with

4 The ability to claim eligible superannuation contributions (compulsory minimum 9.50% of employment income) and commercial market rate rent from your business premises. This is not only tax deductible within your personal and business tax circumstances at your current average tax rate (general average 30%) but it also increases asset wealth in superannuation at a reduced income tax rate of currently 15%.

5 On retirement and sale of your business you can retain the premises whereby the new owners continue paying the superannuation fund rent and ultimately an income stream for you to live off potentially tax free.

6 It provides asset protection. As the business premises are separate to your personal assets and business operations, if for any reason failure occurs the premises are potentially protected from bankruptcy and liquidation proceedings.

7 Current tax legislation means the sale of

the end in mind and do not intend to relocate, you are not only paying off an appreciating asset but building location goodwill.

business premises and meeting current criteria any capital gain could be potentially tax free. If this were in your personal name, capital gains tax would apply.

2 It eliminates rent leakage to an unrelated

8 Often property is more appealing and fits

third party and increases your personal wealth.

3 It allows you to accumulate assets within superannuation. SMSFs generally start with at least $200,000. By applying the legislative changes to borrow within your SMSF, whilst lending criteria can be a little more onerous, it’s a great kick start to building your superannuation portfolio.

in line with the member’s risk profiles whilst increasing their asset classes. For some business owners, the traditional ‘cash is king’ has played through to their superannuation funds and investments which have been held mainly in cash. This potentially limits a good return on their investment subject to banking products available and the main reasons for this

are bad experiences within the share market, managed funds or high risks taken in the past. Depending on the location, business owners are faced with increasing rent, escalating property values and insufficient funds, making it more difficult to own business properties outside of superannuation. There are many considerations when it comes to superannuation and your retirement strategy. The article ‘SMSFs and Property’ can be found on to assist you in understanding the benefits and pitfalls of investing within your SMSF. It is important to always remember that investments within your SMSF must meet certain criteria, the most important one being the ‘Sole Purpose Test’, which is solely providing retirement benefits to fund members. Whilst there are strict rules surrounding buying property in your SMSF if you comply it can be a rewarding investment strategy that was not previously available. Finally, there are many benefits to buying business premises through your SMSF and to find out how it can work for you and fit in with your circumstances, seek out the right information, advice and strategies from an appropriate qualified person. n

CONTACT Kylie Temple CPA BUSINESS MoneyFit Australia Pty Ltd PHONE +61 (7) 5564 7017 – Spring 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 37


Lost the plot? HOW TO GET BACK ON TRACK Remember those early days of your business that were filled with passion, energy and excitement about the future. But what happens when your desire to conquer the business world is all but lost and your passion wanes? EILEEN CONWAY shares five easy steps that are sure to get you back on track.

It all starts with you as the strategist and creator of your own dream. You are also the one responsible for shaping your own future and painting your own picture. Here are 5 easy steps to get back on track.

Step 1: Share your dreams Give yourself permission to dream. Do you have a business dream and who have your shared your dream with? If you haven’t shared your dream you might need to ask yourself why – it’s a given fact that by the very act of sharing your dreams both focus and clarity will come. A unique and simple way of starting the sharing process is to create a vision board. You will need a piece of cardboard, magazines, glue, odds and ends and voila you have your own vision board. Hang it up in your home or office and share your dream.

Step 2: Uncover your passion story Every single one of us has a story to tell around our product or service. Reflect back down memory lane to what your stories were when you first established your business. Many entrepreneurs started their own business because of stories around a gap in the market. Dig deep and uncover what was or is the story around your product or service. What problems or solutions or a combination of both do they solve? For example, why are some businesses magnets for attracting customers? Think of

Self-conscious when you smile?

To make your dreams come to life and be sustainable you need a PLAN. Do you have a marketing plan? Do you actively use your plan to guide you from A to B, or do you have no plan? your favourite café. Why do you go there? Is it because of the coffee only? Or is it the ambience, and what is it about the ambience? What is it about the people there? Do you feel comfortable, nurtured and looked after or are you just another coffee drinker? Great cafés go well beyond just the coffee. They make themselves ‘destination’ cafés, they know that the customer’s experience is more than just the coffee they drink. A café can often become a home away from home and café owners can make a difference in their customers’ lives. Is your business making a difference in people’s lives? What’s the passion story around your business? Do you market that passion by going back into your own personal journey and identifying that ‘light bulb moment’ when it all became clear to you? It’s very powerful stuff.

Step 3: Have a PLAN To make your dreams come to life and be sustainable you need a PLAN. Do you have a marketing plan? Do you actively use your plan to guide you from A to B, or do you have no plan? When you are approached to purchase


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advertising, sponsor events or build a new website etc. having no plan subjects you to a lot of guesswork, with the analogy of flushing money down the toilet! A plan will help guide you each time you have to make a decision about investing in your business. It will direct your efforts and support you towards the dream, often opening up new dreams you had not even thought of. Going through a process – thinking about marketing will bring focus, clarity and ‘light bulb’ moments. Often it is those ‘moments’ that become the gold nuggets. Bringing in an outside person to help you with your strategy can be invaluable, as they offer a fresh pair of eyes…

Step 4: Check in and celebrate Take the time to recognise how far you have come in your business journey. Reward and celebration is a ‘must’. Otherwise it’s just on to the next task. Have a breather and be mindful of your achievements. Owning and operating your own small business is a long road, so enjoy the journey with those who have got you to this stage.

Step 5: Surround yourself with like-minded people Having support from like-minded people is priceless. Hanging out with positive and inspired business owners rubs off. Join Women’s Network Australia along with some local business networks and get actively involved. Networking groups are an invaluable resource for you and your business.

Final word If you don’t have a marketing plan for your business, treat yourself to a coffee in your favourite café and reflect on why not! If it is all too hard, contact a marketing plan professional and find out how they can help you make it happen. n

CONTACT Eileen Conway BUSINESS EziStrategic Plan PHONE +61 (0) 448 994 741


Outsourcing myth management

Research indicates that many female business owners are reaching breaking point and becoming overwhelmed by their ever-expanding workloads. LINDA McMAHON shares how outsourcing could be the answer to taking back control.

Is it a good business decision to spend four hours bookkeeping when you could pay an expert to do it an hour or two? Or do you put it off and have it weighing you down, inhibiting your productivity. Perhaps you should switch from an antiquated accounting system to a cloud based system and have been putting it off when you could pay an expert to sort it all out in no time. If you can earn $80 plus an hour, does it make sense to clean your own house? Instead, you could get someone who would happily clean for $25 an hour whilst you earn more and grow your business. Just as importantly, it can free up more time for you, for fun and more time with loved ones that if you don’t focus on, will be neglected. Should you spend an hour re-formatting a document when a virtual assistant could do it in 20 minutes? Worse, do you find yourself spending hours setting up a database etc. only to realise it doesn’t meet your needs when a virtual assistant could do it in a third of the time and get it the right the first time. Trying to do it all yourself will cause overwhelm which inhibits good decisionmaking and can cause procrastination. You will still be busy – working IN your business putting out fires – however, you’ll have limited time or headspace to work ON your business and move forward as envisaged. You may think you are being efficient by not spending money on outsourcing but the truth is you lose effectiveness causing low results and feelings of frustration and resentment. Is resistance to outsourcing really about the money? Not if you can earn more than what you pay someone else to do it and not if you have faith in your ability to create more income in the time you are saving.

IT’S NOT ABOUT THE MONEY; IT’S ALL ABOUT MINDSET. Early on in my business a colleague of mine told me she had a cleaner and said, “Oh, you’ll have a cleaner soon”. I immediately thought, “Not in million years”, because my mindset was that only rich or lazy people have cleaners. Cleaning is something I could do myself so why

or “They talked too much and I didn’t gain any time at all.” If that is the case, focus your energy into finding someone who is highly recommended that you can trust to clean the way you like. In outsourcing anything, get personal recommendations, have requirements in writing and communicate your expectations properly. When you open up the space by letting go of tasks that don’t serve you, you allow the space for greater things – like higher paying clients or a great opportunity. would I pay someone to do it? I would rather spend the money on something else. However, the seed was planted and three months later I had a cleaner and I loved it. I spent more time growing my business making a lot more money than I paid my cleaner. If you already have a cleaner, a bookkeeper and a virtual assistant, ask yourself, “What else could I be outsourcing right now?” Why do we resist outsourcing? For some, if it is something they can do themselves, they think they should do it, or it might be a fear of being judged by others or maybe it is subconscious level thinking that “to be a good wife/mother/ partner/business owner etc. I should do this task”. For cleaning, some use the excuse of “I don’t want a stranger in my house” or “I had a cleaner once and they didn’t do a good job”

Free B2B Leads! Outsource your sales calls. Use our team of mature, business-savvy women to make your sales and customer service calls.

BONUS OFFER: Receive 100 matched leads free of charge. Call Gai Hook on +61 (0) 413 519 840

Don’t outsource everything at once or put too much pressure on yourself financially. As with anything, you have to believe you can do it, envisage it, plan properly, and then make it happen. If outsourcing means earning more income, more time with loved ones and more time for you, instead of struggling with things you are not good at or are draining your energy, then it’s so worth it. If you are still saying, I don’t have the money, then find someone to help you with your mindset, otherwise you will risk burnout. n

CONTACT Linda McMahon BUSINESS Time Management and

Accountability +61 (0) 418 991 636 PHONE

Life & business out of control?

Want proven strategies that get you unstuck & functioning effectively? Book your FREE rapid assessment session with time management expert Linda McMahon today!

0418 991 636 – Spring 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 39

Reasons to use branded promotional products A good quality promotional item is still today’s most popular, effective and long-lasting forms of advertising. The top ten popular products include writing instruments, shirts, bags, calendars, lanyards, desk/office accessories, caps, drinkware, USB flash drives as well as health and safety products. Study results show promo products are consistently popular, with most people owning an average of 10 items they generally keep for six months.

52% of people will do business with a company after receiving a promotional product

QUITE SIMPLY, PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS WORK! Contact us today for ideas that will support your brand.

Micro Fibre Screen Cleaners Attaches to back of mobiles and electronic devices. Peel off, wipe screen and re-stick to back of device!




Functioning at an optimum level is essential to the growth and expansion of any successful business. KIRSTY O’CALLAGHAN outlines five basic foundation strategies that every small business owner needs to be blending into their every day-to-day activity.

The concept of success and well-being comprises of two main elements: feeling good and functioning well. It has been suggested that feelings of satisfaction are associated with learning, progress and goal achievement, both personally and professionally. Throw out the idea of reaching the ‘peak of your mountain’ and accept that there is no ‘peak’. Growth, satisfaction, well-being and success are achieved again and again by the momentum you create when there is no end game only the enjoyment and expansion.

Here are 5 activities that will help:

Essential Mobile Power Banks Emergency charger for your mobile phone or small portable device

1. Be aware of what is going on around you. Be aware of how you feel, who and what inspires you and what drains you. Be aware as to whether you are moving in a direction of what is important to you or whether you are off track following the expectations of others. 2. Connect and be seen. Network, follow up, call, write notes and cards, email or text. Attend meetings to meet others, introduce yourself to local businesses and create a team of people and family around you that inspire you and keep you accountable. 3. Be physically and mentally ready. Make sure you regularly exercise and meditate, eat

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Get the results you desire from home to workplace

for success and drink heaps of water. These activities keep your mind clear, reduce stress and create the energy you need to succeed. 4. Contribute just because. Whether you volunteer or are just there to help someone without expecting anything back, this activity will magically put you in a position to create a flow of ‘more for you’. 5. Always learn. People who stop learning and seeking teachings of others are only living from what they have already experienced. If you want different results keep learning and talking to others. By trying something new you will create amazing results in your business. With these five foundational activities in place, you will move on to easily achieving all the other activities and strategies in your day required for success personally and professionally. You will be more resilient and have more self-worth. No matter what comes your way moving forward will be your only option, and you will do it with confidence. n

CONTACT Kirsty O’Callaghan BUSINESS Unity-Qld PHONE +61 (7) 3482 4295

• Create a real foundation to build on The 3R’s For Life© – Resilience • Relationships • Relaxation • Affordable and trustworthy services and products • Simple, practical and real solutions

Kirsty O’Callaghan Consultant | Speaker | Trainer UNITY-QLD P +61(7) 3482 4295 M 0402 889 648

Counselling, Coaching and Training Service Corporate | Families | Individuals | Groups Get your free e-book today ‘90 Kirsty-isms’, to give you daily inspiration and motivation


Getting unstuck from


Are you constantly chasing your tail and only finding the time to get the absolutely essential jobs done? LOUISE D’ALLURA shares a strategy to help you decide where to start when you are just too busy to eat, work and live well.

If you know things need to change but you are not sure where to start, work your way through each of these steps.

Step 1: Get present in your day. Getting present will help you identify what needs to change based on areas causing you grief. Any time you feel frustrated or irritated it will be an obvious sign that something is NOT working. The moment you notice it, ask why and jot it down in a notebook or make a note in your phone. For example, “I’m irritated because I can’t find my keys” is a great place to start! Don’t worry about what you are going to do about it yet, just notice what is causing you grief!

Step 2: Identify the patterns. Where does ‘clutter’ show up in your routine and space? What is taking up time, space and energy in your day? Do a stocktake of your key routine to understand why there is a problem, THEN you will have a better chance of solving it!

Look at your MORNING routine What ‘everyday’ areas are making life difficult? Is your wardrobe too crowded and disorganised making it hard to find things? Is it your bathroom in chaos so you have to rummage through everything to find the makeup you use? Is finding your handbag a challenge? Is everyone running around looking for things because nothing is in your launching pad ready and waiting? n

Look at your WORK routine Can you see your desk and is it easy to work at? Can you easily find what you want? n


You need this Guide now! ! !

Let’s face it, life can be stressful and overwhelming, especially when you’re a busy professional or business owner, juggling a million things at once. When you are drained constantly by the ‘little’ things in your day, life is more challenging than it needs to be. Creating order around key aspects of your work and home life will help you feel more energetic and able to cope with what life throws at you. Plus you will be saving time and conserving mental energy to put back into what matters most!

Nothing to feed the family again?

! ! !


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Are you getting through your ‘to do’ list?

Are you making poor food choices that end up making you feel sluggish? n

Look at your HOME routine What is working and what isn’t? What rooms aren’t working in your house, i.e. laundry, kitchen? n

What aspects of those spaces make everything a struggle? Is it that you can’t find things or have no space to put things away? Is it that no one folds laundry or no one stacks the dishwasher?

Look at your EVENING routine Is dinner time a struggle? Do you have a kitchen you can actually cook in or is it disorganised? Do you dread thinking about dinner and end up buying takeaways, spending more money than you budgeted for? n

What can you do the night before to make your mornings easier, for example, preparing lunch and reviewing tomorrow’s meeting requirements? n

Uncover your Meal Planning Personality & take the stress out of serving healthy meals to your family Visit and take the quiz to discover your Meal Planning Personality®. Once you know your meal planning personality, you can work with your strengths to cook the healthy meals you and your family want. Discover tips and ideas for your personality to solve the ‘what’s for dinner challenge’. Be the Best Mum on the street!

Download right now – only $19.95.

Step 3: Pick one area. Look at each routine and identify one thing you could tweak. You’ll be amazed at the difference it could make to your day. Getting organised is about identifying those niggling things and creating a system to make it easier to do. In the process you are creating time and space in your life for what is truly important for the life you really want to live. n

CONTACT Louise D’Allura BUSINESS The Revamp Experience PHONE +61 (0) 408 723 559

How well are you thinking during the day? – Spring 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 41



really is a miracle super food

If you are like the average Australian woman you will have been on and off restrictive, rulebased diets your whole adult life. We spend billions of dollars each year on diet products but our waistlines continue to expand. So what is the solution to trimming down if you are carrying too much weight? KIM ADAMS introduces the concept of pleasure and why nourishing your body and soul is the true path to follow for weight loss and body confidence.

Going without the food you love, constantly fighting your appetite, and punishing yourself with crazy exercise routines? This eat less, exercise more approach is clearly not working as more and more Australians continue to fight excess weight and struggle with body image issues. Diets come to our rescue with promises of quick results, rules for us to follow, and externally driven constraints and control. However, when external influences rather than internal drivers continually dictate when, what and how much you eat, you lose touch with your body’s innate wisdom. Food becomes the enemy and your appetite cannot be trusted. You are designed to experience pleasure. Sweetness, texture, saltiness, creaminess and all the other wonderful sensations that come from eating delicious foods make you feel happy. However, in the never-ending quest for the perfect body or the perfect diet so many women, and some men have removed pleasure from their diet. Food and the experience of eating have been reduced to a carefully calculated affair where decisions are based on rigidly followed diet plans or lists of allowed and forbidden foods. There is no pleasure apart from the short-lived satisfaction gained from your magnificent willpower. Pleasure is essential to a healthy digestion.

Experiencing pleasure switches on the parasympathetic nervous system and consequently the digestive system can also switch on to its optimal capacity. Chronic low-level stress actually shuts down effective digestion leading to discomfort and less-than optimal calorie burning and nutrient assimilation. Eating pleasurable food is also an important component of feeling satiated. For example, consuming high quality healthy fats will leave you feeling full and satisfied, while consuming their low quality, no-fat counterparts usually leaves you wanting more. Not only do full-fat foods taste so much better but they trigger the ‘stop eating I’ve had enough’ centre of your brain. The lack of pleasure found in the diets of people actively restricting their food choices in order to lose weight inevitably leads to either a ‘binge’ and sense of failure or ‘chronic low mood’ and irritability.

BRING MORE PLEASURE INTO YOUR DIET: 1. Take the time to eat with those you love. Meal times shouldn’t be a race to get back to Facebook but a time to enjoy and connect. Slow down so you relax and give your digestion time to do its job.

2. If you want that piece of cheesecake, ask yourself, “Do I really, really, really, really want it?” If you answer yes then have it, enjoy it, and

don’t feel guilty. Then get back on track with more healthy options.

3. Listen to your body’s desires and needs; don’t just rigidly follow a diet plan because some celebrity lost 20 kilograms in two weeks. Sometimes we need more calories than others. Sometimes our body demands more fat, sometimes we simply crave fruits and vegetables. Connect with your body’s messages.

4. Make sure you are eating enough healthy fats such as coconut oil, organic butter, avocado, or nuts, to reduce cravings for nutrient-deficient foods and to add flavour to healthy foods.

5. Explore where else in life you might be holding back from pleasure. Sometimes our restriction of pleasure with food is reflective of our restriction of pleasure in other areas of life. Where else does your life need to get a little juicer or a little sweeter? Food is much more than simply nutrition, it is nourishment for the soul. Pleasure is a miracle super food that is essential to leading a groovy life and denial of pleasure will ultimately result in negative health impacts for the body, mind and soul. n

CONTACT Kim Adams BUSINESS Happy Healthy Groovy PHONE +61 (0) 404 061 767

Are you tired of constantly worrying about what you eat and still not getting the results you want? There is a more pleasurable, nourishing way to achieve your health and wellness goals that doesn’t involve going without the food you love. Kim is passionate about helping you can take charge of your body and mind to achieve confidence and health. Kim uses a unique approach combing results-centred psychology, nutrition and body-centred practices to help you achieve freedom from the pain of the dieting merry-go-round, body image challenges and health concerns relating to overeating, digestive problems, fatigue and mood disorders.


Mobile: +61 (0) 404 061 767 Website: Available Brisbane, Skype & Phone 42 WORKING WOMEN® n Spring 2014 –


How safe is your home

or office environment?

Today we are bombarded with messages about looking after our health and well-being. On hearing these words, do you automatically think about the food you eat or that new healthy shake you are about to consume? And you can’t work out why you still get sick or have yet another allergy attack? JANELLE BOSTOCK looks at how everyday items can affect your health and well-being.

Take a step back and really think about what you have around your home or office. When was the last time you thought about what was in that can of air freshener you just picked up to get rid of the smells? There are over 140 chemicals that we use in and around the home or office – some are good but some are very bad for your health. Cleanliness, yes, it’s right up there with godliness: we spray, wipe, and wash our way to healthier, happier homes. Unfortunately, fresh smelling air and shiny countertops might be some of the biggest health hazards you and your family face on a daily basis. While many chemicals are nontoxic in small amounts, once diluted, on their own or when they are mixed with other chemicals already in the air, the combination can be toxic. You may recognise some of the following common toxic products –are they around your home and office?

Fragranced products Do you use fragranced products like air fresheners, candles or hand soaps? Some of the chemicals used contain phthalates that can trigger asthma, disrupt hormones and increase the risk of breast cancer. Instead, use essential oils or natural odour eliminators.

What is on YOUR hands? Triclosan, commonly found in hand soap, toothpaste and mouthwash, may harm the human immune system and can trigger allergies. If you read the label of any product

stamped antibac you will find this chemical along with sodium lauryl sulphate or sodium laureth sulphate. These chemicals are not recommended by the AMA.

Do you drink bottled water? Most people buy bottled water thinking they are avoiding any contaminants and it is convenient. But bottled water can be just as contaminated or more so than tap water. Do you think that plastic bottle is PBA free? Why not switch to a glass or stainless steel bottle. Add a slice of lemon or fresh mint to your water for a refreshing drink.

Non-stick cookware The perfluorinated chemicals may be stick and stain resistant but they can be linked to cancer. They can also be found in some microwave popcorn bags and pizza boxes. Do yourself a favour and change to cast-iron, stainless steel or ceramic pans.

Indoor air pollution In Australia, the main culprits of indoor air pollution are mould, cigarette smoke, household chemicals and indoor furnishings, e.g. floor finishes that produce volatile organic compounds which cause skin irritations and affect asthma sufferers. Prevent mould growing by opening windows every day. Clean with plant based rather than synthetic products. Introduce indoor plants to help filter impurities from the air in your home.

Are you looking older than you feel? Dr Sarah at the Sunnybank Hills General Practice offers a range of cosmetic procedures, all administered in a safe, professional medical environment.

Dr Sarah Cunningham

FRACGP MB.ChB.DCH D.Obs Post Grad Cert Health Science (women’s health) Member Australasian Society of Cosmetic Medicine

What’s under YOUR sink? Typically you would find all-purpose cleaner, window cleaner, dishwasher detergent, and scouring paste that contain toxic and harmful chemicals. The main toxins presented are known as volatile organic compounds, which have different ‘time-concentration profiles’. These compounds may not be toxic when you spray them, but when left to their own devices and combined with chemicals and particles in the environment, a residual toxic cocktail is formed. Switch to plant and enzyme based cleaning products. Almost 80 per cent of the 10,000 ingredients in household products have not been tested for their impact on human health. The cleaning product industry is fundamentally self-regulated so it is up to the individual to take a stance on reducing the common toxic chemicals and learn about safer alternatives. n

CONTACT Janelle Bostock BUSINESS Norwex Consultant PHONE +61 (0) 438 510 496

Suffer from allergies? Time poor?

Get a fresh new look and feel younGer!

treatments • Facial contouring with • Wrinkle enhancement sugar gel fillers • Lip • Skin care advice • Skin checks

Most people buy bottled water thinking they are avoiding any contaminants and it is convenient. But bottled water can be just as contaminated or more so than tap water.

Dr Sarah Cunningham

Sunnybank Hills General Practice Phone (07) 3711 1400 538 Compton Rd, Sunnybank Hills

Whether you hate cleaning or would like to get your cleaning done in less time with less effort. Arrange a face to face consultation with WNA Member Janelle Bostock today for some great solutions. e: or m: 0438 510 496 – Spring 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 43


Health&Beauty We love showcasing and introducing you to products savvy women have developed for the domestic and international markets. The products are as diverse as the businesses and careers of the dynamic women behind them.


This lip balm range has proven antiviral properties to help relieve and in some cases kill the cold sore virus. 100% natural and made with coconut oil, cocoa butter, beeswax and melissa oil. For everyday use – keep cold sores at bay and condition your lips at the same time. RRP: $14.95. To order visit


Sick of struggling to shave your legs in the shower? ShaveEzy removes all of the hassle. This foldaway foot stool fits into the corner of your shower and is made from mould resistant plastic with a non-slip base making it extremely sturdy, safe and very easy to clean. RRP: $34.95. To order visit

Daily retreat Feeling stressed, run down and in need of a holiday? Why not turn everyday into a holiday with this deep relaxation and meditation CD. Stop being superwoman by continuing to run on empty and take 20 minutes a day to revive and reinvigorate your energy levels. It works! Buy it and see for yourself. RRP: $25.00. To order visit

Guilt free latte

This healthy coffee has only 7 mgs of caffeine. A delicious latte in an instant! Made of the finest Arabica beans and Ganoderma blended with cream and sugar and you don’t have to wait in line to enjoy it! Start every morning with a Gourmet Cafe Latte. RRP: $30:00 for 20 sachets. To order visit


Get your beachside locks prepped and ready for summer with this unique hair moisture product. Can be used in wet or dry hair and ideal for carrying in your handbag to add some instant moisture to dry or frizzy hair when you are on the go. RRP: $24.95 or 50mL RRP: $6.50. Sold exclusively in salons, so check your nearest stockist by visiting visit

Good dose

Give your body the boost it needs. Studies show OPCs to be 20 times more powerful than Vitamin C and 50 times more powerful than Vitamin E in neutralising free radicals. It protects collagen, improves skin elasticity, protects the circulatory system, and provides relief of pain and inflammation of arthritis. RRP: $44.30. Visit


Gently remove makeup and dirt without makeup wipes, cleansers or soaps. Simply moisten one of these ultra-fine suede reusable clothes with water and gently wipe your face upward and outward. The fibre’s tight weave removes all traces of makeup. RRP: $22.50 for a pack of three. Visit www.janellebostock. or find your local Norwex consultant via 44 WORKING WOMEN® n Spring 2014 –



hidden treasure

Looking to take a short holiday within Australia? Want a unique, food inspired and relaxing location? SUSAN RALLINGS takes us on a journey to the beautiful and picturesque Bruny Island one of Tasmania’s most exclusive yet affordable destinations. Bruny Island is a hidden gem, close to Hobart, well loved by locals, but little known by those outside of Tasmania. It is renowned for its spectacular and varied scenery, beautiful beaches and abundant wildlife. Foodies are increasingly drawn to this beautiful destination through the popularity of ‘The Gourmet Farmer’ and other lifestyle programs, to sample its delicious oysters, cheeses, wines, smoked produce, berries and fudge. There is an official Gourmet Food Trail to experience all year round. The island is easy to get to, being only a 40 minute drive from Hobart to Kettering and a 15 minute ride across the D’entrecasteau Channel on the vehicle ferry, the Mirambeena, and you are at Roberts Point on North Bruny. Bruny is really two islands, separated by a narrow isthmus called ‘The Neck’. The north island is closest to Hobart, and is characterised by rolling hills, grazing sheep, sheltered beaches, and sweeping views. The south island is more rugged, with dense rainforests, mountains and sheer cliffs. In total, Bruny Island is approximately 100 kilometres from end to end, although as many of the roads are unpaved, winding and frequented by wallabies, sheep and other animals, distances may seem greater. It offers something for everyone and it is like

stepping back in time. With a population of just over 600 people, you will have plenty of space to get away from your fast moving lifestyle, and take time out to relax, refresh and reflect. The food trail includes the award winning Bruny Island Cheese Company, showcasing amazing artisan cheeses made and matured using traditional techniques with both cows and goats milk. Get Shucked Oysters are known Australia wide. Bruny Island Smokehouse provides a range of smoked meats and fish, speciality foods, fine wines and whiskeys. The Berry Farm will tempt you with fresh seasonal fruit, yogurts, ice cream. You can indulge in hand-made chocolates and fudge from Bruny Island Fudge, and wash it all down with something to your taste from Bruny Island Premium Wines. If you are interested in the scenery you have lots of options. Take a cruise with multi award winning eco cruise company Bruny Island Cruises to observe unspoilt coastline and stunning natural cliff formations and see Bruny Island seals, dolphins, whales, albatross, eagles, gannet and petrel. Experience nature first hand on one of the 12 identified walks from the beaches to the National Parks and State Forest Walks. A favourite with tourist is Cape Queen Elizabeth walk which is rated easy and will take approximately three hours return. It provides spectacular views of both islands from the Neck and includes walking through along the cliff top and down to the beach.


E njoy the beautiful white sand and safe swimming at Nebraska Beach


Visit Art at the Point/Jetty Cafe


Savour oysters from Get Shucked


D elight in artisan cheeses from Bruny Island Cheese Company


Sample Bruny Island Premium Wines


Bruny Island Smokehouse


Indulge in Bruny Island Fudge


Berry Farm


Cape Bruny Lighthouse


Bruny Island Cruises


Cape Queen Elizabeth Walk

Accommodation on Bruny Island is available to suit all tastes and budgets. Exclusive use luxury houses with spectacular views such as Bruny Island Getaway to basic cabins and beach shacks at Adventure Bay may tempt you to stay a little longer. Whilst you can visit Bruny Island on a day trip, to really make the most of what the island has to offer it is best to allow a minimum of three to four days. n

CONTACT Susan Rallings BUSINESS Bruny Island Getaway PHONE 0414 604 510

Unwind from life Bruny Island luxury holiday home for rent

Bruny Island Getaway - Beachside luxury on Bruny Island Designed to make the most of its stunning location, this modern, craftsman-built house overlooking the beautiful D’entrecasteaux Channel, only l hour from Hobart, is yours to enjoy. Bruny Island Getaway is an affordable luxury two bedroom holiday house and studio with direct access to the golden sands of Nebraska Beach. It is the perfect location from which to explore and sample the gourmet delights of Bruny Island or simply relax, unwind and spoil yourself.

Book online or contact Susan Rallings on 0414 604 510 – Spring 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 45



Spectacular mountain scenery, picturesque villages and diverse culture, together with a network of superb trekking trails is what makes Nepal so irresistible and keeps people coming back year after year. LYN TAYLOR shares why every woman needs to take time out to undertake the adventure of a lifetime.

The city of Kathmandu offers travellers a cultural diversity experience like no other. It’s a melting post of exploration. Navigating your way through the maze of vendors, vehicles, and people shoving items and themselves into vehicles is like walking through a herd of elephants on wheels, except the elephants would pay more attention and belch less smoke. It’s an extremely interesting and engaging country in which until recent years not much English was spoken. Only today is English starting to become a common tongue. However, when it comes to signage most directions and bus routes etc. are still displayed in Nepali, so it’s best to learn the language, or join a guided trip. For safety purposes many women do prefer to visit as part of a guided tour group from Australia, accompanied by someone who speaks both English and the local language. A guide will also be well versed on the cultural code and accustomed to getting the best information and deals in Nepal. Travelling on a guided tour also ensures that you live the life of a local and that you don’t miss out on the gems that Kathmandu’s alleyways conceal. Every day thousands of visitors, expats and Nepali’s alike walk on by oblivious to what lies beyond the doorways … unmarked and low, they appear to go into someone’s home, but further down there is another doorway, and then another. With a guide you get the opportunity to take a peek into the hidden world of mystery that most travellers do not dare to explore. Therein lies

a world that is both private and public, each courtyard holding its own history and story, some that go back well into the 15th century. Whilst travelling through Kathmandu and surrounding areas you cannot help to notice the colour. It’s everywhere as you wander along any street in Thamel. You will see many shops selling felted crafts and goods which are made locally and exported to countries all over the world. The felt production industry is driven by Nepali women as a means to support their families. Felt making is a job that the women of Nepal, who often lack a formal education, can perform with ease. You will be amazed to see their entrepreneurial skills in motion. Most of the felt factories across Nepal hire women who create with love, purpose and passion using the workspace to connect with other women in their community. To experience the true essence of the Nepali way of life you cannot miss visiting the various villages dotted throughout this beautiful country. It is in these villages that you will engage with locals and experience the beating heart of the Nepali people and their culture. The destination of Nepal offers the Australian traveller a place where they can be themselves, a sabbatical far away from the constant pressure of adhering to the rigid rules of the society in which we live.


in the cities, walking out alone at night can be dangerous. Do not stay in bars and pubs until late night or respond to anyone who makes advances in bars. Never look at maps in public. If you can, try to memorise them in advance. In many cities you can buy credit card sized street and transportation maps, which you can discretely glance at inside your purse. n

Keep your passport with you at all times. You do not have to store it with the hotel owners, no matter what they say. Make photocopies of your passport in advance, and hand over one of those if they insist on keeping your passport. n

Walk like you know where you are going. Studies show that if you exude confidence and strength, people are less likely to try to take advantage of you. n

By embarking on a quality tailored holiday adventure to Nepal that is well-priced and fully guided you will not only experience new sights and cultures, you will also push the boundaries of your everyday life. Nepal is a must for your bucket list and one of the most exciting destinations in the world today. n

CONTACT Lyn Taylor BUSINESS Lyn Taylor’s Adventure Travel PHONE +61 (2) 9997 7442

Trekking alone is not recommended. Even

25% OFF – ‘All Women’s’ 16-day Everest Trek Take the trip of your life-time and be part of a 16-day trek to the Everest area of Nepal with Lyn Taylor’s Adventure Travel. This amazing ‘All Women’s’ guided trekking tour will take you through some of the most picturesque Sherpa villages surrounded by the inspiring Himalaya mountains. P: (02) 9997 7442 M: 0418 917 342 E: W:


46 WORKING WOMEN® n Spring 2014 –

Tour departure date:

Saturday, 11 April, 2015

Tour inclusions:

All lodge accommodation and meals on a 12-day trek, return flights to Lukla, friendly tour leader, Nepalese guide, sherpa and porter, trek permits, 4 nights Kathmandu hotel (3 star) with breakfast, a ½ day sightseeing trip to Bhaktapur and Pasapatinath, entries and airport transfers. Tour requires a moderate fitness level.

Early Bird 25% Discount:

Book before Tues, 20 November, 2014 and you’ll receive 25% off the advertised price of $2250 (twin share).


XI’AN Xi’an, pronounced ‘she-ahn’, is the capital of Shaanxi province in central China and is steeped in history being the cultural and political capital of China for hundreds of years, stretching all the way back to the Zhou dynasty in the 11th century BC. It is also the beginning and end of the Silk Road, a swirl of colours, lute music and desert dust, where camel caravans unloaded goods from across the Eurasian continent. Remnants of this ancient world are everywhere from the Terracotta Warriors to the Muslim influence that still characterises the city today. It is a heady almost surreal feel. Ideally, you need a minimum of two full days to explore Xi’an with The Army of the Terracotta Warriors, the ancient City Wall and Moslem Street. The world famous Army of the Terracotta Warriors, one of the most significant archaeological excavations of the 20th century, is definitely one to tick off your ‘bucket list’. Nothing prepares you for the enormity of the experience. It is challenging to comprehend that the young Emperor Qin Shi Huang built this mausoleum starting at the age of 13 (in 246 BC) to prepare for his afterlife. To see the 2,000 terracotta figures of warriors and horses is a mind blowing sight and one that will be etched into your memory forever. Experiences of this magnitude are gold. The ideal way to visit the Warriors is with your group and your own certified guide. China isn’t

Calling all

where ancient and modern worlds meet

It has often been said, if you have not been to Xi’an, you have not been to China! SANDRA MARTIN and NATALIE SHEPARD invite you to discover this intriguing and mesmerising part of China.

really a solo traveller destination and a guide ensures you have a wonderful experience, enjoying their extensive knowledge, being safe and sharing fun with a group of like-minded travellers. At the Army of the Terracotta Warriors, there are three pits to see, each different. Pit 1 is the most imposing. Housed in a building the size of an aircraft hangar, it is believed to contain 6000 warriors (only 2000 are on display) and horses, all facing east and ready for battle. Pit 2 containing around 1300 warriors and horses is amazing. You get to examine five of the soldiers up close: a kneeling archer, a standing archer, a cavalryman and his horse, a mid-ranking officer and a general. The level of detail is extraordinary: the expressions, hairstyles, armour and even the tread on the footwear are all unique – superlatives escape me to describe this! Pit 3 is the smallest containing 72 warriors and horses, and is believed to be the army headquarters due to the number of highranking officers unearthed here. Another interesting part of Xi’an is the area inside the city wall. This is the old part of town and inside are the Bell and Drum Towers, huge Ming-era structures. You can easily spend a day inside exploring, either walking the entirety of the 12 metre high ancient city walls or renting bikes (hire is Y20 AUD 4 for 100 minutes) and riding along the walls peering

down onto daily Xi’an life. The Muslim quarter is just west of the Bell Tower so after your exploration of the City Wall, you can wander around the towers and then stroll into the Muslim quarter, snack on street food and find yourself a bargain in the markets. The city boasts a unique cuisine that combines Chinese and Middle Eastern flavours. Heavy in cumin, chilli, Sichuan peppercorns and other spices, local specialities range from famous hand-ripped ‘biang biang’ noodles seared in hot oil, to lamb ‘burgers’ with a jalapeno kick. Not for the faint of heart but famous for a reason! There’s always something new to taste, it’s inexpensive and it’s fun when you point at random plates of food and hope for the best given the challenges with language – all part of the adventure. Important note: Xi’an can be very smoggy. Shaanxi province is one of China’s leading coal producers and you may see the large smokestacks on Xi’an’s horizon. If you suffer from asthma or other breathing conditions, be sure to take your medication along. Now is the perfect time to visit China and savour the enticing mix of ancient and new, come home awed, reinvigorated and inspired. n

Sandra Martin and Natalie Shepard BUSINESS Wild Wacky Wonderful Women PHONE +61 (0) 414 728 968 CONTACT

If you want a unique, fabulous, fun travel experience with like-minded inspiring women, then this is the trip for you. Travel with a small group of WOMEN ONLY with your own Personal Stylist and Event Organiser and ‘Can Do’ guru so you get personalised attention and have an amazing life experience.

YOU NEED TO TAKE ACTION NOW – Number are strictly limited. Beijing, Xian & Shanghai: 7 – 17 May 2015 Shanghai Shopping: 16 – 23 May 2015 WWWW – Sandra: 0414 728 968 Natalie: 0419 607 200 Email: – Spring 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 47



Australia’s love affair with films continues to keep cinemas across the nation overflowing. Spring 2014 promises to be yet another season filled with more outstandingly interesting and enjoyable movies. Here’s a small taste of some ‘must see’ films we know our movie buffs will enjoy. DECODING ANNIE PARKER

releasing 23 October from Pinnacle Films Based on a true story, we first meet Annie Parker, at 11 years old, living the perfect young life, loved by her mother, father and older sister. But something horrible is stalking this family. Meanwhile, far away, a brilliant research scientist named Mary-Claire King, against the advice of virtually everyone who knew her, is embarking on a journey that would end in a discovery of such significance that it would be considered one of the most important scientific discoveries of the twentieth century and touch millions of lives including that of Annie Parker. By the age of 19, Annie Parker has lost both her mother and her father and is already pregnant and married to Paul. Her sister soon falls victim to the same evil that killed their mother, and she too dies, leaving Annie virtually alone. However, Annie Parker’s challenges have hardly begun. She is then diagnosed with breast cancer, the same disease that killed her mother and sister, and her world begins to spin out of control affecting not only her body, but also her relationships with her husband, her child and her friends. As Anne battles cancer, the relentless unwavering Mary-Claire King is battling all established medical views about the origins of cancer. She believes that some cancers have a genetic link, a notion rejected by her by her peers. Against all odds, she and her band of researchers make a remarkable discovery, one that is hailed to be of unimaginable importance.




Wish I Was Here is the story of Aidan Bloom, a struggling actor, father and husband, who at 35 is still trying to find his identity and a purpose for his life. He and his wife are barely getting by financially and Aidan passes his time by fantasising about being the great futuristic Space-Knight he had always dreamed he would be as a little kid. When his ailing father can no longer afford to pay for private school for his two kids (ages 5 and 12) and the only available public school is on its last legs, Aidan reluctantly agrees to attempt to home-school them. The result is some funny chaos, until Aidan decides to scrap the traditional academic curriculum and come up with his own. Through teaching them about life his way, Aidan gradually discovers some of the parts of himself he couldn’t previously find.

In this psychological thriller based on the best-selling novel, director Rowan Joffe weaves a terrifying tale of a woman who is struggling to piece together her life and find out who she can trust. Starring Colin Firth, Mark Strong and Academy Award winner Nicole Kidman, Before I Go To Sleep is a shocking portrayal of trust, memory and the secrets we keep from the ones we love the most. After suffering a terrible accident Catherine (Kidman) is left with no recollection of who she is. Each day she wakes with no memory of her life including her husband Ben (Firth). But before she goes to sleep, she recovers fragments from her past, flashbacks to the accident that damaged her. With the help of Dr Nash (Mark Strong), she attempts to piece together fragments that may help her recover some link to the past, and begins to uncover a terrifying new truth that forces her to question those closest to her.

Adapted from Michael Bond’s universally beloved books, Paddington follows the journey of an optimistic and polite young bear from Peru who travels to London in search of a home and a family. When the Brown family invites him to stay with them, little do they realise how much comic mayhem one young bear will bring to their everyday family life. Starring Nicole Kidman, Hugh Bonneville and Jim Broadbent.

releasing September 11 from Transmission Films

releasing 13 November from StudioCanal

48 WORKING WOMEN® n Spring 2014 –

releasing 11 December from StudioCanal

LAVAZZA ITALIAN FILM FESTIVAL 2014 screening October at Palace Cinemas

The Lavazza Italian Film Festival arrives October 1 in Brisbane, exclusively in the luxury of Palace Centro and Palace Barracks Cinemas. Over 30 Australian Premieres selected from the most prestigious film festivals around the world will grace screens as we celebrate the festival’s 15th birthday with all the humour, passion and drama we have come to expect from the Italians.

Classified Business Directory ACCOUNTANTS Business Links Australia

COACHING & DEVELOPMENT (CONT) Life And Business Out Of Control?

MoneyFit Australia Pty Ltd

Make Changes Easily

Accounting and tax planning services for small to medium sized businesses, investors and selfmanaged superannuation funds. We are located on the Southside of Brisbane. +61 (7) 3341 1007 Want more time for you? We have tailored business systems to suit your accounting, tax, SMSF admin and audit, bookkeeping and gap solution needs. Experts in helping small to medium sized businesses. +61 (7) 5564 7017 Want to free up your time so you can devote yourself to running your business? We offer everything from ATO compliance to growing your business, maximising profits and tax planning. Call us today and save time! +61 (3) 9720 6811

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COACHING & DEVELOPMENT Abundant Life Solutions Group

Leaders in creating inclusive workplaces that inspire meaning and purpose, release collective creative thinking and result in higher productivity creating greater profitability. +61 (3) 5964 2930

Do You Want More Wealth In Your Life?

Then you need a wealth mindset. One of the biggest barriers to financial leadership is not having a wealth mindset. Be educated and transform to raise your financial thermostat. +61 (3) 9685 7564

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wealth building secrets



ways to deliver more with less


follow the gourmet food trail


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stop second guessing yourself

Achieve successful changes for you and your business from start to finish, with Louise Corica’s latest book ‘Making Changes Easily’. Order your copy today! +61 (0) 418 458 616

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TaxBiz Australia

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Want proven strategies that get you unstuck and functioning effectively? Then call now and book your FREE 30 minute session with time management expert Linda McMahon. Call today! +61 (0) 418 991 636

ICE challenge empowers entrepreneurship


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EVENTS & WORKSHOPS Bare Hands | Practical Life Strategies

Feeling exhausted, irritable or overwhelmed? Need help communicating? Too busy for self-care time? Looking for more connection? Check out our Brisbane workshop series commencing on Tuesday 21, October, 2014. 1300 134 799

EVENTS & WORKSHOPS (CONT) Unzip The Fat Suit Using Your Mind

If you or someone you know battles food cravings, comfort and boredom eating or exercise motivation, this 2 day event is the solution. Dates in Cairns, Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne. 1300 664 544 weight-loss/

FASHION DESIGN Women Only Wear 20% Of Their Clothing!

In Store Wardrobe Audit – Working Women magazine offer $199 (normally valued at $410) Includes 2 hours working on your wardrobe, $100 off your first made to measure garment and $30 of accessories. Get value from your wardrobe! +61 (7) 3255 1222

FINANCIAL SERVICES Financially Independent Teenagers

FIT comes to your teenager’s school and provides a workshop for girls on the basics of personal money management, ensuring the girls get off to a financially savvy start. +61 (0) 449 008 292

Focus On Wealth

Assisting our clients to protect their lifestyles and grow their wealth. We offer wealth coaching – financial strategies with investment and protection advice as individual as you are. +61 (7) 5530 3500


Providing strategy, advice and expertise in i n v e s t i n g i n s h a r e s, i n v e s t m e n t s a n d superannuation for over 20 years. Need help? Call Susan Rallings to discuss your specific needs. +61 (7) 3334 4865

Total Portfolio Management

We help you to achieve your financial and lifestyle goals over the short and long term. Your goals are achieved by using prudent financial planning strategies and tools. +61 (7) 3018 0587

FUNERAL SERVICES White Lady Funerals

A National funeral service to all families. Offering assurance of absolute support and professional attention with genuine care. We’ve been providing a woman’s understanding since 1989. 1300 656 550

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Find out more about advertising in WORKING WOMEN ® Contact Nikita Harris on 1800 052 476 * Visit our website for rates and specifications – Spring 2014 n WORKING WOMEN® 49

Classified Business Directory GHOST WRITING SERVICES Robyn Henderson - Networking To Win

HEALTH & WELLNESS (CONT) Suffering From Allergies?

Time poor? Whether you hate cleaning or love it, we all want to spend less effort and save time. Use my enzyme based products with just water and a cloth for great results. +61 (0) 438 510 496

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We’re unlocking the secrets of insurance so you can make an informed decision without the sales pressure. If you have an insurance question big or small... Ask Kate! +61 (0) 433 544 211

At Unity-Qld we use easy-to-implement strategies that are simple, effective and practical. Our support, products and services are relevant from home to workplace and your situation. +61 (0) 402 889 648

LEGAL SERVICES Patents | Trade Marks | Designs

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Is it time to outsource that back log of proposals, eBooks and newsletters sitting in your in tray? Call author Robyn Henderson to discuss one off or regular assignments. Act now! +61 (0) 407 906 501

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HEALTH & WELLNESS Amazing Aloe Vera

Australian owned organically grown Aloe Vera products at affordable prices. Mention Working Women magazine for a FREE sample of our cleanse and revive organic herbal tea blend caffeine free. +61 (7) 3203 2069

Be Happy, Feel Healthy

We offer eating psychology coaching and workshops. Specialising in eating disorders, digestive pain and mood issues. Call now to achieve a healthy relationship with food and your body. +61 (0) 404 061 767

Do You Want To Look And Feel Great?

Take the 30 day challenge by drinking healthy coffee and green tea infused with ancient Chinese herbs. Mention Working Women Magazine and receive a FREE sample. Business Opportunities also available. +61 (0) 402 154 362

Holistic Cancer Care

A diagnosis of cancer is surreal and devastating. For holistic heart centred support through this challenge, call Linda to reserve your FREE 1 hour no obligation strategy session. +61 (0) 402 811 742

Miscarriage And Fertility Specialist

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Get noticed online with unique and powerful business photography and videos. Build trust, referrals and relationships with a creative personal branding makeover by Kerrin Smith. +61 (0) 457 229 087


The all-female legal team that gets on with the job! Bliss Conveyancing provides superior professional services on all residential and nonresidential properties throughout NSW. 1300 659 231

50 WORKING WOMEN® n Spring 2014 –

REAL ESTATE Invest In Australia’s Oldest Inland City

Selling your home is a big step and the right preparation, price advice and marketing strategy is essential. Mel and Lynda are skilled negotiators who will get you where you want to be. +61 (0) 412 125 283

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If you want a unique, fabulous, fun travel experience with like-minded women, then this is the trip for you! A life changing, empowering journey – culture, sightseeing, shopping and food. +61 (0) 414 728 968

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