LeatherSpan November-December 2013

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Vol.16 No.6 | Nov-Dec 2013

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Welcome to INDIA INTERNATIONAL LEATHER FAIR 2014 2010 31st Jan - 3rd Feb, Chennai, India



& Glamour


Shoes &


LeatherSpan wishes all its readers

A Very Happy & Prosperous New Year 2014 LeatherSpan | November-December ’2013 | 3

l a b o r a t o r y

Leather Finish Applications Laboratory Opened In Ambur By Stahl India tanners and shoe makers are working harder than ever to attract new buyers and demonstrate what they have to offer. Upgrading of raw material and high specifications are must in today’s marketplace and these new laboratory facilities will be well-placed to offer advice and assistance with new technology for local tanners and shoes factories, whilst meeting the ever-changing and increasingly stringent environmental legislation for leather and leather products.


tahl India has recently opened a new Leather Finish Applications Laboratory at Ambur, clearly demonstrating the importance of the leather and shoe industries in this region. Ambur is the fourth applications laboratory to be opened by Stahl India, the other three being at Chennai, Kanpur and Kolkata. The inauguration was made by Mr Mecca Rafeeque Ahmed, Chairman of the Farida Group of Companies, accompanied by Mr Huub van Beijeren, CEO of the Stahl Group. There was a short official programme adjacent to the laboratory during which Mr van Beijeren presented a small momento as a souvenir to Mr Rafeeque Ahmed. In his speech he said that Stahl is a company which believes in innovation, and this application laboratory would not be the last one that Stahl would inaugurate. Several others are already being planned. Stahl is committed to invest in the Indian industry and give a high level of service to its customers. In reply, Mr Rafeeque Ahmed stated that this

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type of facility, in which new products could be developed, was very important for all tanners and shoe factories in Ambur and the surrounding areas in today’s business environment. The two Chief Guests then moved to the laboratory entrance to cut the ribbon and declare the laboratory officially open. Visitors were then encouraged to mingle with other guests and Stahl staff, share tea and snacks, and view a selection of the latest locally developed fashion leathers. Later the same evening there was a dinner serving local specialities to Stahl customers. Stahl India recognises that

The Ambur laboratory will provide support for the local Stahl leather and shoe finish technicians while complementing the Colours and Tanning Products laboratory which is already operational nearby. Local staff will be able use the combined resources of the two neighbouring laboratories to offer solutions to problems and new developments from raw materials to finished leather. Full operating permits have been obtained from the local Pollution Control Boards. Both laboratories conform to Stahl’s strict safety, health and environmental policies thus ensuring the highest standards recognised in Europe or anywhere else in the world. A wide range of equipment and machinery has been installed, including a GeMaTa StarPlus rollercoaster, a hydraulic plating machine and two newly designed spray booths. 


Ambitious Growth Plans Announced For Stahl’s Wet-end Products tive sales team is being created to spearhead the new sales drive. Working closely with the rest of the C&TP business the team is charged with developing a great new opportunity and a refreshed energetic culture for expansion on a higher level worldwide. This new undertaking is the first in future plans for establishing new ideas, new solutions and new sales opportunities within Stahl growth mission, building on an


tahl’s strategy for the development of its Colours and Tanning Products (C&TP) Division has received an extra boost in the last couple of months under the dynamic leadership of Jacques Potier. The company is convinced that its C&TP Division will grow substantially in the coming years through a determined increase in wet-end activities throughout the world.

Potier, enabling the technical and marketing staff to work closely together. With Mike’s help and guidance, a highly specialised C&TP automo-

already successful performance-driven culture that encourages the release of new energies, promotes innovation and develops a strong winning track record of growth. 

Among others, one of the areas for expansion is the automotive industry where Stahl’s Finish Department already has a strong foothold and very good customer relationships. This position of global leadership will provide an excellent platform on which the entire Stahl Organisation can capitalise to build a strong sales presence in all automotive sectors. With immediate effect, responsibility for C&TP sales to tanners providing leather for the automotive industry will be placed in the hands of the Automotive Team, led by Mike Tomkin. For these activities, Mike and his team will report to Jacques

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St Co C

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C o L O R

tahl Presents Fashion olour Forecast


tahl’s new Design Studio consultants, Bianco and White, have used their first presentation of a Fashion Colour Forecast to provide Stahl with a new way of looking at colour. The everpopular poster, which brightens many work areas across the world, is now supported by a new-look colour preview book. The number of colour groups has been reduced to four. This has allowed an improved selection of colours to be included, along with simple text explanations outlining Mood, Inspiration and Colours and a radical rethink on the presentation of illustrations make the whole presentation much easier to understand. The four colour groups selected for SpringSummer are “Tramp”, “Smooth”, “Tonic” and “Spotless”, each containing eight basic colours that are expected to lie at the heart of the colour spectrum for the season. The first colour group, Tramp, is based on a mood of authentic quality and rediscovering the rhythms of rural culture. Inspiration is derived from a mix of “beach mood” and “night glam” whilst integrating something of the “gypsy” into the city and rural styles. Colours are strong and natural, reflecting roots in distant ethnicities and museum vintage in pastel shades and in summery shades of blue, orange, purple and green. The illustrations show how scintillating, dramatic, brilliant effects are achieved as these colours are combined in patterns that cannot fail to catch the eye. As its name implies, the second group, Smooth, is

less dramatic, keeping a mood of simplicity and health. Here are moods derived from mother earth inspired by respect for the universe and a vegetable world derived from respect for the environment with its continual reminder for us to recycle. Colours are organic with earthy gradations that eventually reach over the horizon to the deep blue abyss beyond. From a world of gentle, earthy colours, the Tonic group plunges into a world inspired by energy and vitality. Vivacious clashes of brilliant bright colour are accented still further by naïve graphics. The mood is derived from the United States with an emphasis on eco-sustainability. The result is continual dramatic contrast of colours, white and brown, yellow and red, green and purple, blue and orange. This is a riot of colour and effect. Finally, everything calms down entering the Spotless colour group. There are no decorative excesses, only an essential elegance leading to a mood of candid and less sumptuous purity. The inspiration is one of a calm and still atmosphere that relaxes and purifies body and mind. Soft tonal shades suggest neutrals that are quiet and hidden from the light of the sun. No brilliant colours, this is a range of gentle colours that offer the opportunity for use in many unusual combinations that give a feel of peace and gentleness. Stahl’s Colour Preview for Spring-Summer really is something new. It is eyecatching. It is easy to understand. Above all, the simplicity of its presentation encourages the thought that “Here is something we can use in producing our own range of colours for SpringSummer”.

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GDS – International Event for Shoes & Accessories GLOBAL SHOES – leading trade show for sourcing 12 to 14 March 2014

Gold is the Trend Colour in 2014 • Lisa Tomaschewsky presents ASH at GDS • Great Interest in the New GDS Concept • Light Boots, Pointed Flats and Sport Hybrids are In • APICCAPS and GDS present International Yearbook • Many Sectoral Events during GDS


t the Düsseldorf shoe fair GDS – international event for shoes & accessories 815 exhibitors from 36 countries presented the trends and looks of the 2014 Spring/ Summer season over the three days of the exhibition. Add to this the 341 exhibitors from 15 countries at GLOBAL SHOES – leading trade show for sourcing held at the same exhibition centre though starting one day earlier. Almost 21,000 visitors, half of whom came from abroad, attended GDS and GLOBAL SHOES over the three/four days of the events – 80% of visitors were managers with decisionmaking powers. They were welcomed on Wednesday by an impressive opening show featuring Lisa Tomaschewsky as its celebrity guest. This actress causing a stir at the start of the

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year with the film “Heute bin ich blond” and previously working as a model was presented by the lifestyle group Highline United and GDS and attracted a great deal of attention in her shoes care of the footwear firm ASH.

time encouraged us in our plans.”

Avid Interest in the New GDS Concept This interest was only exceeded by the press conference on the new GDS concept held on Thursday afternoon – over 70 trade journalists accepted the invitation to find out more about the innovations. GDS and GLOBAL SHOES Director Kirstin Deutelmoser was delighted at the great turnout: “I can’t remember any press GDS conference that was as well attended as today’s. And the spontaneous response we received from exhibitors seeing the concept for the first

Spectators heard that GDS will now be earlier, more marketoriented, trendier and more international as this suits the sector’s needs, explained Werner Matthias Dornscheidt, President & CEO of Messe Düsseldorf: “As a leading fair we want to allow retailers the chance for guidance at the start of the season. Exhibitors should not just see Düsseldorf as a kick-off event for their innovations but should also use its PR opportunities to stage their brands.”

The press conference was followed by further presentations on the large fashion stage aimed at also informing GDS exhibitors about the new concept.

Light Boots, Pointed Flats and

International Event amongst foreign retailers was positive: two thirds reported similar or even better sales than in Summer 2012. What respondents did, however, agree on were the key colours of the forthcoming summer season. Here there were few differences at home and abroad, not only on the top two classics – beige/ brown tones and black – but also on the actual trend colours. The key common denominators were as follows in this order: silver/ gold, neutrals, black/white, indigo/denim and white. The great significance of silver and gold also ties in with the top favourite materials: right after leather (46%) come metallic and effect materials (44%). While all retailers agree on this, opinions differ significantly when it comes to suede/nubuk. German retailers rate this material the highest (49%), while foreign retailers rate the material significantly lower than leather and metallic and effect materials.

Sport Hybrids are In While journalists and exhibitors were already finding out about the future of GDS, retailers focused on the new styles of the 2014 Spring/Summer season. As proven by an exclusive survey at GDS, there is great demand for focus trends like light boots, pointed flats, sport hybrids and summer loafers. In particular, pointed flats play a very key role

both in Germany and abroad. As expected, German retailers looked more to light boots while Southern Europeans went for summer loafers. The style choices made by German retailers is influenced here by the negative experiences of this current summer: 56% of the German retailers polled said that sales this summer were worse than last year. However, the mood

APICCAPS and GDS present International Yearbook Thursday saw the Portuguese shoe association APICCAPS join forces with GDS to present the “World Footwear Yearbook 2013”, a comprehensive reference work for the global shoe market. In the presentation spectators were given particular insight into the US market and China’s impact on the worldwide shoe market. However, the Portuguese colleagues not only brought figures to Düsseldorf but also presented the “Portuguese Innovation Awards” at GDS honouring young talents at the Footwear Industry’s Centre of Professional Training in Portugal for

their special achievements. Many Sectoral Events during GDS However, there was not just excitement at the fair itself. For instance, Lloyd already used GDS on the Tuesday evening for an unofficial kick-off. Under the heading “Follow the Red Stripe” retailers, partners, and the press were invited to an event celebrating the firm’s 125th anniversary. The Wednesday then followed with a presentation of the schuhkurier Awards – the shoe sector’s answer to the Oscars – by the shoe magazine of the same name. Dr Deichmann was honoured here for his life’s work. The laudatory speech was held by Wolfgang Clement. A less formal event but one with a great vibe was the official GDS Party on Thursday with its Caribbean theme “Bahama Mama”. GDS – international event for shoes & accessories was held from 11 to 13 September 2013 and GLOBAL SHOES – leading trade show for sourcing from 10 to 13 September 2013 at Düsseldorf Exhibition Centre. A total of 1,156 exhibitors (815 GDS and 341 Global Shoes) from 41 countries presented trends for the Spring/Summer season. The next edition of GDS will be held from 12 to 14 March 2014. GLOBAL SHOES will be held one day earlier running from 11 to 14 March 2014. All activities of GDS and GLOBAL SHOES as well as numerous features like exhibitor contact data and collection descriptions can be found online at: www.gds-online.com or www.globalshoes-online.com

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GDS – International Event for Shoes & Accessories GLOBAL SHOES – leading trade show for sourcing 12 to 14 March 2014

Werner Matthias Dornscheidt, Dipl._Betriebswirt President and CEO Fair Duesseldorf portraited at the fairground Duesseldorf.

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Joachim Schaefer, Geschaeftsfuehrer der Messe Duesseldorf

CantonSF Shoe Fair

Global Shoe Brand Get together in March of Guangzhou at

c h i n a | f a i r

The 13th Guangzhou China

Italy, Germany, Spain,

Italy FERMO Provincial

Shoes - China Leather -

France, Japan, Hong Kong

Federation of Industry,

China Bags, 1-3 May 2014

China, Taiwan China, and so

Consorzio Elpidiense Export

(With Canton Fair) will be

on. Global well-know brands

and Shoe Industry Associa-

held in Guangzhou Poly

have booked the booth, such

tion of Wenzhou will orga-

World Trade Center .

as CK, Iceberg, Tibao

nize their members and give

Aucheho, Roberto Botticelli,

strong support to CantonSF.

CantonSF is the most

Roberta di Carnerino,

potential shoes fair and

Cesare Paciotti, Gritti, Zocal,

Meanwhile, the organizer

crucial platform for interna-

Luca Guerrini, Durando,

spares no effort to invite

tional brands of entering

Ernesto Dolani, Gaen,

buyers. On one hand ,

Chinese market. In today’s

Gianfranco Butteri, Giorgio

buyers of previous sessions

economical recession-hit

Piergentili, Mafra, Graziano

will continue to visit our fair,

environment, she will

Salvatelli, Phil Gatier,

On the other hand, the

promote the domestic

Gianfranco Lattanzi and

organizer trying to find

market and open a new

Morelli.Meanwhile, interna-

buyers by new channels of

chapter for the brands from

tional brands like

inviting wholesalers,

home and abroad to explore


distributors and agents to

the global market. She is a

will attend CantonSF. Well-

visit and purchase at this

real event for brand promo-

known domestic brands,

session. Organizer plans the

tion, information communi-

such as AokangÿKangnai

venue into four sections (the

cation and trend release in

and Chalichali have signed

exhibition sections of global

shoe industry.

contract with CantonSF.

well-known brands, interna-

Besides, production enter-

tional brands, domestic

With CantonSF coming,

prises from Zhejiang,

brands and export brands) to

CantonSF receives warm

Sichuan, Fujian and

facilitate the buyers’ visit

response from exhibitors

Guangdong, have confirmed

and purchase and to save

from home and abroad.

their participation.

their time. Welcome to the

They all express strong

9th China (Guangzhou)

ntention of taking part in

International and domestic

International Footwear Expo.

CantonSF. So far, 62% of the

associations’ participation

For more information,

exhibition booths have been

has become a major

please visit

sold out, with exhibitors from

highlight of this exhibition.


LeatherSpan | November-December ’2013 | 13

TFL Colour Trends Spring/Summer 2015


Spring-Summer 2015

TFL Colour Trends Spring-Summer 2015 TFL has released its new TFL Colour Trends

clean shades, starting from the new natural white dyes for drum that

Catalogue for the season Spring-Summer 2015.

combine light fastness with heat resistance. Washability remains as a

In the catalogue, TFL presents the colour trends

steady characteristic. The colours range from pastel beige to pastel

for the leather garment, footwear, accessory

orange, green and grey shades.

and additionally for the upholstery industry. In “Wearing” we have a return of calf skins decorated by plates, The colour trends are still divided into

embossing and every possible technique, concentrating on the

“Wearing” and “Living”, devoting a section to

smallest details which generally determinate the choice of style

each within the publication. Wearing comprises

offices. The colours vary from pastel pink, brown and orange to green

inspirations and colour trends for garments,


footwear and accessories. The Living section features all colours that will decorate the

In addition, we demonstrate how to achieve a deep black on

season’s interior designs.

chrome-free leather at lower cost by using SELLA® FAST Black WB in combination with SELLA® FIN Black PN.

In “Living” the plongé look of full grain nappa is in line with drum-impregnated suede for a

The TFL Colour Trends Catalogue is now available. For further details

severe look. Bovine skins are coloured with

please have a look at www.tfl.com.

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TFL Colour Trends Spring/Summer 2015


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TFL Colour Trends Spring/Summer 2015

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TFL Colour Trends Spring/Summer 2015


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Metal-free pretanning & retanning agent The demand for chrome-free tanning continues to increase - not only for automotive leathers but also for shoe and leather goods. To answer to that demand TFL, one of the leading companies for “Free Of Chrome” technology, has launched SELLATAN® CFX liq.. This polyaldehyde based special tanning agent is making the pretanning of full-substance articles easier than with currently available glutaraldehyde based pretans. As a new solution for the pretanning of wet-white and vegetable tanned articles the innovative tanning agent improves and simplifies the process. SELLATAN® CFX liq. penetrates easily through the cross section due to its masking effect and is the pretanning agent of choice for full substance pelts. Furthermore it ensures very good water release during samming, allowing accurate shaving with better substance control. Very importantly, because of its low astringency it imparts to leather a smooth, fine and tight grain with good dyeability. SELLATAN® CFX liq. is electrolyte stable and increases the shrinkage temperature when applied in pickle. For this reason it can be used in the chrome tannage and/or chrome retannage in order to improve softness and help reduce the amount of chrome offered. The free phenol and formaldehyde content in SELLATAN® CFX liq. is negligible and therefore it can be used to produce leathers which pass the TFL White Line® specifications. For further information please contact Jan-Tiest Pelckmans, Product Marketing Manager Wet-End: - TFL Phone: +49 7621 940 17 01 e-Mail: jan-tiest.pelckmans@tfl.com

Inauguration of the new TFL Research Centre in Huningue / France At the end of June the building of the new Research Centre on the premises of TFL France SAS in Huningue was completed and the R&D department has moved from Basel, Switzerland to Huningue, France. The fully equipped laboratories are the major part of the building and are now ready for use. We have now centralised all technical functions, R&D, Competence Centre, Pilot Plant and Product Management, in our facilities in Huningue. Product Management has moved some time ago and is fully functional. The upgrading of the Application Centre and the Leather Testing laboratory is under way. Completion is scheduled by end of August. The closeness of R&D, Application and Production will improve the efficiency of our processes. This leads to an increased innovation rate to the benefit of our customers.

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TFL extended its SELLA® DERM M2 Liquid Dyes Range for Finishing The SELLA® DERM M2 dyes are metalcomplex dyes for shading and colouring leather. The following products have been released for Finishing: Sella® Derm Citron M2 Sella® Derm Yellow M2 Sella® Derm Orange M2 Sella® Derm Red M2 Sella® Derm Pink M2 Sella® Derm Fuchsia M2 Sella® Derm Bordeaux M2 Sella® Derm Yellow Brown M2 Sella® Derm Red Brown M2 Sella® Derm Brown M2 Sella® Derm Navy M2 Sella® Derm Blue M2 Sella® Derm Black M2 Sella® Derm Black B M2 The Sella® Derm dyes are easy to use, provide brilliant and intense colour shades, show a high resistance to water spotting and a very good light fastness. The concentrated liquid dyes are free of NMP, soluble in both water and organic solvents, miscible with each other and show good storage stability. They are preferably used in spray dyeing (in order to intensify colour, improve levelling and correct the shade of aniline, semianiline, nubuck and suede leather), colouring water-based finishes and lacquers as well as for creating fashionable effects in finishing. For further information please contact Franz Wyss, Product Manager Phone: +33 3 89 89 56 40 e-Mail: franz.wyss@tfl.com

29th INDIA INTERNATIONAL LEATHER FAIR 2014 31st Jan - 3rd Feb, Chennai, India

Doorway to the fast growing and booming leather industryA wealth of business opportunities for a lifetime General Overview The Indian Leather Industry has been touching new heights of anticipated success in the past and is expecting a great high in the nearing future as well. No wonder that this industry has US $ 4 billion share in the market worldwide. The second largest manufacturer of leather garments and footwear, this industry has remarkably maintained its performance consistently. this has hastened the growth of business to such an extent that acclaimed international and national clients are looking forward to trade with India. To provide this common platform for one and all anticipating to trade with India, India Trade Promotion Organisation (ITPO) organise India International Leather Fair (IILF) from January 31 - February 3 every year. The forthcoming 29th annual meet (silver jubilee edition) has been cultured to provide the much needed and eagerly awaited platform for global manufacturers and exprters including national players engaged in the vast Leather industry, to come forward and get together to display their products and services and conduct business.

Avail this giant opportunity and grab your share of business and profits at India International Leather Fair (IILF) 2014. The trade show will be inaugurated on 31st January and business conducted from February 1- 3, 2014. IILF 2014 will showcase all items relating to the leather industry including leather accessories and goods. This mega event will be held at the Chennai Trade Centre, the only dedicated exposition venue in Tamil Nadu.

Products Galore Endowed with rich experience and expertise, the Indian Leather Industry is one of the major producers of finished leather in the world. This huge event will showcase the widest possible range of Leather products such as finished leather, shoes, garments, fashion accessories, travel-ware, portfolios, belts, gloves, saddlery and harness to ancillary and auxiliary, chemicals, machinery and equipment, etc. IILF 2013 is a superb stage for traders, manufacturers, exporters, suppliers, distributors, service providers amongst others to widen their business galleries, broaden business ties and reciprocate views amongst themselves during this global meet of the entire leather industry. Looking at the successful innings in the past, IILF has all geared up to attract larger business from worldwide.

Prelude to IILF · A superb endeavor to discover new opportunities and business ventures concerning the leather industry. · A wide display of latest technology, footwear components, trendy and sophisticated range of leather products and services. · A platform for national and international leather business community to share ideas and innovations. · Theme/Trend Pavilion. · Fashion Show / Social Evening. · Seminars and conferences on the developments in the leather industry and future prospects.

Grab the golden chance, be a part of this gala event, and add to the glory of international leather fraternity at IILF 2014. LeatherSpan | November-December ’2013 | 19

ILF - INDO LEATHER & FOOTWEAR 2014 FACT -SHEET ACT-SHEET Show ILF - INDO LEATHER & FOOTWEAR 2010 The 9th Int’l Exhibition on leather and footwear machinery, manufacturing technology, materials and services. Held in Conjunction with IGT - INDO GARTEX Indo Garment & Textile Indonesia The 7th International Exhibition on Garment and Textile Machinery, Manufacturing Technology, Materials and Services Date 7-10 May 2014 (4-day exhibition) Venue Jakarta Convention Center - Hall B, Indonesia Exhibition Hours 10.00 - 19.00 WIB Supported By Ministry Of Trade Of The Republic Of Indonesia Ministry Of Industry Of The Republic Of Indonesia Ministry Of Cooperatives And Small And Medium Enterprises Istituto Nazionale Per Il Commercio Estero - Ice Italian Trade Commission Jakarta Indonesia Association Of Exhibition And Convention Organizers (ASPERAPI) The Indonesian Footwear Association (APRISINDO) The Indonesian Tanners Association (APKI) Exhibition Organizer KRISTA EXHIBITIONS . PT. Kristamedia Pratama Jalan Blandongan No.28 d/g. Jakarta 11220. Indonesia Tel +62 21 6345861, 6345862, 6334581, 6345002 Fax +62 21 6340140, 6342113 Email : info@kristamedia.com Web : www.kristamedia.com Admission The exhibition is open to trade and business visitors only. Admission is FREE by Invitation and business card registration. General public and minors below the age of 16 will not be permitted entry. All visitors must be properly attired ; Those in shorts and slippers will not be allowed into the exhibition halls.

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C E L E B E R I T I E S fashion&glamour

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nicole_kidman 22 | November-December ’2013 | LeatherSpan

sandra bullock

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megan fox 24 | November-December ’2013 | LeatherSpan


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Rosie Huntington-Whiteley 26 | November-December ’2013 | LeatherSpan

Megan Fox

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keira knightley 28 | November-December ’2013 | LeatherSpan

kelly brook

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katy perry 30 | November-December ’2013 | LeatherSpan

jennifer hudson

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elizabeth hurley 32 | November-December ’2013 | LeatherSpan

taylor swift

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kate moss 34 | November-December ’2013 | LeatherSpan

Zoe Saldana

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amy winehouse 36 | November-December ’2013 | LeatherSpan

jennifer aniston

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kelly brook 38 | November-December ’2013 | LeatherSpan

sienna miller

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International Event

Tag it! by GDS New trade fair format for private label manufacturers of shoes and accessories

private label manufacturers from Europe, Latin America, East Asia and Northern Africa and their latest collections, make it easy for international buyers to find exactly the information they need. In the future there will be clearly separated placements of European, East Asian, Latin American and African exhibitors within tag it!.

The debut of GDS as the global destination for shoes & accessories in July 2014 will be running in parallel with a new revised trade fair format: tag it! by GDS – the show for private label in shoes and accessories, which will be held from 29 July to 1 August 2014 as the logical development of the former GLOBAL SHOES exhibition. The new trade fair format is aimed at international manufacturers and retailers of footwear and accessories with the focus on private label production. The trade fair, which starts one day earlier than GDS, is the world’s only exhibition that covers private labels for footwear and accessories and caters for all the relevant market players and indeed at the right time for orders. Kirstin Deutelmoser, Director of GDS and tag it!, explains the new format: “We have understood that the market has a need for trade fairs with a clear focus. With tag it! by GDS we want to reflect the needs of the market and offer manufacturers and retailers a structural and conceptual framework for their business. Several leading European private label manufacturers have already expressed

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themselves very positively about our new format.” Owing to changes in the market and also structural changes, there has been an increasing focus on the manufacturing of private label products not only in parts of Europe but also in growth markets such as Northern Africa and Latin America. According to estimates, the share of private label products in the European retail trade is set to rise further (to over 50% by 2015)*. While the market volume is increasing, tag it! by GDS provides an ideal information and order platform for private labels of footwear and accessories. It is an ideal supplement to GDS, as it covers the segment which is so important in terms of trade fair policy while also including all the relevant international manufacturers. The clear segmentation of the halls, with a presentation of future

tag it! has its position at the end of the information process and at the beginning of the ordering process. It is a place where buyers can place the right orders at the right time. Moreover, as most retailers run both private and manufacturers’ labels, synergies in international trade can be expected through the parallel character of this trade fair, alongside the leading trade fair GDS. Another service that is provided at the trade fair is the purchasing offices which may be used by retail chains for the pre-sampling and pre-selection of final orders. Private-label manufacturers are also welcome to come to these offices and present their portfolios. *Nielsen Data for PLMA’s 2013 Private Label Yearbook All new tag it! by GDS activities can be found online at www.tagit-show.com

Wenzhou Fair

China(Wenzhou) Leather Fair 2014


he “China(Wenzhou) Int`l Leather Fair” and “Int`l Shoe Machinery & Raw Materials Exhibition” is officially renamed to be “China Int`l Synthetic Leather Fair” and “The 19th China(Wenzhou) Int`l Leather, Shoe Material & Shoe Machinery Fair” which is going be held on 28-30 August, 2014 in Wenzhou Int`l Convention & Exhibition Center, P.R.China. Depending on the suggestions from our customers and related associations, combined with market demand and its own advantages, it will creat a more professional, international and branding tradeshow. The creation of China Int‘l Synthetic Leather Fair not only meets the demand of Sustainable Development Strategy and market trend under low-carbon economy, but also provideds a more professional and branding one-step fair service for enourous domestic and overseas buyers with intergrating fair sources. Moreover, the demand of synthetic leather is largely expanding due to its wider use for bags, furniture, car upholstery except for shoes and garments; with tens of years hard working, the Synthetic Leather Area in Wenzhou Leather Fair has been highly developed and shaped its own characteritics and advantages. The reasons to establish an exclusive synthetic leather tradeshow independly from Wenzhou Leather Fair is to vigorously explore the sources of synthetic leather market and meet the chaging and expanding demand of buyers. It will definite provide an opportunity for synthetic leather suppliers to explore Chinese market and enhance their cooperation with global purchasers. As the first professional synthetic leather exhibition, 2010 China Int‘l Synthetic Leather Fair will provide a face-to-face business opportunity for synthetic leather manufacturers, exportors and purchasers home and abroad. Replying on Wenzhou, the “China Synthetic Leather Capital” and key exporting district, as well as the industrial supriority around, it will establish an enduringly stable and significant synthetic leather trade and commnunication platform. “2014 China Int‘l Synthetic Leather Fair” and “The 19th China(Wenzhou) Int‘l Leather, Shoe Material & Shoe Machinery Fair” will invite many domestic and famous brand companies, high quality buyers, as well as high efficiency, enviroment-friendly and energy-saving exhibits as leather, shoe materials, machinery and synthetic leather to Wenzhou. “2014 is the 19th Anniversary of Wenzhou Leather Fair”, said Chen Leqin, the manager of Marketing Department in Donnor Exhibition Company (organizer), “we will elaborately plan a series of fair activities, which will surely present a grand leather industry event.” Let‘s wait and see!

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Retail group wants to appeal shoe tax The National Retail Federation says it has asked Congress to pass legislation that would eliminate tariffs on a wide range of low-cost imported shoes, saying the measure would save shoppers an estimated $800 million a year collected under a 70-year-old “shoe tax.” The National Retail Federation is calling it the “Affordable Footwear Act.” “The shoe tax was adopted to protect a domestic industry that for all practical purposes no longer exists,” says NRF President and CEO Tracy Mullin. “Ironically, the tariff rates are highest for the lowest-cost shoes, meaning that low-income families are paying far more than they should for one of life’s basic necessities. It’s time to retire Depression-era trade policy.”

Hashan in Wenzhou City doubles shoes sales in the United States Wenzhou Hashan shoemaker took the crises as the opportunity, and doubled their sales of shoes in the United States in the first two months. Last year Hashan merged an Italian shoemaking company and greatly expanded the Italian markets. Since 2002 Hashan has entered the American shoe markets with their own brands of bravo, Coronado and Trevi, after four or five year’s experiences their products were sold in 500 large shopping malls and now increase to the sales in 2000 shopping malls in the United States, which includes the well-known shopping malls of Maycy and Northtrom. A local economist said the financial crises brought the more opportunity for Chinese enterprises in the United States, and Hashan depended on their good financial condition and achieved remarkable success under this adverse circumstance. 

Shoe exports in Vietnam fell by 10% in the first quarter

The NRF says S. 730, the Affordable Footwear Act, was introduced last year in March by Senator John Ensign, R-Nev., with Senator Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., as the bill’s lead cosponsor. The legislation would eliminate tariffs on about 60 percent of shoes imported into the United States, or nearly 1.5 billion pairs annually. It would apply to low-cost men’s, women’s and children’s footwear ranging from sneakers to high heels. NRF claims that with the market for low-cost shoes being highly competitive, most of the savings would be passed on to consumers.

Collective Brands Inc. begins to invest in Zhoukou, Henan Province

Vietnamese Ministry of Industry and Trade released the data that exports of textile dropped 0.1% to 1.903 billion U.S. dollars in the first quarter, shoe exports saw more decline, with 10.8% fell compared with same time of previous year, value dropped to 915 million U.S. dollars. Due to reduced orders, these two foreign oriented sectors will face more challenges this year.

CHINA : Prices of leather chemicals slumped Fan Ming, vice major of Zhoukou said in Shenzhen Zhoukou City has signed an investment memorandum with Collective Brands Inc. in footwear production, the city government and related departments attached an importance to the transition of Collective Brands. With world industrial transformation and reconstruction, Collective Brands is seeking for new production areas in inland China, so they had been made several investigations in Zhoukou City and inspected to local investment environment, industrial base, and raw materials supplying. At present Collective Brands has invested on a shoemaking factory in Zhoukou city.

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Almost all the chemical plants raised their products price last year, coupled with current weak leather market, nowadays the domestic chemical plants and foreign chemicals traders fell into hardly surviving. Since the beginning of this year with the decline in demand for leather products, chemicals markets competition led the prices back to the previous level, more and more domestic chemical products with competitive price were widely used in domestic tanneries. 

CHINA : The raising of export rebate helps recovery on leather sector export

Ecofriendly fashion becoming mainstream

Zoe & Zac’s Tigerlily Espadrille, $26.99, is a shoe that’s made from certified organic cotton and recycled rubber.


The rising of export rebate is a long term waiting for Chinese leather industry, and finally comes to force on April 1, 2009. The export rebate raising is one of items in national revitalization industrial program. According to insider predicts 1 percentage point up in export rebate will generate 4 billion profits for the industry, which will greatly release the export pressure on leather sector. For the future of development the leather industry should not only rely on the support from government, it should depend on itself to overcome difficulties. The leather industry differs from other sectors, and Chinese leather industry will be relatively early out of crises, because the industry as a whole still shows stable in production, orders from developed countries still there despite reducing in certain degree. The national revitalization program and stable industrial policies offer a good opportunity to the industry, with domestic markets needs increased and raw materials prices dropped, the leather industry in China will surely take a lead getting out of current crises. 

Three years for completing the building of Lucheng Leather Processing Base After multilateral discussion over the building of new leather processing base, an agreement was reached recently among enterprises, the industry association and related government departments in Wenzhou city. Wenzhou municipal government posted this development program, which will help the local tanning sector to complete the industrial transition and upgrading, and further strengthen the competitiveness of local leather industry. The new tanning zone is located in Lucheng District,

beginning from 2009 to the end of 2011 were the three years period of transition for local tanneries, more than 200 tanneries located in Xia’An, Qianjing, Shili, Dongqiao and Yanmen will move to newly established leather processing base, by than they will integrate into large scale tanneries. Backward technology and facilities were be eliminated, updated processing equipment and cleaner production will be introduced for making high end leather, effluent treatment should reached Standards at the national level. 

cofriendly fashion has come a long way in a few years. Designers are using natural fabrics in fresh ways, giving shoppers more stylish options than ever before. But finding them locally can be a bit of work. Whole Foods Market began carrying ecofriendly clothing when its first store opened in Austin in 1980, and its buyers continue to seek pieces that look as good as they feel. “Ecofashion is becoming much more mainstream and is moving in a fashion-forward direction. Designers are using a variety of sustainable fibers to make casual to high-fashion clothes,” said Kathy L. Oglebay, Whole Foods’ Southwest regional apparel buyer. “It’s definitely moving away from that granola feel.” Earth tones and flowy fabrics are often associated with ecofashion, but designer Rene Geneva, who launches her Sofi line this month at Whole Foods (locally, it’ll be at the Sugar Land, Bellaire and Woodway locations), is among those upgrading the concept. Geneva works with certified organic cotton and bamboo as well as formaldehyde-free and wildcrafted (i.e., harvested in their natural state) silk and hemp blends. Her designs range from cocktail gowns to winter coats. Her Sofi line includes dresses and skirts that are elegant and modern. Oglebay recommends shopping for items that are certified as organic cotton, which is softer

than conventional cotton. Other natural fabrics also have benefits. Items made from bamboo have natural antimicrobial properties; the fabric breathes well and wicks moisture away from the skin. Hemp products are stronger and last longer than other materials, Oglebay said. National retailer Payless Shoesource has collaborated with environmentalist and model Summer Rayne Oakes on the Zoe & Zac line of ecofriendly wedges, ballet flats, handbags and jewelry, introduced this month. The shoes are made from certified organic cotton and recycled rubber; nothing in the Zoe & Zac collection costs more than $30. Cotton Club boutique owner Lisa Spain is introducing the Eco-Ganik label, a contemporary collection made from certified organic, sustainable and recycled fabrics and finished with low-impact dyes. Sometimes they incorporate natural materials such as wood, shells and nuts. Spain was eager to have the Eco-Ganik label, she said, because in addition to their nice cut and style, the clothes are made in the United States. “People started becoming ecoconscious about their food and then their body care products, so the next step is clothing,” Oglebay said. “We can make an impact on the environment by choosing clothing made from natural fibers, and we have a lot of choices.” 

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Green shoe from old tires


o combat the negative impact of global waste tire build-up, the Timberland Company—a leading environmental steward—will launch two new footwear collections featuring outsoles made using recycled rubber from discarded tires. Currently, more than seven billion tires sit in landfills worldwide, leading to one of the largest and relatively unknown environmental issues. Through the use of Green Rubber proprietary and patented technologies, Timberland will help transform waste tires into a valuable raw material. “We are facing an unpublicized epidemic with 1.2 billion tires being disposed in landfills every year leading to water pollution and breeding grounds for disease-carrying insects,” said Datuk Vinod Sekhar, CEO and

Founder, Green Rubber Inc.“With Green Rubber’s environmentally friendly technology, we can start to make a real dent in the mountains of tires creating an environmental blight on the planet.” Recognizing that rubber is a valuable and reusable resource, Timberland will be the first footwear manufacturer to commercialize Green Rubber technology, incorporating it into the outsoles of more than 200,000 pairs of shoes scheduled for release in fall 2009. Using a blend of Green Rubber compound and virgin rubber compound (for an outsole that is made up of 42% recycled tire crumb), Timberland is able to maintain the durability and performance characteristics of their footwear.

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“We are thrilled to have found a way to support making rubber a more sustainable resource. Green Rubber is positioned to have a major impact on the global rubber industry; managing tire waste can now become both a commercially viable and eco-conscious process,” said Jeffrey Swartz, CEO, The Timberland Company. “As a company we are committed to connecting successful commerce to environmental responsibility, and this is a great opportunity for us to share our commitment to sustainability with our customers.” Green Rubber technology creates a new source of rubber compound made from waste tires through a non-toxic, environmentally conscious devulcanization process called DeLink. This technology converts any sulfur-cured

rubber compound (including scrap rubber from old tires) into a recycled compound which can be used on its own or blended with virgin rubber compounds to produce a wide variety of rubber products, like outsoles. Using waste tires as a raw material provides the rubber industry with a cost-effective supply of rubber and can help to reduce dependence on raw materials that are derived from non-renewable petroleum sources. Through this process, Timberland forecasts that the fall collections will use 50 tons of Green Rubber material, displacing 42 tons of virgin rubber with recycled tire rubber. Green Rubber intends to recycle the equivalent of more than 200 million discarded tires every year. The company is about to launch an aggressive expansion program as it looks to open new manufacturing plants for its revolutionary rubber compound in the Americas, the Middle-East, Asia and Europe. 

News Belle makes great strides on the Mainland Hong Kong’s Belle International has quickly won consumer recognition with its footwear, offering fashionable styles, comfortable fittings and reasonable prices. The enterprise was established by the territory’s Lai Wah Footwear Trading Ltd on the Mainland, specifically to produce and market shoes.

out the Mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, plus the US, Europe, Japan, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa.


s a vertically-integrated industrial chain, Belle International achieved its breakthrough in a nonmainstream sector and successfully emerged as the country’s largest operator of footwear retail stores, as well as its largest sportswear retailer. Belle is also the biggest partner on the Mainland for Nike from the US, Adidas from Europe, Mirabell International of Hong Kong, as well as India’s Bata (which owns one of the world’s largest footwear chains) and the US brand Levi’s. The Belle Group was established in Hong Kong in the 1970s and was positioned on the Mainland by reputable Hong Kong shoe designer and industrialist, Tang Yiu, in the 1990s.

Operations adapted to the market Belle describes how it developed a four-point strategy for brand development in its early days. For a start, it created its own national brands rather than engaging in OEM. brand portfolio covers a wide variety of products, from top end to mid range, from professional to casual and from fashion to sports. The company currently owns five exclusive dealerships on the Mainland, namely Belle, Staccato, Teenmix, Tata and Fato. It’s the Mainland agent for five international brands, being Nike, Adidas, Levi’s, as well as Hong Kong brand Joy & Peace, and Bata. Among these, the last named is a sole agency arrangement. Belle devotes particular attention to design, research and development. Although it mainly focuses on the production and marketing of women’s shoes, it has also launched its own exclusive brands of men’s footwear in fashionable Italian styles.

The company repackaged itself for the Mainland marketplace and achieved phenomenal sales by accurately identifying China’s market demand while establishing its own retail channels.

Some nine million pairs of shoes of diverse styles are produced by Belle each year and its sales network covers more than 130 Mainland cities, including all provincial capitals.

Brand concept developed Belle products take pride in their great diversity of styles. “Belle changes” constitutes the central brand concept. The

There are over 2,700 selfoperated retail stores. Through close co-operation with international companies, Belle products are now sold through-

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It then proceeded to train its own product research and development team and improve its ability to design and develop products of its own rather than processing products for other players. At the same time, it spent time building its own brand image, strengthen brand publicity and spent less time on corporate publicity. Since brand value determines its influence in the market, Belle attaches particular importance to brand value and adopts a mid-to-high-end image, while slowly moving to the high-end market. Brands are products aimed at overcoming market competition, while marketing networks are bridges between branded products and consumers. Belle implemented a modern enterprise system and built up its own national marketing network of store brands. This it achieved either through jointstock transformation or the establishment of wholly-owned marketing companies, group operations or centralised, independent operation. Thanks to its innovative approach to producing branded products, it has become one of

the few enterprises in the industry with a complete brand marketing network.

Management consistency amid changes Adhering to a philosophy of “managing business as we manage life” and the corporate spirit of “hard work, a scientific approach and co-operation”, Belle says it attaches particular importance to the role of human resources in management. It claims to have created an open and relaxed working environment that stimulates workers’ initiative through corporate development. With “the maximisation of supply chain control and the accelerated operation of the supply chain” as targets, it combines production with marketing network control with brand management. Information technology is used to shorten the distance between products and market, striking a balance between production and marketing to achieve what Belle sees as a benign cycle between product supply and market demand. Thanks to its sales of mid-range shoes and sports brands, generating high profit margins and a retail network in 30 provinces, this retail kingdom is able to reap ever higher profits. Great network dissemination also contributes to brand building. Belle has been the Mainland’s top women’s shoe by sales revenue for 10 consecutive years, according to figures from the China Industrial Information Issuing Centre. 

World Fashion!

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World Fashion! Getting the Most out of the Kids Market/Kids or What?

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World Fashion!

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Beauty & Fashion

Bikini-Ready With Ashley Paige and TRIA Beauty Get Hair-free for a Care-free Season TRIA Beauty, the leader in at-home aesthetic devices, announced a Summer-Ready Sweepstakes with celebrity swimsuit designer Ashley Paige.


he online sweepstakes, at

www.triabeauty.com, offers the Grand Prize of a custom Ashley Paige swimsuit with a TRIA Laser Hair Removal System.

of looking and feeling beautiful — even impacting what clothes they wear. This is particularly relevant in summer, the height of swimsuit season and a time when feeling comfortable and confident with one’s body is of utmost importance.

The new partnership with LA-based Ashley Paige is part of TRIA Beauty’s ongoing alliances with leaders and innovators in fashion, style and beauty.

“The three best accessories to the perfect swimsuit are smooth skin, a radiant smile and a confident attitude,” says Ashley. “TRIA Laser Hair Removal System ultimately allows women to feel confident in their own skin.”

“Our relationship with Ashley Paige reinforces the message that hair removal is closely tied to overall body beauty,” says Drake Stimson, Executive Vice President of Sales & Marketing of TRIA Beauty. “Women who love the stylish designs from Ashley Paige will appreciate the convenience and value of the TRIA Laser, so the partnership is a natural fit.”

The sweepstakes will run through June with a Grand Prize of a custom-made Ashley Paige swimsuit, valued at $1,000, with a TRIA Laser. Entrants can also win a swimsuit from Ashley Paige’s current collection, valued at $800, also with a TRIA Laser.

Extensive research commissioned by TRIA Beauty confirms that most women see hair removal as an essential part of their total body beauty regimen. Although women view shaving and waxing as “never-ending chores,” they agree that the elimination of unwanted hair is an essential part

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Consumers can visit www.triabeauty.com for exclusive summer style tips and advice from Ashley Paige. Developed by the same team of scientists that invented the technology, the TRIA Laser Hair Removal System uses the same laser technology as professional devices and delivers the same long-lasting results in the privacy of your home, at a fraction of the cost of professional procedures. This year TRIA Beauty launched a new TRIA Laser Hair Removal System that is twice as fast as the original device, resulting in shorter treatment sessions. TRIA Laser is currently sold at Nordstrom, Bergdorf Goodman, STUDIO at Fred Segal, Bliss Spas, select physician offices, on QVC and QVC.com, and at www.triabeauty.com. 

About TRIA Beauty TRIA Beauty, formerly known as SpectraGenics, is a leader in light-based therapeutic beauty systems that incorporate clinically-proven aesthetic technologies for at-home personal care regimens. In 1993 Robert Grove, Ph.D., and a team of dermatologists and engineers developed the first diode laser for hair removal utilized by physicians in their medical practices. These devices are still considered the gold-standard among dermatologists and plastic surgeons. In 2003, these individuals assembled an internationally renowned team of experts in the field of aesthetic lasers to begin the development of its flagship laser hair removal system and future innovations in home-use energy-based beauty products. About Ashley Paige Ashley Paige has made a name for herself as the maven of swimwear. Her designs are in high demand among Hollywood’s A-list celebrities. Ashley’s styles have graced the pages of numerous magazines as well as countless television appearances including Extra, ET, the style network, MTV, VH1, and Bravo. Most recently, in addition to her well-known and loved swimwear line, Ashley Paige has a reality show on The Learning Channel (TLC) that chronicles her life and career.


Fitness Footwear rapidly expands summer range


s the weather cools up, Fitness Footwear is rapidly expanding their range of sandals to meet the new need for fit flops and other forms of exercise sandals. The sun is out, spring is here and it won't be long until the sun kissed beach bodies are strolling across the beaches of Great Britain once again. But how do those bodies stay in such terrific shape in time for summer? Fit Flops are just one of the answers. Styled to resemble a comfortable flip flop and now with a new range of winter slipper designs, they are the perfect footwear to stay slim and trim all year round, from going about the daily routine to relaxing at home. As the web's widest range of sports and outdoor shoes, Fitness Footwear is expanding their range of Fit Flops and walking sandals in time for summer. Fitness Footwear MD Luke Barlow said: "This is the time of year when everyone goes mad for sandals. Suddenly the sun comes out and all our stocks of Birkenstocks and Fit Flops are flying out the door." As a favoured online stockist of Birkenstocks, among many other brands of casual and active summer sandals, Fitness Footwear is already doing exceptionally well, but the biggest area of growth is in the health and fitness market.

Fit Flops have been a massive hit for women with neither the time nor the money to attend gym classes by giving them a better workout while taking the kids to school, doing the weekly shop or simply walking about. This is thanks to the unique micro wobble board midsole which is designed to slightly destabilise the foot with every step, mimicking the effect of walking barefoot on a soft surface. While Fit Flops take a little getting used to at first, the effects are very noticeable as the midsole activates the slow twitch muscles in the legs and buttocks for an extended period of time, burning off more calories for a rapid toning effect.

Flops fitness sandals that made the Fit Flop brand so successful. Since their early endorsement on the Oprah Winfrey show in 2007 Fit Flops have provided women with essential exercise simply from walking while being lightweight, comfortable and hard wearing. Now with many new fashionable styles to choose from, Fit Flops are the leading ladies exercise sandal. ď ś

Emma Barlow, Fitness Footwear partner said: "Fit Flops are the summer sandal with the gym built in which has revolutionised the way women stay in shape. Any mother will tell you that being a mum is a full time job. Sometimes it's impossible to get down the gym or go out for a run when you have so many tasks to occupy your day. That's when wearing a pear of Fit Flops can help to keep you in shape." With sales of Fit Flops soaring since January in anticipation of the warm weather conditions, Fitness Footwear has had to increase their range and stock of the best selling fitness flip flops. Since their launch, the Fit Flops range at Fitness Footwear now includes the latest Fit Flop Gogh slippers and sophisticated styles, as well as the original colourful Fit

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Integrated leather park for Chennai


hennai is to have an integrated leather park and a footwear design and development institute, according to Jairam Ramesh, Union Minister of State for Commerce and Power. The proposed ventures will be set up under the Rs.1,200-crore leather development programme unveiled by the Centre for implementation during the 11th Plan period (2007-2012). The Centre issued an order, giving details of the programme, a few weeks ago. A total of five leather parks and three footwear design and development institutes will be formed. Each component will cost Rs.300 crore. The other cities identified for the parks are, Kolkata, Kanpur, Agra and Nellore. Kolkata and Rohtak will have the institutes, said Mr. Ramesh, who was here to review the working of the Council for Leather Exports. An amount of Rs.200 crore has been set apart for installation/upgradation of infrastructure for environment protection. “Tamil Nadu is the only State which has prescribed zero discharge liquid norms for leather tanneries,” Mr. Ramesh said. The amount would be utilised for implementing the norms in the State. Explaining the importance of the leather development programme, he said the leather industry employed 2.5 million persons, 70 per cent of whom belonged to the Scheduled Castes and minorities. The programme had been devised, keeping in mind the social significance of the industry. During the previous Plan period, Rs.400 crore was earmarked. Noting that there had been a revival of the leather industry, he said the value of exports was $3.5 billion last year. During 2008-2009, figure would touch $4 billion.

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Considering the equal mix of domestic sales and exports, the total size of the leather market was $8 billion.

Footwear exports up Pointing to the rising share of footwear in the country¡¯s export of leather products, he said earlier, it was one-third of the exports. Due to various measures taken by the government in the last few years, it reached 42 per cent this year. It was proposed to take the share of footwear export to 65 per cent by 2011-12. At present, the European Union accounted for two-thirds of the exports and the United States, 10 per cent. Till now, the exports were characterised by value market. This should become “volume market”. To achieve this, the share of exports to the US should go up. Mr. Ramesh said two Taiwanese companies had invested $100 billion each in contract manufacturing units [of leather products] in Chennai. 

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