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Fellowship Donors
A limited number of full fellowships are available to Malmö MSc students annually on a competitive basis. Including the 31 Sasakawa Fellowship Students who joined the University in 2021, The Nippon Foundation of Japan continued to be the largest fellowship donor to the University with an overall total of 730 sponsored students. The International Maritime Organization provided 14 fellowships in 2021 making it the second largest fellowship donor followed by the Government of Norway with 10 fellowships. The Government of the Republic of Korea and the Austrian Maritime Safety Authority provided 7 and 6 fellowships respectively. The International Transport Workers’ Federation Seafarers’ Trust (ITF Seafarers’ Trust) and the Orients Fond each provided five fellowships. Many member States provided support in 2021 as well by sponsoring their own students, in particular Bahrain, Chile, China, India, Nigeria, Peru, the Philippines and South Africa. Additionally, many governments, organizations and companies provide funding for their own employees. Approximately 6% of the MSc students in Malmö were self-funded in 2021.
The following donors provided fellowships in 2021