Corporate Social Responsibility (2019-2020)

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Community Engagement A strong sense of community promotes generosity among employees, and a stronger sense of unity both inside and outside the office. This year, WorldStrides increased its philanthropic impact with strategic community partners by empowering employees with Volunteer Time Off and donating over $75,000 to 22 different charitable organizations.

Australia Bushfire relief WorldStrides has deep ties with Australia. Our company is linked through our employees and participants to Australia’s people, culture, and environment. In response to the devastating Bushfires in January 2020, WorldStrides showed its solidarity by donating to each the following emergency response organizations:

Charitable Giving and Employee Matching As of September 2019, any WorldStrides employee can nominate youth-serving community organizations to receive company donations. In addition, any employee can request to have their personal donations matched by WorldStrides to support education and youth development.

$75,000 22

save the children is setting up child-

friendly spaces in affected regions to help children cope by giving them a safe place to be kids again. world wildlife fund is coordinating

charitable organizations

emergency response for animals endangered by the bushfires, restoring forests and damaged wildlife habitat, and driving innovative solutions to help mitigate climate change.


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