Nations issue 3 2016

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IN THIS ISSUE: Passing the Baton • Transforming

Grace : The Power of Impartation • If Only It Was That Simple • The Nations Course - Phenomenal Impact • Found Jesus as Their Helper ...


World Outreach International is a multiracial fellowship of Christians and ministries that exists to impact Least Reached Peoples with the Good News of Jesus Christ through:

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• Raising Leaders • Evangelism and Church Planting • All Nations Mobilisation • Children’s Ministry • Humanitarian Aid Singapore-based, International Director John Elliott heads an executive team of senior missionaries, pastors, and business leaders. WOI follows recognised international standards and procedures for child safety.





John Elliott

MCI (P) 089/12/2015

Prisca Prabhakaran

#04-09, City Hub 2 Kallang Avenue Singapore 339407 T: (65) 6464 8698 E:



Janet Chan


Rachel McColl

Robin Merrill

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COUNTRY OFFICES INTERNATIONAL OFFICE: John Elliott (International Director) 2 Kallang Avenue #04-09 CT Hub Singapore 339407 T: (65) 6464 8698 E:

HOLLAND: Meint Kisteman (Board Chairman) Oogstweg 12 8071 WS Nunspeet The Netherlands T: (31 62) 467 1758 E:

SINGAPORE: Tarn Ping Kueh (Office) 2 Kallang Avenue #04-09 CT Hub Singapore 339407 T: (65) 6464 8698 E:

AUSTRALIA: Grahame Orpin (Board Chairman) Gail McDougall (Office) PO Box 136 Flinders Lane Post office Melbourne VIC 8009 T: (617) 5313 8591 T: (612) 8203 4530 M: +61 0456772107 F: (617) 3319 8928 E:

MALAYSIA: Philip Chieng (Board Chairman) PO Box 8541, Kelana Jaya 46792 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan T: (60 3) 77325924 E:

SOUTH AFRICA: MC Coetzee PO Box 11238 Riverwalk 2538 T: (27 18) 290 5285 M: (27 83) 462 2224 E:

NEW ZEALAND: Gail McDougall (Office) PO Box 97230, Manukau 2241 T: (64 9) 263 5434 T: (64 9) 887 7150 M: (64 21) 330 874 E:

UNITED KINGDOM: Jon Hitchen (Office) BM Box 5265 London, WC1N 3XX T: +44(0) 203 642 4873 E: W:

CANADA: Lynn LeRoy (Office) PO Box 172 Lambeth Stn London, ON N6P 1R1 T: 519 680 3355 E:

Field Ministries Director: Peter Smith Executive Manager: Chia Shee Wai International Board: Luke Chong, Lorraine Dierck, John Elliott, Wilbur Farmilo, Wayne Freeman, Gary Levens, Rob Reid International Leadership Team: Chia Shee Wai, Bambi Cataluna, John Elliott, Peter Smith, Peter van der Westhuyzen, Hendrik V, Ben Brooks

USA: Aaron Rudd 615 East Sego Lily Drive Sandy UT 84070 T: (1 801) 572 0211 ext.11 M: (1 801) 599 3370 E: 501 (c) 3 Tax Exemption Available

COVER IMAGE: Our International Director Present and Future. Photo by Prisca Prabhakaran.


Introducing Bruce Hills – International Director Designate

Back in 2014 when praying about a number of things, I felt the Holy Spirit speak into my heart that I should make plans to hand over the dayto-day leadership of World Outreach International. As my wife Mary and I talked and prayed about this together, the same resonated in her heart also. A few months later I informed my WOI Executive Team and the WOI International Board of our thinking. Over a short period of time and after much discussion, we were all on the same page. For Mary and I, the thinking was that after 31 years with WOI, with 21 of these being as the International Director (ID), I would hand over the day-to-day leadership responsibilities, and take up a different role while still serving with WOI. A selection committee was subsequently formed to begin the search for a future WOI ID, the goal being to have someone appointed and in place come 01 January 2017. Besides looking at a person’s background, life experience and abilities, it was agreed that a big key for deciding who God’s choice would be, was that the person must have a clear and strong sense of God’s call to such a position. After much dialogue and following due process over a six-month period, the ID selection committee recommended to the WOI Executive Team and to the Board, that Bruce Hills become the future ID. This recommendation was then presented to the WOI members (field personnel and country offices) to vote on, which they did, and were in favour of Bruce’s nomination.

Bruce (54) is married to Fiona and they live in Melbourne, Australia. They have three adult children, one of whom is married, and they have one granddaughter. Born into a Christian minister’s family, Bruce has been active in all forms of church life for over 30 years, and has travelled abroad many times over the years to minister in developing nations. Prior to joining WOI just over six years ago, Bruce was senior pastor at Garden City Church in Brisbane, Australia for nearly nine years. In serving in WOI, Bruce has been the Leadership Development Director, heading up many different teaching, training and equipping programmes for Christian leaders throughout the Middle East, Africa and Asia. For Mary and I, it has truly been a wonderful honour and privilege to serve WOI personnel around the globe all these years. From January 2017 I will become WOI President-Emeritus, a nonexecutive role. I will continue to represent WOI and work to make a difference in the world of crosscultural missions. We believe the leadership of WOI will be left in great hands, and have full confidence that with God’s enabling, Bruce will do a great work in helping strengthen and grow the ministries of WOI in impacting more Least Reached People groups with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I highly commend Bruce to you all.

John Elliott International Director • ISSUE 3, 2015 2016 •


Transforming Grace: the Power of Impartation Karen Pack, AUSTRALIA • International leadership development coordinator. making my life a Trophy of Grace. In the final session we laid hands on every person attending, listening to the Holy Spirit as we prayed for them.

The more I travel, the more I conclude that there is no lack of leadership training and teaching materials in the developing world. In an age of online learning, more people than ever have access to books, courses and conferences. We are not lacking in information. What we lack is impartation. This is why one of the most important distinctives of the Leader of Leaders Course is the focus on generational leadership (2 Tim 2:2). Much of today’s leadership training is focussed on self-development

and personal advancement. Yet, biblically, leadership is to be passed from one generation to another in multiplying circles. We pass on not only principles of leadership, but our experience and lessons we have learned from generations before us of the grace of God redeeming even our hurts and apparent failures for His glory. On our recent trip to Sri Lanka, I witnessed first-hand the power of impartation over information. While teaching I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to share my own testimony of how God has redeemed a broken, insecure young woman and is

At the end of the seminar, several leaders stood to testify that prior to this course they believed that the shame and mistakes of their pasts were irrecoverable and lifedetermining. Yet each proclaimed that as I shared, and as we prayed over them, God spoke to them specifically and personally. They discovered grace – not as a theological concept, but as an empowering, healing reality. God has freed them to lead, and inspired them to identify, equip and release the generations after them. This is the difference between information and impartation. Information does not transform; the Holy Spirit does. This is why we take time to lay hands on every person who attends a seminar. This is why we share our own testimonies, and stories of men and women of God who are used despite their failures and weaknesses. As we partner with the Holy Spirit, we find leaders all over the world willing to surrender their lives into the hands of a God whose grace is sufficient!

Information does not transform; the Holy Spirit does.


INDIA T H A N K YO U, J E S U S ! Menuo Keditsu, INDIA • A ministry team leader involved in discipling children for Jesus Christ! There were fights and quarrels wherever he went. Nobody wanted him, including his mother. He often hurt his mother and sister and was beaten himself. They sent him off to work, and his first employer hit him, while the second just didn’t pay him.

After coming to us, Abhijeet committed his life to Christ. We see the Lord has brought a wonderful change in Abhijeet’s life. He delights in worshiping Jesus and prays for his crime-ridden colony. Thank you, Jesus!

BREAKTHROUGH! Manikhombi Khundongbam, INDIA • Ministry Team Member. Ken went without work for over a year, and his family was suffering financially. Ken’s wife, a new believer, shared her faith with Ken and then prayed for financial breakthrough. Miraculously Ken received work! Moved by God’s power to change the family’s circumstances, Ken gave his life to Jesus. Ken and his daughter were both then water baptised. Now others in the village are hearing the Good News of Jesus Christ too!

H O S P I TA L I S E D … T O D O T H E L O R D ’ S W O R K ! Tomba Khosinam, INDIA • A ministry team leader involved in evangelism and church planting. Quite suddenly our team member Somendro fell ill and was hospitalised for nearly two weeks recently with some mysterious sickness. After a few days and while still in some pain and discomfort, he began sharing his faith in Christ with his fellow patients. Before he was discharged, two of them accepted Jesus into their hearts. Somendro

has kept in contact with them and says one is preaching salvation through Jesus Christ every day as opportunities permit. Somendro still does not know why he suddenly fell ill, but praises the Lord anyway believing that 'In all things God works for good to them who love Him.'

• ISSUE 3, 2016 •



David and Doreen Khoza, SOUTH AFRICA • Ministry leader and principal of Soweto Bible College, South Africa. My name is Thabang. I was born in Soweto. Because of frustration and selfish ambition, I got involved in gangs. I was jealous of people with posh cars and beautiful women. I wanted to be like them. I stood with my gang on the street corners and robbed people. I wanted riches without working. I was in eleventh grade when I was first arrested. After two and a half years in prison, I went back to school, but not for long. I was quickly arrested again and sentenced to twelve years! However,

the sentence was shortened to six years. In prison I met a man who was sharing about Christ. For the first time ever, my eyes were opened. I gave my life to Jesus. I was hungry for the Word so when I got out of prison, I enrolled at World Outreach Bible College. I am now in my third year. After completing my diploma, I want to go and preach the Gospel. Prison doesn’t change lives, but Christ changes the inside of a man.

MEET SISTER TEBOGO! Rodney and Juliet Munkhodia, MALAWI • Ministry leaders who are involved in evangelism and training church leaders. people/rodney-juliet-munkhondia/ Sister Tebogo was a bartender when the Munkhondias shared the Gospel with her. After coming to Christ, she quit her job only to find that life was then hard. Sister Tebogo contemplated going back to bartending but after prayer and counselling, she decided to start a small business. Now Sister Tebogo supports her family well and is a great church leader and preacher.


(Ecole Chretienne La Semence) Rod and Lynley Talbot, SOUTH AFRICA • Regional Ministries Director - Africa and the Middle East. On our recent visit to the World Outreach Christian School base in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, we participated in laying the foundation for the new classroom block that (God willing) will be added to this wonderful, God-glorifying place in West Africa. The Seed School, established by WOI personnel, Janvier and Claudine Yokoinele, eight years ago,

has a vision to reach unreached children and impact families through Christian education. It is doing this by providing godly and professional education to more than 90 students from diverse cultural and social backgrounds, with some from disadvantaged families needing subsidisation. Over recent years, the school has had 100 per cent pass rate in the national exams for senior pupils, which has given it favour with government. Transformational testimonies are commonplace in these young lives as they are also taught godly character and principles. The new building will provide extra classrooms for growth and

expansion, enabling them to eventually revamp the existing building to provide more efficient facilities. It is hoped the new building will be ready for occupancy by January 2017. Please pray and support this venture. The teachers and staff are truly making a difference, training young lives who could potentially change a nation!


AFRICA S T R E E T M I N I S T RY Ivan Venter, SOUTH AFRICA• Ministry leader involved in evangelism and church planting. Some time ago we started to take university students on a weekly basis to the local taxi rank to do street evangelism. We want to create a platform where students can learn to share the Gospel. I praise God for the healing and words of knowledge that we have seen during these times.

YO U A N D YO U R H O U S E H O L D Joseph and Aimee Dayamba, BURKINA FASO• Ministry leaders who are involved in children evangelism and training. Acts 16:31 says, 'Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved – you and your household.' This is reality! A little girl (seven years old) from our school (pictured in the red T-shirt) has come to Jesus Christ. She then brought her sister, who welcomed Jesus into her life

as well! The two of them invited their mother to church for the very first time, and God delivered her from unbelief. The father and grandmother followed just five weeks later and now the whole family belongs to Christ!

BABY GOODIES MC and Lezelle Coetzee, SOUTH AFRICA • Ministry leaders equipping church leaders and members.


We are blessed to serve in the local prisons, particularly the women’s ward. As we served these women, it came to our attention that many babies are being born in prison. These beautiful little babies are allowed to stay with their mothers until they are two years of age! Because the mothers cannot care for their own, these little babies were in need of the basic necessities. The hearts of the local church members were open to this need and gave

so freely that we had an overabundance of 'baby goodies'! Now we are able to give 'baby goodies' to the neighbouring prison ward. But the good news doesn’t stop there. Because such great awareness was made on behalf of the women in prison, different people, with different skills, have come to serve the women. We are now in the process of starting art classes in the prison. It is so rewarding to see the local church bring hope and joy to these women.


We are a South African couple with four grown children. For 18 years, we served in a congregation in Beaufort-West, South Africa. In 1998 God called us to serve as missionaries for eight years in Tete, Mozambique, where we planted some churches. We then returned to South Africa while we continued with part-time ministry in Mozambique for another eight years. But then God surprised us by calling us back to full-time ministry in Mozambique, using the words of Jesus in Matt. 28:19, 'Therefore, GO…'! We plan, from beginning of 2017, to be involved full-time in training church leaders in partnership with Veritas College, as well as doing children’s ministry. • ISSUE 3, 2016 •


A Human Tsunami Of Unparalleled Proportions! Danie and Esther van Niekerk, MACEDONIA • Ministry leaders equipping church leaders and members. A year has passed since we first became aware of people walking through Macedonia in desperation, searching for hope. When God’s will became known to us, we had to obey and become a beacon of light on their perilous journey.

Every refugee we met just wanted validation, love, security, joy and hope for a better future. We had to find ways to relate and communicate with them. All of us at Café Mercy had many, many meaningful conversations – truly priceless moments! Contributions via World Outreach International and others helped provide sustenance to 29,000 unaccompanied children. To date, Café Mercy has brewed 69,000 litres of tea and coffee, used 4,800 kg of sugar and 30,000 kg of fruit. This operation required immense logistical coordination between team members, and to keep Café Mercy running, we’ve covered more than 90,000 km.

This was a tsunami of unparalleled proportions! Café Mercy (our project providing dedicated aid/ help to refugees) contended with wave upon wave of people arriving at Tabanovce, and we could barely cope with the demand at times. When we started serving food, coffee and tea, we were the town’s ‘official’ disaster recovery plan. Serving hundreds of thousands of hungry, scared people was a huge challenge! The government and formal aid relief agencies were totally unprepared for this sea of humanity. Café Mercy, and a few other nonprofit organisations (NGOs), were responsible for food and drinks, providing approximately three thousand food parcels daily since September 2015. Without them there certainly would have been more deaths.

Most days we started as early as seven and worked until three the next morning serving up to five trains daily – the record was serving ten thousand refugees in one day. It was tough going most of the time and the temperatures – ranging from minus 15°C to 39°C+ – didn’t help. The world is calling it a ‘crisis’, but that word suggests a problem that will end. Clearly, the refugee crisis is here to stay. European politicians may not want to admit it, but they are struggling with the central problem of

Danie the local tea barista

Coworkers handing out tea and boiled eggs

twenty-first century global politics. Political instability and other factors virtually guarantee that this century will see many more people made into refugees or economic migrants. Today, our nearby town of Tabanovce is a refugee camp that offers no work possibilities; refugees receive a daily portion of food and water and are asked to wait, hopelessly, passively. This isn’t living – it’s just existing! With no prospects for permanent relocation and the basic necessities for sustaining life in short supply, it’s no wonder that displaced people attempt to continue the dangerous voyage to Europe even with closed borders. The constant miracle we experience is equivalent to the five loaves and two fishes Jesus fed the multitude with. The donations we received made it possible to be a blessing to 787,384 people! We are so grateful for the kindness, generosity and sacrifice of friends of WOI, for such donations made our desire to help possible and they allowed us to continue to make a difference in the lives of displaced families. In the meantime we continue to depend on cash gifts / donations to provide ongoing aid and to help meet the day-to-day needs of the refugees still here. Thank you for your prayers and partnership.

Tabanovce refugee camp main street


EUROPE SCRIPTURE IS CLEAR Danie and Esther van Niekerk, MACEDONIA • Ministry leaders equipping church leaders and members. Two months ago my neighbour asked me if I had a Bible for her! Since then she has been reading it patiently. She is my language helper and is keen to understand why we are here and what motivates us. The evangelical approach is still foreign; however, during a conversation, her cousin mentioned that Jesus wasn’t the Messiah, and my neighbour refuted her immediately, stating that Scripture is very clear on this. Joy in our hearts!

MIDDLE EAST U S I N G F R E E H O L I DAY T I M E W I S E LY Nathan and Sawsan Bassaly, EGYPT • Ministry leaders involved in teaching and training church leaders. In Egypt the school and university summer holidays last four months, and most students don’t have any plans or ideas how to use this free time wisely. At our World Outreach International vocational training centre, we decided to hold some classes whereby students could learn and develop skills in areas of their interest. Music is a very popular summer class. Unfortunately the Egyptian education system does not place much emphasis on music. This past summer we had 35 students learning to play the keyboard and guitar. As the holiday time drew to a close, the children were playing

well; they were even playing some hymns, much to the delight of their parents. It is our vision to train up a generation of worship leaders to lead God-glorifying worship in their respective local churches.

LEAVE A LASTING LEGACY HAVE YOU MADE A WILL? Making a will is the only way you can be sure that your wishes will be followed after you die. Having a will also makes your loved ones’ time of grief simpler. If you don’t leave a will, part or all of your estate may go to people whom you never intended to benefit, or even to the government! Including a gift to the ministry of World Outreach International in your will is a special and personal way to continue making a difference in the world after your life on earth has passed. For further information, please contact your nearest World Outreach International office. • ISSUE 3, 2016 •


If only it was that simple! Jo and Jenny Graham, JAPAN • Ministry leaders involved in training church planters.

I listened to the leader of a large but struggling ministry in an Least Reach People group (LRP) humbly asking the leaders of a dynamically growing movement for their advice. They kindly told him that he should evangelise boldly and make disciples. He thanked them agraciously but I could see what he was thinking. “We have done that for 40 years. If it was only that simple!”

some good tricks by now but we still battle away in Japan and Shulam with nothing much to report. If I could only apply the lessons I have learned in Moz to the work in Japan! “If only it was that simple! Or is it a different season, different soil?” Even in Mozambique, we have sometimes tried too hard to incorporate the lessons of others! We really want to reap better in this time of harvest. And our earnest efforts to use the excellent weapons that others recommended have helped – but only a little! Lately, we have relaxed and “pushed back” into what was “life” for us, and the work is exploding. But if we “push back and relax” in Japan, nothing happens! Or so it seems!

to be the Unique Solution strategy,” learning well the lessons of missiology but recognising the uniqueness of each situation, culture and season, as well as our own particular gift mix.

Muslim leaders evangelism

Saul’s armour was great for Saul. Later David would put aside his sling and wield a sword powerfully, but he needed to go into the battle with Goliath trusting God to Don’t you love to hear people’s work through his own unique success stories? Well, sort of! weapon. I greatly respect some But I confess that I sometimes I hope you’ve done Kairos! I friends who say to me by their feel a bit intimidated by those love the lesson in Chapter 5 words and their life that while stories. “Is it really that simple? about types of strategy. There they admire what we do, they Or are they using a weapon are Standard Solution strategies must be themselves and not that God hasn’t given me?” (copying what worked well in try to be us; and as they rest We had great fruit while church another time or place) and in their own unique gifts and Being in the Way strategies (no callings they produce good planting in Malaysia and now strategy actually – just being experience more astonishing fruit in the time of harvest! Very fruit in Mozambique. You would led by the Holy Spirit). “We impressive! consider the best approach think we would have learned

'We consider the best approach to be the Unique Solution strategy': learning well the lessons of missiology but recognising the uniqueness of each situation, culture and season, as well as our own particular gift mix.

FRONTLINE PRAYER Thank you for supporting our partners in prayer!


Bruce Hills

AUSTRALIA WOI is conducting a pastors'

and leaders' seminar in Nepal this November in the western city of Dhangadi. Speakers will include myself, Colin Ayling (NZ) and Doug Williams (UK). Please pray for a powerful time of inspiration, renewal and refreshing. Thank you.


Stephen and Julie Elliot t

AUSTRALIA Julie and I plan to return to Australia late December after having helped set up a children's home for girls in Tamil Nadu. We still have much recruitment and training to do for 'The Hope House' team before then. Please pray for sponsorship of local staff and children as we 'hand over the reins' to the local church we are partnering with in Chennai.


Kevin and Jeh Sie Chan

THAIL AND Over the next six months,

we will be transitioning into a new chapter in ministry, with all of its excitement and challenges. Please pray for a smooth transition of leadership in our ministry in Korat as well as for our new roles. There will also be a relocation move for our family. We appreciate your thoughts and prayers as we prepare and process these changes.


Nathan and Sawsan Bassaly

EGYPT Earlier this year 60 young leaders

from different Middle East countries came together for the first time. We are planning to bring them together again before the end of the year, to pray and seek the Lord together and develop strategic plans for implementing God’s vision and burden in each of them to go and help make Jesus known to those who have never heard or received him. Pray for this coming gathering, both for God’s protection on each one, and that the presence of the Holy Spirit will guide our prayers and planning.


Elisa Diaz

THAIL AND Please pray for the Christmas

outreach at Song Pluay village. This will be the first time that the Christian kids of this village celebrate Christmas. Pray that the adults and children will have a real power encounter with the Holy Spirit that will not only affect them, but also the whole community. Pray too that the power and influence of drugs among the young people will be broken. Prayer is also appreciated for the Christmas celebration at Khon Kaen Central Prison, where we are believing for many to come to the Lord and start attending the church services inside prison.


John and Mar y Elliot t

SINGAPORE We value your prayers as

we relocate back to NZ this December after having lived for 36 years in Asia (Philippines, Indonesia and Hong Kong), with 29 of these years here in Singapore. Please pray for us during this time of major change, and also for the Lord’s help and leading for John in the role of WOI President Emeritus. We intend to remain active in WOI, in particular in the focus areas of mission mobilisation and representing WOI field projects and programmes to churches and individuals. Thank you.


Praser t Taksin

THAIL AND Please pray for our Christmas

outreaches as we use this opportunity to share about God’s love. We have two Christmas programmes this year: at the House of Hope on 10 December, and then at Donmakok village on 17 December. Relatives of our ‘Top Kids’ live in this village and they are open to hearing about Jesus. Please pray that many children and their families will decide to follow Jesus as His disciples in these two places.


Claris and Shirley van der Mer we

BOTSWANA With the help of the WOI South

Africa Country Office, we will shortly be doing our first ever deputation trip in 23 years of fulltime missions ministry. 2016 is our first year as mission partners with WOI, and it is also the first year for Shirley in not having a teaching job to earn an income. Please pray with us that the Lord will raise up both prayer and financial partners to help with the work He has called us to in Botswana.


Malcolm and Linda Bayliss

SOUTH EAST ASIA Please pray for

us as we continue to serve and resource WOI personnel in Asia and Australia with oversight, training and coaching. Pray for the guidance and anointing of the Holy Spirit as we encourage and relate to these men and women who faithfully serve God in their respective ministries, that we would be both a blessing and assistance to them. Pray also for our safety as we travel by both land and air. Thank you.

DAY 10

Rod and Lynley Talbot

AUSTRALIA We would appreciate your

prayers as we go through a time of transition and relocation of our ministry base from Jo/ burg, South Africa to Perth, Western Australia. We will continue to serve with WOI as Regional Ministry Directors for Africa and the Middle East, and already have ahead of us three lengthy ministry visits planned for these continents in 2017. Pray also that the Lord will use us to be a blessing to the Body in western Australia, that many more churches and individuals will become engaged in cross-cultural ministry opportunities as a result.


Grant and Riana Franke

DAY 16

MOZAMBIQUE We ask for your prayers

for the ministry here that will be left in the hands of our local interns as we return to South Africa for a deputation visit. Pray that our young local leaders here will be safe both physically and spiritually during our absence. The second phase of our new literacy programme in a local Muslim community will be running whilst we are away. Pray that many people will come to read and write, and that the Muslim community will become open. Pray for our safe travels as a family and that we get lots of opportunities to share with friends and (new) supporters in South Africa.

DAY 12

Allen and Charlot te Teal

NEW ZEALAND Thank you for your prayers.

As many of you know, we are building a team of people to assist us in WOI member-care. We are grateful that this team is growing and there are now people in various locations. Please join us in prayer for someone to help us in Asia and for someone to train under us in the international coordinator role. This requires someone with a pastoral heart and mission experience.

DAY 13

Daniël and Uc i van Laeken

INDONESIA Please pray for our Gospel

class here in New Hope Children's Ministry. We are a class of 15 youngsters between 14 and 17 years old. Pray with us also that the Holy Spirit will give us word of encouragement to share with the young people, and that studying the Word of God together will bring both a desire to grow spiritually as well as a conviction for those who are not loving the Lord wholeheartedly.

DAY 14

Vijaya Chowhduri

BANGL ADESH We rejoice with what

the Lord is doing in Christian Discipleship Centre. While the blessing of God is upon the ministry, we need your prayers for the ongoing safety of CDC during the difficult situation prevailing in the country right now because of terrorism. Pray for the government that they will handle the situation wisely and successfully. This year’s CDC graduation will be on 10 December and interviews for the 2017 year will happen on 13 December. Thank you for your prayers and support for the ministry here.

DAY 15

Malcolm and Sandy Pot ter

THAIL AND Praise God that a young Karen

couple started a three-month trial last August at Baan Faa Mai, a real answer to our prayer request in the previous issue of the Nations magazine. Please pray for Man and Fai as they adjust to the challenge of youth ministry. Thank you.

Stephanie Herron

MOZAMBIQUE Please pray for God’s

blessing to be on our month-long Timothy training (with around 50 students) we are hosting here shortly for Word of Life Ministries, while our students are on holiday. Please pray also for the new intake of students for 2017, that the Lord would prepare their hearts.

DAY 17

Danny and Ruby Bayasen

BURKINA FASO Please pray for HOPE

BURKINA. HOPE is an acronym for (1) Houses of Prayer Everywhere – our church planting activities; (2) Help Overcome Poverty through Education – schools and children's ministry and (3) Help Our Partners Excel – training and discipleship. Please continue praying for our own children’s schooling, for good health and for the Lord to bless our personal and ministry needs. Thank you.

DAY 18

Mic hiel and Lezelle Coetzee

SOUTH AFRICA As a result of our outreaches among the 'Phuti' people in Lesotho this year, there is still a lot of relationship building to do and new opportunities to share the Good News. Please pray for God to help us to discern and connect with the people of peace among the Phuti. We are planning to do more outreaches among them in 2017, in particular believing the spiritual darkness and blindness that has kept them in bondage for so long will be broken as the light and truth of God’s Word is shared and demonstrated via our teams. Please pray for this ministry.

DAY 19

Chris and Nadine Brit tain

AUSTRALIA Please pray for Simply Mobilising

Australia: divine openings as we promote the Simply Mobilising (SM) resources (Kairos, Crossing Cultures, Empowered to Influence) and Youth Kairos. Pray with us that believers and churches become engaged strategically in cross-cultural outreach, and for the growth of state SM teams, including Chinese and Korean.

DAY 20

Peter Smith

NEW ZEALAND WOI’s mission is to impact

Least Reached People groups with the Good News of Jesus Christ. This is challenging because the great majority of the remaining 6000+ LRPs are religious: Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists and others. Please pray with us that God would give us the right strategies to touch their hearts for Christ.

DAY 21

MOZAMBIQUE Paul and I are delighted

to announce the wedding of our eldest son Baden to Elizabeth Scott on 30 December 2016 in the USA. We will spend Christmas and New Year with both our sons and new in-laws. Please pray for this sacred union and their future together and for God’s provision for us.

DAY 21

Au Yong Mun Heng and Cec ilia

MAL AYSIA Praise God for healing of

my fractured left arm! Our ministries are undergoing very challenging times with harassment and persecution of our believers. Please pray against harassment by authorities among our believers in Pakistan; restriction/ curbing of Gospel propagation in Nepal with constitutional changes and political instability and persecution of our believers by Hindu radicals in some areas. And pray with us for God’s provision of a 4WD vehicle for effective Nepal ministry.

DAY 22

Danie and Esther van Niekerk

EUROPE God promised us five years ago

that we would adopt a little girl here in Macedonia. We started the process back in January this year, and trust to finalise the adoption and receive the girl before the end of this year. Pray that we continue to hold on to that promise, pray for continued favour, that there be no hidden red tape/bureaucracy and pray that she will adapt well to our family and our family to her.

DAY 23

Duncan and Lindie Ross

SOUTH EAST ASIA After a wonderful

time reconnecting with family and friends in South Africa recently, we are now gearing up for the next chapter of service here in Asia, and for our daughter Jessica, who is now into her final year of high school here. We are excited with what is ahead, including the raising up of teams for Kairos and the Indigenous Church Planting Movement.

DAY 24

Max and Dorothy Chismon

PHILIPPINES I am about to conduct several

seminars throughout the Eastern and Western regions of Europe, along with Linda Harding, our Europe Coordinator. These seminars are to sow the Simply Mobilising seed – taking mobilisation beyond the Kairos course to the other mobilisation tools designed specifically for local churches. Please pray for a very successful seed sowing time!

DAY 25


Paul and Sue Fosse

Inac io Tomero

MOZAMBIQUE During the first six months

of this year, we have seen God’s blessing in a great way among the Koti people ministry here in northern Mozambique. During this period 848 new believers were baptised. Praise His Name! Please pray with us for more local labourers to be raised up to help disciple the new believers, and also pray that we have the Lord’s wisdom so that we know how to work with Him in the wonderful work He is doing here.

DAY 26

Janvier and Claudine Yokoinele

IVORY COAST Now that the land ownership

for the La Semence School in Abidjan has been secured, we are trusting the Lord for His provision and help in the building of a new wing of classrooms that will not only allow us to reach more students and in turn families with the Good News, but will also allow us to introduce a pre-school age programme that we have longed to do for many years. Please pray that this new building project will be completed in time, i.e. January 2017. Thank you.

DAY 27

Hendrik and Bets V

MAL AYSIA We have started with the

production of videos for our online missions training academy. We need a lot of wisdom in terms of what to include in the curriculum, how to overcome technical challenges and whom to invite into strategic collaboration. May God be glorified in all that we do!

DAY 28

Carl and Gail Musc h

AUSTRALIA Travelling in the vast Australian

outback so as to engage with Aboriginal communities, it can take days to reach our destinations on rough and hazardous roads. It can also take its toll on vehicle and our bodies. God has burdened us for these people and we count it a privilege to represent Him to a people who desperately need to know Him. Please pray for the favour of the Holy Spirit, for discernment to know which communities to travel to, for protection and provision in order to reach them and for a mighty harvest of souls from among the indigenous people of Australia.

DAY 29

Mar tin and Simone Sc humann

MOZAMBIQUE Please pray for Inacio, our

Bible storyteller, who each week leads nine different Bible groups with interested Muslims. Pray that the Lord will give him great wisdom when communicating with them. Before the end of November, we will also conduct a discipleship teaching seminar for 40 new believers where we desire to 'fan the flame' of the Holy Spirit in their hearts. A few imams and muezzins are part of this group of new believers, so it is exciting! Please pray that more persons of influence in this community come to find the Lord!

DAY 31

Ben and Rac hel Brooks

SOUTH EAST ASIA Please continue to

partner with us in prayer for the new ministry initiative among the 'Sakura' LRP group in Sumatra, Indonesia, that the favour and blessing of the Lord will be upon the WOI team serving among them. Pray too that the different indigenous church planting initiatives in other countries continue to grow and multiply, and that the Lord grant us wisdom in knowing how to serve them. Thank you too for your prayers for us as a family, in particular for good health, safety, God’s provision and a conscious awareness of His leading in our lives.

SOUTH EAST ASIA A N U N F O RG E T TA B L E E X P E R I E N C E Pastor Mike Knott, WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND who was the visiting guest speaker at a recent leadership seminar in Vietnam. It was the first visit to Vietnam for myself and my travelling companion, Pastor Greg Downing from NZ. Eighty-three pastors from all over Vietnam came together for a threeday seminar, some travelling up to 13 hours by bus. These leaders, as well as others who could not make it from the 126 nationwide church network, are the fruit of World Outreach International ministry leaders J and M, who have sacrificed much in order to help see the Word of God established in this nation. Their ministry also reaches thousands of children throughout the country.


We ministered in areas of prayer, on the Holy Spirit, discipleship and personal lifestyle. The pastors were so hungry and receptive, making it such a pleasure to teach. The Holy Spirit moved powerfully at times with many pastors being touched and healed.

wants, then he needs to make sure he is rooted deep in God’s Word. So, now he guards himself from having bad attitudes and listening to negative people. Pastor M’Roi travelled from the highlands and returned home feeling very refreshed in both body and spirit. He said that while the teaching was simple, it was powerful and will have a lasting impact in his heart and life. Many pastors seem to grasp for the first time that their ministry calling was not just about them, but should also involve their wives and children. Ps Mike Knott on the back of the motorbike

Some pastors have since written saying how blessed and encouraged they were. Pastor Tran Ta caught truth from teaching on Psalms 1 and 2 in particular, that if he and his ministry are to prosper as God

The vibrancy of Vietnam is amazing, considering their recent history, and riding the back of a motorbike in the traffic maze is an unforgettable experience. The seminar organising was brilliant, as was the food, and the translators. We are keen to return next year.

ABE AND JOY LOEWE grew up in South Africa. Abe was born again at 17 years of age and soon felt a calling from God. After completing his theological studies, Abe worked in various departments of

a church in South Africa for 17 years. Joy is a qualified remedial teacher and taught children with special needs for 13 years. She was part of YWAM for two and a half years and has done various theological studies thereafter. They have two wonderful children. In 2010 Abe had an encounter with God, where he lay under the weight of the Holy Spirit for nine hours. During this time he received his calling to a specific nation in SE Asia. In 2012 Abe and Joy were led to do Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry first and second year in California. This was an amazing time of equipping towards their calling. In mid-2014 the family moved to a Least Reached People in SE Asia to join a Church Planting team. In 2015 they completed their combined Internship with BSSM and WOI. They are currently still focusing on language learning. Their heart is to minister to and encourage fellow workers and new followers by helping them discover their God-given identity and how to flow in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Ultimately they would like to see a Church Planting Movement sprout forth.


The Nations Course – Phenomenal Impact Malcolm and Linda Bayliss, SOUTH EAST ASIA • Regional Ministries Directors for Asia and Australia. Would you go to a general doctor expecting to receive specialist treatment for a life threatening condition? Would you board an international flight where the pilot has experience flying only 4 seater aircraft? I don’t think so … So why do people think they can go to the mission field without adequate cross-cultural training and expect to thrive and be effective in their ministry?

In World Outreach International, we believe that cross-cultural training assists people in becoming effective in their ministry within three years instead of seven and also reduces the number of people leaving the field for preventable reasons. “The impact of this course on my life and ministry is phenomenal because it has equipped me with a better understanding of the realities that we face on the mission field.” (John – India)

“My eyes have been opened to see how prevalent animism is in the majority world, how to communicate with those from different cultures and given me a clear vision of what I’m doing and where I’m going.” (M Indonesia) Over the past nine years, WOI has run 15 Nations courses, with over 230 people attending. The team of trainers are experienced, seasoned missionaries who know what it is like to live and minister cross-culturally. They have experienced the highs and lows, cried the tears, felt the frustrations and experienced the cultural differences that come from living and ministering crossculturally. “The trainers are very experienced missionaries and they know the practical challenges we will face as missionary. They are so caring and easy to talk to and always ready to help me.” (A – Pakistan).

“The teachers are really gifted teachers. They are intentional in using differing learning styles and backgrounds (culturally, educationally and linguistically).” (C – China)

The Nations Course is vital for those preparing for crosscultural ministry, for experienced missionaries and for home country pastors. “It has served as a timely upskilling and review of ministry. Many subjects have equipped me and provided ministry tools and understanding for situations in the field.” (Malcolm – Thailand) More information can be found at:

Plan to be on the next course – you won’t regret it!

“It brought a lot of new perspective that has changed my approach to ministry. I will be relating with people differently now and also doing ministry differently.” (Victor – India) • ISSUE 3, 2016 •


SOUTH EAST ASIA G O D I S AT W O R K Rama and Sinta Jones, SOUTH EAST ASIA • Ministry leaders involved in training and cross-cultural communication. Several of our teammates have been discipling a new believer and his wife up on the mountain. This has been a slow process but we were encouraged last month by several things that happened. It was raining and after biblical storytelling, the visiting evangelist prayed for the rain to stop so he could go home. It stopped, but the evangelist stayed on because the conversation was so good. The following week he returned, and the new believer told him that twice during the week he had been high up on the mountain farming and needed to come home

and so he prayed for the heavy rain to stop in the name of Jesus. Both times it did. He was so excited he came down the mountain and told his neighbours what happened. They just laughed and said he was crazy. The

following week he dreamt of a giant. If a giant comes to you, it is a sign that you will be sick. So he rose up and rebuked the giant in the name of Jesus and he didn’t get sick. God is at work growing His people.

G O D M A K E S A W AY No Pum, MYANMAR• Ministry leaders involved in evangelism and church planting. Lin is one of six children born into a poor Buddhist family. Lin’s education did not begin until she was nine, and even then the family’s poverty kept her out of school for lengthy periods. By God’s providence she heard about the WOI sponsored Swe Natha boarding home where students are helped to study. It was here for the first time that Lin heard about Jesus

Christ, who has since become her Lord and Saviour. Each new day now begins with devotions before going to school. Lin says, 'When I have a problem or feel alone, I pray to Jesus and He answers me.' Right now Lin’s focus is on finishing her education well, while praying for the day and opportunity to share who Christ is, and what He means to her, with her family.

B OA R D G A M E S M I N I S T R I E S Kevin and Jeh Sie Chan, SOUTH EAST ASIA • Ministry team members involved in evangelism and discipleship. community. At BORED? Cafe in Since the start of this year, we are Korat, we are getting a steady seeing a greater interest from other stream of regulars, who hang out at ministries wanting to replicate our the cafe almost every day. Our team board games cafe ministry model. has been able to establish good In May this year, we went up to relationship with these university Khon Kaen and Maha Sarakham students, and as a result, many (both provinces in Isaan, Northeast spiritual conversations have taken Thailand) to train two teams, who place. We are open to helping are interested in setting up board other ministries find ways to connect games ministries in their areas. In with their communities through June, we helped set up and launch businesses and to empower local we see the potential of this model a cafe for the Mae La refugee believers with financial income so to provide financial sustainability camp's Bible school along the Thaithat they can continue to do the and natural connections with the Myanmar border. This is exciting as work of the Lord. TO M AKE A DONATION OR SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EM AIL NEWSLETTER VISIT WORLD-OUTREACH.COM

FOUND JESUS AS THEIR HELPER Valerie Bateup, Thailand. Ministry Leader of Good News Team that evangelises and disciples children. In many countries it is taken for granted that everyone is equal and that all have the opportunity to achieve their goals and dreams. But in other countries everyone is not considered to be of equal status. Instead, at every level people will exercise power, often cruelly, over those who are beneath them. Many at the lower level can feel their life is one of complete powerlessness.

She sent money to him for food for the first 6 months but that changed when she met a new partner. Just prior to her leaving, Ekachai had begun to study Bible lessons with the Good News Team. When the money stopped coming he began to pray, asking Jesus to help him. Teachers at the school noticed something was wrong and they gave Ekachai small

“I’m amazed that Jesus really loves me.” “I feel so happy when I think about Jesus.” “God has made me special. That's incredible! I’ve never been special to anyone before."

Unfortunately, it is often children who are at the bottom in such countries. Their personal power is non-existent.

“I feel happy and safe now that I know Jesus." “Some people were angry with me because I followed Jesus but what got me through was knowing Jesus is always with me.”

Many World Outreach International ministries are working amongst children to introduce them to the One who has all power. After Ekachai’s father left, his mother became very unsettled and decided to go to Bangkok, leaving Ekachai (aged 12) alone in the family home.

Many children in Thailand have found Jesus as their helper through Bible lessons and know that He is with them. Some of the comments they have made are:

jobs so that he could receive some payment. Later when he was turned out of the family home because of his faith in Jesus, the teachers allowed Ekachai to stay in a small room in the school. Speaking of his experience at this time, Ekachai said that what kept him going was that he knew that Jesus was with him and thus he was not totally alone.

Please pray for all children who are in need, that they find Jesus as their helper, and come to realise they can be connected to the Source of all power.

'God has made me special. That's incredible! I’ve never been special to anyone before.'

For most children their situations are not as extreme but many still feel powerless and know that they need a helper.

• ISSUE 3, 2016 •


THAILAND I T ’ S S A LVAT I O N T I M E ! Elisa Diaz, THAILAND • Ministry leader involved in evangelism and church planting. burden for both the youth, who were getting involved in drugs, and for the elderly, many of whom were on their own while family members went looking for work in other provinces. Recently we began doing house-to-house evangelism and children’s activities with 20-30 kids The Holy Spirit put a burden in our and teenagers. Pastor Nueng from hearts for Song Pluay village, so Jump Church then preaches to those for two months we prayed for the gathered and invites them to ask people and visited often. Then we Jesus into their lives. Many children approached the village leader, who are now believers, and enjoy singing gave us permission to share the and praising the Lord. Every week, Good News and have fun activities as our church van approaches the for the children. He told us of his

The evangelism team with the children

village, the children come out to meet us and then run and tell others that we have arrived. Do pray with us, as we believe the Holy Spirit will do an even greater work of salvation among the children, teenagers and adults of this village.

I T S TA R T E D W I T H A N I N V I TAT I O N Prasert Takin, THAILAND • Ministry team member involved in evangelism and discipleship among Thai children. 'Hey, why don’t you come along to the House of Hope after school this week? You can learn music and English there.' When Nong Ing, Muey and It took up their friend’s invitation, they found they enjoyed all the activities very much. But what was even better – they also learned about Jesus, and how much God loves them. After joining the Saturday

Top Kids programme and the Sunday worship services, these three children asked their parents if they could follow Jesus and be baptised. Their parents agreed, and it’s so wonderful to see these three children growing in Christ and learning how to serve Him.

O N C E D E A F, N O W A B L E T O H E A R John and Nok P, THAILAND • Ministry leaders heading up an evangelism and church planting ministry. Noi has been attending a meeting of new believers for some months, but because of being deaf for many years, she was not always able to participate as she would have

liked. Despite her hearing problem, the Lord has been blessing Noi in her shrimp farm business, so much so that this year’s shrimp harvest brought in twice the profit she usually receives. When we visited the meeting in Supanburi, we heard about Noi and suggested we pray for her before the meeting began. After praying for her, we began with singing, then prayer, followed by sharing from the Word. As we were repeating some words, we noticed that Noi was also speaking out the same words. As we kept

looking at her, she said she could hear everything we were saying. The whole group rejoiced and began praising the Lord, who did a great healing among us that night.


THAILAND T H E M AG N I F I C E N T S E V E N Malcolm and Sandy Potter, THAILAND • Ministry Leaders involved in training and caring for tribal children. Although an old cowboy movie, The Magnificent Seven was the name that came to mind when thinking about the seven Baan Faa Mai teenagers who decided to follow Jesus recently. Jore comes from an animist/Buddhist family. She knew nothing about Jesus before coming to BFM Home four years ago. She started to believe a while ago, but recently decided that Jesus is the only One who can save us, and knows that she will be with Him forever. Her parents don't have a problem with her decision. She says, 'The biggest miracle in my life is that God knows me, and made Himself known to me. He answers my prayers. When I prayed for my high school studies, or when my Mum

'The Magnificent Seven' Jore is on the far left. Nut is second from right.

was ill, Jesus answered my prayers.' Nut is also from an animist/Buddhist family. He lived at BFM for two and a half years, but left last year because he wanted more 'freedom'; however, he got involved with alcohol and fighting. At the start of this

school year, our prodigal student desperately asked if he could come back. Somewhat hesitantly we agreed. Prior to living at BFM, Nut had heard a little about Jesus, but after hearing the Gospel clearly at BFM, he slowly started to believe and pray. Once he was feeling quite unwell and had Buddhist ceremonies to try to cure him, but nothing changed until a former BFM assistant encouraged and prayed for him, and he got better. Nut asked God to help him become a student army cadet, and after being accepted, he decided to follow Jesus, who is changing him. He confidently says that when he prays, God answers him. Now his mother thinks she will become a Christian too.

M I R A C U L O U S U P DAT E S Jan-Peter and Natasja Kelder, THAILAND • Ministry leaders.


foundation's focus was to enable families to stand on their own feet again and to keep families together. However over the last three years, we have slowly changed the foundation’s vision and mission. We are now more focused than ever on Team and Board Members sharing the Gospel. Our staff was We are excited to share some recent trained in sharing the Gospel and we developments within Siam-Care, our foundation that reaches out to children are seeing families coming to Christ! This is truly amazing. When we who are affected by HIV/AIDS. For came, only 40 per cent of our staff over 20 years Siam-Care has given financial, physical, psychological and was Christian, but now 100 percent of our staff are believers! Last month spiritual help to needy families. The

Child Sponsorship

three of our families from Mukdahan gave their lives to Christ. They have committed themselves to the local church, which is really exciting! Please rejoice with us and continue to pray for the salvation of many.

JACO AND ILKE STRUWIG Jaco and Ilke have been on the mission field in Madagascar, Mauritius and South Africa.

They got married in 2006. Jean became part of their lives in 2012 and Abigail in 2016. They have a heart for church planting and discipleship in the nations.Their passion is to bring people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. God’s mission is their calling! Currently they are serving the people in the beautiful country of Thailand. Jaco has known from a very young age that God called him into ministry (Matt. 28:19) and after finishing Bible school, he went to the mission field. After finishing school, Ilke realised that God wanted her to preach the Good News to the poor (Is. 61:1). God confirmed His calling for both Jaco and Ilke, and when they met, they knew God called them into the harvest field together. In Thailand they serve women who need to know the worth they have in Jesus Christ, discipling and training them in the Word of God! • ISSUE 3, 2016 • 18

THAILAND A LIFE TRANSFORMED Chuenjit Mungaew, THAILAND • Ministry team member involved in evangelism and discipleship among Thai children. Pho Tae has not had an easy life, yet he is a young man with a grateful heart. He is thankful that when his life took a wrong turn, he ended up in the Pahtumthani Youth Remand, where he was given the opportunity to know Jesus. It is encouraging to

see Pho Tae’s desire to follow Jesus. Now that God has opened the door for us to share the Good News at the Youth Remand in Ayudhya province, Pho Tae will join our team and share his testimony with the young people there.

MAEW’S LIFE TRANSFORMED Rahab Ministries, THAILAND • Rahab Ministries is involved in evangelising and discipling the women of the redlight industry in Bangkok.

Maew was only 15 years old when she started working in a factory. It was hard work and after four years

she ended up in prostitution. Maew was in a place of utter hopelessness. After meeting a team from Rahab Ministries, she thought all they wanted to give her was a foreign religion. Maew was not interested. However as she got to know the Rahab community and what they were all about, she decided to leave the bar and join the community. At first it was very challenging. Maew had to learn how to work with people in a much different way. With a lot of

patience and hard work, she slowly got better. Eventually she decided to give her life to Christ and what an impact it had on her! Maew’s marriage has also been transformed! Now Maew serves in Rahab Ministries by taking care of our product orders and she also does jewelry training for visiting teams. What a blessing to walk with these women and see God transform their lives.

MOZAMBIQUE LITERACY PROGRAMME Grant and Riana Franke, MOZAMBIQUE • Ministry leaders involved in evangelism and church planting. A few weeks ago we took our canoe out for its first test run. An unexpected wind blew us off course and we ended up spending the night in the house of a chief. We shared with him about our literacy programme and faith. In response the chief said, 'We want to learn but

have no schools and we don’t want your Christianity; we are Muslims. However we do want to know about Jesus.' Praise the Lord; the community is proving to be very open to the Gospel!

New muslim community


MOZAMBIQUE A N E W A N D E X C I T I N G S E A S O N AT M A Z I OT E L A Colin and Jenny Ayling, MOZAMBIQUE • Ministry leaders involved in a holistic ministry. The Maziotela Farm has provided a wonderful base for Maziotela Ministries for the past 16 years. Colin and Jenny Ayling arrived with their family in the year 2000, with a vision for a holistic ministry to reach the Makua village people, then one of Africa's largest unreached people groups. In the local language, 'Maziotela' means 'white water', and this farm has been like an oasis in a desert, where the thirsty, both physically and spiritually, have come to find Living Water. The farm has provided many jobs for local men in an area where it's difficult to grow a 12-month food supply for your family to survive. A large goat herd, a cashew and hardwood nursery and many other practical projects have given local men new work skills and the opportunity to provide for their

families, as well as the opportunity to receive spiritual ministry. For three years a cashew processing factory provided more than 100 jobs for men and women, when few other local industries existed to provide employment. Maziotela Farm has also been an amazing base for Maziotela's Mercy Ministry, education and leadership training schools.

from Zimbabwe, and Maziotela Ministries will be led by our Mozambican teams, with ongoing mentoring by Colin and Jenny. The cashew factory has also been recently reopened by another ex-pat.

Joao and Cassimo

Jeremias and Pedro

But now is a new and exciting season! Maziotela Farm will now be owned and run by a Christian family

Two new training schools are being built and will be run in local villages, led by Jeremias and Pedro, two of Maziotela's first disciples, and the preschool ministry will be overseen by Joao and Cassimo from the next generation of believers!

A D D DA I LY T O T H E I R N U M B E R Eugene and Tina Wessels, MOZAMBIQUE • Ministry leaders involved in evangelism and church planting. The Lord continues to 'add daily to their number' as another 21 new believers were recently baptised, close to the town of Quelimane. The fruits of this work belong entirely to the efforts of the indigenous church, which we planted just four years

ago, with three women converts and now with a growing membership of 122 believers. The church has just purchased ground to build a meeting place where there are no other existing churches.

21 New believers in Zalala baptism 2016

continues to increase, as does their own zeal to see others, who have never had the opportunity to hear the Gospel, come into a real living relationship with the risen Messiah.

FRUITS! The process of 'Go and make disciples …' in this part of His vineyard continues with great joy. Tina and I are really beginning to see the fruits of 14 years of intense sowing into the lives of a people overwhelmed by an animistic culture, blended with fierce Muslim influence. We have just returned from a prolonged bush trip, visiting some of the work planted by our 'sons'. Over the past four years, they have

In the photo, 163 people attended a discipleship seminar we held, where before there was only a small bush church with about 35-40 attendees. We pray the Lord continues His work in these areas.

Church growth in Muraka Sofala Province Mozambique

successfully planted 61 new churches throughout Sofala and Zambizia. We report with great joy that these indigenous churches are at last beginning to grow spiritually, and the hunger for more of the Lord

• ISSUE 3, 2016 •


BANGLADESH C H A N G E D L I V E S, C H A N G E D C O M M U N I T Y ! Vijaya Chowdhuri, BANGLADESH • Ministry leader who with her late husband Biswanath founded Christian Discipleship Centre.

(James and Bina Biswas are working with British Baptist Sangh (BBS) of Bangladesh)

James and Bina graduated from Christian Discipleship Centre (CDC) in 2011 and immediately began ministering to the animistic and poor 'tea garden people' in a particular area.

Animism has many superstitions, and people are generally bound by fear their whole lives. For example, when a person gets burned, they put either cow dung or egg on the burn. A pregnant woman is not allowed to have milk, eggs, banana or pumpkin. They believe to eat anything yellow will give you yellow fever! After delivery a woman is not allowed to have a bath for one month, and she cannot drink plain water, only rice water. There were many challenges in trying to engage with these people, so we sought advice from the CDC leadership. It was recommended that we go through two extra courses: Learning Circles and Adult Literacy Class. Months later we are now

seeing the ladies have been listening to us. Many have changed their ways and have become open to the Good News, which has resulted in a new church plant in the community. Praise the Lord.

Learning Circle group from Sylhet

BUSY FOR GOD IN BANGLADESH Anonymous WOI ministry leaders, BANGLADESH Praise the Lord for all that has been accomplished in 2016! God has been using our team to help children and their mothers by providing them with food and medical help. The humanitarian arm of our ministry continues to expand with 198 sick mothers and children benefitting from free medical treatment and medicines. Our feeding programme for hungry and malnourished poor children also continues to grow.

and communities on fire for Jesus. During this period, we trained 136 children's workers, who learned many important concepts and modern activities, which they can use within their local church ministries to serve kids. In the recent months we had six Rescue Kids Camps, which 288 children attended. These children were all impacted for Christ and returned to their respective families

The prayer and financial partnership of WOI friends encourages and inspires us to want to achieve more for the Kingdom of God here in Bangladesh.


Water baptism

is a truly wonderful and meaningful experience for Christians. This year has been an exceptional one for the number of baptisms happening globally among different World Outreach International ministries. The following are just a few photos received that reflect what has taken place...

• ISSUE 3, 2016 •



LESS TALK, MORE ACTION! Despite regular technological advances to improve food production, scientific breakthroughs for treating diseases and endless annual world conferences conducted on the need to help vulnerable and underprivileged children, disease, starvation, contaminated drinking water, war and exploitation remain unabated – affecting many millions of the world’s most vulnerable children who are held hostage by the inability of global governments to act with hearts of compassion. For example, more than: •

300 million children around the world are exploited for their labour

2 million children are trafficked each year

27 million children under fifteen have lost their mother or both parents to AIDS

Half of the 60+ million people displaced by war are children, the majority separated from their families

60,000 children under five die each day, mostly from preventable causes

With the continued favour of the Lord, and your practical partnership, WOI teams can help rescue even more children and bring them into a protective and caring environment, where they also come to know and experience the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. For $50 / £40 per month, WOI teams are able to feed, clothe and help educate such a child. Your partnership in our WOI Kids in Crisis ministries is greatly appreciated, and is helping make a difference!

John Elliott International Director

It would be easy to detach ourselves from such information. For the majority of Christians reading these statistics, such happenings are foreign to our lives. However, for World Outreach International personnel, such situations are very real, even on a daily basis. One should not close one’s eyes, or just walk away. It is within every believer’s ability to help make a difference. Whether in the Middle East, or on the continents of Africa and Asia, WOI teams are regularly involved in helping care, feed, educate, clothe and protect vulnerable and underprivileged children. It is not always easy! Some children under WOI care arrive sick, abused, suspicious, scared and hungry, and it can be many weeks before they feel safe. Through much prayer, lots of smiles, talking, and showing genuine love, it is truly rewarding to see a transformation take place where they become happy, healthy, energetic and hungry to learn. (The above statistics from the UN.)

Cheque donations can be made to: World Outreach International and designated “Kids in Crisis,” then forwarded to your nearest WOI Country Office – listed on pg2). Donations can also be made at

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