IN THIS ISSUE: Your Pathway to the Nations
Third Culture Kid's Challenges • Global Conference – A Wonderful Success! • Movements to Christ Among Thai Buddhists • Lovely Feet and more ...
World Outreach International is a multiracial fellowship of Christians and ministries that exists to impact Least Reached Peoples with the Good News of Jesus Christ through:
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• Raising Leaders • Evangelism and Church Planting • All Nations Mobilisation • Children’s Ministry • Humanitarian Aid Singapore-based, International Director John Elliott heads an executive team of senior missionaries, pastors and business leaders. WOI follows recognised international standards and procedures for child safety.
John Elliott Janet Chan
Rachel McColl
EDITORIAL SUPPORT: Robin Merrill www.robinmerrill.com
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COUNTRY OFFICES INTERNATIONAL OFFICE: John Elliott (International Director) 2 Kallang Avenue #04-09 CT Hub Singapore 339407 T: (65) 6464 8698 E: woi@world-outreach.com AUSTRALIA: Grahame Orpin (Board Chairman) Gail McDougall (Office) PO Box 5000, Sunshine Coast, MC Qld 4560 T: (617) 5313 8591 T: (612) 8203 4530 F: (617) 3319 8928 E: admin.au@world-outreach.com CANADA: Lynn LeRoy (Office) PO Box 172 Lambeth Stn London, ON N6P 1R1 T: 519 680 3355 E: canada@world-outreach.com
HOLLAND: Meint Kisteman (Board Chairman) Wolweverstraat 6b 8011 NW Zwolle T: (31 62) 467 1758 E: info@world-outreach.nl MALAYSIA: Philip Chieng (Board Chairman) PO Box 8541, Kelana Jaya 46792 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan T: (60 3) 7728 1914 E: malaysia@world-outreach.com NEW ZEALAND: Gail McDougall (Office) PO Box 97230, Manukau 2241 T: (64 9) 263 5434 T: (64 9) 887 7150 M: (64 21) 330 874 E: nz@world-outreach.com
SINGAPORE: Tarn Ping Kueh (Office) 2 Kallang Avenue #04-09 CT Hub Singapore 339407 T: (65) 6464 8698 E: singapore@world-outreach.com SOUTH AFRICA: Michiel Coetzee PO Box 11238 Riverwalk 2538 T: (27 18) 290 5285 M: (27 83) 462 2224 E: southafrica@world-outreach.com UNITED KINGDOM: Jon Hitchen (Office) BM Box 5265 London, WC1N 3XX T: +44(0) 203 642 4873 E: office@wouk.org W: www.wouk.org
Field Ministries Director: Peter Smith Executive Manager: Chia Shee Wai Honorary President: Bill Molenkamp International Board: Luke Chong, Lorraine Dierck, John Elliott, Wilbur Farmilo, Wayne Freeman, Gary Levens, Rob Reid International Leadership Team: Chia Shee Wai, Bambi Cataluna, John Elliott, Peter Smith, Peter van der Westhuyzen, Henry V, Ben Brooks
USA: Aaron Rudd 615 East Sego Lily Drive Sandy UT 84070 T: (1 801) 572 0211 ext.11 M: (1 801) 599 3370 E: usa@world-outreach.com 501 (c) 3 Tax Exemption Available
COVER IMAGE: Swaziland Outreach, by Ivan Venter.
Lovely Feet ’How beautiful (or lovely) on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news …’ says Isaiah 52:7. It truly is a beautiful thing to watch people respond to God’s call, commit and prepare themselves for service, and in time arrive in the land where the Lord has burdened them to make His love known to the lost. The calling and deployment of missionaries has been happening for centuries, and praise the Lord, it is still happening today! Scripture is full of examples and references to God calling people. Ephesians chapter 1 is one such passage whereby God is stating that His calling on our lives is His initiative, aligned to His plans, His will and His pleasure. Yet choosing to obey His voice and make oneself available to go does not mean that everything will go well, that there won’t be ups and downs, challenges, problems and obstacles to overcome. For in John 16:33 Jesus Himself said, “In this world you will have trouble”. Recently I was looking through the names of people serving with World Outreach International, and I was reminded of different kinds of troubles many have faced or
are still facing. Today there are ‘lovely feet’ represented in WOI who have left promising, lucrative careers when choosing to obey
It truly is a beautiful thing to watch people respond to God’s call, commit and prepare themselves for service, and in time arrive in the land where the Lord has burdened them to make His love known to the lost. the call of God. Many sold their homes and possessions in order to go, and most live sacrificially, even struggle financially. Some have been kidnapped by armed bandits. Others have experienced numerous bouts of malaria and other life threatening diseases. A few have had a child or loved one die while serving abroad. Others have been evacuated by the military as civil war broke out. Some have had armed home invasions at night while still in the house. Others have been brutally assaulted with machetes, requiring emergency surgery.
Yet all remain on the field, steadfast in their calling and commitment to the Lord. Why? They would say, ‘For the love of Christ compels us’ (2 Corinthians 5:14). When we truly understand what Christ has done for us, the price He paid for our salvation, how could we not give our lives for His service? The world may never hear of their exploits, their sacrifices, their wholehearted commitment, BUT the Lord knows and He is well pleased. In Philippians 4:10-20 Paul says that generous acts of love and service are like ‘sweet smelling aroma, an acceptable sacrifice, well pleasing to the Lord!’ What we do for Jesus in this life echoes in eternity! Wherever you are, let your lovely feet be proactive in looking for opportunities to represent Jesus in showing intentional acts of love, sacrifice and generosity to others. In doing so your life too can fill the throne room of God with a fragrance that brings pleasure to Him.
John Elliott International Director
’How beautiful (or lovely) on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news…’
• ISSUE 3, 2015 •
MIDDLE EAST E X PA N D I N G M I N I S T RY Nathan and Sawsan Bassaly, EGYPT • Ministry leaders, involved in teaching and training church leaders. world-outreach.com/people/nathan-sawsan-bassaly
New training centre
Recently the first graduates from our new Vocational Centre left to begin work as hairdressers. One of the biggest problems for women in this country is that there are very few short courses available for them to learn new skills so they can have a career and help support their families. The Centre is also a great place to help make true disciples for Jesus Christ. Our School of Ministry continues to host an average of 40 male and
female university level educated young people, who wish to be better trained so they can contribute to their respective local churches and communities. It is wonderful to observe them grow in confidence and in new ministry skills. Please keep Egypt in prayer during these critical times in the Middle East. Pray too that our expanding ministries will help equip and empower the new generation of leaders that this nation desperately needs.
AFRICA USING EFFECTIVE TOOLS Danny and Ruby Bayasen, BURKINA FASO • Ministry leaders equipping church leaders and members. world-outreach.com/people/danny-ruby-bayasen The ‘Simply Telling the Story and Making Disciples, Multiplying Churches’ training is proving to be an effective discipleship tool here in Burkina Faso. In Yaabo, the first ever Fulani Youth Camp was recently held with just over 40 Fulani youth attending. It was a blessing to know the Fulani leaders we trained were the ones who shared the Word and encouraged the youth. There is a new generation of young leaders being raised up here by the Lord, which is exciting to be part of. They
led worship, boldly shared their testimonies and prayed with one another. Since many of them are oral learners, ‘Telling Stories’ was a great way to disciple them. After the camp, some of the youth testified they wanted to become pastors, evangelists and even missionaries! The leaders of the children’s ministry testified that during one of the outreaches, people were miraculously healed when their team prayed for the sick. Pray that God will continue to bring revival among the Fulani people group.
Youth leaders
The conference delegates in cultural dress
Most personnel serving with World Outreach International only knew their colleagues serving in other regions of the world through photos in a magazine or on a website. Living on different continents, most never had to chance for a face-to-face meeting, to have a meal or worship the Lord together. No more! Back in June, with the help of sponsors, WOI held a Global Conference in Thailand where some 350+ personnel from around the world gathered for a time of refreshing, renewal and re-envisioning. This unique event was wonderfully blessed of the Lord. His presence was very real throughout the four-night / three-day conference. Here are some testimonies from participants:
Attending WOI conference last month was really faith boosting for me as hearing testimonies from experienced missionaries who have given their lives for God’s work was amazing and the presence of Holy Spirit was there. This conference gave me courage and strength to carry on, and I really felt blessed being part of WOI. (Majid, Pakistan) I’m really grateful for the time and effort both of you and many
others put into organising the conference for us all. It was a wonderful time of reconnecting with so many awesome people who are serving God with the same vision and passion. I was personally very blessed by the various ministries and the field reports. The presence of the Holy Spirit was really special – it felt like we were under an open heaven. (Jenny, Japan) We really enjoyed the conference – so good to get together with the rest of the WOI family – always good to see familiar faces, and GREAT that the family is growing so that there are heaps of people we hadn’t met before. (Kay, NZ) Wow, what a great conference! A huge thank you and well done to all who were involved. (Sue, Mozambique) On behalf of my entire family, I just want to say thank you for organising the WOI conference. We have been blessed by the field reports and messages. (Rich, Singapore) A HUGE thank you for making it possible for me to attend the conference. It was a great time not only refreshing me spiritually but meeting so many dedicated missionaries and their families. (David, UK)
It was an honour for me to be part of this conference. There was such a wonderful sense of joy in the meetings. I was greatly encouraged to continue serving the Lord. (Eliza, Thailand) The teaching had a wonderful balance to it. I felt very warmly welcome by the WOI leadership. (Tomba, India) It was a refreshing time for me. I felt a new hunger for God grow in me during the conference. This time together will give me strength for many more years of service. (Myriam, Mozambique) The conference was absolutely amazing. I was so blessed to learn that friends of WOI made this financially possible. I’m so impressed with the way WOI works and how it looks after its people. (Willem, South Africa) I was refreshed, encouraged, amazed at all God is doing through WOI ministries, and healed of shoulder pain and on the inside also. What a great time we had together. (Pam, Australia)
• ISSUE 3, 2015 •
AFRICA DREAMING BIGGER DREAMS Angela Stephens, KENYA • Ministry leader equipping church leaders and members. world-outreach.com/people/angela-stephens Teenage girls in Kenyan slums are at a greater risk of being exploited, sexually abused and contracting HIV than other groups of society. Rape affects one in three Kenyan women and girls, teenage pregnancies are high, and 60 per cent of women will be a single mother by the age of 45 years.
Teenage Kenyan girls
Sexual abuse is rampant and yet teaching or talking about sex is shrouded in shame and secrecy. Young girls are often targets of sexual violence, and their identities are wrapped up in being a wife, mother and how physically attractive they are to the opposite sex.
Our recently started Girls Saturday Club is teaching young teenage girls on their God-given identity, sexuality, purity and self-esteem. We discuss real life issues, learn new skills (including music, drama, jewellery making) and form friendships where we can share our struggles and receive healing. Shame is being removed, and hidden sin is coming out into the light. Girls are growing in confidence and learning they have much more to offer than just their bodies. They are dreaming bigger dreams.
K A I R O S C O N T I N U E S T O M OV E Chris and Nadine Brittain, KENYA • Ministry leaders equipping church leaders and members. world-outreach.com/people/chris-nadine-brittain
Kairos graduates
We thank God that three of the biggest denominations in Kenya – Assemblies of God (AoG), Baptist Convention (BC) and Africa Inland Church (AIC), with a combined membership of 7-8 million believers are embracing mission mobilisation using the Kairos course. AoG has adopted Kairos into the curricula of their 16 Extension Bible Schools
across the country with most principals now Kairos facilitators! Rev. Jack Yates, Principal of Kenya Baptist Theological College, has commissioned five of his best to be trained as Kairos facilitators and to take the training to their 50+ Bible Schools in Kenya. AIC recently had the 14 Regional Directors of their Mission Department take Kairos with their Facilitator Training set for early September! AoG already has 25-30 Kenyans serving as missionaries among Muslim LRPs with the view to greatly increase that number. AIC currently has over 50 with similar plans. Rev. Nuthu, Vice Chancellor of the AoG Extension Bible School, says: ‘I want all pastors to do Kairos. We will win the Muslims!’ Thanks for standing with us!
PAT H W AY TO THE N AT I O N S Henry V, SOUTH EAST ASIA • Henry and his wife, Betsy are focussed on developing more effective kingdom workers. This involves training and developing various programmes. world-outreach.com/people/henry-betsy In Romans 15:20, Paul writes: “It has always been my ambition to preach the Gospel where Christ was not known.” Do you already share his passion? Or are you just starting to explore possibilities? World Outreach International has programmes designed to help you find or clarify your calling, and navigate the challenging path from home to mission field.
KAIROS If you are new to missions, consider taking the Kairos course. Kairos is an excellent introduction to and overview of the world of missions. Visit www.kairoscourse.org.
THE EKBALLO CHALLENGE If you’d like a small glimpse of what it’s like to be a frontier missionary, come along on an Ekballo Challenge trip (world-outreach.com/ ekballo). This seven to ten-day experience is bound to challenge your thinking and change you for life! WOI also has various short-term exposure trips to Africa and Asia. Visit world-outreach.com/trips.
INTERNSHIP If you are ready for a longer commitment, you could join an existing ministry for three months or longer. WOI has many opportunities to serve – have a look at world-outreach.com/currentopportunities or see available internships at world-outreach.com/internships.
ALPHA MISSION TEAMS Perhaps you wish to be part of a cuttingedge frontline pioneering ministry to reach those who have never had an opportunity to hear the Gospel? If you are ready to take up your cross for two years, serving on an Alpha Mission Team may be just the thing. An AMT is a practical on-field twoyear missionary training programme, where you will be doing the actual frontline work of missions, guided and trained by an experienced missionary. You will live with the people, learn the language and have the opportunity to introduce them to Jesus. Once you have completed Alpha, you will be well prepared for a lifetime of ministry. Visit world-outreach.com/amt.
MAP If you plan to serve for two years or more, we can assign an experienced missionary mentor to counsel and advise you as you prepare for the field. Visit world-outreach.com/map.
THE NATIONS COURSE For everyone planning to serve for a year or more, the six-week Nations Course will help boost you into productive ministry. It is a powerful and popular course, taught by experienced missionaries. See world-outreach.com/nations-course.
• ISSUE 3, 2015 •
AFRICA SWAZILAND OUTREACH MC and Lezelle Coetzee, SOUTH AFRICA • Ministry leaders equipping church leaders and members. world-outreach.com/people/michiel-lezelle-coetzee Recently I took a group of CBC (Charis Bible College) students to Swaziland on an outreach. We experienced the Lord’s hand on us during this trip. We were able to minster and tell Bible stories to the local pre-schools and community. We used the Simply the Story method that I learned at the WOI Nations Course to great effect, telling Bible stories on sidewalks, on the bus and at schools. Charis Bible College students with a local church congregation, Swaziland
BUILDING FRIENDSHIPS Chris and Nadine Brittain, KENYA • Ministry leaders equipping church leaders and members. world-outreach.com/people/chris-nadine-brittain
Zahir and Chris
We live in an Indian/Pakistani neighbourhood here in Nairobi and are building friendships with Muslims and Hindus, most of whom are from the Gujarati and Punjabi LRPs, and we enjoy hospitality in one another’s homes. Zahir has become a good friend, and I visit him often. We talk about everything, but mostly matters of faith. He’s intrigued to discover the real Jesus. Please pray for Zahir to come to faith and for more opportunities like these!
THE BRIGHTER THE LIGHT Eugene and Tina Wessels, MOZAMBIQUE • Ministry leaders involved in evangelism and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/eugene-tina-wessels Suffering, sickness and death always present great opportunities for the light and love of Christ to break through. The darker it is, the brighter even the smallest light appears. The year began with flooding throughout the country, which led to starvation and disease. The Lord used that situation to extend His love through individuals, businesses and churches. Widows and orphans were cared for, hope was restored and even Muslims came to faith in Christ because of the way in which we were able to reach into their communities with food-aid, testimonies and the Gospel.
With the help of friends of WOI, a couple of key evangelists were equipped with motorcycles and now the Gospel is taken into previously unreached rural areas. In the towns, young disciples are making new disciples, and we are presently planning to baptise another 45 new believers. Jesus continues to build His church, and we return thanks for being a part of His amazing story.
An evangelist travelling to the unreached
MOZAMBIQUE COMPELLING STORIES Martin and Simone Schumann, MOZAMBIQUE • Ministry leaders equipping church leaders and members. world-outreach.com/people/martin-simone-schumann Many from the Least Reached Nahara people group are fishermen who cannot read or write. Being Muslims, they do not want to set foot inside a church, so we give them MP3 players with biblical stories in their language. We were very surprised when we saw how much they love to hear Bible stories! One particular Imam had just finished praying and was leaving the mosque when he took out his MP3 player and happily, in public, listened to the Bible stories on his
way home! Another Imam, who had been giving people a hard time about their listening to Christian stories, was visiting a man who had become a follower of Jesus Christ. He sat for two hours watching this man who was listening intently to his MP3 player. As the Iman was about to leave, very sheepishly he asked his friend how he also could get an MP3 so as to listen to the stories. This was made possible, and this man has never since been heard to criticise or challenge others about their interest in Christian Bible stories.
The Nahara people
Pray with us that a great harvest of souls for the kingdom of God will result in the Word of God being heard by a growing number of the Nahara people.
O P E N H O S P I TA L D O O R Inacio Jorge, MOZAMBIQUE • Ministry team member involved in evangelism and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/inacio-jorge Recent heavy rains near Angoche in northern Mozambique destroyed many houses, bridges and precious crops. When the main hospital in town ran out of food, the local Christian community responded, taking meals and offering to pray for patients and family members in need, many of whom were touched by the Holy Spirit. Some even stated
Love for the community
that their condition and sickness had gone. The hospital staff was delighted and said they had never seen such love shown by strangers before. We now have an open invitation to visit the hospital to both share and demonstrate the love message of God to those who are open and willing to listen and be prayed for. Hallelujah!
TRUTH REVEALED Emmanuel and Martha Mulenga, MOZAMBIQUE • Ministry leaders involved in training, evangelism and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/emmanuel-martha-mulenga
Ekballo Seminar
When Augusto attended our Ekballo seminar, he assumed he was already saved. Then the truth of God’s Word pierced his heart and he openly responded to receive Christ as his Lord and Saviour. Since then he has become a changed man and is known to openly share his
testimony. When we conducted a second seminar in the same place two months later, Augusto’s friends made up the biggest contingent of participants, and many of them also surrendered their lives to Jesus. Praise the Lord!
• ISSUE 3, 2015 •
Third Culture Kid's Challenges Stephen Elliott, AUSTRALIA • Stephen, the eldest son of John and Mary Elliott, is married to Julie (also an MK) and together they have two small children. They are based near Brisbane. I just finished a book titled From India with Love by Latika Bourke, an Indian orphan adopted by an Australian family. She writes how she loathed hearing the question, ‘Where are you from?’ She wanted to identify solely as an Australian, and ignored the link she had to India, whenever it was brought up. Her white Australian parents tried to encourage both an Indian and Australian identity in their daughter, but it wasn’t until she watched the movie Slumdog Millionaire that she began to identify with her Indian heritage. She connected with one of the movie’s characters – Latika. ‘That could have been me,’ she wrote, referencing the plight of orphans living on the streets, avoiding crime and abuse. Since then, she has embraced her
Indian heritage and visited the land of her birth countless times. As a teenager in New Zealand, I went to youth events and was told to ‘say a little about yourself’ as a way of introducing myself to a group. I would never bring up my 12 years living in Asia, thus avoiding the inevitable questions that would follow. Instead I enjoyed speaking about my hobbies in NZ, rather than my upbringing. As I got older, I became aware of how my life had been enriched by growing up in the Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong and Singapore. I used my experiences to connect with Asian students in NZ, who were adjusting to a new culture themselves. This helped me break down cultural barriers and open doors of opportunity.
As I got older, I became aware of how my life had been enriched by growing up in the Philippines, Indonesia, Hong Kong and Singapore. As Missionary Kids (MKs) ourselves, my wife Julie and I appreciate opportunities our children would never have been able to experience growing up in their passport country. We are preparing to start a children’s home in India during 2016, and know our own children will never regret the experience of living in a different culture. They will soon have a permanent connection with a foreign land, and be the richer for it.
FRONTLINE FILES Thank you for supporting our partners in prayer!
Danny and Ruby Bayasen
BURKINA FASO Please pray with us as we
make disciples and multiply churches. Pray for wisdom as our team will translate the teachings we received during The Nations Course, and will also be travelling to several villages to train Church Planting Movement leaders. Pray too for our transport needs – for our growing ministry to many inland villages, we really need a new 4WD vehicle.
Theo and Mignonne Sc humann
MOZAMBIQUE The small group of ‘M-background believers’ on Ibo Island is experiencing more and more persecution. The spiritual leaders (Mwalimos) of the region are constantly threatening the new followers of Christ and make it very difficult for them to follow Isa (Jesus). Please pray for their spiritual growth as well as boldness in their witness to other Mwani. Pray also that God will reveal Himself in tangible ways to these M people who are still bound in great spiritual darkness.
Henry and Betsy V
SOUTH EAST ASIA The first Alpha Mission
Team with 9 team members are settling into ‘Sakura’, an unreached M people group of a few million people and only a handful of believers. Please pray for God’s kingdom to come among the ‘Sakura’, for unity in the team, and that the seeds now being sown will one day lead to the growth of many fellowships of Jesus-followers among the ‘Sakuras’.
David and Stephanie Ayling
MOZAMBIQUE Please pray with us for the
seeds that are sown as David and the team travel out into rural villages to share the ‘Jesus film’. A lot of pastors from different villages keep asking us to come and show it, knowing that it will bear fruit in their local church.
Vijaya Chowdhuri
BANGL ADESH December 2015 will see
the graduation of another 27 students at Christian Discipleship Centre. Please uphold them in prayer, that each of them will be offered an opportunity to continue serving in the nation of Bangladesh. Please also pray for the new intake of students for our one-year discipleship training course starting January 2016. Thank you for your prayers and partnership for CDC ministry.
Nathan and Sawsan Bassaly
EGYPT We are organising a big teaching
seminar titled “Egypt and Beyond” to be held before the end of the year. Key leaders from different dominations throughout the country will be invited to attend this very special event that will focus on both the nation of Egypt and opportunities in near-neighbour countries. Please pray that the Lord will use this gathering to impart fresh vision and new mandates for leaders and churches to become more involved in God’s kingdom programme.
Paul and Sue Fosse
MOZAMBIQUE I (Paul) have 4 different
teaching points in the bush, where I go once a week to minister. The locals in each place are all saying the same thing – that there is going to be a big time of hunger at the end of the year due to the floods that happened at the beginning of this year that not only destroyed food crops but also seed for the next planting season. Please pray with us that resources will become available to help buy food and new seed now for the families in these villages before the impending famine hits.
John and Mar y Elliot t
SINGAPORE Please pray for us and our
WOI colleagues as we conduct a leadership and structural review of the mission in the coming 6-12 months, keeping before us the vision of reaching and engaging a further 55 LRP groups by the year 2020. Change will be needed in order to see such a vision realised; in particular more workers and field leaders will need to be added. Pray that the Lord of the harvest will raise up more workers for the harvest before us.
Quentin and Sally Gregor y- Hunt
INDONESIA Please pray for the children of
Mount Hope, who will return to their villages over Christmas. Pray that they will remain strong in their faith and share the goodness of Christ with their friends and family
DAY 10
Stephanie Herron
MOZAMBIQUE We have several camps
happening here over the December-January break. Please pray that the organising will go smoothly and that those who attend will be blessed, refreshed and inspired to carry on serving the Lord wholeheartedly. Please pray for our staff and students to be a blessing and a good witness in their home communities and churches.
Jo and Jenny Graham
the Gospel in Japan – pray for ours and many other outreaches, for many to repent and begin to follow Jesus. And New Year is a huge time for our Osaka team to seek the Lord and refine our goals for the coming year. Pray for wisdom and direction as we prepare the nets for harvest.
us as we continue to serve and resource WOI personnel in Asia and Australia with oversight, training and coaching. Pray for the guidance and anointing of the Holy Spirit as we encourage and relate to these men and women who faithfully serve God in their respective ministries, that we would be both a blessing and assistance to them. Pray also for our safety as we travel by both land and air.
DAY 17 Lorraine Dierc k
NEW ZEAL AND Thank you for continuing
to pray for me and my team in Thailand. Although I have relocated from Bangkok to Christchurch New Zealand, I am continuing to coach my Thai team via Skype, and will visit them each year. Praise God for opportunities here at home to share about mission with local churches. I’m finding many young people with a heart for the unreached, and it’s a privilege to help them find a pathway to short and long-term effective mission.
clear direction re our vision to establish a mission school, which will lay a solid foundation in the lives of men and women called to lay down their lives for the establishment of God’s kingdom among LRPs, equipping them physically and spiritually for the challenges that lay ahead. Please pray with us for discernment through which we can make wise decisions.
growth in the young Macua churches. Using the MP3 player and the Bible, they are sitting for hours, learning and sharing. More and more believers are reaching out to their neighbours with the Gospel. Pray for Andre, our bush pastor who is travelling every day to different house churches to preach and teach.
– we did have a good team to help with member care at the recent WOI Global Conference. To provide quality member care to our Mission Partners, it is essential that we be well resourced. Part of our plan is to provide input and training into the team of workers that we are slowly building around us. We do appreciate all those who help us to make this possible through their prayer and financial support.
DAY 19 Malcolm and Sandy Pot ter
THAIL AND Late December begins a busy
month of construction with a team at Baan Piemrak and Baan Faa Mai. In February we will be in NZ for our youngest’s (Lisa) wedding and some deputation. Thanks for your prayers during this time.
Colin and Jenny Ayling
MOZAMBIQUE Each year many neighbouring
villages suffer a “hunger season” from December to March, but this year is so much worse! Please pray especially for the teams from Maziotela Ministries working with malnourished babies and orphans, that they might bring physical and spiritual life. Please also pray for the health and protection of these teams during this hot, rainy season.
Geof and Marion Gunton
AUSTRALIA We give praise for the key Kairos
course leaders throughout Latin America who are committed to mobilising Latino churches. Pray for the new teams in Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico. Also pray for Head Facilitator Training in Mexico next February.
DAY 20 DAY 15
Allen and Charlot te Teal
NEW ZEALAND Thank you for your prayers
Kotie and Rina Smit
MOZAMBIQUE Praise God for the spiritual
DAY 14
MC and Lezelle Coetzee
SOUTH AFRICA We are trusting God for
DAY 18 DAY 13
Malcolm and Linda Bayliss
SOUTH EAST ASIA Please pray for
JAPAN Christmas is a huge time for sharing
DAY 12
DAY 16
Grant and Riana Franke
MOZAMBIQUE The coast of the area where
we stay is populated by the Makhua Nahara tribe. There are many places on the coast that are difficult to access by road. Soon we will have built a sailing canoe to visit a number of the groups who have never heard or understood the Gospel. We have also prepared a walk through the Bible story course to share with two groups nearby. Please pray that we would have wisdom and favour as we share the Gospel stories with this LRP group inhabiting the coastline.
DAY 21
FRONTLINE FILES Rod and Lynley Talbot
SOUTH AFRICA As we look forward to
2016, there are things we need to be setting in place. As Regional Directors for Africa and the Middle East, we need to begin to regionalise our leadership structure. Please pray that God will show us who He has in mind to become new WOI regional leaders, and that we will have wisdom in knowing how to implement such appointments.
DAY 22
Ben and Rac hel Brooks
SOUTH EAST ASIA Please pray for the
new 'Sakura' LRP team outreach here in S E Asia. Pray for oneness of heart amongst the team and for strength and encouragement. Pray many will come to Christ as they minister in love. Please also pray for God’s divine protection over our family. Thank you!
DAY 23
Neil Gillon
INDIA A new believer I have been discipling
was recently baptised, and this has prompted a young couple, Raju and Reeta, also new followers of Christ, to consider doing the same. However, it is difficult for them as their families will react to such a decision. Please pray for them.
DAY 24
Paul Bac h
DAY 27
MAL AWI The recent abduction of children
for religious rituals in our community is a great and growing concern. Join us in prayer as we come against such demonic acts. Please also pray for our ministry and also for the development of the Christian Academy facilities for which we are grateful to the Lord and His people who are helping make this community project possible.
DAY 28
we are still rejoicing in the Lord’s miraculous provision that enabled the purchase of the La Semence school property. Along with the present 100 children and 25 staff, we are truly grateful that we can continue to transmit God’s love and values through this school. The challenge before us now is to renovate the nursery rooms, and eventually build new secondary school classrooms. Pray with us that God’s plans for this unique school in West Africa will have great and lasting impact in this region of the continent.
DAY 29
AUSTRALIA Please pray for our God’s
Dreaming Art project as we will be taking indigenous and non- indigenous teams onto the streets, to city malls, beaches and market places. The 16 paintings tell God’s story. We are believing for multitudes to come to the Lord, bringing healings and freedom to the captives. Bless you as you pray for lives to be transformed.
DAY 26
Angela Stephens
KENYA After being involved with others
in a prison ministry for the last 4 years, I am now leading the team. Each week we see ladies born again, healed or delivered. The ministry is bearing fruit, but the workers are few. Please pray as I lead this team, for additional team members, more healings, captives set free and souls come into the kingdom. We want to see a revival in the Kenyan prisons.
Peter and Jeannie Smith
NEW ZEAL AND Early February sees a
key meeting take place in S E Asia. This is to pray and discuss how to impact more LRP groups (several thousand remain – Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and tribal) for Christ. Your prayer partnership can make a difference.
prayer as I relocate to another WOI base in S E Asia, where I will continue to serve as WOI Personnel Manager, and possibly take up some other roles as well. Pray for favour, good health and protection as I apply myself in this new country. Thank you.
Roger and Vivienne Latham
Janvier and Claudine Yokoinele
SOUTH AFRICA After 8 years of renting,
SOUTH EAST ASIA Please keep me in
DAY 25
Rodney and Juliet Munkhondia
DAY 30
Duncan and Lindie Ross
SOUTH EAST ASIA The nation in which
we are based is activating a new law that states only one parent can have a visa to reside in the country when their children are studying here. There are ever-growing ministry opportunities before us, so please pray for wisdom as we seek the Lord’s direction for the way forward and favour with the authorities.
DAY 31
David and Penny Elliot t
NEW ZEALAND Penny and I have begun a
new season, shifting our base from Asia into New Zealand to continue pursuing God’s heart for the nations. We desire your partnership in prayer for Penny’s NZ residency application, and wisdom in knowing where specifically to live and the ministry strategy the Lord would have us involved in our new country home base.
JAPAN A N E W DAY Jo and Jenny Graham, JAPAN • Ministry leaders involved in helping make disciples of new believers. world-outreach.com/people/jo-and-jenny-graham Takuya has just started to come to one of our weekly kids clubs, invited by his classmates. He is so hungry for God and listens intently (like many of the other children). When he goes home, he shares the Gospel carefully with his mum – assuring her that she too can have her sins forgiven. So she came to the club to find out
more, and then along with some other seeking mums, came to our kids camp. It’s a new day – we have never before seen such hunger from children and such openness from their parents. Takuya gave his life to Christ – and we pray that his mum won’t be far behind. Takuya's mum listens intently
SOUTH EAST ASIA TA W A N G M A N G U G R A D U AT E S M A K I N G A D I F F E R E N C E Sam and Carol Soukotta, INDONESIA • Ministry leaders and principals of Tawangmangu Bible College. world-outreach.com/people/sam-carol-soukotta Didik graduated from Tawangmangu Bible College 25 years ago. Today, he runs a Senior High School free of charge for orphans and the poor. The school, called Selamat Pagi Indonesia (Good Morning Indonesia), was started in 2007 by a local businessman and mostly funded by a multi-level business and donors. At Selamat Pagi, teens are taught to live and learn according to biblical principles. Those who succeed are assured of a job after graduation. Three orphans from Mt Hope are attending this high school. We haven’t built our high school yet, so it is such a blessing for some of our children to attend Didik’s school.
Didik and Sam
Didik recently told us that Musa, who just entered his year 10 last month, is such an inspiration, that he is polite and friendly and will go a long way in life. We continue to trust God for funds and builders to build our Senior High School. A number of our Tawangmangu graduates are now heading up Christian schools, including a
kindergarten teacher training school that is recognised throughout the country. Even Muslim kindergarten teachers are trained here. In Indonesia a child cannot enter grade 1 without going to kindergarten for 2 years. Therefore this school is popular. Tawangmangu graduates recognise the importance of providing the younger generation with the Gospel and education.
Selamat Pagi Indonesia
SOUTH EAST ASIA WORDS OF TRUTH No Pum, MYANMAR • Ministry leader involved in evangelism and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/no-pum Aung grew up in a family with divided religious loyalties. His father was a staunch Buddhist leader in their community, while his mother was a devoted Christian. Aung’s mother was a prayer warrior who for 26 years prayed for her husband’s conversion. Aung himself remained uninterested in becoming a Christian, even when his father and elder brother eventually gave their lives to Jesus Christ. His father and brother joined his mother in praying for his salvation. This year I had the
joy of leading Aung to Christ and seeing him water baptised. Aung is a university graduate and businessman. He has also been equipped so he can share the Gospel wherever opportunities are presented. He says, “I heard via my mother that one day the earth I’m living on will disappear. After a while I became concerned that I did not know what would happen to me after death. I tried to be good, but struggled. When hearing via
my family that we are saved by Grace Aung (Ephesians 2:8-9), I was keen to know more, so started to read the Bible. In doing so I soon came to realise that the words I was reading were words of truth, and I finally asked Jesus Christ to become my Lord and Saviour. Today I have chosen to serve and make Him my number one reason for living.”
INTRODUCING … WOLFGANG AND HEIDI OELSCHLEGEL! Malcolm and Linda Bayliss, SOUTH EAST ASIA • Regional Ministries Directors for Asia and Australia. world-outreach.com/people/malcolm-linda-bayliss Managers at New Hope Ministries in Sanggau, West Kalimantan Indonesia. Wolfgang and Heidi have already built a positive relationship with the staff and children at New Hope, by frequently visiting the ministry and looking after the ministry for two months while the Tammingas were on furlough. Wolfgang and Heidi
In July, Wolfgang and Heidi Oelschlegel took over as Operations
Wolfgang and Heidi are an experienced missionary couple from Germany, who served for 10 years in Kenya at a children’s
home and an agricultural training centre. Following this, they served for four years ministering in the rural villages of West Kalimantan. During this time they have been organising and teaching at seminars and youth camps, partnering with local churches, and equipping and discipling believers. They are also involved in establishing kindergartens in several villages, training Indonesians and providing resources.
NEW PURPOSE TO LIFE Eliana Mambu, INDONESIA • Ministry leader involved in evangelism and literature ministry. world-outreach.com/people/eliana-mambu Bu Hadi is from a Muslim background. At her neighbour’s funeral, the thought came to her mind: If I were to die, where would I go? Her neighbour seemed to have the assurance of eternal life, but Bu Hadi did not. Shortly after, another neighbour invited Bu Hadi to church. During the service, she was happy
to hear of God’s gift of love to her through Jesus. Bu Hadi asked Jesus into her life and was later water baptised. She now faithfully attends church and has joined the choir. She takes every opportunity to share her testimony with others. Please pray for Bu Hadi in her service for the Lord. Eliana discipling Bu Hadi • ISSUE 3, 2015 •
SOUTH EAST ASIA NO MORE PIG OIL April, SOUTH EAST ASIA • Co-leader of the first Alpha Mission Team to ‘Sakura’.
April's Grandmother
The Muslim villagers bury pig oil in their yards to keep the demons away. When I visited my grandmother, she asked me to get her pig oil. When I got home, I told my husband that if my grandmother asks again for pig oil, then we should share the Gospel with her. A week later, she came to our house. I called my husband and he shared with her how using the pig oil was honouring the oil more than God. We shared the Gospel with her, and she was keen to repent and be baptised. We went into the bathroom and I poured cold water over her from the tub. She was so full of joy. We have been sharing with her husband for three years and had always thought she wasn’t interested. Clearly the Holy Spirit has been working in her heart too.
OPEN HEARTS Prasert Panyamangkong, THAILAND • Ministry leader involved in evangelism and discipleship among Thai children. world-outreach.com/people/prasert-panyamangkong Praise God that He is transforming lives through the House of Hope in the Tungsonghong slum resettlement community in north Bangkok. This is a safe space where children can come to our worship times, Bible studies and classes after school every evening, as well as to our Top Kids programme on Saturdays and our house church meeting on Sunday mornings. Please pray for us as we visit the children’s families in this
resettlement. We are visiting every family to share the Gospel and pray for any sick people we find. For example, one Sunday we visited Grandma Jure. Please pray that God will heal her from serious kidney disease. Her heart is so open, and we believe she will give her heart to Jesus very soon. Please also pray for Mr Chart, Mrs Nai and their son Whale (in the photo) who have been attending our church. They had been separated
Mr Chart, Mrs Nai and their son Whale
for four years, but God is healing and restoring their relationship. It is wonderful to see that restoration being extended to every area of their lives.
H O W C A N I PAY YO U B A C K ? Elisa Diaz, THAILAND • Ministry leader involved in evangelism and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/elisa-diaz
Mr B
Mr B is from Colombia and has spent five years in three different Thai prisons. I met him in Khon
Kaen prison. The prison authorities allow me to be an interpreter at the weekly men’s church service, so I was able to share the Gospel with Mr B through his heart language. He accepted Jesus as his Lord and Saviour and developed a hunger to know God more intimately. Someone gave him a Spanish Bible; he spent hours every day reading it. Mr B wrote more than 100 letters from prison to family and friends in Colombia, sharing with them his newfound faith. Prior to his being released from prison and flying back
to Colombia, my friends at the local Jump Church met with him, provided him food and clothing and prayed with him. Shortly after Mr B arrived in Bogota, he phoned me to say thank you so much, and asked ‘How can I ever pay you back?’ I told him that he owes us nothing, and the most important thing is that he follows and serves the Lord with all his heart. Today our ministry in Khon Kaen prison continues, sharing the love and Word of God, and we are seeing many prisoners being set (spiritually) free! Praise the Lord!
THAILAND L A U N D RY S H O P M I N I S T RY Rahab Ministries, THAILAND • Rahab Ministries is involved in evangelising and discipling the women of the redlight industry in Bangkok. world-outreach.com/our-projects/evangelism-church-planting/rahab-ministries-thailand
The new Rahab Laundry and Dry Cleaning shop
We are very excited to announce that we just opened our new laundry shop! This is going to be a wonderful platform for the ministry to provide an opportunity for our girls to pursue a career and also to help them financially. Our heart for this business is to serve the community and also train and prepare our girls if they want to pursue their own business adventures in the future. Right now we have two full-time staff at the shop, and it is off to a great start.
God Is Moving We want to celebrate and share the bold and courageous decision that one of the girls took last month. She happened to be at our party with her friends and while talking with Prai, she decided that she was going to leave the bar and come to Rahab Ministries. So she’s here with us now and doing very well. It’s an honour for us to be a part of her story and to journey with her.
T R A I N I N G T H E N E X T G E N E R AT I O N Val Bateup, THAILAND • Ministry leader of Good News Team that evangelises and disciples children. world-outreach.com/people/val-bateup Recently, the Good News Team held a two-week training programme for Thai young people, teaching them how to evangelise in Thai schools. This was the first time for such a programme in Thailand, and it was wonderful to hear what God did in each trainee and what He taught them: - I saw God’s power. He helped me tell all the children in one school about Jesus.
- I learnt how to trust God in every situation in the schools.
- I saw how all on the Team have such a burden and vision for Thai children. - I was so happy when I saw how intently the children listened. Together, Reaching Thai Children for Christ These trainees also helped some children who are doing our lessons, and were thrilled by letters like this one from Kannika, who’s 9: I’ve been asking God to help me at school, and also help my family
Good News Team and trainees
believe in Him. And God answered! I got all A’s in our exams, and now all my family believes in God. I’m so glad I know God.
JAN-PETER AND NATASJA KELDER and their two sons moved to Thailand in the beginning of 2013. Jan-Peter, with a
background in communication, and Natasja, with a background in social work, both felt the calling from a young age to serve the needy and to spread the Gospel. During their first visit to Thailand in 2006, their hearts were deeply touched by the many HIV-orphans living in Thailand, and the little love that they receive. After they finished their studies and gained some work experience, God showed the Kelders in 2012 that it was time to move to Thailand. They now serve as CEO and project manager at Siam-Care, a foundation that reaches out to about 300 HIV-infected families. Among other things Siam-Care provides scholarships to HIV-orphans and spreads the Gospel among infected prisoners. • ISSUE 3, 2015 •
Movements to Christ Among Thai Buddhists Lorraine Dierck together with John and Nok P, THAILAND • Ministry leaders involved in training and evangelism. world-outreach.com/people/lorraine-dierck and world-outreach.com/people/john-nok-p The word “unprecedented” is hardly adequate to describe the historic events happening in Thailand. Until recently, Thai Buddhists have come to Christ very slowly, one new believer at a time. But in the last five years, God has been working among them like never before. Thai evangelists and church planters are beginning to see movements to Christ with thousands of new believers from Buddhist backgrounds coming to know Jesus and experience the power of the Holy Spirit.
Christ, as well as powerful signs and wonders. Again, it is thrilling to read stories of God’s work in bringing Thai Buddhists out of darkness into freedom and the light of the Gospel.
Missiologist David Garrison defines a movement of Buddhists to Christ to be at least 100 new church starts or 1,000 baptisms that occur over a two-decade period. This is happening in multiple locations in Thailand!
Mrs Oy is a former practicing spirit medium who was diagnosed as having severe heart damage, which caused a lot of pain and heart arrhythmia. Her neighbour Mrs Nut led her to Christ and taught her about the authority of the believer to pray for healing. As they prayed together, Mrs Oy was instantly healed of the pain and her heart went back to its normal rhythm. What a surprise for her doctor to find absolutely no sign
More evidence that a movement is underway includes local believers leading their friends and families to
Thai evangelists and church planters are beginning to see movements to Christ with thousands of new believers from Buddhist backgrounds coming to know Jesus.
of heart damage on her next X-ray! Many former clients of Mrs Oy’s clairvoyance are now full-on Christfollowers, listening and learning how to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit at Mrs Oy’s house church meeting every Wednesday. Mrs Oy is only one of a number of highly influential believers. The headman of a village led Auntie Muey to Christ at his Friday meeting, and after he had prayed for her healing, Auntie Muey was able to walk without help. As a result of the dramatic changes in Auntie Muey’s life, 10 of her family members began to also follow Christ. They are all prayer warriors, and are changing the atmosphere of that village. Prayer is the fuel of every significant mission breakthrough. Please pray for more movements to Christ in the Buddhist world. Pray for every Buddhist-background new believer as they obey the Lord’s command to make disciples. Pray for John and Nok as they train church-planters and evangelists all over Thailand. Your prayers can intensify the spread of these movements and bring much glory to Jesus!
THAILAND A SON SET FREE Ponchai Banchasawan,THAILAND • Ministry leader involved in evangelism and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/ponchai-banchasawan In the past three months, seven Hmong families have decided to become Christians because they saw the blessing of God in the lives of other believers. Mr Thiew was desperate because evil spirits had been tormenting his son for many months. He brought his son to
church and begged us to help. We led Mr Thiew and his son to Jesus, and visited the family to pray with them for three nights. On the third night God completely healed and delivered him, so the whole family is praising God!
Mr Thiew and his family
S E T F R E E F R O M T H E PA S T – I N T R O D U C I N G D O W –
PA R T 1
Malcolm and Sandy Potter, THAILAND • Ministry leaders involved in training and caring for tribal children. world-outreach.com/people/malcolm-sandy-potter Dow’s mother tried to abort her three times. At seven years old, Dow heard about God and prayer, so she laid hands on her very sick mother, and prayed for her. Two days later Mum was fine. However, as a young teenager, Dow was disobedient and uninterested in studying. She smoked, had dodgy friends, lacked self control and was angry or aggressive at times. Dow struggled with rejection and felt unloved by her mother.
having faith in God, she felt great peace. She got baptised and felt released from past hurts. Her anger decreased; she stopped smoking and began to obey.
When she was fourteen, Dow went to a youth camp run by a visiting NZ team, and during prayer about
Note: Dow is Baan Faa Mai’s new female assistant, a blessing and answer to many prayers. Thanks for praying.
Dow also changed her attitude towards study and set a goal to go to Bible College. She finally forgave her mother’s past actions. Now that she knew God’s great love and acceptance, her life had much value. Matthew 6:33 had become a reality.
B O R E D ? B OA R D G A M E S C A F É Kevin and Jeh Sie Chan, THAILAND • Ministry team leaders involved in evangelism and discipleship. world-outreach.com/people/kevin-jeh-sie-chan
Students hanging out at Bored?
BORED? Board Games Café has been running for about a year now. It has become a home away from home for many university students who come from different parts of Isaan. We get the same students coming in almost every day just to hang out, do their assignments and play games. BORED? is a safe place and a healthy alternative to the pubs that some students are
prone to hang out in otherwise. Our team has had many opportunities to connect with these students. There have also been meaningful conversations around faith and relationships as these students (many who come from broken families) observe that our team members are in stable marriages. Pray that God will continue to use BORED? to lead these students to Him. • ISSUE 3, 2015 •
INDIA SECRET BAPTISM Tomba Khoisnam, INDIA • Ministry team leader involved in evangelism and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/tomba-khoisnam A few months ago Jiten became a new follower of Jesus Christ and had to be secretly baptised! Salvation came to his home indirectly when one of our house church leaders witnessed to and led a vegetable seller to the Lord. This new believer led another vegetable seller to Christ, who in turn led Sunibala (Jiten’s wife) to accept the Lord.
Jiten and his family
The remarkable change in Sunibala’s life and her strong faith in Jesus
caused Jiten to also believe on the Lord. Jiten’s father is opposed to any in his family becoming Christian, and on one occasion was so angry that he threw oil on the four walls of their home and set it on fire. By God’s grace everyone escaped unhurt. Please pray God’s protection over Jiten and his family, and also ask the Lord to reveal Himself to Jiten’s father and save him also!
GIVING GIRLS HOPE K. J. George, Outreach India, INDIA • Outreach India runs Aashray Girls Home for unwanted and at-risk children. For many years now, friends of WOI have supported the ministry of Aashray Home for Girls, which is located in a small village in Andhra Pradesh, India. Many of the girls, now young ladies, have graduated and settled into working or studying and are faithful followers of Jesus Christ. The 20 young girls at Aashray this year, who were all once destined for lives as farm labourers, are getting a quality education, balanced daily meals, and love and care in a welcoming Christian family
atmosphere. Aashray girls are known in the local schools to be hardworking students who excel in their studies. They have developed strong moral values and quality discipline in their personal lives. By the time they reach 10th grade, many aspire to higher studies so they can pursue careers as nurses, doctors, teachers, scientists, dress makers, etc. Please remember the Aashray ministry in prayer, in particular that the call of God for each of these precious lives will be foremost in their hearts and minds.
Young girls given an opportunity for education
Keen to serve but not sure where to start? Check out our new opportunities listing to easily search by skill, category, place and type and see where you could fit. Visit world-outreach.com/current-opportunities or scan the QR code
NEPAL A Long and Arduous Road to Recovery Mun Heng Au Yong, MALAYSIA • Mun Heng serves as the National Director of World Outreach International Malaysia as a mission mobiliser, educator and trainer. world-outreach.com/people/mun-heng-cecilia-au-yong The two horrific earthquakes that hit the nation of Nepal earlier this year saw thousands killed and injured, with livelihoods lost and devastating destruction to property and infrastructure.
relief amongst the affected people, especially targeting the not-soaccessible rural areas in Gorkha, Dhading and Sindhupalchock, where fatalities were reported to be among the highest with 505, 373 and 1360 respectively.
One of the WOI teams, led by Kitbok, was able to help relief efforts in the Central Nepal area in the immediate aftermath, in some places where entire villages were destroyed, leaving few survivors. The team met the most basic and practical needs such as drinking water, food, clothing and tarpaulins so that the victims could have a simple shelter over their heads.
The resilience of the Nepalese in the face of the disaster has been reported by several media. The death toll of the earthquake was high in part due to many buildings collapsing during and after the earthquake and the endless aftershocks. The low standard of building and construction resulted in many houses, schools and other buildings collapsing completely, rendering them totally unsafe and impossible to repair. With the arrival of the seasonal monsoon rain, it was urgent that shelters be built to
Another WOI team, led by Au Yong Mun Heng, partnered with Station for Nations Nepal and the Himalayan Community Care Nepal to survey the extent of the destruction and to organise the needed
re-house families who had lost their homes. Thanks to the response of individuals and businesses who gave towards helping the victims in the Nepal earthquake, funds received enabled the WOI teams to help with further relief in the rebuilding of simple houses for families, with the hope that the structures will help the Nepalese to get back on their feet to rebuild their lives. The road to recovery will be long and arduous for the people of Nepal. The WOI earthquake relief appeal is still open whereby practical help can continue to be extended to village families who lost everything. Thank you. To send a donation visit: world-outreach. com/blessing-centre/nepalearthquake-relief-appeal
• ISSUE 3, 2015 •
BANGLADESH A N OT H E R Y E A R O F B L E S S I N G A N D F R U I T F U L N E S S Anonymous WOI ministry leaders, BANGLADESH Praise the Lord for all that has been accomplished thus far in 2015. The conference conducted with 391 children’s workers from 38 denominations throughout the nation has helped train and equip an army of workers who in turn will each influence hundreds of young lives for Jesus Christ. It’s harvest time among children in Bangladesh today! In the 28 Rescue Children Camps held this year, some 3,460 kids attended; a further 383 adolescents attended four other camps,
hallelujah! These children were all impacted for Christ and returned to their respective families and communities on fire for Jesus. The humanitarian arm of our ministry continues to expand with 651 sick mothers and children benefitting from free medical treatment and medicines. Our feeding programme for hungry and malnourished poor children continues to expand. The prayer and financial partnership of WOI friends encourages and
Rescue Children Camp
inspires us to want to achieve even more for the kingdom of God here. Thank you.
MAKING A DIFFERENCE WITH KINDNESS Vijaya Chowdhuri, BANGLADESH • Ministry leader who with her late husband Biswanath are founders of Christian Discipleship Centre. world-outreach.com/people/vijaya-chowdhuri
A student starts her own business rearing ducks after attending the Learning Circle programme.
Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. – Mark Twain
to learn about: Kitchen, Gardening, Small Business Management and Health and Hygiene.
How do we help people who have only known hardship? We show them kindness. We invite them to the CDC’s Learning Circle programme, which is designed to help impoverished people see themselves from a new perspective. These people are poor, with little or no exposure to education. They have lived their lives guided by superstitions, but now they get to attend this programme every week
One of our facilitators was once a student of the programme. Thanks to the programme, she was able to start her own small business of rearing ducks. Today she is able to financially help her family. She is an active advocate of the programme and is reaching out to many more women in her village. She encourages them to make a difference in their lives by attending the Learning Circle course.
AUSTRALIA ONCE WAS LOST BUT NOW IT’S FOUND Peter Blase, AUSTRALIA • Ministry leader involved in teaching and training church leaders. world-outreach.com/people/peter-blase Several weeks ago, my computer was stolen from my office. I am working on a children’s outreach film, and much of my work was on that computer. When I began to complain to someone, the Holy Spirit cut right through my thoughts and said, ‘Don’t worry. I have it all sorted’. I read in Psalms the next day, ‘Wait patiently for God to act’ (Ps. 37:7).
Three weeks later I received a call from the police informing me that they had pulled over a stolen vehicle and found my computer on the back seat. I am now typing this testimony on that computer. Apart from deleting a few things from my desktop screen, the thieves did nothing to change my computer. That’s a miracle! Be encouraged my friends. Your miracles are on the way!
Peter working on a new outreach film for children
I M PA C T I N G L E A D E R S I N S O U T H E R N A F R I C A Bruce Hills, AUSTRALIA • International Leadership Development Director. world-outreach.com/people/bruce-hills
Leadership development in Mozambique
Rodney and Bruce, Malawi
On a recent trip to Africa, I flew to the Malawian city of Blantyre to conduct a third and final seminar. Our mission partner in Malawi, Rodney Monkhondya, does an extraordinary job in capably facilitating our seminars. Over 100 pastors attended the seminar from over 40 churches spread across Malawi. The majority came from rural and outlying areas. Seventy of the pastors had attended all three years. From Malawi, I flew to Monapo, Mozambique, where WOI has a strong presence working among Muslim coastal people groups.
Four different WOI partners sent a total of 47 key leaders for three days of leadership development and ministry at Maziotela Farm. Despite many adversities, our partners there have pioneered church planting movements that are making a significant impact in communities that had never been touched by the Gospel. Some of the pastors mentioned how the training ‘was so relevant. I only wish someone had taught me this years ago.’ Another said, ‘In Africa, we normally just tell this one to do that, but now I see I have to find the right person with the right gift to do the right task.’
LEAVE A LASTING LEGACY HAVE YOU MADE A WILL? Making a will is the only way you can be sure that your wishes will be followed after you die. Having a will also makes your loved ones’ time of grief simpler. If you don’t leave a will, part or all of your estate may go to people whom you never intended to benefit, or even to the government! Including a gift to the ministry of World Outreach International in your will is a special and personal way to continue making a difference in the world after your life on earth has passed. For further information, please contact your nearest World Outreach International office. • ISSUE 3, 2015 •
Helping Stem The Tide Of Misery Wouldn’t it be nice not to know? Even nicer not to view images and read information about human misery – especially those of helpless children! For World Outreach International personnel, what we see before us can’t be ignored! Misery, helplessness, exploitation, destitution and poverty confront our
workers on a daily basis – oceans of it! Instead of ignoring reality, WOI individuals and teams endeavour to do something to address such misery. It’s not news most of us want to be reminded of, but we live in a sick, depraved and cruel world, as the following cold hard facts reveal: s 99% of babies abandoned on streets, in gutters or in rubbish bins, in the Indian sub-continent today, are girls, considered to be a burden to both families and society. s 75-80% of the world’s refugees are women and children. s Today there are more than 200 million child labourers worldwide – with no protection. s In East Africa, nine out of ten girls are abused by the people they trust the most. s Child pornography generates US$3 billion annually. s Every day more than 16,000 children die of hunger – that’s one child every five seconds.
s 89% of prostitutes want to escape!* Jesus said in Luke 18:16 that the kingdom of God belongs to children and not to hinder them from coming to Him. We may not be able to prevent or stop the misery that befalls so many vulnerable children in today’s world. Yet, in regions where WOI has a ministry presence, literally hundreds of children are helped every day. With the continued blessing of the Lord and your practical partnership, WOI teams can help rescue even more children from a life of hopelessness, abuse and exploitation, and see them come into the kingdom of God. For $50 / £35 per month, WOI teams are able to love, care for, feed and clothe kids who were once in crisis, and in so doing, give them hope and a future. Thank you for partnering with World Outreach International in helping make an even greater difference.
John Elliott International Director
*Sources of statistics above include UNICEF, YWAM, Global Fund for Children and other organisations.
s Two million girls, ages 5 to 15, enter the commercial sex market each year.
Donations can be made to: World Outreach International and designated “Kids in Crisis,” then forwarded to your nearest WOI Country Office (listed on pg2). Donations can also be made at