Worldwide Festival Sete 2015 leaflet

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La Criée / 2pm-6.30pm

02.00pm 03.30pm 05.10pm

Jazz Attitudes Alex Barck Paul Brisco & Guy L’ amour

Théâtre de la Mer / 7.30pm-3am

07.30pm 08.50pm 10.00pm 00.00am




Rustam Ospanov Dayme Arocena live Roy Ayers live Gilles Peterson & Lefto

C.R.A.C. / 2pm-6.30pm

02.00pm 03.15pm 04.15pm 05.00pm

Poldoore Throwing Shade Little Simz live Young Marco

Théâtre de la Mer / 7.30pm-3am

07.30pm 10.00pm 00.00am

DMZ 10th anniversary & Friends James Blake live Mala+Coki+Loefah+Sgt Pokes


La Ola / 12pm-2.30pm



Le Mellotron DJs


Beach / 3pm-8pm

03.00pm 04.30pm 06.15pm

Rita Maia Emile Omar Hugo Mendez

Théâtre de la Mer / 7.30pm-3am

00.00am 08.15pm 09.15pm 10.10pm

Laetitia Sadier live Ed Motta live The Paradise Bangkok Molam International Band live Japan Night

Daisuke Tanabe live Yosi Horikawa live
 Toshio Matsuura (Hex) & Shuya Okino (Kyoto Jazz Massive) Supported by

Parce que le Worldwide est autant une grande fête qu’une histoire de famille, et qu’on ne peut pas toujours minuter nos amis qui ont tant à partager sur scène, les horaires sont sujets à changements... As well as being one big party, Worldwide is also one big family, so it’s not always possible to cut short our friends on stage who have so much to share with us. Therefore set times are subject to change...




La Ola / 12pm-2.30pm


Le Mellotron DJs

Beach / 3pm-8pm

03.00pm 04.00pm 06.00pm

Callis Floating Points Hunee

St Christ / 10pm-5am

10.00pm 11.00pm 00.00am 01.00am 02.00am 03.00am 04.00am


Vendredi Friday

Alex Patchwork Kate Tempest live Alex Patchwork Gogo Penguin live Swindle LTJ Bukem Fabio

La Ola / 12pm-2.30pm


Le Mellotron DJs

Beach / 3pm-8pm

07.30pm 03.00pm 04.30pm 06.00pm

LV Leon Vynehall Benji B LV

St Christ / 10pm-5am

10.00pm 11.15pm 00.15am 02.15am 03.00am

Sundae Simbad Louie Vega Tirzah live Dj Harvey



La Ola / 12pm-2.30pm


Le Mellotron DJs


Beach / 3pm-8pm

03.00pm 04.30pm 06.00pm

Thris Tian & Friends Josey Rebelle Thris Tian & Friends

St Christ / 10pm-5am

10.00pm 11.30pm 01.00am 02.15am 03.15am


Dimanche Sunday

Garfld Funkineven Seven Davis Jr live Herbert live Oneman

La Ola / 12pm-2.30pm


Le Mellotron DJs

Beach / 3pm-8pm

03.00pm 05.00pm 07.00pm

Simbad Osunlade Gilles Peterson

St Christ / 10pm-6am

10.00pm 11.15pm 00.00am 01.00am 02.00am 04.00am 05.00am

Worldwide Family Djs Trialogue live Lefto Soil & ‘Pimp’ Sessions live Laurent Garnier Worldwide Family Djs Gilles Peterson

Billetterie/Ticket office info HORAIRES D’OUVERTURE / OPENING TIMES LUNDI / MONDAY 6 JULY Office de tourisme 14h-17h30 / Théâtre de la mer 19h30-0h MARDI / TUESDAY 7 JULY C.r.a.c 14h-17h30 / Théâtre de la mer 19h30-0h MERCREDI / WEDNESDAY 8 JULY WF Beach 15h-18h / Théâtre de la mer 19h30-0h JEUDI / THURSDAY 9 JULY WF Beach 15h-18h / St Christ 22h-1h30 VENDREDI / FRIDAY 10 JULY WF Beach 15h-18h / St Christ 22h-1h30 SAMEDI / SATURDAY 11 JULY WF Beach 15h-18h / St Christ 22h-1h30 DIMANCHE / SUNDAY 12 JULY WF Beach 15h-18h / St Christ 22h-1h30

POUR RÉCUPÉRER VOS BRACELETS / TO COLLECT YOUR WRISTBANDS PLATINIUM & ST CHRIST PASS : À PARTIR DU LUNDI / FROM MONDAY 6 JULY / 14h (Office de Tourisme) Bracelet remis sur présentation de votre billet imprimé et d’une pièce d’identité. Les bracelets sont personnels et ne seront pas remplacés. Le ‘Platinium pass’ donne accès à tous les spectacles. Le ‘St Christ pass’ ne donne pas accès au Théâtre de la mer. You will be given a wristband after showing a printout of your ticket and some ID. Each wristband belongs to the ticket holder only and cannot be transferred. Platinium pass gives access to every shows. St Christ pass does not give access to the Théâtre de la Mer.

PRIX SUR PLACE / PRICES AT THE DOOR WF BEACH Entrée libre le mercredi / 20 € du jeudi au dimanche Free on Wednesday // 20 € from Thursday to Sunday

THÉÂTRE DE LA MER 35 € (Les spectacles peuvent être complets, se renseigner sur notre site web / Shows might be sold out, check out our website) ST CHRIST 35 € Beach & Théâtre de la Mer/ Accès interdit au moins de 16 ans non accompagnés des parents. Under 16 years old unaccompanied by their parents will be refused entry. St Christ : Interdit au moins de 18 ans, avec ou sans parents. No minors under 18, with or without their parents.

Jetons/Tokens Comme l’an dernier, un système de jetons appelés «TOKEN» sera mis en place pour consommer aux bars et points de restauration. 1 TOKEN = 2 €. Il peut être séparé en deux, donc un demi Token = 1 €. Sauf le lundi après-midi, à la Criée, pour l’ouverture du WF, ce système sera mis en place sur tous les lieux. Les TOKENS sont valables du 6 au 12 Juillet inclus et ne sont pas remboursables, ni échangeables. Tous nos bars acceptent aussi le paiement par carte banquaire à partir de 15 €. As last year, tokens will be necessary to consume at bars and food stalls inside the festival venues. 1 token = 2 €. Each token can be split in two parts, so 1/2 token = 1 € This system will be established at every venue of the festival. Tokens will be sold from the Monday evening at Théatre de la mer, and all week long at every venue. However, there will not be any payment by token at la Criée Monday afternoon for the opening of the festival. Tokens are valid from the 6th to the 12th July included, and they are not refundable nor exchangeable. Please note that all the bars of the festival also accept payments by Visa cards for a minimum amount of 15 €. .................................................................................................................................

Restauration/ Food Une petite faim ? Retrouvez les stands de restauration Sud de France au Théâtre de la Mer et au St Christ. Huitres, tielles, sandwiches chauds ou froids, ce que la région Languedoc-Roussillon a de meilleur à vous offrir sera à portée de main jusqu’au bout de la nuit. En plus, c’est une entreprise solidaire , la Table de Cana, qui sera aux commandes. Raison de plus de ne pas vous priver ! This year the food and drink stands at all the Worldwide Festival sites will be serving up Sud de France products. The finest local specialities such as oysters and Tielles, as well as hot and cold sandwiches will be available right through to the early hours. Plus, a cooperative company, ‘la Table de Cana’ will be at the controls. Another reason not to miss out! .................................................................................................................................

Merchandising Retrouvez les produits WF sur chaque site (Criée, Crac, Théâtre de la Mer, Plage et Saint Christ) au stand dédié et à l’Office du Tourisme. Pour la dixième édition, redécouvrez les produits collectors de ces dix dernières années et les sacs et tee-shirts exclusifs de 2015. Find the WF merchandising at each festival venue (Criée, CRAC, Théatre de la mer, Beach and St Christ) and at the tourism office. For the 10th edition, rediscover the collector products of these last ten years alongside with exclusive 2015 bags and T-shirts.

Transport Cette année, le Worldwide Festival ne peut mettre en place des navettes, cependant le réseau de bus de Thau Agglomération vous permet d’effectuer les principaux trajets en journée. This year, the Worldwide Festival is unable to provide a shuttle service. However, the local bus network provides many services to get you to and from the main sites during the day. Find the schedule that best suits your plans! Ligne 3 - Line 3 / Gare > St Christ (‘Le Môle’) > WF Beach (‘Villeroy’) Ligne 9 - Line 9 / St Christ (‘Le Môle’) > Théâtre de la Mer > ‘Le Castellas’ (camping) Ligne 6 - Line 9 / Gare > CRAC (‘Centre d’Art’) Pour faciliter vos déplacements nous vous invitions à vous tourner vers nos partenaires, Flying Cat et Sète Croisières. To make it easier for you to get around, why not check out our partners: Flying Cat and Sète Croisières.

Flying Cat Flying Cat est le leader de la location de vélos électriques sur la ville de Sète. Cette année encore un stock spécial pour les festivaliers est prévu ! Flying Cat vous invite également à découvrir l’histoire de l’ostréiculture de l’étang de Thau via une ballade avec Croisière Bleue. Flying Cat is the number one electric cycle hire service in Sète. This year, there will once again be extra stock especially for festival goers! With Flying Cat, you can also discover the history of oyster farming around the Thang Lagoon via a trip with Croisière Bleue. Flying Cat : +33 (0)9 60 46 18 20

1 Beach stage 2 Théâtre de la Mer 3 St Christ

4 C.r.a.c. 5 Criée

Navettes Sète Croisières/Boat Shuttles Cette année encore Sète Croisières soutient le Worldwide Festival et vous propose de vous déposer à quelques minutes du WF Beach Stage (situé à coté de la Ola) depuis le centre-ville en bateau ! Une traversée agréable et originale pour découvrir Sète depuis la mer. Rendez-vous quai Général Durand, aux caisses de l’Aquarius (à l’angle du pont de la Savonnerie) ou directement au WF Boat. This year, Sète Croisière has once again teamed up with the Worldwide Festival and is providing a boat service from the town centre which will drop you a few minutes away from the WF Beach Stage (located near la Ola)! It’s an enjoyable and original way to discover Sète from the sea. Get your tickets at the Aquarius’ checkout, quay Général Durand (at the angle of the bridge of the soap factory), or directly at the WF BOAT. Sète Croisière : 04 67 46 00 46

Parkings vélo/Cycle parking Afin d’assurer la sécurité de vos vélos, nous mettons à votre disposition des parkings vélos gardés aux abords de la plage et du Môle St Louis. Vos vélos seront protégés de tout vol ou dégradation. Pensez à vous munir d’un antivol, et accrochez une de vos roues aux barrières disponibles. To make sure your bikes are safe, we have provided secure cycle parking areas by the beach and at the Môle St Louis. Here your bikes will be safe from theft or damage. Please make sure you lock your bike, and attach one of the wheels to the barriers available. .................................................................................................................................

Parkings Pour éviter de vous faire verbaliser ou enlever votre véhicule par les autorités compétentes, nous vous invitons à utiliser les parkings de la ville de Sète : le long de l’avenue Jean Monnet, les parkings disponibles sur la Corniche de Neuburg et enfin, au plus proche de la WF BEACH le parking Adenauer. So as to avoid parking fines or having your car towed by authorities, we invite you to use Sete’s allocated parking spaces situated along Avenue Jean Monnet, upon the Corniche de Neuburg or the Adenauer parking lot, closest to the WF BEACH. .................................................................................................................................

Sécurite, santé & respect de l’environnement Safety and respect of the environment

La loi nous impose de ne pas autoriser le public à rentrer sur les sites gratuits avec leurs boissons alcoolisées. Merci de votre compréhension. Pour votre sécurité la baignade est désormais interdite aux abords du CRAC, les courants et hélices de bateaux pouvant se révéler dangereux. Encore une fois, l’association Aremacs apporte son soutien au WF pour garder les lieux propres et encourager le tri sélectif. Merci de nous aider à respecter l’environnement en utilisant les bacs à tri mis à votre disposition. Prenez soin de vous ! Une équipe est à votre écoute pour vous conseiller et vous accompagner pour une fête responsable. N’hésitez pas à en profiter pour vous équiper de bouchons auditifs. En cas de blessure ou de problème de santé, une équipe médicale sera présente sur chaque site pour vous soigner et vous accompagner. We are obliged by law to prohibit members of the public from bringing alcoholic drinks into the free-of-charge areas. Thank you for your understanding. For your safety, swimming is no longer permitted along the quayside of the CRAC, due to the dangers of strong currents and boat propellers. Just like every year, the Aremacs Association supports the Worldwide Festival with keeping all areas clean and tidy and promotes selective sorting. Please respect the environment by using the recycling bins provided. Be safe ! The WF staff is here to advise and help you to enjoy the festival responsibly. Do not hesitate to ask for earplugs. In case of injuries or any health issue, a medical team will be available at each venue to take care of you.

Conception - création : direction de la communication . Région Languedoc-Roussillon - Photographies : David Maugendre - Agence Fish’Eye - stylisme : Cornélia.Z. Juin 2015



Avec ses 246 000 hectares de vignes, le Languedoc-Roussillon est le plus grand vignoble du monde. Il produit 12 millions d’hectolitres par an, soit 34 % de la production française, et s’exporte sous la bannière Sud de France. Ses vins sont pluriels, rouge, blanc, rosé, doux naturel, effervescent. Des vins typés, marqués par la générosité du terroir et gorgés de soleil, ils sont le reflet de notre territoire. La viticulture qui génère 100 000 emplois est un véritable pilier de l’économie régionale.



La Maca !! Macaronade

Mardi 7 juillet de 11h à 14h Tuesday July 7 / 11am-2pm Place Léon Blum L’équipe du WF vous invite à venir déguster la célèbre macaronade sétoise* sur la place de la mairie en association avec le Galoubet & le Bar à lire ! The WF team invites you to come & taste the famous Macaronade Setoise* in the Town Hall square in partnership with the «Galoubet» & «Bar à Lire» ! Réservations / Bookings: +33 (0)4 67 74 23 30 / +33 (0)9 67 32 30 07 *Macaronade : plat typique sétois d’origine italienne à base de macaronis ou penne, de viande et de sauce tomate confite/ Typical dish from Sète of Italian origin with macaroni or penne, meat, pork and tomato confit sauce.

The famous Macaronade Setoise by...

LE GALOUBET Avec sa terrasse sur la place de la Mairie, le Galoubet dit « Chez Boule » est l’incontournable bar du centre dont la notoriété n’est plus à faire. Sa macaronade est légendaire à Sète. With its terrace facing the town hall of Sète, the well-known Le Galoubet, also called “Chez Boule,” is one of the must-see bars of the city centre. Its “Macaronade,” a traditional local dish, is legendary in Sète. 18, Rue Paul Valery / 04 67 74 23 30

BAR À LIRE Bar resto concept où les bibliothèques se mélangent avec les cuisines. Traversant entre la Grand’ Rue et la place de la Mairie. Ce lieu original propose une cuisine du marché de qualité. Concept bar/restaurant with a bookish theme. Crossing Grand’ Rue and “Place de la Mairie”, if you are looking to enjoy some quality fresh food from the market, do not miss this place. 28, Grand’ Rue Mario Roustan

Hot Spots


Photo/ Li Wei - Séte 2012

La WF beach party revient à ses premières amours en s’associant avec l’un de nos partenaires historiques, la plage La Ola, au Triangle de Villeroy. Un peu plus loin du centre mais pour plus de confort, avec des zones ombragées, et le restaurant dès 11h30 en service continu, des spécialités locales de poissons et de viandes, (les lève-tôt auront le poisson péché du matin) et un menu ‘snack’ si vous voulez continuer à danser. Si vous préferez la sieste sur un matelas, un repas assis, ou une dégustation, pensez à réserver. Et tous les midis de mercredi à dimanche les Mellotron Djs y joueront un set de folie de 12h à 14h30 ! This year, the WF Beach Party returns to Triangle of Villeroy, by teaming up with one of our historic partners, La Ola. We moved away a bit from the city centre for more comfort, and we’ve created a chill out area. You can also eat from 11.30am with a continuous service. Enjoy the local fish and meat dishes (fish caught in the morning! get up early!) with a snacking option available. For those who would favour a nap on a sun lounger, a seated meal, a wine & cocktail tasting while playing « petanques » book now! Le Mellotron DJs will play some of their finest tunes from 12pm to 2.30pm, Wednesday to Sunday. 201, Promenade du Lido / 04 67 53 07 14

DOCK SUD Galerie d’art contemporain située à 2 pas du Crac en face du Canal Royal. Contemporary art gallery located just a few steps from the “Crac,” facing the Royal Canal. 2 QUAI ASPIRANT HERBER / 04 67 74 00 77 /

LE PARIS MÉDITERRANÉE & LE BARBU Le restaurant Paris Méditerranée (Bib gourmand sur le guide Michelin) a investi l’ex Baratcho et propose une carte de cocktails, de bières et vins de qualité ainsi qu’une sélection de tapas de premier choix. The Paris Méditerranée restaurant (Listed in the Michelin Guide) took over the former «Baratcho» and offers a cocktail menu, beers, quality wines and a great tapas selection. Paris Méditerranée 47, rue Pierre Semard Du mardi au samedi midi et soir/Open Tuesday to Saturday for lunch and dinner Le Barbu 11, quai Rhin et Danube ouvert tous les jours de 17h à 2h/open daily from 5pm to 2am

L’ÉCHAPPÉE BELLE L’échappée belle est une librairie indépendante de référence située en plein centre ville, juste à côté des halles. Ouverte tous les jours, du lundi au dimanche matin, la librairie propose vingt mille références de littérature, jeunesse, bd, livres illustrés et livres en anglais. L’échappée Belle is a re-known independent bookstore located in the city centre, right next to «Les Halles». We are open every day, from Monday to Sunday morning and offer 20 000 literature references, youth, comics, picture books and books in English. 7 rue Gambetta / 04 67 43 64 54

AQUI SIAN BEN Un lieu pas tout à fait comme les autres dans le quartier de la Criée, ce bar à tapas original mélange une boutique de vêtements vintage et une galerie d’art. Ouvert tous les jours. A unique spot tucked away in the Criée district, its original tapas bar has a vintage clothes shop with an art gallery. Open everyday. 5, Quai Maximin Licciardi / 06 18 37 26 12

AU BOUT D’LA RUE Petit bar à tapas et cave à vins très convoitée par le cru ou l’on y retrouve anchois marinés et autres coquillages, situé au dessus de la Marine. Il n’est pas rare d’y trouver quelques djs undergrounds pour ambiancer la nuit. Ouvert tous les jours jusqu’à 2h . This small tapas bar and wine shop is really popular with the locals, specialising in marinated anchovies and a variety of shellfish. Located above the marina, you can often find DJs playing to set the mood for the evening. Open every day until 2:00 am. 70, Grand’rue Mario Roustan

AU FEU DE BOIS Au coin du feu ou de leur terrasse d’été dans un cadre chaleureux, vous pourrez déguster des grillades de poissons et de viandes. Ouvert tous les jours sauf dimanche et lundi midi / Salle climatisée Relaxing near the fireplace or on the terrace, you can taste a range of grilled fish and meat. Open every day for lunch and dinner. Closed on Sunday and open for dinner on Monday. Air conditioned room 8, Rue Frederic Mistral / 04 67 74 77 56

BOUDDHA LOUNGE Bar ambiance, tapas et cocktails au cœur du quartier des Quilles en face du Canal. Ouvert de 7h à 2h du matin. Groovy bar with tapas and cocktails in the heart of the Quilles’ district in front of the canal. Open 7:00 am to 2:00 am. Res. Le Neptune - 2, Zac Des Quilles / 06 08 36 44 02




Conception - création : direction de la communication . Région Languedoc-Roussillon - Photographies : David Maugendre - Agence Fish’Eye - stylisme : Cornélia.Z. Juin 2015



Huîtres, moules, escargots de mer... L’aquaculture du Languedoc-Roussillon produit 14 000 tonnes de coquillages par an et représente 50 M€ de chiffre d’affaires. Daurade, loup, rouget, lotte... de nos rivages sont pêchés 12 000 tonnes de poissons pour un chiffre d’affaires de 60 M€ annuel. Les produits de la mer représentent 10 000 emplois de la région. Les poissons méditerranéens, improvisés en barbecue ou en recette originale telle que la brasucade ou la seiche à la sétoise, la mer est généreuse en Languedoc-Roussillon.


CHAI ALEX Alex Cellier, caviste et pinarologue de renom vous propose plus de 200 références de vins du Languedoc et de spiritueux du monde entier. Ouvert de 10h à 13h et de 15h30 à 20h. Alex Cellier, wine shop owner, proposes more than 200 wines from Languedoc and spirits from all over the world. Open 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, and 3:30 pm to 8:00 pm. 1481 Promenade Marechal Leclerc - La Corniche / 04 48 08 62 87

OH GOBIE / LES SARDINES En plein cœur du vieux port au milieu des chalutiers à deux pas de la Criée. Macaronade et poissons frais. Ouvert tous les jours de 10h à 15h et 18h à minuit In the heart of the old port amongst a mass of trawlers, and in close proximity to “La Criée.” Offers “macaronade” and fresh fish. Open every day 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, and 6:00 pm to 12:00 am. 2 & 9 Quai Maximilien Licciardi / 06 47 70 66 60 / 04 99 02 61 14 /

CHEZ PAUL Restaurant de burgers maison et de poissons frais dans la mythique rue des «prisons » Restaurant with homemade burgers and fresh fish located on the legendary “Prisons” street. Rue André Porte / 06 11 20 19 74

COQUILLAGES & CRUSTACÉS Face à la Criée de Sète. L’élégance est une habitude dans ce lieu atypique qui propose langouste, poisson, caviar et crustacés. In front of “La criée”. Frequented by a more elegant crowd, this atypical place offers lobsters, fish, caviar and shellfish. 13 Quai Maximin Licciardi – 0467436550

HIPPY MARKET Rendez vous de la jeune génération sétoise. Ambiance design, chic et branchée. Cuisine soignée / Bar à cocktail / Dj set électro house du mardi au dimanche. Ouvert non stop de midi à 2h du matin. Meeting point of Sète’s young generation, boasting a chic and upscale atmosphere this bar offers high-end food and cocktails. 29 Quai Géneral Durand – 04 67 74 37 96

L’ALEXANDRE Au bord du canal Royal, l’Alexandre propose une restauration de spécialités sétoises et de poissons du jour, Snacking et cocktails. Service non stop de 11h à 22h30, - 10 % sur l’addition, Free wifi Located on the bank of the Royal Canal, The Alexandre offers a menu specializing in the local cuisine of Sète, as well as a ‘fish du jour,’ small appetizers and cocktails. Non-stop service 11:00 am to 10:30 pm. 10% discount on the bill. Free WiFi 2, Quai Léopold Suquet / 04 67 74 58 35

L’ENDROIT Perché sur le panoramique des Pierres Blanches, ce lieu magique propose midi et soir brochettes et cuisine du marché à l’ombre des Pins. Ouvert tous les jours de 10h à 2h du matin. Perched atop the Pierre Blanches with a panoramic view, this magical spot shaded by pine trees offers a selection of skewers and fresh dishes from the market for lunch and dinner. Open every day 10:00 am to 2:00 am. Panoramique / Chemin Des Pierres Blanches / 04 67 53 33 40

LA BOCA Petit lieu raffiné en plein cœur de ville, sélection de vins et de tapas originaux, coquillages, pinxos et fish & chips. Ouvert du mardi au dimanche de 11h à 16h et de 18h à minuit. Free wifi. A small, elegant location in the heart of the city with a unique selection of wines, tapas, shellfish, pinxos (small bites), and fish & chips. Open Tuesday to Sunday 11:00 am to 4:00 pm, and 6:00 pm to midnight. Free WiFi 0467182804

LA RESSOURCE Brasserie incontournable de la Corniche avec sa terrasse ensoleillée, vous pourrez y manger des brochettes et des plats traditionnels sétois de 12h à minuit non stop. English breakfast dès 6h. A must-visit brasserie in the Corniche district with a sun-filled terrace. Here you can choose from a selection of skewers and traditional Sète dishes. Open 12:00 pm to 12:00 am. English breakfast served from 6:00 am. Place De La Corniche / 04 67 53 01 13

LA SCALA Placé au début de la promenade et en face du phare de Sète. La Scala est un restaurant snack qui propose également des english breakfast à partir de 5h du matin. Free wifi, ouvert tous les jours. Located at the beginning of the promenade, in front of the lighthouse of Sète. La Scala is a snack that also provides English breakfast from 5am.Free Wifi. 28 promenade J.B Marty / 04 67 18 29 01

LE FLORE Au cœur du quartier piéton, Le Flore reste l’une des brasseries les plus anciennes et mythiques du centre ville. Spécialités sétoises. Ouvert 7/7 de 8h à minuit. Free Wifi. In the heart of the walking area, Le Flore remains one of the oldest and famous brewery of the inner city. There you can find local specialties. Open 7/7 from 8am to midnight – Free Wifi 21 rue du Général De Gaulle / 04 67 18 83 78

LE VENISE Face à la mer, ce bar-restaurant familial vous propose leurs spécialités sétoises. After beach djs de 18h à 21h. Ouvert tous les jours de 9h à minuit. Facing the sea, this family bar-restaurant offers local specialties. After Beach DJs from 6pm to 9pm. Open 7/7 from 9am to midnight. 64, Corniche De Neubourg / 04 67 53 28 00

LES 2 RAMIERS En plein centre de Sète au bord du Canal, bar brasserie mythique de Sète qui propose des burgers originaux et des frites maison. Bar à cocktails et glacier. Service non stop, ouvert de 5h du matin à 2h. In the centre of Sète, along the canal. Famous Bar/Brewery that offers original burgers and homemade fries. Cocktail bar and ice creams.Non stop service from 5am to 2am 10 Quai Géneral Durand / 04 67 74 30 43

PAIN GOURMAND Boulangerie / Mini brasserie sur l’avenue Hausmanienne de Sète. Petite restauration et plats du jour. Bakery/ Mini brewery on the Hausmann style avenue of Sète. Small restaurant and today’s specials. Open 7/7 from 6am to 8pm 23, Avenue Victor Hugo

RESTO PAIN Situé à cinq minutes du saint Christ, au dessus du Vieux port. Burger / Snacking maison / Frozen Yoghurt. Service non stop de 10h du matin à 7h du matin le lendemain. Free wifi Located 5 minutes away from the St-Christ, above the old harbour. Burger / Housemade snacking / Frozen yoghurt Non stop service from 10am to 7am – Free Wifi 87, Grand’ Rue Mario Roustan / 09 83 90 83 63

TUK TUK À bord de son Tuk Tuk, Walid peut transporter jusqu’à 6 personnes. Trajets sur réservation uniquement. On board of his Tuk Tuk, Walid can transport up to 6 persons. On reservation only. 06 88 64 64 42

ÂŤMusic festivals are places that bring together stable and volatile elementsÂť

The Worldwide Feeling John M. Gómez

The ritual of the festival itself is consciously constructed: its timing, its setting, and its line-up are coordinated with a clear purpose by the event’s masterminds and organisers. Yet the erratic momentum of the live event means that what happens within the festival’s confines is impossible to predict. This is the empty space that the fans occupy, and it is in this space that the festival comes alive. The Worldwide Festival in Sète turns 10 this summer. A decade on, and this gathering in a fishing town in the south of France has a lot to celebrate. It has grown from being a secret hushed between friends into a fully-fledged international music destination. While the panorama of summer festivals has changed and the market has become increasingly competitive, Worldwide has maintained a clear identity. The festival continues to bring together a unique diversity of artists under its artistic director’s join the dots maxim, uniting the likes of Roy Ayers and Ed Motta with Young Marco and Osunlade. But its real triumph is in its preservation of its relaxed and welcoming character, brought by the people who return, year after year, to hear the music they love. The festival’s remarkable setting contributes in no small measure to the Worldwide psyche. Festival directors Franck, Guillaume, Boris, and Ivan explain that coming to Worldwide “is like a musical and culinary journey around the town bathed in rosé.” Exploring Sète’s beaches, districts, and canals alongside the festival’s magnificent venues encourages a sense of disconnection. Once inside the festival’s physical and imagined limits it is easy to get caught up in a feeling of liberation from the pace of the world outside. “We are not here to build package holidays: we want to give people a factor 45 hit of sunshine, music, and dance that will make them fall in love with the town.” For many fans, the journey to Sète in July feels like an annual pilgrimage. Simone Ortloff – a devotee from Cologne – describes how when the “passionate and musically literate crowd” descends upon the town, it becomes a devotional destination in which dancing feet, listening ears, and a degree of faith are brought together under the sun. “Gilles Peterson comes from a music culture in which the sense of belonging to something is the most important thing. At Worldwide he manages to transport that spirit to the present, and the festival is its physical mecca.”

Photo/ Music By Marina

2012 / Carl Cox

Indeed, there is a tangible sense of belief in Peterson’s sound, and in the invitation to join him for seven days. His own musical contributions always drive a mood of sunburnt open-mindedness through the crowd, with a smattering of well-placed hits to support his idiosyncratic eclecticism. But there’s something more dazzling about his recurring presence throughout the festival: he draws the crowd in with his boyish enthusiasm, and it is startling to see how the crackling excitement his opening set generates is maintained until the festival draws to a close. He is carried as much by the fans as he carries them, and one feels that even he is slightly over-awed with the energy they bring to the event. Occasionally artists triumph at Worldwide not because of their music, but because they somehow manage to encapsulate the experience of being at the festival in the connections they build with the fans. Opaque, hushed and introverted, James Blake’s music may not be the stuff of air-punching anthems. And yet drifting across the night air, his trio somehow communicated a feeling of intimacy to the large crowd, filling the Théâtre de la Mer with rows of tearful eyes.

« Big festivals are like Sky, you pay for 800 channels but you only watch four of them » The festival directors explain that they “want to create moments of surprise and of discovery, but also of shock.” Programming provocative acts is a key part of their formula. “Big festivals are like Sky for us; you pay for 800 channels but you only watch four of them. We propose something different: a curated approach in which we ask people to trust our ears and, hopefully, we can help them discover and appreciate a few artists they may never encounter otherwise.”

Artists like Omar Souleyman reflect this daring approach. His challenging Casio crazed performance made the Funktion One rig sound like a Syrian taxi’s speakers, precipitating a distinctly awkward atmosphere. However, midway through the act, Pete Belk from London emerged out of the muddled throng. Bolstered up by the crowd and wearing an improvised keffiyeh made out of a tea towel, this fan reached for the singer’s hand in a scene that resembled the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, guiding the crowd out of its unease to definitively embrace the overdriven Omar, and invoke the riot he deserved. Moments like these somehow absorb and appropriate a wider feeling, and end up defining the festival more than its performances. A brooding Nicolas Jaar show will be remembered for the appearance of a red flare in the middle of the St Christ. This blaze crept out of the crowd, lighting the scene with a jarringly slow-burning glare that replicated the atmosphere and emotional resonance of his crumbling piano.

2013 / Omar Souleyman

With no overt division between public and artists, there often is a feeling of collaboration between the two. Elisa Chía, from Madrid, remembers the moment a storm broke out during Mala’s set at the Théâtre de la Mer. “It was both charming and amusing to see all these famous artists that we idolized rush to help keep one of their own dry so he could continue playing the kind of dubstep that felt like a giant stomping on our heads.” The battle with the rain may have added an element of juxtaposition, which only served to intensify the crowd’s collective sense of occasion.

Photo/ Emmanuel ‘Mad’ Comte

2007 / Sébastien Tellier

It is in these experiences that Worldwide’s vibrant nature is underlined. With audiences in an ambling state of flux and with the capricious influence of the weather, it is impossible to tell who will be the event’s big musical hit. At Worldwide, you can guarantee certain things - whether you want to or not, you will, at some point, eat a tielle sétoise and bawl out proudly when Gilles asks if there is anyone here from your country. But, thrillingly enough, you can never guarantee where the defining Worldwide moment will come from.

Photo/ Emmanuel ‘Mad’ Comte

2012 / Tinariwen

Perhaps it is not these moments that keep people coming back, but the relationships that the festival enables. There is something very powerful about meeting likeminded people from all around the world. Hanne Libbrecht, who relocated from Brussels to London after Worldwide, explains that the festival helps change lives. “You have the amazing morning walks back to the hotel along the sea, with the music still vibrating in your body. Worldwide creates magical moments, and the sharing of these moments can expand one’s horizons by giving birth to most beautiful friendships and relationships. Worldwide started a new and precious journey for me.” The particular alchemy of music, sun, and setting is mind altering, creating a perceptible community that stretches beyond Sète and July. It is a feeling that amounts to more than the inevitable reshuffle of iPod playlists that will occur during the summer months as people attempt to recreate the warmth, vibe, and happiness of the experience. It is a complete alteration of people’s capacity to think and talk about anything else. The festival’s boundless energy and spirit sucks you in and makes you want to come back again and again. And here we are one more time.

Bon anniversaire Worldwide, and happy birthday to all those that will dance together in a summer well lived!

On the couch with

Soil &‘Pimp’ Sessions What was your favorite poster in your bedroom? It’s a life-size poster of Charles Mingus that came with the January 1978 issue of Penthouse ! What song got you lucky on the dancefloor at high school parties? “Rock’n’Roll Radio” by the Ramones. What is your secret record to get the party going when nobody is dancing? “Everydub” by The Sunburst Band always brings people to the floor and makes them start to breakdance. Which record have you bought that you are the most ashamed of? Whenever we buy our own CDs, that’s the most embarrassing. What is the most improbable tune you’ve ever played in one of your sets? “Psycho Therapy” by the Ramones. Best place and worst place you’ve ever played at? World Wide Festival is probably the best place we have played at. As for the worst, we once played in a Japanese resort town called Atami at the National Conference for Butchers and Slaughterhouse Owners. That was a pretty horrible gig. When was the last time you went out and can’t remember anything at all? A few months ago we went out with a few model friends of ours to an underground aquarium/mermaid fetish bar in Otemachi after a long night of drinking. All we can remember is seeing the mermaid’s tail and then we all blacked out. When is the next summer of love? Now? It might be now. What is a summer of love by the way?

What would be your wrestling alter ego and what would your main power be? Seeing as being a pimp would be too obvious, our wrestling alter ego would be called The Amazing Prostitute. His special power move would be the undefeatable Power Pelvic Thrust, a.k.a. PPT. What’s your real job? What do you tell your parents? All of us are professional musicians. But we tell our parents that we are pimps and that we sell adult videos and sex toys. Why has Gilles booked you? Please ask him. He knows everything what we want to know. Give us 3 songs who will rock your summer and could rock ours easy? Summer Love feat. José James by Soil &”Pimp”Sessions, Summer Time feat. José James by Soil &”Pimp”Sessions, Summer Goddess by Soil &”Pimp”Sessions ! What is the one thing you want to do while in Sète? Make traditional Japanese bathing suits out of oysters and sea shells and wear them to the beach...

Sunday, St Christ, 1am...

Photos : Emmanuel ‘Mad’ Comte

Honestly being a DJ, does it still work with attracting the boys/girls? Oddly enough, as jazz musicians we mostly attract male/female DJs. Not sure how that works.

Conception - création : direction de la communication . Région Languedoc-Roussillon - Photographies : David Maugendre - Agence Fish’Eye - stylisme : Cornélia.Z. Juin 2015



La Tielle de Sète, dont la recette est jalousement gardée depuis des siècles, honore la richesse gastronomique du Languedoc-Roussillon. Comme d’autres spécialités de la mer telles que les anchois de Collioure, la brandade de morue, elle garnit les tables conviviales et ensoleillées d’un moment partagé en famille ou entre amis. L’industrie agro-alimentaire en Languedoc-Roussillon se place au premier rang du tissu économique de la région, forte des 20 000 emplois et 8,6 milliards de chiffre d’affaires qu’elle génère.



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