Contents 5 7 10 12 14 16 18 20 28 36 46
Welcome from the Organisers Welcome from the Region Hall Plans Static Display Exhibitor List & Map Event Sponsors & Partners Seminar Programme - Thursday May 9th Seminar Programme - Friday May 10th History of Helicopters in Europe Exhibitor List A-Z Kbely Aviation Museum - Helicopter Exhibits Media Partners
Daily Programme Thursday 9th May 09:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 17:00
Seminar Programme (see page 16 for details)
Friday 10th May 09:00 - 17:00
10:00 - 16:00
Seminar Programme (see page 18 for details)
Saturday 11th May 09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 12:00 11:00 - 17:00 12:00
Aviation Display: Czech Police and Fire Service VIP-Area Open Airshow: Around 40 aircraft from helicopter group flying to intervention of helicopters in simulated accidents and aerobatic displays.
Contacts Alex Ayling +44 (0)20 8549 3917
Show Director
Astrid Ayling +44 (0)20 8549 5024
European Sales
Roland J.M. Vanhees +420 721 842 859
European Sales
World Aviation Events Ltd. Cowleaze House, 39 Cowleaze Road, Kingston, Surrey KT2 6DZ, United Kingdom Soliciting for business by non-exhibitors is strictly prohibited. The distribution of press releases, leaflets, magazines, or any other form of promotional material not part of an exhibitors’ own material is strictly forbidden. We reserve the right to escort any individual from the Expo if they are reported or seen to be soliciting within the exhibition site and are not a European Helictoper Show exhibitor. Š Copyright of World Aviation Events Ltd. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the material published in this Show Guide. However, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for claims made by manufacturers, advertisers or contributors. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the Editor or the publishers. Although all reasonable care is taken of all material, photographs, CD & discs submitted, the publishers cannot accept any responsibility for damage or loss. All content including exhibitor details, floor plans, and seminars correct at time of publication - 26 April 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this Show Guide - its Advertising, Design or Editorial - may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any other form, or by any other means, electronic, mechanical, photographic, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the publishers.
Tomáš Suchánek
DSA a.s.
Daniel Tuček
Alex Ayling
Astrid Ayling
AviationExpo Europe
Welcome to the first European Helicopter Show in the Czech Republic. The first Europe-wide helicopter exhibition in the Czech Republic, the European Helicopter Show (EHS), is exceptional not only in its size but also for focusing on helicopter technology. Held at the intersection of Eastern and Western Europe, where leading helicopter technology producers will present their products, the EHS exhibition will show a variety of helicopter technologies for static and flight presentation in connection with the Integrated Rescue System (IRS).
The Hradec Králové airport is already a well known centre for helicopter events in the aviation community and the EHS exhibition will take this view beyond European borders. I wish all exhibitors good business opportunities and “Safe Landings” for all performing pilots. Tomáš Suchánek
Pilot Examiner and Chairman of DSA a.s. On behalf of the organizers
Vítejte na první European Helicopter Show v České republice. První celoevropská výstava vrtulníků v České republice, pořádaná pod názvem European Helicopter Show (EHS), je výjimečná nejen svou velikostí, ale i zaměřením na vrtulníkovou techniku. EHS je pořádaná na rozmezí východní a západní Evropy, na které se prezentují hlavní výrobci vrtulníkové techniky. Výstava EHS předvede paletu vrtulníkové techniky na statické i letové prezentaci a propojení činností integrovaného záchranného systému (IZS). Letiště Hradec Králové je u letecké veřejnosti
vnímáno jako centrum vrtulníkového dění v ČR a výstava EHS posouvá tento pohled za hranice evropského prostoru. Všem vystavovatelům přeji hodně obchodních příležitostí a vystupujícím pilotům „safe landings“. Tomáš Suchánek
Pilot examinátor a předseda představenstva DSA a.s. Za pořadatele
Welcome from... misapprehension existed among Aviation enthusiasts about the fate of the Hradec Králové airport after the Air Force had left.
MD. Přemysl Sobotka, Vice-President of the Czech Senate The Hradec Králové airport has had a long and interesting history for more than eighty years. It is associated with many Czech aviation legends. Serious MUDr. Přemysl Sobotka, místopředseda Senátu Parlamentu ČR Letiště v Hradci Králové má dlouhou a zajímavou více než osmdesátiletou historii, která je spojena se jmény mnoha českých leteckých legend. Milovníci letectví měli o osud královehradeckého letiště po odchodu armádního letectva velké obavy. Ty se již řadu let snaží například rozptýlit i unikátní
MD. Zdeněk Fink, Mayor of the city of Hradec Králové
MUDr. Zdeněk Fink, primátor Hradce Králové Vážení příznivci European Helicopter Show, Hradec Králové má i letos tu čest být hostitelským městem největší středoevropské helikoptérové akce. Akce, která je zároveň výjimečnou šancí pro
For many years these enthusiasts have presented a unique annual event highlighting successes and events in the helicopter industry. Without doubt this year’s first edition of the “European Helicopter Show 2013”, will satisfy by the presentations of the latest aircraft types, products and services relating to rotorcraft in private or professional use. každoroční přehlídka úspěchů a novinek vrtulníkového průmyslu. Není pochyb o tom, že letošní první evropská vrtulníková výstava European Helicopter Show, uspokojí svou prezentací posledních typů strojů, služeb a produktů, souvisejících s rotory vrtulníků, stejně tak laickou i odbornou veřejnost. Zatímco se řada návštěvníků této
The city of Hradec Králové has the honour of hosting this year´s largest helicopter event in Europe. This event is an excellent opportunity for experts to meet, whilst attracting public enthusiasm, regardless of gender or age.
The many visitors to this great show will be looking forward to seeing the latest helicopter technologies with superior piloting by experienced pilots. In addition there will be demonstrations of co-operation between the Integrated Rescue System and rescue operations. I wish all of us from spectator to pilot and the Hradec Králové Region and its vast surroundings nothing more than the most beautiful weather, because that is what an airshow with dimensions as such this deserves the most. velké přehlídky těší na prohlídku vrtulníkové techniky a špičkovou pilotáž zkušených pilotů spolu s již tradičními ukázkami spolupráce složek Integrovaného záchranného systému při záchranných akcích, nezbývá mi, než si v zájmu nás všech od diváků po piloty přát na dny 9. – 11. května 2013 pro Hradec Králové a široké okolí co nejhezčí počasí. Přehlídka jako je tato, si to rozhodně zaslouží.
it is established by the best professionals. I wish that this year’s event organizers meet their personal expectations, and also fulfill the expectations of participants and visitors.
The potential of the Integrated Rescue System is enormous and without doubt I am convinced
The city of Hradec Králové welcomes the European Helicopter Show as a great opportunity to provide a memorable and meaningful event.
setkání odborníků a současně umí přilákat a skvělou formou zaujmout nadšenou veřejnost bez ohledu na pohlaví i věk. Potenciál integrovaného záchranného systému je obrovský a věřím, že i letos nenechá nikoho na pochybách, že ho tvoří ti nejlepší profesionálové. Přeji pořadatelům,
aby letošní ročník pod novým názvem naplnil očekávání nejen jich samotných, ale i účastníků a návštěvníků. Hradec Králové vítá European Helicopter Show nejen jako příjemnou atraktivitu, ale hlavně jako obrovskou příležitost poskytnout prostor potřebné a smysluplné akci.
Welcome from...
Ing. Kamil Jankovský, Minister for Regional Development I am pleased to announce that on behalf of the Department for Regional Development I can support this year’s first edition of the European Helicopter Show 2013 in the Czech Republic, following eleven previous helicopter technology displays at the Hradec Králové airport. This kind of event promotes regional cooperations between the public, Ing. Kamil Jankovský, Ministr pro místní rozvoj ČR Jsem rád, že mohu za ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj podpořit první evropskou vrtulníkovou výstavu European Helicopter Show (EHS) v České republice, která navazuje na jedenáct přehlídek vrtulníkové techniky na Letišti v Hradci Králové. Akce tohoto typu podporují regionální spolupráci mezi veřejným, privátním, ale také neziskovým sektorem na principech fungující organizace destinačního managementu založeného na spolupráci poskytovatelů služeb, tj. komerčních subjektů, neziskových organizací a veřejných institucí. Fungující destinační management pomáhá českým destinacím nejen v rámci domácího cestovního ruchu,
private and non-profit sectors. The European Helicopter Show involves commercial entities, non-profit organisations and public institutions. Functional destination management helps Czech destinations, not only in the field of domestic tourism, but for positive presentation of the Czech Republic abroad. The European Helicopter Show is an exhibition that reinforces the reputation of the Czech Republic not only at home but also abroad. One of the many reasons for accepting this patronage was reflected by the words of the father of helicopters Igor Sikorski, who before U.S. Congress said that “a helicopter will never be faster or more economical than an airplane, but it will fulfill such tasks which no other aircraft can accomplish. And just because of its unique
ale současně je základem pro kvalitní prezentaci České republiky v zahraničí. Výstava European Helicopter Show je akcí, která svým nadnárodním významem posiluje dobré jméno České republiky doma i v zahraničí. K převzetí záštity mě mimo jiné vedla stále platná slova otce vrtulníků Igora Sikorského, který v americkém Kongresu řekl, že vrtulník nikdy nebude rychlejší nebo ekonomičtější než letadlo, ale splní takové úkoly, které žádné jiné letadlo nezvládne. A právě pro své unikátní možnosti jsou tyto stroje nepostradatelné, a to zejména v rámci integrovaného záchranného systému, ale také pro útvary policie, armády apod.
capabilities, these machines are indispensable, especially in the integrated rescue system, but also for police, army, etc.” More than a hundred years have passed since the first helicopter flights were documented. Today helicopters are increasingly sophisticated machines, coming close to the ideal of fast, quiet and safe transportation. As for security, technical defects causing accidents are reduced to a minimum and therefore regular training of technical personnel and pilots is important. The acquisition and transfer of these experiences makes an event like this helicopter show. It deserves attention from professionals, and also from the general public, for whom aviation events are an unique experience.
Za více jak sto let od prvního zdokumentovaného vrtulníku se v poslední době objevují stále sofistikovanější stroje, které se blíží k ideálu rychlé, tiché a bezpečné dopravy. Pokud jde o bezpečnost, ukázalo se, že technickou závadou je způsobeno minimum havárií, a proto jsou důležitá pravidelná školení a výcvik technického personálu i pilotů. K získávání a předávání zkušeností slouží i takové akce, jakou je tato helikoptérová show. Zaslouží si pozornost nejen odborné veřejnosti, ale i laické veřejnosti, pro kterou jsou letecké akce nevšedním zážitkem.
Welcome from... The European Helicopter Show is unique in combining a professional programme for employees and accomplishers of the integrated rescue system concept with practical demonstrations of rescue work.
aircraft used by the fire brigade makes this event extremely attractive to the broadest audience. We as residents of the city of Hradec Králové look forward to this event taking place in our city.
MD. Leoš Heger, Czech Minister of Health
The emphasis on the Air Rescue Services, Police Air Services or
MUDr. Leoš Heger, Ministr zdravotnictví ČR
tvůrce koncepcí integrovaného záchranného systému s praktickými ukázkami práce záchranářů. Důraz na leteckou záchrannou službu, leteckou službu policie nebo použití letecké techniky pro účely
hasičského záchranného sboru navíc z akce činí událost nesmírně atraktivní pro nejširší publikum. A nás Hradečáky může těšit, že se koná právě v Hradci Králové.
System. It is the fastest way to help people in need in the most inaccessible places. Today, it would be impossible to imagine being without the availability of rescue helicopters.
the traditional Airshow will certainly impress the general public and professionals.
European Helicopter Show je unikátní tím, že kombinuje odborný program pro zaměstnance a
Lubomír Franc, Governor of the Hradec Králové region The Air Rescue Service is without doubt one of the important members of the Integrated Rescue Bc. Lubomír Franc, hejtman Královéhradeckého kraje Letecká záchranná služba patří bezesporu k důležitým článkům integrovaného záchranného systému. Je to nejrychlejší pomoc pro lidi v nouzi. Pomoc, která se dokáže dostat i na nepřístupná
I am eager to say they are doing a very good job in saving human lives and work with great enthusiasm and dedication. The European Helicopter Show is an excellent opportunity to become familiar with their work and to show them our gratitude, whilst místa. Dnes už si asi nikdo z nás ani nedokáže představit, že by zde záchranáři s vrtulníky nebyli. Jsem rád, že stále odvádějí velmi dobrou práci, zachraňují lidské životy a pracují s velkým nasazením a obětavostí. European Helicopter Show je výbornou příležitostí, jak se seznámit s jejich prací a poděkovat
I wish all the rescuers much enthusiasm in their further work, which is so important for our region and its people. We are already looking forward to next year´s edition of the European Helicopter Show, which will gain more and more enthusiasts and supporters.
jim za ni. Tradiční letecký den určitě nadchne širokou veřejnost i odborníky. Přeji všem záchranářům nadšení do další práce, která je pro náš region a jeho obyvatele tak důležitá. Již nyní se pak těším na další ročník European Helicopter Show, která si získává čím dál tím více příznivců.
HC-2 H (Czech Militar
HELICOPTER ry Aviation Museum)
A39 Hall plan correct at time of printing
Hall plan correct at time of printing
ORGANISERS / Organizátoři
EVENT SPONSORS / Sponzoři akce
PARTNERS / Partneři
Za finanční podpory Statutárního města Hradec Králové a Královéhradeckého kraje.
SEMINARS - THURSDAY 9TH MAY The European Helicopter Show is much more than an exhibition and trade show. It includes a two day seminar programme featuring speakers from across the helicopter industry. Experienced speakers will present a range of interesting and highly relevant topics covering everything from practical advice to insights into the latest industry development. Seminars are free and open to all visitors with a Professional Day Pass.
10:00 - 11:00
General Aviation Aircraft Deployed For Public Security Marcus Gruber (Airborne Technologies GmbH) & Klaus-Jürgen Frenzl (Air Cop Tech)
This seminar explores the cost effective airborne surveillance with fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft.
11:00 - 12:00
Industry Presentation – AgustaWestland Roberto Farnese (Marketing Manager, AgustaWestland) AgustaWestland product family: modularity in the helicopter industry • AW169, AW139, AW189: same design philosophy • Maintenance, training and technological commonalities • The AW Family advantage
12:00 - 13:00
Police, Firefighting, Rescue, EMS & Training Helicopter Operations in California - Doug Abney
This seminar will describe the helicopters, equipment, training, and crew who perform a wide range of helicopter missions throughout the state of California. The diverse topography and size of California makes the helicopter an important tool for government and private organizations to accomplish their missions. The presentation will conclude with a high definition video tour of the Los Angeles area in a Bell 47 helicopter, the first certified helicopter. Many of the famous landmarks of the USA’s second largest city will be seen through the iconic bubble of this famous helicopter.
> Doug Abney (right) meets moon-man “Buzz” Aldrin
SEMINARS - THURSDAY 9TH MAY Seminars are free and open to all visitors with a Professional Day Pass.
13:00 - 14:00
One Million Images Later, Still Searching for the Perfect Image Glenn Grossman
This seminar will be a glimpse of SWAT missions, Sniper Insertions from the air, Patrol Interaction and Support, Fire suppression techniques, Air Medical Response and Over Water Rescues. The presentation will cover the technical aspects of Aerial Photography relative to targets on the ground, and in the air. Additional areas of interest will be the type of cameras, vibration control concepts, image post processing techniques, and safety practices. Following conclusion of the presentation a short slideshow of typical target scenarios will follow with a Q & A with Glenn Grossman who has just retired from the Los Angeles Police Department with 30 years of pushing the shutter button, 17 years with the Special Weapons and Tactics team, and 13 years of Aviation Combat photography.
14:00 - 15:00
Safety Management Systems (SMS): where we are today and barriers Malcolm Rusby, European Safety Director, TAG Aviation (UK) Ltd.
Safety culture - Predictive SMS - Collaborative working / CASE Corporate Aviation Safety Executive
15:00 - 17:00
EGNOS Benefits for Helicopter Operations Speaker tbc
This session provides insights in the benefits provided by high vertical precision satellite navigation for rotorcraft operations. It provides a unique opportunity to discuss EGNOS implementation and future application and technology evolutions. Topics covered will include: Realising EGNOS benefits in HEMS operations, EGNOS as an enabler to low level RNAV routes, SOAP procedures for offshore operations and Certifying SBAS operations on helicopters.
Avionics Systems for Helicopters – Garmin Trevor Pegrum, EMEA, Aviation Manager, Garmin (Europe) Ltd
Glass cockpit and EFIS displays, GPS navigation, LPV and next generation Airspace, HTAWS and hazard avoidance systems, Data-link, position tracking, and other services.
SEMINARS - FRIDAY 10TH MAY Seminars are free and open to all visitors with a Professional Day Pass.
10:00 - 11:00
Industry Presentation – AgustaWestland Roberto Farnese (Marketing Manager, AgustaWestland) AgustaWestland product family: modularity in the helicopter industry • AW169, AW139, AW189: same design philosophy • Maintenance, training and technological commonalities • The AW Family advantage
11:00 - 11:30
Head Up Display for Helicopters & Barriers Johan Zandén (Senior Marketing Executive, Saab EDS, Avionics Division, Sweden)
A presentation of Saab Head Up Display for helicopters. HEMS, SAR and Offshore supply missions can be highly demanding – and when the mission is urgent and unplanned, or the weather is poor, it gets even tougher. Essential mission information is crucial.
11:30 - 12:00
Heli Transportable Flood Protection Bags & Barriers Svante Hellberg (Head of Communications, LECRA)
The Lecra Rescue Bag is a bag that will replace the traditional sandbag, used to build embankments. The bag can also be used to collect polluted water. The Rescue Bag has many advantages and can can be used for several other purposes; seal limited leakage, collect indoor flooding water etc.
12:00 - 13:00
Helicopter Finance and Leasing Market Usman Ahmed (Senior Aviation Analyst IBA)
Current Market Overview, Regional Growth Trends, Market Drivers, Why Invest in Helicopters, Helicopter Values, Appraisal Methodologies, Finance Market, Leasing Market, How to protect helicopter investment.
SEMINARS - FRIDAY 10TH MAY Seminars are free and open to all visitors with a Professional Day Pass.
13:00 - 14:00
Industry Presentation - Bell Helicopter Jakub Hoda (Regional Sales Manager, Central Europe, Bell Helicopter) Presentation and product overview with special focus on the current presence of Bell Helicopter in Europe and future plans.
14:00 - 14:30
Mountain Rescue Cpt. Karlheinz Burtscher (CFV V) & Christophorus Flugrettungsverein ÖAMTC
This seminar explores the different techniques applied for human external cargo and the challenges & danger for robe rescue operations in Mountain Areas.
14:30 - 15:00
EVS-1500 Enhanced Vision System François Gatineau (President CEO – Rotor & Aircraft)
Rotor & Aircraft is offering and developing various Suplement Types Certificates (STC) for the installation in different types of helicopters of the EVS-1500 (Enhanced Vision System) manufactured by Astronics Max Viz.
15:00 - 16:00
EGNOS Benefits for Helicopter Operations Speaker tbc
This session provides insights in the benefits provided by high vertical precision satellite navigation for rotorcraft operations. It provides a unique opportunity to discuss EGNOS implementation and future application and technology evolutions. Topics covered will include: Realising EGNOS benefits in HEMS operations, EGNOS as an enabler to low level RNAV routes, SOAP procedures for offshore operations and Certifying SBAS operations on helicopters.
Avionics Systems for Helicopters – Garmin Trevor Pegrum, EMEA, Aviation Manager, Garmin (Europe) Ltd
Glass cockpit and EFIS displays, GPS navigation, LPV and next generation Airspace, HTAWS and hazard avoidance systems, Data-link, position tracking, and other services.
The History of Helicopters in Europe Early Pioneers
In 1907, about four years after the Wright brothers’ first successful powered flights in fixed-wing airplanes at Kitty Hawk in the United States, three French helicopter pioneers were conducting tests with varying success with their relative machines. On June 13, the first piloted helicopter flew, and crashed, in France, designed and piloted by the engineer Maurice Léger. The machine powered by four engines and two rotor blades, took off, briefly hovered, slipped sideways and fell.
Leonardo Da Vinci and Sir George Cayley
> Bréguet-Richet Gyroplane No:1 quad-rotor > Louis Bréguet
> Da Vinci’s 1483 “Aerial Screw > Leonardo Da Vinci Amongst his many elaborate drawings, the Renaissance visionary Leonardo da Vinci drew what is a basic human-carrying helicopterlike machine. His sketch of the “aerial-screw” or “air gyroscope” device is dated to 1483 but it was first published nearly three centuries later. Da Vinci describes that the machine should be “rotated with speed that said screw bores through the air and climbs high.”
In 1907, the Bréguet Brothers built their first helicopter, the ungainly Bréguet-Richet Gyroplane No:1 quad-rotor. It weighed more than half a ton, consisted of four long girders made of steel tubes and arranged in the form of a horizontal cross. The pilot sat in the centre of the cross next to a 40-hp engine. On August 24, Maurice Volumard made the first recognized vertical flight (although steadied by ground handlers). Less than three months after Bréguet’s first “successful” vertical flight, a French bicycle repairer and inventor, named Paul Cornu built a tandem rotor machine that also lifted off the ground a few feet, near Lisieux, France on November 13th 1907. This is considered to be the first controlled vertical free flight.
> Paul Cornu in his first helicopter in 1907
> Cayley’s 1843 “Aerial Carriage” > Sir George Cayley Sir George Cayley is famous for his work on the basic principles of flight, which dates from the 1790’s. As a young man, his fascination with flight led him to design and construct a whirling-arm device in 1804, which was probably one of the first scientific attempts to study the aerodynamic forces produced by lifting wings. In a later paper, published in 1843, Cayley gives details of a relatively large vertical flight aircraft design that he called an “Aerial Carriage.”
First Powered Flights
Léger, Bréguet, Cornu, Sikorsky, Yur’ev
> Léger’s machine prior to its final flight
> Sikorsky S-1, the first of many designs > Igor Sikorsky honoured by a cover position on TIME magazine In the early 1900s, Igor Ivanovitch Sikorsky and Boris Yur’ev independently began to design and build vertical-lift machines in Tsarist Russia. By 1909, inspired by the work of Cornu and other French aviators, Sikorsky had built a non-piloted coaxial helicopter prototype. This machine did not fly because of vibration problems and the lack of a powerful enough engine. His first design, the S-1, was unable to lift its own weight, and the second machine, the S-2, only made short (non-piloted) hops even with a more powerful engine. Although he never gave up his vision of the helicopter, it was not until the 1930s after he had emigrated to the United States that he again pursued his ideas of vertical flight. That is another story in itself..............
> Yur’ev’s single rotor machine Boris Yur’ev had also tried to build a helicopter in Russia around 1912. This machine had a very modern looking single rotor and tail rotor configuration. The large diameter, high aspect ratio blades suggested some knowledge that this was the configuration for high aerodynamic efficiency. Yet, like Sikorsky’s S-1 and S-2, Yur’ev’s aircraft lacked a powerful enough engine.
Juan de la Cierva started building aircraft as early as 1912, and in 1919 he started to consider the use of a rotor to generate lift at low airspeed, and eliminate the risk of stall. This pioneering work was carried out in De la Cierva’s native Spain. In 1925 he brought his C.6 to England and demonstrated it to the Air Ministry at Farnborough, Hampshire. This machine had a four blade rotor with flapping hinges but relied upon conventional airplane controls for pitch, roll and yaw. With its jump take-off capability, the autogiro was to closely rival the helicopter in performance capability. Several other British companies including Weir, Avro, Parnall, de Havilland, and Westland went on to build variants of the de la Cierva Autogiro designs. The first Weir designs were developments of de la Cierva’s models and used the orientable direct rotor control system.
Success at Last
Oehmichen, Von Baumhauer, Cierva, Focke, Flettner
> Focke Wulf Fw61
> Oehmichen’s record breaking machine Etienne Oehmichen, a scientist employed by Peugeot, began his experiments in 1920 by suspending a balloon above a twin-rotor helicopter to provide additional lift, a later design had four lifting airscrews and five auxiliary propellers. On April 14, 1924, he flew this type of craft, powered by a 180-horsepower (134-kilowatt) Rhone engine, 1,181 feet (360 meters), establishing the first helicopter distance record officially recognized by the Federation Aeronautique Internationale. Between 1924 and 1930, a Dutchman named A. G. Von Baumhauer designed and built one of the first singlerotor helicopters with a sideward thrusting tail rotor to counteract the torque reaction from the main rotor. Unfortunately, > Baumhauer’s single rotor machine the main and tail rotors were in no way connected, and this caused considerable difficulties in achieving proper directional control. Nevertheless, the machine was reported to have made numerous short, semi-controlled flights.
Heinrich Focke of the Focke-Wulf Company began his work on rotating-wing aircraft as early as 1933. He acquired a license to build de la Cierva’s autogyros, and successfully manufactured the C-19 and the C-30 models. From the experience he gained by working on these machines and after many wind tunnel tests with small models, Focke began developing the FW-61 helicopter in 1934, named after his current company, Focke-Wulf. Later, in early 1936, Focke and Gert Achgelis finally built and demonstrated a successful side-by-side, two-rotor machine, called the Fa-61. The Fa-61 machine is significant in that it was the first helicopter to show fully controlled flight and also to demonstrate successful autorotations. The machine gained a certain amount of notoriety prior to the outbreak of World War 2 when the famous German test pilot Flugkapitan Hanna Reitsch flew it inside Berlin’s Deutschlandhalle sports arena. During the period 1938-43, Antoine Flettner, also of Germany, developed several helicopter designs. Flettner’s success came with using a side-by-side intermeshing rotor configuration, which > Flettner Fl-265 became known as a synchropter. In the synchropter design, the rotor shafts are close together but arranged so that they are at a significant outward angle with the overlapping rotors turning in opposite directions. A gearing system ensures the exact phasing of the rotors. In 1939, Flettner’s Fl-265 synchropter flew successfully and was the first helicopter to demonstrate transition into autorotation and then back again into powered flight.
Early Production Machines Bristol, Fairey and Westland
> Cierva C.6 Autogyro replica > Juan de la Cierva
The early 1950s saw helicopters quickly maturing into safe, successful, and highly viable aircraft that were easier to fly and more comfortable for crew and passengers alike. This era is marked by significant mass production of helicopters by various manufacturers in Europe and also in the United States. The American Sikorsky
S-55 and S-58 models made great advances in helicopter design. These aircraft had a large cabin under the rotor, and to give a wide allowable center of gravity position, the engine was placed in the nose. Westland also maintained their relationship with Sikorsky and built versions called the S-55 Whirlwind and S-58 Wessex.
> Westland S-55 Whirlwind > Bristol Type-192 Belvedere
The European manufactures Aerospatiale, Agusta, MBB, and Westland have produced many successful helicopter designs since the 1960s. The Aerospatiale (formally Sud-Aviation) Alouette was one of the most successful European helicopters, and in 1955 it was one of the first machines to be powered by a gas turbine. The Aerospatiale Super Frelon was a large transport machine, first flown in 1962. In the early 1970s the Aerospatiale/Westland SA330 Puma became Europe’s best selling transport helicopter. The Aerospatiale/ Westland Gazelle was a successful successor to the Alouette, first flown in 1967, and it introduced the fenestron tail rotor. The Dauphin, first flown in 1972, used an improved fenestron tail rotor and a composite main rotor hub. Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm (MBB) introduced the BO105 in 1967 with a hingeless titanium rotor, with the larger and more capable BK117 machine first flying in 1979. In the 1990s, Aerospatiale and MBB joined resources to form Eurocopter, which produces a large number of civilian and military helicopter models.
The Bristol Type-192 Belvedere was an improved tandem rotor design, which followed in 1958 with more powerful engines. While it saw service with the British forces, it was not as successful as the American machines. The other Bristol helicopter design of note was the single rotor Type 171 Sycamore, which had a well-streamlined fuselage and quite good performance. However, the Bristol Company found it difficult to compete with helicopters being produced by Sikorsky, Bell and Westland, and limited numbers of their machines were produced.
> Agusta A109
> Fairey Rotodyne In Great Britain during the 1940s and 50s, the autogiro concept was pursued to some significant end by the Fairey Aviation Company. The Fairey Girodyne compound aircraft used a propeller set on the end of a stub wing to provide both propulsion and antitorque. The Fairey Company went on to develop the Jet Girodyne in which the rotor system was driven by tip jets. This ultimately led to the Rotodyne, which was the world’s biggest giroplane with a cabin big enough for forty passengers. The aircraft set a world speed record for a convertiplane in 1959 before the project was cancelled, for reasons that were perceived by many as political rather than technical.
Agusta and Westland have also license-produced helicopters designed in the United States, such as those of Sikorsky and Bell. Agusta also began to design their own machines, with the large three-engined A-101 flying in 1964, but it never went into production. The Agusta A-109 was one of the most aerodynamically attractive helicopters. First flown in 1971, this high-speed transport and multirole helicopter has been very successful and is used in both civilian and military roles.
Europe Unites
Aerospatiale, Agusta, MBB, Westland, Eurocopter, AgustaWestland
> Sud Aviation SA-321 Super Frelon
> Westland WS-61 Sea King Westland Helicopters (now GKN-Westland) has been a key player in British aviation since the 1930’s. The earliest helicopters built by Westland were under license from Sikorsky, but these were significantly modified to meet British airworthiness standards. During 1959--60, Westland took over the operation of the Bristol, Saunders-Roe, and Fairey companies. Saunders-Roe (SARO) had previously taken over the Cierva Company in 1951. The Sea King and Commando were derived from the S-61, which were steadily improved upon since the first models flew in the late 1960s. The latest versions of the Sea King sold through 1990 have used composite rotor blades and various airframe improvements.
Westland designed its own line of helicopters, starting with the military Lynx, which first flew in 1971. Westland also have a license agreement with Sikorsky to build the WS-70 Blackhawk.
Czech Developments
Novak, Steiner, CZAL (Aero), Horak, Morovan, NA Design Frantisek Novak designed two types of helicopters in Czechoslovakia from 1913, numbered Type No.1 and No.2. Following World War 1 his type 3 was a larger version with a cabin extending below the rotor. Eduard Steiner also built three helicopters shortly after World War 2, his type > 1950 Horak single-seat 1 to 3 machines. The CZAL (Aero) helicopter factory at Karlin, led by Jaroslav Slechta, developed the XE-1 two-seat helicopter project in 1947, fitted with twin inter-meshing rotors and a 100hp Praga M-197 engine. This led to the XE-II (OK-FYA) which flew on 14 December 1949. It was an open single-seater with a single three-blade main rotor and 75hp Praga D engine. Karel Horak, designed, built and flew his single-seat helicopter with two intermeshing rotors in 1950.
Mi-4 looked very much like the Sikorsky S-55, but it was much bigger and more capable. The Mi-10 of 1961 was a flying crane development of the Mi-6, with a tall, wide, quadricycle landing gear. The world’s largest and heaviest helicopter was the Mil Mi-12. This aircraft had a side-by-side rotor configuration, with the span of the aircraft from rotor tip to rotor tip exceeding that of the wing span of the Boeing 747. The Mi-26 entered service in 1982 and is the largest helicopter currently flying. The Mi-28 is an attack helicopter, similar in configuration to the AH-64 Apache. The latest Mil design, the Mi-38, is planned as a successor to the Mi-8/17 and is similar in size and weight to the EH-101.
> Aero HC-2 Heli-Baby to be exhibited at the 2013 European Helicopter Show > 1998 NA Design NA40 “Bongo” The Z-35 Heli-Trener, developed by the Czech Moravan works, first flew in 1960. It was a small, two-seat trainer designed for maximum simplicity of structure and maintenance. The prototype HC-2 Heli-Baby two-seater had an all-metal fuselage/boom, fixed tricycle undercarriage and 80hp Praga DH engine driving a threeblade rotor. This prototype flew on 3 March 1954, and an order for 200 was announced. It is not clear how many examples were finally delivered, but the HC-2 served with the Czech Air Force for some years. An example of the “Heli-Baby” will be exhibited at the 2013 European Helicopter Show. NA Design was created in third quarter of 1999, in co-operation with Moravan Aeroplanes Inc. Development of the (formerly UNIS) Bongo continued into early 2002, at which time NA Design was seeking a Western partner to assist with certification, production and marketing; the project was put on hold in late 2002 while finance was sought but, despite this, a new version, the four-seat NA50, was announced in late 2002. Some US$2.5 million said to be required to bring aircraft to production readiness.
Russian Developments Mil, Kamov and Yak
Significant numbers of helicopters have also been built in the former Soviet Union. In the 1930s, the TsAGI Technical Institute in Moscow built a series of autogiros based on the de la Cierva designs. The Mil, Kamov, and Yak companies all went on to build successful helicopter lines. Mikhail Mil adopted the single main rotor tail rotor configuration, with the Mi-1 flying in 1950. The
> Mil Mi-12, the largest helicopters ever built, seen in Aeroflot colours > Kamov Ka-32 produced since 1972 The Kamov Company built a series of very successful light and medium weight coaxial rotor helicopter designs, including the Ka-15 and Ka-18 in 1956 and the Ka-20 in 1961. Kamov was the only company to ever put the coaxial helicopter design into mass production. The Ka-25 and most of the later models were all gas turbine powered. The Ka-27 and the civilian model Ka-32 have been in production since 1972. One of the most recent Kamov designs is the Ka-50, which is a lightweight attack helicopter of considerable performance. Another new prototype design is the Kamov Ka-62, which is a conventional light utility helicopter design incorporating a fenestron. Alexander Yakolev built many successful fixed-wing designs, but with the assistance of Mil designed the large tandem Yak-24 helicopter in the early 1950s. This helicopter was produced from about 1952 to 1959, but it was not very successful. Richard Ayling
Dates subject to confirmation
EXHIBITORS A.M.I. – Analytical Medical Instruments +420 257 325 606
AMI covers two companies operating in the Czech Republic (AMI - Medical Analytical Instruments Ltd.) and the Slovak Republic (Slovakia sro AMI). We bring our customers a long-term full service in sales of medical equipment, supplies, and warranty / post warranty service. Since 1995, the foundation of our work - professionalism, the highest quality, reliability and professionalism.
Aélia Assurances
Insurance broker specialized in aeronautical risks, mainly in General Aviation, in both fixed wings and helicopter operation, as well as wide body airliners. Aélia Assurances was created in 2001 by 2 associates, Jean Michel BONTE ATP pilot, and Régis Morales, former CFO of a Helicopter AOC, both being recognized in aviation as real professionals.
+33 (0) 1 46 88 91 91
For more than 12 years, Aélia Assurances has proved its Aeronautical, Technical and Insurance expertise.
Aerial Helicopter
A trading name of Reidinger Helicopter GmbH
+43 (0)7242 351 078
Flight school in Austria with a school permit for Instrument Rating ( IFR ) Aerial is the first Austrian helicopter flight school online training ( WBT ) as a complement to the theory classes. Specially developed already now JAR-compliant documentation to ease the transition to JAR-FCL.
Aeris Aviation
Aeris Aviation are the exclusive European distributors for Eclipse aerospace. They have a Total Eclipse demonstration Jet based at Dunkeswell airfield in the UK and provide demonstrations around Europe.
+44 (0)1297 680 259
Aero-East Europe
AERO-EAST-EUROPE from Kraljevo, Serbia, was founded in 2006. The factory produced light comfortable aircraft from certified aeronautical aluminum, model SILA 450C with German TC, SILA 750 and SILA 950. Our aim is to improve the product, the design of new models for different uses to the highest quality and affordable prices.
+381 63 65 86 86
The UK’s Festival of Aviation in 2013, showcasing an exhibition with everything from aircraft to the latest products, services and seminars. Whether you are interested in learning to fly, or are already a Pilot, AeroExpo UK has a weekend packed full of extras for everyone!
+44 (0) 20 8549 3917
Aerolite Max Bucher AG
+41 (0) 41 624 58 58
Aerolite Max Bucher AG is a privately owned company registered in Switzerland with offices in Germany and the United States of America. Aerolite is the leader in design, development, certification, production and installation of state-of-the-art Medical Interiors for helicopters and fixed wing applications. Our product portfolio and know-how is based on over 500 delivered EMS interiors. The company hold EASA DOA, POA and MOA approvals and is ISO 9001, EN9100 and ISO 13485 certified.
+39 0331 229 111
Air Cop Tech
with Airborne Technologies +49 (0) 1786 924 646
AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, has the widest and most modern range of rotorcraft to meet any commercial and military requirement. AgustaWestland has its main operations in Italy, UK, Poland and USA, but has a global presence through its industrial partners, regional headquarters, customer support centres and authorised service centres.
Air Cop Tech
Airborne Technologies is a well established company for Remote Sensing, Airborne Geophysics & System Integration. We are manufacturer independent with preferred aircraft and sensors providing most reliable and tailor-made turnkey solutions. Airborne Technologies offers multi-sensor surveys on fixed-wing platforms. To meet the client’s needs, we provide high resolution airborne remote sensing and high sensitivity aeromagnetic data, meeting industry wide standards for data acquisition, aircraft and sensor calibration was well as data processing.
Air Team s.r.o.
+420 725 508 058
Air Team s.r.o provides consulting, sales, installation and servicing of avionics and pilot supplies. From a small company engaged in the resale of avionics, over the past few years we have grown into an authorized distributor of the world’s leading manufacturers of avionics and pilot supplies for Central and Eastern Europe. Our name is respected in the industry for our business-like conduct and high quality of the goods and services.
EXHIBITORS Air Transport Europe, spol s.r.o.
Helicopter Emergency Medical Service
+421 52 7761 911
AIR - TRANSPORT EUROPE, Ltd. (ATE) is operating a Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS), in seven operational centres in Slovakia. ATE has already 20 years experience operating the HEMS. For Slovak citizens and foreign visitors to Slovakia is HEMS ATE on duty 24 hours a day - 7 days a week – 365 days a year.
Airborne Technologies GmbH
+43 (0) 262 223 4718
Airborne Technologies is a well established company for Remote Sensing, Airborne Geophysics & System Integration. We are manufacturer independent with preferred aircraft and sensors providing most reliable and tailor-made turnkey solutions. Airborne Technologies offers multi sensor surveys on fixed-wing platforms. To meet the client’s needs, we provide high resolution airborne remote sensing and high sensitivity aeromagnetic data, meeting industry wide standards for data acquisition, aircraft and sensor calibration was well as data processing.
Auto-Gyro GmbH
Represented by Nirvana Autogyro
+49 (0)51 21 / 8 80 56-00
The AutoGyro GmbH is a world leader in the development, production and distribution of gyroplanes. Since its inception in 1999, the specialist in air exercise equipment is growing steadily and now has a team of more than 80 highly qualified specialists and engineers Since 2007 the company is producing gyros in series and is able to put together one gyroplane per day. With distributors in nearly 30 countries, AutoGyro utilizes a global network with the limitless aim to implement the joy of flying in a safe and versatile gyro.
A17 has been bringing buyers and sellers of aircraft together for more than 10 years. AvBuyer’s reputation, established user-base and top search rankings, give our advertisers great exposure to the World aviation community.
+44 (0) 20 8255 4000
Aviation & Sport Magazine Russia
Publishers of Aviation & Sports Magazine Russia
+7 916 347 50 54
Magazine “Aviation and Sport” highlights the problems and prospects of development of sports, civil, military aviation, general aviation, research institutes, design offices, airlines, airports, aero clubs, equipment maintenance plants, educational institutions.
EXHIBITORS Aviation Museum Kbely
+420 973 207 500
Aviation Museum - The museum was founded in 1968, within the historic military PragueKbely airfield. This was the first air base built after the constitution of Czechoslovakia in1918. Due to both the quantity and quality of its collections, it is one of the largest air museums in Europe. Currently the collection contains 275 aircraft, 85 of which are exhibited in four indoor halls, 25 are displayed in the open air, 155 are stored in depositories, and 10 aircraft, fully operational, are still in service. Many aircraft are unique in the world. (The Museum uniquely displays Czech constructed aircraft including both types of the Messerschmitt Me 262 “Schwalbe” (Swallow) jet constructed by the Avia company).
Aviation Service a.s.
A13 & A18
Avionics, special systems and engineering company.
+420 234 624 111
Aviation Service is a subsidiary of the Bell Helicopter Company and is a leading avionics, special systems and engineering company active in Central, Eastern Europe and Russia serving the military and commercial aviation market. We represent Bell Europe and as a distributor, agent or service centre support many of the world’s leading avionics and special systems manufacturers.
AviationExpo Europe 2014
Showcasing European fixed-wing aviation from Business Jets to Ultra-Lights
+44 (0) 20 8549 5024
Coming soon in 2014. AviationExpo Europe will be a dedicated European General Aviation Exhibition. Showcasing everything from business jets through to ultra-lights and their associated products and services suppliers. Join Europe’s leading exhibitors showcasing the latest in General Aviation at a to be confirmed European venue.
Avidyne Corporation
+1 (800) 284 3963
Avidyne Corporation is a market-leader in the design and manufacturing of integrated avionics systems for general aviation aircraft. Avidyne’s expanding line of avionics includes the touch-screen IFD540 GPS/NAV/COM, EX600 multi-function display, ADS-B—upgradeable TAS600 Series Traffic Advisory System, MLX770 datalink system, and the TWX670 Tactical Lightning system.
Axnes Aviation AS
+47 (0) 370 40 800
The Polycon communications system provides rotary and fixed-wing operators with audio communications between on and off aircraft crew members, as well as ground crews. It is designed to provide highly robust and reliable long range wireless communication between internal and external crew in harsh operating environments on helicopters and other mobile operational platforms. The Polycon system eliminates communication restrictions by providing seamless hands-free, wireless communications to all members of the crew so members can effectively perform their mission operations.
Bauer Avion
+420 608530540
Bauer Avion is a Czech manufacturer of gyroplanes and also the first and the only school of gyro flying. Since the year 2000, it has been producing gyroplanes under the name BAD 12. Yet the question remains, whether its developers will be able to bring a new gyroplane model into its final phase to be ready for the show case. Nevertheless, the company will definitely present a single seat “Mosquito” ultra-light helicopter of Canadian manufacture at the show. Bauer Avion has recently become the distributor within the Czech Republic.
Becker Avionics
Becker Avionics is a privately owned high-tech company that develops, manufactures and distributes the latest communications, navigation, surveillance and search & rescue equipment for airborne and ground applications.
+49 (0) 7229 / 305-0
In order to support international market requirements the Company has established branches around the world.
Bell Helicopter
+420 234 624 127
A13 & A18
Bell Helicopter is one of the major aviation manufacturers in the world. To this date they delivered over 35,000 aircraft to their customers. By acquisition of Aviation Service a.s. in Prague, Bell Helicopter has established a strategic position for their European operations. At the European Helicopter Show (EHS), Bell will introduce their new twin-engine helicopter, the Type 429, the most advanced aircraft in its category suitable for all EMS, military and corporate VIP purposes.
BizJet Advisor
Our mission is to provide the information and insight to empower our readers to harness the business and lifestyle benefits of aviation. BizJet Advisor is produced quarterly in two region-specific editions China and Middle East, available in both print and digital formats.
+44 (0) 20 8549 9508
Česká letecká servisní a.s.
+420 286 019 310
Česká letecká servisní a.s. is a design and maintenance organization certified according to the EASA PART 21 and PART145 rules. The company is engaged in avionics integration, engineering and installation as well as supply of avionics, its repairs and maintenance. CLS a.s. is a long-term supplier for the Air Force of the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic where we have participated in all important avionics upgrade programs. We are also certified as design and maintenance organization as well as manufacturer of special interface units for the aircraft and helicopters for Czech Armed Forces (ACR) and Slovak Armed Forces (ASR).
EXHIBITORS Chamber of Commerce
Chamber of Commerce
European Helicopter Show features representations from the following: - Italian Chamber of Commerce - U.S.A. Chamber of Commerce - German Chamber of Commerce - French Chamber of Commerce - British Chamber of Commerce
Concorde Battery Corporation
+1 (626) 813 1234
A17B - A17F
Concorde’s superior Platinum Series® starting and emergency aircraft batteries have been proven reliable, durable and safe in turbine and general aviation applications for over 30 years. Certifications include EASA, FAA-PMA, FAA-TSO. Concorde batteries are installed as Original Equipment by most aircraft manufacturers and adopted by military aircraft operations worldwide. Ship Hazmat Exempt.
Confederation of Czech Aviation Industry +420 734 518 124
The Confederation of Czech Aviation Industry CCAI - (in Czech: Svaz českého leteckého průmyslu), was established on 9th June 2011. The Confederation includes member companies that are the most experienced and important producers of aviation equipment in the Czech Republic. The CCAI encourages and actively assists the cooperation between the members, supporting their expertise and specialization. The CCAI helps to resolve any issues of competitiveness or knowledge for the Czech aviation industry to keep them at the forefront of the aviation business.
DAC International
DAC International, Inc. is an avionics sales and distribution company that specializes in the sale and distribution of sophisticated avionics products, systems and test equipment to the world’s airlines, corporate aircraft, modification centres, aircraft manufacturers, special mission, and military markets.
+1 (512) 331 5323
Defibtech, LLC
+1 866 333 4248
Defibtech, LLC is a leading innovator in the field of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs). The company designs and manufactures the award-winning, FDA-cleared, Lifeline™ and ReviveR™ brands of defibrillators and related accessories. Our products are sold exclusively through a network of distribution partners in the United States and around the world. Defibtech is headquartered in Guilford, Connecticut and manufactures all of its defibrillators in the United States in state-of-the-art ISO 13485:2003 certified facilities.
Czech Aviation Heritage During the mid 1960s, the Prague Military Museum commenced a programme to recover, restore and preserve historic aircraft from around the country for eventual display at Kbely. Initially, one hangar was used and around fifty aircraft were placed on public display. The aircraft collection continued to grow and one of the original Wagner type hangars on the airfield was brought into use and now contains the earliest aircraft types on display. Another Picha-type hangar has also been added to bring the number of hangars housing the large and varied collection to four.
The aircraft collection
The collection at Kbely now includes 275 aircraft, of which approximately 110 are on public display at any given time. The museum contains many Czech designed and Czech built aircraft dating from World War I through the World War II and up to 1960s supersonic jet fighters. In addition to the many military aircraft there are also
helicopters on display including the Czechdesigned VZLU HC-2 Heli-Baby which is being exhibited at the European Helicopter Show this year. Several unique types are on display including the early 1920s-built Avia BH-11C L-BONK. Aircraft from World War II include a Russian-built Ilyushin Il-2 Shturmovik. The formerly displayed fully authentic Supermarine Spitfire LF.IX flown by a Czech squadron of the Royal Air Force was transferred to its owner, the National Technical Museum in Prague in 2008. When the country was divided on 1 January 1993, a few aircraft were transferred from the collection to the Slovak Republic for its museums. Also, in recent years, the museum has exchanged several Czech and Russian designed aircraft for military aircraft from the USA, UK, Sweden, Switzerland and other countries. For more information visit: Richard Ayling
Clockwise from top: > Aerial view of the Aviation Museum site at Kebly Airfield > Some of the diverse aircraft on display in the museum > The Czech-designed VZLU HC-2 Heli-Baby which is being exhibited at the European Helictoper Show > Russian designed helictopers are also exhibited outside
Historic Cobra to be Displayed During the European Helicopter Show the Bell TAH-1P Cobra, will be exhibited on our static park. The helicopter (N2734D military SN 77-22734) was imported by LD Aviation Prague for the Heli Czech company in Hradec KrĂĄlovĂŠ in the summer 2012. The Cobra was one of the first helicopter gunships in the world and served for many years as the Air Cavalry of the US Air Force. Surplus AH-1 helicopters have been converted for fighting forest fires. The United States Forest Service refers to their programme as the Firewatch Cobra. Garlick Helicopters also converts surplus AH-1s for forest firefighting under the name, FireSnake. > The Cobra flying in formation with Mil Mi-24 of the Czech Air Force
This YouTube video shows the same Cobra in a flying display during the CIAF event in 2012:
+420 495 407 406-7
DSA a.s. has been involved in aviation since 1992. The company’s main business activity is providing air services in medical systems, including repatriation flights to air rescue service within the Czech Republic since 1993. The company operates the largest air school within the Czech Republic which is providing trainings of professional pilots up to Air Transport Pilots qualification. It uses its own aircraft for air transportation, air-taxi and aerial work and it uses its own maintenance centre for all maintenance work. DSA also provides the maintenance for all other air operators in Czech Republic and EU and it is the introductory company of the Six to Six project.
Eclipse Aerospace Inc.
Eclipse Aerospace Inc. represented by Aeris Aviation
+44 (0)1297 680259
Aeris Aviation Limited is the sales dealership for Europe for Eclipse Aerospace Inc. and based in the United Kingdom. The company owns a demonstrator jet which is operated from its home base of Dunkeswell EGTU in Devon, UK. The company is the sole and exclusive distributor in Europe for Eclipse Aerospace Inc. The company jet is available by appointment to provide demonstration flights.
+420 602 619 631
The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS), Europe’s first venture into satellite navigation, improves the open public service offered by the USA’s Global Positioning System (GPS). EGNOS makes GPS suitable for safety critical applications such as flying aircraft or navigating ships through narrow channels. Known as a satellitebased augmentation system (SBAS), EGNOS provides both correction and integrity information about the GPS system, delivering opportunities for Europeans to use the more accurate positioning data for improving existing services or developing a wide range of new services.
Elite Simulation Solutions AG
+420 251 611 482
ELITE Simulation Solutions represented by High In The Sky. Since its inception, ELITE Simulation Solutions AG has grown from an out-of-a-hut company to become an international, multi-million dollar corporation in the aviation training industry. Meanwhile, the main company objective remains to continuously introduce new, cost-effective high quality simulation solutions in flight training for students, pilots, universities, airlines and flight training organisations worldwide. Professional flying demands the safe operation of complex cockpits and procedures. ELITE provides the best certified rotary and fixed wing training systems to do the job for more than 13 years.
European AirServices s.r.o.
European AirServices (EU-AS) is an authorized sales representative for MD Helicopters.
+420 602 132 336
EU-AS also provides spare parts and services for other select aircraft. The company is a Registered Broker approved by the U.S. Department of State and holds a TRACE certificate.
European GNSS Agency (GSA)
+420 602 619 631
The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS), Europe’s first venture into satellite navigation, improves the open public service offered by the USA’s Global Positioning System (GPS). EGNOS makes GPS suitable for safety critical applications such as flying aircraft or navigating ships through narrow channels. Known as a satellitebased augmentation system (SBAS), EGNOS provides both correction and integrity information about the GPS system, delivering opportunities for Europeans to use the more accurate positioning data for improving existing services or developing a wide range of new services.
Evergreen Aviation
The AV Heli Pad by Evergreen Aviation is a new patented helipad surface system. The AV Heli Pad, maximizes safety for passengers, crew and helicopter, optimizes visual reference, minimizes FOD and eliminates maintenance.
+45 (0)39 29 99 99
Visit us in the Static Display area and on and call +45 39 29 99 99 for a presentation on site.
EWAS, s.r.o. is integrating the proven capabilities, experiences and competences of partnering companies to offer production of parts in the fields of cable assemblies, metal cutting, aluminum investment casting, fabrication and mounting of PCBs and assembly / integration of subsystems as well as other customized solutions on demand.
+420 572 434 321
Famà Helicopters
+39 059 797252
The project of KISS 209M originated from the concept of a revolutionary project, from both the technological and economic levels. Nino Famà’s experience as a constructor and tester brought to reality an innovative ultra-light helicopter. The KISS 209M has retractable runners, turbine engine, a wide space for luggage. Its range provides for 3 hours of flight, and one hour more with an additional tank. The average speed is 185 Km/h. The construction is in carbon fibre, the main mechanical parts are electronically controlled. A very important aspect is that this helicopter is made in Italy, and 95% is produced by Famà Helicopters in its own facilities. This is a guarantee of the quality and the advantageous price.
Flying Revue Magazine
Bimonthly magazine for pilots and flying enthusiasts about flying, aircrafts, technique and people around aviation. A very high level of articles is secured via our quality portfolio of Czech authors and also by buying exclusive materials from worldwide reputable specialized publications.
+420 233 321 951
+44 (0)20 8549 5024
GA Buyer Europe
European Helicopter Show Supporting Publication GA Buyer Europe is where you will find all new and used aircraft for sale throughout Europe. The sections include:- Piston, Show, Classic, Light Aircraft, Turbine, Heli and Parts. 27,500 printed copies are circulated each month throughout 44 European countries. Plus the DIGITAL EDITION is available on-line at every month. For full advertising details contact Astrid Ayling: Tel: +44 (0)20 8549 5024 or email
Galileo is the European global satellite-based navigation system. Until now, global navigation satellite system (GNSS) users around the world have had to depend on American GPS or Russian Glonass signals. Galileo gives users a new and reliable alternative, run by civil, not military authorities.
+420 234 766 000
Garmin are being represented by Air Team s.r.o.
Garmin’s aviation business segment is a leading provider of solutions to the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), aftermarket, military and government customers. Garmin’s portfolio includes navigation, communication, flight control, hazard avoidance, surveillance, and other products and services that are known for innovation, reliability and value.
GEFCO Česká Republika
GEFCO is one of the leading global shipping companies with more than 60-year tradition, 600 international lines, 10,300 employees and covering more than 100 countries. GEFCO focuses on the sector of automotive manufacturers and suppliers of spare parts, cosmetics, utility products and electronics industries as well as on the aviation sector.
+420 844 444 844
GEFCO is a certified holder of Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2000) and environmental protection (ISO 14001:2004).
H2I Helicopters
H2I Helicopters is your provider of helicopters for short to long term dry-lease contract. If you need a helicopter to replace your grounded helicopters, or to reinforce your fleet for a season, or to fulfill a tender: H2I Helicopter is right here for you!
+33 (0) 617 675 405
Our Fleet: EC120b / AS350 B2+ / 6 AS 350 B3+ / 4 AS 350 B3e We could buy an other kind of helicopter for your needs. Come to meet us for more information.
EXHIBITORS Heli Buyer Europe Magazine
European Helicopter Show Supporting Publication
+44 (0)20 8549 5024
European Heli Sales Magazine. Meet the team behind Heli Buyer Europe magazine. Having celebrated its 10th year in 2011 it continues to go from strength to strength, serving the Helicopter community. Contact Astrid Tel +44 (0)20 8549 5024 or email
+420 608 400 503
HELI CZECH Ltd. was established in 2007. It owns HELI Slovakia, which is an authorized dealer and a service maintenance provider (PART-145) for Robinson helicopters in the Slovak Republic. We also provide the service maintenance in the Czech Republic (PART-145) for all types that we operate. We furthermore operate an Air-school, Transportation and Work-R-22/44 helicopters, AW-119, AH-1Cobra, (Bell 206B3-A-109E Power - these two helicopters in 2-3 months).
Heli Slovakia Ltd.
+420 777 206 480
Heli Slovakia Ltd., is a highly specialized professional helicopter company, which provides services ranging from novice to the advanced training of pilots for private or professional purposes. It also imports new or used helicopters and execution of warranty servicing . Heli Slovakia Ltd., is an authorized dealer for the Robinson Helicopter Company. Our helicopter experience and flying them came not just through the trend, or hobby, but it was the eventual reason for our entry into the army, where we flew as pilots on combat helicopters like the Mi-24 and other types.
Helidurfly Ltd
HELIDURFLY is the sole representative of Cicare Europe for imports and service ultralight helicopter for Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary. Our flight school produces helicopter pilots. Choose ultra-light helicopter flying in the simulator for the following helicopters: Cicare Spirit, Cicare CH-12 and Cicare Spirit Tandem.
+421 33 742 1312
+420 190 561 1274 /
Representing Dynali and Zen gyroplanes. The Helikompress company brings interesting, secure and reliable flying machines ultra light helicopters and gyroplanes into central Europe. In 2012, the company became a dealer for the Slovak Republic, Czech Republic and Poland for imports and service for the ultra-light helicopters of the Dynali brand. It is also a sales and a service dealer for Zen gyroplanes from the workshop of Artur Trendak AVIATION for SR and CR. It provides pilot training for Private Helicopter Pilot PPL (H) and Ultra-Light Helicopter Pilot UL (H) and Gyroplane Pilot UL (V) qualifications.
Helisota Ltd
+370 37 42 16 37
Established in 1997, Helisota Ltd. is one of the leading technical maintenance, repair and overhaul facilities for the Mi-8 family of helicopters. Our MRO centre is fully certified by the Mil Design Bureau, Interstate Aviation Committee (MAK) as well as Lithuanian Civil Aviation Authorities and offers technical support, maintenance and capital overhaul for Mi-8, Mi-17, Mi-17-1V and Mi-17-1 helicopters as well as full range of their system & components.
High In The Sky
+420 257 216 996
ELITE Simulation Solutions represented by High In The Sky. Since its inception, ELITE Simulation Solutions AG has grown from an out-of-a-hut company to become an international, multi-million dollar corporation in the aviation training industry. Meanwhile, the main company objective remains to continuously introduce new, cost-effective high quality simulation solutions in flight training for students, pilots, universities, airlines and flight training organisations worldwide. Professional flying demands the safe operation of complex cockpits and procedures. ELITE provides the best certified rotary and fixed wing training systems to do the job for more than 13 years.
HONEYWELL (Mission Systems)
Honeywell’s Skyforce Division is a leading provider of digital mission mapping and sensor fusion technology. Whether you’re a business flyer engaged in Executive Transport, Policing, Paramilitary, Search & Rescue or Air Ambulance operations, our current range of products, Pathfinder, Sentinel & Observer reduces the workload of your pilots and crew.
+44 (0)1243 783763
Hradec Králové Airport
We would like to welcome you in the name of Hradec Králové Airport on our brand new website, which has become the information source of HK airport. Soon, we will expand our information content by adding more sections and articles. We will therefore appreciate, if you return back to our website in the future.
+420 (0) 619 011
JMB Aircraft s.r.o.
JMB Aircraft s.r.o. is the new production company of the VL3, a plane designed by Vanessa Air and produced in the past by Aveko s.r.o.
+420 725 182 460
The driving force behind this new company is JMB Aviation, a company with more than 20 years experience in aviation as owner of a Belgian private airfield with a flight school, maintenance and repair facilities. The big success of JMB Aviation was the selling of VL3 in Belgium and France with more than 60 planes sold in the last 3years.
EXHIBITORS LaBrOs Engineering
LaBrOs Engineering has at it’s disposal a team of experts in the fields of simulation, engineering, programming and project management.
+49 (0)30 6341681 21
LaBrOs System & Prototype manufacturing consists of employees from the metal construction, precision engineering, assembly, welding and GFK technologies. We’re collecting flexible working teams according to complexity and requirements of each project. The project leader assigned to your project remains your permanent contact person. That way - we can fully meet the needs of our clients.
Lanex a.s.
+420 553 751 111
A reliable business partner. The You can be sure company slogan captures the very gist of our relationship with the customers. The LANEX brand has been expanding successfully since the nineties of the 20th century. Since the beginning of the nineties, the basic business strategy has been an orientation to export, building of a company of a European format on the basis of specialization, development, application of new technologies, quality and flexibility. LANEX operates on a worldwide scale with deliveries to more than 50 countries with the dominant share being held by EU countries and Russia. The share of export makes 85% of the total sales.
LD Aviation Prague s.r.o.
A9 & A11
LD Aviation Prague has provided services to general and military aviation since 1994. The company is experienced in installation, design and modernization of avionics for GA and military aircraft. It also provides maintenance for aircraft, products, parts and appliances and design of parts/appliances for products in military aviation.
+420 286 857 740
The company has EASA and Czech CAA approval according to Part 21 - Design and Part 145 -Maintenance and ISO 9001: 2008 certificate. The company is also approved by the Czech Government for military import and export activities.
LECRA assists developing countries and natural disaster areas with support in Energy recycling, flooding prevention and humanitarian aid.
+46 (0)707 816 090
LECRA International Holding Group AB and its subsidiaries were founded in 2011, but the knowledge and business have been developed during many years. The companies work with both commercial and non-commercial projects. We mainly use Swedish technology and Swedish suppliers.
LION Helicopters s.r.o.
+420 776 269 999
LION Helicopters provides professional helicopter flying school services, aerial works and is a dealer of Guimbal Helicopters for the Czech and Slovak Republics. Putting emphasis on maximum safety confirms the fact that our highly experienced pilots and instructors use the best available technology. Our company is the only one in the Czech Republic operating Cabri G2 helicopters, the most modern and at the moment the safest small helicopters specially designed for needs of flight training.
LKAIR is a specialised pilot training centre, providing comprehensive ultra-light gyroplane pilot training, ensuring complete training on the latest and most modern ULV gyroplanes.
+420 773 987 312
Lloyd Helicopters
Lloyd Helicopters is a well-established, highly competitive company in the global helicopter industry. We provide new and pre-owned helicopters for sale or lease and professional consultancy services on all aspects of the industry.
+65 6221 6422
With over 40 years experience and a vast network of contacts across the globe, Lloyd Helicopters is well-qualified to assist with your helicopter requirements.
Mamba Air, s.r.o.
Mamba Air, s.r.o. is the exclusive importer of Italian-made CH-7 Kompress ultralight helicopters to the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland.
+420 585 389 100
Mamba air has imported, assembled, and put into service helicopters for 12 years. Over that time we have gained a lot of experience with this type of helicopter. This is not an experiment but a well-known machine, able to fly as safely as larger helicopters.
MD Helicopters
+420 602 132 336
Represented by European AirServices s.r.o. MD Helicopters, Inc. is building upon a tradition of excellence that is unmatched in the aerospace industry. Our family of helicopters - the MD 500® series helicopters, MD 600N® helicopter and MD Explorer® helicopter - is synonymous with the world’s best rotorcraft. We offer the best-quality, best-value helicopters in the world; provide stateof-the-art technology to enhance operator value; and keep adapting our organization and the way we do business to make sure we continue to build upon that tradition of excellence and meet our customer’s high expectations for quality, service and support.
Nirvana Autogyro
Our Dealership provides the opportunity to offer this great product within the Czech and Slovak Republics. We are also able to offer servicing for our marketed products as well as to actively involved in improving the Autogyro product. We offer our customers many premium services and accessories, which they themselves fit, develop and use.
+420 577 226 616
Powervamp is recognised as a world leader in the manufacture, supply and servicing of AC and DC aviation ground power products along with other ground support equipment. To discuss your requirements please call for instant, friendly and professional advice.
+44 (0) 1934 630 000
Ramco Systems
+91 44 3090 4344
Ramco Systems provides Aviation M&E and MRO software covering engineering support, inventory and procurement, maintenance, sales and MRO contract management, compliance, quality, and operations that are deeply integrated with native finance and accounting. In addition, Ramco offers modules for Aviation Analytics, ePublications, eProcurement (ATA SPEC 2000 compliant), Electronic Flight Bag and HCM.
Reidinger Helicopter GmbH
Flight school in Austria with a school permit for Instrument Rating ( IFR ) Aerial is the first Austrian helicopter flight school online training ( WBT ) as a complement to the theory classes. Specially developed already now JAR-compliant documentation to ease the transition to JAR-FCL.
+43 (0)7242 351 078
Revue Thommen AG
+41 (0) 61 965 22 22
REVUE THOMMEN AG is one of the best global sources for high quality mechanical flight instruments. We carefully conserve the traditional skills of Swiss watchmaker know-how which are designed for classic instruments, in order to keep aircraft flying. Manufacturers and operators of aircraft can rely on our commitment to the highest standards of accuracy and reliability in the market.
Singing Rock
+420 481 585 007
Signing Rock is represented by Lanex a.s. Singing Rock is one of the world market leaders producing professional protective equipment for work at heights, military and rescue. During its 20 years of its existence, Singing Rock has established itself as a leading producer and supplier of personal fall protective equipment. All of the high-performance and innovative products are developed and produced in Czech Republic, Europe. The products are certified and fully comply with international industrial safety standards. Our products are easy to use, with great strength and with maximum comfort.
Snap-on Industrial
+31 (0) 88 0104000
Since 1920, Snap-on Industrial’s commitment to the Aerospace industry has been built on the belief that every single mission is critical. We have surrounded the finest tools with uniquely innovative solutions for FOD prevention, tool control, tool accountability, lean process design, and safety. We understand that Aerospace is constantly evolving, and we pledge to evolve with you to meet your needs.
Spectrum Aeromed
+49 (0)8205 9589-440
Spectrum Aeromed is a leading designer and manufacturer of customized air medical and air ambulance equipment. The company works closely with air medical and patient transport crews to equip all types of fixed and rotor wing aircraft with highly-specialized, innovative and field-tested life support solutions. The company is based in Fargo, North Dakota and certified according to AS/EN 9100 Rev. C.
Stieblich Hallenbau GmbH
+49 (0) 384 324 100
Complete buildings made of steel and glass. Stieblich Hallenbau GmbH with branches in Germany, Poland, and Russia is a nationwide and internationally working main contractor for providing complete buildings – ranging from aircraft and helicopter hangars with high-fold-doors and round hangars with turning tables to terminal buildings – made of steel and glass.
TEG Transport (Technical Engineering Group) +353 (0)44933 3680
Delivering your products on time, competitively. - Metallic and non-metallic machined parts produced using the very latest and up to date technology. - Structural and Commodity Components - Raw Billet to Fully Finished Assemblies TEG is an approved EASA Part 21(G) production organisation and AS 9100 Rev B for machined aircraft parts.
UTair Europe s.r.o.
UTair Europe s.r.o. is a helicopter company, operating 2x Mi-8T, 2x Mi-171, 1x R-44 helicopters.
+421 33 793 5833
Our core business is aerial work e.g. erection of cableways and ropeways, concrete transport, transport flights in hills, air conditioning unit transport in urban areas, erection of poles and masts for telecommunication operators, power line construction. We are the only company operating the Mil Mi-17-1, of which max capacity is 4,000 kg.
EXHIBITORS World Aircraft Sales Magazine
World Aircraft Sales magazine was launched in 1996. Created to help buyers and sellers of private jets and corporate aircraft and those working in the business aviation industry, it features business aircraft for sale worldwide together with comprehensive information on aircraft operations.
+44 (0)20 8244 4000
Worldwide Currencies Ltd
+44 (0)20 3326 4444
Based in the City of London, Worldwide Currencies are market leaders in foreign currency, providing the most competitive exchange rates for individuals and companies wishing to transfer funds around the world. With market leading expertise and an unrivaled level of professionalism we can tailor our unique services to any requirement. We will keep you informed at all times and whether sending or receiving a foreign currency the process is quick, easy and secure.
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