WTD Botswana Tourism Directory

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World Tourism Directory African Series Republic of Botswana Edition 1: July 2013

The most extensive country by country source with over 120.000 contacts of all international, national, regional, local tourism authorities, associations and organizations, travel services, corporations and travel and tourism media, government information sources, tourism investment agencies, nonprofit organizations and much more. Editor : Burkhard Herbote Published by Herbote International Research 15/07/2013

World Tourism Directory African Series 2013

Botswana Official name; Republic of Botswana Location; In Southern Africa Capital; Gaborone Official language; English and Setswana Government; Unitary parliamentary Republic Head of State; Ian Khama (President) Land area; 581,730 km2 Population; 2 029 000 (est. 2010) Currency; Pula (BWP) Calling code; +267 Internet domain; .bw International Tourism Arrivals (2010); 2,145,000 Main tourism website :



World Tourism Directory Edition July 2013

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World Tourism Directory African Series 2013 I

Contents T



● Ministry of Tourism ● Tourist Board ● Tourist Information Offices


……………..... 4

i ai



● Immigration Authorities ● Ministry of Foreign Affairs ● Customs Informations

A ai ………………… 14

Chambers of Commerce ................................ 14

Travel Associations & Services ............... 4 - 10

Regional & Local Tourist Informations Offices ......................................................................14 - 15

● Travel Trade Fairs ● Tourism Associations ● Travel Agent Associations ● Tour Operators ● Travel Agencies ● Hotel Associations ● Hotel Chains ● Restaurant Associations ● Farm Holiday Information ● Youth Hostel Associations ● Bed & Breakfast Information ● Convention Information

● Business & Foreign Trade ● Cultural Associations & Organizations ● Other Relevant Institutions & Organizations

Transportation ......................................... 10- 12

Embassies and Consulates ...................... 17 - 18

● Regional Tourist Information Offices ● Local Tourist Information Offices

Miscellaneous Information Offices .......15 - 16

Information Offices Abroad .................... 16 -17 ● Tourist Information Offices Abroad ● Further Information Offices Abroad

● National Airlines ● National Airlines Abroad ● Railways ● Automobile Associations ● Ferry Services

Outdoor & R c a i

a Ac i i i

● Cycling Information ● Diving Information ● Mapping Services ● Parks & Wildlife Information ● Hiking Information ● Mountaineering Information ● Hang-Gliding Information ● Camping Information ● Fishing Information ● Hunting Information ● Horse-Riding Information ● Sailing Information ● Windsurfing Information ● Golf Information

….. 12 – 13

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Publications & Information Sources .. 13 – 14

● Government Information Service ● National News Agencies ● Travel Journalist Associations ● Tourism Newspapers / Magazines ● Newspapers / Magazines With Travel Sections ● Travel Book Trade ● Book Trade Abroad


World Tourism Directory African Series 2013 Ministry of Tourism: Ministry of Environment, Wildlife and Tourism Private Bag 004 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3951790, 3601200, 3953024 Fax: (+267) 3971539 Internet: http://www.gov.bw/tourism Internet: http://www.gov.bw/government/ministry_ of_trade_industry_wildlife_and_tourism.ht ml Tourism Authority: Botswana Department of Tourism Koh-I-Noor House The Mall Private Bag 0047 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3953024, 3913314 Fax: (+267) 3908675 E-Mail: botswanatourism@gov.bw Internet: http://www.botswanatourism.co.bw Internet: http://www.discoverbotswana.com Tourist Board: Botswana Tourism Organization Plot 50676, Fairgrounds Office Park Ground Floor, Block B Private Bag 275 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3913111 Fax: (+267) 3959220 E-Mail: board@botswanatourism.co.bw Internet: http://www.botswanatourism.co.bw Internet: http://www.discoverbotswana.com !(before Botswana Tourism Board)

● Travel Associations & Services Tourism Associations: BOCOBONET Botswana Community-Based Organization Network c/o Douglas Lecholo Private Bag BO 166 Bontleng Botswana Tel: (+267) 3185081 Fax: E-Mail: bocobonet@mega.bw

Tour Operators: HATAB / Hotel and Tourism Association of Botswana Private Bag 00423 (POB 968) Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3957144, 3956498 Fax: (+267) 3903201 E-Mail: info@hatab.bw Internet: http://www.hatab.bw Travel Trade Fairs: Kgotla Tourism Expo Private Bag 00423 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3957144 Fax: (+267) 3903201 Hotel Associations: HATAB / Hotel and Tourism Association of Botswana Private Bag 00423 (POB 968) Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3957144, 3956498 Fax: (+267) 3903201 E-Mail: hatab@info.bw Internet: http://www.hatab.bw Hotel Reservation Services: The Booking Company Private Bag 0198 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860022 Fax: (+267) 6860037 E-Mail: reservations@booking.co.bw Internet: http://www.experiencebotswana.co.za

Aardvark Tours Private Bag BR 159 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 71610187 Fax: (+267) 71591186 Abercrombie & Kent Safari Lodges Private Bag x 45 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6862688 Fax: (+267) 6863526 E-Mail: akbots@info.bw E-Mail: chilwero@res-centre.co.za E-Mail: chiefs@res-centre.co.za Adventure Safaris Private Bag 00352 Plot 213, Moremi Road Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3911819, 3952705 Fax: (+267) 3905693 E-Mail: advensaf@global.bw E-Mail: advensaf@global.com Internet: http://adventure-safaris.com/ Africa Calls Cultural Tours & Safaris P.O.Box 726 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6800710 Fax: (+267) 6800710 E-Mail: afrikacalls@botsnet.bw Africa in Tours & Safaris P.O.Box 614 Francistown Botswana Tel: (+267) 2413208 Fax: (+267) 2414552

Hotel Chains: Cresta Hospitality Central Reservations Private Bag 00126 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3912431 Fax: (+267) 3975376 E-Mail: crestabs@iafrica.com Internet: http://www.crestahospitality.com Lodges of Botswana (Pty) Ltd. Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861154 Fax: (+267) 6860589 E-Mail: lodges@okavango.bw Internet: http://www.okavango.bw

African Encounters Private Bag BR102 Broadhurst Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3914252 Fax: (+267) 3903201 African Horse Back Safaris P.O.Box 20538 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6863154 Fax: (+267) 6861523 E-Mail: sjhorses@info.bw Internet: http://www.info.bw/~sjhorses Internet: http://www.africanhorseback.com

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● Government Tourism Agencies


World Tourism Directory African Series 2013

Africa Under Canvas P.O.Box 1241 Francistown Botswana Tel: (+267) 71303411 Fax: E-Mail: acrossbots@info.bw E-Mail: landa@acacia.samara.co.zw Internet: http://www.amalinda.co.za Afro Ventures Botswana (Pty) Ltd. P.O.Box 323 Kasane Botswana Tel: (+267) 6250119 Fax: (+267) 6250456 E-Mail: afrobots@info.bw E-Mail: jnb@afroventures.com Internet: http://www.afroventures.com Attraction Safaris Pty. Ltd. Private Bag 0047 Serowe Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860599, 6868407 Fax: (+267) 6868407 E-Mail: attract@mopane.bw Internet: http://www.info.bw/~wildattract/ Bathusi Travel & Safaris Private Bag 44 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860647 Fax: (+267) 6860647 E-Mail: batushi@dynabyte.bw Internet: http://www.dynabyte.bw/batushi Big Food Safaris Fairground Boipuso Hall, Next to BTC P.O.Box 45324 Riverwalk Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3927704 Fax: (+267) 3927704 E-Mail: info@bigfootsafaris.co.bw Internet: http://www.bigfootsafaris.co.bw Bird Safaris P.O.Box 15 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860614 Fax: (+267) 6860925

E-Mail: mk.birdsaf@info.bw Bonadventure Botswana P.O.Box 201 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860502, 6860046 Fax: (+267) 6860502 Botswana Safaris & Tours Private Bag BO46 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6864845 Fax: (+267) 6864845 E-Mail: edurne@info.bw E-Mail: botswanasafaris@botsnet.bw Internet: http://www.pix.za/gaylards/about.htm Bush Camp Safaris P.O.Box 487 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860847 Fax: (+267) 6860847 Bush Ways Safaris Private Bag 342 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6863685 Fax: (+267) 6800937 E-Mail: bushways@info.bw E-Mail: operations@bushways.co.za E-Mail: reservations@bushways.com Internet: http://www.bushways.com Butler & Lindstrom Safaris P.O.Box 236 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860994 Fax: (+267) 6860995 E-Mail: sls@info.bw Capricorn Safaris Private Bag 021 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861165 Fax: (+267) 6862991, 6861165 E-Mail: capsaf@info.bw Capture Africa Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861200 Fax: (+267) 6861200 E-Mail: capture.africa@info.bw Chanouga Safaris Private Bag 44

Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860647 Fax: (+267) 6861320, 6860664 E-Mail: chanouga@info.bw Chobe Fly Fishing Safaris P.O.Box 206 Kasane Botswana Tel: (+267) 6250143 Fax: (+267) 6250129 Chobe Travel Shop T/A Safari & Guide Services Ltd. Private Bag K39 Kasane Botswana Tel: (+267) 6250259 Fax: (+267) 6250259 E-Mail: travel@botsnet.bw Crocodile Camp Safaris (Pty) Ltd. P.O.Box 46 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6800222 Fax: (+267) 6801256 E-Mail: info@botswana.com E-Mail: sales@botswana.com E-Mail: ccs@info.bw E-Mail: okavango@iafrica.com Internet: http://www.botswana.com Dan Rawson (Boat Safaris) Private Bag 41 Ngami Marine Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860364 Fax: (+267) 6860364 Dave Baker Safaris Private Bag 041 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860364 Fax: (+267) 6860364 E-Mail: davetish@mweb.co.za Delta Rain P.O.Box 66 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 71304292 Fax: (+267) 6862842 E-Mail: thedeltarain@hotmail.com Desert & Delta Safaris P.O.Box 310 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861243 Fax: (+267) 6861797

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African Odyssey P.O.Box 350 Kasane Botswana Tel: (+267) 6250601 Fax: (+267) 6250601 E-Mail: odyssey@info.bw


World Tourism Directory African Series 2013

Des Pretorius (Photographic Safaris) P.O.Box 236 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860493 Fax: (+267) 6860493 Destination South Botswana (Pty) Ltd. Private Bag 351 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861875 Fax: (+267) 6861875 E-Mail: dessouth@info.bw Discovering Botswana P.O.Box 10280 Ramotswa Botswana Tel: (+27-21) 7900179 Fax: (+27-21) 7907347 E-Mail: susan@discovering-africa.com Internet: http://www.discoveringafrica.com Drifters Adventures Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 71304472 Fax: Drumbeat Safaris P.O.Box 20228 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6863096 Fax: (+267) 6863096 E-Mail: drumbeat@info.bw Internet: http://www.drumbeatsafari.com Elephant Back Safaris Private Bag 332 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861260 Fax: (+267) 6861005 E-Mail: ebs@info.bw Internet: http://www.elephantbacksafaris.com ETA Travel and Tours Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3580667 Fax: (+267) 3680669 Ewan Masson Safaris Private Bag 257 Maun

Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860978 Fax: (+267) 6860571 E-Mail: massonsafaris@botsnet.bw Exclusiv Safaris (Pty) Ltd. Private Bag 13 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860351 Fax: (+267) 6860571 E-Mail: exclusiv.safari@solnet.ch Internet: http://www.solothurn.ch/exclusafaris/ Footprints Africa Safaris Pty. Ltd. 47B Mopapo Crossing Mall Next to Gran Palm Hotel Resort P.O.Box 502609 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3932837, 3832825 Fax: E-Mail: info@footprintsafricasafaris.com Internet: http://www.footprintsafricasafaris.com Friedkin Adventure Companies P.O.Box 40 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860211 Fax: (+267) 6860379 Gametrackers Botswana P.O.Box 100 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860302 Fax: (+267) 6860153 E-Mail: gtb.mngr@info.bw Internet: http://www.gametrackers.orientexpress.com Game Trails / Photographic Safaris Private Bag BO13 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6862405 Fax: (+267) 6862405 E-Mail: gametrail@info.bw E-Mail: gametrails@bosnet.bw Gavin Blair Safaris Private Bag K19 Kasane Botswana Tel: (+267) 6250234, 6250237 Fax: (+267) 6250223 Fax: (+44-0) 2085208994 E-Mail: gbs@iafrica.com E-Mail: gbs@gavinblairsafaris.com Internet: http://www.gavinblairsafaris.com

Gavin Blair Safaris (Pty) Ltd. Private Bag 44 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860647 Fax: (+267) 6860664 Internet: http://www.gavinblairsafaris.com Gear V Adventures Private Bag BR167 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3953957 Fax: (+267) 3953957 E-Mail: gearvadventures@info.bw Internet: http://www.gearvadventures.com Ghanzi Trail Blazers P.O.Box 35 Ghanzi Botswana Tel: (+267) 6596169 Fax: (+267) 6596169 E-Mail: jabutler@global.bw Go North Young Man P.O.Box BO51 Maun-Boseja Botswana Tel: (+267) 6864720 Fax: (+267) 6864720 E-Mail: jobots@info.bw E-Mail: swamp@info.bw Go Wild Safaris P.O.Box 056 Kasane Botswana Tel: (+267) 6250468, 6251297 Fax: (+267) 6250468 E-Mail: go.wild@info.bw E-Mail: go.wild@fleshnet.co.za E-Mail: travel@botsnet.bw Internet: http://www.info.bw/~go.wild Hakuna Matata Travels (Pty) Ltd. P.O.Box 20012 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6800754 Fax: (+267) 6800654 E-Mail: res@africansafaris.co.za Internet: http://www.africansafaris.co.za Hartley's Safaris Private Bag BR319 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3584139, 3926109 Fax: (+267) 3584157, 3926109 E-Mail: hartleys@info.bw Hartley's Safaris Private Bag 48

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E-Mail: reservations@desertdelta.com Internet: http://www.desertdelta.com


World Tourism Directory African Series 2013

Hemingway Safaris P.O.Box 2378 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3900575 Fax: (+267) 3900585 E-Mail: res@africansafaris.co.za Horizon Ventures P.O.Box 370 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860806 Fax: Hunters Africa (Pty) Ltd. P.O.Box 11 Kasane Botswana Tel: (+267) 6250385 Fax: (+267) 6250383 Into Africa Mowana Safaris P.O.Box 266 Kasane Botswana Tel: (+267) 6250478 Fax: (+267) 6250469 E-Mail: intoafrican@botsnet.bw Island Safaris P.O.Box 116 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860300 Fax: (+267) 6862932 E-Mail: island@info.bw Janala Tours P.O.Box 55 Kasane Botswana Tel: (+267) 6251775 Fax: (+267) 6250759 E-Mail: janala@botsnet.bw J.Calitz Hunting Safaris Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860736 Fax: (+267) 6860736 John Chase Safaris P.O.Box 444 Francistown Botswana Tel: (+267) 2413280

Fax: E-Mail: johnchase@info.bw Kalahari Holiday Tours P.O.Box 128 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3913528 Fax: (+267) 3906490 Kalahari Kanvas Co. (Pty) Ltd. P.O.Box 689 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860568 Fax: (+267) 6860035 E-Mail: kal.kanvas@info.bw Kalahari Kavango Safari Company Private Bag 053 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861634 Fax: (+267) 6861680 E-Mail: kksafaris@info.bw Kanana Safaris P.O.Box 2 Ghanzi Botswana Tel: (+267) 6596254, 6596166, 3924611 Fax: (+267) 6596166, 3924946 Karibu Safaris Private Bag 39 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861225 Fax: (+267) 6861225 E-Mail: karibubots@info.bw E-Mail: kanibusa@iafrica.com Kasane Enterprises (Pty) Ltd. P.O.Box 55 Plot 709 President Avenue Kasane Botswana Tel: (+267) 6250234 Fax: (+267) 6250223 E-Mail: chobe@botsnet.bw Ker & Downey Botswana Airport Road P.O.Box 27 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861226 Fax: (+267) 6861282 E-Mail: info@kerdowney.bw E-Mail: safari@kerdowney.bw Internet: http://www.kerdowneybotswana.com Internet: http://www.chobeholdings.com

Kgori Safaris Private Bag 0146 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6862049, 6865788 Fax: (+267) 6862048, 6865787 E-Mail: mankwe@info.bw E-Mail: kgorisaf@info.bw Internet: http://www.kgori-safaris.bw Internet: http://www.mankwe.com Kitso Botswana / Travel Wild P.O.Box 236 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860493, 6862604 Fax: (+267) 6860493, 6862604 E-Mail: kitsosaf@info.bw Komtsa Adventure Safaris Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6862671 Fax: (+267) 6862671 E-Mail: trophy@info.bw Koro Safaris Private Bag 22 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860307 Fax: Kudu Travel Private Bag 00130 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3972224 Fax: (+267) 3974224 Kwando Safaris P.O.Box 550 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861449 Tel: (+27-11) 8806138, 8806059 Fax: (+267) 6861457 Fax: (+27-11) 8801393 E-Mail: reservations@kwando.co.za Internet: http://www.kwando.co.za Landela Safaris Private Bag 248 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860211, 6861323 Fax: (+267) 6860379 E-Mail: landelabots@info.bw E-Mail: info@landela.co.zw Internet: http://www.landela.co.zw Internet: http://www.icon.co.zw/landela

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Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861806 Fax: (+267) 6860528 E-Mail: hartleys@info.bw


World Tourism Directory African Series 2013

Lloyd Wilmot Safaris P.O.Box 37 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860351 Fax: (+267) 6860571 Malachite Safaris Private Bag 041 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 71306789 Fax: Manica Travel Service P.O.Box 1188 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3952021 Fax: (+267) 3905552 Map Ives Safaris (Photographic Safaris) Private Bag 44 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860647 Fax: (+267) 6860351 Maps Supplies & Safaris Private Bag 214 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861674 Fax: (+267) 6861674 E-Mail: mapives@info.bw Masson Safaris Private Bag 257 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6862442 Fax: (+267) 6862442 E-Mail: massonsafaris@botsnet.bw Internet: http://www.africa-world.com Mawana Horse Safaris and Nature Reserve Private Bag 327 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3971301 Fax: (+267) 3971301 E-Mail: aimage@info.bw

Merlin Travel Private Bag 13 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860635 Fax: (+267) 6860036 Micheletti Bates Safari (Pty) Ltd. P.O.Box 1602 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3972309 Fax: (+267) 3912148 Micheletti Bates Safaris P.O.Box 19 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860383, 6860284 Fax: (+267) 6860593 Mokolodi P.O.Box 170 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 5961955/6 Fax: (+267) 5965488 E-Mail: mokolodi@info.bw Internet: http://www.mokolodi.com Moremi Safaris Private Bag 26 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860351 Fax: (+267) 6860571 E-Mail: info@moremi-safaris.com Internet: http://www.moremi-safaris.com Mowana Nature Reserve & Horse Safaris P.O.Box 266 Chobe River Kasane Botswana Tel: (+267) 6250300 Fax: (+267) 6250301 E-Mail: resmowana@cresta.co.bw Internet: http://www.crestahospitality.com Nata Lodge Safaris Private Bag 10 Francistown Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861210 Fax: (+267) 6861210 New Moon Safaris Private Bag 210 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861665 Fax: (+267) 6861665 E-Mail: newmoon@info.bw

No Name Adventures Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861600 Fax: (+267) 6861600 E-Mail: noname@info.bw Ntswi Safaris P.O.Box 450 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860023 Fax: Oasis Safaris Botswana Private Bag 210 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6863011 Fax: (+267) 6863011 E-Mail: oasissafaris@info.bw Internet: http://www.oasis-safari.com Okavango Explorations / Hartleys Safaris Private Bag 048 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860528, 6861805, 6860638 Fax: (+267) 6860528 Okavango Horse Safaris Private Bag 23 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861671 Fax: (+267) 6861672 E-Mail: ohsnx@info.bw Internet: http://www.okavango.com Okavango Moving Safaris P.O.Box 1810 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3956165 Fax: (+267) 3956165 Okavango Tours & Safaris P.O.Box 39 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860220 Fax: (+267) 6860589 E-Mail: info@okavango.bw E-Mail: okavango@info.bw Internet: http://www.okavango.bw Internet: http://www.sausage.bw/gweta Okavango Wilderness Safaris Private Bag 14 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860307, 6860086 Fax: (+267) 6860632

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Linyanti Explorations (Pty) Ltd. Selinda Reserve P.O.Box 22 Kasane Botswana Tel: (+267) 6250505 Fax: (+267) 6250352 E-Mail: info@linyanti.com Internet: http://www.linyanti.com


World Tourism Directory African Series 2013

Okuti Safaris (Pty) Ltd. Private Bag 27 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6250570, 6860570 Fax: (+267) 6250570, 6860258, 6861418 E-Mail: okuti@info.bw

Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861323, 6250886 Fax: (+267) 6861323, 6250162 E-Mail: rann@iafrica.com

Tel: (+267) 6250840 Fax: (+267) 6250881 E-Mail: explor@botsnet.bw Internet: http://www.handamanzi.com

Sable Safaris Private Bag 209 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860751, 6860086 Fax: (+267) 6860751, 6860632 E-Mail: okwilsaf@info.bw

Savannah Safariïs & Tours Private Bag BR351 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3918374, 5963633 Fax: (+267) 3918986, 3918989 E-Mail: savannah@info.bw Internet: http://www.safaribotswana.com

Safari Botswana Bound Private Bag 20 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6863055 Fax: (+267) 6863055 E-Mail: saf.bots@info.bw

Sefofane (Pty) Ltd. P.O.Box 159 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860778 Fax: (+267) 6861649 E-Mail: sefofane@info.bw

Safari Drive Botswana P.O.Box 66 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860029 Fax: (+267) 6860571 E-Mail: ensign@info.bw

Sitatunga Camping Safaris Private Bag 47 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860570, 6860039 Fax: (+267) 6860570, 6860258 E-Mail: sitatunga@info.bw

Safari Excellence P.O.Box K33 Kasane Botswana Tel: (+267) 6250992 Fax: (+267) 6250992 E-Mail: safexcel@info.bw

Soren Lindstrom Safaris P.O.Box 236 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860994 Fax: (+267) 6860994 E-Mail: sls@info.bw

Safari & Guide Services P.O.Box 55 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6250029 Fax: (+267) 6250828 E-Mail: travel@botsnet.bw

Southern Cross Safaris & Expeditons

Peter Comley Safaris P.O.Box 55 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6250234 Fax: (+267) 6250223 Photo Africa Safaris (Pty) Ltd. P.O.Box 11 Kasane Botswana Tel: (+267) 6250385 Fax: (+267) 6250383

Safari Services Private Bag 098 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860791 Fax: (+267) 6860791

Swamp & Savannah Private Bag BO51 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6864720 Fax: (+267) 6864720 E-Mail: swamp@info.bw

Planet Okavango P.O.Box 236 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860823 Fax: (+267) 6869493 E-Mail: info@planetokavango.com Internet: http://www.planetokavango.com

Safari South (Hunting Safaris) P.O.Box 40 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860211 Fax: (+267) 6860379

Papadi Safaris & Tours P.O.Box 785 Francistown Botswana Tel: (+267) 71620855 Fax: (+267) 6864675 E-Mail: papadi@info.bw Internet: http://www.papadisafaris.co.zw Internet: http://www.papadisafaris.co.bw Penduka Safaris P.O.Box 66 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6864539 Fax: (+267) 6864540 E-Mail: pendukasafaris@info.bw Internet: http://www.penduka.com.na Penstone Safaris / Skatul P.O.Box 330 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861721 Fax: (+267) 6861722 E-Mail: penelope@info.bw

Rann Safaris Private Bag 248

Safari Thanda Manzi Private Bag 24 Kasane Botswana

Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861665 Fax: (+267) 6861665 E-Mail: newmoon@info.bw

Tete Travel & Tours Private Bag 060 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6863239 Fax: (+267) 6863228 Thebe River Safaris P.O.Box 5 Kasane

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Fax: (+27-11) 8072110 in South Africa E-Mail: enquiry@wilderness.co.za E-Mail: alan.ows@info.bw


World Tourism Directory African Series 2013 Botswana Tel: (+267) 6250314 Fax: (+267) 6250314 E-Mail: thebe@info.bw E-Mail: thebesafaris@botsnet.bw Internet: http://www.theberiversafaris.co.za The Booking Company Private Bag 0198 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860022 Fax: (+267) 6860037 E-Mail: reservations@booking.co.bw Internet: http://www.experiencebotswana.co.za The Safari Agency Private Bag 33 Boseja, Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860176 Fax: (+267) 6860176 E-Mail: safari@botswana.com

Tel: (+267) 6250223 Fax: (+267) 6250223 E-Mail: ulinda@acacia.co.zw E-Mail: ulinda@acacia.samara.co.zw Uncharted Africa Safari Company P.O.Box 173 Francistown Botswana Tel: (+267) 2412277 Fax: (+267) 2413458 E-Mail: uncharted@info.bw E-Mail: office@unchartedafrica.co.bw E-Mail: marketingg@unchartedafrica.com Internet: http://www.unchartedafrica.com Unique Adventures Private Bag 343 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861243 Fax: (+267) 6861791 E-Mail: u-nique@info.bw E-Mail: u-nique@iafrica.com

Internet: http://www.wildernesssafaris.com Wild Lifestyles P.O.Box 66 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6863664 Fax: (+267) 6861045 E-Mail: mikepenman@botsnet.bw Internet: http://www.wildlifestyles.com Wilmot Safaris Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860351 Fax: (+267) 6860571 Xyga Fishing Safaris Private Bag 44 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861320 Fax: (+267) 6861320

Vintage Travel & Tours

Traction Safaris (Pty) Ltd. Private Bag 0047 Serowe Botswana Tel: (+267) 4634556 Fax: (+267) 4634557 E-Mail: attract@mopane.bw Internet: http://www.africanattractions.co.za/llt Trans Okavango Safaris Private Bag 033 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860023 Fax: (+267) 6860040 E-Mail: gunnscamp@info.bw Tula Safaris Private Bag X127 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860867 Fax: Ulinda Safaris Trails P.O.Box 55 Kasane Botswana

Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 570993 Fax: (+267) 570994 E-Mail: vintagetvl@mega.bw Vira Safaris P.O.Box 119 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860383 Fax: (+267) 6860593 Wild Africa Safaris Private Bag 158 Broadhurst Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3953795 Fax: (+267) 3904281 E-Mail: wasbots@global.bw Wilderness Dawning Safaris P.O.Box 236 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6864270 Fax: (+267) 6862962 E-Mail: wd@info.bw Wilderness Safaris Private Bag 14 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860086 Fax: (+267) 6860632 E-Mail: enquiry@wilderness.co.za

● Transportation National Airlines: Air Botswana P.O.Box 92 Sir Seretse Khama International Airport Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3952812 admin. Tel: (+267) 3951921 res. Tel: (+267) 3905500 sales Tel: (+267) 3973307 airport Tel: (+267) 3913645 information Tel: (+267) 2412393 Francistown Tel: (+267) 6250161 Kasane Tel: (+267) 6860391 Maun Fax: (+267) 3974802 admin. Fax: (+267) 3953928 sales Fax: (+267) 3973310 airport Fax: (+267) 2413834 Francistown Fax: (+267) 6250166 Kasane Fax: (+267) 6860598 Maun E-Mail: commercia@airbotswana.co.bw Internet: http://www.airbotswana.co.bw Delta Air P.O.Box 39 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6861682 Fax: (+267) 6861703 E-Mail: synergy@info.bw !(air charter service) Executive Charter Sir S. Khama Airport

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Touch of Africa Safaris Private Bag K73 Kasane Botswana Tel: (+267) 71656340 Fax: (+267) 6232020 E-Mail: touchofafrica@botsnet.bw Internet: http://www.touchofafrica.inf0


World Tourism Directory African Series 2013

Kalahari Air Services Sir S. Khama Airport P.O.Box 41278 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3951804, 3953593 Fax: (+267) 3912015 E-Mail: kasac@info.bw !(air charter service) Kavango Air Botswana Internet: http://www.kavangoair.com Mack Air (Pty) Ltd. Private Bag 329 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860675, 6861508 Fax: (+267) 6860036 E-Mail: mack.air@info.bw !(air charter service) Moremi Air Services Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6862078 Fax: Internet: http://www.moremiair.com Northern Air Ltd. P.O.Box 40 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860385 Fax: (+267) 6860379 !(air charter service) Sefofane (Pty) Ltd. Private Bag 159 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860778 Fax: (+267) 6861649 E-Mail: suzl@sefofane.bw E-Mail: sefofane@info.bw !(air charter service) Wildlife Helicopters Private Bag 161 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860664 Fax: (+267) 6860664 E-Mail: wildheli@info.bw !(air charter service)

National Airlines Abroad: Air Botswana c/o Peter Gisborne & Associates Level 5, 17 Bridge Street Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia Tel: (+61-2) 82727877 Fax: (+61-2) 92414346 E-Mail: pga@icomgsa.com.au Internet: http://www.airbotswana.co.bw Air Botswana 1235 Bay Street, Suite 801 Toronto, ON M5R 3K4 Canada Tel: (+1-416) 921-8620 Fax: (+1-416) 972-0185 Internet: http://www.airbotswana.co.bw Air Botswana 1166 Albernie Street, Suite 1406 Vancouver, BC V6E 3Z3 Canada Tel: (+1-604) 683-8369 Fax: (+1-604) 438-2130 Internet: http://www.airbotswana.co.bw Air Botswana c/o Kilian S.A.R.L. 21 Avenue Saint Fiacre B.P. 8248 78108 Saint Germain-en-Laye France Tel: (+33-1) 39215937, 39215920 Fax: (+33-1) 30615780 E-Mail: air-botswana.fr@travel-south.net Internet: http://www.airbotswana.co.bw Air Botswana c/o Aviareps AG Kaiserstr. 77 60329 Frankfurt/M. Germany Tel: (+49-69) 770673036 sales Tel: (+49-180) 540858565 reservations Fax: (+49-69) 770673235 sales Fax: (+49-69) 770673028 reservations E-Mail: info@airbotswana.de E-Mail: salesbp@airbotswana.de E-Mail: resbp@airbotswana.de Internet: http://www.airbotswana.co.bw Air Botswana Johannesburg International Airport Lower Roof Offies, 3rd Floor Sales Office NL44 North Wing, Terminal A P.O.Box 1143 Johannesburg Airport 1627 South Africa Tel: (+27-11) 3903071/2 Fax: (+27-11) 3902574 Internet: http://www.airbotswana.co.bw

Air Botswana Block 1, Fedlife Building 257 Oxford Road Illovo 2196 Johannesburg South Africa Tel: (+27-11) 4476078/9, 4476090/1 Fax: (+27-11) 4474163 E-Mail: sales.manager@airbotswana.co.za Internet: http://www.airbotswana.co.bw Air Botswana c/o Flightdirectors Flight House Fernhill Road Horley, Surrey RH6 9SY United Kingdom Tel: (+44-870) 6080737 Fax: (+44-870) 2402208 E-Mail: info@flightdirectors.com E-Mail: fdss@flightdirectors.com Internet: http://www.airbotswana.co.bw Air Botswana 401 N. Michigan Avenue, Suite 865 Chicago, IL 60611 U.S.A. Tel: (+1-312) 755-0757 Fax: (+1-312) 822-0048 Internet: http://www.airbotswana.co.bw Air Botswana 3050 Post Oak Building, #1320 Houston, TX 77056 U.S.A. Tel: (+1-713) 871-1566 Fax: (+1-713) 626-1905 Internet: http://www.airbotswana.co.bw Air Botswana c/o Air World Inc. 16250 Ventura Road, #115 Encino (L.A.), CA 91436 U.S.A. Tel: (+1-818) 907-7280 Fax: (+1-818) 501-2098 E-Mail: ravinm@sita.com Internet: http://www.airbotswana.co.bw Air Botswana 350 Fifth Avenue, #1421 New York, NY 10118 U.S.A. Tel: (+1-212) 279-2976 Tel: toll free (1800) 518-7781 Fax: (+1-212) 279-6602 Internet: http://www.airbotswana.co.bw Air Botswana P.O.Box UA 327 Travel Plaza 29 Mazowe Street, Kopje Harare Zimbabwe

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Bag SK6 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3975257 Fax: (+267) 3975258 !(air charter service)


World Tourism Directory African Series 2013

Air Botswana c/o Travel Connection 1 Flame Lily Court Fox Road P.O.Box 12 Victoria Falls Zimbabwe Tel: (+263-13) 2053 Fax: (+263-13) 5825 E-Mail: bamhre@mweb.co.zw Internet: http://www.airbotswana.co.bw Railways: Botswana Railways Private Bag 00125 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 4711375 Fax: (+267) 4711385 Public Bus Services: Laedza Bus Service P.O.Box 112 Selebi-Pikwe Botswana Tel: (+267) 810025 Fax: K.B. Transport P.O.Box 231 Mahalapye Botswana Tel: (+267) 4710202 Fax: Kerobale's Transport P.O.Box 60 Lobatse Botswana Tel: (+267) 330706 Fax: Motsatsi Bus Transport P.O.Box 1259 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3912636 Fax: Sesennye Bus Service P.O.Box 10301 Francistown Botswana Tel: (+267) 2412112 Fax:

United Bus Co. of Zambia P.O.Box 654 Francistown Botswana Tel: (+267) 2414391 Fax:

● Outdoor & Recreational Activities Parks & Wildlife Information: Department of Wildlife and National Parks P.O.Box 131 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3580774 Fax: (+267) 3580775 E-Mail: dwnp@gov.bw Internet: http://www.gov.bw Department of Wildlife and National Parks Central Reservations, Camping, Parks and Reserves P.O.Box 131 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3971405 Fax: (+267) 3912354 E-Mail: dwnpbots@global.bw Department of Wildlife and National Parks P.O.Box 167 Francistown Botswana Tel: (+267) 2412367 Fax: Department of Wildlife and National Parks P.O.Box 48 Ghanzi Botswana Tel: (+267) 6596323 Fax: Department of Wildlife and National Parks P.O.Box 17 Kasane Botswana Tel: (+267) 6250486 Fax: (+267) 6251623 Department of Wildlife and National Parks P.O.Box 8 Machaneng Botswana Tel: (+267) 440207 Fax: Department of Wildlife and National Parks Reservation Office P.O.Box 20364 Boseja Maun

Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860368 Fax: (+267) 6860053 Department of Wildlife and National Parks P.O.Box 679 Serowe Botswana Tel: (+267) 4630443 Fax: Department of Wildlife and National Parks P.O.Box 4 Tsabong Botswana Tel: (+267) 540221, 540280 Fax: Chobe Wildlife Trust P.O.Box 32 Kasane Botswana Tel: (+267) 6250340 Fax: (+267) 6250280 E-Mail: chobe@fast.co.za Internet: http://www.botswana.com/dest/natpark/c hobe.html Kalahari Conservation Society P.O.Box 859 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3974557, 3914259, 3951131 Fax: (+267) 3974557 Mokolodi Wildlife Foundation P.O.Box 170 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3953959 Fax: Okavango Wildlife Society P.O.Box 52362 Saxonwold 2131 South Africa Tel: (+27-11) 8803833 Fax: (+27-11) 4861050 Botswana Wildlife Training Institute P.O.Box 368 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860376 Fax: NGO Environment Botswana Gaborone Botswana Internet: http://www.envngo.co.bw

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Tel: (+263-4) 793228/9 Fax: (+263-4) 793195 E-Mail: airbotsw@africaonline.co.zw Internet: http://www.airbotswana.co.bw


World Tourism Directory African Series 2013 Hunters Africa P.O.Box 11 Kasane Botswana Tel: (+267) 6250385 Fax: (+267) 6250383 Bird Safaris Botswana P.O.Box 15 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860614 Fax: Ker and Downey Safaris P.O.Box 27 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860376 Fax: (+267) 6861282 E-Mail: safari@kerdowney.bw Internet: http://www.kerdowney.com Vira Safaris P.O.Box 119 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860383 Fax: Mapping Services: Department of Geological Survey Private Bag 0014 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 330327/8 Fax: Department of Surveys and Lands Private Bag 0037 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3953251 Fax: Aerial Mapping Company P.O.Box 806 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3912625 Fax: B & T Directories Ltd. P.O.Box 1549 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3971444 Fax: (+267) 3973462 Shell Oil Botswana P.O.Box 334

Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3953025 Fax: (+267) 3973155

Botswana Tel: (+267) 3581055 Fax: (+267) 3911100 E-Mail: btravelo@global.co.za

General Sports Information:

"Marung" c/o T.A. Publications P.O.Box 485 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3581263 Fax: (+267) 3581263 !(In-Flight Magazine of Air Botswana)

Botswana National Sports Council P.O.Box 1404 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3913555 Fax: Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs Department of Youth and Sports Private Bag 002 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3973967 Fax: (+267) 3913584 Internet: http://www.gov.bw

● Publications & Information Sources Government Information Service: Department of Information & Broadcasting Private Bag 0060 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3952261, 3951964, 3952541 Fax: (+267) 3957138, 3952541 E-Mail: parliament@gov.bw E-Mail: marketing@btv.gov.bw Internet: http://www.gov.bw Internet: http://www.info.bw National News Agencies: Botswana Press Agency Private Bag 0060 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3952261, 3951964, 3952541 Fax: (+267) 3957138, 3952541 E-Mail: marketing@btv.gov.bw Internet: http://www.btv.gov.bw Tourism Newspapers/Magazines: "Botswana Sales Guide" c/o Travel Guides International P.O.Box 75262 Gardenview 2047 South Africa Tel: (+27-11) 4538022 Fax: (+27-11) 4533161 "Botswana Travel Options" P.O.Box 173 Gaborone

"Marung" P.O.Box 30177 Kyalami 1684 South Africa Tel: (+27-11) 3151771 Fax: (+27-11) 3152072 E-Mail: tapubs@iafrica.com "The Living Heritage" c/o Department of Tourism Private Bag 0047 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 6256024 Fax: (+267) 3971539 E-Mail: botswanatourism@gov.bw Newspapers/Magazines With Travel Sections: "Botswana Business Month Magazine" P.O.Box 1605 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3912833 Fax: (+267) 3912774 "Botswana Business News" Private Bag 004 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3953881/-4 Fax: (+267) 3971539 "The Botswana Gazette" P.O.Box 1605 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3912833 Fax: (+267) 3912774 Internet: http://www.gazette.bw "Botswana Guardian" P.O.Box 1641 Botswana Road Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3952556, 3975362 Fax: (+267) 3974381

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Hunting Information:


World Tourism Directory African Series 2013

"Government Gazette" Private Bag 0081 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3914441 Fax: (+267) 3912001 "The Midweek Sun" Private Bag 00153 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3914937, 3952077 Fax: (+267) 3974381 Book Trade: BBC / Botswana Book Centre P.O.Box 91 The Mall Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3952931 Fax: (+267) 3974315 BBC Botswana Book Centre Private Bag F45 Francistown Botswana Tel: (+267) 2415568 Fax: (+267) 2415568 Botsalo Books (Pty) Ltd. P.O.Box 1532 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 2413576 Fax: (+267) 3972608 Gaborone Stationery and Bookshop (Pty) Ltd. P.O.Box 1590 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3972380 Fax: (+267) 3972380 Via Africa Ltd. P.O.Box 332 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3952466, 3972138 Fax: (+267) 3957408 Book Trade Abroad: Africa Book Centre Ltd. 38 King Street

Covent Garden London WC2E 8JT United Kingdom Tel: (+44-20) 72406649 Fax: (+44-20) 78361975 E-Mail: info@africabookcentre.com Internet: http://www.africabookcentre.com Directory Publishers: A.C. Braby (Botswana) (Pty) Ltd. P.O.Box 1549 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3971444 Fax: (+267) 3973462

● Immigration & Foreign Affairs Immigration Authorities: Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs Private Bag 002 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3660100 Fax: (+267) 3913584 Department of Immigration P.O.Box 942 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3611300, 3955565, 3974545 Fax: (+267) 3952996 Department of Immigration P.O.Box 305 Francistown Botswana Tel: (+267) 2412337 Fax: Department of Immigration P.O.Box 280 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860369 Fax: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Private Bag 00368 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3600700, 3956056 Tel: (+267) 3600763 information Fax: (+267) 3913366 E-Mail: mofaic-admin@lists.gov.bw E-Mail: mofaic@registry.gov.bw E-Mail: empofu@gov.bw (permanent secretary)

Internet: http://www.mofaic.gov.bw Customs Information: Department of Customs & Excise Private Bag 0041 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3638000, 3639999 Tel: (+267) 3953022 airport Tel: (+267) 2413635 Francistown Tel: (+267) 5330566 Lobatse Tel: (+267) 6861312 Maun Fax: (+267) 3922781

● Chambers of Commerce Botswana Confederation of Commerce, Industry and Manufacturing P.O.Box 432 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3902278 Fax: (+267) 3913506 E-Mail: khonat@global.bw Botswana National Chamber of Commerce and Industry P.O.Box 20344 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3952677 Fax: Gaborone Chamber of Commerce and Industry P.O.Box 1402 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3953721, 3953433 Fax: Francistown Chamber of Commerce and Industry P.O.Box 196 Francistown Botswana Tel: (+267) 2412149 Fax:

● Regional & Local Tourist Information Offices Local Tourist Information Offices: Francistown: Department of Tourism Private Bag F428 Francistown

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"Daily News" Private Bag 0060 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3952541, 3952261, 3951964 Fax: (+267) 3952541


World Tourism Directory African Series 2013

Gaborone: Department of Tourism Private Bag 0047 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3953024 Fax: (+267) 3971539 E-Mail: botswanatourism@gov.bw Internet: http://www.botswanatourism.gov.bw Kasane: Department of Tourism P.O.Box 66 Kasane Botswana Tel: (+267) 6250357 Fax: (+267) 6250841 Internet: http://www.botswanatourism.gov.bw Machaneng: Department of Tourism P.O.Box 8 Machaneng Botswana Tel: (+267) 440207 Fax: Internet: http://www.botswanatourism.gov.bw Maun: Department of Tourism P.O.Box 439 Maun Botswana Tel: (+267) 6860492 Fax: (+267) 6861676 Internet: http://www.botswanatourism.gov.bw Selebi Phikwe: Department of Tourism Private Bag 17 Selebi Phikwe Botswana Tel: (+267) 2611023 Fax: (+267) 2611021 Internet: http://www.botswanatourism.gov.bw

Tsabong: Department of Tourism Private Bag 024 Tsabong Botswana Tel: (+267) 6540833 Fax: (+267) 6540476 Internet: http://www.botswanatourism.gov.bw

● Miscellaneous Information Offices Business & Foreign Trade: Ministry of Trade, Industry, Wildlife and Tourism Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (TIPA) Private Bag 00367 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3951790 Fax: (+267) 3905375 Internet: http://www.gov.bw/government/ministry_ of_commerce_and_industry.html Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Private Bag 00252 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3601200 Fax: (+267) 3971539 Department of Trade and Investment Promotion (TIPA) Private Bag 367 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3951790 Fax: (+267) 3971539, 3905375 E-Mail: tipa@info.bw Botswana Export Development & Investment Authority (BEDIA) Plot 28, Matsitama Road P.O.Box 3122 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3181931 Fax: (+267) 3181941 E-Mail: bedia@bedia.bw Internet: http://www.bedia.co.bw Botswana Development Corporation Ltd. Private Bag 160 Moedi, Plot 50380 Gaborone International Showgrounds Off Machel Drive Gaborone

Botswana Tel: (+267) 3651300 Fax: (+267) 3904193, 3903114 E-Mail: enquiries@bdc.bw Internet: http://www.bdc.bw Ministry of Finance and Development Planning Private Bag 008 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3950100 Fax: (+267) 3956086 Internet: http://www.gov.bw Exporters' Association of Botswana Suite 11, Tswana House The Main Mall Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3913974 Fax: (+267) 3909482 Central Tender Board Private Bag 0058 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3956391 Fax: Bank of Botswana P.O.Box 712 1863 Khama Crescent Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3951911 Fax: (+267) 3972984 Internet: http://www.bankofbotswana.bw SADC / Southern African Development Community Private Bag 0095 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3951863 Fax: (+267) 3972848 Central Statistics Office Private Bag 0024 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3952200 Fax: (+267) 3952201 Cultural Associations & Organizations: Botswana National Cultural Council Private Bag 002 Gaborone Botswana Tel: Fax:

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Botswana Tel: (+267) 2418192 Fax: (+267) 2410312 Internet: http://www.botswanatourism.gov.bw


World Tourism Directory African Series 2013

National Museum and Art Galery Private Bag 00114 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3974616, 3977238, 3972855 Fax: (+267) 3902797

Internet: http://www.botswanatourism.de

Fax: (+27-21) 7942786

Botswana Tourism Organization c/o Partner Concepts LLC 127 Lubrano Drive, Suite 203 Annapolis, MD 21401 U.S.A. Tel: (+1-410) 266-8429 Tel: toll free (1-888) 675-7660 Fax: E-Mail: info@botswanatourism.us Internet: http://www.botswanatourism.us

Discover Botswana Safaris P.O.Box 131231 Bryanston 2021 South Africa Tel: (+27-11) 7062342 Fax: (+27-11) 7064659 E-Mail: marketing@botswana.com Internet: http://www.botswana.com

Specialized Tour Operators Abroad: Botswana Showroom & Gallery Western Bypass P.O.Box 486 Gaborone Botswana Tel: Fax: E-Mail: mail@botswanacraft.bw Internet: http://www.botswanacraft.bw Botswana National Archives P.O.Box 239 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 360100 Fax: Botswanacraft Marketing Co. (Pty) Ltd. P.O.Box 486 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 324471 Fax: (+267) 322689 E-Mail: sales@botswanacraft.bw Internet: http://www.botswanacraft.bw Other Relevant Institutions & Organizations: Southern African Development Community (SADC) Private Bag 0095 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3951863 Fax: (+267) 3972848

● Information Offices Abroad Tourist Information Offices Abroad: Botswana Tourism Organization c/o Interface International Karl-Marx-Allee 91a 10243 Berlin Germany Tel: (+49-30) 42028464 Fax: (+49-30) 42256286 E-Mail: info@botswanatourism.eu

Discover Botswana Safaris 20 Nieuwe Uitleg 2514 BP The Hague Netherlands Tel: (+31-70) 3657559 Tel: (+31-35) 6935985 Fax: (+31-70) 3644482 Fax: (+31-35) 6913129 Africa-In Tours & Safari Botswana P.O.Box 3385 Tshwane 0001 South Africa Tel: (+27-12) 8034511 Fax: (+27-12) 8034511 E-Mail: aitas@global.co.za Internet: http://africa-in.africa.co.za Afro Ventures Botswana P.O.Box 1220 Paulshof 2056 South Africa Tel: (+27-11) 8073720 Fax: (+27-11) 8073480 E-Mail: jhb@afroventures.com Internet: http://www.afroventures.com Botswana Safaris & Tours P.O.Box 13195 Humewood 6013 South Africa Tel: (+27-41) 680055 Fax: (+27-41) 680146 E-Mail: gaylards@pixie.co.za Bushways Safaris 28 Oribi Road, Scottsville Pietermaritzburg 3201 South Africa Tel: (+27-33) 3861486 Fax: (+27-33) 3861486 E-Mail: reservations@bushways.co.za Internet: http://www.bushways.co.za Discover Botswana Safaris P.O.Box 64 Constantia 7848 South Africa Tel: (+27-21) 6895971

Exclusiv Safaris P.O.Box 782291 Sandton 2146 South Africa Tel: (+27-11) 8025491 Fax: (+27-11) 8025491 Internet: http://www.solothurn.ch/exclusafaris/ Footsteps in Africa P.O.Box 1416 Hoedspruit 1380 South Africa Tel: (+27-15) 7930995 Tel: (+27-82) 3556910 mobile Fax: E-Mail: anthony@footsteps-in-africa.com Internet: http://www.footsteps-inafrica.com Okavango Explorations Botswana P.O.Box 69859 Bryanston 2021 South Africa Tel: (+27-11) 7896214 Fax: (+27-11) 8861815 Okavango Wilderness Safaris P.O.Box 651171 Benmore 2010 South Africa Tel: (+27-11) 8841458 Fax: (+27-11) 8836255 Okavango Wildlife Society P.O.Box 52362 Saxonwold 2131 South Africa Tel: (+27-11) 8803833 Fax: (+27-11) 4861050 Wilderness Safaris P.O.Box 5219 Rivonia 2128 South Africa Tel: (+27-11) 8071800 Fax: (+27-11) 8072110 E-Mail: enquiry@wilderness.co.za Internet: http://www.wildernesssafaris.com Exclusiv Safaris P.O.Box 144

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The Botswana Society P.O.Box 71 Gaborone Botswana Tel: (+267) 3951500 Fax:


World Tourism Directory African Series 2013

Okavango Tours & Safaris White Lion House 64a Highgate High Street London N6 5HX United Kingdom Tel: (+44-20) 83474030 Fax: E-Mail: info@okavango.com E-Mail: diana@okavango.com Internet: http://www.okavango.com Ker & Downey Botswana 2825 Wilcrest Drive, Suite 600 Houston, TX 77042 U.S.A. Tel: (+1-713) 917-0048 Fax: (+1-713) 917-0123 E-Mail: info@kerdowney.com Internet: http://www.kerdowney.com

● Embassies/Consulates High Commission of the Republic of Botswana 130 Denison Street O'Malley, ACT 2600 Australia Tel: (+61-2) 62437500 Fax: (+61-2) 62824140 E-Mail: botaus-info@gov.bw Internet: http://www.botswanahighcom.org.au Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Botswana Linke Wienzeile 4 1060 Vienna Austria Tel: (+43-1) 5879616 Fax: (+43-1) 3873432 Embassy of the Republic of Botswana 169, Avenue de Tervueren 1150 Brussels Belgium Tel: (+32-2) 7356119, 7352070/9, 7351325 Fax: (+32-2) 7356318 E-Mail: boer@gov.bw E-Mail: botswana@brutele.be Internet: http://www.botschaftbotswana.de Embassy of the Republic of Botswana SHIS Qi 09, Conjunto 17, Casa 16

Lago Sul Brasilia, DF Brazil Tel. (+55-61) 33665563, 32481584 Fax: (+55-61) 32486713 Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Botswana 39 Chinook Crescent Ottawa, ON K2H 7E1 Canada Tel: (+1-613) 596-0166 Fax: (+1-613) 596-2342 E-Mail: mbelanger1003@rogers.com Embassy of the Republic of Botswana 1 Don San Jie, Sanlitum Chaoyang District Beijing 10060`0 P.R. of China Tel: (+86-10) 65326898 Fax: (+86-10) 65326896 E-Mail: botchin@gov.bw Internet: http://www.botswanaembassy.com Embassy of the Republic of Botswana P.O.Box 22282 Addis Ababa 1000 Ethiopia Tel: (+251-11) 3715422/3 Fax: (+251-11) 3714099 Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Botswana 54, Avenue d'Iena 75116 Paris France Tel: (+33-1) 47200823 Fax: (+33-1) 47204258 Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Botswana Berzeliusstr. 45 22113 Hamburg Germany Tel: (+49-40) 7326191, 7313344 Fax: (+49-40) 7328506 Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Botswana Kieselei 42 40883 Ratingen Germany Tel: (+49-2102) 896434 Fax: Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Botswana 1 Pireos Street 10552 Athens Greece Tel: (+30) 2103254044 Fax: (+30) 2103241688

Consulate General of the Republic of Botswana Suite 607/608, 6F Citi Bank Tower Citi Bank Plaza 3 Garden Road Central Hong Kong Tel: (+852) 25256088 Fax: (+852) 25374325 High Commission of the Republic of Botswana Plot F8/3, Vasant Vihar New Delhi 110057 India Tel: (+91-11) 46537000 Fax: (+91-11) 46036191 Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Botswana Piazza C.L.N. 255 10123 Torino Italy Tel: (+39) 011511330, 011518228 Fax: (+39) 0115629660 Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Botswana c/o Env. System s.r.l. Via Guiseppe Pisaneli 00196 Rome Italy Tel: (+39) 063227636 Fax: (+39) 063227794 Embassy of the Republic of Botswana 6F Shiba-Amerex Building, No. 2 4-5-10 Shiba Minato-ku Tokyo 108-0014 Japan Tel: (+81-3) 54465676 Fax: (+81-3) 57657581 E-Mail: botjap@sepia.ocn.ne.jp Internet: http://www.botswanaembassy.or.jp High Commission of the Republic of Botswana P.O.Box 754 Nairobi 00606 Kenya Tel: (+254-20) 4447735, 4448726 Fax: (+254-20) 4185013 E-Mail: botkena@gov.bw Embassy of the Republic of Botswana P.O.Box 26145 Safat 13122 Kuwait Tel: (+965) 25383619 Fax: (+965) 25393529

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Bolacker 6 4564 Obergalfingen Switzerland Tel: (+41) 326751058 Fax: (+41) 326751879 E-Mail: exclusiv.safaris@solnet.ch Internet: http://www.solothurn.ch/exclusafaris/


World Tourism Directory African Series 2013

High Commission of the Republic of Botswana Plot 1241, Oguta Lake Street Off River Benue Street Maitama, Extension Abuja Nigeria Tel: (+234-9) 7822818, 7827034 Fax: (+234-9) 4103830 E-Mail: botnig@mail.org High Commission of the Republic of Botswana P.O.Box 57035, Arcadia 0007 24 Amos Street Colbyn, Tshwane South Africa Tel: (+27-12) 4309640, 3424760/-4 Fax: (+27-12) 3421845 Consulate General of the Republic of Botswana P.O.Box 32051 Braamfontein 2017 South Africa Tel: (+27-11) 4033748 Fax: (+27-11) 4031384, 4031286 !(33 Hoofd Street, Braam Park, Braamfontein) Consulate General of the Republic of Botswana P.O.Box 3288 Cape Town 8000 South Africa Tel: (+27-21) 4211045 Fax: (+27-21) 4211046 Embassy of the Republic of Botswana Tyrgatan 11 P.O.Box 26024 10041 Stockholm Sweden Tel: (+46-8) 54525880, 7230035 Fax: (+46-8) 7230087 Permanent Mission of the Republic of Botswana to the United Nations Rue de Lausanne 80 1201 Geneva Switzerland Tel: (+41) 229061060 Fax: (+41) 229061061 E-Mail: botgen@bluewin.ch

High Commission of the Republic of Botswana 6 Stratford Place London W1N 9AE United Kingdom Tel: (+44-20) 74990031 Tel: (+44-9065) 508954 visa information Fax: (+44-20) 74958595 Embassy of the Republic of Botswana 1531 New Hampshire Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20036 U.S.A. Tel: (+1-202) 244-4990/1 Fax: (+1-202) 244-4164 E-Mail: botwash@compuserve.com E-Mail: mgradikgokong@botswanaembassy.org Internet: http://www.botswanaembassy.org

High Commission of the Republic of Botswana P.O.Box 563 22 Phillip Avenue Belgravia Harare Zimbabwe Tel: (+263-4) 794645/7/8 Fax: (+263-4) 705809 E-Mail: botzim@gov.bw

Permanent Mission of the Republic of Botswana to the United Nations 154 East 46th Street New York, NY 10017 U.S.A. Tel: (+1-212) 889-2277, 889-2331, 8892491 Fax: (+1-212) 725-5061 E-Mail: bwan@nywork2.undp.org E-Mail: bwaun@undp.org E-Mail: botswana@un.int Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Botswana 333 South Hope Street, 38th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071 U.S.A. Tel: (+1-213) 626-8484 Fax: Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Botswana 2040 Broadway Street, #402 San Francisco, CA 94115 U.S.A. Tel: (+1-415) 346-4435 Fax: (+1-415) 346-4435 Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Botswana 4615 Post Oak Place, #104 Houston, TX 77027 U.S.A. Tel: (+1-713) 622-1900 Fax: (+1-713) 622-2017 High Commission of the Republic of Botswana P.O.Box 31910 Lusaka Zambia Tel: (+260-211) 250019/28/38, 250555 Fax: (+260-211) 253895

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High Commission of the Republic of Botswana P.O.Box 20359 Windhoek Namibia Tel: (+264-61) 221941/2/7 Fax: (+264-61) 236034


World Tourism Directory African Series 2013

Published July 2013 The World Tourism Directory is published by Burkhard Herbote, editor Herbote International Research Weststraße 25 59269 Beckum, Germany Tel: +49 (0) 2521.823333 Fax: +49 (0) 2521.823334 E-mail: world@herbote.com Skype: herbote www.herbote.com Publisher of: Verzeichnis des Deutsch-Internationalen Beziehungen Directory of German-international Relations www.laenderkontakte.de World Tourism Directory www.worldtourismdirectory.com

The World Tourism Directory Editorial office Weststraße 25 59269 Beckum, Germany Tel: +49 (0) 2521.823333 Fax: +49 (0) 2521.823334 E-mail: editor@worldtourismdirectory.com Skype: herbote North American office Montréal, Canada americas@worldtourismdirectory.com Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/wtdtweets

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