5 minute read

Topical bibliography

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Land availability and acquisition

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Stakeholder management

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Permits and licensing

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Scope of design

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Environmental and social risks

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Financial risks

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Financial closure

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Fare evasion

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Changes in ownership

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Construction delays

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Component interfaces

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Geotechnical risks

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Completion and commissioning risk

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Quality and level of service

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Adequate fuel supply

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Other infrastructure

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Fleet maintenance

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Repair costs

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Infrastructure maintenance

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III Defining the Project Structure

This part aims to help planners to polish the project structure, in preparation for the structuring phase. A finalized risk matrix corresponds to a well-defined project structure. Chapter 9 provides examples of common and new risk mitigation and allocation strategies and considers adjustments in the proposed structure. Chapter 10 reviews definitions of funding sources and financing mechanisms. These definitions directly affect how risks are allocated and mitigated. Finally, chapter 11 guides planners through an exercise of translating the proposed structure into essential elements of the concession. The purpose of this chapter is not to draft a concession contract (which pertains to the structuring phase and is thus beyond the scope of this analytical framework) but to identify inconsistencies or imbalances as well as new risk management strategies through a careful conceptual consideration of the essential elements of a concession contract.

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