IN THIS ISSUE: Getting Back to Basics in
Mission • Partnering Churches in South Africa • Member Care Is Vital • Connect Before You Correct • Family News and more ...
World Outreach International is a multiracial fellowship of Christians and ministries that exists to impact least-reached peoples with the Good News of Jesus Christ through: • Raising Leaders • Evangelism and Church Planting • All Nations Mobilisation • Children’s Ministry • Humanitarian Aid Melbourne (Australia)-based, International Director Bruce Hills heads an executive team of senior missionaries, pastors, and business leaders. WOI follows recognised international standards and procedures for child safety.
PUBLISHERS: 2 Kallang Avenue #04-09, CT Hub Singapore 339407 T: (65) 6464 8698 E: woi@world-outreach.com
DESIGN: Rachel McColl Prisca EDITORIAL SUPPORT: Robin Merrill
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COUNTRY OFFICES INTERNATIONAL OFFICE: Bruce Hills (International Director) 2 Kallang Avenue #04-09 CT Hub Singapore 339407 T: (65) 6464 8698 E: woi@world-outreach.com
HOLLAND: Meint Kisteman (Board Chairman) Oogstweg 12 8071 WS Nunspeet The Netherlands T: (31 62) 467 1758 E: info@world-outreach.nl
SINGAPORE: Tarn Ping Kueh (Office) 2 Kallang Avenue #04-09 CT Hub Singapore 339407 T: (65) 6464 8698 E: singapore@world-outreach.com
AUSTRALIA: Grahame Orpin (Board Chairman) Gail McDougall (Office) PO Box 136 Flinders Lane Post office Melbourne VIC 8009 T: (617) 5313 8591 T: (612) 8203 4530 M: +61 0456772107 F: (617) 3319 8928 E: admin.au@world-outreach.com
MALAYSIA: Philip Chieng (Board Chairman) PO Box 8541, Kelana Jaya 46792 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan T: (60 3) 77325924 E: malaysia@world-outreach.com
SOUTH AFRICA: Ivan Venter Postnet unit #459 Private Bag X1288 Potchefstroom 2520 T: (27 18) 290 5285 M: (27 79) 084 2141 E: southafrica@world-outreach.com
CANADA: Lynn LeRoy (Office) PO Box 172 Lambeth Stn London, ON N6P 1R1 T: 519 680 3355 E: canada@world-outreach.com
NEW ZEALAND: Gail McDougall (Office) PO Box 97230, Manukau 2241 T: (64 9) 263 5434 T: (64 9) 887 7150 M: (64 21) 330 874 E: nz@world-outreach.com
UNITED KINGDOM: Jon Hitchen (Office) BM Box 5265 London, WC1N 3XX T: +44(0) 203 642 4873 E: office@wouk.org W: www.wouk.org
Field Ministries Director: Peter Smith Executive Manager: Chia Shee Wai International Board: Luke Chong, Lorraine Dierck, Wilbur Farmilo, Wayne Freeman, Gary Levens, Rob Reid, Bruce Hills International Leadership Team: Chia Shee Wai, Bambi Cataluna, Bruce Hills, Peter Smith, Hendrik V, Ben Brooks
USA: Aaron Rudd 615 East Sego Lily Drive Sandy UT 84070 T: (1 801) 572 0211 ext.11 M: (1 801) 599 3370 E: usa@world-outreach.com 501 (c) 3 Tax Exemption Available
COVER IMAGE: Image taken by a WOI ministry leader in South East Asia
‘GETTING BACK TO BASICS IN MISSION’ Why do we do what we do in World Outreach International? To answer that question, we need to go back to the undergirding question, which is: What is mission? We derive the term “mission” from the Latin missio dei, which means “the mission of God” or “the sending of God”. Missio is the Latin form of the Greek apostalos meaning “sent”, and is used in the sense of: “to send on a mission as an envoy, to speak for the one sending him, and having the sender’s own authority”. This is significant for us. Mission is an activity of God Himself. Mission is the loving work of God to bring humankind to Himself. As a missional God, the Father sent His Son. Through the incarnation, Jesus came as a missionary – He is the sent one. The Father and Son then sent the Holy Spirit to direct and empower God’s mission through the church. In
John 20:21, Jesus told His disciples: “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” As followers of Jesus, we are sent ones. In his book, Christian Mission in the Modern World, John Stott defines “mission” as a “comprehensive word that embraces everything which God sends his people (the church) into the world to do.” Mission is our partnership in God’s ongoing mission and our response to the great commission. Importantly, especially to us, mission is both local and global. According to Acts 1:8, we are called to partner with God in His mission to our: Jerusalem (mission in our home city), Judea (mission in our county, province, or state), Samaria (mission to those of other ethnic origins living nearby), and to the ends of the earth (mission cross-culturally and internationally).
Back to the question I started with: Why do we do what we do? First, because it is God’s mission. Second, because, as God’s people, we are “sent ones” to partner with the Lord in His mission. Third, because we are commissioned and compelled to go to those who have never heard. Unless we are active in mission, the unreached will never hear about the Good News of Jesus. This is what motivates us "to impact least-reached people groups with the Good News of Jesus Christ".
Bruce Hills
International Director world-outreach.com/people/bruce-hills ISSUE 3, 3, 1, 2017 2015 2017 •• •• ISSUE
2 2
Fifteen Graduate at World Outreach Nations Course in Thailand Malcolm and Linda Bayliss, SOUTH EAST ASIA • Regional Ministries Directors for Asia and Australia. world-outreach.com/people/malcolm-linda-bayliss
The 16th World Outreach International Nations Course recently concluded in Chiang Mai Thailand. With fifteen participants from eight nations in attendance, there were WOI personnel as well as representatives from sending churches and some people with a strong interest in a future in missions.
The Nations Course is a six-week cross-cultural training course designed to launch people into effective crosscultural ministry, equip them to bring the Gospel to least-reached people groups, and promote life-long learning. It was encouraging to see the participants respond to the teaching on cross-cultural life and ministry and gain more understanding about the complexities of crossing
cultures to minister the Gospel. By the end of the course, participants received tools and principles they can use in cross-cultural ministry for years to come. Participants made the following comments about The Nations Course: “I received strength, inspiration, and strategy to minister more effectively.” “Very helpful for my ministry.” “I received more than I expected.” “With over sixteen years on the field, I still found The Nations Course useful and inspiring.” “The Nations Course has clarified my role in my host country.”
“With over sixteen years on the field, I still found The Nations Course useful and inspiring.” TO M AKE A DONATION OR SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EM AIL NEWSLETTER VISIT WORLD-OUTREACH.COM
THAILAND REACHING WOMEN WORKING IN THE BARS OF BANGKOK Rahab Ministries, THAILAND • Rahab Ministries is involved in evangelising and discipling the women of the redlight industry in Bangkok. world-outreach.com/our-projects/evangelism-church-planting/rahab-ministries-thailand personal growth, and help with their individual journey with Christ.
In Thailand, the major religion is Buddhism. And so most of the women working at Patpong are Buddhists. They believe that many gods exists, and the more gods they accept, the better they will excel in life. So, we have many women who have accepted Christ and are still working in the bars. Rahab started a special Bible Study this year with the vision to especially help those women who have given their life to Christ and are still
working in the bars to leave the bars. We have it twice a month. When we started it, we wanted to invite just five to seven women, so that we would be able to focus on each of their
But, since starting in February, we have been receiving twenty to twenty-five women every Bible study. Some of them bring their non-believing friends to our study. However, it has been a joy to see the lives of these women change through our meetings. What we thought would be a hindrance has turned out to be a blessing for our community.
M I R A C L E S U P O N M I R A C L E S I N S U PA N B U R I John and Nok P, THAILAND • Ministry leaders heading up an evangelism and church planting ministry. world-outreach.com/people/john-nok-p
Mr Prasoot is a second generation Buddhist-background believer in Supanburi province, who was healed from fourth stage terminal cancer last year. For the past six months, he and his wife, Wassana, have been witnessing to their son, a Buddhist monk. He is very interested, and invited his friends from the temple to his parents' house to hear his father’s testimony of healing. This group of monks heard the Good News, and Prasoot’s son is now considering baptism.
Recently there was a big storm in the village. The new believers prayed that God would protect their rice fields from being flattened by the hail. All their rice fields were protected while the neighbouring fields were destroyed. This opened an opportunity for the believers to share about God’s power with their neighbours, and seventy-five people have begun to follow Jesus. Another meeting has started in a nearby village, where four people
who had been deaf were made to hear. One lady, who had been afflicted by a huge goitre for more than fifty years, was completely healed. Her son, who was a drug seller, was set free from his addiction and has a new job. Some who had insomnia for many years are now able to sleep normally. The assistant village chief has been saved, together with his whole family. God is working and opening many doors for us to make disciples in Supanburi.
• ISSUE 3, 2017 •
THAILAND TRAINING WORKERS FOR THE HARVEST Sang and Ruth T, THAILAND • Ministry leaders involved in evangelism, training, and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/mark-katrina-trewavas Here amongst the 18 million Isan people of Northeast Thailand, just a tiny percentage of the population have so far experienced eternal life with our Saviour. Most live in darkness. Often times these people have not heard a relevant and meaningful presentation of the Good News. In the words of Jesus, we are to “ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into the harvest”. Earlier this year we saw the fulfilment of a dream to begin to disciple local Isan Christians in evangelism. During the course, the students first renew
their love for the Lord, receive a love for the lost, and then gain skills to clearly communicate the Gospel. We use the term discipleship because these things are more “caught” than taught. Teaching is combined with real life, practical application as each day they go into the community and communicate the Gospel. We are believing for significant evangelists to be equipped and released into the harvest and many Isan following Christ as a result.
BETTER PLANS Elisa Diaz, THAILAND • Ministry leader involved in evangelism and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/elisa-diaz
Elisa, Pook, and the little Lucas
Two years ago, sixteen-yearold Pook was in serious trouble. She was smoking, drinking, and stealing motorcycle parts with her boyfriend. So her father sent her to our province in northeastern Thailand to live with her aunt, who did not understand Pook. Her aunt contacted a Christian organisation for help and that organisation contacted us: New Season House. A few months after Pook arrived at our house, we found out that she was five months pregnant. Before we knew about her pregnancy, she tried
to abort her baby, but God had better plans for her and little Lucas. Today, Pook is a born again Christian who has been discipled in our church. She is a responsible mother and is finishing high school. She has a part-time job and is part of the children's ministry team. It is a miracle to see her teaching children and teenagers. She has asked her father for forgiveness and visits him when possible. Today when we see Pook and Lucas, we can say that there is hope for the many single, teenage mothers who are waiting for someone to share the Good News of salvation with them.
Pook teaching kids
THAILAND A LETTER FROM SUCHAI Val Bateup, THAILAND • Ministry leader of Good News Team who evangelises and disciples children. world-outreach.com/people/val-bateup I’m twelve and I started your Jesus lessons after your team came to my school. That made my family angry, until you prayed for them. Now my mother has no more nightmares about evil spirits. Since I believed in Jesus, I’m not afraid of evil spirits either. I’m glad God is with me always. Suchai receives our Team booklet
Enjoying the Good News
THAILAND 05 - 21 January 2018
Are you ready to experience missions firsthand? We have an exciting opportunity for you to join a World Outreach International team and take part in a cultural exchange of eternal significance. You can make a difference teaching English. Helping the community learn English opens doors for Thai pastors, enabling greater connection and acceptance with the community. LOCATION: Bangkok and rural provinces, Thailand DATES: 5- 21 January 2018 WHO: Open to anyone who speaks English and is passionate about seeing the kingdom of God advanced. Children over twelve also welcome with a parent.
LEARN MORE ABOUT THE TRIP OR APPLY ONLINE: Scan the QR code or visit world-outreach.com/teach-english-thailand-january-2018 Applications close on 31 October 2017
• ISSUE 3, 2017 •
INDIA IT’S KAIROS TIME Keith Reents, INDIA • Ministry leader involved in teaching, training, and equipping leaders. I always presumed that Jesus’ words, “I will build my church,” meant that the church would be His, but that we (the church) would be responsible to do all the work. But then it dawned on me that Jesus was making a statement about His mission on earth. Without that mission, He would not even have needed to come down. In making that statement, He also commanded that we (the church) do our part, which is making disciples. This was the turning point in my thinking. The Bible is not a book about God, but a book about God’s mission. It gives us insight into God’s mission to the world through His people. If there was no mission,
there would not have been a need for the Bible, and, if there was no mission, Abraham would not have needed to be in the book. This was what we saw throughout this past year: Jesus building His church through the disciples. Some 350–400 house churches have been started in South Asia and South East Asia. Some have been planted by a fruit vendor, a cobbler, a carpenter, a florist, a massage worker, a farmer, and so forth. All these were just bricks that Jesus took and moulded to do His work. I watch in amazement when I go for a foot massage and encounter a group of believers reading the Bible
together at 11:00 am before they start work. A roadside food vendor prayed for a sick cancer patient, who got healed, and started a house church in his place. A cattle herder, as well as a business owner, both lead worship in their own way. While they lead, the people all worship – some are prostrate, others stand, while still others squat. All of them are learning how to get involved with Jesus in His mission on earth. We are not called to go to heaven just yet, but it is very evident we have been called to be involved with Him on earth. We are a “royal priesthood”.
NO LONGER SULLEN Menuo Keditsu, INDIA • Ministry leader involved in discipling children for Jesus Christ! world-outreach.com/people/menuo-keditsu The only child of a Hindu couple, Ronojit accepted Jesus only to be ostracised by his Bengali community. He strayed from the Lord and became a sullen young man. GMI took him under our wings a few months ago, and now he is a very precious team member at our Outreach Centre – the only one
who can teach the children God’s Word in Hindi. He says, “Finally I am maturing as a believer.” Indeed the sullen young man is now a smiling young man and a huge inspiration to the children, most of whom are from his community.
God has been good to us in our initiative to engage with churches in South Africa (SA). Since we started engaging with churches, WOI Mission Partners (MP) have reported that financial and emotional support have increased. More churches are opening their doors for us to work with them, which has resulted in MPs being adopted, prayer rekindled, and new interest in world missions being sparked. We have also had the privilege of churches partnering with us to send their members on Exposure Trips.
There are two important insights we have found valuable in building relationships with churches. The first is prayer. On my own personal journey of prayer, one of the main things that God spoke to me about was, ‘What is in your hands?’ With this in mind we, as a team, had a lot of discussions about praying for, and building relationships with, all the MPs working under WOI from SA. From this starting point (what was already in our hands), we ventured to build relationships with the churches connected to our MPs here in SA.
Secondly, our motive and strategy was to thank our supporting churches for their continued support of their specific WOI MP, as well as ask how we can support them in their mission’s vision. From these conversations, many different connections have grown. We have learned so much from these churches, and by the grace of God we have also been of service to them. We have, in other words, established partnerships with churches that are mutually beneficial to the kingdom of God.
• ISSUE 3, 2017 •
MEMBER CARE IS VITAL! Allen and Charlotte Teal, NEW ZEALAND • Member Care Coordinators. world-outreach.com/people/allen-charlotte-teal “Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. I really appreciate having someone to talk with confidentially on things that matter to me.” These are the sorts of comments we regularly receive as we visit workers in cross-cultural environments. Paul’s ministry was based on this type of care as he travelled around the churches of Asia. He mentions in 2 Corinthians 5:12, "I hope you realise how much and deeply we care.” Member care is not about a warm fuzzy. It is about providing personnel with someone to talk to and receive resources from for all areas of their lives – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual – so they are enabled to live and minister in
another environment. It is helping the overseas workers to thrive in difficult places, assisting them to find solutions to the challenges they face. It is not about counselling; it is about being a good listener! One member care expert says, “Field visits will boost your missionary’s morale like few other things will do.” Having an organisation spend time and money to visit their personnel is essential for the workers’ wellbeing.
essential. This includes: pre-field, on the field, and after they return from the field.
Missionaries face unique stressors. Research has shown that, across all missions, over 12,000 missionaries return home per year for preventable reasons. Avoiding preventable attrition is just one important component of member care. Journeying with workers throughout their entire missionary career is
Being a ‘faith mission’ means that we, along with all our personnel, need to work at raising our support. This takes valuable time away from the member care ministry we are involved in. We are grateful to those who have joined forces with us, and we do need others to accompany us in this crucial ministry.
Debriefing from a term of service on the field is also a very important aspect of member care. While recommended and encouraged for all WOI overseas workers, it is especially necessary for workers who have experienced significant stress or trauma.
FRONTLINE PRAYER Thank you for supporting our partners in prayer! DAY 1
Janvier and Claudine Yokoinele
Ben and Rac hel Brooks Serving in South East Asia
Serving in the Ivory Coast
Angela Stephens
Duncan and Lindie Ross
Serving in Kenya
Serving in South East Asia
Mun Heng and Cec ilia Au Yong
Hendrik and Bets V Serving in South East Asia
Serving across Asia and the subcontinent
Cher yl B Serving across Asia
Owen and Glynis Willows
DAY 10
Malcolm and Linda Bayliss
Rodney and Juliet Munkhondya
Serving as Regional Ministry Directors for Asia
Serving in Malawi
Serving in South East Asia
DAY 16
Basem Saad
Mar tin and Simone Sc humann
Serving across the Middle East and North Africa
DAY 12 Grant and Riana Franke
Serving in Mozambique
DAY 17 Andries and Sunet te Sc hwar tz Serving in Mozambique
Serving in Mozambique
DAY 18 Myriam Wahr
DAY 13
Serving in Mozambique
Stephanie Herron Serving in Mozambique
DAY 19 Inac io Tomero Serving in Mozambique
DAY 14 Emmanuel and Mar tha Mulenga Serving in Mozambique
DAY 20 No Pum Serving in Myanmar
DAY 15 Jan and Kia Rossler
DAY 21
Serving in Mozambique
Colin and Jenny Ayling Serving from New Zealand
DAY 27
Val Bateup
Peter and Bev van der Westhuyzen
Serving into Thailand from New Zealand
Serving from New Zealand
DAY 23
DAY 28
Lorraine Dierc k
John and Mar y Elliot t
Serving into Thailand from New Zealand
Serving from New Zealand
DAY 24
DAY 29
Peter and Jeannie Smith
Max and Dorothy Chismon
Serving globally from New Zealand
Serving globally from the Philippines
DAY 25
DAY 30
Malcolm and Wendy Taylor
Paul Won and Misun P yun
Serving in The Nations Course from New Zealand
Serving in the Philippines
DAY 26
DAY 31
Allen and Charlot te Teal
Bambi Cataluna
Serving in Member Care from New Zealand
Serving globally from the Philippines
SUBSCRIBE to Frontline Prayer by
visiting nationsmagazine.org/prayer and receive daily updates by email or the PrayerMate app
CONNECT BEFORE YOU CORRECT Anonymous WOI ministry leaders, BANGLADESH Without developing or building relationships with our children, we cannot minister or work with them effectively. This is very important for both children and teenagers. By developing friendships and connections with children, we help them to meaningfully engage with us. When we have earned their trust, then they listen to our words and advice. Through this, we can make an impact and be able to guide them to live a successful life by obeying God. Sometimes we try to lead children only from the front, as if they were just an audience. In doing so, we lose the relational connection, which means we won’t be able to correct
them. Leadership is not a position, but influence. This is not only true of children’s workers or mentors, but true for parents. We need to foster relationship and friendship with our children so they’ll listen to our words and advice. When the bridge of trust develops and we build connection with children, they will be willing to share about themselves to us. As they share their challenges and struggles with us, we are able to make a contribution to their life. Children don’t care how much we know until they know how much we care. When we love and care for them, they will be encouraged to listen to our words and follow our advice. Through love and care we
are able to connect with our children, earn their trust, and win the right to be heard. So let us try to connect with our children, spend time with them, try to be a friend, and care about them. Then we will be able to correct them and equip them to be an asset for our community and country. We must connect before we can correct.
BANGLADESH WALKING IN THE LIGHT Anonymous WOI ministry leaders, BANGLADESH We praise God for His great blessings and love for us and His leading for our ministry. Last year we ran twenty-five kids’ camps with a total attendance of 2,472 kids, who all heard about Jesus. Many of them have received Jesus as their Saviour. Also, last year, 304 children’s workers were trained through our thirteen "Schools of Children's Ministry" training.
Last year, 7,435 children completed the Mailbox Club and were awarded certificates. Almost every one of them received Jesus and they are now growing in faith and walking in the light. So far this year, 1,578 children have enrolled.
LEAVE A LASTING LEGACY HAVE YOU MADE A WILL? Making a will is the only way you can be sure that your wishes will be followed after you die. Having a will also makes your loved ones’ time of grief simpler. If you don’t leave a will, part or all of your estate may go to people whom you never intended to benefit, or even to the government! Including a gift to the ministry of World Outreach International in your will is a special and personal way to continue making a difference in the world after your life on earth has passed. For further information, please contact your nearest World Outreach International office. • ISSUE 3, 2017 •
SOUTH EAST ASIA W H E N G O D G U I D E S, H E P R OV I D E S Peter and Bev van der Westhuyzen, NEW ZEALAND • Ministry leaders involved in children’s evangelism and discipleship. world-outreach.com/people/peter-bev-van-der-westhuyzen Hudson Taylor, founder of China Inland Mission, trusted in the faithfulness of God to always back up His promises and instructions. M* and J* in Vietnam have lived by the same kind of faith for many years. They are currently completing the building of a new ministry base and Kindergarten (a long-held vision M* has had). God led and they responded. M* tells how this happened: “Last February, when I was fasting and praying, the Lord told me that we would start building in one year. I did not know how we could do that until my friend called and wanted to sell a property to us. This was at the exact time we got the money from selling a piece of our land. There were many people
Latest building project
who had wanted to buy that place, but the government did not allow it because it was already in my name. It was amazing timing and provision. We acted in faith and then had plans drawn for the new centre. The
deadline for starting building was one year after we heard from God, but we didn’t have enough money to begin. We were about to cancel the builder when the Lord again spoke to me and said, ‘I will show you. This is My plan – tomorrow you will sell a piece of land you have been trying to sell for a long time.' I told my husband, ‘The other land will be sold tomorrow.’ The very next day we rejoiced when we received an unconditional cash offer that gave us enough to begin building – praise God! We are now nearly finished stage one of the property and believing God will provide the outstanding $35,000 because when God guides, He provides!" *Names withheld for security reasons
RECRUITING WOMEN FOR SOUTH EAST ASIA We need more missionaries in South East Asia as soon as possible. Many of these new missionaries will be women. Perhaps you. Take a look online at the www.joshuaproject.com and see how many least-reached peoples reside in this region. There are hundreds. If God is stirring you to go, World Outreach International is an excellent choice amongst many great choices of mission organisations. Why? WOI is small enough to be personal and intimate, but large enough to be professional and well-organised.
WOI has been around for over eighty-five years and there is strong collective wisdom in our leadership. I'm always amazed when I see my leaders set the example in mutual submission, care, and vulnerability. I'm proud to work with such people. Theologically, WOI's belief statement is broad and fundamentally evangelical/charismatic. It majors on majors and minors on minors. WOI doesn’t discriminate when it comes to the great commission. WOI sees women and men taking equal responsibility for the lost. Perhaps it's your turn to shine among this generation's "sent ones". In Romans 16:7, Paul wrote about Junias, a woman, who was "outstanding among the apostles". Rama and Sinta Jones, SOUTH EAST ASIA
Want more information? Please make an enquiry through our website: www.world-outreach/serve. TO M AKE A DONATION OR SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EM AIL NEWSLETTER VISIT WORLD-OUTREACH.COM
SOUTH EAST ASIA EASTER BAPTISMS! Wolfgang and Heidi Oelschlegel, SOUTH EAST ASIA • Ministry leaders at New Hope Ministries. world-outreach.com/people/wolfgang-heidi-oelschlegel What better occasion could there be for a baptism than an Easter Service! Thirteen of our children decided to take this great step of faith and commitment. The youngest one is eleven, the oldest twenty-one; she had already graduated from high school, but stayed one week extra so that she could be baptised.
KEEPING THE MAIN THING THE MAIN THING Max and Dorothy Chismon, PHILIPPINES • Ministry team leaders involved in training and cross-cultural communication. world-outreach.com/people/max-dorothy-chismon As I write this report, a Muslim extremist insurgency group, with links to ISIS, is fighting government troops in an important city on our southern Island of Mindanao, and martial law has been declared. Under the radar of this worrying development is the growth of Christ's kingdom among the Muslim people on this very same island. Over the past twenty plus years, mission mobilisation has resulted in unprecedented outreach to Muslim people with a significant number
A few weeks ago our mobilisation course was conducted in a heavilypopulated Muslim region of the country, and all the participants were Muslim-background believers!
Youth Kairos Thailand
coming to faith in Christ. Today these Muslim-background believers are leading a new generation of Muslims to faith in Christ.
News of the growth of Christ’s kingdom will not get on CNN, but it is the greatest news and the BREAKING NEWS that just keeps on happening when God's people 'keep the main thing the main thing', even in challenging times, and join with God on mission!
Military Operation Mindanao
• ISSUE 3, 2017 •
FA M I LY N E W S In this edition of Nations we’re starting a brand new feature celebrating key milestones in the lives and ministries of our World Outreach International personnel. 2017 has been a big year.
DAV I D A N D DOREEN KHOZA Dr David and Doreen Khoza celebrated fifty years of marriage on 2 September 2017. David serves as principal of World Outreach Bible College, Soweto, South Africa.
R O D A N D LY N L E Y TA L B OT Rod and Lynley Talbot are celebrating thirtyfive years on the field, an amazing achievement. Earlier this year, they welcomed their first grandchild, Tobias Kaleb Burton (born 25.03.17). Rod and Lynley serve as Regional Ministries Directors for Africa and the Middle East.
Earlier this year, MC Coetzee stepped down as Country Director for South Africa after ten faithful years of service. A big thank you to MC and Lezelle for their tireless service. Ivan Venter has been appointed the new Country Director. Ivan and his wife, Danelle, are based in Potchefstroom, South Africa.
MC and Lezelle Coetzee with children, Chane and Michael
Ivan and Danelle
Peter and Jeannie Smith are celebrating forty years of marriage and twenty-five years on the field. Peter serves as Field Ministries Director and is based in Auckland, New Zealand.
If you know of any special events or milestones, please send them to communications@world-outreach.com.
FAMILY NEWS A N E W S E A S O N F O R T H E B AYA S E N S Danny and Ruby Bayasen have returned home to the Philippines after serving in Burkina Faso for nineteen years. Danny has accepted the position of Philippines Director for the Asia Centre of Missions (ACM), which has a vision to train Filipinos to reach the leastreached peoples (LRPs). Danny and Ruby were outstanding missionaries in Burkina Faso, reaching five LRPs (Fulanis, Dogosse, Boaba, Gourmanche, and Mossi) and establishing eleven churches among them. When they left in June, they set up a national council of leaders. We’re going to miss them, but they intend to keep a close relationship with WOI.
ROWENA MCKNIGHT Rowena McKnight celebrated her seventieth birthday. Rowena and Barry served for many years in Cambodia and now work among migrants in Loughborough, England.
A NEW THING back in NZ. At the same time we both have an anticipation and excitement within for what the Lord has ahead.
At the beginning of 2017 the Lord impressed on our hearts that in my (John) stepping down as International Director, we were not moving onto the next thing, rather onto a new thing in our relationship and service with Him. After living in Asia for the past thirty-six years, we knew we needed to allow time to adjust and make a (new) home for ourselves
From January to April we took our first ever sabbatical. Then in May we were back in action with World Outreach International, spending most of that month in SE Asia ministering and building on contacts we had established over the years in the region. In my new role as WOI President (Emeritus), one major focus is to come alongside church leaders, share how they and their churches can become engaged with leastreached peoples (LRPs), and journey with them in the process. From June to August we have spent most of our time in NZ and Australia attending church leadership gatherings, speaking in local churches and mission conferences, and meeting
up with individuals who are keen to serve in missions. In September we were back in SE Asia, a region wherein we intend to invest some of our time annually, on behalf of WOI. Wherever we have gone to-date, we always meet people who have a strong sense of God’s call on their lives for cross-cultural service, and who have endless questions on the topic. Two thousand years ago Jesus highlighted the shortage of labourers / workers for the harvest. The need remains the same today. We look forward to doing all we can to both encourage and guide potential harvesters onto pathways that WOI has in place to give such people every confidence in going forward in pursuit of the Lord’s plan for their lives.
• ISSUE 3, 2017 •
AFRICA M A J O R C A M PA I G N S O N T H E H O R I Z O N Frank and Ankia van der Merwe, SOUTH AFRICA • Ministry leaders involved in evangelism and discipleship The Lord is leading us into new ways of ministry. We are starting to do evangelistic campaigns on a large scale. Our first large one is happening in the Spring. We have partnered with nine local churches for this event. It’s very exciting. The photos attached are of small "Flashmob" type events that we did last year. They were leading us to the major campaigns coming soon.
EUROPE WORLDWIDE OUTREACH Keith and Christine Kelly, UNITED KINGDOM • Ministry leaders involved in training and cross-cultural communication. world-outreach.com/people/ keith-christine-kelly For twenty years I have been broadcasting on New Life Radio from Exeter, U.K., and before that from Malawi where we were WOI Missionaries. Now the ministry has expanded to a 24/7 worldwide online radio reaching the nations. Currently I'm teaching evangelism and discipleship. Great opportunities! Please pray!
Keith and Christine Kelly
Ni hao! (Hello in Mandarin.) I am Ms Shunam, hailing from the Philippines. I am blessed with a family of loving and responsible parents, two younger sisters, two younger brothers, two nieces, and two nephews. As a Mission Partner in WOI, I am serving the Lord in a provincial capital in northwest China. It is my vision to see my local and foreign friends here not just come to know the Lord, but be fruitful disciples of Jesus, impacting their families and workplaces.
MOZAMBIQUE SERVING IN A MUSLIM SCHOOL Theo and Mignonne Schumann, MOZAMBIQUE • Ministry leaders involved in evangelism in northern Mozambique. world-outreach.com/people/theo-mignonne-schumann Since I started helping with remedial lessons in a primary school last year, God has been at work in many ways. Most of all, He has been at work in my own heart! He started to nurture a love for the children and people of Bo-Kaap in my heart. A great reward is to see how their attitudes towards school and life in general are changing and how they are opening up to talk and share about
things in their lives. Being involved at the school is not only an opportunity to reach out to the kids, but to also open up doors to the parents and teachers. As it is a Muslim school, I do not evangelise openly, but the kids ask many questions about my faith. We trust God to use this to stir something in their hearts and that they will hunger more and more after the Truth.
S E T F R E E F R O M T H E O C C U LT Emmanuel and Martha Mulenga, MOZAMBIQUE • Ministry leaders involved in training, evangelism, and church planting. world-outreach.com/people/emmanuel-martha-mulenga
We have been hosting seminars for Muslim seekers in Memba and Nambula. During these seminars, we always set aside time for counselling
and ministering deliverance to those who have been involved in the occult. In February, during the seminar, we met Raibo, a well-known witch doctor in the area. He had a lot of influence and respect as an expert in the occult, but Raibo decided to become a follower of Jesus Christ. The Lord set him free from powerful demons. We also went to his house as he wanted to have all his occult tools and materials burnt. When the people in the village heard about his decision, they came in throngs to watch, as it was something new to them.
My wife Emily (a missionary kid born in Japan), our son Tobias, and I (Nick) are from New Zealand. We will be living in Ethiopia to make disciples and plant churches amongst the Lake Tana people. We will also use our background in medicine, nutrition, exercise, and pastoral ministry to build bridges and find people of peace amongst least-reached people groups. Our desire is that of the Apostle Paul in Romans 15:20: to plant churches and develop leaders who will make disciples where Jesus is not yet known, especially in North Africa. • ISSUE 3, 2017 •
AUSTRALIA INDIGENOUS TRAINERS Karen Pack, AUSTRALIA • Leader of Leaders Course Facilitator. During the Leader of Leaders programme in Ethiopia, a regional leader told me, “The women have been telling me that when you speak, it is like water flowing into their spirits.” Another pastor told me, “When you teach, I feel the Holy Spirit breathing life into me.” Praise God for His grace to His people!
Andrew and Karen in Hawassa
Pastor Elias gets his certificate
Women of Hawassa
EXCITING THINGS IN 2017 David Borja, AUSTRALIA • Leadership Development Director. world-outreach.com/people/david-borja Looking at this year so far, a recollection of exciting memories portraying places and people from around the world comes to mind: pastors, leaders, and church planters in India, Nepal, Middle East, Borneo, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, Kenya, and the Philippines have been trained and equipped by our WOI Leadership Development Team.
Ministering in Nepal
A selfie with the trainees
I was born and raised in Brazil, but currently live with my Australian wife, Janine, in Brisbane, Australia. We’ve been married for twenty-eight years and have three grown children: Felipe, Matthew, and Bella. I’ve been in full-time ministry for thirty years in both church and itinerant settings. I joined WOI early in 2017 as the new Leadership Development Director, overseeing the seminars WOI runs throughout the world training and equipping pastors and leaders.
PRAYER THAT CHANGES THE WORLD Prayer in mission is indispensable. World Outreach International is committed to mobilising people to pray and providing them with up-todate prayer requests. We’re currently seeking to find at least 300 people, who will commit themselves to unified, specific, and focused prayer for global mission and the WOI mission workers. If you’d like to become involved in this new initiative and change the world through prayer, please sign up at www.world-outreach/challenge-to-prayer. We’ll then send you regular prayer updates and focuses. Something powerful happens when people pray as one (2 Chronicles 7:14; Acts 1:14, 12:5). Here are some things to pray for: • Pray for more workers in ministry, especially cross-cultural
mission work. Looking at lost and hurting people around Him, Jesus urged His followers to pray for labourers (Matthew 9:37-38).
• Pray for the missionaries you know of and support. Paul, a
missionary himself, eagerly sought prayer (Ephesians 6:19). Pray for: boldness in their lives and ministries; strength and grace to endure in difficulty; provision for all their needs; sustaining strength and health; divine protection from spiritual attack; and for their families back home.
• Pray for the least-reached people groups by adopting one
• Pray for the political scene in the nations that are on your
heart and especially where the missionaries are. Pray for: governments to allow freedom of the Gospel (1 Timothy 2:1-2); peace, justice, and integrity; and the persecuted believers who live in difficult places.
• Pray for a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Ask the Lord:
for a heaven-sent awakening; for signs, wonders, and miracles to authenticate the Gospel as it is preached in frontier territories; and for churches throughout the world to be revived, re-envisioned, and filled with the fire of God to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
English Methodist preacher Samuel Chadwick (1860-1932) wrote, "There is no power like that of prevailing prayer – of Abraham pleading for Sodom, Jacob wrestling in the stillness of the night, Moses standing in the breach, Hannah intoxicated with sorrow, David heartbroken with remorse and grief, Jesus in sweat of blood … Such prayer prevails. It turns ordinary mortals into men [and women] of prayer. It brings power. It brings fire. It brings rain. It brings life. It brings God." Will you join the challenge and change the world through prayer?
Bruce Hills
International Director
you may know of or have heard about.
Join the challenge and change the world through prayer! Sign up for regular emails by visiting
HELPING COMMUNITIES IN TIMES OF CRISIS - A SPECIAL APPEAL FOR FUNDS TO HELP One of the things that motivates World Outreach International is a compelling desire to help those in need. From time to time, natural disasters strike communities, often with devastating results. We want to be enabled to help these communities quickly and practically. To do so, we’re working hard to establish networks and relationships with charities and agencies that specialise in humanitarian aid, especially in places where we have an existing presence. We’re also seeking to raise funds that we can have at our disposal to respond immediately to any need anywhere. Would you please help us? A lesson from the Parable of the Good Samaritan Trying to evade any responsibility to love his neighbour as himself, an expert in Old Testament Law once asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbour?” In reply, Jesus gave what is commonly known as the “Parable of the Good Samaritan” (Luke 10:25-37). One of the lessons taught in the parable
is that compassion is more than sentiment. Sentiment is when we are moved. Compassion is when we are moved to do something. When the Samaritan saw the wounded man, “he took pity on him” (Luke 10:33), put him on his donkey, bandaged and attended the injured man’s wounds, and paid for his recovery in the inn out of his own pocket. He felt something and he did something. Based on this parable, what is compassion? It is love in ACTION! It is more than emotion, sympathy, or feeling indignation about the plight of people. It is being moved enough to do something about it. By giving to this special appeal to raise funds for humanitarian crises, you are not only feeling something about people in crisis, but actively doing something to make a difference.
Bruce Hills
International Director world-outreach.com/people/bruce-hills
WOI ministry partners involved in disaster relief
Cheque donations can be made to: World Outreach International and designated “Aid and Development” then forwarded to your nearest WOI Country Office – listed on pg2. Donations can also be made at