The Balkans await the visit of Pope Francis
Periodical of the World Family of Radio Maria Association
Year II – Issue 8 –- September - October 2014
There is great expectation for the visit of Peter’s Successor: “a great gift for the Church and for the nation”
e heard the great news in St. Peter’s square in mid-June. News which surprised us all, just like this Pope always knows how to do. The Pope will make a one-day visit to the land of eagles, the land of martyrs, the land and nation of Mother Teresa of Calcutta. It is the second time in this country’s history that a Pope visits Albania. Pope John Paul II did so on
25th April, 1993. At the time, the country was finding its way out of the hideous communist regime. On 21st September this year, the nation will prepare to welcome Pope Francis. There is great expectation for this event. There is great admiration for this Pope. Catholics, but also those belonging to other religions, respect and admire him. What is truly felt in the heart of everyone is that we feel honoured by the Pope, we feel embraced by him, through him we feel embraced by the Church, by the faithful of the entire world. It is precisely this security, this feeling of being united with the entire Universal Church that we are expecting from the Pope’s visit. Each person who heard this news spontaneously asked himself a que-
stion. Why has the Pope chosen to make his first visit in Europe, precisely in Albania? Are we the best or are we the ones with the most problems? He answered this question himself, on his way back from the apostolic journey which he happily accomplished over the last few days in South Korea. The Pope said that the reason for his trip to Albania is because this land of martyrs is a model of peaceful cohabitation between its various religions. During this period of crisis, of wars and various conflicts based on religion, where the blood of innocent people and of many Christians flows in the name of God in different regions, the Pope has decided on his own initiative to visitAlbania. During this visit he wants to encourage the popula-
RM Austria celebrates 16 years of life. The joy of director Fr. Andreas
adio Maria Austria began broadcasting on 12th September 1998. The greatest joy of recent months has been the ordination of our dear friend and collaborator Christoph Weiss (in the photo at the side wearing the red vestments beside the Director of RM Austria). Christoph not only collaborates with the Catechesis of Radio Maria, but also presents children’s programmes. Many Radio Maria listeners, coming from every part of the world, attended his ordination, which was held in St. Peter's on the day consecrated to Saints Peter and Paul. The Basilica of Saint Peter’s in St. Pölten (Austria) was packed to the brim and an elderly priest commented: “The Basilica has not been so crowded for centuries!” Christo-
ph’s first homily, with a missionary intent, recited: “Here am I. Send me!” (Is 6,8) a genuine motto for all Radio Maria collaborators. Every day, I ask myself: how can the mission of our radio go to the outskirts of existence, as Pope Francis continuously underlines? Is our biggest task to reach those who do not (no longer) believe in Christ? Holy Spirit, which works must we accomplish in your name? What must we do? I have been director for the past ten years, and yet I believe that this role has so much more road to travel, at least here in Austria. I fear it will be difficult to leave the ghetto of a static devotion which is self-sufficient, and I glimpse the risk of breathing a consumerist rather than a missionary spirit into our listeners. Holy
tion to continue peaceful and brotherly cohabitation among the different religions. The Pope also wants to offer the world a model, making people understand that it is possible to live and bear witness to one's faith and fully respect other religious convictions and beliefs. As Church and asAlbanians, we welcome him with joy, much enthusiasm, and an open heart. We await him like the Peter of our time, like the Vicar of Christ and successor of the head of the apostles. We know that his visit will positively influence the life of the Church and of the nation. We will leave the surprise to him! Welcome Pope Francis! Fr. Jeton Thaqi Director of RM Kosovo
The joy of the Asians for the Pope’s visit
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RM IN THE WORLD Spirit, come and breathe on us! (Ez 37,9). Who knows if the year dedicated to consecrated life, announced by the Holy Father on the 500th anniversary of the birth of Teresa of Avila, and the intercession of this holy reformer will give new impetus to the joy inherent in prayer and evangelization. Fr. Andreas Schätzle, Director of RM Austria
Radio Maria Chile celebrates 18 years of life
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REDES SOCIALES WFRM is present on popular social networks
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The Asian Church thanks the Pope and prepares the visit to the Philippines for next January
ope Francis’ visit to South Korea in August 13-18, 2014 is the kick off of his series of Asian Pastoral Visit having Sri Lanka and the Philippines on January of 2015. His presence in South Korea was primarily intended to grace, for the first time by a Pope, the celebration of the 6th Asian Youth Day with the theme, “Asian Youth wake up! The glory of martyrs shines on you,” and the celebration of the beatification of the 124 Korean martyrs. Each of the 29 nations that joined the 6th Asian Youth Day was given 100 slots. The reason behind takes on the reality of making the said occasion more intimate with the Pope and all the Asian Youth. This aims for a real encounter and more palpable unity for the Churches in Asia, which are still a minority to this great continent. The desired unity is hoped to inspire all Asian Christian Catholics to a more zealous
and lively faith. It is not a surprise, therefore, why the song that the Korean Church prepared to welcome Pope Francis as performed by 34 Korean celebrities was beautifully and fittingly entitled as “Koinonia,” a Greek term for communion, which in itself is a necessary dynamo towards being Christian witnesses. “Koinonia” is the best word to fittingly describe the entire experience of this papal visit. The Pope has once again reminded the Churches in Asia that a genuine unity before the reality of an enormous diversity is achieved not by overpowering one another or winning the other by means of proselytizing, hot debates and humiliation of nonChristian philosophy but only through an open dialogue within which
there is a greater appreciation of the treasures inside others leading to a deeper relationship and richer encounter. Asians are naturally sensitive people conscious of the consequences and the reception of a message in a particular conversation to the disposition of the recipient. A creative need for an atmosphere of confidence and openness spells it to avoid any defensive tendencies that will shut the gateways for the Gospel values to permeate and ferment the Asian cultures and traditions. This is real dialogue. This is communion! We did not only experience “koinonia” with Pope Francis but directly learned from him the manner of living it towards his vision of the Church. In his homily during the closing Mass of the Asian Youth Day
Pope Francis gave us this in a remark, “Keep close to one another, draw ever closer to God, and with your bishops and priests spend these years in building a holier, more missionary and humble Church.” Indeed, with these words and with his examples we are awakened and moved to really become a beacon of light for Asia shining in Christian faith and in the virtues of martyrs to bring all Asian peoples with its diverse cultures, traditions and philosophies in total communion in God through Jesus Christ in the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. With the same fire and vigor from the experience of “koinonia” with the Pope’s visit to South Korea, we await his pastoral visit to the Philippines! Viva il Papa! Mabuhay ang Santo Papa! Fr Raymund Cruz Director RM Philippines
Radio Maria in Africa
New openings shortly in many African countries
reat fervour can be felt among the African Radio Maria broadcasting, indeed there is great expectation for the switching on of the latest Radio Maria station in Equatorial Guinea. There is not long to go before the residents of this small Central African country can enjoy listening to the comforting and hopeful voice of Radio Maria which will broadcast from the capital Malabo. Equatorial Guinea is the first of a series of countries in which Radio Maria will soon start broadcasting soon. In order of succession, the others will be Madagascar and Guinea Conakry by mid 2015, followed by Liberia and Mali where we have already obtained the frequencies, then Ghana, Nigeria and Senegal where local associations are working to obtain the concessions required for radio broadcasting. In
parallel with the opening of new radio stations, WF is striving to expand the network of many African radio stations which have obtained new frequencies. This is the case in Burundi, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Democratic Republic of Congo and Tanzania where WF technicians are engaged in planning and installing new systems. Precisely in this last country we have recently switched on a transmitter in Rombo, on a slope of Mount Kilimanjaro, where the mostly Catholic population had been asking for the presence of RM Tanzania. Obtaining the frequency has involved a long and difficult process, but with Mary’s aid we have been victorious, and by late 2014 we hope to install another system in the south of the country. Paolo Taffuri WFRM Africa
Radio Maria Chile, 18 years in operation
n Chile, eighteen years later, we look back to rem e m b e r those who had the idea of setting up Radio Maria and that with their resources they have supported us and allowed its birth, we thank them for this every day. It was officially inaugurated on 15th August
Fr. Carlos Yrarrázaval
1996. Nowadays thousands of people allow us to accomplish our task and the experiences are many, but it still feels as if we have just begun, there is plenty to do… We realise that the airwaves are powerful if placed at the service of
evangelization; this has been a gift from God and we thank him for it every day together with all the Radio Maria listeners. The plans and good intentions add up and each day we start our broadcasts thinking of how to give thanks to the Lord for the possibility to serve him. This year, which will see the celebration of the Family Synod, it is a gift for Radio Maria Chile to belong to the World Family, to know that throughout the five continents we are united by the same spirit, by the same faith and by the same desire to praise and announce the Lord over the airwaves. This enthusiasm stimulates and encourages us to always live up to it. Carlos E. Pbro. Yrarrázaval Director of RM Cile VIDEO
The Pres. Patricio Canto, his wife and the first director Fr. Arcilas
World Family is also on social networks
he World Family is also on social networks: help us to spread our contacts with your friends.
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RM Ucraina
WORLD FAMILY RADIO MARIA news periodical of the World Family of Radio Maria association a pag. 18 Editorial office: P. Francisco Palacios;
Stefano Chiappalone; Raffaele Galati; Daniele Trenca
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