in supporting producers, awareness raising and in campaigning for changes in the rules and practice of conventional international trade” (Fair Trade 2009).
1. Officially known as Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. See https://sustainable =8496&menu=35. 2. Examples include McKinsey Global Institute 2013; Barma et al. 2012, particularly chapters 5 and 6; AUC and UNECA 2011; and Stanley and Mikhaylova 2011, which touches on the subject of mine-related infrastructure; and IFC 2013, page 1. 3. This dissatisfaction is documented in many sources from the governments themselves, most notably in the African Mining Vision (AU 2009). See also citations throughout chapter 2 of the Sourcebook. 4. Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act, 2010. OIL%20AND%20GAS%20INDUSTRY%20 CONTENT%20DEVELOPMENT%20ACT,%202010.pdf. 5. Ghana Petroleum (Local Content and Local Participation) Regulations 2013 L.I. 2204. http://www L E U M LO C A L- C O N T E N T- A N D - LO C A L- PA RT I C IPATION-REGULATIONS2013.pdf. 6. Mineral Development Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Liberia, China-Union (Hong Kong) Mining Co. Ltd., and China-Union Investment (Liberia) Bong Mines Co. Ltd. Dated January 19, 2009, article 11.1 (a): /152412379-mineral-development-agreement-between-the -government-of-the-republic-of-liberia-china-union-hong -kong-mining-co-ltd-and-china-union-investment.pdf. 7. Investment Agreement between the Government of Mongolia and Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc LLC and Ivanhoe Mines Ltd and Rio Tinto International Holdings Limited, October 6, 2009, articles 8.4 and 8.5. http://www.turquoisehill .com/i/pdf/Oyu_Tolgoi_IA_ENG.PDF. 8. Qara Zaghan Gold Project Contract between Afghan Krystal Natural Resources Company and the Ministry of Mines of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, 2011, article 14.1. /File_211_QaraZaghan_Contract-English.pdf. 9. Republic of Ghana, Ministry of Energy, Local Content and Local Participation—Policy Framework, February 26, 2010. _policy.pdf
10. Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Act, 2010. OIL%20AND%20GAS%20INDUSTRY%20 CONTENT%20DEVELOPMENT%20ACT,%202010.pdf. 11. For examples of local content laws and contractual provisions see “Local Content Laws and Contractual Provisions,” Columbia Center on Sustainable Development. http://ccsi k/pro jects/local-content -laws -contractual-provisions/. 12. Law on Mineral and Coal Mining, Law NQ.4/2009, January 12, 2009. 13. Investment Agreement between the Government of Mongolia and Ivanhoe Mines Mongolia Inc LLC and Ivanhoe Mines Ltd and Rio Tinto International Holdings Limited, October 6, 2009: _Tolgoi_IA_ENG.PDF 14. See RWI et al. 2014, Mining Contracts: How to Read and Understand Them, 159–60. In the second category, the authors refer to “the challenge of monitoring compliance” and “the consequences of a breach.” 15. DAI Energy and Resources Group. 2016. “Assessing the Local Content Landscape for Liquefied Natural Gas in Tanzania.” 16. African Development Bank 2016. “Industrialization Strategy for Africa.” /article/board-approves-afdb-groups -industrialisation -strategy-for-africa-2016-2025-15981/. 17. This view was proposed by a leading mining lawyer, M. Stephane Brabant, in a presentation to the mining indaba at Cape Town, February 4, 2013, “Resources for Infrastructure Swaps.” infrastructure+mines. 18. For a discussion of the resource corridor concept and analysis of several case-studies, see Mtegha et al. 2012. 19. For a discussion of this see Toledano et al. 2014. 20. Concern about this is the motivation behind the Integrated Resource Corridors Initiative of 2015, funded by the U.K. Department of International Development and carried out by the World Wide Fund for Nature and Adam Smith International. 21. For a more detailed overview of the environmental effects of the oil and gas industry, see Waskow and Welch 2010. 22. For a recent review of gas flaring rules and practices, with a case study of Kazakhstan, see Nurbekov and Van de Putte 2014. 23. For more on the Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership, see its website, / WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTOGMC/EXTGGFR /0,,menuPK:578075~pagePK:64168427~piPK:64168435 ~theSitePK:578069,00.html.