Nations issue 4, 2012

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ISSUE 4, 2012














World Outreach International is a multiracial fellowship of Christians and ministries that exists to impact Least Reached Peoples with the Good News of Jesus Christ. WOI is currently ministering amongst 75 such people groups on five continents and has the goal of engaging at least 100 by 2015 through: • Raising Leaders • Evangelism and Church Planting • All Nations Mobilisation • Children’s Ministry • Humanitarian Aid Singapore-based, International Director John Elliott, heads an executive team of senior missionaries, pastors, and business leaders. >> ON THE COVER: PHOTO BY WORLD OUTREACH INTERNATIONAL International Director John Elliott with wife Mary cutting the 80th anniversary cake in ChiangMai Thailand. JOIN US ONLINE TODAY! NATIONS

• ISSUE 4, 2012 •


Grahame Orpin Philippa Orpin (Office) PO Box 5000, Sunshine Coast, MC Qld 4560 T: (617) 5476 1768 F: (617) 3319 8928 E:


Lynn Leroy (Office) PO Box 172 Lambeth Stn London, ON N6P 1R1 T: 519 680 3355 E:


Bill Molenkamp PO Box 2549 2002 RA, Haarlem T: (31 23) 526 5756 E:


Au Yong Mun Heng PO Box 8541, Kelana Jaya 46792 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul Ehsan T: (60 3) 7875 1853 E:


Peter McDougall Gail McDougall (Office) PO Box 97230, Manukau 2241 T: (64 9) 263 5434 M: (64 21) 330 874 E:


Goh Eng Kwang Ghim Moh Post Office PO Box 048 Singapore 912732 T: (65) 6464 8698 E:





Celebrating 80 years

EDITOR: John Elliott PUBLICATION MANAGER: Grahame Orpin DESIGN: Donna Elliott EDITORIAL SUPPORT: Heidi Tressel ADVERTISING: PRINTERS: Tone Ads, Singapore PERMIT No: MICA (P) 117/11/2011 PUBLISHERS: World Outreach International Ghim Moh Estate Post Office PO Box 048, Singapore 912732 T: (65) 6464 8698 F: (65) 6464 8697 E:

Michiel Coetzee Lezelle Coetzee (Office) PO Box 11238 Riverwalk 2538 T: (27 18) 293 0965 M: (27 83) 462 2224 E:

UNITED KINGDOM: Mike Cross (Office) BM Box 5265 London, WC1N 3XX T: +44(0) 203 642 4873 E: W:


Aaron Rudd 615 East Sego Lily Drive Sandy UT 84070 T: (1 801) 572 0211 ext.11 M: (1 801) 599 3370 E: 501 (c) 3 Tax Exemption Available


John Elliott (International Director) Ghim Moh Post Office PO Box 048 Singapore 912732 T: (65) 6464 8698 E:




INTERNATIONAL BOARD: Grant Alleway Val Bateup John Elliott Wilbur Farmilo Rob Hennin Alan Vink


Chia Shee Wai Luke Chong John Elliott Peter Smith Peter van der Westhuyzen Hendrik Vermooten Bambi Cataluna


DOROTHY WALKER 1921 ~ 2012 WHEN YOU FIRST start out in missionary service, the Lord in His mercy and kindness brings certain people across your path, people whom you never forget and to whom you are forever grateful; both to the Lord and to those He sent, to share in their wisdom and experience. For Mary and myself, one such person was Dorothy Walker.

the greater Indonesian archipelago, as well as in other nations. In 1984, Dorothy believed it was time to hand over the ministry of TBS to her daughter Carol and son-in-law Sam Soukotta, who continue to lead the ministry today. Dal and Dorothy’s ministry legacy at TBS continues unabated.

On August 1, at the age of 90 years and whilst living in the city of Tauranga, New Zealand, Mrs Dorothy Walker went to be with her Lord and Saviour. Together with her late husband Dal in 1968, they founded the Tawangmangu Bible School (TBS) in central Java, Indonesia after relocating their ministry base from the island of Bali. TBS has been an affiliated ministry of World Outreach International from its very beginning. Dal and Dorothy were married in 1941 and arrived in Indonesia in 1949. They were blessed with eight children fours sons and four daughters. Besides the ministry of TBS, their ministry took them to many islands, cities, towns and villages of Indonesia, and for a season they were also based in the Philippines.

Her life, her walk with the Lord, her faith, passion and tenacity impacted so many. One came away ‘richer’ in so many ways from having been in her company.

>> Dal and Dorothy outside Tawangmangu Bible School, 1973.

When her husband Dal died in an car accident in central Java in March 1974, Dorothy was suddenly left with the huge responsibility of leading TBS, a growing and vibrant Christian training institution. With the anointing and grace of the Lord, along with the support and prayers of family, friends and churches both in Indonesia and abroad, Dorothy rose to the challenge. Under her leadership, TBS continued to grow in stature and reputation. Today more than 4,000 Indonesians have graduated from TBS and can be found serving the Lord throughout

It is to be expected that the responsibility and leadership of TBS weighed heavily on Dorothy. Many tough decisions and sacrifices had to be made. Once at a family reunion after she retired from the field, she shared with the whole family how difficult and emotionally tough it was to send her children away to New Zealand during their teenage years, so they could further their education. While Dorothy was a woman of great faith and prayer, nevertheless, the heartache of the loss of close proximity to her children was very real.

Following Dorothy’s passing, the family has received tributes from all over the world. Her life, her walk with the Lord, her faith, passion and tenacity impacted so many. One came away ‘richer’ in so many ways from having been in her company. One of the Lord’s most precious daughters has gone to be with Him forever. As her late husband Dal often said, “sudden death is sudden glory.” Dorothy has entered into her well-earned reward.

John Elliott

International Director

Celebrating 80 years

• ISSUE 3, 2012 •




Asia recently hosted World Outreach International’s awesome 80th anniversary celebration – an event that was enjoyed immensely by all those who attended! IN WHAT PROVED to be a small foretaste of heaven, more than 240 mission personnel, guests and friends of WOI from 18 countries, gathered in ChiangMai, Thailand in July for the second of our 2012 celebrations. We gathered to celebrate God’s faithfulness and goodness to us over the past 80 years, since our seed-offaith establishment in 1932 that has now evolved into a mission organisation in more than 60 countries on five continents. The multi-cultural, multilingual atmosphere evoked feelings of Revelation’s description of ‘a great multitude from every nation, tribe, people and language standing before the throne…’

>> John Elliott with the previous WOI International director, Bill Molenkamp.

>> Robert and Eliana Mambu, two of WOI ‘soldiers of faith’.

Among the delegates were 25 ‘soldiers of the faith’ who have laboured tirelessly on the mission field – some of whom continue to do so - for between 20 and 52 years - in the service of WOI and Christ’s Great Commission. After their public acknowledgement, it was a powerful and moving moment when a group from the younger generation prayed with each one, honouring them for their faithfulness. In turn the elders prayed over the younger generation, imparting to them from deep wells. Several strong themes threaded through the sessions, which stretched over four days: the importance of raising up a new generation including a cross-cultural workforce; having faith

that God can exceed past methods and moves; and of significant harvest, breakthrough and provision to come for the work of the kingdom. A five-member music team from Singapore volunteered to spend the conference with us, leading us into the presence of the Lord every morning and evening. The presence of God was so real and precious throughout the four nights and three days together as the Holy Spirit ministered to people both personally and corporately, bringing much needed refreshment. Participants had a great time listening to first-hand ministry updates from workers on the frontlines. The reports were real and sobering as well as awe inspiring and encouraging, providing

>> Delegates worshipping in God’s presence.

>> The entire delegation, dressed in the national costumes of their country of service. TO MAKE A DONATION OR SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EMAIL NEWSLETTER, VISIT WORLD-OUTREACH.COM

>> Celebrating with a traditional Indonesian Dyak dance .

>> Times of prayer and encouragement for those on the field.

evidence of God’s hand at work in many difficult situations. In addition, the plenary sessions, electives, practical interactive sessions, topical breakout groups and evening ministry sessions were all incredibly powerful and very well received. One visiting pastor said, “I didn’t know I would be so blessed and inspired by attending a mission conference.” Prophet and Pastor Alex Larsen once again blessed us by personally prophesying over every person and team. Delegates were encouraged and impacted by what they received from the Lord. On the final night of the celebration, following the cutting of the anniversary cake and the explosion of multiple balloons and party poppers, there were several joyful ethnic dance and music performances, joined in heartily by participants, who were all dressed in

their respective cultural costumes. The dancing was interrupted only by hotel staff dishing out ice-cream and cake. With over 240 participants from 18 countries gathering together to celebrate God’s faithfulness, it was also an opportune time for networking, having great conversations and making new friends. ‘Inspired’, ‘encouraged’, ‘challenged’, ‘totally exciting’, ‘best conference ever’. These comments are typical of the feedback we have received. Here is what some of our missionaries and visitors had to say: Missionaries: “This is the most exciting conference I have ever been to.” (Jason) “As newcomers to WOI we felt the warmth and welcome of our new family.” (HK and Victoria) “The conference was like an oasis for us. We feel so refreshed.” (Chaiyot and Gail)

>> Enjoying a light-hearted moment.

“What an exciting moment this was in the mission’s history.” (Eliza) “I was so encouraged to see so many young people attending.” (Joy) “We left the conference with fresh faith for the harvest ahead.” (Jo and Jenny) “This celebration showed me the value that WOI gives to those serving God.” (Doi) “I loved the great times we had in the presence of God each day.” (Lumlang) Visitors: “This conference was a defining moment in our lives and ministry.” (Chris) “The field reports were like listening to the book of Acts being read out.” (Hwee Keng) “Coming a long distance to such a conference was one of the best decisions we have ever made.” (Dilys)

>> One of the elective session groups.

Celebrating 80 years

• ISSUE 4, 2012 •



A season FOR HONOuR

IN APRIL and July 2012, World

Outreach International (WOI) held two significant gatherings in Asia and Africa, that brought together our missionaries from across the globe, to celebrate God¹s blessing on WOI over the past 80 years of ministry. Many wonderful stories and testimonies were shared during this very special time. We also took the opportunity to publically honour our missionaries who have spent over 20 years of ministry with WOI. However, one couple was not mentioned: John and Mary Elliott, the International Directors of WOI. 2012 marks both 35 years of ministry in Asia for the Elliott’s and 40 years of marriage. John and Mary began their ministry journey as youth leaders in New Zealand in the mid 1970s. It was there that they responded to the call of God to join a team of 12 young missionaries headed for the Philippines during which time John¹s leadership skills came to the fore. John was instrumental in organising ministry seminars as the charismatic renewal broke out across the nation. This season was followed by four years as associate pastors at an Assemblies of God church in New Zealand. During this time John and I (Grahame) travelled to Indonesia several times to begin meetings with pastors and establish leadership seminars throughout the country. In 1985, John and Mary joined WOI, working alongside Bill Molenkamp, the International Director, to oversee the Life in Christ pastors’ seminars conducted throughout Asia, Africa and the Middle East. When Bill stepped down in 1995, John was appointed the International Director of WOI. Today under John¹s leadership, WOI is a vibrant movement of dedicated and anointed missionaries and ministry teams, laying down their lives in the service of Christ in over 60 nations. John has focused the efforts of all WOI workers on training, equipping and releasing more workers into the harvest to win and disciple those who have never heard the name of Jesus. He has also maintained a critical focus on mobilising and making room for the next generation of leaders. A major reason for God¹s blessing

resting on WOI has been the Godly example set by John and Mary, both in their public and personal lives. They have been exemplary in their servant leadership even in their home life; raising three children, each of whom is serving God today. Their burden is to see our missionaries and workers succeed in their personal lives as well as in their ministries. John and Mary speak from years of experience and understand many of the family and ministry challenges that face our personnel. The following comments best articulate the honour and esteem in which John and Mary are held across the family of WOI:

John and Mary are real, passionate, loving people with a big heart for God’s kingdom. John was definitely the right man, in the right place, at the right time... “John’s speaking style has always encouraged his listeners. He is energetic and passionate about missions. John and Mary have portrayed strong and faithful leadership of the mission and the missionaries. May the Spirit of wisdom and revelation be the hallmark of your ministry in years to come.” Lilian and Abe de Fin South Africa (Daughter of the late Harold and Alice Berry - WOI South Africa) “I had the privilege of inviting John and Mary to Hong Kong to work alongside me, overseeing the ministry of training pastors in the developing world. I then appointed John as my successor as International Director of WOI. John and Mary are real, passionate, loving people with a big heart for God’s kingdom. John was definitely the right man, in the right place, at the right time to replace me. I congratulate them on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary and their leadership of WOI as it celebrates its 80th year of ministry.” Bill Molenkamp Holland Honorary President, WOI

>> Photos over (left to right): • Queen Street AOG Easter Convention, 1979 - commissioning to service in Indonesia.• With children Stephen and Deborah - Cebu,The Philippines, 1980 • With Stephen 3mths and Deborah 23mths - Cebu,The Philippines, 1977 • John and Mary, 1980 • Cutting the 80th anniversary cake - ChiangMai,Thailand • With Deborah, Stephen and David - Chung Chow Island, Hong Kong, 1987 • John in Mongolia, 1993 • John with Masai tribesmen - Kenya 1998 • With WOI hostel of hilltribe children - ChiangMai,Thailand, 2004.

“John and Mary were appointed International Directors at a critical time in the existence of WOI. From the outset they have led by example, nurturing a team approach and a culture of upskilling and personal development. Above all, they exhibit a strong reliance on the leadership of and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit in all that He seeks to accomplish. It has been a privilege to be a part of their team.” Peter and Bev van der Westhuyzen New Zealand Generation Ministries “Congratulations to WOI on reaching 80 years of ministry! It has been our privilege to know both John and Mary for many years. Thank you for maintaining the prophetic foundations of WOI and giving freedom for the many ministries to continue to grow the Kingdom of God.” Harvey and Glenda Walker New Zealand (Son of the late Dorothy Walker Tawangmangu Bible School, Indonesia) What about the future of WOI? John and Mary have a vision to see an organisation made up of people who truly know the call of God on their lives, who love the person, power and presence of the Holy Spirit, and therefore know how to walk and work with Him. WOI is in good hands. Grahame Orpin Australia Country Director

WOI ‘soldiers of the faith’ honoured for long-term missionary service.

Wim and Fanny Molenkamp 52yrs Jane White 50yrs Robert and Eliana Mambu 43yrs Sam and Carol Soukotta 40yrs Allen and Charlotte Teal 40yrs Lorraine Dierck 34yrs 34yrs Vijaya Chowdhuri 33yrs Valerie Bateup Graeme and Lucy Fawcett 28yrs 27yrs Kay and Trevor Weavers Max and Dorothy Chismon 27yrs 24yrs John and Nola Mickan 20yrs John and Yolande Leroy Grahame and Philippa Orpin 20yrs 21yrs Peter Smith

Celebrating 80 years

• ISSUE 4, 2012 •



by Pastor Lillian de Fin

FEATURE HAVE YOU EVER NOTICED how often the Holy Spirit starts a conversation with a question? Over time I have learnt that it is unwise to answer too quickly. On completion of a recent 21 day corporate church fast, the Holy Spirit asked me, “So what did you hear for World Outreach International during the fast?”

and saw writing in the sky. It was a command to principalities and powers and it said “DO NOT MUZZLE THE OX!” Concerning the first part of the verse from Timothy, it is important to notice that the purpose of an ox is to plough hard, fallow ground and to tread the grain during harvest time.

Those, much like yourselves, who are working in difficult places, are like the ox that needs to be un-muzzled. “World Outreach International, God is giving you a voice in this season! You will be heard on television and radio. Your voice will go across borders and During my quiet time that morning, as into unreached people groups. You if to confirm and release understanding will no longer be silenced, speechless, concerning this verse, I looked up hushed or stilled.” There is apostolicbreakthrough-anointing on the ox! God says, “It’s payday!”. At the time, I had this verse on my heart “… You shall not muzzle an ox while it treads out the grain” and “...The laborer is worthy of his wages” (1 Tim 5:18).

Expect financial increase and supernatural provision. Payday includes breakthrough anointing, a harvest of souls, the sick healed and the dead raised. It’s payday for you and it is payday for Jesus!”

God is shouting over young and old ‘EKBALLO’ which means ‘to force out’ or ‘thrust out’. Matthew 9:38 says, “Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out (Ekballo) laborers into

His harvest”. The same word is used in Mark 16:17 “… They shall cast out (Ekballo) devils”. Psalm 92:10 says, “But my horn (emblem of excessive strength and stately grace) You have exalted like that of a wild ox; I am anointed with fresh oil”. There is breakthrough- anointing on the ox! In the second part of the verse – “The laborer is worthy of his wages” – World Outreach International, God says, “It’s payday!”. Expect financial increase and supernatural provision. Payday includes breakthrough anointing, a harvest of souls, the sick healed and the dead raised. It’s payday for you and it is payday for Jesus! This is a summarised version of the message brought by Pastor Lillian de Fin at World Outreach International’s 80th anniversary celebrations held in South Africa and Thailand this year. Pastor Lil is the great-granddaughter of Smith Wigglesworth. Her parents, the late Harold and Alice Berry, pioneered a number of ministry bases in Africa. Lillian and her husband, Abe, live and serve the Lord in South Africa.


AFRICA THE GOSPEL IS FOR EVERYONE A GROUP OF OUR STAFF and students from Nairobi, recently went on a missions trip to a least reached people group in Northern Mozambique. The experience had a great impact on all of their lives as well as on the small group of local believers and the Muslim-animist community

is for everyone, not just foreigners. Our group became aware of the ripe harvest in the North as well as the great need that exists. At least one of our students now feels God’s call to missions in the future. Angela Stephens KENYA Ministry Leader >> Giving a helping hand to the locals.

amongst whom our team stayed. They were tremendously encouraged to meet Mozambican followers of Jesus from the South (only known previously as past civil war enemies), and this helped them to see that the Gospel

HE IS A MIRACLE WORKING GOD and in faith I spoke GOD STILL PERFORMS miracles it out. I said, “By this today! I am a personal witness of what time next year, you He has done for a family in Guinéa. will be working and A Muslim man was paralysed and could rejoicing because not do anything by himself, and because you will not only of his condition he and his wife never be healed, but had children. Life was very difficult for >> Healed and saved. your wife will be them. expecting a child!” That is exactly what As I was praying for the man, the Lord happened. When I visited Guinéa this put a word of prophecy in my mouth, past month, the man came to me and

said, “Your Jesus is more powerful than anyone else. He healed me and my wife is expecting our first child before the end of this year!” He was so excited and now both he and his wife are dedicated followers of Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord! Joseph and Aimee Dayamba BURKINA FASO Ministry Leaders

BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING SINGING, DANCING, HEARING God’s word and playing games together - this was our fun day spent with healthcare workers from four different

>> Healthcare workers.

districts. These workers do such a great job, serving their fellow villagers with natural medicine, without receiving a salary. Papa Paulino, supervisor of the healthcare houses in the Memba district, tells the story of a man in one village, who would constantly run away, apparently driven by demons. He asked the man’s family if he could pray for him in Jesus’ name, and they agreed. So he prayed, and later he heard from a fellow villager that the man had been delivered. Praise God! He is great

and we want to see more miracles happening! We have all been blessed, therefore let us be a blessing to others. Myriam Wahr MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Leader

Celebrating 80 years

• ISSUE 4, 2012 •



AFRICA HE TURNS MOURNING INTO DANCING BERNARD AND HIS WIFE Marie host a prayer meeting in their home in Zongo every Monday and Wednesday evening, and sometimes they have all night prayer meetings on Fridays. They live in a densely populated area where most people live in houses built out of mud bricks; they themselves have neither electricity nor running water. Disease is rampant and poverty is rife – which means that many people come to the prayer meetings, desperately trusting God for a miracle. One Monday evening, a young mother brought her sick son for prayer. During the meeting, her son died and she started to cry uncontrollably. Bernard

>> Marie and Bernard with the mother whose child was raised to life (centre).

and the rest of the intercessors began to pray whilst unbelieving neighbours mocked them. One was heard saying, “See, the mother brought her sick son for healing and instead he dies!” This stirred

up the faith of the intercessors, who called on the name of Jesus, declaring that He be glorified in this situation. After an hour of desperate prayers, God showed up and showed off. He resurrected the dead child, sparking an eruption of spontaneous praise and worship, singing, dancing and loud declarations of the goodness of God. In the end, even the unbelievers joined in the dancing. Danny and Ruby Bayasen BURKINA FASO Ministry Leaders

GOD MOVES IN MOZAMBIQUE WE’VE HAD SOME special students in the church worker’s course this year including Carmelia, the wife of Orlando (our handyman) and Maria, who runs our crèche and is raising three AIDS orphaned grandchildren. Orlando, who was saved when he did the course here previously, was passionate about his wife coming to know Jesus also. He paid for her to attend and his prayers were

answered when she accepted Christ. Maria, who had been a Christian for some years, was blessed with a deeper relationship with the Lord and renewed her commitment to live for Him daily. Stephanie Herron MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Team Member >> Edwardo, Maria, and Shayla.

E M P O W E R I N G T H E N E X T G E N E R AT I O N EARLIER THIS YEAR, we launched a three-month School of Ministry (SOM) with the clear goal of training and equipping young people to be effective in their personal ministries and to help empower their respective local churches. We were encouraged when 50 young people from eight denominations registered for our SOM. A good number of wellknown speakers have volunteered to teach on

subjects such as personal leadership development, missions, church planting, children’s ministry and discipleship.

>> Students at the SOM.

It has been very encouraging to see how these young people come to class each day with enthusiasm. We long to see a new generation of vibrant young Christians raised up in Egypt and empowered to live out their lives with boldness and confidence. There are many future leaders among them and they in turn can help lift the Church in Egypt to a whole new level of effectiveness and fruitfulness. Nathan and Sawsan Bassaly EGYPT Ministry Leaders



Thank you for supporting our partners in prayer!


Alex and Sarah van Meygaarden • THAILAND

We are in a transition phase and feel the leading of the Lord to leave West Kalimantan. At this time we don’t know where we will be headed, but are prayerfully considering some options. As we look back, we see His faithfulness in all that we have been doing and know that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Please pray that we will know His leading and be open to all that He will reveal to us.

Please pray for Rahab Ministries’ Bangkok outreach programmes. On Monday nights our team visits the night bars and once a month we hold a 2am outreach party where women from the bars join us for food and fellowship. Pray for divine appointments, opportunities to build relationships with the bar girls and for the keys to reach these women at the deepest levels of their need. Pray for open hearts as our outreach team shares the love of God with these women.


Day 7

Ben and Rachel Brooks • S-E ASIA


Grahame and Philippa Orpin • AUSTRALIA


Kotie and Rina Smit • MOZAMBIQUE

Jan Willem and Marlinde Tamminga • INDONESIA


The Lord continues to bless the various children’s ministries that we conduct in different parts of the capital city, Ouagadougou, and in outlying villages. Please pray that the Lord will raise up more faithful co-workers who will help carry more of the existing ministry load so that we will be able to focus more on pioneering new ministry bases. Pray too for open and hungry hearts among the children as we share the Word of Life with them.


Kevin and Jeh Sie Chan • THAILAND

Praise God for a steady increase in students coming to study with us! As this trend continues, please pray also for more English and Mandarin teachers to join us. Also, there are 10 districts within our province that have no church at all, four of which have populations of over 70,000. Please pray for the right strategy, people and finances for us to plant centres in these districts as signposts to Jesus.


Duncan and Lindie Ross and the GPI Team • S-E ASIA

As God is moving in our ministry and taking us as a team in a new direction, we ask for your prayers for wisdom and guidance. We give praise for the amazing year we have already experienced as a family and a team. Thank you for your constant prayers, support and encouragement.


John and Mary Elliott • SINGAPORE

This year has been a huge one for WOI, our 80th anniversary year. We are full of praise to the Lord for all that He did during the different celebration events that have been held. His words and His promises to us as an organisation this year have been rich. We continue to move forward with greater faith and anticipation in our hearts. Please continue to pray for God’s blessing on WOI, in particular, that in all we do, He will be continually high and lifted up!

Please pray for our upcoming trip to Nepal. Pray for safe travel and good health. Pray for the church planters that they will be equipped and encouraged during our times of ministry and training. Pray too for favour so that more Least Reached Peoples will be reached with the Good News.

We are seeking God for fresh ideas to help the church in Australia become aware of the more than 6000 Least Reached Peoples (LRPs) who have never heard the name of Jesus. Please pray for Holy Spirit inspired new connections with individuals, families, churches and business people to partner with WOI in the more than 75 LRPs our WOI missionaries are currently working amongst.

Please pray for our protection and of others living in our community here in Nacala. There have been a number of burglaries with armed men coming in the dark of night.The situation is very dangerous and we thank the Lord that no one has been killed. As neighbours, we are pooling our money to hire security guards, but the area is difficult to police. Pray with us against this violence, and that what the enemy purposes for evil, the Lord will turn around for good.

Day 10

Patricia Green • EUROPE

Praise God for the recent, wonderful week of ministry to Bulgarian women working on the streets of Berlin. Please pray for the future leadership of Alabaster Jar ministry, in particular for an administrator or secretary, who can speak both German and English. At present three volunteers are trying to fill this role. I would also appreciate prayer as I undergo seven weeks of radiation treatment in Heidelberg for a tumour behind my nose. Celebrating 80 years

• ISSUE 4, 2012 •



Day 16

DAY 11

Allen and Charlotte Teal • NEW ZEALAND

In order to provide quality member care to our mission partners, it is essential that we be well resourced. Part of our plan is to provide input and training for the team of workers that we are slowly building around us. We do appreciate all those who help us to make this possible through their prayer and financial support. If you would like to join the team of supporters, contact us through your WOI country office.

Thank you for standing with us in prayer, both for us as a family, and for our ministry to the Makua- Nahara people. In the villages, living conditions are very basic and roads are often non-existent, so it can be both time consuming and dangerous to drive about. Please pray that the Lord will give us increasing favour with the local people; that they will be curious and have open hearts to receive the message of Christ through our words and deeds. Pray too that as a family we will have good health and protection in our going out and our coming in.

Day 12

Rod and Lynley Talbot • SOUTH AFRICA

Day 17

Bob and Kim Teoh • INDONESIA

Day 18

Marius Olivier • ENGLAND

We appreciate your prayers as we continue to serve and represent the WOI missionary community throughout Africa. It may be one continent, but there are so many different cultures in Africa that we have to adjust to as we move about. In the latter part of this year, we will be going on home leave for two months and will enjoy catching up with two of our daughters in Australia before going onto New Zealand.

Day 13

Sam and Carol Soukotta • INDONESIA

Pray that we will soon have the letter from the government stating a written commitment of a 30% discount on the price of the Tawangmangu Bible School (TBS) land. Once we have this there will be just 20% to pay off for the land to become freehold. Also, a lawyer’s fee is required for the legal side of things.TBC will then legally fall under our Mt. Hope Foundation.The whole process has been long and drawn out. Pray that everything will now come together quickly and smoothly.

Day 14

Lorraine Dierck • THAILAND

We have a great team here at the Mission Centre in Bangkok, working together to fast-track church-planting movements among Least Reached People groups in Thailand and Laos. It is harvest-time in Thailand! Please especially pray for our Christmas evangelism programmes – this is a wonderful opportunity for new believers to share the Good News about Jesus with their Buddhist families and friends.

Day 15

Ronny and Karin Robben • INDONESIA

Please pray for us here at Living Waters Village as lots of children will be starting school on our campus for the first time. Pray for the teachers as they adjust to so many new kids, that they will be able to teach and demonstrate the love of God. Also pray for us as we are now house parents of 17 little boys; that we will know the Lord’s wisdom and strength in caring for them.


Martin and Simone Schumann • MOZAMBIQUE

We are helping staff to build inexpensive bio-sand water filters for themselves. We also lend a hand to many different projects in order to help grow and develop the ministry here at Mt. Hope. Please remember Bob in prayer as he travels to Sabah (northeast Borneo) once a month to network with churches there.

After a very successful WOI Bible college student placement in early 2012 at the Chinese Church in London (CCiL), I was invited by the leadership of the seven associated churches to partner and journey in the life of young Isaiah for his call to go and serve among Least Reached People groups in China. Please pray for Isaiah, CCiL, and myself as we pray and strategise together for this future move.

Day 19 MC and Lezelle Coetzee • SOUTH AFRICA

Winter has passed here in South Africa, so we are now able to continue with the Bible School ministry travels in Lesotho. Please trust the Lord with us that there will be a great, abundant harvest resulting from the equipping of the saints there! Pray too that we will be successful in introducing volunteers and short-term assistants to travel with us to encourage the new believers there.

Day 20

Keith and Christine Kelly • ENGLAND

Day 21

Trevor and Kay Weavers • EUROPE

Please pray for us as we make plans to organise small discipleship groups.The Lord is blessing our work here in Manchester where we have English people, Africans and Iranians involved in discipling new believers. This is proving to be a very fruitful ‘New Testament’ way of moving forward. Pray with us that the new believers will be quickly established in the Word of God and their new walk with Christ.

We continue to follow up on opportunities to launch the Kairos course in new countries in Europe. Please pray with us for momentum in areas we have invested in already, such as Albania and Netherlands, and where we have made fresh contacts, such as the Czech Republic, Hungary and Sweden.


Day 22

David and Doreen Khoza • SOUTH AFRICA

We thank God for answering our prayers for a new roof and ceiling at our Soweto bible college. Please continue to pray with us for the resources to extend our college building since we are getting more and more new students. Please also pray that the 26 graduating third year students will quickly find the Lord’s appointed placement where they will preach the gospel with anointed confidence and that signs and wonders will follow.

Day 23

David Elliott • SINGAPORE

A group of key young adults within WOI recently participated in a next generation consultation in Thailand. Exciting possibilities, plans and strategies came out of this consultation that will enable WOI to effectively mobilise the younger generation into engaging with Least Reached People groups globally. Please partner in prayer with us that we will be able to implement these strategies with God’s leading and empowerment.

Day 24

Malcolm and Wendy Taylor • INDONESIA

Please pray that school holidays and the busy Christmas season programme will go well at the Living Waters base in West Kalimantan. Also pray for us as a family as we prepare to see our second son return back to New Zealand to pursue his studies. It is never easy to let your children leave home at such an early age.

Day 25

Janvier and Claudine Yokoinele • IVORY COAST

After the teacher training that we organised in Abidjan in August, Christian schools have seen the light of day in Cameroon, Benin, Burkina Faso and Côte d’Ivoire, all of which have the goal to reach unreached children for Christ. Please pray for this huge children’s work, since our objective is to sow today in order that we might reap tomorrow. We need both prayer and greater financial partnership for this ministry to keep moving forward in the Ivory Coast. Our students have enjoyed 100% success at the national exams for the third consecutive year. We thank the Lord for His impact on their lives. Together we can make a difference here in West Africa!

Day 26

Peter and Bev van der Westhuyzen • NEW ZEALAND

Peter continues to work on various policies particularly for creating pathways for our people from the majority world to connect with WOI in a way that can add value to their ministries long term. The WOI Field Coordination Team is working on many ways for us to serve our missionaries better and improve our strategies. Please pray for good outcomes in the next six months, and also for Peter’s health to continue to improve.

Day 27

Day 28

Paul and Sue Fosse • MOZAMBIQUE

Please pray for the translation of the Kairos videos and reader into Portuguese. Funds are needed to complete the work and we are praying for good quality video dubbing. Please also pray for us as we are moving more into a mobilising role, which means that there will be a few changes taking place in our lives.

Au Yong Mun Heng and Cecilia • MALAYSIA

We are full of praise to the Lord for my (Mun Heng) recovery after undergoing quadruple bypass heart surgery in June. My doctor is very pleased with my progress. Please continue to keep my health and my family before the Lord in prayer, and pray that I will have wisdom in planning the coming months of ministry activity in different nations.

Day 29

Malcolm and Linda Bayliss • S-E ASIA

Day 30

Jes La Bleu • INDIA

Day 31

Hendrik and Bets V • S-E ASIA

We are enjoying moving from place to place to support WOI missionaries and their respective team members. Please pray for wisdom, insight and understanding as we support those who are on the field. During December, our church planters will conduct their Christmas services. These are attended by large numbers of unbelievers in their villages. Please pray for breakthroughs in the villages as animistic practices are a part of everyday life and it is difficult for people to break free - including some Christians!

Our two year appointment in North India has now come to an end. My colleague Michele and I, are presently catching up with family and friends as well as seeking the Lord about His next step for our lives and ministry.The burden to help poor and destitute pregnant village women with our midwifery training is still a huge burden, and continues to be a great need. Please pray with us that we will know the clear leading and timing of the Lord for our return to India.

Our calling is to help missionaries become more effective in their ministries by training them and by developing new programmes. Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out more workers into His harvest field, and for us to be effective in training, empowering and encouraging them.

FRONTLINE FILES Celebrating 80 years

• ISSUE 4, 2012 •



AUSTRALIA WITNESSING A MIRACLE I AM WITNESSING a miracle, and it’s only taken 25 years.

“reached” is the completion of the same work that Jesus did.

Referring to a people group as “unreached” does not necessarily mean that they have never heard of Jesus or even that there are no indigenous pastors or missionaries working among them. I believe what will render them

During his few earthly years, Jesus poured His life into a team of Jewish men who would be called apostles. These men he trained to faithfully and effectively communicate the Gospel message, both by word and by their example, teaching others to walk in obedience to Christ. He gave these the job of “reaching”- doing the same, among both their own people and the whole world (Acts 1:8). Through them we have received the same Great Commission.

apostolically across North Australia among Aboriginal Australians. The work is not yet finished however! I’m so glad that I didn’t find something quicker, more financially rewarding, easier on my family or “trendier” to do after only 10 or 15 years…or I never would have witnessed the miracle to begin with.

Having been busy doing my bit for the past 25 years, I am very excited to see such a team beginning to function

Carl and Gail Musch AUSTRALIA Ministry Leaders

>> Carl and the young men at Beswick.

>> Tony and Kim baptise Foxton.

GROWTH AFTER YEARS OF SOWING Corella Creek Community is situated on the Tablelands Highway, Northern Territory, 800 kilometres from Katherine. After visiting this Aboriginal community for 17 years, we are thrilled to see the spiritual growth in their lives. The community is comprised of 10 houses, a school and a clinic.


During this time we have seen many young people and several older folk make a commitment to the Lord. They hold regular Sunday meetings and Sunday school for the children. Cedric and his wife Betty have taken on the spiritual oversight. Cedric presents the Gospel to his people via teaching

>> Cedric displaying his teaching cloth.

cloths which he designs and paints himself. The folk relate to this method as they are a very “visual” people. We keep them supplied with all kinds of resources.

We experienced a “miracle” in relation to Sunday school material during our recent mission trip in the outback. We had been unable to resource any materials to distribute to Corella Creek and several other communities we visit. When we arrived in Ayr, Queensland however, the Pastor introduced us to Jan who runs the local bookshop. She blessed us with three large boxes of great literature, that we have passed on. God is so good! Nev and Isabel Rogers Outback Media Network AUSTRALIA Ministry Leaders

PETER AND JULIE BLASE have been married for 26 years and have been blessed with five children. He has been in ministry for the past 24 years and is an


ordained minister with the Australian Christian churches. Peter led youth and children’s ministries, travelled as an evangelist and has planted a growing church, which he and Julie oversee. He has a passion to reach the young, train leaders and creatively communicate the Gospel. God recently laid it on Peter’s heart to reach children of many cultures. One way of doing this is through producing digital media. The Blases’ have successfully used this tool to capture hearts and minds in the past. This year Peter stepped into a new adventure of faith and began iblaze ministry. Visit:


FEATURE JESUS GAVE CLEAR, unambiguous instructions about how we should do leadership. He is our Master and His walk with the Twelve is the prototype cell for the churches we plant (Matt 28.20, John 20.21). Towards the end of our season in Mozambique, we wrestled with how and whom to appoint as chief of the Koti leadership team. We went to the Master to see what He did. We saw that when the disciples asked who would be the boss after He left (Luke 22.24, John 13), Jesus shocked them. He told them that worldly leaders think like that but “It shall not be so among you.” He washed their feet and made serving and loving each other, not vertical authority, the key to their leadership. He appointed no one as chief. Certainly, Peter emerged as a key spokesman, along with John and later James, who was not even one of the Twelve. But he had no higher ranking and rather “stood with the eleven” (Acts 2.14); decisions were made by the apostles and elders together!

>> A different way of leadership.

>> Serving each other.

I may be wrong; certainly most people don’t agree with me. A wonderful apostolic friend says, “I agree that’s what the New Testament teaches but it doesn’t work. Benign dictatorship is the best

model of leadership.” But for a Christfollower, I think that’s horrifying thinking! Yes, we have seen ineffective teams paralysed by rivalries and carnal thinking. It is quite wrong however, to argue from bad experiences and cast aside Jesus’ clear mandate, citing Old Testament models of kingship. Check out Jesus’ team and learn from Him. If you choose to follow Him, you will be blessed (John 13.17)!

“He washed their feet and made serving and loving each other, not vertical authority, the key to their leadership. He appointed no one as chief.”

Jo and Jenny Graham MOZAMBIQUE Ministry Leaders

So, we took a deep breath, washed their feet and left the core team with no one as top dog. Eight years later, with 200 churches and 400 leaders, this small apostolic team continues to oversee the work with amazing harmony, without confusion and still without one identifiable chief. One man who lives in town is pivotal for much communication. But he is not senior; he serves! Two others are particularly influential, because of their wisdom and experience. But everyone participates vigorously in decisionmaking, as they seek His kingdom first. No one would dream of pushing through his own opinion.

Celebrating 80 years

• ISSUE 4, 2012 •




P E R S E V E R I N G I N P R AY E R MRS BANEYAMMA is an elderly widow, whose young son works as a farm labourer. Earlier this year, she had a severe bleeding problem. As a Hindu she had prayed many times at the temple for healing and also spent a lot of her money seeking treatment and buying medicines, but all was in vain. The doctors finally told her that they could not help her. In desperation she approached her neighbour, an Outreach India colleague, for prayer. Then the pastor of the church and different members visited her regularly to pray for her over a two week period. Suddenly, the Lord healed her and the bleeding stopped! She began attending church and requested to be water baptised. She then told her son about Jesus and he too has now become a follower of the Lord. While her community and relatives oppose

her becoming a Christian, nevertheless she and her son continue to testify of God’s goodness and no harm has come to them. K. J. George OUTREACH INDIA Board Member

>> Praying for Mrs Baneyamma.



THE CHILDREN in Huikap, Imphal East, gather secretly to worship the Lord, even against their parents permission. Two teenage girls, Apabi and Nganbi, have taken responsibility for their discipleship. The children have been praying for one anothers needs, resulting in frequent healings and miracles. Having experienced the love of God in their hearts, they are now

telling other children about Jesus. Please pray for their protection so that they remain steadfast in the love of God even though they experience restriction from their parents and for Apabi and Nganbi, so that they will continue to raise up other leaders. Kitbok Ryntathiang INDIA Ministry Leader

>> The children secretly gathered for worship.

NOI NON came to Christ when he was 18 through the love he experienced in a local Church. He was the first of his Buddhist family to believe and his parents and


brother were strongly opposed to his decision. He kept praying for them and showing Christ’s love. It took nine years, but now they all belong to Jesus. When NoiNon entered bible college, God challenged him from Isaiah: “Who will I send and who will go for Me?” He knew God was speaking to his heart and promised to serve Him for his whole life. NoiNon has been in the Good News Team for eight years and each year has been able to tell thousands of children all over Thailand how they can know Jesus. NoiNon and his wife Jean have a young daughter called Fasai.




TRUSTING GOD FOR THE IMPOSSIBLE I STARTED WORK as the full time youth coordinator of the National Evangelical Fellowship in Bangladesh in 1992, after completing a Masters’ degree in social science. This resulted in opportunities to visit many newly established churches in rural and remote areas of the country. Among the churches, I did not find any ministry related to children. God spoke to me about these children, saying that they were to become the future leaders of these newly established churches. It’s then I realised that if we fail to teach the children about Jesus, all these churches will one day die. My wife and I started to pray about this and after two years - in September 1997 - God called us to His work with the children of Bangladesh. Having clearly heard His voice and

calling, I resigned from my job and started working, fully dependent on our mighty Lord Jesus Christ. Since we have obeyed His call, He has done many miracles in our lives and ministries and helped us in an awesome way to meet the spiritual needs of the children. Here is one miracle I wish to share: After hearing His call very clearly we left our jobs. We had no place to stay and also did not know where our next meal would come from. For almost a year, my wife and I stayed in a small space under some stairs and completed a DTS in Dhaka. After this, we trusted God to provide for us to go to the UK for further studies in children’s ministry with YWAM. We took a box and told God “We will do the possible and will trust

you for the impossible”. People started to give us money, some as little as 50 US cents, which is a lot for poor Bangladeshis. Amazingly, it all added up and was enough for our air tickets but we still required 30,000 taka. God miraculously provided this on the day we were to fly out, through a retired missionary who was once my Sunday school teacher. At the eleventh hour we got the money, bought the tickets and ran to the airport to catch the plane! We really learned that if we trust Him, then even at the last minute He is able to do wonderful miracles. We serve a miracle working God! Sukhen and Puspa Biswas GENERATION BANGLADESH Ministry Leaders

LIVING THE BOOK OF ACTS BY GOD’S GRACE, I am serving in a church where prayer, fasting and personal and group evangelism are priorities. Every week we go out together as a church and share the Gospel. It seems unreal, but many people have never even heard the Good News of salvation. We visit parks, markets, prisons and hospitals because

>> Left: The evangelism team.

Jesus said “GO”. We don’t miss the opportunity to share with people the Good News about Jesus. We are living the book of Acts. Hallelujah!
 Elisa Diaz
 THAILAND Ministry Leader

M Y C O N S TA N T H O P E TOEGEE was born into a nominal Christian family, the eldest of three children living in a mountain village in Northern Thailand, but no one taught him about Jesus.

>> Toegee.

After he came to live at the WOI hostel,

Baan Faa Mai, he embraced the opportunity to learn more about God, read the Bible and increasingly sought after Him. As he came to know Jesus more every day, he began experiencing His hope, love and peace.

constant hope and says his life has changed so much!

After Toegee received Christ, his life began to improve as he learned to take all his problems to the Lord. He testifies that the Lord is now his

Malcolm and Sandy Potter THAILAND Ministry Team Members

Toegee now dreams of one day going to university and having his own transport business.

Celebrating 80 years

• ISSUE 4, 2012 •



FEATURE The following is an excerpt from a message that Bruce Hills preached during the 80th anniversary celebration in Pretoria, South Africa. IN THIS SHORT ARTICLE I will focus on the first 13 verses of II Timothy 2 and unpack five keys from Paul’s words to Timothy for an effective and enduring ministry. 1. Be strong in grace and not in your own strength (v. 1) Ministry leaders must not depend on their own internal resources, but draw strength, courage and dependence from God’s grace which is available anywhere, anytime through Jesus. Reach out to Him, call upon His name, rest in His presence and seek Him for His strength. 2. Reproduce yourself by intentionally investing in the new generation (v. 2) Paul writes here of four generations of investment that should be present in the lives of leaders: • Jesus invested in the life of Paul • Paul invested in Timothy • Timothy worked with faithful (reliable) men • Reliable men imparted to others (presumably emerging leaders) Ministry leaders are encouraged to intentionally invest in the next generation. Raising leaders is not a programme but a life-on-life relationship. Each of us must identify, foster relationship, train (equip), mobilise and encourage our spiritual sons and daughters. John Wesley once asked a group of ministers, “Are you doing the work of 10 men or putting 10 men to work?”

the soldier to maintain our singleminded dedication to our mission and our unflinching obedience to our Commander. To endure, we must learn from the athlete the importance of living by right standards and principles (i.e. compete according to the rules). To endure, we also learn from the farmer to work hard and be patient with the seasons and cycles of ministry. 4. Be prepared to make sacrifices for the gospel (vv. 8-10) The Gospel is powerful. It is a lifechanging message. Paul encouraged Timothy to stay committed to the Gospel and to pay whatever price was necessary to see it preached and prevail. Paul had paid an enormous cost to preach the Gospel and he urged Timothy to do likewise.

>> Bruce (centre) with young Sri Lankan leaders.

5. Remember the promises of God (vv. 11-13) These few verses record three promises and one warning. The promises are written to encourage Timothy. Similarly, to serve God throughout a lifetime, we need to constantly remember the specific promises God has made about our lives our ministries. Embrace them, live by them and actively believe them. By following these principles we can be sure to have effective and enduring ministries.

>> Above and below: Leadership training conference in Sri Lanka.

Bruce Hills International Leadership Development Director

3. Endure - don’t give up (vv. 3-6) To illustrate his point on endurance, Paul introduced three metaphors: (a) soldier, (b) athlete and (c) farmer. To endure, we must learn from TO MAKE A DONATION OR SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EMAIL NEWSLETTER VISIT WORLD-OUTREACH.COM



T H E W H O L E H O U S E H O L D W A S S AV E D RECENTLY, while conducting a Church Planting Movement session, I visited a Hindu family. Their teenage daughter had lost sight in her right eye. The Holy Spirit prompted me to share about the healing of my pancreatic cancer. They listened and learned as I explained who Jesus is and what He has done to give us life. All seven members of the

family accepted Jesus Christ, just as the “whole household” did in Acts 16:31. A week later, we started a new church planting group in this family’s house! Susan Khoo SE ASIA Ministry Team Member >> The household that accepted Jesus Christ.

N E W M O B I L I S AT I O N R E V I VA L IN THE 1990s, we had a mission mobilisation revival in the Southern Philippines. For the first time, churches began focusing on the 13 unreached people groups in this region. Today, all 13 people groups have one or several fellowships of worshipping believers. We are now witnessing the beginnings of a new mobilisation revival. This time, the starting point is Manila, with the potential of becoming a national movement. We are currently restructuring to accommodate this and our goal is to

have a Kairos centre in close proximity to all churches in the country. With 77,000 churches nationwide and 11 million believers, this is quite an undertaking but one to which we are committed. In addition, we are beginning Kairos translation projects to ensure that the major language groups are “mobilisation ready”! >> Max Chismon and director for TAP (Translators Association of the Philippines) at the signing ceremony for the Tagalog Kairos course translation project with our Manila Kairos coordinator.

Max and Dorothy Chismon PHILIPPINES Ministry Leaders

I M PA C T I N G T H E M A R K E T P L A C E I RECENTLY had the opportunity to help with a three-day-training session on Business as Mission for local pastors and leaders. I was able to share the challenges, victories and lessons we have learnt over the past year while

setting up the language centre and café here in Korat. Praise God for the revelation that it was for most of them, about ministry in the marketplace and the potential for

business leaders to make an impact for the Kingdom! Kevin and Jeh Sie Chan THAILAND Ministry Leaders

Alaska for six years. During his third year at High School, Paul says the Holy Spirit came on him at a Christian meeting, and a prophetic message was given that said the Lord was calling him to missionary service. Some years later on a short-term mission exposure trip to the Philippines in 1991, the Lord confirmed this to his heart. Paul and Eunice are involved in mission mobilisation among Filipino churches, in particular, to raise up cross-cultural workers to be deployed among Least Reached People groups in different parts of the world. Paul and Eunice have two daughters, Chanyong and Changsong.


Celebrating 80 years

• ISSUE 4, 2012 •


PAUL WON AND EUNICE PYUN hail from Korea but have spent the last 20 years ministering mostly in the Philippines, as well as to Filipino migrants in





RAISED FROM THE DEAD BEN IS NOT REALLY a bad boy, but he did get into bad company. He ended up in the youth prison near Bangkok, where he heard the Good News about Jesus. After Chuenjit led him to Christ, Ben’s life changed dramatically. He was released from prison and he went home and told his family about his new faith. They were furious and cursed him as a traitor - useless – and a disgrace to his family. Discouraged, Ben went partying with his friends, and suddenly, unexpectedly, died.

After a week on life support, the doctors pronounced him dead and sent his body to the morgue. After 48 hours

however, Ben came back to life again! No-one even prayed for him. After he died, Ben met Jesus who said: “Go back, I am giving you new life! It’s not your time to die yet, there’s a big job for you to do.” Ben has repented deeply and is telling everyone that they had better believe in Jesus because only He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Lorraine Dierck, THAILAND Ministry Leader

>> Chuenjit baptising Ben.

OPEN DOORS TO SHARE WITH STUDENTS WE ARE GRATEFUL to the Lord for the opportunity WOI Solo has had since last year to minister to school pupils at a Christian junior high school. The school has seven classes with about 40 students in each class. The religion teacher usually teaches lessons that are predetermined by the government and because she is busy there is no time for evangelism. However, she gave us the chance to


>> Eko Saputro (centre).

share the Gospel with her students, almost all of whom were willing to believe in Jesus and receive Him as Saviour and Lord. For follow-up we have given the children our Bible correspondence course, ‘You and Your Friend Jesus’. Many parents have now also received Christ as their Saviour. Out of the 300 pupils, just over 30 are from a Muslim background. Recently we visited one student, Eko Saputro. His parents told us that they preferred for him to study at the local Muslim school across the road from their house, but that he had chosen to go to the Christian school about an hour and a half ’s travel by bike. They are happy nevertheless, with things as they are because Eko is well-behaved and doing well at school. They have even

>> Robert sharing the Gospel to the students.

agreed for him to follow Jesus and go to church. Please pray for these new believers and for our continued ministry in Indonesia. Pray also for another team that is willing to work with us and has a burden for discipling the children. Robert and Eliana Mambu INDONESIA Ministry Leaders

EUGENE and TINA WESSELS would describe themselves as “gradual” Christians.The Lord took more than 25 years to move them from “dead religion”


to being full-on, full-time missionaries. By that time, both their daughters, Chantelle and Tanya were married and serving the Lord in their own lives. Their call was dramatic and clear.The Lord used His Word, (especially Isaiah 58, “Feed the hungry,...clothe the naked,... pour out your lives in a sun-scorched land”...) followed by prophetic individuals speaking in confirmation that left them without doubt.Their testimony includes suffering bodily harm for His sake. Eugene and Tina returned to the field after surgery to continue preaching the Gospel. They are currently involved in a new church-plant and discipleship of believers.


WHAT A TREMENDOUS few months we’ve had at World Outreach International (WOI), with celebrations from South Africa to Thailand and banquets of hundreds of people celebrating together in places like Singapore and Malaysia. Wow! It has been a privilege to be a part of it - young and old alike, celebrating 80 years of God’s faithfulness and legacy through the WOI family. FEATURE

THE YOUNGER GENERATION played its part in the celebrations too, from young third culture kids (TCKs) that follow their parents around the globe, to teenagers going through high school or preparing to head back to their homelands for university. Also, young adults who are grappling with life decisions concerning what they should study, where they should work, whom they should marry and what God’s call is on their life. Many such questions and topics were discussed during the next generation breakout group at the WOI 80th anniversary celebration held in ChiangMai, Thailand. Sarah (23) from Australia shared: “It was so encouraging yet challenging to be reminded of our life mission- to serve Christ through bringing His Gospel to the unreached! I have been so excited since returning, as I am reflecting on all the opportunities that have been presented … this won’t be the last you hear from me!” The young people not only enjoyed sharing their experiences and passion for the Kingdom, but also coming to

“Our generation will be handicapped by spiritual obstacles, emotional insecurities and lack of wisdom in building the Kingdom, unless fathers and mothers open doors for us to continue the work. We want them to share their lives with us, and as a result, help open our eyes to see what is possible and challenge us to attempt even greater works for God.” know that there is a generation of mothers and fathers in the faith who lead by example, cheering us on to take up our inheritance in bringing the Great Commission to completion. Kevin Chan, from Singapore, who works in a business and mission project in Thailand testified: “My highlight for the whole week was being absolutely blown away and massively humbled by the perseverance and longevity of some of the heroes [older generation of WOI mission partners] there!! You are ABSOLUTE LEGENDS!!” Our generation will be handicapped by spiritual obstacles, emotional insecurities and lack of wisdom in building the Kingdom, unless fathers and mothers open doors

for us to continue the work. We want them to share their lives with us, and as a result, help open our eyes to see what is possible and challenge us to attempt even greater works for God. Emma [21] from Australia summarised it well:. “I didn’t know we were wanted [by WOI and the older generation].” She later testified that she was: “feeling inspired, shocked, encouraged and challenged. To meet and gather with like-minded, experienced people was incredible and even though right now I feel very much at the early stages of crosscultural ministry, I have been SO blessed to be able to see and hear from more mature people who are whole-heartedly pursuing the kingdom as well as those younger people who are also actively involved. This has stretched my vision and encouraged me to keep seeking, as well as set me up with people to talk to and inquire of.” Perhaps you have a few grey hairs on your head, a listening ear, a vision to empower and some Godly wisdom to share. If so, are you intentionally surrounding yourself with members of the next generation, taking the time and effort to invest in them and develop them into bold and courageous warriors of the Kingdom? Now is the time. David Elliott Cross-Cultural Mobiliser

>> WOI Penang team with indigenous CPM graduates in Northern Cambodia

>> The group of TCK’s (12-17yrs) represented at the WOI 80th celebrations in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Celebrating 80 years

• ISSUE 4, 2012 •



OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE WITH WORLD OUTREACH INTERNATIONAL With growth happening and expansion needed, a number of World Outreach International (WOI) teams have opportunities for short to long-term personnel or interns who can raise their own personal support and travel costs, to assist their ministry vision.


see a number of WOI organised shortterm cross-cultural teams involved in outreaches in Southeast Asia, Indochina, India subcontinent, and in different African nations as well as in Europe.


We are looking for babysitters who would be willing to mind missionary children while their parents do the Nations course, held at ASM, White River, South Africa from April 7 - May 17, 2013. It would involve giving time during normal working hours and covering any personal expenses involved.


Connections Centre in Isaan is looking for English and Mandarin teachers to take lessons at the student centre for a period of 3-12 months or more. Contact: kevinchan@


WOI is looking for people to come to France, to England and to Spain to serve in teams. If you would like to come to visit, or send a short-term team, or come as an intern please contact:


in West Kalimantan are looking for people with the following skills: builders, joiners, brick layers, tilers, electricians, plumbers, doctors, nurses, dentists, teachers, administrators, agriculturalists, fish and chicken farmers and a gardener for a pepper plantation.

INTERNSHIPS Get deeply rooted in cross-cultural ministry while under the mentorship of experienced WOI personnel. Internships last from 6 to 24 months. To see what internships are on offer in 2013 visit:

For enquiries on any of these opportunities, email: Please post this form to your nearest country office (addresses listed on pg 1)

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LOCAL KAIROS MOMENT IN THE UK THE KAIROS COURSE is gaining momentum within the migrant churches in the UK. Courses regularly have participants originating from Ghana, China, Korea and Nigeria. Here are two great testimonies from a recent course held in the city of Bradford: My wife, Shawna, and I have been friends with an Afghan Muslim background believer (MBB) and his Russian wife for about seven years. She and Shawna met at the Family Centre, a type of mums and toddlers group, which was sponsored by our church at the time. Over the years of our relationship, we have had dinner several times, shared birthdays, and they have enjoyed Christmas with us twice. He showed no interest in Jesus, although he did come to church a few times. There was a catalyst behind his decision to come to church on a particular day about a month ago, and I won’t share it right now, but suffice to say that as

the worship began, I could see a shift taking place in him, almost physically. By the end of the service he was weeping openly, and he told me: “I now see Jesus for who He really is”. He was baptised the following week, along with 94 other folks at church, and seems eager to live life as the new man he has become. We have just begun going through the Scriptures together and hopefully will continue on a weekly basis. On the opening day of a Kairos course the following week, our Afghan friend asked to briefly share his testimony, and during the two minutes he spoke, you could sense the Holy Spirit invade the place. It was a special moment and a wonderful start to the course! When we began the non-religious group prayer focus on Nepal, Benju, our Nepalese friend, whom we’ve known for more than six years and who attends our church, was listening

to another Kairos student reading about the initial Nepalese church. She interrupted and said, “That’s my church!” and began to tell us about it as it is today, with over 2000 members and growing. Following on the heels of the MBB testimony, we were all pretty high spiritually! People from almost every nation are living within reach of the local church in the UK. Please pray for the local churches (both indigenous and migrant) to be mobilised to reach out with the Gospel to their least reached neighbours. James Price


Cross-Cultural Mobiliser

For more information about opportunities to serve in the UK, please contact:

S AV E D , H E A L E D , F I L L E D , S PAT AT A N D S E N T ONE OF OUR MUSLIM background believers met Christ just over a year ago. After a year of discipleship training he was recently baptised in water. When he came up out of the water, after prayer, he was baptised in the Holy Spirit and immediately started speaking in tongues. At the same time the Lord healed him of a long-standing stomach illness.

The man has been able to witness to his doctor of the power of Jesus to heal. Others have mocked him and spat in his face but he remains steadfast. He has now given his first sermon in his own language to his own people here in Manchester. Praise God for this cycle of blessing. >> Preparing to be baptised.

Keith and Christine Kelly ENGLAND Ministry Leader

HAVE YOU MADE A WILL? Making a will is the only way you can be sure that your wishes will be followed after you die. Having a will also makes your loved ones’ time of grief simpler. If you don’t leave a will, part or all of your estate may go to people whom you never intended to benefit, or even to the government! Including a gift to the ministry of World Outreach International in your will is a special and personal way to continue making a difference in the world after your life on earth has passed. For further information, please contact the World Outreach International office nearest to you. Celebrating 80 years

• ISSUE 3, 2012 •



How much will you give to see whole families leave poverty behind them? For every $100/£60 you give, RICE Ministry workers can reach out to another family with the help and capital they need to make the transformation and leave poverty behind them. Not only do these people groups need to break out from spiritual entrapment, but more so from their poverty trap.

Partner with World Outreach International, which exists to impact Least Reached People groups with the Good News of Jesus Christ, to make a difference for these people groups so that they can have a hope for their future!

John Elliott International Director

GIFTS CAN BE POSTED TO: World Outreach International and designated “RICE Ministry”. See page 22 to respond. You can also make a donation via our website:


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