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WMU-Sasakawa Global Ocean Institute

The WMU-Sasakawa Global Ocean Institute (GOI) was inaugurated in 2018 with generous support from The Nippon Foundation, together with the Governments of Sweden, Canada, and Germany, as well as the City of Malmö. The vision of the GOI is to act as a working focal point at the interdisciplinary interface between science, industry, policy, ocean governance and law for discussions on how to best manage and use ocean spaces and their resources.

With the adoption by the WMU Board of Governors of the WMU Ocean Research Agenda and Priorities Programme 2019 - 2023 developed by the GOI, the faculty, staff and researchers at the Institute undertake challenge-led and evidence-based research, as well as educational and capacity-building training, with a particular focus on the implementation of Goal 14 – Life Below Water, as well as multiple interconnecting goals such as Goal 5 concerning Gender Equality and Goal 13 on Climate Action under the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


Implementing the Ocean Agenda

The GOI is committed to implementing and strengthening ocean research. These efforts are enabled through the generosity and invaluable support from our donors, in particular the core funding provided by The Nippon Foundation of 1.4 Million USD per annum. During 2021, the Institute progressed exceptionally well and pursued work in a hybrid mode to manage the challenges faced from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Noteworthy accomplishments and efforts of

the GOI during 2021 include:

Research and Innovation: • In June, the “Empowering Women for the

United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for

Sustainable Development” Programme was endorsed as an official Decade Action to the

UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable

Development (2021-2030) through the Intergovernmental Oceanographic

Commission (IOC) of the UN Educational,

Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) (IOC-UNESCO).

• Key involvement in the United Nations

Second World Ocean Assessment (WOA

II), with co-convenership and co-authorship of Chapter 12 of the WOA II on changes in inputs and distribution of solid waste, other than dredged material, in the marine environment. • Engagement in several key ocean processes and conferences throughout 2021, including the contribution to the development and implementation of a Plastics Management

Index, published in October 2021 by The

Economist and supported by The Nippon


• Key interventions and contributions to the Virtual

Intersessional High Seas Treaty Dialogues on biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) with discussions towards a new international legally binding instrument (ILBI) for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ) .

• The WMU feature for the Malmö Museum

Exhibition entitled “Dangers at Sea” as part of the ‘Women and Men at Sea’ exhibit, launched in April 2021 and ongoing to 2023, highlighting

WMU research, education and capacity building efforts as well as profiling President Doumbia-

Henry and four PhD candidates working on ocean-related research.

• Publication of 50 international scholarly works by the GOI team including 27 peer-reviewed journal articles (published and forthcoming), 16 Scholarly book chapters in specialist books concerning ocean affairs, three Academic edited collections as well as three Conference reports and one

Ocean assessment report chapter.

Teaching and Learning

The GOI is committed to furthering ocean education and literacy. To further the Ocean Agenda and build capacity, in 2021 the GOI contributed to WMU’s PhD scholarship and Post-Doctoral fellowship programmes by pursuing the implementation of challenge-led and evidence based interdisciplinary research, education and outreach through key research and capacity building programmes on a broad range of topics in contemporary ocean affairs including:

Land-to-Ocean Leadership Programme

PhD research programme exploring the potential for joint action between ocean, freshwater and land-based communities, the promotion of innovation in governance and socially inclusive regulatory systems across different geographical scales and with multiple stakeholders, in particular, the Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Funded by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (SwAM / HaV), and the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (https://land-to-ocean.wmu.se/)

Empowering Women in the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development Programme

PhD, post-doctoral research and capacity building programme aiming to advance an alternative, inclusive model for the sustainable governance of ocean spaces and maritime activities taking into account the need to ensure effective gender equality and the empowerment of women at all levels. Funded by Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) (https:// empoweringwomen.wmu.se/)

European Union H2020 BugWright2 project

WMU is part of the consortium, funded by European Horizon 2020 Project 871250 on: ‘Autonomous Robotic Inspection and Maintenance on Ship Hulls’. WMU research looks at the governance and regulatory barriers for service robotics in an ocean industry context. (https://bugwright2.wmu.se/)

Closing the Circle Programme: Marine Debris, Sargassum and Marine Spatial Planning

The PhD research programme focues on exploring challenges and advancing potential solutions with respect to marine debris, Sargassum threats and marine spatial planning (MSP) in Small Island Developing States, with a particular focus on the Eastern Caribbean region. This project is funded by The Nippon Foundation (https://closing-the-circle.wmu.se/)

The GOI has also continued to contribute to the Ocean Sustainability, Governance & Management (OSGM) specializationin the Malmö MSc programme by providing expert lectures on a wide range of topics as well as participating in field studies.

Realizing Networks

Key to delivering on the GOI’s objective of supporting transformative partnerships is to engage at a high level and to maintain and build networks. During 2021, the GOI team continued to strengthen strategic engagements with key partners and stakeholders including multiple UN agencies and partners. This includes Sweden’s Ocean Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development Agency; the City of Malmö, including local schools for youth engagement and capacity building; collaboration with international and regional organizations, academic institutions, non-governmental organizations, and civil society; hosting or co-hosting ten virtual events including international conferences, webinars and programme events; six capacity building workshops and activities locally; and virtually contributing to more than 45 international events within the oceans realm.

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