184 | Agricultural Innovation in Developing East Asia
TABLE F.3 Coordination
and governance of agricultural innovation systems in East Asia
The National State Council oversees and plays a key role in the decision-making for major innovation plans, including coordinating related ministries and agencies at the national level. The Ministry of Science and Technology and the State Intellectual Property Office develop R&D innovation policy, including for agriculture. The NIS encompasses multitier governance at state, province, and municipality levels.
The MOA, Ministry of Water Resources, and the State Forestry Administration implement the agricultural R&D policy, together with the attached public R&D institutions.
Agriculture innovation is integrated into national innovation frameworks. Other ministries have a say in AIS. Oversight by DOST. STI councils provide policy advice, priority setting, coordination.
MOA performs oversight functions for the AIS. A small number of research centers make coordination possible.
The NSRC is mandated to ensure Malaysia’s investment in science and technology makes the greatest possible contribution to a high-value economy. One of the focus areas in NSRC is agricultural sciences. Agricultural innovation is integrated into national innovation frameworks. Other ministries have a say in AIS. Oversight by DOST. STI councils engage in policy advice, priority setting, coordination.
The MOA and the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities perform oversight functions for the AIS. The states of Sabah and Sarawak have autonomy.
Cooperatives, industry associations, and alliances serve as a bridge between other actors.
The National Center for Science and Technology Evaluation oversees evaluation of governmentsponsored R&D projects.
Improve the leadership and governance structure of the AIS, coordination between government agencies and public research institutes at national and subnational levels, including the strengthening of the evaluation of research outcomes, to avoid duplication of research efforts and investments.a
Limited interaction between stakeholders. Absence of knowledge brokers other than special ARISA interventions and commodity boards.
The Indonesian Centre for Agricultural Technology Assessment and Development is a technical unit responsible for assessing research findings, with no apparent link to governance.
Enhance interaction between stakeholders through platforms and knowledge brokers.
Commodity boards and industry associations serve as brokers and networking opportunities. Some firmcentered funds and programs serve as brokers.
An M&E mechanism and instruments for evaluating improvements in governance are not in place.
Mainstream M&E process as part of AIS governance.
The National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Finance allocate public funding for innovation and the technological upgrading of various economic sectors, while the National Natural Science Foundation of China plays an important role in allocating resources for scientific research.
Coordination agency for extension exists at every governance level.
The Palm Oil Board (with local and international experts) uses priority setting, M&E, review processes, presenting good practice for AIS.
Enhance stakeholder collaboration through platforms and knowledge brokers. Consider a dedicated agency or body for AIS coordination and governance across states and ministries. continued