Working Women magazine - Winter/Spring 2015

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Working Women Women’s Network Australia


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Fail-proof strategies to give you access to decision-makers STOP CHASING PERFECTION? It’s a dead end road


how to secure that elusive paid board role

The Emotion-Powered Branding

Print Post Approved 100003825


Are you taking it for granted? Why you won’t find THE ONE watching Sex and the City re-runs MARKETING | BUSINESS IDEAS | SUCCESS STRATEGIES AND MORE

Contents Business BOARD TALK How to secure a paid board role


LEADERSHIP Think you have what it takes?


OFFSHORE Your supporting act on the international stage


SUCCESS STRATEGIES Why your business needs setbacks


Success – it can break down ‘overnight’


Boost your bottom line with a service culture 16


6 Life

MARKETING Are you online savvy and mobile friendly?


4 Ways to save time and money on content creation


BRANDING Is social media doing harm to your business? 23

SALES STRATEGIES 7 Creative ideas to overcome video fatigue


3 Steps to get past the gatekeeper


CHANGE MANAGEMENT 5 Steps to overcome the pain of change


WORK SPACE Your window to success


COMMUNICATION A blueprint for better communication


Traditional PR – back to basics


HOME HQ Claiming home-based business expenses


Would you work for $3.44 an hour?


RISKY BUSINESS Who pays the bills when you can’t?


BUSINESS KNOW HOW Support your business with a financial mindset


Networking – be the difference


LAW & ORDER Let’s agree... you keep what’s yours


HUMAN RESOURCES Legal claims lurking in our workplaces




Chasing perfection? Learn to love who you are





Overcoming the winter blues


Take time to make time




Extreme pressure creates diamonds – finding success in struggle




UP FRONT Life happens when you ignore the glass ceiling


The strategic business of dating


ON THE MONEY Are you being financially bullied?


Super – What happens to it when you die?


A quick super and retirement update


Business finance options


In Every Issue Simply Stated


What We Like


Off the Shelf


Body of Work


Reel Entertainment


Classified Business Directory


Advertising rates and deadlines


2 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –

Why social enterprise businesses are on the rise Why single women should invest


EMPOWERMENT Redundancy and job loss recovery


TRAVEL The best countries to travel solo


HEALTH & WELLNESS Ooze confidence and you’ll lose weight


Hydrate and look younger


Get relief from pain and recover faster naturally


n Issue


um Deadline: S

1 Dec, 2015 e at D n io at 31 Oct, 2015 Public ory ness Direct si Bu d fie si 25 Oct, 2015 Clas ing rtising Book ve Ad ay 25 Oct, 2015 pl is D g in ok Bo l , 2015 Advertoria ial 1 Nov rtorial Mater ve Ad & g ct in 1 O , 2015 Advertis e thor’s Imag Au & al ri Edito

SimplyStated you’ll just roll that trolley of yours through a scanner and pay with an app on your mobile phone. If you have a question whilst shopping, you will use one of the touch screen kiosks located at the end of each isle. If the frequently asked questions cannot provide you with an answer then you’ll be able to interact with a virtual supermarket team member – who will most likely to talking to you from India, the Philippines or China. Only if worse comes to worse will a human have to intervene and offer you some old-fashioned customer service.

The rapid advancement in technology over the last five years has opened the floodgates for a new digitised way of doing businesses. For businesses across Australia, doing more with less is one of the megatrends of the future. And when I say less, I’m referring to people.

But the recent research finding that leaves me speechless is that apparently face-to-face communication (yes, making eye contact and talking to someone) is flagged as one of the future megatrends for business. Not surprisingly, it is predicted that customers of the future will be placing a high value on social interaction in their day-to-day experiences. Who would have ever thought…?

A recent CSIRO report predicts that by 2050 there will only be 2.7 people of working age to support every Australian aged over 65. When you compare this to the figures of 5 in 2010 and 7.5 in 1980 you get a better understanding of the dilemma the Australian Government finds themselves in when it comes to the budget and long-term planning.

At Women’s Network Australia we still have our feet in both camps, producing our magazine in both a printed and digital version for the enjoyment of our 30,000+ readers. So, however you are devouring it today we aim to inspire, educate and empower you. Enjoy the read.

On the labour market front, as older workers transition out of the workforce, business across the board will have little choice but to look to digitisation, automation and outsourcing to bridge the gap. Experts are predicting that by 2020 robotics and automation will take over 47% of jobs we now know. Some jobs will be saved by automation and others will completely disappear. You don’t have to look much further than the supermarket checkout to imagine the day when no staff involvement will be required. In the next decade

Lynette Palmen AM Founder and Managing Director Women’s Network Australia

Working Women

Working Women Women’s Network Australia


w w w.w o m e n s n e t w o r k . co m . a u




Fail-proof strategies to give you access to decision-makers STOP CHASING PERFECTION? It’s a dead end road


how to secure that elusive paid board role

The Emotion-Powered Branding


Print Post Approved 100003825

Disruptive technology continues to make inroads into traditional business sectors. Taxi firms now battle with Uber for their slice of the people transport action, hotel chains are attempting to push back an assault from Airbnb and the banks stand to lose a massive market share of small business lending with the rise of peer funding and crowd sourcing.

Are you taking it for granted? Why you won’t find THE ONE watching Sex and the City re-runs MARKETING | BUSINESS IDEAS | SUCCESS STRATEGIES AND MORE

Emelye Lovell’s personal life journey shaped her into an emotion-powered innovator. Her unique branding agency helps businesses to not incessantly smother their customers in deceptive or irrelevant product developments but, rather, empower and enrich their lives on an emotional level. Because in business, ‘what you make people feel is more important than what you make’.

Women’s Network Australia


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FOUNDER AND EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Lynette Palmen AM NATIONAL ADVERTISING MANAGER Nikita Harris SUB-EDITOR Chelsea Mappas DESIGN Tricia Mahoney – Scarab Blue Design PUBLISHER Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd ABN 66 010 793 727

WORKING WOMEN® is a registered trade mark of Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd

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Editorial is most welcome if it is of a newsworthy nature and accompanied by a good quality photograph. Articles should be directed towards our readership base of business and professional women. Women’s Network Australia has editing rights on all articles submitted. Editorial submissions are accepted on the basis that the publisher may use the author’s name, comments and content for this publication and promotional purposes including digital and print media. Authors waive all right to copyrights (if any).


Advertisements created by Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd for this publication cannot be copied or reproduced without permission of the editor. Women’s Network Australia also reserves the right to refuse any advertisements which do not complement the magazine’s vision.


Advertorial is accepted in all sections. A large, clear professional photograph must accompany all articles. Prices are available on application. Please call 1800 052 476.


Women’s Network Australia is not responsible for any copyright infringements for images supplied by writers or advertisers. Materials and articles in this publication are general comment, not advice. The information is believed to be accurate and reliable but no responsibility is taken for any opinions expressed or for errors and omissions. Readers should not act on the basis of the material without taking professional advice relating to their particular circumstances.

COPYRIGHT ©1993 – 2015 Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd

All artwork created by WORKING WOMEN® is the property of Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd and must not be duplicated in another publication or promotion without written permission as it is subject to Australian copyright law. – Winter/Spring 2015 n WORKING WOMEN® 3


Extreme pressure creates diamonds –

FINDING SUCCESS in struggle Young entrepreneur EMELYE LOVELL’s traumatic personal journey shaped not only her life but her branding agency which is built on the philosophy ‘what you make people feel is more important than what you make’. It was a Friday afternoon in 2012 when Emelye Lovell, now Australia’s youngest branding agency director, was found on the floor of her office, unable to speak or explain the ways in which her world was coming apart at the seams. “I wasn’t sure if I’d been in some kind of accident … broken all the bones in my face. I thought I might be dying.” She wasn’t dying, but she was facing the onset of the horrifying nerve condition, known as trigeminal neuralgia, that would go on to define her career and life choices. The insights gained from her emotionally turbulent experiences endowed her with an acute sense of empathy and a heightened awareness for others’ emotional needs. These are qualities hard to find in advertising and branding, an industry defined by its lack of moral fortitude. “It was a time of great emotional extremes: continual misdiagnoses, unendurable pain, random recoveries and ever present dread”, says the now 25-year-old. In 2013, still without a diagnosis after countless doctors and no less than six neurology specialists, Emelye’s worsening condition began to take its toll. A young, promising strategic mind was sent to a psychiatric facility and placed on suicide watch. With no doctors to help solve the mystery, Emelye’s elder sister, Jayde, poured over text books and research papers until she found a name: trigeminal neuralgia, one of the most painful afflictions known to mankind. Trigeminal neuralgia has earned itself the unfortunate medical nickname of ‘The Suicide Disease’ because so many patients take their own lives due to the unimaginable pain, described as far worse than even childbirth. It was under this extreme pressure that

diamonds began to form. Already a gifted interpersonal thinker, Emelye rapidly developed a previously undiscovered level of emotional proficiency and began to put it to good use. Emelye went about crafting a business where brands didn’t incessantly smother their customers in deceptive or irrelevant product developments but, rather, empowered them and enriched their lives on an emotional level. Enter Bellman, where what you make people feel is more important than what you make. Bellman, an emotion-powered branding innovator, offers comprehensive branding services with a vision for adding emotional richness to the everyday experience of humanity. As director, Emelye is an advocate for women’s equality and the authority on branding for Women’s Network Australia. “Finding an economically and socially viable way to retain talented women in the industry is part of my long-term vision”, she explains. “There seems to be a glass ceiling and a whole lot of inequality nationally, particularly in my industry.” Emelye encourages other women in business to be kind to themselves. “Businesswomen work so hard. They are inherently selfless, brave and often believe they have something to prove. Well, sometimes you have to forfeit a battle to win the war. Sometimes you have to just rest for a while so as to continue. It’s important.” Melbourne’s darling of branding also attributes her continued efforts to career choice. “If you don’t care about what you’re fighting for, you will lose every time.” Emelye’s health battles continue, with multiple surgeries and ongoing trials of treatment to overcome the nerve damage, now known to be caused by an adult case of meningitis. This

4 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –

damage was made worse by an undiagnosed case of pernicious anaemia, a condition that causes nerve damage in its own right. “With diagnosis came treatments, but also solace, positivity … hope”, says Emelye, “which reinforced to me the importance of addressing people’s emotional needs as well as offering a tangible solution. They are equally important in living a fulfilled life”.

ON BEING FEMALE: Advocate for yourself. And never say anything damaging to yourself you wouldn’t dare say to a friend.

ON BUSINESS: Decide what is worth fighting for – pick your battles.

ON BRANDING: Identify the real, raw, emotional needs of your audience and ensure everything you do as a business satisfies one or more of those needs.

ON LEADERSHIP: Being a great leader means accepting that humans each have their own battles to fight. Lead with empathy, always make time for people and show your team how much you value them.

ON EQUALITY: The gender pay gap starts at a graduate level, with women earning just 84.7% of their male counterparts. Conduct a pay-gap analysis and advocate for equality inside your own business.

ON HEALTH: Without your health, you become a shadow of your potential self. Youth, money, even relationships can mean nothing without your health, so take great care of yourself and of those you love. n

CONTACT Emelye Lovell BUSINESS Bellman. PHONE +61 (3) 9049 5555

“Businesswomen work so hard. They are inherently selfless, brave and often believe they have something to prove. Well, sometimes you have to forfeit a battle to win the war. Sometimes you have to just rest for a while so as to continue. It’s important.�


Life happens when you ignore the

GLASS CEILING From administrator to chief executive officer, DEBORAH WILSON’s career journey shows that with flexibility, tenacity and well developed leadership skills, career success is yours for the taking. When you are passionate about your career and it aligns with your interests, skills, values and beliefs, there are amazing rewards for both yourself and others. When Deborah Wilson joined Brisbane Accountancy Placements in 1984 in an administrative role she never dreamt that five years on she would be living in Sydney having been appointed as a member of the company’s board. With responsibilities that varied from strategy to operational activities spanning across multiple states and countries she swiftly worked her way through the management and leadership ranks of the recruitment industry. With her strength, tenacity and ability to communicate effectively with clients, candidates and staff she became renowned for being a tough but fair leader. After almost thirteen years with Accountancy Placements/Hays, Deborah returned home to Brisbane to strategically consider her next career more. After a three month break she joined the Australian arm of Manpower Services. Appointed to the role of General Manager for Queensland and Northern Territory she had the responsibility of opening fifteen branches in just under two years. Upon successfully meeting this challenge and the company recognising her corporate intellect and ability to get the job done, she was promoted into the coveted role of Australasian Sales Manager. Deborah found the advancement into sales and the culture surrounding it an exciting and liberating experience. The role stretched her abilities and put her talents on display for the entire industry to see. Head hunters started circling and it was not long before Deborah was invited to join Hamilton James & Bruce (HJB) as a NonExecutive Director. The role expanded which involved her having to move back to Sydney so she could accept and execute her role as Executive Chairman and CEO. Without a doubt this position presented Deborah with her greatest career challenge. With the GFC taking hold, the small shareholding company

lacked regular trading and was embedded with systemic cultural issues. Never one to shy away from making the tough decisions she stepped up to the senior management role, ultimately clearing the path for HJB to be sold during the many merger and acquisitions that took place within the recruitment sector. Following the merger, Deborah returned to Brisbane and has been working with Trevor-Roberts ever since. Her relationship with the Queensland-based national career management services company commenced some 20 years earlier when she and Dr Brian Trevor-Roberts, the founder, networked and connected for common interests and purpose. In earlier years, Deborah had served on the company’s advisory board and once Dr TrevorRoberts became aware that she was back in Queensland and available he invited her to join the company.

Deborah’s Top 4 Career Tips n




U nderstand self to leverage strengths and opportunities. D on’t sit back. Continuously take on new challenges. F ind a mentor and seek counsel from those who know more. K now your stakeholders and their needs.

Having worked with Trevor-Roberts since 2009, Deborah has added value and growth to the organisation by leveraging off the success she has achieved throughout her dynamic career in the recruitment industry. She has excelled in the role, which allows her to transfer both her leadership skills and extensive knowledge of careers and the service sectors. Deborah is a people person and continues to this day to be excited by supporting and helping individuals to transform their careers. With a strong interest in the community, Deborah uses her various board appointments to give back. The recipient of Australia’s CEO Challenge Winner 2014 Award, she gained the prestigious title by campaigning against other

6 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –

Australian Executives to raise funds for and awareness of domestic violence. In a campaign that lasted only six months Deborah managed to raise in excess of $85,000, she connected socially with over 3 million people and designed and developed a return to work job search program for women whose lives have been affected by domestic violence. Deborah is passionate about educating the community and business sector that domestic violence is not acceptable and has been appointed to the Board of Australia’s CEO Challenge. She is also Member of Women’s Network Australia, a Fellow of the Institute of Company Directors and holds a Masters of Organisational Leadership. Having faced melanoma in her early 30s and a pacemaker inserted in her 50s, Deborah certainly has not let anything get in her way. Her philosophy is: “Personal and career challenges are a constant and are often reminders that we are human. Being resilient is imperative in all aspects of life”. “Interestingly we all spend an enormous amount of time working, but career planning is often taken for granted. There are so many people who are unhappy with their job or career yet they are reluctant to make change. Security, change itself, and fear of the unknown can all contribute to this. Often people just hope the organisation they work for will change, so they don’t have to.” Anyone can reach their full career potential and beyond if they are armed with the right research, planning and guidance. It’s about having confidence in yourself and networking with positive individuals where there is reciprocity. Deborah says, “Women have the potential to be great leaders and we need more of them as role models. Initially, I was horrified about gender quotas and then I thought to myself, we KPI just about everything else and if this is what it takes to get more women in leadership and board roles then let’s do it!” n

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“You have to own and take charge of your career. It is no one else’s responsibility.”

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CONTACT Deborah Wilson BUSINESS Trevor-Roberts PHONE +61 (0) 403 779 746

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1800 052 476 Winter/Spring 2015 n WORKING WOMEN® 7

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8 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –


The strategic business of

DATING As one of Australia’s leading relationship experts and dating coaches, MELANIE SCHILLING pushes business women to think and act as strategically about their relationships and dating as they do about their careers and businesses.

You might recognise Melanie Schilling as the psychologist and dating coach who is often featured in the Australian media. A regular contributor to Channel 10’s The Project, Studio 10, Channel 9’s Today Show and Mornings, and a range of online and print publications, she’s known for her informative yet fun and energetic approach. Melanie is a registered psychologist and performance coach with over fifteen years experience in both the corporate and therapeutic arenas. She has worked as a business and personal coach to women at all business levels from graduates to C suite professionals and has operated across the Asia Pacific and Middle Eastern Regions. Melanie has chosen to specialise as a dating and relationship coach for professional women. She offers individual coaching, workshops, retreats and online coaching programs. Not only does she offer her professional expertise, but also a strong personal connection to her work. Having spent her entire 30s as a single woman, Melanie met her fiancé and father of her child via online dating platform eHarmony in 2011. Now, she is a passionate advocate for a proactive, strategic approach to finding love. In 2013, Melanie became the first Australian to become accredited by the International Dating Coaching Association (IDCA) in New York, USA and in 2014, she was appointed the Dating and Relationship Expert for eHarmony Australia.


Melanie is passionate about empowering women to date strategically and to build positive relationships. “I work with busy and driven women who have had success in their careers and other areas of their lives, but have not yet applied their brilliance to their dating lives. Think about it; you wouldn’t leave your career to chance, so why do this with the most important relationship in your life?”

Some people challenge Melanie’s strategic approach to dating and label it as ‘unromantic’, but she disagrees with a cheeky smile. “Strategic dating has the potential to be more romantic than the old fashioned hit-and-miss style of dating. By intelligently defining who you are and what you want, you can screen out unsuitable partner material and only invest your time in those who meet your criteria. By the time you get to the dating table you will have a good sense of their values and lifestyle preferences. Most importantly, you can breathe easy knowing they aren’t harbouring any of your deal-breakers. There is nothing more romantic than quickly building rapport, sharing similarities, swapping values-based stories and bouncing off each other with a giggle.” Melanie works as an advisor to eHarmony Australia and is closely involved with their ‘Relationship Study’ each year in which over 1000 Australians are surveyed on all facets of their relationships. The findings are always insightful, sometimes surprising. Last year, the study found that the top three things Aussies are looking for in a relationship are: n Shared values n Similar interests n Someone to make them laugh One of the early findings to emerge this year is that although Australians place a high value on finding a more meaningful relationship, they are investing less than one hour per week in this pursuit. Melanie sees this as an opportunity. “Like any goal in life, it’s only as powerful as the action you take. You might have a clear vision for the relationship you desire, but if you spend your free time on the couch watching Sex And The City re-runs and eating Magnums you’re not going to meet your Mr Big.”

Network with Melanie and learn more about her proven relationship and dating strategies when she presents them at Women’s Network Australia’s Networking Luncheon in Melbourne on Thursday 16 July, 2015. To book visit:

Melanie’s 4 top relationship tips: 1. First, date yourself – invest in yourself, take the time to celebrate your strengths and nurture your own unique YOUness.

2. Create a positive dating mindset – practice letting go of any past relationships or painful memories and focus your mind on what you do want.

3. Develop your dating brand – look beneath the surface and consider who you are. What are your highest values? How do you like to spend your spare time? What are your dealbreakers? Use this internal benchmark as your starting point for dating conversations.

4. Build an authentic dating strategy – as in your career, develop a clear vision for what you want and follow a logical set of tactics to take you there (both online and offline). n

CONTACT Melanie Schilling BUSINESS Psychologist and Dating Coach PHONE +61 (0) 458 148 091

DATEready? Join Psychologist & Dating Coach, Melanie Schilling on a 30 day journey towards your next fabulous relationship. NEW Online Program for women who are ready to step into their dating spotlight. – Winter/Spring 2015 n WORKING WOMEN® 9


How to secure a paid


Is securing a paid board position on your list of career goals? We asked DAVID SCHWARZ to outline some helpful tips to securing a chair at the table. Provides references from fellow trustees that are often useful when you are being considered for a for-profit board. n

Prior board experience. Most search-firm databases focus on individuals sitting on a notfor-profit board and you can now call yourself a ‘Non-Executive Director’. n

How to get a paid position?

A recently retired CEO met with a number of recruiters to express her interest in board service. Whilst the conversations were enjoyable she found that the meetings seldom yielded results. Nonetheless, search firms should not be ignored; if the stars align as such and you happen to meet when the recruiter is conducting a search where your background is a fit, your name may be put forward. But many who take this approach continue to wait for ‘the’ call.

If finding a paid role is your goal then initially you must let your connections know of your interest in taking on a board seat. It is important to know what you would offer a board.

Working for a not-for-profit board should not be overlooked, it can provide great experience and improve your skills. However, serving on a notfor-profit board might not get you on a for-profit board. This would only work if someone on that board serves on a for-profit board that is looking for a new director and puts your name forward. However, if you do not yet have a board role then serving on a not-for-profit board can be very valuable.

Ask yourself if you know anyone on the board who could vouch for you. This can dramatically increase your chances of being appointed. Take into consideration what areas you are most experienced in and develop a list of target companies where your background might be a particular asset.

Benefits of working for a not-for-profit board: Gives a taste of whether you would enjoy being a board member. n

Four areas you should focus on: 1. Your prior board level experience 2. Your professional networks 3. Your executive skill set 4. Your passion for governance.

Portfolio directors insist that they have moulded their careers by following these steps. To do it effectively you should understand the skills of the current board members and how your skills would complement them.

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You cannot be everywhere and know about every vacancy. Vouching for yourself and your aspirations by approaching organisations directly is one action. To increase your chances you can also sign up to a variety of websites which can pass vacancies on to you. Always ensure your supporting documentation is up to date and that you understand the process boards take to find new appointments. It could be a long awaited, but it will be welldeserved and well-worth it. Getting that first paid board seat remains a challenge, even for highly qualified business leaders. As is the case with many business opportunities, once you land your first board invitation, others invitations are likely to follow. n

CONTACT David Schwarz BUSINESS Board Direction PHONE +61 (0) 479 196 058

Essentially, what you should do is to approach

Are you too busy to make sales calls? We specialise in the planning, implementation and follow up process of all campaigns, including strong retention and growth strategies. Whether you’re a small business or large corporate… face to face, online or telephone campaigns…our sales team are there for you when you need us.

an organisation with a ‘board solution’, that is, how you can help. Many directors have found their first paid board seat through other networks involving auditors, executive compensation consultants or lawyers they have worked with who service several board clients. Others have landed their first seat by expressing interest to contacts in venture capital firms who might become involved in initial public offerings.

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10 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –

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If one of your career aspirations is to secure a board appointment then sending your CV to a search firm is usually a waste of your time. It is important to understand that search firms are retained to find directors to serve on boards, not to find board seats for potential directors. While some do add unsolicited CVs to their databanks, others simply ignore them.

Move forward... towards the career you want! Women often undervalue themselves, they keep following the same career path or direction without reflection, review or clarity about what steps need to be taken or in which direction they are headed. Career coaching is transformational and involves the support of a dedicated and experienced Career Coach. Your key career issues are addressed, your assumptions are challenged and assessments are used to support and confirm your options and direction.

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Trevor-Roberts’ vision is a world where work provides motivation and meaning in people’s career and life; where organisational and individual success is aligned; and where people feel a sense of contribution to something greater than themselves. Combining a holistic perspective with pragmatic, evidence-based programs, we support individuals and organisations to develop the capability and confidence to ensure successful transformations that last.


Think you have what it takes? At the heart of your capacity to be successful lies your belief about whether or not you can be. Your assessment of yourself is the deciding factor of your ultimate success. SALLY DOOLEY encourages you to put your thoughts under the microscope. It’s no secret that a person’s thoughts shape their outcomes but research shows that women are more likely than men to place limitations on their success through their own thinking patterns. While women have made significant ground in their businesses and careers, they are still seriously underrepresented at the top levels across all sectors. And many senior women leaders battle with thoughts of self-doubt, being an imposter, having to be perfect and needing to be better than their male counterparts. In her book, Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg states, “In addition to the external barriers erected by society, women are hindered by barriers that exist within ourselves. We hold ourselves back in ways both big and small, by lacking self-confidence, by not raising our hands, and by pulling back when we should be leaning in.” In other words, women think about themselves in ways that result in behaviours that are counterproductive to their success. When examining the traits of both genders it is the women who often hold back because they want the approval of others. They fear that if they do raise their hands and fail, they will experience judgement and rejection, confirming their suspicion that they don’t really have what it takes. The significant difference in women who are successful in achieving their goals is that their thinking is internally referenced, rather than externally.

People who think from an internal reference: n

Have a strong and separate sense of self;


Take responsibility for getting their needs met;


Are self-confident;


Make decisions based on their values; and


Create interdependent relationships.

Conversely, people who think from an external reference: Have an adaptive sense of self, based on what others want them to be; n


Need others to meet their needs;


Need others to help them feel confident;

Make decisions based on earning others’ approval; and n

Create dependent or co-dependent relationships. n

People who are successful have often had to learn to think from an internal reference, and although it is challenging, with focus, practice and persistence, you can change the way you think.

Here are 5 strategies to help you: 1. Take 100 per cent ownership. You can’t control everything that happens in your life, but you can choose the way you think about what happens. Your thoughts then determine your outcomes. Don’t waste time blaming others or external circumstances, take responsibility for creating the life you want. 2. Build rapport with yourself. Who you are is your greatest asset! Adopt an attitude

of kindness and acceptance towards yourself. Trust and honour your thoughts, feelings, and preferences. Become your own best friend and take good care of you. 3. Re-frame your self-talk. Become aware of your internal dialogue. Listen to yourself and notice the themes that emerge. Understand that the negativity is motivated by a desire to keep you safe. 4. Get crystal clear on your values. Invest time reflecting on what is important to you and what you want to stand for. Don’t become so fused with your roles that you lose sight of who you are apart from them. Imagine yourself at the end of your life; what would you love to have achieved? 5. Focus on your strengths. Begin to value your unique strengths, actively seeking opportunities to play to them. If you are unsure of what your strengths are, email five trusted people and ask them. Successful people know who they are and where they are going, giving themselves permission to be their best. You now have some strategies to harness your thinking so you can build your confidence and capacity to achieve your goals. n

CONTACT Sally Dooley BUSINESS Coach | Facilitator | Speaker PHONE +61 (0) 421 699 625

Take your leadership to a new level through coaching and workshops designed by women leaders for women leaders. Focusing on 7 key capabilities you will create proven strategies to: • Build your confidence and minimise self doubt • Manage your psychology through empowering self-talk • Find your voice and communicate with presence • Influence powerfully • Manage your energy for sustainable success

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Visit and book a free 30 minute coaching session and find out more about products and services available at a 10% discount for Working Women readers only. (Coaching sessions can be conducted in person, by telephone or Skype)

12 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –


Your supporting act on the


Thinking of expanding your business overseas? JENNIFER McQUEEN outlines who and where you can locate information, resources and support services when taking your business to the international stage. Now is the best time in years, to take the plunge and expand your business overseas and there is plenty of support available to get you started! Taking your business offshore? You don’t need to go it alone. In recent years, Australian companies internationally engaged showed declining participation rates. One of the key barriers was the high value of our dollar. Nevertheless, those who were active overseas revealed a wide range of benefits to their business, employees and the wider community. Now that the dollar is approaching a more realistic level against other currencies, opportunities for Australian companies are expanding. This, combined with the increasing wealth of our neighbours, shows greater appetite for Australian expertise in a wide range of industries. 84 per cent of Australian exporters are now small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and now is the time to get serious about taking your business overseas, particularly in light of the new Free Trade Agreements signed with Japan, Korea and China. Newcomers in the international arena are often intimidated by the huge learning curve needed to get yourself a place overseas. This is no different from starting your first business, buying your first home or making your first large investment. Where you lack in confidence, knowledge and connections, there is a wealth of information and support available to make your job easier. As you would engage a lawyer, accountant or other professional to help you with those decisions, then shouldn’t you consider

seeking professional help for your export/ import efforts? Assistance is available from three main areas: n

Government agencies


Industry groups and chambers


Private providers.

Government agencies are spear-headed by the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFAT) and the Australian Trade Commission (Austrade). Each state government also has a department that can assist with international introductions and connections. Also, the city council in almost every state capital has a trade division whose staff can provide introductions. These organisations frequently act as introduction agencies and will work with people from most industry sectors. Many run trade missions, where you join a diverse group of business owners and are escorted to and around a destination to get a feel for the location and its environment. This will allow you to decide firsthand whether you want to pursue that market in general terms, but offers very little specific guidance on your prospects. Most of these services are chargeable. Industry groups have a greater understanding of you and your business, how it runs and its challenges and can link you with similar groups in the destination, but can offer little individual guidance. International chambers provide linkages with their counterparts across a wide range of industries and are helpful with local customs and regulations, but won’t know much

about your specific business. Many of these services are free to members, but some are chargeable. Private providers can range from your own bank, customs agents, cultural/translation and other services to a limited number of experienced international business consultants. These firms charge for services, but their focus is on you and your business and how to get the best result for you in the shortest time. They understand that you need to make money whilst watching your costs. Another key part of this mix is in finance. Most companies beginning an export campaign know of the Export Market Development Grant (EMDG). This scheme will reimburse up to 50 per cent of eligible costs, including many of the fees charged by the specialist advisors above. In addition, most state governments also run their own export grants program. The Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC) is increasingly supporting SME business efforts to export, source investment or participate in off-shore projects through a range of finance options and guarantees. Engaging the right mix of experienced support and doing your homework, will allow you to have the right connections to make inroads overseas. n

CONTACT Jennifer McQueen BUSINESS Ausnindo Consulting Group PHONE +61 (3) 9722 9406

Leverage off our 30 years of experience to take YOUR Business into the ASEAN region. Ausnindo has been in international business consulting longer than anyone else in Australia. If you want results, talk to us first. Tel: +61 (3) 8862 6363 Email: – Winter/Spring 2015 n WORKING WOMEN® 13


Why your business


As they say, “when one door closes another opens”. It is only when we experience seemingly negative situations, says DEB RAE, that our eyes are truly opened to new possibilities and opportunities. For women who have big dreams and clear goals, roadblocks along the way can be very frustrating. They pull you away from your ‘real’ work and demand so much precious time and energy. With this distraction you can lose focus, then have to work even harder just to get back to where you started. There is another way though. Instead of struggling against setbacks, greater rewards can be gained from using them to your advantage. Valuable opportunities are embedded in your problems; if you can put aside your frustration long enough to see them. When you do this, your progress will be far beyond your initial expectations. Use these steps to open your eyes and mind so you can see new opportunities in old problems.

Recognise your reaction to roadblocks How do you react when things do not go the way you planned? Do you get angry? Find someone to blame? Fight the urge to quit? Or do you get even more determined to succeed? Regardless of which of these reactions you experience, of most importance is which of them you choose to act upon. Try resisting the impulse to revert to old habits when you are confronted with a problem. Instead, decide to consciously choose a positive frame of mind. Even if you do not know exactly what to do yet, you can choose an approach that will serve you well in the long-term. For example, an older worker who is made redundant could react by feeling depressed,

angry or victimised. Or they could see an opportunity to create the future they have always wanted. They may choose to pursue a long-held passion, start their own business or spend more time with their family.

term, you might identify some useful long-term lessons to be learnt. It sounds simple, but when you are focused on a pre-determined path to an outcome, busy and stressed, these everyday lessons could be lost to you.

Check your vision When you are forging a path towards a goal, it is not uncommon for your vision to narrow. That singular focus can keep you motivated, but it can also blind you to new ideas, excellent innovations and influential people. The path to your goal is not a one-track linear process. A problem you might consider as a huge step backwards could actually be a springboard to exciting business opportunities.

For example, being confronted with an expensive computer problem could motivate you to rapidly improve your technological skills. With these skills, you could prevent future IT problems, negotiate effectively with IT consultants and implement new IT applications that save you time and money. Other valuable lessons may be what not to do when employing staff, how to structure your schedule for maximum efficiency and which tasks you are better off outsourcing.

Setbacks compel you to look for new ways to achieve your goals. They can unleash your creativity and encourage you to consider all options, from multiple perspectives. Actioning just one of these options could generate returns and supercharge your progress.

Setbacks can be draining, costly and frustrating. They can also be a source of opportunity and a driver of innovation and growth. Whether setbacks have a beneficial or detrimental impact on your business depends on how you approach them.

For example, the resignation of a key senior staff member could prompt a revamp of your business structure, resulting in greater efficiency with lower costs. A failed product can also trigger the development of a higher quality product, better production processes and a new customer base.

When you manage your reactions, maintain a broad vision and actively seek what you can learn from setbacks, you can discover valuable opportunities with potential for astounding achievements. These opportunities are waiting for you now, in every future problem you are fortunate enough to encounter. n

Acknowledge the lessons learnt Sometimes there are no immediate benefits to be found in a setback. They just create so much hassle that you can barely get back to normal, let alone find any new opportunities. While you may not gain any tangible benefits in the short

CONTACT Deb Rae BUSINESS Deb Rae Solutions PHONE +61 (0) 448 573 078

Stop struggling! Start succeeding with transformational change at work or in your personal life.

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it can break down ‘overnight’

JEN HARWOOD values the importance of support from friends, family and associates who are the backbone to any successful business person. Sarah owned one of the best restaurants in town. She and her business partner, Tom, ran the business together. Tom was the head chef and Sarah ran the front of house, and did all the administration and marketing. They were a dynamic combination and, from the day they took over the business, the locals came in droves for the quality food and excellent customer service. The business became an established name and everything was going great for everyone. In Sarah’s world of business everything was working beautifully until... One day Sarah’s best friend, Lauren, told her that she had been offered a great job in London and was leaving town. Sarah used to talk to Lauren daily about everything and suddenly she couldn’t (Sage gone). Soon afterwards, Sarah was having a conversation with the local butcher who informed her that due to market conditions, the price of meat was going up – significantly (Catalyst). In response, Sarah decided to just market harder. She didn’t seek any advice about the strategy and after a few months, it was obvious that the strategy wasn’t working. Again, Sarah tried to figure it out for herself. Her business advisor David, came in for a meal and bluntly told her that the business was a mess, that she had better sort it out or it was going to be a disaster. Then he overwhelmed her with strategies on how to fix the business. Sarah was angry and felt ashamed and

exposed, and had a big argument with him and asked him to leave (Scholar gone). Yes, Sarah knew she had a problem. She decided she had to let go of staff. So Sarah became the permanent front of house person with one main waiter Pete, and some casual waiters for peak times (Motivators gone). Sarah is a beautiful woman, but, as the front of house person for the restaurant seven days a week, she started to look tired. She was frustrated, angry and grumpy. No longer did she have time to speak to her girlfriends (Bystanders), as she was constantly working. Sarah was being everything – greeting guests, taking orders, delivering dishes and snapping at the casual staff, who had no training because Sarah didn’t have the time to train them. She was moody and abrupt. The restaurant was losing its regulars (Enthusiasts) in their droves. The cash flow of the business was bad. Sarah and Tom were fighting. There was no money to pay their families. The accountant was brought in and he declared the business was insolvent. If they closed the doors right then, they could save their houses. Sarah didn’t want a bar of that. She could fix this. She told the accountant that she could fix it, and so he left the meeting, shaking his head with real concern (Grounder gone).

He said, “We’ve got to stop, Sarah, I need to get a job. The business can’t pay me a wage and I can’t feed my kids or pay for the house.” In that moment, Sarah realised the business was dead. Her dream was dead and she had lost everything. What’s incredible is that this happened within six months of her friend going to the UK! This same situation happens to thousands of businesses every year. Good people doing good things suddenly fail, fall over or go broke. Have you ever heard the question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Well, now you know. Their support collapses, sometimes without them even realising and drama rushes in. They go into survival mode and become a (Lone Wolf). The more isolated and alone the wolf becomes, the more they fight for survival and the more they become a hard or difficult business owner. If you or someone you know is struggling with their business or career, it’s not too late to take back control. Remember, no one ever becomes great and stays great by themselves! n

The business slowed down. They no longer opened during the day, just nights. The business couldn’t meet its obligations and Sarah was left standing with her last supporter Tom (Anchor).


CONTACT Jen Harwood BUSINESS The Jenerator! Pty Ltd PHONE 1300 791 291

The Greatness Principle™ has been written for leaders in the three main areas of influence in our community – corporate, small business and family. Wherever you lead in your work, business or life, this book is a MUST to ensure your support system is in place to create GREAT results for all. Jen Harwood, leadership expert, has been working in the field of business leadership and success for over 15 years. This book’s concept is simple, yet incredibly powerful and when applied to your business, your workplace or family, magic happens. Jen is extremely excited to be releasing this information as her clients have been asking for it for the last few years.

For more information please call 1300 791 291

Buy your copy now at – Winter/Spring 2015 n WORKING WOMEN® 15



with a service culture

Ever wondered what happened to good old-fashioned customer service? SARAH SAVVAS looks at the amazing results achieved by businesses driven by a service culture. Australian businesses are starting to understand the significance of providing exceptional service, but what does this mean for your business and how can it help your bottom line? By definition, a ‘Service Culture’ is a culture within an organisation where customer satisfaction is the top priority. No business can exist without customers. How you treat or mistreat customers can determine how long your doors will stay open. And bad service can be a one-way ticket to business failure. For many years, customer service has been seriously lacking in Australia but what we are currently seeing is an emerging trend being driven by some of Australia’s largest corporate players. The trend is a shift of focus from ‘sales at any cost’ to a much more customer centric focus. What we are seeing is the emergence of a ‘Service Culture’.

Why build a service culture? Building a service culture will enable your organisation to achieve key business objectives and set you apart from your competitors, allowing you to compete beyond price. It will also help achieve the following objectives: n

Strengthen staff and customer loyalty

Create a level of consistency at all customer touch points n


Increase referral and sales rates


Build better long-term business relationships

Understand customer acquisition versus retention n

Improve net promoter scores and other customer metrics n

Increase the long-term value of your customers n

Retain your best customers by going beyond customer satisfaction and really delivering on service and value. n

How do you create a service culture and how will it help your business? 1. Understand that you are in the service business. Most businesses think they are in manufacturing or retail or any other number of industries. But the truth is that we are all in the service industry.

2. Eliminate policies, procedures, and systems

development to keep them at their best.

5. Retrain the whole staff every four to six months. No matter if you have 10 or 1000 employees, you need to be constantly refreshing your team’s capabilities with new ideas and skills.

6. Measure the results. You have to track the numbers so you understand that it is worth the time and effort because it’s making an impact on revenue, profit, and market share. It won’t take you long to realise the power of the ‘Service Culture’ and the rewards it will bring to your business. It will improve customer retention and loyalty, increase sales and revenue and ultimately, improve the bottom line.

that don’t put your customers first. If your business has restrictive hours, regulations or procedures that are making life difficult for your customers, change them. Simplicity is the name of the game when it comes to customer service. How can you make your customer’s life easier?

Exceptional service is your single strongest marketing strategy for increasing sales; as it can result in repeat business and word-ofmouth referrals. This can be worth a significant chunk of your annual revenue without any additional cost because the work has already been done.

3. Empower your employees. Every single

Satisfied customers are your best and most cost effective marketing tool. n

employee has to be able to make fast and powerful decisions on the spot, and always with the customer’s interest in mind.

4. It starts with hiring. Industry service leaders are the ones that hire one out of 50 applicants, maybe even one out of 100. You have to hire the strongest customer centric team and then continue to invest in their ongoing

16 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –

CONTACT Sarah Savvas BUSINESS Profit Works Training &

Consulting 1300 138 942 PHONE


Computer use training designed to care for individuals and

boost productivity

From bank clerk to being awarded a PhD, ELIZABETH KIRK’s wide-reaching career has led her to blend industry and academic knowledge and develop the next step in office training; a unique skills-based health and safety program for all computer users. Elizabeth Kirk as a research/practitioner has combined her love of training, a belief in the enormous advantages of empowering the individual and the identified need to address the growing rates of overuse injuries associated with long hours of computer use. This has prompted Elizabeth to develop “Move It Training” (Safe Computer Use Skills training program), complete a PhD (awarded the UQ Dean’s award in 2013) and launch her new company, The Corporate Body Institute. The need to develop the Move It Training program was identified when Elizabeth worked briefly in a contact centre. What was meant to be an easy 9 to 5 sit down job turned out to be very mentally and physically stressful. A review of literature found that overuse injuries, such as RSI, are considered a significant public health issue and contemporary occupational health problem. They are also among the most common workers’ compensation claims. Over 86% of data entry or contact centre operators experience some level of musculoskeletal discomfort. “It has been reported that computers have caused more discomfort and injury than any other piece of equipment in history,” says Elizabeth. Recognising there was no personalised skillbased training available for computer users, Elizabeth went back to university to build a program that refined recommendations – including risk factors, ergonomics, work behaviours and injury prevention – to meet individual needs.

ELIZABETH’S TOP TIPS FOR COMFORT WHILE WORKING Combine good hydration and your 10,000 steps a day goal by using a small glass or water bottle at your desk with regular refills. n

You blink at only one-tenth of the normal rate when working on a screen. Look into the distance or at a green space poster (like a cool rain forest picture) to relax your eyes and consider using computer eye drops. n

With lots of practical skills and common sense advice, the Move It Training program is designed for any computer user to help them avoid the discomfort and injury associated with long hours of computer use. Elizabeth believes that workplace wellness programs such as these will increasingly play an important role in supporting women to achieve that elusive work and home life balance. Programs that are practical and easy to apply are readily transferred home. This program is very strong in this regard. Participants have reported sharing many ideas with partners, children or friends. Simple tips with immediate benefits. “These days the computer is an essential part of our work and home life,” she says. “It is increasingly important to develop the work skills we need to avoid long term harm with the associated economic and personal cost. In addition, with an ageing workforce and the continued shift to a ‘knowledge’ economy, these programs will also provide ongoing engagement and economic benefits to business.” n

Get a colleague to photograph you while you are working. You might be surprised to see that you are not sitting in the relaxed balanced work posture. Try to ensure you are resting back in the chair with both arms resting equally on the work surface. n

Taking a class like yoga or body balance is wonderful for your long-term health and wellbeing. I like kickboxing as some days I just feel the need to hit something! n

Don’t forget to take care of your mental health. Taking time for yourself is not selfish, it is just common sense. We are at our best when our battery is fully charged! n

CONTACT Dr Elizabeth Kirk (PhD) BUSINESS Move It Training PHONE +61 (7) 3722 3000 EMAIL

The Corporate Body Institute – Winter/Spring 2015 n WORKING WOMEN® 17



mobile friendly?

With all the talk about online marketing and being mobile friendly, are you clear on what it means for your business and how to use it effectively? Do you know where to start and how to set yourself up to achieve the desired outcomes? SIGRID DE KASTE explores online and mobile friendly marketing, what it means and how you can use it to your advantage. Simply stated, online marketing is taking your promotional efforts and being visible to the internet, with the purpose to reach your chosen client or customer. There are two reasons why being mobile friendly is so important for your online platforms and website:

1. More than 70 per cent of information searches now happen on mobile devices such as mobile phones or tablets.

2. As of the 21st of April, 2015 Google has been using mobile responsiveness of websites as a ranking factor in search results.

the most obvious starting points for online marketing. And if you are not yet sure which social media platform your buyers prefer, set up a Google+ account and profile and start using it for information sharing. Why Google+? Because Google will show your posts in searches on page one if the information is relevant. For a trade type business, a Google ‘My Business’ listing is an absolute essential. Achieving a page one ranking for your website takes a lot more work, so focus on what products and services you might be able to create as digital products.

New research shows that potential customers are increasingly using online platforms to form opinions about purchases. Today’s buyers rarely contact suppliers directly until 57 per cent of the buying process is complete. The challenge for businesses is to know where to be present online with information that guides and helps buyers with their purchasing decisions.

Digital products are the big trend – they are usually made up of information in the form of text, audio or video which can be sold worldwide.

Knowing these facts, it is also important to consider that buyers are looking online for local businesses too. Tradespeople need to be especially aware of this and ensure they have a mobile responsive website.

(keywords) more easily.

So where and how can you can start marketing online right now? Social media platforms and your website are

Promoting your digital product online can be very successful for two reasons:

1. You can sell to a global market. 2. You can target very specific ‘search terms’ What are the most important aspects of online and mobile friendly marketing?

learning, then your marketing must always be teaching. Online platforms allow for fast release and update of information so you can show your most up-to-date and relevant product or service, tips and benefits. When using posts, blogs, social media and advertising or industry relevant websites, it is most important to give information your customers are searching for and to use ‘lead capture’ tools and techniques so you can follow up your prospects. Lead capture tools are offers you give customers for free, but they must provide their name and email address so you can send the free information to them. For beginners, the concept of online marketing might seem difficult and daunting. The best way is to start with a clear strategy and a focused plan which should involve research into what your ultimate goal is and who you are targeting as customers. You will find the process more manageable if you tackle each online marketing tactic step by step and it won’t be long before you start seeing the results. n

Customer searching and learning is happening online and on mobile devices all the time. n


If the customer is always searching and

CONTACT Sigrid de Kaste BUSINESS Stickybeak Marketing PHONE 1300 880 408

Online Marketing Workshops Having a website is not enough ...

Next workshop

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4 ways to save time and money on

content creation

It’s no secret that content marketing is now an essential part of any businesses marketing strategy, but in smaller organisations the time and budget needed to produce quality content is often non-existent. KAREN MOLONEY explores four ways of producing quality content when you are time poor or operating on a shoestring marketing budget.

According to the latest research, 69 per cent of business to consumer (B2C) marketers and 70 per cent of business to business (B2B) marketers are creating more content than they did a year ago, so content marketing should still be a key part of your overall marketing strategy for this year.

the-minute information on your website or online magazine. There are lots of curation tools available which will scour the web and return articles, tweets, blog posts, news and more on your chosen topic.

the eBook example again, let’s say you write it yourself. You can then: n

Split the book into a series of blog posts.

Use quotes from the book in social media marketing. n

The main obstacles to good content creation are time and money to produce useful and relevant resources that will appeal to your target audience. Here are four ways you can create quality content quickly and easily.

You can select which items you want to share with your readers and add your own views to personalise the content. Some tools are free and some are paid, but it’s best to start with a free tool while you get used to it, then review paid options when you can see that this is working for your business as a marketing tactic.

Guest writers


Guest writers are a great option if you have a blog or publish articles on your website. If you are getting the right traffic, other business owners are usually happy to provide you with content in order to gain exposure to potential clients and raise their profile.

Believe it or not, when it comes to content creation, spending money on outsourcing can actually save you money! Outsource tasks that you can’t do or don’t enjoy so you can focus on where you add most value in the business.

Your marketing strategy will identify different client niches and marketing channels which will suit different content formats, so start with one topic and repurpose as much as you can before moving on to the next.

For example, if you don’t like writing but want to produce an eBook, you can:

Every target audience is looking for useful and relevant content they can apply to their business or personal life quickly and easily. Therefore, it is almost irrelevant as to whether you create or produce the actual content yourself, or outsource the content creation.

Things to consider when working with guest writers: Research previous published content to ensure they produce quality output that is in line with your business message and brand.


Record yourself talking about the topic.


Get a transcript of the recording.


Think strategically about how this person writing for your blog or website can benefit both parties and position the invitation to the guest writer accordingly. n

Edit the transcript yourself or get someone else to edit it for you. n

Send the final version to a graphic designer for conversion into a more visually appealing eBook format. n

Ensure that anything written is exclusive to your website or business and that you own the copyright for content created.

The trick here is to focus on where you need to be involved and then outsource the rest.

Curated content

Repurposing is the most cost effective and efficient way to generate content. If you take


Content curation is an easy way to get up-to-



Produce the eBook as an audio book.


Split the audio book into a series of podcasts.

Use facts from the book to create an infographic. n

Create a slideshow from a chapter of the book and narrate to create a video … and so on. n

If it is you who supplies the content then it is you they will build a relationship with and ultimately spend money with. n

CONTACT Karen Moloney BUSINESS Killa Konversations PHONE 1300 723 158

Our services include: • Purchase and Sale of Residential Property • Retail and Commerical Leasing • SMSF for Property Wealth • Complimentary Contract Reviews

Ph: 1300 659 231 – Winter/Spring 2015 n WORKING WOMEN® 19


The top 5 elements that give

life to your brand Style the brand of your business so it matches your own style and personality with these visual branding tips from JEANNE TRELOAR.

Your visual brand creates a ‘look’ that ultimately represents you and your business. First impressions are crucial across so many aspects of business, including your branding; so it’s important that you represent your business in an authentic way.

put it. The colours you choose can be in the background and sit behind your logo, or they can be part of your logo. Often it’s best to have one dominant colour that is eye catching and powerful. Too many colours can be confusing, unpleasant and won’t relate back to your business.

Creating a memorable brand for your business is not something that happens overnight, it takes time, repetition and consistency. The entire process should be given the appropriate attention it deserves so you don’t sell yourself or your business short.

Choosing a colour which best represents your business can be difficult, but many recommend keeping in mind colour theory, which provides practical guidance to colour mixing and the visual effects of specific colour combinations.

A worthy brand is something which reflects the essence of your business and speaks to clients on a level that goes beyond speech.

can say a lot about you and your business. The font you choose largely communicates your style, whether it’s informal, corporate, fun, casual, professional etc.

1. LOGO – a logo gives you a foundation on which to build a brand. When developing your logo, consider things like shape, layout and how it will fit into different spaces. Logos appear in a variety of places and may need to be adaptable for website headers and square shapes which are often used in social media. Ask your designer to give you a selection of layouts so that you have a logo which can be used in different spaces without the need to stretch it. Take time choosing your logo and make sure it is something that you can be happy with long term.

2. COLOUR – this is probably the most important aspect of your visual brand. Colour will dominate your brand, no matter where you

3. FONT – fonts have personality and they

Ask your designer to supply you with the font and ensure the fonts are converted to paths on your logo files. If they are not converted and you send your logo to a sign writer, for example, who doesn’t have the font installed on their computer, the font will convert to something different.

4. BACKGROUND ELEMENTS – images are the first and sometimes the only thing that people see. Subtle or strong, a background can impact on the look and feel of your brand and help to create a style that is unique and individual. You are only limited by your imagination and plenty of ideas and inspiration can be found on stock photography websites.

Take time choosing your logo and make sure it is something that you can be happy with long term. To avoid legal issues and maintain originality always create your own images, take your own photos or purchase stock images.

5. PHOTOGRAPH – whether you are a small business or large company, the importance of having professional photographs is rising. By including photographs in your marketing and advertising material you will enhance your client relationships. A personal photo inspires trust from prospective clients. Spend the money on professional photos and make sure you update them every year or two, otherwise the photograph is not reflecting you as you appear. Building a brand is an exciting process but it takes time. If you try to speed up the process and cut corners the only one who loses is you. Invest some time researching other brands, work out what images and fonts will best represent your style. Although you need to be happy with the design, keeping an open mind as to what will be well-received by clients should be your priority. n

CONTACT Jeanne Treloar BUSINESS Sassy Branding PHONE +61 (0) 413 374 634

Are you a sassy entrepreneur? Intuitive graphic design and print services for your logo, website, business cards, flyers, banners, signage & facebook pages... just to name a few!

Call: 0413 374 634

20 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –

It’s these exceptional beings whose mission in business enriches the human experience. And that’s our mission too.



Chasing perfection?

Learn to love who you are

If you are like most women the judgments you make about your body are less than kind and at their worst can diminish your confidence and enjoyment of life. KIM ADAMS explores how you can start to love and appreciate your unique body. “If only my thighs were slimmer. I hate my stomach, I can’t wear anything I like. I hate my body.” If someone were to record your internal voice, the voice that criticises and judges your body on a daily basis, you would probably be shocked at how mean you are to yourself. My guess is that you would never to talk to a friend or loved one in the same way. So why do you do it to yourself? Unfortunately girls, and to an increasing extent boys, come to connect how they look with their self-worth. They are constantly exposed to cultural expectations of what beauty is supposed to look like, along with the media showing unrealistic examples of what women apparently should look like. Despite all the debate about photoshopping and the use of stick-thin models, we continue to be bombarded with celebrity role models who are very slender, unlined, firm-bodied and scarily ageless. So how can you start to look at yourself in the same way as you would look at someone you love? First, you must become aware of your thoughts, catching yourself out when negative judgments arise. Maybe you beat yourself up when you eat forbidden food or maybe you berate yourself every time you look in the mirror, or maybe you are constantly saying you need to go on a diet in front of your daughter.

Start to replace these negative comments with a more positive reframe. Choose to see and acknowledge your strengths. Choose to honour your body’s heritage. For example, rather than cringing at your thick thighs, acknowledge their strength and ability to do all the hard work they do during the day.

Yes, exercise is important, but rather than punishing your body with exercise you don’t like, find a movement that you enjoy and that makes you feel wonderful in your body. Second, bite your tongue. When you receive a compliment simply smile and say thank you. Nothing more. There is no need to feel compelled to point out a flaw you have or to deflect the compliment by shooting a flattering comment back at the other person. You may find this challenging, feeling like you really don’t deserve it or the other person is just being nice and doesn’t mean it. But they would not have bothered saying anything if they didn’t mean it. There was an article in the news recently stating that professional women should not compliment the physical appearance (shoes, dress, hair cut) of other women as it demeans their professional skills and knowledge. I disagree. While we should not focus on outer beauty in lieu of inner beauty, intelligence and grace, we equally should not stop enjoying the fun of feminine beauty and style just because we are smart and successful.

Third, start to treat your body with love and affection right now. Don’t wait until you lose 10 kilograms and don’t put it off until some imaginary future when you will have more time and more money. Self-care starts with being a little selfish. That might mean setting a daily ritual of body brushing and then using beautiful natural essential oils on your skin. Or you might prefer to indulge in a regular body massage or a pampering facial. Yes, exercise is important, but rather than punishing your body with exercise you don’t like, find a movement that you enjoy and that makes you feel wonderful in your body. Don’t beat yourself up at the gym if it makes you feel awful and as if your body is a failure. Maybe yoga or belly dancing or simply walking in the park would better suit your body and your personality. Do what makes your body feel good as it is right now. The funny thing is that when you start to be kinder and more compassionate with your body it will naturally start to respond to healthy diet and exercise. When you love your body, life gets just that little more fun and your increased confidence will shine through no matter what size, shape or age you are. n

CONTACT Kim Adams BUSINESS Happy Healthy Groovy PHONE +61 (0) 404 061 767

Do you know that your relationship with your body is a reflection of your relationship with life? Are you ready to be Happy Healthy and Groovy into your 40s and beyond? 2015 is the perfect time to take charge of your health and wellbeing.

5 – 12 Sept, 2015

Kim is passionate about helping you find balance and health in mind, body and soul so that you love life and love your body. Kim’s inviting you to join her in Koh Samui, Thailand 5 – 12 September 2015 for her ‘Groovy Goddess Getaway’ retreat. Relax and pamper yourself in a 5 star luxury villa and reconnect with your inner body wisdom. You’ll discover how to easily look after your body so it feels and looks great, and you’ll gain crystal clear clarity on your true purpose and passion.

Kim Adams – Coaching | Workshops | Retreats Visit the website for more information or contact Kim to find out if this is the getaway for you on Mobile: +61 (0) 404 061 767

Website: 22 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –


Is social media doing HARM TO YOUR BUSINESS? Management of your business reputation is a key aspect of any business. ANNA CAIRO outlines how you can use social media to manage risk and enhance your reputation.

Many small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), particularly small businesses believe that social media can’t harm their business because they are too small. This is a complete myth. Regardless of whether a business is large or small, social media impacts all businesses in some way. There is a lot of focus on negative comments posted on social media platforms as being a big risk and potentially damaging for businesses. This threat is very genuine; however, not all social media risks come from negative comments or posts.

Here are three ways social media can damage your business which have nothing to do with negative postings.

NO SOCIAL PRESENCE Are you one of those businesses that believe that social media is a waste of time or a passing phase? For whatever reason, some small businesses choose not to be active in the social media space. This may be doing your business harm. Almost 70 per cent of Australians now use social media to communicate in some way. Your business is potentially missing out on opportunities if it is not part of it. And you are also providing your competitors with an advantage and a head start in terms of social communication with your potential target market. All businesses need to have a social media presence. Social media is no longer a buzz word.

NOT BEING SOCIAL Do you have a social media presence, but you don’t regularly engage, or even worse, simply broadcast marketing messages in a one-way direction? This is fundamentally flawed use of social media. Social media is at its core a ‘social’ communication platform which means your business needs to be ‘social’. Posting or tweeting without engaging can actually harm your business more than you realise. Many businesses share content and then fail to engage or respond to the comments which undoes the good work they have done. It is important to engage with your audience; share your message and respond to comments. It demonstrates that you are a business with a human face that is providing value. Otherwise why should people like, follow or view your posts if you can’t be bothered responding to their questions, queries or comments? Citing lack of time as a reason is no longer viable. Schedule time every day for checking and responding. Use social media to enhance your brand message and to assist with brand reputation management.

NOT FOCUSING ON YOUR ORIGINAL CONTENT Do you share copious amounts of other people’s content? It is great that your business is being active, however, take the time to create your own content and share it with your audience?

One of the benefits of digital technologies is that it allows you the ability to create content – so use this to your advantage. Every piece of content is an opportunity to endorse and enhance your brand and for people to get to know your business. Social media is well and truly entrenched in our professional and personal lives. There are many positive opportunities for using social media to promote and strengthen your brand. Your business needs to be active on social media, creating content and sharing it with your audiences.

FINAL WORD Social media is about connecting and participating in two-way interactions and communication. It is about people not marketing. So use social media to provide valuable content to your audience by delivering solutions to common questions they may have. Failure to do so will impact on your business and damage your reputation. n

CONTACT Anna Cairo BUSINESS Anna Cairo Consulting PHONE +61 (0) 417 010 877

Social Media in the Workplace


Is your workplace equipped and protected? In the workplace, social media provides both opportunities and risks. Is your business: • Concerned about social media reputational, legal and operational risks? • Not sure how to manage social media risks and intergenerational employees? Anna Cairo Consulting facilitates practical solutions tailored to your business.


Business Energy

Are you looking for more clarity or have a great idea and need help moving forward? See how we can assist you with your next business venture.

Developing your own original content is important to promote yourself as an expert or industry leader. Your business needs to create its own content in the form videos, articles, infographics, pod casts and images.

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The winter months are often cold, dreary and draining on your motivation levels. Rather than letting the winter blues get the better of you, use these proactive steps outlined by KIRSTY O’CALLAGHAN so you and your team will be happy and productive throughout the winter season and beyond.

Are you finding that both you and your team are lethargic, finding it hard to concentrate, and are less motivated and inspired than usual? Are you lacking the positive outlook and energy you usually have? There is a reason for this. Research has suggested that up to 20 per cent of the population may suffer from the ‘winter blues’, caused by fewer hours of daylight, less direct sunlight, cold or cooler temperatures, and other weather conditions. Some signs of the winter blues include fatigue, an inability to concentrate and even depression. These feelings can make it particularly difficult for you and your team to remain energetic and motivated and can lead to a significant decrease in performance and mental energy, as well as an increase in frustration and absenteeism.

Here’s how to keep up productivity in the winter months:

SET CHALLENGES A lack of challenge can leave all of us disinterested. Challenge will increase motivation as well as overall satisfaction. Make challenges realistic with a stretch to keep those mind muscles sharp.

PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Satisfaction and stability are enhanced when

Get the results you desire from home to workplace

development plans are in place and they are actioned. It keeps life interesting, you feel a sense of purpose and the commitment will keep the winter blues at bay.

especially one done well. This type of reward benefits both you and your team members and prevents exhaustion, and frustration.


Offer and access guidance, support and direction for your team and yourself. The more support and accountability you have the more likely you are to see an increase in goal attainment and overall satisfaction.

During the cooler months there is less daylight so there are more excuses not to get out and exercise. This leaves you feeling more lethargic and more stressed. Make time to connect to the outdoors in some way. Even a 20 minute walk three times a week will make a huge difference. You may like to organise something regularly for your workplace to get everyone moving.

WATER Did you know that if you are dehydrated you will lack energy? In winter it is not as hot so you don’t feel as thirsty, and there are also so many nice warm alternatives like hot chocolate and coffee for you to enjoy. However, in winter you still need to keep up your water intake to flush out the toxins in your body and maintain good overall health.

REWARD It is important to recognise outstanding performance, it is also important to reward it. Consider giving yourself or your team members time off, or a later start time (who doesn’t love a winter sleep in) after completing a particularly stressful project,

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HAVE FUN AND KEEP SMILING Work doesn’t always have to be work. Make your work environment fun by using this time to connect with others, network, make wildly enormous goals, and create a vision for spring work projects. Go to networking luncheons, coffee catch ups and make time to enjoy the winter weather. What do you like about winter? Clothes, food, company, open fires, or cooler temperatures? Whatever it is, identify it and enhance it. If you are looking forward to things, you will want to get out of bed each morning and you will be able to do it with a smile. n

CONTACT Kirsty O’Callaghan BUSINESS Unity-Qld PHONE +61 (0) 402 889 648

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Take time to

MAKE TIME Ever felt a dip in your productivity and wondered what you could do about it? Use these tips by LOUISE D’ALLURA to get back on track.

Ever had one of those weeks when some days you are in the ‘zone’ – highly productive, focused and efficient – only to experience the complete opposite the next day? Take a moment to identify which of the following strategies you can work on.

Nothing to feed the family again? You need this Guide now! ! ! ! ! !


! ! !

Plan Schedule a meeting with yourself every week – creating a ritual of a planning on a Friday or Sunday allows you to go into your next week with clarity.



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During this meeting: Confirm your goals and priorities.


Look at what’s on your plate next week, and for the following weeks. n

Decide what you must to do this week for upcoming projects. n

Batch your to-dos including phone calls, online research and emails etc. n

This meeting will make it easier for you to say ‘no’ to requests and you will know if you are moving away from or towards your goals.

Use planning tools Document your appointments, your to-dos and projects by using planning tools. Whether you use technology or pen and paper is irrelevant. Just find the system that works best for you. An ideal system is one that allows you to see, at a glance, what’s on over the next few weeks and tasks you need to complete this week. Don’t forget when you are writing your to-do list to batch tasks so you can power through them.

Commit You also need commit to doing the work you can’t plan for – at some point you actually need to do it. If you find you are not getting the work done, take a look at your schedule and commitments. Be honest about how you use and abuse your time. If you find that even though you plan to do things, other things pop up or it takes longer than you anticipated, you might be an ‘in the moment’ type of person. While this is helpful in some ways, you might be finding you don’t get time for your to-dos until it’s too late? If everyone else’s agenda is more important,

you have to learn the art of discernment. Even though you may have a habit of saying ‘yes’ to everything, work out what you are actually saying ‘no’ to.

Set boundaries One of the hardest lessons to learn as a high achiever is that you don’t have to be on call 24/7. You actually need to take time out because you will be better and more creative for it. Really, how often does a brilliant idea or solution come to you while you are at your desk? Not often! So we become a ‘human doing’ rather than a ‘human being’. Setting boundaries is one of the hardest lessons to learn but the most valuable to business and personal success.

Uncover your Meal Planning Personality & take the stress out of serving healthy meals to your family Visit and take the quiz to discover your Meal Planning Personality®. Once you know your meal planning personality, you can work with your strengths to cook the healthy meals you and your family want. Discover tips and ideas for your personality to solve the ‘what’s for dinner challenge’. Be the Best Mum on the street!

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Taking time to get clarity on your productivity pitfalls and creating well defined boundaries are the keys to making time. Other people won’t respect your time unless you respect your time first. Remember, your week will happen whether you are in control of it or not. It’s the choices you make in every moment that will bring you closer to achieving your goals or take you further away. n

CONTACT Louise D’Allura BUSINESS The Revamp Experience PHONE +61 (0) 408 723 559 – Winter/Spring 2015 n WORKING WOMEN® 25

Be a REAL and RECOGNISABLE face for your business.


7 creative ideas to overcome

VIDEO FATIGUE By simply combining a little imagination with some fresh and creative ideas, according to KERRIN SMITH, businesses can easily use videos to skyrocket their sales.

Have you been running low on creative ideas for your business videos? Are your current videos lacking the spirit and passion they once had? Then it is time to transform your perspective.

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By incorporating a few new techniques and adding some simple formatting changes, you can give your videos the much needed makeover they need.


Build trust and credibility. Business Video Package $650

You are probably familiar with the standard get to know you, personal branding introduction video that features the business owner or CEO. Well, the new profile video is the same style of business video but instead of getting on camera yourself, use your star employee. Anyone with passion and positivity is ideal. Create a video sharing why they love their job and what they do to contribute to the business. People love a story! Maybe you have a great courier, an amazing accountant, or even a fabulous cleaner – these people all contribute to making your business amazing.


Create powerful personal branding with affordable and personalised photography and video packages by Kerrin Smith. Work with a Creative Professional: Headshots, Profile Pics, Business Portraits, Keynote Speaker Coverage, Events, Testimonials, Intro Videos, Video Blogs.

For more information on video and photography packages contact Kerrin Smith on: 0457 229 087

People know an advertisement when they see one. And they are less likely to share it with friends if they think you are just going to sell to them. With your next ‘how to’ video, stick to the information and leave out the branding. Scale back the sales talk, take out the product placement and you will have viewers confident that you care about them and are not there just to sell, sell, sell.

WHAT ARE YOU REALLY SELLING? Let’s face it, all people want in life is to be happy. So this is what you are selling. Find a way to connect your product with happiness and make that the focus of your next video. Create a video that shows people how they can be happy and you will get to the heart of human existence. This may take a lot of thought if there is not an obvious link between your product or service and happiness. But there will be a link, you just need to find it and share it.

THE FLIPSIDE OF HAPPINESS Available Brisbane, Gold Coast & Sunshine Coast.

People want their problems solved so they can get back to happiness. Present them with

26 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –

With your next ‘how to’ video, stick to the information and leave out the branding. Scale back the sales talk, take out the product placement and you will have viewers confident that you care about them and are not there just to sell, sell, sell. the challenges you can solve and people will relate to that. But if you hit a nerve be sure to follow up with a quick and easy solution you can offer them. After all, you do not want your viewer left in sadness and pain because your video did not have a happy ending.

THE ATTENTION GRABBING ART HOUSE VIDEO New business video styles are getting much more creative. To get in on this trend you need to let go of your preconceived ideas of what a business video looks like. Create a random, pretty video for fun. Do not worry about how it relates to your business – just give people something interesting to watch. If you are stuck for ideas watch some movie previews, music videos or travel videos where the focus is on the beautiful shots and not the sales pitch.

CLIENT SHOWCASE If you have some very interesting clients, get them involved in a video. Do some behindthe-scenes shots to really showcase them as interesting individuals. Remember, this video is not about you, it is about them. Sure, you will have your branding on the video but this particular video is all about your client. As mentioned before, people love a story. If you find someone who is charming, quirky and fun to watch, then this video will be a winner. Staying inspired is easy if you keep open to new ideas and trends. Just add some of these simple ideas to your video projects and watch your videos go in exciting new directions. n

CONTACT Kerrin Smith BUSINESS Kerrin Smith Photography |

Film | Art +61 (0) 457 229 087 PHONE


3 steps to get past the ASHLEIGH HOULT takes us through the top tips to befriend the ‘gatekeeper’ and how to convince them that your products or services will be of benefit to their boss. The number one challenge that business owners face when prospecting is getting over the moat, through the iron gate and past the dragon that is ‘the gatekeeper’. The gatekeepers are the people who make things quite difficult for those delivering prospecting and lead generating activity. What are the strategies to overcome this challenge and achieve sales success? Your initial call to a company you want to work with is always going to first be answered by a receptionist or admin assistant, who is taught to field calls for the decision-maker. This person is valuable to the executive but not to you, not until you have developed a relationship with them. So, just how do we build rapport with these stakeholders, get past them and through to the authority who will ultimately make the decisions on our products or services? Here are the top tips to win them over, convince them that their bosses will benefit from speaking with you and ultimately have them ‘let you through the gate’.

If the gatekeeper gives you their name, write it down immediately and use it once or twice in the conversation. The next time you call, you can say something like, “Hi, Jenny. I spoke with you on Tuesday. You were really swamped at that point! How are things going now?” Treating the gatekeeper like a person will make them more inclined to do the same to you.

Speak with authority It’s important to realise that most receptionists or assistants are taught to protect decisionmakers. Or, shall we say, screen calls so the decision-makers only speak with the people they want to speak with. It’s very likely they have been given instructions with regard to who to put through and who to keep at bay. Understanding this element is critical – they are used to taking instruction from others. Therefore, even though you want to befriend them, you must also come across with authority. How do you sound when you are on the phone? Do you speak with confidence and an authorative tone?

Adopt the mindset that gatekeepers are your friends If you think of gatekeepers as cold calling obstacles or as opponents to outwit, you are missing the point. True, there are a few receptionists out there who delight in giving salespeople a hard time. But the vast majority of them will treat you in much the same way as you treat them. Getting the gatekeepers on your side will do wonders.


Always start out on the right foot by being polite and respectful. Use “please” and “thank you” and don’t forget a pleasant tone of voice.

One way of ‘mastering the art’ of having an authorative phone voice is to model and practice the tonality of someone you believe has the type of delivery you want. An example of this would be news reporters – they have downward inflections in their voice that stamp a level of authority on each of the sentences they deliver.

Get a list that counts Not having the name of the decision-maker you want to speak with is a huge red flag to gatekeepers. Ultimately, it says that this is the first time you have contacted the company and that it is more than likely a sales call. By purchasing a list and doing your research on the correct person to contact, you can increase your prospecting productivity tenfold. There are fantastic list providers in the market who can provide data on your ideal clients. And, with the advent of social media and platforms such as LinkedIn, there is a plethora of resources that can give you information on who you need to speak with in the company. Prospecting is not easy, but it is the most effective and direct way of generating new business. You have to have thick skin, make a lot of calls and be very motivated. You also need to get around the dreaded ‘gatekeeper’ and navigate around them without getting verbally kicked to the curb. By employing the tips outlined and remaining confident, tactful and professional in your approach you should be able to prove why your products or service are worth ‘passing through the gate’. n

CONTACT Ashleigh Hoult BUSINESS The PromoDonna PHONE +61 (3) 9908 2440

The PromoDonna is a national sales and marketing firm. We create high quality B2B sales leads and meetings through cold calling and prequalification. The benefits of our services include: • We give guarantees for the number of sales leads you’re looking for! • We can fill your sales pipeline with qualified sales meetings, so you can focus on your core business • Never again have any quiet periods where you don’t know where your next sales leads are coming from • T hrough outsourcing a telesales person, you don’t have to go through the hassle of recruiting, training or managing someone new • We also provide prospecting Training to enhance the skills of an individual or Team If you’re looking to grow your business in 2015 and would like a Team of professionals to fill your sales pipeline, contact Ashleigh today to have a tailored solution put together for your business. Mention Working Women and receive 20% off any quote before 31 May, 2015 WEBSITE: PHONE: +61 (3) 9908 2440 EMAIL: FACEBOOK: – Winter/Spring 2015 n WORKING WOMEN® 27


5 steps to overcome the


Constant change and the ability to keep up is a challenge for all businesses. According to LOUISE CORICA, you cannot expect to meet the challenges of today with yesterday’s tools and expect to still be in business tomorrow. So how do you survive the cycle of constant change?

Charles Darwin, the English Naturalist said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but those most responsive to change.” In order to make changes easily there are five things business people need to undertake as part of the process of change:

2. Workshopping: This can take on a life of its own. Take care with people’s feelings and their ideas when you are choosing the best ideas that you want to take away with you from the full list of brainstormed ideas. All ideas are important and even those ideas that are not chosen initially may be revisited later.

Brainstorming with colleagues

3. Due diligence: In an ever-evolving

Workshopping your ideas

business environment, undertaking a due diligence review of your business and the change process is essential. Making change can take a considerable toll on business owners as well as employees. There is always some discomfort, however, 99 per cent of the time change is essential for both your business growth and development.

n n

Due diligence reporting on your change ideas n

Choosing quality products over cheaper ones; and n

Revenue before cost.


It is important to acknowledge that change is inevitable, and it’s better to plan a change rather than be forced to make change in a hurry and experience a disastrous outcome. When it becomes more difficult to suffer than to change, then you will change.

1. Brainstorming: A group of people you can trust and rely on is vital to the success of any brainstorming session. A brainstorming session is an exercise whereby you download as many ideas for making change in your business as you can. The more ideas you collect, the more you have available to you; and the more people involved, the greater the potential for more ideas. Collect a list of ideas, then take another hour workshopping those ideas to put together the top five or ten ideas to be developed further.

4. Quality: One of the most common top ‘ideas’ coming out of workshopping is quality products and services. Quality must always be the first choice when it comes to selecting the products and services you wish to deliver to your customers. A quality product and service will be there long after the cheaper versions have lost their appeal to the consumer.

5. Revenue before cost: This needs no introduction but a lot of consideration when reviewing your products and services. This is the glue for maintaining and sustaining quality products and services rather than resorting to cheaper ones. So, to recap on how to overcome the pain of change.

Want to achieve business success by making changes? Louise Corica’s latest book “Making Changes Easily” – The Change Guide For People in Business. Phone Louise Corica for the supporting workshop or seminar on +61 (0) 418 458 616 or via Her tailored seminars and expertise will help you make changes TODAY

28 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –

Quality must always be the first choice when it comes to selecting the products and services you wish to deliver to your customers. Use proven sustainable solutions to ensure that making change becomes a seamless process. Brainstorm as many ideas as available, workshop the ideas and choose the best ones to progress further. During your workshopping process, ensure you record all comments against the ideas that came out of your brainstorming session – they will be valuable later. Don’t overlook the importance of a due diligence review on your business as part of your brainstorming and workshop session. The review itself can achieve inroads into the extent of any problems you observe and are experiencing in your business. Managing the process of change will provide a beneficial stepping stone to your business success and provide quality services and products to your customers. With persistence you can achieve successful change. n

CONTACT Louise Corica BUSINESS time2manage PHONE +61 (0) 418 458 616


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Your window to


Did you know that you can achieve better job satisfaction, less frustration, more patience, more enthusiasm, better health, and higher life satisfaction – just by looking out of your window? KATHARINA RUSSELL-HEAD explains how a view of nature invigorates the mind.

Looking at nature reminds you that you are a Palaeolithic body living in a 21st century technological world. The living conditions under which humans evolved, and under which we lived until relatively recently, involved close contact with nature. When we lived as hunters and gatherers, earth, water and plants were our essential familiars. But now, with the growth of populations and increasing urbanisation, society has changed, technology has advanced, and we are estranged from our natural environment. We can spend weeks moving from one man-made, air-conditioned environment to another without ever touching the earth, or smelling the grass, or feeling the wind in our hair. And yet our genetic makeup has changed only 0.005 per cent in the last 10,000 years! When we meet and engage with nature we respond positively, and often unconsciously in every part of our being. When we see mountains, a park, or even just a tree, our stone-age cells, unperceived by us, make tiny stone-age leaps of joy at their recognition of ‘home’. Contact with nature, even through a window, can help you recover from mental fatigue. When you have to concentrate over a long period on cognitive tasks that require active suppression of irrelevant information, you get what is called attention fatigue. After a while you get overloaded. Performance declines, and

mental fatigue sets in. Sound familiar? Then glance out of the window. The quiet fascination of nature – clouds, the sunset, birdsong, dancing leaves – draws your attention effortlessly away from your routine activities and thoughts. You become so immersed in the depth of experience that your mind is totally engaged and rests from all other concerns. After the natural environment outside the window has invoked your involuntary attention, which has allowed your overworked and fatigued directed attention to rest and replenish itself, you return to the task at hand with renewed vigour. You have an improved state of calm and balance, and you are better able to think through and gain perspective on the problems you are dealing with.

What practical steps can you take now to enjoy these benefits? Make sure your office or workspace has some connection with nature. If there is no window, consider whether you could put one in, or can you move to another room? n

If there is no opportunity for a view to an external garden, bring nature inside. Group some plants on a stand or on the window sill, either inside a window or under artificial light. Check online or at your local nursery to make sure you choose plants suited to the position. n

Even the tiniest, narrowest, gloomiest light well or side path can create a window view – n

Design with passion Design and passion are crucial elements to making the most of your brand, whether you’re about to establish a new identity or grow an existing one. Increase your brand exposure with the unique expertise of Scarab Blue Design, a dynamic graphic design agency with huge experience, big ideas, small rates and loads of passion.

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unless you’re on the top floor! On bare earth or concrete, add an artful arrangement of large river pebbles and a potted palm and – voilà – an easily maintained, shade-loving, inspiring new outlook. Windows with space outside present endless possibilities. Some have a view already – of mountain, seascape, or garden. Not you? Sit down at your desk or work place and see where your eyes most frequently rest when you look up from work. What do you see? Is it what you want to see? n

What would you find restful and relaxing to look at in those moments when work is really getting to you, and when you are running out of patience and feeling fatigued? Could it be as simple as a pretty Japanese maple in a beautiful pot? Or a water sculpture on the terrace? Perhaps a bird feeder? n

Open the curtains and blinds. Clean the windows. Bring your new outlook into focus. n

Watch your levels of well-being, health, work performance, energy and happiness rise as you open your window to energy, enthusiasm, inspiration and a whole new outlook for your business! n

CONTACT Katharina Russell-Head BUSINESS No Ordinary Garden PHONE +61 (0) 408 322 548

Discover the artist within! A delightful, magical landscape can awaken and inspire your hidden creative genius. Ask us how! Ph 0408 322 548 Boutique garden designs for home and office

Scarab blue DeSign +61 (0) 419 311 862

PHONE WEB EMAIL – Winter/Spring 2015 n WORKING WOMEN® 29



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Created for times in your life when your stress levels are going through the roof. The mists are made from uniquely blended essences and infused with medical grade essential oils. Each mist comes with a specific affirmation card. RRP: $34.99 100ml. Visit:

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The perfect accessory doubling as a purse and phone case that won’t get in the way when you are taking photos. With room for your favourite lippie, ID, bank cards and keys, the purse is suitable for use with an iPhone 4 and 5. RRP: $60.00. Visit:


Leave positive messages in the sand with each step. For every pair of Moeloco flip-flops sold, a pair of shoes is donated to an orphan living in poverty. There are four designs to choose from: love, peace, happiness, and dream. RRP: $35.00. Visit:

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Too Busy To Water?

Forget about having to remember to water your indoor plants. Eva Solo selfwatering pots keep your plants and herbs alive without your constant attention. The vase in the base of the pot holds the water drawing moisture up to the soil as needed. Great idea for keeping fresh herbs handy in the kitchen. RRP: $60.00. Visit:


Say goodbye to the worry of taking your eReader to the beach or reading in the bath. Kobo Aura H2O is the first premium eReader to have a waterproof and dustproof design. If you drop it in the bath or accidentally spill a drink on it, it will continue to work like new. RRP: $229.95. Visit:

SIMULATED DIAMOND EARRINGS As exquisite as diamonds but a fraction of the cost these impressive hand crafted earrings boast simulant diamonds set in sterling silver. Command attention anywhere, in any light and in any room. RRP: $69.00. Visit:

WANT YOUR PRODUCTS LISTED HERE? Email a professional product photo (tiff or jpg at 300 dpi) and a 60 word description including the RRP and the website address, where readers can purchase the product. Email it all to

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Nourish your skin with beautiful organic products that smell divine. Whether you are looking to pamper yourself or give a standout gift to a client or business connection, you can’t go wrong with this natural Tridoshic pack. Suitable for all skin types and the perfect size for travelling. RRP: $100.00. Visit:

Unwind from life Bruny Island luxury holiday home for rent

Bruny Island Getaway - Beachside luxury on Bruny Island Designed to make the most of its stunning location, this modern, craftsman-built house overlooking the beautiful D’entrecasteaux Channel, only l hour from Hobart, is yours to enjoy. Bruny Island Getaway is an affordable luxury two bedroom holiday house and studio with direct access to the golden sands of Nebraska Beach. It is the perfect location from which to explore and sample the gourmet delights of Bruny Island or simply relax, unwind and spoil yourself.

Book online or contact Susan Rallings on 0414 604 510 – Winter/Spring 2015 n WORKING WOMEN® 31


for better communication

Fed up with not being heard and not getting your opinion across? Improve your ability to understand and be understood by using KYLIE WARRY’s three simple steps to better communication. Without clear and concise communication, your words can be misconstrued and your attempts to make things right could take a turn for the worst. Not only could you be misunderstood by others, you could also encounter situations where you have not quite grasped what someone else is trying to say.

milk in your latte instead of light it’s not going to hurt you, despite what some people may think. However, if your surgeon receives the wrong information he could accidentally inject you with a lethal dose of medication. Luckily, in the business world miscommunication does not typically result in physical harm, but it can certainly harm your business.

Connections become nothing unless they are solidified through healthy communication. When communication is successful, you and the person(s) you are talking to feel content knowing that each of you is being heard. When you are not understood, the value of the conversation can be adversely affected.

You interpret messages through your own lens, a lens shaped by your genetics, your communication preferences, your past experiences, your emotions and your mood that day. Give the person you are talking to the benefit of the doubt and ask questions to ensure you get the message right. If someone ignores you, it is better to ask if they are ‘okay’ rather than blacklisting them for the day. Who knows what is making them act a particular way or say certain things.

Miscommunication is such a common occurrence that it is difficult to know what you should do to prevent it. This is especially the case when you meet someone for the first time, because you have little to no idea what their education, gestures and humour is like. Although this method is not foolproof, you can take a step in the right direction to get your opinion across. Miscommunication is not a fault of one person alone as communication is a two way street, but by improving yourself you can do your best to understand and be understood.

3 Steps to better communication Watch out for misinterpretation Misinterpretation can vary from an insignificant matter to seriously threatening. For example, if the barista at your local café gives you full fat

Understand that people are all different The source of many of your communication problems is the ‘communication gap’. This is the gap between you and another person, where you assume that they see the world as you do. Some people like crunchy peanut butter, some like smooth, some hate it entirely and some are allergic. There is no way of understanding someone’s perspective without first allowing them to try and communicate it to you. People are all very different. Anyone who has ever been in a serious relationship can relate to the fact that sometimes one person will take a fact for granted without actually discussing the matter.

Poor Communication is the biggest hidden cost to your workplace or business! HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU? • Misunderstand? • Offend someone? • Or just not get the result you want? DO YOU WANT? • Better results • A more cohesive team and • Increased productivity

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32 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –

People are fundamentally different, and their needs and how they communicate varies. If there is only one point you take from this article, let it be this one.

Know your strengths and weaknesses From an early age we are told: you are not good at this, you need to improve that, don’t even try that, it is not a talent of yours. So what are your strengths as a ‘communicator’? We all have strengths in communication: some of us are great at seeing the big picture, some are wonderful influencers, some are patient listeners and others are able to analyse details. At the end of the day, we all have strengths and weaknesses. Discover your strengths and use them to your advantage. Don’t be dismayed by previous setbacks, instead work on moving forward. It is possible that when someone has considered your actions as a weakness, they merely didn’t understand. Learn to communicate in a way that works for you. You may have to step outside your comfort zone of communication to achieve common ground. Close the gap between yourself and others by remembering that people see things in different lights. n

CONTACT Kylie Warry BUSINESS Teamology PHONE 1300 707 481

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Traditional PR


The key to achieving the most out of your PR campaign is still via a traditional media release. So how do you write a release that journalists will even read? We asked JANE KEIGHLEY to outline the key elements businesses need to include in their media releases.

While social media plays an important role in getting your news out on a wider scale, direct contact with an editor or journalist is still the most effective way of achieving media coverage. Armed with information on how to write and present your media release, you will soon see a considerable increase in your coverage by the media. So what is a media release? A media release is a way to inform the media of your news items. It should provide useful information about your company, products, service or events. It isn’t an advertisement, so it’s important it doesn’t sound like one or it will be rejected.

HOW TO WRITE A MEDIA RELEASE Firstly, make sure the information you are providing is newsworthy and of interest to the target market of the publications you are approaching. Of course you will need to have developed a hit list of target publications based on their audience profiles.

START WITH IMPACT The heading and first paragraph should be catchy and tell the story as you only have a few seconds to grab the reader’s attention. The rest of your release should provide the relevant detail.

KEEP IT SIMPLE Use only enough words to tell your story and avoid using unnecessary adjectives and flowery language as wordiness distracts from your story. Keep it concise and make each word count. Speak [write] plainly using normal language. Jargon is a language specific to certain professions or groups and is not appropriate for general readership. Avoid using exclamation marks, italics and over punctuating. Include factual information (don’t exaggerate or lie) and include testimonials wherever appropriate.

PICK AN ANGLE Try to make your release timely. Tie your news to special events or seasonal topics. Include images and make sure they are high

resolution for printing purposes. The old adage, a picture is worth a thousand words is true. A professional picture included in the release can capture the attention of an editor or journalist, encouraging them to read further.



Name of person to contact


Phone and mobile


Email address


Website and social media details.


PROJECT A PROFESSIONAL IMAGE Most media outlets receive in excess of 100 media releases every day and a well-written media release, if targeted to the publication’s audience, will certainly be considered and may even be used word-for-word. A poorly written release, full of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors will end up in the bin. If your business story warrants a media release make sure you cover all these points and you will achieve coverage along with tangible business results. n

CONTACT Jane Keighley BUSINESS Outsource to Us PHONE +61 (0) 403 504 624 – Winter/Spring 2015 n WORKING WOMEN® 33


Claiming home-based

BUSINESS EXPENSES The Australian Bureau of Statistics data shows that some 68 per cent of micro and small businesses are home-based and it is estimated women own over 420,000 of these businesses. But are these women claiming all of the expenses they are entitled to? KELLIE CLAY explains what home-based business owners can and can’t claim tax-wise.

More and more people are trying to improve their work and life balance, which has led to a significant rise in home-based businesses starting up over the last few years. Business owners often ask, “What home expenses can I claim?” Unfortunately, this is a very open ended question with a multitude of factors that need to be considered. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has set the basic tests and requirements for claiming two types of house expenses for home-based businesses: Occupancy costs such as council rates, house insurance, rent and mortgage interest; and n

Running costs such as electricity, gas, phone. n

To be eligible to claim occupancy costs, the house must be clearly identifiable as your place of business and include an area allocated specifically for your business. Evidence of this includes business signage, a unique access for customers or clients and an area of the house devoted to the business – which has little impact on your private home life. Many home-based businesses will not meet these criteria, for example, a tradesperson who does the majority of their work on site would most likely fail this test in the eyes of the ATO. However, a music teacher would have a stronger argument if they had a separate room with musical equipment and a separate access for clients who visit the premises for lessons.

By comparison, it is easier to claim running costs. All that needs to be proven is that you have an office in your home that you utilise for business purposes. For example, the tradesperson mentioned above would be eligible to claim running costs for the operation of an office used in preparing invoices, quotes and for research and planning. The main issue with this test is the extent to which these costs can be claimed, with a percentage usually chosen depending on the extent of business use which can be justified.

For example, if your office space makes up five per cent of the total floor area of the home, AND you meet the occupancy tests, you can then claim five per cent of the mortgage interest. However, when you sell the property five per cent of the gain made will then become taxable income.

Items such as office furniture and stationery are considered costs of running a home office and can be claimed, again depending on the size and nature of the home-based business. Repairs or improvements can generally only be claimed if you meet the occupancy tests.

If you are clearly operating a business from your home, not claiming these costs will not ensure you are exempt from CGT. The ATO will deem you are running a business from your home even if you do not claim occupancy costs if the facts dictate this. In these cases, businesses should claim the occupancy costs to ensure they get the immediate tax benefits.

Passing the occupancy test and being able to claim your mortgage interest and rates as a tax deduction provides a tax benefit for small business owners. However, it does have a costly flip side which should be considered. Once the home becomes more than just your main residence there is the high possibility that it will be caught up in the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) system.

In these circumstances you need to weigh up the short and long term benefits of making these claims. For borderline cases, it sometimes doesn’t warrant making a tax deductible claim for the occupancy costs.

All home-based businesses vary in some form, as do the premises used for these businesses, so there is no ‘one size fits all’ scenario.

While there is a general CGT exemption that applies for main residences, this exemption is lost to the extent that the home is used as a place of business. Usually the percentage that is claimed of the occupancy costs is the percentage of CGT that must be paid whilst the business was being operated.

As a business owner you should consider your own personal circumstances and discuss them in depth with your accountant to ensure the best tax result is achieved. n

CONTACT Kellie Clay BUSINESS TaxBiz Australia PHONE +61 (3) 9720 6811

Are you looking for someone... ...who can help your business develop and grow while ensuring you pay no more tax than necessary? Someone who provides a professional yet personal & friendly service and helps you achieve your personal and financial goals? If so, you have come to the right place. Here at TaxBiz Australia, we want to become valued advisers to help you and your businesses reach and surpass their potential. We pride ourselves on always being available to you. We listen to our clients and provide timely, innovative solutions that save them money, time and stress. So please call Kellie Clay (WNA Member) today to see how we can help you +61 (3) 9720 6811. 34 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –

Creating SolutionS For Your Future


Would you work for

The Sleep Wear That Cares

$3.44 AN HOUR? Working mothers are the driving force behind the explosion of home-based businesses. In this article GUY NEAVE looks at the new career trend helping to generate sizeable incomes for MumPreneurs. Over the past five years childcare costs have skyrocketed. There has been a 22 per cent hike in long day care fees and a 32 per cent jump for family day care. A report by AMP and the National Centre for Social and Economic Modelling states that some Aussie mums have been working for as little as $3.44 an hour when they return to full-time work after having children when you take into account the costs of childcare. A study conducted by University of Melbourne Organisational Behaviour Associate Professor Isabel Metz found that in some cases women had chosen not to have children for fear of not being able to find suitable work upon return from parental leave. Choice reports that electricity, fuel and health are at the top of household cost pressures with 31 per cent of 1000 people surveyed stating that they are finding it difficult to get by on their current income. Money stress is still one of the major factors in relationship breakdowns, not to mention its effects on our health and wellbeing. So what’s the solution? Many women have made the decision to take control of their current and future financial situation by becoming involved in a homebased business within the direct sales, party plan and network marketing industry. Using their spare time they are finding the business concept as the solution to boosting their income. There is often guilt associated with the little amount of time and energy working parents have to spend with their family. By becoming involved with a direct selling group women are able to work their own hours. They have the freedom to prioritise their time whilst working around the needs of their family. Gone are the days when people mistook or wrote off these types of businesses to be pyramid schemes or scams, and many are now flourishing with the introduction of online shopping and social media. Many of the reputable direct sales companies have been operating in the country for over 40 years and are members of the Direct Sellers Association of Australia (DSSA).

Women are able to work at night, during the day whilst their children are napping, or in between their share of the household chores. There is no end to the flexibility. The low cost of joining a company like this, normally $50 to $200 dollars is very attractive compared to the $100s of thousands of dollars and associated costs often involved in starting your own traditional business. With the introduction of social media platforms, the direct selling industry is growing at a very rapid pace. Although the earning potential offered by direct selling opportunities is huge, results only come through consistency. Basically, you can decide how much time to put in, but you will need to commit to working regularly if you want to achieve ongoing financial results.

Designed for comfort and style with a feel good factor, Healthy Sleepwear is the ‘Must Have’ garment for hospital stays, aged care, disability or injury rehabilitation, maternity and breast feeding. The garment’s adaptive construction allows for simple unfastening at the shoulder, enabling the wearer to step in and out of the garment. The easy release design also provides modesty and struggle free access for undertaking medical procedures. Being bed bound doesn’t mean you can’t look good and feel fabulous. Made from luxurious, soft and silky bamboo fabric with wicking properties, Healthy Sleepwear keeps you warm, dry and fresh. With no uncomfortable seams it’s like sleeping on a cloud.

Women are able to work at night, during the day whilst their children are napping, or in between their share of the household chores. There is no end to the flexibility. There are also tax advantages as certain household expenses, home office, family car, fuel and more, may be able to be claimed as a tax deduction, at least in part. These are only a few of the benefits of starting a home-based business and there are many more reasons why an increasing number of Australian women are choosing the direct sales industry over others. The industry and the earning potential it offers are unlimited and therefore it has attracted thousands of stay-at-home mums who want to build an income independently, without having to give up their family time. A career in direct selling has many opportunities to offer and it is definitely worth consideration. n

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Are you being FINANCIALLY


When most people think of bullying, their mind turns to school children or online bullying. While these are the most common forms of bullying, financial bullying within relationships is also a real problem. In this article SUSAN RALLINGS and BIANCA DEZOTTI provide information on how to recognise the signs that you are being financially bullied along with strategies that can assist you to take back control of your own finances. Financial bullies come in all shapes and sizes: husbands who insist on control of their wives’ money; wives who control finances by manipulating the purse strings; domestic partners who insist on making all financial decisions. In fact, bullying is common behaviour. A 2013 United States survey conducted by Credit Karma found that one-in-10 respondents classified their spouse or live-in partner as a ‘financial bully’. 1

What is the portrait of a bully? In some instances, couples may be unaware of their fundamental differences toward money, even when living together. When there is a mismatch in money management styles, it can breed resentment, arguments and worse. Couples often argue over money, but sometimes one partner can exhibit behaviour associated with financial bullying. By definition, a bully is someone who uses his or her influence or strength to intimidate others and force them to do what they want. Financial bullies control household finances by restricting access to accounts, limiting spending and withholding money. Typical bully behaviours include making their partners show receipts for all purchases, preventing them from having credit cards, making them feel guilty for shopping, or requiring them to live on an allowance. Bullies may even threaten to leave knowing this would place their partner in financial trouble. The young are especially vulnerable to financial bullying, according to the Credit Karma survey, which found that 1: Those aged 18 to 34 are three times more likely to say they are financially bullied than those aged 55 or older. n

Those with children under the age of 18 in the household are more likely to classify their mate as a bully than those who don’t live with children.

Over one-fifth of married 18 to 34 year-olds surveyed said they would get a divorce “if money were no object”. n

Another recently published study by the U.K. charity Women’s Aid – called ‘Unequal Trapped and Controlled’, found that financial bullying affects those in higher income households and professional occupations, too. Financial bullying can be accompanied by other controlling behaviours. In the U.K. study, participants tended to believe that financial and emotional bullying happened first: mistaking the behaviour as the usual way couples handle finances.

What can you do about it? Financial bullying is something that we rarely discuss openly since it is often insidious and wrapped up in the confines of what appears to be otherwise, a normal relationship. Look for ways to build trust between you and your partner. Finances, like other aspects of a relationship, are best tackled with transparency and communication, and mutual trust is a critical first step.


For your own peace of mind, you may need to develop some new financial habits and disciplines. Budgeting and recordkeeping

go along with paying your regular monthly expenses. Even if you don’t have a formal budget it may still be useful. At its most basic level, a budget adds up your sources of income and then subtracts your monthly expenses. Next, consider involving a third party such as a financial adviser when making major financial decisions. He or she can effectively act as a facilitator, and can help you formulate mutually satisfactory goals and strategies. Thoughtful decision making usually begins with a lot of questions. As you get answers and information, you can develop a framework for evaluating different choices and strategies. If you think you are being financially bullied, there are ways to take back control of your finances. Discuss your concerns with someone you trust, sharing with them the specific behaviours you have encountered. An objective ear will help you better gauge how real or severe the problem actually is. n Source: 1 CreditKarma, Is Your Partner a Financial Bully?, 2014

Susan Rallings and Bianca Dezotti BUSINESS Morgan Stanley PHONE +61 (7) 3317 7609 CONTACT

Article by Wealth Management Systems, Inc. and Morgan Stanley Wealth Management. Wealth Management Systems, Inc is not an employee of Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Australia Pty Ltd (“Morgan Stanley”) (ABN 19 009 145 555, AFSL 240813). All opinions included in this document constitute our judgment as of this date and are subject to change without notice. The information and data in the article or publication has been obtained from sources outside of Morgan Stanley and Morgan Stanley makes no representations or guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of information or data from sources outside of Morgan Stanley. Neither the information provided nor any opinion expressed constitutes a solicitation by Morgan Stanley with respect to the purchase or sale of any security, investment, strategy or product that may be mentioned. Please be aware that Morgan Stanley is not providing financial product advice. This content does not represent legal, financial, taxation or other professional advice. You should seek professional advice on these matters before acting or relying on any of the content. Morgan Stanley Financial Adviser(s) engaged Women’s Network Australia to feature this article. © Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Australia Pty Ltd 2015.

38 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –



What happens to it when you die?

The general rule is that superannuation is not part of your estate unless you expressly make it part of your will, right? PETER CLARKE reveals that this is not necessarily true. A recent case before the courts serves as a warning to make sure you take care of the details. Generally, superannuation is passed directly to your nominated beneficiaries and not to your estate. However, a recent case before the Supreme Court, may change current belief and convention on what happens to your superannuation when you die.

The superannuation benefits were eventually paid to the mother by three different funds because she had a relationship of financial and emotional dependency with James (James was bipolar and had lived with her 30 of his 40 years and they shared the household expenses).

In this case, an unmarried son, James, tragically dies at the age of 40. His mother and father had an acrimonious relationship since separating when James was five (divorcing just under two years later).

During this time, the father’s lawyers queried the mother’s intentions for the superannuation benefits; stating that to have the superannuation transferred to her in person was a breach of her fiduciary duties as administrator of the estate. The response they received was that superannuation is not an asset of the estate. And so it went to court.

At the time of his death, James did not have a valid will in place (intestate). Generally, when a child dies intestate, the estate is divided equally between the parents. James’ estate was worth about $80,000 and his superannuation over $450, 000. At the time of his death James lived with his mother. She applied for Letters of Administration and Probate to manage his estate as there was no will. As administrator of his estate, her obligation was to “use her best endeavours to maximise the size of the estate”. The mother received advice from her lawyers that superannuation does not form part of the estate. As such, she sought to have James’ superannuation distributed to her in her personal capacity (and not to the estate). While James’ mother was not a nominated beneficiary for James’ superannuation, she was a non-binding beneficiary because of their interdependent relationship.

The court agreed with the father’s lawyers, ordering that the superannuation benefits form part of the estate, that the mother (having been granted Letters of Administration to deal with the estate) had a duty to maximise the value of the estate, and that her self-interest in the superannuation benefits should not have come before her responsibilities as administrator. By becoming an asset of the estate, the superannuation benefits were to be split between the mother and father. The outcome of this case would have been different had James had a binding death benefit nomination in place for his superannuation in favour of his mother, and made a will naming his mother as executor. These factors do not guarantee that the

payment of superannuation benefits will not be contested, however, the measure will go a long way.

Top 3 things you must do: Check your superannuation death benefit nominations – who is nominated and do you want them to receive your superannuation benefits if you die? n

Review your will to make sure it is up to date for your current circumstances. n

Check nominations for the legal representative of your estate and whether this nomination is current and appropriate. n n

CONTACT Peter Clarke BUSINESS Business Links

Australia Pty Ltd +61 (7) 3341 1007 PHONE

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40 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –


A quick super and retirement


The rules for superannuation seem to be constantly changing. DELMA NEWTON brings us up to date on the latest round of changes and provides ideas on how you can use the system to create a healthier retirement kitty. Generally, each year there are some changes made to the rules that govern superannuation. The constant changes can lead to confusion so here are a few quick facts and tips about super and retirement.

Super contributions If you employ staff and they earn over $450 per month you need to make a superannuation guarantee contribution of their behalf. This is currently set at 9.5 per cent of their salary and will remain at this rate until 30 June 2018. Payment needs to be made into their super accounts within 28 days after the end of each quarter, i.e. by 28 January, 28 April, 28 July and 28 October.

Tax on contributions

Ways to boost savings

Concessional contributions are taxed at 15 per cent and non-concessional contributions are not taxed. BUT if you breach the above mentioned caps it can have serious tax consequences with penalty tax being levied on the contributions. If you are seeking to make salary sacrifice or non-concessional contributions, you should seek advice from your financial planner or accountant before you make them.

Government co-contribution. If you earn less than $34,488 the government will put in 50c for every $1 you contribute to super as a nonconcessional contribution, up to a maximum of $500. To get the maximum $500 per year, you need to put in $1,000 per year as an after tax contribution.

Retirement age

Non-concessional: these contributions are made from money that has already been taxed. Typically they are from money you may have in the bank, from the sale of an asset or from an inheritance.

The government in the May 2014 Federal Budget said it will be gradually lifting the retirement age in Australia to 67. What this means is that if you are born after 1 January, 1957 you will need to be 67 to be able to apply for the Age Pension. It does not mean that you need to be 67 before you can access your super. The gradual increase starts for people born after 1 July, 1952. If you are born before 1960, then you are able to access your super from age 55 (if you are permanently retired). If you are born after 1964, then you must be 60 years of age and retired to access your super. There is a sliding age scale for those born between 1960 and 1964.

Caps (limits) on contributions

Women and retirement

The government sets down limits on your annual contributions to super. For the 2014/2015 financial year the caps are:

Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data shows that women on average have around $35,300 less in super than men. This is a result of a number of factors including time out of the workforce to have children and the generally lower wages of women in Australia.

Types of contributions Concessional: these contributions are made from pre-tax money and include your superannuation guarantee contributions of 9.5 per cent. If you are undertaking salary sacrificing from your pay this is also included.

Concessional: $30,000, or $35,000 if you are aged 49 or over on 30 June 2014. Non-concessional: $180,000

Spouse contribution. If you are earning less than $10,800 and your spouse makes a nonconcessional contribution of up to $3,000 to your super, they can claim an 18 per cent tax offset in their income tax return. This equates to a maximum tax offset of $540. All of these contributions will help reduce the gap between the super balances of men and women in Australia. Every dollar you contribute to superannuation will help make your retirement more comfortable and make you less reliant on the Government’s Age Pension. n Important information: The information contained in this article is general information only. It does not take into consideration any specific needs, situations or objectives. Before making any financial decisions you should make sure you are comfortable that the strategy suits your needs and objectives, and your risk profile. If necessary, you should seek professional advice.

CONTACT Delma Newton BUSINESS Total Portfolio

Management Pty Ltd +61 (7) 3018 0587 PHONE

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Business finance options As a small business owner you face a mountain of decisions every day. Not the least of these is whether to rent, hire or buy that new vehicle or equipment you have your eye on. JAN WATMAN simplifies some of the borrowing options available to you and your business.

As a business owner you need to consider; the amount you are borrowing, if the item you are borrowing for is new or used, the tax effectiveness of the loan and whether it is a long-term investment or something required for a specific project or contract.

Lease – a lease is similar to equipment rental

Let’s look at the different finance options:

you borrow funds to purchase a piece of equipment. The lender registers its interest in the equipment with the Personal Property Securities Register and takes a ‘mortgage’ over the equipment as security. Contracts can range from one to five years in length, with the interest payments able to be claimed on tax.

Hire – this is when you hire the piece of equipment for the period of time you need it. A bond maybe required and this option is better for short-term use.

Hire Purchase – this is similar to a hire, except you will own the equipment at the end of your agreement, with repayments tailored to suit your business needs. At any time you can choose to purchase the equipment outright, but can only claim the interest component of the repayments and the depreciation on the assets.

although the contract is generally between two and five years. Repayments are fixed, so it can be beneficial if you know you will need a piece of equipment for up to five years.

Chattel Mortgage – this is where

with the ownership option, equipment rentals may be returned to the financier after the initial term, and in some cases with no penalties (but always check these details, as rental options vary from one provider to another). These options are perfect for you if you want flexibility, and you won’t be stuck with the same equipment for years. If you are a start-up enterprise or expanding an existing business it is worth doing your homework to find out which finance option best meets the needs of your business. n

Rent to Own – this is an equipment rental agreement that generally runs for a set period of time such as 12 months. The fixed repayments are often fully tax deductible and in some cases, rebates are given to customers when purchasing equipment outright. Along

CONTACT Jan Watman BUSINESS Start Fresh Finance PHONE +61 (0) 468 371 449



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Tracy Kearey, Director – Home Loan Connexion Mobile 0417 738 469 Email CRN 455382 42 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –


WHO PAYS THE BILLS when you can’t?

JANET CULPITT looks at why as a parent and business woman we need to consider and plan for how we could cope financially should the worst happen. It’s no surprise to hear that raising a family can be expensive, however, it may be news to you to hear that an average middle-income Australian family can spend a staggering $812,000 to raise two children to the age of 21.* As this number has increased by around 50 per cent since 2007, it’s safe to assume that the cost of raising children in Australia will continue to escalate. School fees alone can be expensive and if you plan to send your children to an independent or private school, it is a good idea to start saving for their education as soon as they are born. As parents we all have the obligation to do the best for our children within our affordability. We all want our children’s future to be bright. We want them to be secure and happy and for them to know that we have done our best in looking after them during their childhood. Whilst no one ever wants to imagine the possibility of something happening to their child, unfortunately, this is a reality for many Australian families each and every year. We are constantly reminded of dreadful things happening to children and their families. We only have to turn on the daily news or read an article to learn of someone’s suffering. Have you considered what would happen if one of your children became seriously ill, was injured, or worse? Would you be able to take off time from work to care for a sick or disabled child, in addition to covering their

medical expenses? If you were to take on the responsibility as your child’s full-time carer, would this result in a financial impact on your small business or your business partners? It is easy to think “it will never happen to me”, but unfortunately it can.

checking that you have a solution and adequate insurance in place to combat any unforeseen event. Insurance is a contingency plan and it is designed to take care of the ‘what-ifs’ in life. It is never too late to start. You can do this by growing your wealth, using effective strategies and seeking advice from a professional who can assist you to organise your superannuation, insurance and investments. A small start is better than no start. n

The very reason that we don’t want to think about such a difficult situation arising is the very reason we should. As business women we have the responsibility to cross every ‘T’ and dot every ‘I’ in preparation for the unknown. We need to ensure that regardless of what happens down the track we have taken the necessary measures to protect our families, business partners and our financial goals. This entails planning ahead, so nothing is left to chance.

*NATSEM Income and Wealth Report Issue 33 – Cost of Kids: The cost of raising children in Australia. May 2013.

CONTACT Janet Culpitt BUSINESS Arrow Focus on Wealth PHONE 1800 731 328

Now is the time to assess your situation by

Be seen in the next issue

Working Women Women’s Network Australia



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When you’re juggling a career and a family you probably feel like you’ve got your hands full. But what if sickness or injury meant you were the one who needed looking after? How much would it cost to replace everything you do - both at work and at home? Getting the right Financial Advice is never more important than when others are depending on you.

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Support your business with a

FINANCIAL MINDSET Business success and healthy profits are not just generated from working hard and being ‘busy’, they largely come from the business owner having a positive approach and empowered mindset. DIANNA JACOBSEN maps out 10 financial mindset steps to get every new business owners on track.

So you’re excited and eager to launch into the world of small business ownership. Before you get carried away you first need to assess your relationship with money. If this relationship is not currently successful the chances are your new business will suffer the same consequences. Do you feel ‘in control’ of your financial situation and understand where your money comes from, goes to, and how much you keep? Unfortunately, most people would answer ‘No’. But don’t stress because it is possible to overcome the barriers, blockages and limiting beliefs that hold us back in the area of money and financial empowerment. Use these 10 financial mindset steps to support your business start up:

Let go of the resistance Often we have mental ‘blocks’ when it comes to money and calculating figures and budgeting, stemming from past experiences. The origins of our mindset are not important, what matters is choosing to embrace what we need to understand for the purpose of reaching the outcome and goals we have set for ourselves.

Find an expert to advise you While there are countless self-help books available and endless information accessible on the internet, most is generic and largely irrelevant to your personal circumstances. So find business experts who can guide you. Choose people you trust and feel comfortable

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with, so you can ask them any questions and not feel stupid or intimidated.

Understand the basics Discuss your current situation with your adviser, and the outcome you seek, so he or she can work with you to develop a workable, realistic strategy that will move you towards your goals. You will find it so much easier to understand the jargon and terminology when it applies to your own real-life situation.

Set your wealth goals Before you can reach any goals, you need to be clear on what your goals are. Seriously! People often have a fuzzy concept in mind of what they would like to accomplish, and when it comes to describing their goals, they are unable to clearly outline what they really want. To achieve success you must have a clear mental picture of the end game.

Build your team We constantly see celebrities in the media having done amazing things, but bear in mind that they had a team of people behind them, all working to their strengths. So work out your strengths, and leverage from these, while delegating and out-sourcing the other tasks and roles.

Build your wealth Wealth does not mean money alone; see ‘wealth’ in terms of financial, physical and emotional well-being. This will encompass your health, your relationships, your lifestyle and

See IMMEDIATE RESULTS – More Time, Profit and Fun! NEED A BUSINESS ADVISER YOU CAN RELATE TO? Call today and mention Working Women magazine for a FREE, no-obligation strategy planning session.

life-balance, as well as the obvious financial wealth. When developing your overall business strategy, be aware of your physical limitations, both in terms of personal health and in geographical terms and pay attention to life balance and time management.

Protect your wealth What is your greatest business asset? YOU! Yet so many people forget to take care of themselves properly, or to insure against unforeseen circumstances by taking out appropriate personal insurances. Most people ensure they have adequate cover over their tangible assets such as property, equipment and vehicles, but forget to insure the driving force behind their cash flow, themselves.

Let the process grow with you Naturally we cannot foresee the future, so it is important to set the foundations appropriate for your current situation; but also have sufficient flexibility for other opportunities or challenges that may arise. By working with specialist legal and financial advisers you will be guided during the establishment phase and subsequently be set up for future stages of growth and development.

Stay on course While opportunities do arise that we choose to embrace, it is important to undertake due diligence before simply leaping at new, shiny objects. All too often people change direction far too often and too quickly, not giving existing businesses or projects time to evolve, and ultimately wasting copious amounts of time, money and energy ‘chasing rainbows’.

Reaping the rewards This process is not about you ‘going without’ until you reach the desired outcome; it is about loving the journey and enjoying the benefits. By shifting your mindset, you will see amazing results in both your life and business. n

0412 804 716 Dianna Jacobsen Business and Financial Strategist

44 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –

CONTACT Dianna Jacobsen BUSINESS Shine at Business PHONE +61 (0) 412 804 716


Networking be the difference

Are you hiding at the back of the room afraid to share your business services and expertise just in case no one takes you seriously or criticises your ideas? ROBYN HENDERSON looks at how businesses that are just that bit different and not considered mainstream can step into the spotlight. Research shows that many people dread the first networking meeting they attend. Lack of confidence and feelings of self-doubt can inhibit your ability to network. However, it can be even more daunting if the service or product your business provides is a little bit different and not considered mainstream. 20 years ago the word ‘Business Coach’ was foreign and 10 years ago ‘Kinesiology’ was considered a very different profession. Today it’s professions such as ‘Intuitive Energy Clearers’ that are jostling for recognition. Networking and promoting a business that is a little bit different entails almost having to educate the people you meet; first on how, why or when they would need your services. The fact is, the more we talk about unique professions and skills, the more mainstream those professions become. If this is the case for your business it will be helpful for you to practice your introduction before you arrive at networking events. That way you will be confident about introducing yourself and your unique business concept. It’s important to ensure you have a business card and brochure that clearly states what it is that you do, the services and benefits you offer and your full contact details. Regardless of whether your business is mainstream or just that a bit different, it’s about educating people. Make it easy for those you

It’s important to ensure you have a business card and brochure that clearly states what it is that you do, the services and benefits you offer and your full contact details. meet to learn what your business offers so that down the track they can do business with you. As part of the educational process, you could consider sharing your expertise by writing articles or developing an ebook about the work you do. You can then use these marketing materials to follow up the people you meet at networking events.

7 TIPS FOR NETWORKING A UNIQUE BUSINESS: 1. Don’t die wondering. What if you actually stepped up and started talking about your business? What if you befriended more people who encouraged you to step up and who supported you in doing this? Every person you meet or work with has the potential to become a raving fan and refer you to others, but only if you shine a light on your unique business.

2. Use your knowledge and expertise on a regular basis, e.g. write a book or start writing a blog on LinkedIn or WordPress. It is by sharing your expertise you become visible.

3. Trust yourself. If you don’t trust in your own ability, how can you expect someone else to trust you and engage you to work with them? When you are challenged by those who are less

open than others to the unique services your business offers, don’t retaliate or argue with people. Just respect that they are entitled to their own opinion and wish them well.

4. Understand that fear of stepping out can be paralysing. This is particularly pertinent if at school, or as a teenager, or adult, you were isolated for ‘being different’. Embrace that fear and step through it rather than allowing it to hold you back.

5. Make a commitment to yourself to share your expertise and knowledge. Hone your skills by practising until it becomes second nature for you. Be the best version of yourself and be grateful for both the good and bad days.

6. Invest in yourself because you are worthy of success. Create business cards, a website and marketing materials to enable others to promote you more easily. Show up at networking events and take advantage of as many opportunities as possible for selfpromotion.

7. Ask for help before you need it. You don’t have to go it alone, so ask for help before you need it. Remember: Together everyone achieves more. n

CONTACT Robyn Henderson BUSINESS Networking To Win PHONE +61 (0) 407 906 501 – Winter/Spring 2015 n WORKING WOMEN® 45



you keep what’s yours

Do you have a Prenuptial Agreement? KATHERINE HAWES examines the importance of having a Prenuptial Agreement in place when you own a business and highlights the action the courts may take if a Prenuptial does not exist. Is it worth signing a pre-nuptial to protect your business? The simple answer is yes.

several children and has no income or assets, the Court is likely to set aside the Prenuptial Agreement as causing hardship to the wife and children.

No one likes to think it will happen to them but according to recent statistics nearly 40 per cent of all first marriages end in divorce. Interestingly, Prenuptial Agreements are generally not too popular in Australia despite the number of people who run small businesses with family members. Let’s use Sarah situation as an example. Sarah’s business was showing a decent profit after 10 years. However, several years later, her marriage broke down and there was no Prenuptial Agreement in place. As a result, the Family Court considered her business matrimonial property. What is a Prenuptial and how could it have helped in Sarah’s case? A Prenuptial agreement is the common phrase used to describe a financial agreement made before marriage and can be made in relation to: How all or any of the property or financial resources of either or both of the parties is to be dealt with in the event of marriage breakdown. n

The maintenance of either party during the marriage and/or after a marriage is dissolved.

If a Prenuptial Agreement is set aside, the Court’s general powers to alter property interests and order spouse maintenance then apply. This could obviously result in Orders being made, far less favourable to a party than what the Prenuptial Agreement provided for.

HOW CAN YOU PROTECT YOUR BUSINESS? DOES THE FAMILY COURT HAVE TO FOLLOW THE PRENUPTIAL AGREEMENT? The Family Court has powers to set aside Prenuptial Agreements where either they do not comply with the Family Law Act or there has been some fraud, undue influence or non-disclosure at the time the Agreement was made. The Court can also set aside a Prenuptial Agreement if there is a material change in the welfare of the children and it would cause a hardship to enforce the strict terms of a Prenuptial Agreement.


Any other incidental matters related to the above. n

For example, a Prenuptial Agreement might provide that on separation, a wife gets no assets and the husband keeps all assets in his name. If, at separation, the wife is caring for

As in the example with Sarah, when a marriage ends, your business may be considered matrimonial property by Family law. Prenuptial Agreements however, can deal with property division and also spouse maintenance. They can also take into account anticipated changes such as children being born and the length of a marriage and in doing so, provide for different asset splits. Although nobody likes to plan for their marriage ending, sadly the statistics don’t lie. Therefore, with just a small amount of planning, women can safeguard their assets. n

CONTACT Katherine Hawes BUSINESS New Age Legal Solutions PHONE +61 (2) 9615 9635

The History of White Lady Funerals White Lady began in Adelaide, Australia in 1987 when it was realised that women could offer something unique to grieving families. They offered an alternative funeral service that had a sensitivity, warmth and care. A service which White Lady is now renowned for, across Australia.

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46 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –


Legal claims lurking

IN OUR WORKPLACES MAUREEN KYNE considers the impact of subtle discrimination in the workplace which often leaves employees feeling excluded, wronged and demotivated.

Recent Equal Opportunities statistics show that discrimination in the workplace has not declined but increased in some states. To authorities, this represents an unwelcome increase in risk for both the employees and the businesses involved. Interestingly, if you were to walk into many businesses that had had only a minimal number of complaints against them, employees would tell you that there is a serious issue lurking just under the surface. It is a source of internal charges, complaints, negative engagement survey feedback, and daily frustration. However, the behaviours involved do not hit the compliance radar and for that reason are not taken seriously by many. Essentially, individuals from different groups are raising issues of exclusion, for example, being ignored in daily conversations, being spoken to dismissively, not getting the same social and professional welcome as their colleagues, and being limited to formal, if not wooden, levels of communication and interaction. To them, unfairness and isolation are obvious and painful, restricting their opportunities for mentoring and advancement.

The current landscape Legal risk over ‘traditional’ Equal Opportunity and Fair Work claims have declined in some states and increased in others. The declines in those states or workplaces are, in a large part, due to improved employment practices. These have been built on years of experience and a commitment to fairness and compliance following a 30+ year history of statutory Equal

Employment civil rights enforcement and awareness. In fact, many of the worst slurs, behaviours, and actions are relatively rare as more employers have enacted strict policies, implemented workplace training and reporting mechanisms, and continue to scrutinise individual actions for evidence of disparate treatment and statistical impact.

Why don’t employees make claims for discrimination? There is a big gap between illegal and exclusionary conduct. Here’s the reason why: in most parts of the Australia, if you remove tangible actions and overt forms of mistreatment, such as blatant disparate treatment or outrageous verbal or written actions, it is nearly impossible to raise viable claims of discrimination. However, the impact of what is being termed ‘subtle behaviours’ is real. Surely, we can all remember instances when we were excluded based on such interactions. In our workplaces today, (at least from what many surveys and opinion polls indicate), perceptions of racial gender, sexual orientation, and ethnic and age alienation still remain. As Hamlet said, “…there’s the rub”.

Why actions speak louder than words? The way we communicate and how we interpret our interactions is largely based on tone of voice, body language, eye contact, and casual social interactions. All of these give us the perception that we are either part of,

or excluded from, groups. And, these groups include our workplace assignments. Though negative interactions don’t lend themselves very well to ‘legal’ proof, they still have the power to demotivate and demoralise and definitely affect performance, quality, retention, and other important business metrics. Think about your co-workers. Even though you share the same organisation, that doesn’t necessarily mean you will share the same perceptions of certain workplace comments and behaviours. The differing views that individuals have of their workplace are real. Employers need to learn that inclusion in the workplace can be limited by subtle discrimination and not just by the overt behaviours that traditionally spark compliance liability. It’s vital to take these subtle behaviours seriously in our workplaces and focus on putting a stop to them. Unless employers mean that inclusion is limited just to behaviours that can spark compliance liability, it’s vital to look at what is lurking below the surface in our workplaces. This is the only way to fully address our organisations’ commitments to fairness, civility, inclusion -- in essence, the intended purpose of laws dealing with fair treatment at work. n

CONTACT Maureen Kyne BUSINESS Maureen Kyne + Associates PHONE 1300 136 146

FREE 30 Minute Workplace Behavioural Assessment DETERMINE THE ‘RISK’ IN YOUR WORKPLACE At Maureen Kyne & Associates we teach organisations how to build a Civil Treatment® Workplace that prevents such issues as workplace bullying, sexual harassment and discrimination. A Civil Treatment Workplace is one that is inclusive; a workplace where diverse groups work together toward a common goal that reflects the company’s ethics, values and expectations.

TO ACCESS AWARD WINNING WORKPLACE BEHAVIOUR LEARNING SOLUTIONS AND COMPLIANCE TRAINING. Call 1300 136 146 or email today for a 30 minute FREE ‘Workplace Behavioural Assessment’. Offer ends: 1 December 2015. – Winter/Spring 2015 n WORKING WOMEN® 47


Why social enterprise businesses


There seems to be some confusion about what a social enterprise is, says KATHY WONG, and many individuals often confuse social enterprise with a non-profit organisation.

According to the Centre for Social Enterprise, a Social Enterprise (SE) is a revenue-generating business with primarily social objectives, whose surpluses are reinvested for that purpose in the business or in the community, rather than being driven by the need to deliver profit to shareholders and owners. In the past, SEs were known as cooperatives in the United Kingdom and philanthropic organisations in the United States. Over the last decade, they have gained some traction in the marketplace, partly fuelled by the success of similar ventures.

WHY ARE SOCIAL ENTERPRISES ARE ON THE RISE? Baby boomers scarcity mentality One of the main reasons why SEs are taking off is partly due to the scarcity mentality of the baby boomers during the 80s. The fear of not having enough created a deep desire within this group of individuals to create wealth and hang on to it at all costs. Back then, corporates were only interested in profit and so the planet and people suffered. That’s why many corporations have now gone or are experiencing great hardship. This has cleared the way for altruistic entrepreneurs with a drive to promote change in society.

The need to connect Humans have an innate need to connect with each other. Sociological studies have proven that social connection improves one’s psychological health and physical well-being.

Is it then any wonder that more and more entrepreneurs are yielding to the call of connecting and helping humanity and society in general?

The massive impact On a worldwide scale, social enterprises employ up to six per cent of the working population and contribute to GDP in the region of hundreds of billions. In Britain, SEs contribute more than £24 billion to the economy and employ approximately one million people. In the USA, these enterprises employ more than 10 million people and account for more than $500 billion in revenue.

The multibillionaire’s tip There’s an old adage that says, “Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself if you give it away to others.” In 2014, multibillionaire entrepreneur and CEO of Virgin Atlantic, Sir Richard Branson, dished out some advice to fellow entrepreneurs. Branson said that entrepreneurs should not focus too much on money. He added that only businesses with a purpose beyond profit will succeed.

More successful than SMEs Although making a profit is not the primary objective of SEs, there are staggering statistics to prove that starting a SE is much more profitable than a small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). A survey conducted in the UK showed that in 2013, 38 per cent of SEs experienced an increase in turnover compared to 29 per cent of small and medium sized enterprises.

Businesses are getting back into the heart and soul Famous children’s author, Charles Dickens said, “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” More and more businesses are getting back to the basics of helping society and its people. This can be attributed to the increasing dissatisfaction with just making a profit.

The challenges faced by SEs Despite the social impact and personal gratification that social enterprises offer, there are challenges to running this type of business model. Two of the major problems faced by social enterprise owners are branding and sales. SEs have to compete with other businesses, so branding is very important. It can take several years to build a recognisable brand that people will trust and support. As branding and sales are intertwined, the other problem is getting enough sales to offer meaningful impact. Therefore, a lot of time and energy must be invested in effectively marketing the brand to achieve the level of sales desired. With the massive impact of social enterprises, there seems to be no end to their continuous growth. And, who would want to stifle such a movement that is generating good will and giving purpose to so many people? n

CONTACT Kathy Wong BUSINESS Moeloco PHONE +61 (0) 403 341 941

At your service The Limousine Line has been providing affordable ground transport solutions in Sydney since 1995. We provide a safe and reliable first class chauffeured transport service for individuals and groups. Whether you need an airport transfer, a driver on standby or transport for staff and visitors, The Limousine Line is at your service. Our fleet consists of executive sedans, SUVs, Luxury People Movers as well as larger vehicles for group and event transport.

To make a booking, contact +61 411 211 400 48 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –


Why single women should

Would you like to build a

Lack of sufficient money and financial security can be a concern for many women as they approach retirement. JULIE CROCKETT looks at smart property investing as a means of boosting retirement income.

Property Portfolio? BUT • You are too busy running your Business? Single women are more educated, career minded and financially savvy than any previous generation. Did you know that single women make up 42 per cent of the adult female population, with many choosing a career rather than marriage? In the 25 to 34 year age group of single women, around 40 per cent have a tertiary education and a focus on being financially independent. In other words, they are not relying on a man as their financial plan.

had her leaning towards buying an investment property as she thought it would make a better investment and give her financial benefits in the future. After discussing her investment strategy with her finance and property mentors, Allison shortlisted two suitable investment properties – one in Brisbane and one in Perth. After considering both options, Allison decided to fast track her strategy by purchasing both properties and a diamond ring!

The single woman of today is likely to drive their own car, own an apartment or home, have a degree and be employed in a wellpaid managerial role. They make financial decisions based on their future needs and many are turning to property investment as a means to provide themselves with financial security.

Research shows that by owning two investment properties, Allison’s income in her retirement years is now in the top 10 per cent of all retirement aged Australians. If Allison sticks to her strategy of buying four more investment properties in the next eight years, her income will place her in the top one per cent of all retirement aged Australians.

Many professional, single women are keen to buy an investment property, having weighed up the options and identified a strategy that suits their needs. With no one else to consider, she typically controls her own destiny. A conversation with her usually goes along the lines of “I don’t have a partner or kids but I want to start an investment portfolio. I know that it’s a way to build some financial security for the future.” One such client is Allison who was about to turn 50 and contemplated marking the occasion by buying herself a large expensive diamond ring. After all, what girl doesn’t like a big diamond? However, her practical side

Not only has she invested some of her income in a property portfolio, she also has many options for future income streams. How did Allison make a start on her investment portfolio? She had a strategy and was determined to make it happen.

• You don’t have the time or energy to research the market? • You don’t have an investment strategy that will give you the desired wealth outcome? • You don’t know who you can trust to help you achieve your investment goals? The API Solutions Team will work with you to achieve your investment goals and build your property portfolio so that you can enjoy the retirement that you deserve. Don’t put it off any longer. Get a head start in property investing. Have an experienced Property Investment Adviser assist you every step of the way and keep you on track to build your investment property portfolio. ACT NOW! The first 10 people to purchase receive a complimentary tailored Investment Strategy (worth $495) and a Depreciation Schedule (worth $700).

START YOUR INVESTMENT PROPERTY PORTFOLIO TODAY. Contact Julie Crockett on +61 (0) 0421 631 925 or email

There is no doubt that Allison will enjoy a great retirement and you can too. n

CONTACT Julie Crockett BUSINESS Australian Property

Investment Solutions Pty Ltd +61 (0) 421 631 925 PHONE Available Brisbane, Gold Coast & Sunshine Coast. – Winter/Spring 2015 n WORKING WOMEN® 49




Having a job for life is now a thing of the past and many employees continually worry about the security of their job. MARNEY PERNA shares some useful tips and strategies for those faced with job loss or redundancy.

Today’s working environment is in a perpetual state of flux. Redundancy, retirement, retraining, job loss, bankruptcy, downsizing and budget constraints are words that can cause even the most confident and experienced worker to feel inadequate and fearful. Just the mention of these words can send your body and emotions into a downward spiral as your brain goes into a fight or flight survival response mode. When in this mode you are unable to come up with new solutions for your situation. You react rather than act with volition. As your life energy gets lower and lower it becomes harder and harder to cope with life, work or family responsibilities and your body will soon start to feel the effects of adrenal burnout. When facing redundancy we experience the overriding emotions of disbelief, anger, fear, unfairness, disloyalty and inadequacy. The core belief in one’s self is shaken and we start doubting our ability to perform our job well. Put plainly, the body goes into shock and is often unable to function well or focus clearly. The ongoing and continual shock causes a build-up of stress reactions that can eventually lead to serious health complications. Some of the negative health effects of this stress can be liver and heart issues, digestive complaints, blood pressure, anxiety, depression and in severe circumstances suicide.

Stress management techniques and resilience tools help the body to cope, function and subsequently enable you to find the courage, confidence and clarity that is required to live with your changing circumstances. Change can be very scary and yet without change stagnation occurs. The world is in a constant state of change and it is a necessary part of life. It is up to you to find peace in the midst of the change occurring and the clarity to find a solution to the challenges you face.

5 top resilience building strategies: Smile often and happily. Smiling activates the happy hormones that help to uplift and inspire. Smiling makes you feel better and is easily shared with others. It gives your body a pause button. n

Breathe deeply and mindfully. An initial response to stress overload is to use shallow rapid short breaths. Take time daily to breathe deeply and evenly. As you are breathing slow deep breaths give your mind a positive image to focus on. n

Speak confidently and clearly. Write down the negative words that are overcrowding your mind then find words to replace the negative ones and use these words consistently. This uplifts you and encourages you to look for better options. n

Surround yourself with positive people. By mixing with other people who are n

If the noise you heard coming from next door was loud music, you would do something about it Help stop domestic violence


For advice and assistance call 1800 811 811 50 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –

It is up to you to find peace in the midst of the change occurring and the clarity to find a solution to the challenges you face. encouraging and empowering, your energy levels will increase and you will become more open to opportunities. This will enable you to regain your positive core belief and instil confidence in your abilities again. Be mindful. Specific things and experiences make your body feel better. Be mindful about what they are and use them for times you are feeling down. Examples can be walking along the beach, listening to uplifting music, kinesiology, massage, phoning a friend or family member, using vibrational mists, playing with your pet or sharing a special meal with your partner. n

Importantly, remember that if you are feeling totally overpowered and emotionally unable to cope; talk to someone, seek professional help, ring your doctor and don’t be afraid to confide in others. Associations like Beyond Blue 1300 224 636 or Life Line 13 11 14 provide phone support to those experiencing severe anxiety and depression. n

CONTACT Marney Perna BUSINESS Kinique Natural Therapies PHONE +61 (0) 407 029 943



travel solo

Travelling by yourself has both advantages and disadvantages but by far the best part about travelling solo is the feeling of freedom. MARIKA MARTINEZ shares her top picks for globe trekking on your own. Travelling solo and being able to choose when, where and what you do is just so liberating. Life is so much easier when you are not compelled to seek anyone’s approval or negotiate with others about what to do on any given day. Here are some of the best places in the world to visit by yourself:

Antarctica Take an Antarctic cruise from Ushuaia (Argentina). Most of the cruise ships leaving from Ushuaia allow single travellers to share a twin cabin with another single traveller of the same sex without having to pay a single supplement. They cater to single travellers and you will find that meal times are very social occasions where people from all countries mix and mingle. You will experience a landscape that is unlike anything else on this planet, you will also enjoy daily skiff excursions, landings and plenty of wildlife viewing. Tip: Take the polar plunge.

Canada Vancouver is a safe and beautiful city with a laidback feel. Summer is full of sunshine and the city comes alive with music. It is easy to get around on the public transport system and the harbour is buzzing with seaplanes that can take you into the wilds of Canada. There are many options for day or multi-day trips, nature trails and wildlife viewing starting in Vancouver. Tip: Take a rail journey through the Canadian Rockies.

Iceland Iceland, the land of ‘Fire and Ice’ is a country

of contrasts and an adventure playground. You can base yourself in the modern capital of Reykjavik and take day trips to almost any part of the country, as distances are not great. A land of boiling mud pools, spurting geysers, glaciers and waterfalls, Iceland is a pure, unpolluted and truly magical landscape. The summers are surprisingly warm, with long days in midsummer, when the sun dips down to the horizon but never sets. Tip: Spend a day at the beautiful and therapeutic Blue Lagoon, an experience not to be missed.

Ireland This country is so beautiful, picturesque and green. You may be lucky enough to have sunny days but even if you have rainy ones, it is all part of the experience. Each little village you pass though is prettier than the next, with exquisitely painted houses, manicured gardens, hedges competing with each other and the spotless streets. The Irish people are very friendly and helpful. Evenings can be spent in the local pubs listening to Irish music and there is always a local to talk to, as they just love to talk. The cities of Dublin and Galway are easy to get around with lots to do. Tip: Cycle along parts of the Wild Atlantic Way from Westport with a standard bicycle or an e-bike.

the cultural capital of the region. Trains are a quick and efficient way of getting around the country. You can spend several days walking from village to village along the Cinque Terre. Explore the chic Amalfi Coast, enjoy the canals of Venice, take a cooking class in Puglia, and discover Pompeii. Tip: Sip a cocktail while listening to music in the outdoor Piazza San Marco in Venice.

Spain In particular, let’s focus on the region of Catalonia, the capital of which is Barcelona. The city’s metro system is wonderful and easy to use once you get the hang of it. The food from this region is quite different and you can enjoy a variety of tapas. Visit Gaudi Park, Gaudi House and the stunningly beautiful Sagrada Familia. The new intercity high-speed train is a pleasure to travel on, complete with a carriage where you can purchase meals, tapas and drinks. Tip: Visit Montserrat and take the high-speed train to Figueres (near Girona) and visit the Dali Museum. If you have the time, one of the best ways to get yourself oriented in a new city is to take a one-day tourist sightseeing bus, which are now available in most major cities. Enjoy the journey. n

Italy From the historical centre of Rome you can begin your journey through amazing Italy. Every part of this country is different and has so much to offer. Food and wine lovers of course already love Tuscany with Florence as

CONTACT Marika Martinez BUSINESS Women’s Own Adventure PHONE 1300 883 475

Need the perfect place to just relax, unwind and explore! Our Beach and Banksia studio apartment is just 20 metres from the glorious Blackman’s Bay beach; at the quiet end and only 15 minutes from Hobart. Enjoy the ocean view from your deck chair in the sunny garden and at night be lulled to sleep by the sound of the waves. The apartment includes everything for your comfort and can sleep up to four. Close to walking tracks, restaurants and shops.

For holiday apartment accommodation rates visit Contact Gaye Barlow on +61 (0) 418 283 778 or – Winter/Spring 2015 n WORKING WOMEN® 51



and you’ll lose weight

Most people believe if they lose weight, they will gain confidence. SILVESTRO MUSUMECI looks at the issue of self-confidence and the role it plays in your ability to lose weight and reach your goals. It’s hard to feel good about yourself and make healthy choices when you don’t like the way you look. But if you boost your confidence, you will be more likely to stay committed to your weight loss goal and feel better about yourself for the duration of your weight loss journey by taking actions. Actions are the things that move us closer towards our dreams of looking and feeling good. If you have dreams and goals in life and you realise you are not moving towards them, then maybe you are not taking the necessary actions or you are taking the wrong ones. Most people are not aware that their thoughts and actions are linked. Having positive thoughts leads to positive actions, in the same way that negative thoughts can lead to inaction or negative actions. Achieving your weight loss goal and making your dreams come true naturally takes time and commitment. The thing that can give you the drive or push is to focus on what your weight loss will give you. High self-confidence can provide you with the determination and personal power needed for you to take actions towards the achievement of your goals. Consequently, low self-confidence is one of biggest blocks to your success. Why? Because when you have low self-confidence it is more difficult to perform the right actions to achieve your weight loss goals. Simply put, self-confidence refers to how you look at yourself. If you look at yourself in a positive way then you will have high self-esteem. On the other hand, if you have

a negative view of yourself including your abilities, then you will definitely have low selfconfidence. One of the things that lowers your selfconfidence is criticism. The worst kind of criticism is that which comes from you. When you always criticise yourself it can lead to feelings of self-doubt. Be kind to yourself and believe you are good enough to lose weight. One of the greatest killers of dreams is negative thoughts. Nothing can be more destructive. Do not tell yourself, “I can’t” or “that’s impossible”. Instead, believe that anything is possible and that you can achieve anything.

confident will certainly help you to lose weight. By improving your self-confidence now you are giving yourself the enhanced ability to kick your weight loss, life and career goals. There is a strong connection between self-confidence and successful weight loss, so do anything you can to improve the quality of your thoughts for they determine whether or not you live your best life.

Here’s a mindset exercise for you: What is something you want to accomplish?


Why MUST you achieve it no matter what?


What is one small action you can take right now to get started? n

What are some six and nine month goals you can set to hold yourself accountable? n

So how do you build self-confidence? Since thoughts are the roots of feelings and actions you must always make sure your thoughts are positive and beneficial. Instead of focusing on your failures and mistakes, why don’t you take notice of your achievements? This is not vanity. It is simply recognising the things that you have done in the past and acknowledging your abilities. Everyone has had their fair share of accomplishments in life. Get a piece of paper and list down your accomplishments over the last few years. Remind yourself of all of the challenges you were able to hurdle and the obstacles you have overcome. When you put pen to paper you will be surprised by what you have actually achieved to date. Remember, losing weight and looking fantastic won’t give you confidence BUT being self-

52 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –

Write down your answers and keep this somewhere visible and focus on the results you are committed to daily. You will find yourself consistently moving toward the result you are after and very often accomplishing it without giving up. There are only two things that can change our lives: either something new comes into our lives, or something new comes from within. Here’s to living your best life. n

CONTACT Silvestro Musumeci BUSINESS The Weight Loss King PHONE +61 (2) 9712 8375



The cold months of winter can cause our skin to become dehydrated resulting in roughened, tight skin, increased breakouts, fine lines and wrinkles. Constant dehydration ages our skin faster and impairs its ability to function properly. GAYE BARLOW explains how to maintain a healthy hydrated skin and keep those wrinkles at bay. Dry skin is a result of lack of water in the outermost layer of the skin. This layer then loses its ability to retain water rising from the deeper layers. When quite dry it becomes inflexible and rough, resulting in the loss of the normal surface oil, and epidermal water evaporation will happen faster than usual.

Many vegetable peels contain silica which restores skin elasticity and helps to improve hydration. These include red grapes, potatoes, celery string, mango pith, and the bran of whole grains. Snack on water-filled fruits and vegetables and herbal teas. Match each cup of coffee and alcohol with one of water and don’t smoke.

It is the lack of humidity, heating and exposure to the cold and wind which causes the problem. Add in aging skin, busy lifestyles, seasonal changes in diet and often a decrease in water intake and it is no wonder our skin suffers.

Once we have all our lifestyle issues under control we can look at how we actually care for our skin, from the outside.

Helping your skin: Simply drinking more water is not enough. The cells and their walls must be healthy enough to hold in the water.

Humidify the air: Bowls of water placed in all rooms will help; think floating candles and fresh flowers. If you are chronically dehydrated then investing in a humidifier is a wise decision.

Washing: Turn down the temperature in your shower and shorten the time you spend washing. Decrease the toxins you are applying to your body by choosing organic washes and creams. Apply moisturisers whilst you are still damp and you will decrease the skin’s immediate evaporation and increase the moisturiser’s absorption.

Diet and water: Foods high in fatty acids and proteins such as oily fish, green leafy vegetables and nuts are natural moisturisers or emollients that revitalise and repair the skin.

During the colder months it is more about protection and nourishing than stimulation. All skin types in all age groups will feel the benefits of using gentler products. Cleanser: Choose a lactic acid based cleanser as it gently heals the top layer as it stimulates cell renewal. Exfoliate weekly with an enzyme based one. Avoid harsh abrasive scrubs and decrease your sonic cleanser use to once a week. n

Vitamin B serum: Essential to use twice daily. Besides being an amazing antiinflammatory antioxidant it specifically boosts hydration. Apply simultaneously with your Vitamin A to calm any possible winter skin irritation. n

sensitive and in that case you may like to decrease your vitamin A during the colder months. Heavy water sprays: (D20) will sooth and calm dry sore skin. Keep beside your desk and in your purse and spray as often as needed. A good one will contain antioxidants and will penetrate your makeup without causing any problems. n

Moisturisers: Change to a more emollient product which is high in hyaluronic acid; this holds 1000 times its weight in water, attracts even more and holds it there. It’s like wrapping your face in a rug. n

Sunblock: Always, no matter the weather, wear a physical zinc-based block-out. Think of it as an added layer of protection against the cold and wind, in addition to the sun. n

Makeup: You might like to change to a liquid foundation during winter as powders often sit in the fine lines causing irritation. Look for ones which contain minimal ‘nasties’ and are in a moisturising base. n

Although all skins are different, by giving your skin extra attention during winter you will slow the rate your skin ages and delay the resultant problems caused by dehydrated skin. n

Retinols or vitamin A: These normalise cellular function which makes it the best hydrating product for everyone, however, it needs to be started at a level appropriate for your age and skin condition. Vitamin B can help if you do have a tendency to being n

CONTACT Gaye Barlow BUSINESS The Skin Care Clinic PHONE +61 (0) 418 283 778

Have healthier and better looking skin! Are you experiencing any of the following skin concerns? • Ageing; fine lines, brown spots or dry skin • Sensitive, reactive or irritated • Hormonal breakouts, • Acne; congested and oily

Book a FREE online consultation with a knowledgeable nurse skin advisor; you will be provided with a program of skin care giving you a healthier, better looking and feeling skin: Making Great Skin Easy! Products are results driven, scientifically proven, free from artificial additives, fragrances and preservatives. They have delivery systems to ensure the ingredients get to where they need to work.


+61 (0) 418 283 778 – Winter/Spring 2015 n WORKING WOMEN® 53


Get relief from pain and RECOVER FASTER NATURALLY Having to endure pain for any length of time can take over your entire being. Depression, anger and stress are all outcomes of living with constant pain. DIANNE HERMANS explains how and why Q Magnets are becoming the go to pain relief for people all over the globe. Living with constant back pain or for that matter pain in any part of your body can be debilitating. For women trying to work or run their own business in addition to caring for their family it becomes an almost impossible task once severe pain of any type takes hold. Do you have a sore back? You’re not on your own. Around 80 per cent of Australians experience back pain and 10 per cent have a significant disability as a result. Millions of people across the nation are coping with varying degrees of back pain with the issue placing a massive burden on workplaces amounting to millions of dollars in lost productivity each year. So you could be excused for asking that if we can put a man on the moon, why can’t we relieve back pain? Well, in many cases we can, but if you are not lucky enough to be the patient of a doctor or physiotherapist who applies and stocks Q Magnets you may never know about it. These amazing little devices go about doing their work to eliminate pain or maintain it at an acceptable level so you can return to your normal activities – including returning to work! So what are Q Magnets and how do they work?

ABOUT Q MAGNETS Q Magnets have been developed through medical university research and are used by some of the top sports medicine practitioners around the world. They are totally different to any magnetic product on the market today.

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Pioneering work by paediatric neurologist Dr Robert Holcomb MD, PhD saw quadrapolar magnets developed as a safe, drug free and non-surgical treatment – originally used for children who were suffering severe pain.

THE SCIENCE A Q Magnet is a quadrapolar static magnetic device made up of four alternating magnetic poles. Quadra polar magnets are unique in how they generate steep field gradients. Pain is a perception in the brain that is received via electrical signals through the nervous system. Hypersensitive nerves amplify the body’s pain messaging system. It is the steep magnetic field gradient that interrupts the pain signal and returns abnormally firing nerves to a resting state. If the nerve signal does not reach the brain, pain is not perceived.

THE APPLICATION As Q Magnets work by blocking signals from abnormally functioning pain fibres, it is important to locate the origin of the pain signals and place the devices directly over the offending nerves. Detailed directions for specific body parts and injuries are explained at

THE RESULTS Research and clinical experience show that Q Magnets assist pain sufferers and injury recovery by: Temporarily relieving acute and chronic pain.


Reducing dependence on pain killers.


Reducing inflammation.


Improving collagen formation.


When correctly placed, you should feel Q Magnets working within three to five minutes. “The healing times are significantly reduced … I’ve got fantastic results from them. I’ve found them to be extremely powerful, unlike any other magnet I’ve used in my time.” Simon Black (AFL Brisbane Lions). “Following a back injury 14 years ago I have been wearing Q Magnets 24/7. If you’re living with constant pain in any part of your body, do yourself a favour and try these amazing devices. I’ve used them for migraines, headaches, knee injuries, toothache and even following surgery. As well as wearing five Q Magnets on the trigger points on my back full time I always have spare Q Magnets in my handbag, because you never know when pain might strike.” Lynette Palmen AM (Women’s Network Australia) n

Quadra polar magnets offer a targeted, safe, simple and inexpensive form of pain relief and injury recovery. The devices are in no way intended to diminish the primary role of your health care professional, who should be consulted if pain persists.

CONTACT Dianne Hermans BUSINESS Neuromagnetics Australia PHONE +61 (0) 414 398 420

Are you sick of suffering from back, neck or knee pain? Are constant headaches ruining your life? Get your pain levels under control and start feeling normal again with Q magnets. It’s the affordable, reliable, re-usable and easy to apply injury and pain device used by: The Australian Wallabies, Female Triathletes, Olympians, many AFL & Rugby teams and a growing number of WNA Members across Australia. Nagging pain, muscle spasms and restricted movement become a thing of the past when you make the choice to wear Q magnets. Contact: Dianne Hermans, Principal Physiotherapist

Neuromagnetics Australia Pty Ltd

M: 1800 762 463 E:

54 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –


BodyofWork Relax, revive and repair your mind, body and soul with some of these new to market products.

CREATING HEALTHY LIFE HABITS Mandy Napier $24.95 Printed

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Discover the secrets behind anti-aging. Understand why the body ages and what can be done to slow the aging process. Take control of your own life and work towards preventing many of today’s diseases.

STORIES IN AGEING Margaret Webb, Jan Skinner and Lisa Hee $71.96 Printed

IF I CAN, YOU CAN – HOW I LOST HALF MY BODYWEIGHT Silvestro Musumeci $24.95 Printed

Packed with useful diet tips and clever ways to get healthy, this book will inspire you to throw out your starvation diet manuals, clean out your pantry and totally embrace the concept of a healthy food lifestyle.

An innovative approach to caring for the elderly, this book provides insightful stories from older people, carers, health professionals and family members. Students and professionals in social services and nursing will find this text extremely helpful.

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Suffer from allergies? Time poor?

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Whether you hate cleaning or would like to get your cleaning done in less time with less effort. Arrange a face to face consultation with WNA Member Janelle Bostock today for some great solutions. e: or m: 0438 510 496 – Winter/Spring 2015 n WORKING WOMEN® 55



Australia’s love affair with films continues to keep cinemas across the nation overflowing. We are heading into yet another season filled with more outstandingly interesting and enjoyable movies. Here’s a small taste of some ‘must see’ films we know our movie buffs will enjoy. MR HOLMES

Releasing 23 July from Transmission Films In 1947, Sherlock Holmes (Ian McKellen), longretired, lives in a sleepy Sussex village with his housekeeper and her amateur-sleuthing son. But far from living out a peaceful retirement, he is haunted by an unsolved case from fifty years ago. He remembers only fragments: a confrontation with an angry husband and a secret bond with his beautiful but unstable wife. With his legendary mental powers on the wane, and without his old sidekick Watson, Holmes is faced with the toughest case of his life – a case that might finally reveal to him the mysteries of the human heart. Based on the novel, A Slight Trick of the Mind, by Mitch Cullin.



Adapted from Flaubert’s classic novel, Madame Bovary tells the tragic story of Emma, a young beauty who impulsively marries a small-town doctor to leave her father’s pig farm behind. But after being introduced to the glamorous world of high society, she soon becomes bored and seeks excitement and status outside of the bonds of marriage. This sumptuous period drama features a superb cast including Mia Wasikowska (Alice in Wonderland), Paul Giamatti (Sideways) and Ezra Miller (The Perks of Being a Wallflower). Flaubert’s classic novel comes to life.

Nancy (Lake Bell) is done with dating. Ten times bitten, 100 times shy, she’s exhausted by the circus. So when Jack (Simon Pegg) blindly mistakes her for his date, no one is more surprised than Nancy when she does the unthinkable and plays along. It’s going to take a night of pretending to be someone else for Nancy to finally Man Up and be her painfully honest, awesomely unconventional self ... but will Jack also Man Up, and be able to get over her duplicity? Best just to let the evening unfold, roll with the consequences, and see if one crazy, unpredictable, complicated night can bring these two lost souls together.

Releasing 9 July from Transmission Films

Releasing 23 July from STUDIOCANAL

56 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –

Releasing 17 September from STUDIOCANAL One of Australia’s best loved cartoon characters, Blinky Bill is coming to the big-screen! The Blinky Bill Movie will see Blinky, the mischievous koala voiced by True Blood star Ryan Kwanten, embark on a journey through the Australian outback to find his father. With an all-star supporting cast that includes Toni Collette, Barry Humphries, Richard Roxburgh and Deborah Mailman, Blinky Bill will be a joyful adventure for the whole family.

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Then you need a wealth mindset. One of the biggest barriers to financial leadership is not having a wealth mindset. Be educated and transform, to raise your financial thermostat. +61 (3) 9685 7564

Financially Independent Teenagers

F.I.T comes to your teenager’s school and provides a workshop for girls on the basics of personal money management, ensuring the girls get off to a financially savvy start. +61 (0) 449 008 292

Investment and Protection

With over 30 years experience in financial services, we are dedicated to providing the appropriate solutions for business and individuals. Download eBook ‘Our Investment Beliefs’ now. 1800 731 328

Total Portfolio Management

We help you to achieve your financial and lifestyle goals over the short and long term. Your goals are achieved by using prudent financial planning strategies and tools. +61 (7) 3018 0587

Transform Your Relationship With Money

Move from stress, fog and ‘never enough’ to serenity, confidence and ease of flow in your personal and business finances. +61 (0) 428 299 414

FUNERAL SERVICES White Lady Funerals

Wrinkle treatments, Gel fillers, Botox, skin checks and skin care advice by an experienced doctor. BOOK NOW! Free consultation! +61 (7) 3711 1400 Sunnybank Hills General Practice

A National funeral service to all families. Offering assurance of absolute support and professional attention with genuine care. We’ve been providing a woman’s understanding since 1989. 1300 656 550

DENTISTS Refresh Your Smile And Confidence!


EDITING SERVICES First Impressions Count!

GIFT SERVICES Gift Hampers – Australia Wide Delivery

Experience personalised plans, snap-on-smile, invisible braces, minimally invasive dentistry, pain free, facial rejuvenation. Complimentary healthy smile assessments. Special packs. +61 (2) 9438 4425

Prompt, professional editing help for your documents, letters or websites. Writing services also available. We love to make your business shine! Call for a quote today. +61 (0) 412 749 388

EVENT MANAGEMENT Do You Want a Perfect Stress Free Event?

Do you have an event coming up but don’t know where to start? We can help you remove the burden and stress that comes with delivering an amazing experience. Call Sophisticated Events NOW! 1300 344 330

Awaken the artist within! A delightful, magical landscape can make you more vibrant and creative. Ask us how! We design the perfect garden solution for you at home or work. +61 (3) 9846 4220

Creating beautiful, unique gifts and hampers to spoil your clients, customers and staff. We can help create the perfect gift to suit your business. +61 (3) 9802 6455


Affordable agency-quality graphic design solutions for print and web by a designer/illustrator with years of experience and expertise. Need a designer who cares about the detail? +61 (0) 412 465 037 – Winter/Spring 2015 n WORKING WOMEN® 57

Classified Business Directory HEALTH & WELLNESS Be Happy, Feel Healthy

PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO SERVICES Boost Your Personal Branding Online

SKIN CARE SOLUTIONS Making Great Skin Easy

Feeling Tired, Grumpy Or Just Blah?


SOCIAL MEDIA SERVICES Boost Your LinkedIn Profile

We offer eating psychology coaching and workshops. Specialising in eating disorders, digestive pain and mood issues. Call now to achieve a healthy relationship with food and your body. +61 (0) 404 061 767 Are you sick of feeling Blah? It’s time to feel revitalized, function better and to have more energy! Phone our experts and get the perfect solutions to your health challenges. +61 (0) 407 029 943

Not A Meal Planner?

Visit our website and take the quiz to discover your meal planning personality and take the stress out of serving healthy meals to your family. +61 (0) 408 723 559

Suffering From Allergies?

Time poor? Whether you hate cleaning or love it, we all want to spend less effort and save time. Use my enzyme based products with just water and a cloth for great results. +61 (0) 438 510 496

HUMAN RESOURCES Johnston & Goldsmith

People management and recruitment specialists for small to medium businesses. Working with clients to improve people and business performance, so you can focus on the business needs. +61 (7) 3844 0124


Save time, money, effort and reduce your risk in expanding your business overseas. Talk to us first and benefit from our 30 years experience in the Asian markets. +61 (3) 9722 9406

INVESTMENTS & STOCKBROKING Morgan Stanley Wealth Management

One of the world’s most established and respected wealth management firms. Let us devise investment strategies that are designed to meet the goals that are most important to you. +61 (7) 3317 7649

LEGAL SERVICES Trademark Specialists

Trademarking can be complicated, speak to our specialist team to assist with protecting your business and/or product name. Our fees are affordable for all types of businesses. 1300 118 123

MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER Jen Harwood – The Jenerator!

Jen’s style is engaging, fun, motivating and real. Audiences respond inspired and take action. Keynote presentations include: The Confident Woman, The Greatness PrincipleTM and The Art of Networking. Call to book Jen for your next event. 1300 791 291

OUTBOUND CALL SERVICES 100 Matched Leads Free of Charge

Sales campaigns shouldn’t be expensive! Outsource to your own sales manager. Use our team of mature, business-savvy women to make your sales and customer service calls. +61 (0) 413 519 840

Get noticed online with unique and powerful business photography and videos. Build trust, referrals and relationships with a creative personal branding makeover by Kerrin Smith. +61 (0) 457 229 087

The Clutter Bug can help you save time and money. Being organised creates the luxury of spending more time on the important things: yourself, family, your dreams and goals. +61 (0) 421 030 428


Promotional products are an excellent way to build your brand awareness. Embroidered shirts, name badges, coffee cups, caps, jackets, umbrellas and much more. Your logo can go on just about anything! +61 (0) 435 783 751


The all-female legal team that gets on with the job! Bliss Conveyancing provides superior professional services on all residential and non-residential properties throughout NSW. 1300 659 231

PROPERTY INVESTMENT SERVICES Property Investment Solutions

Do you want a financially secure future? We are experienced women investors who mentor and assist women of all ages to build an affordable investment property portfolio. +61 (0) 421 631 925

Property Investment – Wealth Creation

Property investment made easy. Buy an investment property for as little as $30 per week, legally reduce your tax and build wealth – become a property investor! It’s easier than you think. +61 (0) 412 324 304


Servicing the Sunshine Coast for all your residential, development and land sales requirements. We specialise in unique and innovative marketing techniques to get you the best result. +61 (0) 427 319 317


At Unity-Qld we use easy-to-implement strategies that are simple, effective and practical. Our support, products and services are relevant from home to workplace and your situation. +61 (0) 402 889 648


We are the leader in providing marketing services, marketing advice and marketing workshops in the most practical, comprehensive and convenient way to businesses world-wide. 1300 880 408

SALES & MARKETING SERVICES (CONT) The PromoDonna – Lead Generation

The PromoDonna is a national sales and marketing firm. We create high quality B2B sales leads and meetings through cold calling and pre-qualification. +61 (3) 9908 2440

58 WORKING WOMEN® n Winter/Spring 2015 –

Personal skin care plans and online consultations are our specialty. Results driven, safe products, knowledgeable staff; whatever your age or skin type we will solve your skin concern. +61 (0) 418 283 778

Is your LinkedIn profile up-to-date and complete? LinkedIn is the most important platform to promote your business credibility. We can write, edit or overhaul your LinkedIn profile. +61 (0) 417 010 877

SPORT & RECREATION Book: How To Use a Fish Finder

‘How to Use an Echo Sounder/Fish Finder’ has been written with the aim of keeping it simple and is designed for those who have had little or no experience using Echo Sounders/Fish Finders. Order your copy today for the fisherman in your life! +61 (8) 9330 2421


Available by phone or on Skype. Tarot cards with a little bit of clairvoyance and clauradience thrown in. Explore your options. Address business, family, love and relationships. +61 (0) 409 777 116

TRAINING | DEVELOPMENT A Springboard Year for You!

Enhance your career and personal life choices by attending our fabulously focused and facilitated four workshops held over three months. Contact Chris Knight for details. +61 (0) 403 177 012

TRANSPORT Limousine and Chauffeur Service

Prompt, safe and reliable transport for corporate, airport, personalised tours and special occasions in Sydney and surrounding suburbs in our executive limousines or luxury people movers. +61 (0) 411 211 400

TRAVEL Women’s Own Adventure Travel

We are the women’s travel and small group tour specialists. We offer authentic cultural experiences, active yoga retreats, guided walking and cycling tours to amazing destinations. 1300 883 475

WEBSITE DESIGN SERVICES Beautiful Websites – In Just One Day!

Do you need a website, but just don’t know where to start? Don’t know your widgets from your shortcodes? Have no fear! We’ll build you a beautiful website in one day. You heard me, one day! +61 (0) 417 963 729


Is your work and home life getting in the way of your weight loss success? The key is seeking help from someone you can trust, has wisdom, empathy and doesn’t just have the knowledge, but also understands. Call today! +61 (2) 9712 8375

Working Women A






Women’s Network Australia


w w w.w o m e n s n e t w o r k . co m . a u





Fail-proof strategies to give you access to decision-makers



STOP CHASING PERFECTION? It’s a dead end road


how to secure that elusive paid board role

The Emotion-Powered Branding


Print Post Approved 100003825


Working Women

Are you taking it for granted? Why you won’t find THE ONE watching Sex and the City re-runs MARKETING | BUSINESS IDEAS | SUCCESS STRATEGIES AND MORE

CASUAL RATE CARD - FULL COLOUR (these rates assume that finished digital artwork is being supplied by the advertiser) ARTWORK DESIGN




TRIM: 297 (H) x 420 (W)

TRIM: 297 (H) x 210 (W)

SIZE: 133 (H) x 190 (W)

IMAGE: 277 (H) x 400 (W)

IMAGE: 277 (H) x 190 (W)

BLEED: 307 (H) x 430 (W)

BLEED: 307 (H) x 220 (W)




30% of the cost of your advertisement.

DISCOUNTS Book two consecutive display advertisements and you’ll receive a choice of either; Option A: 10% discount off each advert OR Option B: Artwork design fee of 30% waived.

AD AGENCIES Advertising agency bookings are 10% commissionable

PLACEMENT OPTIONS Surcharges apply.

4 SIZE: 271 (H) x 60 (W)





SIZE: 64 (H) x 190 (W)

SIZE: 64 (H) x 125 (W)

7 SIZE: 64 (H) x 60 (W)





Includes photo on cover, a double page 800 word UPFRONT feature article, one full-page display advertisement and up to a maximum of 500 complimentary copies of the magazine carrying the feature. Refer to for advertising terms and conditions or call 1800 052 476.

Submit 220 words of text and a high resolution 300dpi image – $780 (typesetting included)

SPECIFICATIONS AND RATE SHEETS Download from or T: 1800 052 476

WORKING WOMEN | CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY Standard price per listing $99. Discounted WNA Member price per listing $69. Book online at


Each page of WORKING WOMEN® is available for purchase. The pages are supplied in PDF format – making them suitable for placement on websites. The cost per page or part thereof is $88 including GST. Conditions apply.


Available at ‘WORKING WOMEN’ is a registered trade mark of Women’s Network Australia Pty Ltd.




Finished Artwork Supplied

1. Double Page

297 x 420


$1980 per issue

$2200 per issue

2. Full Page

297 x 210


$1050 per issue

$1200 per issue

3. Half Page Horizontal

133 x 190


$702 per issue

$780 per issue

4. Full page – one column

271 x 60


$585 per issue

$650 per issue

5. Quarter Page horizontal

64 x 190


$531 per issue

$590 per issue

6. Quarter Page – two columns

64 x 125


$432 per issue

$480 per issue

7. Quarter page – one column

64 x 60


$333 per issue

$370 per issue

Advertorial – 220 words plus image

133 x 190


$702 per issue

$780 per issue


OPTION A (10% Discount)

OPTION B (Artwork Fee Waived)


PUBLICATION DATE 1 December 1 June

ADVERTISEMENT/ADVERTORIAL Booking Deadline 25 October 25 April

Material Deadline 1 November 1 May – Winter/Spring 2015 n WORKING WOMEN® 59

Join today and discover the difference networking can make to your business! Be inspired and create opportunities for you and your business by joining the nation’s premier networking organisation for women in business. Step into a world of business opportunities, collaboration, connections and knowledge designed to help you to develop and grow. Access expert advice, online forums, education, business resources, networking contacts, small business guidance, live networking events and speakers. Build a rock solid business, expand your connections, attract more clients and be mentored by inspirational business women.

Join Women’s Network Australia today! It’s the easy way to fast-track the success of you and your business.

1800 052 476 Connect with us on Facebook:

Working Women Women’s Network Australia


w w w.w o m e n s n e t w o r k . co m . a u




Fail-proof strategies to give you access to decision-makers STOP CHASING PERFECTION? It’s a dead end road


how to secure that elusive paid board role

The Emotion-Powered Branding

Print Post Approved 100003825


Are you taking it for granted? Why you won’t find THE ONE watching Sex and the City re-runs

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