Medical Device ASIA, March-April 2017

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Vol.9 No.2 | March-April 2017 | New Delhi

First-of-its-kind dual live-donortransplant surgery

Smart Automation: Added Value for the Future

MTA2017 propels a digitalised manufacturing sector

How to best maintain your Oral Health?


New southern section of Messe Düsseldorf: MEDICA also benefits from the renovation










h i g h l i g h t s

Vol.9 No.2 | March-April 2017 | Annual Suscription: Rs.2,000 | Overseas: US$250

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STARLED7 NX LED lamp for operating room produced by ACEM Pioneering British Pressure Relief Mattress showcased in India World Bank sponsored cervical cancer study starts in India Medical Fair Thailand 2017 Reflects The Bullish Growth Of The Medical Industry In The Region Smart Automation: Added Value for the Future MTA2017 propels a digitalised manufacturing sector Jaypee Hospital hosts the star studded shoot of Neeraj Pandey’s ‘Naam Shabana’ JETSETGO - “The new face of private aviation” KMCH LAUNCHES INDIA’s FIRST MOBILE STROKE UNIT WITH ADVANCED CT IMAGING Indian surgeons successfully implant 3D printed vertebrae in a 32-year-old woman Metropolis CORPORATE PROFILE Sahyadri Hospitals launches Sugar Care - Your Diabetes Clinic 1.0g lower salt intake reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke by 4.8% Is knee replacement now history for young arthritis? New southern section of Messe Düsseldorf: MEDICA also benefits from the renovation Hospital-acquired infections: pathogens know no borders

Russian scientists cut the cost of gold extraction in half


ussian chemists, together with their Chinese colleagues, have developed a new technology of extracting gold from ore. The new technology lowers the cost of gold mining by 30−40%, the press service of the National University of Science and Technology MISIS reported. “The price of gold will influence the introduction of our technology. Of course, there are more efficient technologies which can extract almost 100% of the gold from

the ore, but they require a huge investment which makes them less viable at the moment. Our technology allows for extracting 85−90% of the gold, which is the standard and most acceptable result,” said university Professor Vadim Tarasov. In contrast to traditional gold mining processes, such as 19th century era nugget panning or sand sifting, copper and other ores that contain gold are chemically processed today.

Gold is extracted directly from ores using water and cyanic acid compounds that easily mix with gold. This technology allows for extracting almost all the gold from the ore, but the process, as the university press service pointed out, is slow and expensive. It takes at least 100−120 hours, which will cost about $800 per ounce (30 grams) of gold. Chemists from NUST MISIS and their Chinese colleagues from mining companies have developed a new gold extraction technology that cuts production costs by 30−40 percent. Apart from cyanic acid compounds, the technology uses hydrocyanic acid making the process four to eight times faster than the traditional method. It also reduces the percent of unwanted substances such as copper. It

will take miners much less effort and resources to clean gold from copper from now. According to the press service, this new technology has already been tested at a gold mine in Tajikistan whose ore contains a large share of copper. Scientists say that the Russian technology exceeds existing western developments as it successfully separates copper from gold and reduces the time required for ore processing by 80%. According to NUST MISIS experts, the new technology can be introduced at all ore deposits in Russia. The same technology can be used for extracting gold from old electronic devices and used computers, Tarasov said.

Medical Device ASIA | March-April 2017 | 3

STARLED7 NX LED lamp for operating room produced by ACEM STARLED7 NX is the revolutionary led operating lamp granting the best working conditions to surgeons and medical staff. STARLED7 NX produces a perfect IR-free light, with an excellent colour temperature and low consumption suitable for every situation. The Made in Italy design grants visual comfort, practicality of use and compatibility with laminar flows. STARLED7 NX boasts an excellent light quality. The special optics of its LEDs, realized by ACEM, generates a shadowless, clear and homogeneous light assuring visual comfort and best working conditions both for the surgeon and for the medical staff. Thanks to its next generation LEDs, the lamp can produce a perfect illumination under every condition generating a IR-free light, an excellent colour temperature and a practically endless life cycle at low consumptions. The lamp is composed by 57 next generation LEDs circularly placed and splitted into 7reflectors (with 7 LEDs each one) and other 8 LEDs radially positioned around the handle. STARLED7 NX produces a high illumination level of 160.000 lux, the colour rendering index of 95 and the colour temperature from 3.700 °K to 4.700 °K continuous (optional ). The lamp is provided with ACRIS, the innovative system realized by ACEM that ensures, by the use of a microprocessor, the control of electrical curves typical of LEDs to remain unaltered over the time but maintaining a long life cycle (about 50.000 hours). STARLED7 NX assures: • High quality illumination level for each kind of surgery • Colour temperature representing the contrast of the surgical area perfectly • Colour rendering index of 95 (CRI) • Clear luminosity at 160.000 lux • Colour temperature of 4.500°K • Ergonomics for an extraordinary simplicity of use and easy positioning for the medical team • Exceptional duration with easier management and low consumptions STARLED7 NX is provided with: • ACRIS, a smart system created by ACEM • A special system to adjust the light field dimension without mechanical parts through an optical-electronic management • A revolutionary I – SENSE® control system • An innovative LIGHT – UP system that, thanks to the special light beams coming from the upper part of the lamp, assures adjustable illumination levels according to the different use and particularly suitable for minimal invasive surgery.


In order to achieve a correct illumination according to the different needs STARLED7 NX can produce a FOCUSED and AMBIENT light. Thanks to the special optics realized by ACEM, the light field focusing system adjusts the light spot diameter accurately assuring an excellent sharpness of details in the operating area. The light field dimension adjustment without mechanical parts is possible through an opticalelectronic management that grants a steady, homogeneous, shadowless and reliable illumination of the operating field in every situation particularly suitable for deep 4 | March-April 2017 | Medical Device ASIA

cavities. AMBIENT light is managed by the LIGHT-UP system, a technology created by ACEM that produces adaptable and adjustable illumination levels according to the different uses thanks to the special light beams coming from the upper part of the lamp. This light allows to visualize the operating field as well as the surrounding environment clearly and is particularly suitable for minimal invasive surgery and for the preparation and treatment during the operation, monitoring of the patient and microscope operations.

Ergonomic, practical and functional design

Comfortable and light to move, thanks to its central handle, STARLED7 NX is practical also for the medical team who can move it from the lateral handles assuring stability and constant illumination even during the movement. STARLED7 NX has been manufactured with a smooth and resistant material that makes cleaning quick, easy and complete. On demand, the removable and sterilizable central handle can house a video camera shooting the surgical operations accurately (the video camera can be placed on a separate arm alternatively). The lamp shape assures visual comfort and is particularly suitable for laminar flows in the operating room. The design is practical, functional and ergonomic. Thanks to AVSM system (Acem – Video – System – Management) STARLED7 NX is compatible with all the cameras and monitors offered by ACEM. STARLED7 NX functions are managed by the handy, digital and easy-to-read I– SENSE® control panel positioned on the cardanic structure and adjusting: • ON/OFF function • Light intensity • SIZE - Light spot diameter dimension (light beam focusing) • ENDO - Light for endoscopy • DOF - Depth of field – for a full visualization of the operating field and deep cavities • SYNC – (optional) Mode to synchronize controls among the combined lamps: STARLED7 NX double (twin dome configuration) and STARLED7 NX with STARLED5 NX or STARLED3 NX. The SYNC mode grants simplicity of use saving time and giving the possibility of being managed by a single operator. The precise and easy-to-read I–SENSE® system is functional, simple and easy to clean. The optional remote control is useful to manage all the functions of the lamp from a remote position offering the end-user better efficacy and practicity.. ACEM SpA, Medical Company Division, Via della Tecnica 29 - 40050 Argelato, Bologna – ITALY, Ph. +39 051 721844 Fax +39 051 721855


Pioneering British Pressure Relief Mattress showcased in India

A pioneering British pressure relief mattress that has been designed to fulfil the requirements of ‘affordable healthcare’ was on display at this year’s Medical Fair India. Held in New Delhi from 6-8 April 2017, Medical Fair India is India’s number 1 trade fair for hospitals, health centres and clinics. The exhibition attracted 512 exhibitors from 16 countries.

preventing pressure ulcers from occurring. The pioneering technology also includes therapeutic properties, which help to heal existing injuries. It also supports nursing teams and helps them to better manage their patients, saving valuable time and resources.

The AirFlex mattress range uses clinically proven Developed by pressure technology, which responds relief specialist, Rober, the to a patient’s weight, AirFlex® mattress offers spontaneous movement vulnerable patients complete pattern and body position to pressure elimination at provide enhanced comfort. regular intervals, thus The ‘wave-like, ripple 6 | March-April 2017 | Medical Device ASIA

effect’ allows the body weight of the patient to be distributed evenly creating a soft, comfortable yet stable surface that does not compromise on clinical outcomes.

at Medical Fair India once again to showcase our mattress range.

The mattress range has been designed in collaboration with a range of healthcare professionals. It is easy-to-use, costeffective and offers maximum flexibility to patients who are at risk of pressure damage.

“Pressure ulcers are a rising problem globally, but the majority of ulcers are avoidable - patients just need to be nursed on the right type of mattress. We are working with hospitals and nurses to introduce our technology into India and are committed to dramatically reducing ulcers across the country.”

Mike Hutson, Chief Executive of Rober, said: “We are delighted to be

For more information about Rober visit, www.

World Bank sponsored cervical cancer study starts in India

Patients across Mumbai in India are being recruited to take part in a study, which aims to increase early detection of cervical cancer and quickly enable treatment. Funded by the IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, the study uses UK developed technology, ZedScan™, to detect the development of precancerous abnormalities of the cervix. Developed by Zilico Ltd, ZedScan is a portable, handheld device that uses the science of Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) to accurately diagnose changes in a woman’s cervix. The system is already being used in hospitals across the UK and other countries and provides a more accurate diagnosis in real-time, which assists clinicians with better patient management. Using ZedScan as an adjunct to the existing colposcopy procedure helps clinicians to better manage patients and help to avoid unnecessary biopsies, treatments and repeat follow-up appointments. Cervical cancer is caused by the human papillomavirus infection. It is the leading cancer in Indian women and is the second most common cancer in women worldwide.

Clinical Study The patient study in India will be carried out by International Oncology, a global cancer care and research company whose aim is to bring world class care to India through expertise, research and collaboration. The study is taking place at the Dr L R Hiranandani Hospital in Mumbai. The service evaluation of ZedScan will help establish the best pathway for India. This will incorporate the benefits that from utilising ZedScan, that have already been seen in the NHS hospitals in the UK 300 patients are being recruited for the evaluation, which forms part of the TechEmerge programme.

The unique scheme aims to match proven technologies like ZedScan, with leading healthcare providers in emerging markets.

UK Clinical data In a recent review of over 1500 women referred to an UK colposcopy clinic, the adoption of ZedScan resulted in a significant increase in disease detection and improvements in clinical performance. The patient case study revealed a 13% increase in detection of high-grade disease (HGCIN) across all patients, with a 50% increase reported in women with lowgrade cytology. In 92% of these cases, disease was confirmed with a single biopsy.

It is estimated there are approximately 132,000 new cases diagnosed and 74,000 deaths annually in India, which accounts for nearly a third of the global cervical cancer deaths. Sameer Kothari, Chief Executive of Zilico Ltd, said: “Although colposcopy is an important method in detecting cervical cancer, in practice, the procedure has not drastically changed over the last 90 years, and diagnosis depends on the subjective assessment of visual indicators by the clinician. “Cervical cancer in India is a significant issue, so anything we can do to improve the diagnosis and help clinicians better manage it, will help.”

Medical Device ASIA | March-April 2017 | 7

Multi Award Winner German medical health company MedTec presented newest therapy options for osteoarthritis at Asia Health Exhibition 2017 State of the art medical technology for the treatment of degenerative diseases of the musculosceletal system One of the exhibitors present was the German company MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH who has repeatedly been awarded as one of Germany’s most innovative SMEs. MedTec develops and produces high-tech medical technology for the treatment of degenerative diseases of the musculo skeletal system. The German company is world market leader in the field of magnetic resonance technology used for therapeutic purposes.

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Therapy The aim of MBST therapy is the reliable, gentle and safe treatment of a variety of degenerative diseases of the muscular and skeletal system and for bone metabolism disorders. MBST uses nuclear magnetic resonance technology in a development

The ageing population and rising number of patients suffering from chronic diseases pose a serious obligation to healthcare systems worldwide. Medical opportunities fall short to fulfill the need for effective therapies. Innovative approaches for treatment are needed. The innovative medical technology MBST for the treatment of degenerative diseases like osteoarthritis and osteoporosis was presented exclusively at the recently held Asia Health 2017 exhibition in Singapore. 8 | March-April 2017 | Medical Device ASIA

of the worldwide known top

regeneration processes and the

to reduce the symptoms, MBST

and has aroused a great deal of

standard in medical imaging, MRI.

body’s selfrepair mechanisms.

focuses on the source of the

interest. Its system components

Over 260,000 patients have been

symptoms and aims at a causal

are a milestone in nuclear magnetic

treated in Germany alone.


resonance technology. The

MBST does not use magnetic resonance to generate images, but

patented therapy system combines

rather to biophysically stimulate

Various medical studies and

ARTHRO·SPIN·FLEX – exclusive

scientifically proven knowledge

specific cells or tissues at a

publications as well as the

presentation of newest

and technological expertise with

molecular level. Cell metabolism

experience of over 15 years in

generation of therapy devices

the power of medical innovation

forms the basis of all vital activities

clinical usage testify to the active

The newly developed

and has absolutely fulfilled the

in the body. Cells can no longer

principle. In contrast to other

ARTHRO·SPIN·FLEX is presented

expectations: high-tech medical

fulfill their tasks if they lack the

therapies that mainly attempt

for the first time in Singapore

technology Made in Germany.

necessary energy or if the metabolism is interrupted. This is where nuclear magnetic resonance can be applied successfully. The MBST therapy sequences direct energy in a targeted manner into specific cells. This energy transfer can reactivate disturbed

About MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH Over the last two decades, the MedTec brand has stood for technical progress, innovation and quality in medical technology. MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH has been developing and producing state of the art medical technology in Wetzlar. Research, Development and Production · Made in Germany. With its patented therapy system MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH is world market leader in the field of magnetic resonance technology used for therapeutic purposes. MBST therapy is used successfully in 39 countries worldwide. A huge number of scientific and clinical studies and convincing therapy results with over 260,000 treated patients testify to the active principle of the innovative therapy system. MBST provides gentle and effective treatment of degenerative diseases of the musculosceletal system without side-effects. In 2016, MedTec Medizintechnik GmbH was awarded for the second time as top innovator and one of Germany’s top 100 of the most innovative medium-sized companies. Medical Device ASIA | March-April 2017 | 9

Medical Fair Thailand 2017 Reflects The Bullish Growth Of The Medical Industry In The Region • 8th edition of Southeast Asia’s premier medical exhibition will be its biggest with more than 5,000 medical and healthcare products on show • 700 exhibiting companies from 45 countries • First-time Russia, India and European Union pavilions

This year’s edition of MEDICAL FAIR THAILAND is set to be its biggest yet with more than 700 international exhibitors expected. 17 national and country pavilions will present more than 5,000 state-of-the-art medical and healthcare products, equipment and solutions to a targeted audience of 10,000 medical and healthcare professionals. The impressive figures highlight once again, MEDICAL FAIR THAILAND’s leading position as the region’s No.1 trade exhibition serving these sectors.


EDICAL FAIR THAILAND 2017, in its 8th edition, has an international participation that is expanding at each instalment. This is representative of the growth and rising attraction that Thailand and the Southeast Asian region holds as a flourishing hub for the medical and healthcare industry. Leading the first time participation at the exhibition with an official Indian national pavilion, Mr Rajiv Nath, the Forum Coordinator for the Association of Indian Medical Device Industry (AiMED), commented: “MEDICAL FAIR THAILAND 2017 provides Indian companies with an unparalleled chance to leverage on the potential of Southeast Asia’s booming medical and healthcare industry. We are excited to be leading our members to this biggest regional platform, to connect and create strong bonds

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with businesses from around the region and all over the world.” Also debuting at MEDICAL FAIR THAILAND 2017 is the European Union pavilion. Dr Michael Pulch, Ambassador, European Union Delegation to Singapore, said: “This presents an excellent opportunity for European companies specialising in healthcare and medical technologies. As Thailand is one of the leading Southeast Asian countries in the medical technologies industry, the participation of companies from the European Union at MEDICAL FAIR THAILAND 2017 will allow them to reach, connect and network with the right audience.” Adding on, Mr Gernot Ringling, Managing Director of Messe Düsseldorf Asia, said that with Thailand’s dynamic positioning as a leading medical and healthcare hub, which is being further enhanced as the country goes into full gear with Thailand 4.0, value creation and innovation will take centre stage. “On this note, MEDICAL FAIR THAILAND 2017 will focus on Rehabilitative Care

and Connected Healthcare, such as digital healthcare equipment and solutions, and wearable technologies that are rapidly transforming the market. The technologies and innovations on show contribute to the exhibition’s success as the most important resource and business platform for both international and regional suppliers from the medical and healthcare sectors, bringing together a truly global showcase of the best medical and healthcare devices, services and innovative solutions for both in-and outpatient and rehabilitative care,” said Mr Ringling. Thailand 4.0, as an economic model, is aiming to transform Thailand into an innovation-driven economy achieving upper-income status; with an emphasis on promoting technology, creativity, and innovation in focused industries and changing from a production-based to a servicebased economy. The medical and healthcare sectors have been earmarked alongside ten target industries as growth engines

where additional policies to encourage further investment and development will be formulated in the near future. Keeping abreast of the developments in the region, changing population demographics and future industry trends, MEDICAL FAIR THAILAND 2017 strategically reflects these components alongside the needs of Thailand 4.0. A glance at some special highlights this year also include:

• Advanced Rehab Technology Conference (ARTeC) 2017: 6 & 7 September Now into its 3rd edition, the Advanced Rehab Technology Conference (ARTeC) has grown from strength to strength with this year’s topic centred on the theme of Robotics for Mobility: Quality of Life for the Ageing World. The conference will explore a series of topics on robotic rehabilitation from analysis to design and intervention, robots for balance and gait training and a symposium

on locomotion robotic training for neurorehabilitation. It will also feature renowned thought leaders and industry experts from the USA, Japan, Singapore and Thailand including Principal Research Scientist from the Mechanical Engineering Department at MIT, Mr Hermano Igo Krebs. The two-day conference is jointly organised by the Royal College of Physiatrists of Thailand, Thai Rehabilitation Medicine Association and Messe Düsseldorf Asia.

potential partners will be available for all exhibitors and visitors to seek out potential new partners and suppliers. An ideal platform, the free service is particularly useful for businesses looking to expand their footprint into the Southeast Asian region or looking to connect with international companies. As companies were keen to expand their network, the previous edition saw an impressive 4,500 business matching requests.

• Dysphagia workshop: 7 September

About Messe Düsseldorf Asia

Held alongside the ARTeC conference is the one-day dysphagia workshop that addresses difficulties in swallowing particularly for the elderly, together with evaluation and management programmes, indirect therapies and future rehabilitation treatments.

For more information, please visit

• Business matching service A comprehensive and userfriendly suite of business matching services dedicated to helping businesses identify and screen

With an all-inclusive line-up of the latest medical and healthcare innovations on display and industry-leading conferences, seminars and workshops, MEDICAL FAIR THAILAND 2017 is the platform to connect healthcare professionals to the best that the industry has to offer. More information on MEDICAL FAIR THAILAND 2017 can be found at Messe Düsseldorf Asia is a subsidiary of Messe Düsseldorf in Germany, one of the world’s leading trade fair organisers, responsible for organising more than 20 global No. 1 exhibitions in various industries including medicine and health, specifically MEDICA, COMPAMED and REHACARE INTERNATIONAL held in Düsseldorf, Germany. With extensive expertise in organising trade fairs in Southeast Asia, Messe Düsseldorf Asia has developed a portfolio of numerous trade fairs in the region since 1995.

For more information on the exhibition, please contact: Exhibitor Contact: Daphne Yeo, Senior Project Manager, Tel: (65) 6332 9682, Email: Press Contact: Melvin Chye, Marketing & Communications Executive Tel: (65) 6332 9652, Email: Medical Device ASIA | March-April 2017 | 11

Smart Automation: Added Value for the Future Baumüller presents networked automation solutions at the Hanover Trade Fair 2017 machines and reduces the costs for service and maintenance. This solution is also presented at the trade fair booth as part of the overall package.

The Ubiquity runtime environment is pre-installed in all Windows-based HMIs from Baumüller and can be connected with a domain

The Nuremberg-based automatization expert Baumüller will be displaying its exhibits in line with the guiding theme of the trade fair “Integrated Industry – Creating Value” at the Hanover Trade Fair from April 24-28, 2017 in hall 14, stand H12. The visitors will experience the added value of Industry 4.0 solutions based on numerous features for smart production: from an integrated system for predictive maintenance to the web-capable visualization for quick commissioning and flexible adaptations in the production process.

Produce flexibly thanks to maximum networking Two networked material handling and robot systems at the trade fair stand will show how production is optimized through networking. The palletizing process of the 3-axle material handling system and the welding of the robot occurs in one process. The communication occurs via a Euromap 67 interface. Both systems are complete solutions from Baumüller, from the control software to the drive. Baumüller thus shows how machine modules can be optimally automated for the production process and also flexibly automated depending on the application. The individual modules can easily be combined to form complete machines and systems or also integrated into new or existing systems. In the system area, the focus is on component developments as well as innovations in software and visualization. Standardized databases, a wide range of field buses and open interfaces are the basis for flexible and efficient communication and networking. With the software modules from Baumüller, mechanical engineers and machine users benefit from preprogrammed comprehensive features, which simplify the commissioning of Baumüller considerably and thus help achieve a faster time-to-market and high level of error security. The modules can easily be incorporated in the programming interface of the respective control unit so that there is not any additional programming work. Visitors can convince themselves of the intuitive operation of the Baumüller visualization and the advantages of web capability directly at the exhibits. The user can then conveniently access the visualization of the production data on a smartphone or tablet whenever needed. In the service area, Baumüller offers networking via sensor-based machine monitoring that can be coupled by machinery manufacturers or users with different service models. The condition monitoring system improves the availability of 12 | March-April 2017 | Medical Device ASIA

With the new generation of box PCs b maXX PCC04, Baumüller is providing a new scalable and versatile control platform to users. The industry PC offers a large amount of interfaces, is expandable and thus enables a flexible machine construction.

Remote maintenance: HMI with Security Software The networking of man, machine or sensors is increasing in the industrial sector. The innovations promote a highly efficient, intelligent and flexible production. However the thread of cyber criminality is rising with this trend. To protect industrial security, Baumüller offers a secure solution for the remote maintenance of machines and systems with Ubiquity: The Ubiquity runtime environment is pre-installed in all Windows-based HMIs from Baumüller and can be connected with a domain. With Ubiquity, Baumüller is providing its customers with an ability to communicate for process control and an option for easy and secure remote maintenance. The state of machines can thus be monitored worldwide and quickly responded to in a targeted manner if necessary. This capability of quick and accurate diagnostics and troubleshooting saves time and money. Ubiquity thus increases the productivity and efficiency of machines.

Service 4.0: Digitization Increases Availability An innovation in the field of service is BAUDIS IoT, the predictive maintenance system with comprehensive possibilities. The networked system consists

BAUDIS IoT: The system, actually used for predictive maintenance, creates far greater added value through big data analysis

of a broad overview of sensors, a BAUDIS IoT box and software with big data algorithms. The data is recorded via local sensors on the drive. They record the motor state and can thus report bearing damage, for example. With the Baumüller solution, the recorded data is distributed via the BAUDIS IoT box. The system can be used independently of the manufacturer of the automation components and the sensors and therefore can easily be retrofitted. BAUDIS IoT, actually used for predictive maintenance, creates far greater added value through big data analysis. In general, machine and system availability in production is thus maximized through planned maintenance measures for all kinds of electric drive systems. But BAUDIS IoT can do much more than that. The big data analysis used for the servicing can also be used to optimize processes. Since the system provides a warning in cases of need, the monitoring can be used to optimize the rate increases and load limits of the production systems without damaging the systems. The networking of plants and locations to one evaluation unit also allows for comparisons, which is another added benefit. The longterm collection and evaluation of

data allows for the drive specialist to detect and implement optimization potential more effectively. The evaluation always occurs with the latest available algorithms. The system is thus continuously made more intelligent and increases productivity through self-regulating processes in order to avoid production errors.

Product Highlights

The multi-axis controller b maXX 5800 contains up to six scalable axes, which makes it a particularly compact solution for machines with several drives

Using the example of a foil bag machine, which is automated by Baumüller engineering specialists and is equipped with a complete Baumüller system from the control unit to the drive, the automation and drive manufacturer shows how machine modules can be optimally automated for the individual application and easily projected into complete machines and systems.

The servomotor series DSH, which impresses as a derivative of the compact servomotor series DSC with an extremely low detent torque, has been on the market since the end of 2016. In combination with the Baumüller drive technology, the DSH is suitable for applications that require very high precision and optimal control accuracy. Upgrades in terms of performance and rotational speed in the servo motors DS2 and the high-torque series DST2 will be introduced in the motor portfolio. With one of the broadest offerings of motors on the market, in addition to different high-torque motors Baumüller also offers efficient and scalable servomotors as well as main drives in numerous versions and sizes. There are also new arrivals in the areas of drive technology. The b maXX 5800 can control up to six axes independently from one another. For example, gantry axes can be controlled within one computer unit. This means that this solution does not require field bus communication between the axes and enables extremely fast communication and response times of 62.5 μs. The dead times of field bus communication as well as following errors are omitted and dynamics and accuracy are increased. Another product highlight is the intelligent local servo drive b maXX 2500. With the b maXX 2500, Baumüller has combined its proven b maXX 3300 converter series with the robust DSD2, DSC and DSP1 servo motors, thereby creating a compact drive with integrated electronics for the highend range. The b maXX 2500 offers integrated safety technology and can be flexibly integrated into networked drive structures via a large number of supported fieldbus systems.

Lifecycle management 4.0 worldwide In addition to developing and manufacturing automation components,

Baumüller DST2 high-torque motors are now optimized even further with increased speed and power

Baumüller as a corporate group also covers numerous services for machine and systems construction as well as for machine operators. Starting with the project planning, design and commissioning all the way to maintenance, retrofitting and relocation, Baumüller offers support throughout the entire life cycle of machines and systems. Mechanical engineers and machine operators at the Hanover Trade Fair will have the opportunity to be consulted by service experts from the Baumüller subsidiaries Nürmont and the Baumüller repair facility on such topics as manufacturer-independent repair, servicing, relocation and installation. With over 40 branches worldwide, Baumüller is a globally reliable service partner with decades of local worldwide experience.

Baumüller is one of the leading manufacturers of innovative automation and electric drive systems. At six manufacturing locations and over 40 subsidiaries spread all over the world, 1700 employees plan, develop, produce and install intelligent system solutions for mechanical engineering; from operation and visualization tools to Motion Control software as per PLCopen, from software modules to controllers, also including converters, electric drives and the whole service range for ready to use automation solutions. The areas service, installations, fitting, and relocation add to the wide range of Baumüller’s services. In the mechanical engineering industry, Baumüller is one of the leading partners for automation solutions worldwide. Medical Device ASIA | March-April 2017 | 13

Powder-bed-based laser melting with metals (LaserCUSING®) | Information on IDS International Dental Show, Cologne (Germany)

Mlab cusing 200R as the new benchmark in the small machine segment • • •

Mlab cusing 200R already doing well in the dental industry Additive manufacturing for producing dental parts safely, quickly and flexibly Additively manufactured dentures growing strongly

The brilliant position in the market of Concept Laser, the pioneer of LaserCUSING, is reflected in numerous sectors. In dental technology, the Mlab cusing has since 2011 established an outstanding market position in the small machine segment for the additive manufacturing of patient-specific implants, bridges and crowns. For IDS 2017, Concept Laser is putting its new Mlab cusing 200R at the forefront of its presentation at the trade fair (Hall 10.1, Stand B034). The Mlab cusing 200R scores points in particular for its rapid build rate and its attractive build envelope. But the many other new features are also of great interest to dental laboratories and technicians. Numerous new references The compact and powerful Mlab cusing 200R, which was unveiled for the first time at formnext powered by TCT, is already garnering a big response in the market even before the first machine has been delivered, as the example of the dental industry in Spain shows. For instance, the dental laboratories Fresdental (ES), Ziacom (ES) and Deltacadcam (ES) have each already placed at least one order for the new model. ArchimedesPro (ES) announced that it would be ordering an Mlab cusing 200R at the IDS. Such references do not come about by chance, as Oliver Edelmann, Managing Director of Sales & Marketing for Concept Laser, explains: “The Mlab cusing 200R really does set the benchmark in the small machine segment. We have also put all of our expertise in performance, quality, and safety into our smallest machine range.”

Strong performance profile

Oliver Edelmann, Managing Director of Sales & Marketing for Concept Laser: “The Mlab cusing 200R really does set the benchmark in the small machine segment. We have also put all of our expertise in performance, quality, and safety into our smallest machine range.”

The new Mlab cusing 200R presents itself to the user with an ergonomic design featuring a space-saving footprint and an intuitively designed display. It is the right machine when it comes to delivering high surface quality and the finest part structures. In comparison to the Mlab cusing R, the “big brother” makes it possible to manufacture

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The Mlab cusing 200R scores points for its ergonomic and compact design, a large build envelope (100 x 100 x 100 mm3) and a powerful fiber laser in the 200W class. In addition, it has been equipped with a larger filter, thus reducing downtimes and increasing availability.

even larger components with much greater productivity, without the machine losing any of its familiar compactness. Compared to the previous model, the larger version features an extended build space now measuring 100 x 100 x 100 mm³ (x, y, z), which means the build volume is increased by a full 54%. Three different build envelopes are generally available to the user: 100 x 100 x 100 mm³ (x, y, z), 70 x 70 x 80 mm³ (x, y, z) and 50 x 50 x 80 mm³ (x, y, z). The top version makes it possible to manufacture even larger components, for example multiple-link bridge structures or superstructures. The volume

of the build envelope therefore also boosts flexibility and output in production. The doubling of the power of the fiber laser to 200 watts delivers maximum productivity along with a high build rate. Another new feature is a clamping system which enables more accurate component positioning.

Practical plus points: new filter concept, high safety standards and modular structure In addition, the new Mlab cusing 200R boasts a larger filter, resulting in a considerable reduction in downtimes and thus much greater availability. Special features are the water-floodable filter and

ypical applications in dental technology include crowns, caps, model castings and secondary structures made from cobalt-chrome, titanium or precious metal alloys.

For the Mlab cusing 200R, Concept Laser offers the option of the inertized sieving station QM Powder S as a stand-alone unit.

of sieves (1 - 3 units). A threedimensional sieving motion enables optimum utilization of the sieve surface area.

Outlook for the dental industry the modular structure of the machine. The process chamber and handling section are – as is typical for Concept Laser – physically separate and enable safe and easy part handling. For this purpose, a handling station for loading and unloading the machine is docked on so that the build module can be transferred easily using a drawer principle. The handling station station is then inertized. The operator accesses the station through gloves in order to carry out the loading process or to remove parts. After the end of the process, the build module is “pulled” back into the machine and finally the handling station is undocked. The concept of the closed system was a must-have for the Mlab cusing 200R: All process steps take place under inert gas, shielded from external influences. The whole process can therefore be implemented with the maximum level of quality and safety. This is also guaranteed by the machine’s design in accordance with ATEX directives for safe processing of reactive materials such as titanium and titanium alloys. For the Mlab cusing 200R, Concept Laser now also offers the option of the new, inertized sieving station QM Powder S as a stand-alone unit. The user can apply a variable number

The additive metal laser melting process is used to manufacture dental products such as crowns, caps, model castings and secondary structures in an extremely economical way. The main materials used are cobaltchrome, titanium or precious metal alloys. On account of the standardized production process, unique products for specific patients or small batches can be manufactured with a constantly high level of quality. The opportunities for dental laboratories to enhance the value they offer lie in the reproducibility, the high level of quality, the precision fit, the high output of dental structures with attractive unit costs and their rapid availability. This technology enables them to develop from a specialist skilled business to become a printing center. Concept Laser GmbH from Lichtenfels, Germany is today, unlike almost any other company, one of the real pioneers and key drivers of powder-bed-based laser fusing with metals. The technology driver here is the patented LaserCUSING® process, also referred to as 3D metal printing, which over the course of 15 years has evolved the additive manufacturing of

3D components from a rapid technology to the stage of industrial series production. When Frank Herzog founded Concept Laser GmbH back in 2000 in Lichtenfels, a metal laser fusing machine was an entirely unknown quantity in the market. How is a 3D geometry created from metal powder using a laser? What does 3D printing or a digital process chain mean for the manufacturing of the future? The answer was industrial machine technology: Concept Laser unveiled the first machine of this type in 2001 at Euromold in Frankfurt. With 65 patents granted today and over 120 patent applications, Frank Herzog and his workforce of around 190 employees continue to champion and develop the LaserCUSING® process. The company caters for the global market for laser fusing machines across all different sectors from sites in Germany, the USA and China and through a network of more than 35 distribution and service partners. Concept Laser’s high quality standards, expertise in processes, applications and materials deliver reliable and cost-effective solutions which prove their effectiveness in everyday production and are primarily aimed at reducing part costs. In addition to commercial aspects, the process offers a large number of other benefits

compared to conventional methods of production: The components are lighter, the designer has new freedoms, the topology and geometry are optimized, additional functions can be integrated, and less raw material is required. What this means is components that were previously manufactured using machining processes are now being redesigned to fully exploit the new potential offered by additive manufacturing. Concept Laser offers a range of small machines (50 x 50 x 80 mm3) right through to the machine with the world’s largest build envelope (800 x 400 x 500 mm3). Machines from Concept Laser that are equipped with multilaser technology are among the fastest, safest and highest-quality laser fusing machines in the world. Around 650 installed machines and prestigious references and projects of this Franconian “hidden champion” around the globe send out a clear message and symbolize an outstanding technology for the future sealed with the endorsement “Made in Germany”. For example, today the aerospace industry, automotive industry, medical technology, dental technology, toolmaking and other sectors focus strategically on 3D metal printing as the economical and high-quality production strategy of the future that embraces the notion of “Industry 4.0”.

Medical Device ASIA | March-April 2017 | 15

European Reference Laboratory for Glycohemoglobin study reaffirms EKF’s Quo-Test® meets HbA1c performance criteria Quo-Test point of care HbA1c analyzer readily meets key performance criteria for diabetes patient monitoring Under strict evaluation conditions, Quo-Test was not only shown to perform extremely well against routine laboratory analyzers, certified as secondary reference measurement procedures (SRMPs), but also when compared to six other POC HbA1c analyzers. The authors explained that in the laboratory, sigma-metrics is a quality management strategy that provides a universal benchmark for analytical performance - effectively placing all analyzers on a level playing field. Using sigma-metrics, analytical characteristics (bias and imprecision) are placed in the form of TAE within a framework of clinical requirements. An IFCC Task Force in 2015 advocated the use of sigma-metrics quality targets for HbA1c to standardize analytical quality at a global level [2]. This latest study [1] follows the release of critical evaluation data by the European Reference Laboratory for Glycohemoglobin published in a white paper in 2016 [3], which also demonstrated Quo-Test’s strong performance. In the white paper Quo-Test’s performance in sigma-metrics was very good. Sigma was shown to be >2 at 48mmol/mol and at an HbA1c value of 75 mmol/mol >4. Examining the CVs of all duplicates, one lot number even had a sigma of >6; this is a class-leading level of performance. EKF’s Quo-Test CE-marked for monitoring HbA1c in diabetes patients

EKF Diagnostics, the global in vitro diagnostics company, announces that in a newly published paper [1] its Quo-Test® point-of-care (POC) hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) analyzer has again been confirmed to meet International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) performance criteria. Using sigma-metrics data modelling, scientists from the European Reference Laboratory for Glycohemoglobin demonstrated that Quo-Test easily met IFCC accepted quality targets of >2 sigma at 10% total allowable error (TAE) at 48 mmol/mol HbA1c. This is essential for the effective monitoring of glycemic control in diabetes patients. 16 | March-April 2017 | Medical Device ASIA

Notably, within the 2016 evaluation study, the boronate affinity fluorescence quenching technology employed by Quo-Test was demonstrated to maintain results consistency due to its ability to minimize the effects of hemoglobin variants. This compared well with laboratory-based HPLC systems. Quo-Test showed no interference of the common Hb-variants HbAS, HbAC, HbAD, HbAE, HBAJ, elevated A2 and HbF<8.6%. “We are pleased that the European Reference Laboratory for Glycohemoglobin has reaffirmed that Quo-Test fully meets accepted global performance criteria for HbA1c analysis,” said Gavin Jones, Global Diabetes Product Manager, EKF Diagnostics. “We are extremely confident that our Quo-Test is one of the most accurate, easy-to-use and reliable HbA1c POC analyzers available, which is also unaffected by most hemoglobin variants.” CE-marked for the monitoring of HbA1c in diabetes patients, Quo-Test is specifically designed for use in a POC setting, such as diabetes clinics and doctors’ surgeries. It is fully automated, measuring HbA1c from a 4 µL sample taken from a finger prick or venous whole blood. Results are available in four minutes within a measuring range of 4-15% A1c DCCT, and precision performance with a CV of 2.2% at 6.6% DCCT has been demonstrated [3]. For more information on EKF Diagnostics, please see www.ekfdiagnostics. com. References: 1. Lenters-Westra, E. & English, E. Understanding the use of sigma metrics in hemoglobin A1c analysis. Clin Lab Med 2017;37: 57-71. 2. Weykamp, C., John, G., Gillery P. et al. on behalf of the IFCC Task Force on Implementation of HbA1c Standardization. Investigation of 2 models to set and evaluate quality targets for HbA1c: biological variation and sigma-metrics. Clin Chem 2015;61(5): 752-9. 3. Lenters-Westra, E. An evaluation of the Quo-Test performance against NGSP and sigma-metrics. 2016 White Paper available for download at:

THOMAS 2380 Versatile Pressure/Vacuum Pump

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provides long-life reliability with low vibration and quiet operation.

x 6.73” (171 mm) high. Its compact design, makes it ideal for use in various applications, while the twin-cylinder design

and has a one-piece monolithic head. Weighing 12 pounds, the 2380 is 9.31” (236.5 mm) long x 5.14” (130.6 mm) wide

The 2380 provides 100 psi (6.9 bar) max pressure with open flow of 2.3 cfm (65 l/min). The new 2380 series is fan-cooled

including medical, dental, industrial packaging/printing, and environmental in pond aeration.

The 2380 series air compressors are designed for pressure/vacuum and high flow, with suitability for a range of applications

New Platform, Large Twin-Cylinder Pump with WOB-L® Technology


MTA2017 propels a digitalised manufacturing sector In light of manufacturing’s shift towards a new era of digitalisation, technologies and solutions for Industry 4.0 such as 3D printing, automation, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and robotics are increasingly being sought after.

Showcases that brought these technologies to light were well-received at MTA2017, Asia’s premier manufacturing technology industry event, which concluded last Friday at the Singapore Expo. The 300-exhibitor event provided a useful platform for companies to conduct business, and tap into the talent and experience from the industry community. Through participating in MTA2017, companies will emerge more agile in adjusting to shifting economic and industry landscapes, and better positioned for business growth in a digitalised future. 18 | March-April 2017 | Medical Device ASIA

“We have gathered global industry experts and brands in one place at MTA to showcase a full spectrum of products, solutions and technologies, from precision engineering capabilities serving high-value sectors, to advanced technologies that empower smart manufacturing,” said Mr. William Lim, Project Director for manufacturing events at UBM SES, organiser of MTA2017. Siemens, which offers consultancy services and technical expertise

to multinationals and SMEs looking to transform traditional factories into digitalised ones, is one such example. “Manufacturing Technology Asia 2017 was a good platform for us to connect with new and existing customers. Our booth on-site enabled us to showcase our new Digital Enterprise Suite, providing attendees with the visual representation of the whole product portfolio, including the Siemens ZerOne.DesIgnTM

Manufacturing Design Consultancy and MindSphere, our cloudbased, open internet-of-things operating systems. We are excited to bring forward the discussions and look forward to forging new partnerships in Singapore and the overall Southeast Asia region,” said Raimund Klein, Executive Vice President, Country Lead for Digital Factory (DF) and Process Industries and Drives (PD) divisions, Siemens. MTA2017 underlined how Industry 4.0 technologies can be implemented. At the Smart Manufacturing Pavilion and Smart Manufacturing Asia conference, exhibitors and speakers imparted deep insights and conducted live demonstrations, which enabled attendees to visualise how digitalisation will enhance their processes, operations and services. “Globally, industrial productivity has declined to less than 1% and many manufacturers are looking at digitalisation to combat this issue,” said exhibitor Alvin Ng, General Manager, GE Digital, ASEAN. “At Smart Manufacturing Asia 2017, we shared our domain expertise in machines and digital transformation from over 500 factories globally, combining our solutions for Brilliant Manufacturing, cyber security, Asset Performance Management with GE’s Predix platform. We estimate that digital technologies will create $8.6 trillion in productivity gains in the industrial world over the next decade.”

The Smart Manufacturing Asia 2017 conference gathered more than 30 industry thought leaders and experts who provided deep insights and topical case studies on Industry 4.0, IIoT, augmented reality and robotics. “For many organisations the advancement into Smart Manufacturing poses a great risk as they may not have the necessary experience required to develop secure policies, defend their assets, identify and respond to cyber threats. Smart Manufacturing Asia provided a meaningful platform to discuss and educate audiences about the need for cyber security as a key enabler for IIoT and Smart Manufacturing. With the continued increase in cyber threats around the world, Honeywell is committed to helping customers address cyber security vulnerabilities with expertise and innovation specifically designed for industrial processes and critical infrastructure protection,” said conference speaker Mirel Sehic, Cyber Security Manager, Honeywell Process Solutions. “From being doubtful initially about I4.0 and apprehensive about IoT and CF in terms of practicality and act-ability, this seminar has helped me to shift from scepticism to optimism with the excellent contents delivered by some great CEOs, and visionary speakers. This is one of the best seminars I’ve ever attended,” commented conference delegate Toh Kum Woh, Director of Celestica (M) Sdn. Bhd.

3D Printing was a big focus at MTA2017. From show floor exhibits to technology tours and interactive seminars, visitors saw a wide array of industrial applications and innovative concepts across industries from aerospace to medical technology, displayed by exhibitors BeAM, Chemtron, Creatz3D, EOS, Eye-2-Eye Communications, Nanyang Polytechnic, Renishaw, SLM Solutions, TRUMPF and UCT Additive Manufacturing Center.

printing is new to me, I gained useful learning points from industry leaders such as Creatz3D and UCT Additive Manufacturing Center on the tour. I look forward to explore further collaboration opportunities with these exhibitors.”

“We’re excited to be at MTA because we see ourselves playing a part in contributing to the factory of the future. When you think about Industry 4.0, we’re talking about a new form of agility and flexibility to the manufacturing value chain that can only be enabled by advanced technologies like industrial 3D printing. The trade visitors we met were surprised by how much they stand to gain with Additive Manufacturing. And while the manufacturing sector has been a pillar of growth for Singapore, more still can be done to promote adoption of such technologies, and to that end, the nurturing of specialised talent,” commented exhibitor Terrence Oh, Vice President (Asia Pacific), EOS Singapore.

The show floor buzzed with excitement as ABB, Epson and Nachi held regular demonstrations of their robots. Epson launched new N2 robots with the world’s first patented compact folding arm technology at the event. The N2 robot is designed for confined workspaces and smaller payloads, and extremely manoeuvrable, thus enabling a more efficient assembly line layout and improved productivity. Nachi showcased its best-selling table top robot and range of robotic arms from its fastest table top articulate 6-axis robot up to its 700kg payload robot arm. Attendees also got first-hand experience of ABB’s collaborative and IoT-enabled robots such as the SafeMove2 that performs safety certified monitoring of robot motion, tool and standstill supervision as well as speed limitation, thus allowing operators and robots to interact directly without physical barriers and enabling more efficient and flexible production scenarios.

Visitor Dr Prakash Murawala, Business & Technology Manager, SE Asia & India of SAMCO Inc. Singapore said, “This is the first time I am visiting MTA and am glad to join the 3D printing technology tour. The tour was very wellorganised and informative. As 3D

“There is a growing demand for industrial robots that can perform extremely high precision tasks in Singapore and SE Asia, as well as for robots that can perform at greater speeds to enhance productivity. MTA provides a good platform to bring the latest

Medical Device ASIA | March-April 2017 | 19

in innovative technologies from the region and to network with the manufacturing industry. Epson has seen positive interest with the launch of our new robots at MTA, and the event has brought greater awareness of Epson technology,” remarked exhibitor Ng Ngee Khiang, Regional General Manager (SE Asia), Robotics Division, Epson. MTA2017 drew more than 10,000 attendees from 43 countries/ regions, including exhibiting staff, trade visitors, conference delegates and speakers, and members

of the press. This includes 13 group delegations from Malaysia, Philippines and Singapore, comprising of executives from Hewlett Packard Enterprise, the Penang Foundry & Engineering Industries Association, the Philippine Die & Mould Association, Pratt & Whitney, Small & Medium Enterprises Association Malaysia, ST Logistics and Singapore Aerospace Manufacturing. “It was an informative event, and well-organised. We managed to meet a number of exhibitors such

20 | March-April 2017 | Medical Device ASIA

as 3M, Castor & Wheel, Expresso System Technology, Keyence that we are interested to make purchases from,” commented visitor Moey Shen Yu, Plant Manager of Coilcraft, Malaysia. Another visitor, Conroy Tan of Ancon Anda, Singapore remarked, “This is my first time at MTA. I usually go to shows in Germany. I come here to check out the latest equipment and trends and I am pleasantly surprised to see selected suppliers on the show floor. I managed to meet my

objectives of coming to the show. I had a good time!” “The visit to MTA2017 is fulfilling and we checked out several exhibitors with new and updated equipment. It is well organised and our group also benefited from the site visit at Advanced Remanufacturing Technology Centre. MTA2017 has opened our eyes to the meaning of Industry 4.0!” said Philip Ang, President of the Philippine Die and Mold Association group delegation.

BABY BORN WITH TWO PAIRS OF LOWER LIMBS AND TORSO UNDERGOES CORRECTIVE SURGERY AT NARAYANA HEALTH CITY Doctors suspect ‘twinning process’ might have gone wrong during development in the womb


arents of the baby born with two pairs of lower limbs and two sets of genitals breathe a sigh of relief after a successful corrective surgery at Narayana Health City in Bengaluru. The boy baby born to a couple from Puladinni Village was delivered at a primary health centre in Raichur. Sighting the abnormality, the infant was shifted to a private hospital in Bellari, which was covered in sections of the media. The parents were reluctant to opt for a surgical correction of their baby’s deformity as they could not afford the cost of treatment coming from a poor economic background. The department of Pediatric Surgery at Narayana Health City in Bengaluru took the initiative to treat the baby and perform this surgery free of cost. The undeveloped parasitic twin was separated from the baby in an uneventful surgery that lasted for a little more than three hours.

condition, x-rays were taken to examine the spine and lungs, an ECG and ECHO to check the heart and once it was confirmed that everything was in order, the team proceeded for a CT scan. A contrast CT angiogram was performed where a dye was injected into the baby’s veins as it

The baby was admitted on 24th January at Narayana Health City. Since the infant had travelled a long distance of more than 300 km, it was dehydrated and required oxygen support. The team of doctors-pediatric surgeons and neonatologists, proceeded to resuscitate the baby by correcting the baby’s dehydration, sugar levels, temperature etc. and stabilized the baby. Once the baby was stable a team of doctors led by Dr. Ashley D’Cruz, Director & Sr. Consultant Pediatric Surgeon & Urologist as well as Dr. Sanjay Rao, Sr. Consultant Pediatric Surgeon at Narayana Health City observed the baby for a couple of days to ensure everything was alright before going for further investigations.

was important to identify where the blood supply was coming to the parasitic twin. “Since the parasitic twin does not have its own heart and circulation, it was getting blood supply from the baby. Therefore, it was important for us to know where the bloodsupply and blood vessels are connected so that we could safely separate the two”, informed Dr. Sanjay Rao.

As part of the investigations, the baby had an ultrasound to make sure kidneys were in good

After the CT scan was done, reconstruction was created to further define the vascular system,

blood supply, bones, tissues and so on. This was essential to allow doctors to plan for the surgery. During surgery it was important to know what is shared between the baby and the parasite. That’s the reason all the tests were done initially to ascertain the blood vessels and blood supply; sometimes even some organs are shared in such cases. “The baby(also called autosite) on its own was fine and didn’t have any major anomalies or complications. Therefore, it was very critical to define everything and plan the surgery meticulously. Our main precaution was to protect the interest of the baby (autosite). Care was taken to ensure there was no injury to the baby’s parts rather than the parasite’s part” said Dr. Sanjay Rao. The surgery team comprised of the pediatric surgeons, anesthetists,surgical nurses and theatre technicians. After the operation the baby was managed by the surgical and neonatology teams. Other doctors, such as the cardiologist and radiologist were involved as and when required The doctors at Narayana Health City attribute this condition to two theories – one hypothesis is based on the twinning process when twin babies are developed in the uterus. In this case, the second baby (the parasite) that was not properly formed. It did

not develop it’s own heart and circulation and hence remained attached to the host baby (called autosite). The other hypothesis is based on formation of specific types of tumours (called foetus in foetu). In this situation tumor itself matures to such an extent that it starts to form body parts such as spine, some bones or various other organs. Therefore, it is either a faulty twinning process or a form of new growth. However, this baby doctors feel, is more likely to be a faulty twinning process. “Looking at the baby now, we don’t see any major issue as the baby is doing fine and has started feeding on mother’s milk”, informed Dr. Ashley D’Cruz. “There could be some minor issues as the child grows up; we have to monitor the child to ensure things are going the right way. At present there is nothing to suggest that the child will have problems or may not have normal development; everything is normal now”, he confirmed. The child will be under medical supervision in order to make sure that the child is growing fine and no other medical issues come up. Doctors treating the baby at Narayana Health City confirmed that the baby has recovered well and is off all medicines and antibiotics. All necessary vaccinations have also been given and the baby is bonding well with the mother now. For some time the family may have to travel to Narayana Health City for follow-up consultations and thereafter they can opt for telemedicine consultation facility from Narayana Sanjeevini Hospital in Bellari, while doctors from the hospital in Bengaluru will liaison with the pediatric team in Bellari for follow-up whenever required.

Medical Device ASIA | March-April 2017 | 21

Jaypee Hospital hosts the star studded shoot of Neeraj Pandey’s ‘Naam Shabana’ The star cast of the film along with the director and producer addressed the gathering at Jaypee Hospital About Jaypee Hospital: The Noida-based Jaypee hospital spreads across 18 acres of sprawling campus in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The hospital has been planned and designed as a 1200 bedded tertiary care multi-specialty facility and has commissioned 525 beds in the first phase.

Jaypee Hospital, a Multi Super Specialty Hospital in Sector 128 Noida, hosted the shoot of the prequel of 2015 hit – Baby titled ‘Naam Shabana’. Neeraj Pandey and his team shot few sequences of the film at Jaypee Hospital. The three day shoot at the hospital was concluded today. In order to celebrate the completion of shooting of the film, the team organised a press conference recently. The lead star cast of the film including Akshay Kumar, Taapsee Pannu, Prithviraj Sukumaran along with the director Mr. Shivam Nair and producer Mr. Neeraj Pandey addressed the audience at the conference. The producer of the film, Mr. Neeraj Pandey chose Jaypee Hospital as one of the locations for shooting as there were few scenes in the film that needed to replicate a state of the art infrastructure of an international level hospital. Wishing success to the team of ‘Naam Shabana’ for their film, Dr. Manoj Luthra, CEO, Jaypee Hospital said, “We welcome the team and feel very honoured to be associated with the team of ‘Naam Shabana’. It gives us a proud feeling that Mr. Neeraj Pandey chose our hospital to be replicated as an international hospital meeting all his requirements.” “While shooting of the film it was ensured that none of the patient gets disturbed, for this reason a separate area was allocated for shooting and most of the scenes were shot on Sunday or at late night. The Jaypee team is proud to be a part of the film and we hope that this association continues in the future,” Dr. Manoj Luthra added. The team of Naam Shabana was very happy and satisfied with their shoot at Jaypee Hospital. Naam Shabana is an upcoming 2017 Indian action spy thriller film directed by Shivam Nair and produced by Neeraj Pandey. It is a prequel from the 2015 film Baby with Taapsee Pannu reprising her role as Shabana. The movie is scheduled to release on 31 March 2017. 22 | March-April 2017 | Medical Device ASIA

The Jaypee Group is committed to providing world-class healthcare supported by renowned consultants and most advanced technology. Jaypee Hospital is a superspecialty hospital with advance healthcare facilities, the latest diagnostic services, and state- of-the –art technology focused on medical specialties that meet the needs of masses. The plan, design and construction of this hospital position itself amongst very few GOLD LEED Certified hospitals building in India.

Jaypee Hospital achieves another milestone Performs a record 100 successful kidney transplants • Every year about 20,000 kidneys fail, but only 5000 are getting transplanted in India • Patients from Bihar, North East, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab etc. have received transplants and a new lease of life at Jaypee Hospital • People from Mongolia, Pakistan, Iraq, Nigeria, Kyrgyzstan have received successful kidney transplants at Jaypee Hospital

Jaypee Hospital, a Multi Super Specialty Hospital in Sector 128 Noida, has achieved another milestone in performing a record 100 successful kidney transplants at affordable rates. The hospital, which established in 2014 and started performing the kidney transplants by May 2015, has completed 100 kindly transplants in a span of just 20 Months. Speaking on this achievement Jaypee Hospital’s senior consultant from the Department of Urology and Kidney Transplant Dr. Amit Devra said, “When a kidney operates at only 10% of its

capacity, It is considered a renal

Transplant Department Dr. Anil

disease reaches an untreatable

failure and in such cases either

Prasad Bhatt, “Performing more

stage, the patient should go for a

dialysis or kidney transplants are

than 100 kidney transplants in

kidney transplant to avoid lifelong

the only available options for the

just 20 months is a record in

dialysis, as the amount spent for

patients. Every year in India about

itself. Our success is owed to the

a year of dialysis is the same in

20,000 people are renal failure

team of renowned doctors and

which, a patient can get a kidney

patients of which about only 5,000

cutting-edge technology at Jaypee


can be provided with a new life

Hospital. Notably, the team has

through transplant due to the

also performed critical surgeries

Commenting on this occasion, Dr.

lack of awareness about kidney

which include A.B.O. incompatible

Manoj Luthra, CEO, Jaypee Hospital

donation. “

transplant and a successful kidney

said, “I congratulate the team of

“Patients from Delhi NCR have

transplant of a patient for the

doctors from Renal Transplant

no reason to worry because the

second and the third time. Jaypee

departments of the hospital,

kidney transplant procedures at

Hospitals is offering transplants

whose great efforts and skills have

Jaypee Hospital are very advanced

at less cost compared to other

resulted in this success. This is a

and sophisticated. Additionally,

healthcare institutions in the north

very proud moment for all of us

donors with multiple vessels,

Indian region.”

that our hospital has been able to

kidney transplants for children,

contribute to this cause. In the

transplant between unmatched

Talking about chronic kidney

last two years, we have treated

blood groups and patients with

diseases, Senior Nephrologist Dr.

more than 2 lakh patients in various

immunity imbalance have also

Vijay Kumar Sinha said, “Current

specialities and we feel blessed

been operated successfully here.”

studies suggest that diabetes,

that the people have showed faith

added Dr. Devra.

nephritis, blood pressure, stones

in us and our services. We wish to

and hypertension contribute to an

serve more people in the coming

According to senior consultant

increased risk of developing renal

times by extending our services to

of Nephrology and Kidney

dysfunction. If and when the kidney

other part of the country as well.”

Medical Device ASIA | March-April 2017 | 23

Advancement in diagnosis, management and therapy of Fragile X Syndrome and associated disorders! a change and does not function properly, it affects brain functions. It causes a wide range of cognitive impairment, from mild learning disabilities to severe intellectual disabilities (ID) that can impact individuals and families in various ways. Fragile X Syndrome is the most common known cause of autism or “autistic-like” behaviors.

Dr. Randi Hagerman, MD, Medical Director, UC Davis MIND Institute, USA , Ms. Shalini Kedia, Founder Member and Chairperson, The Fragile X Society, India and Dr. Samir H. Dalwai, MD, DCH, FCPS, DNB, LLB, New Horizons Child Development Centre & Research Foundation, NeuroDevelopmental Clinic, Lokmanya Tilak Municipal General (Sion) Hospital and Medical College; President, Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Mumbai;

The first ever Indo – USA endeavor to create awareness for better Fragile X care in India by The Fragile X Society, India in association with UC DAVIS MIND Institute, USA; co-organized with Indian Academy of Pediatrics Chapter of Neurodevelopmental Pediatrics and New Horizons Health and Research Foundation drew curtains to the joint IndoUSA medical symposium in Mumbai at Nanavati Super Specialty Hospital. After its successful inauguration in Delhi, and creating awareness about the advancement in diagnosis, management and therapy about the syndrome in Bangalore, and Kolkata the 4 city symposium concluded its journey in Mumbai. 24 | March-April 2017 | Medical Device ASIA

The Indo- USA symposium provided a never before platform to expand and develop relationships between Indian and American researchers and clinicians. It was an avenue to exchange knowledge between Indian and American professionals about the latest evidence-based treatments for Fragile X-associated Disorders. Further it also engaged the patient community to expand the reach of the Fragile X Society India. The Fragile X Syndrome is a rare condition, which is caused by a change in a gene that is inherited at the time of conception. When the gene called the FMR1, found in the X chromosome undergoes

The symposium was attended by eminent doctors and healthcare experts like Dr. Samir H. Dalwai, MD, DCH, FCPS, DNB, LLB, New Horizons Child Development Centre & Research Foundation, NeuroDevelopmental Clinic, Lokmanya Tilak Municipal General (Sion) Hospital and Medical College; President, Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Mumbai; Suma Shankar, MD, PhD, Precision Genomics Director, UC Davis, California, USA; Flora Tassone, PhD, Investigator, UC Davis MIND Institute, UC Davis, California, USA; Stephanie Sherman, PhD, Professor, Emory University, Atlanta, USA ; Dr. Randi Hagerman, MD, Medical Director, UC Davis MIND Institute, USA; Mr. Robert Miller, International Patient Advocacy Organisational Consultant and Ms. Shalini Kedia, Founder Member and Chairperson, The Fragile X Society, India along with other well known doctors. Speaking at the occasion, Ms. Shalini Kedia, Founder Member and Chairperson, The Fragile X Society, India said, “The awareness levels in India with respect to other countries are considerably low. In the past, for instance in USA, toddlers at the age of 36-42 months were detected with FXS, whereas children in India were diagnosed at ages of 10yrs, 12yrs, 16yrs or even 40yrs.This led to a huge gap in their treatment cycle.

families. It holds seminars, workshops and conferences in Mumbai and various parts of the country. Approximately 1 in 3,600 to 4000 among males and 1 in 4000 to 6000 among females are affected by FXS. Usually, males are more severely affected by this disorder than females. Therefore it is vital to spread awareness among the medical fraternity especially pediatricians and gynecologists’ as well as parents and the couples planning to have a child, so that children with Fragile X Syndrome are detected early in life. Due to advancement in medical sciences, there are many treatments like medication and therapies available at different centres, which significantly improve the quality of life of a child or an individual affected with Fragile X Syndrome (FXS).

Ms. Shalini Kedia, Founder Member and Chairperson, The Fragile X Society, India with the Indo-US team.

With The Fragile X Society, India’s initiative of dispelling ignorance amongst the large population of India has bore fruit. The youngest Fragile X affected child we have seen was just one year old. This has happened only because of awareness amongst professionals.” “As per the world wide statistics, we can easily say that India has over 4, 00,000 affected individuals. There are organizations all over the world focused on creating awareness for Fragile X. Nearly every state in the US has a Fragile X society working towards this goal.”- Ms. Kedia added. The Fragile X Society, India promotes public and professional awareness among the parents and eminent doctors all over India. It extends help to families with affected children in terms of literature, guidance and a deep understanding of how Fragile X can impact

The Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP), the apex association of pediatric discipline has come forward to support The Fragile X Society, India to take forward the motto of a better Fragile X Syndrome care among the affected individuals in every nook and corner of India. Extending his support to the cause Dr. Anupam Sachdeva, MD, Director Institute of Child Health, SGRH, President, Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) said, “We have taken this step to come forward and support The Fragile X Society, India, as we feel that awareness needs to be increased in India as far as Fragile X Syndrome and its associated disorders are concerned. Cases of Fragile X Syndrome and its associated disorders are mostly not reported in India. Therefore, we at IAP are preparing guidelines for management of the syndrome, as it is necessary to create

awareness among the doctors who will manage the children or individuals affected with FXS and its associated disorders. It is therefore vital to utilize the knowledge gathered from the guidelines so that it can be used for early and better diagnosis of the syndrome and plan its treatment accordingly.” The Fragile X Society, India has also partnered with UC DAVIS MIND Institute, USA through which the internationally acclaimed researchers and healthcare experts would create awareness and talk about the advances in diagnosis, management and therapy of Fragile X Syndrome and its associated disorders. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Randi Hagerman,MD, Medical Director, UC Davis MIND Institute ,USA said, “Its has been our constant endeavour to create a better life for individuals affected with Fragile X Syndrome and its associated disorders. We are happy to be associated with The Fragile X Society, India for spreading awareness about Fragile X Syndrome and its associated disorders in India. We have been training doctors, psychologists in fragile X, autism and other neurodevelopmental disorders through our International Training Program in Neuro developmental Disorders (ITPND).” Having a child with special needs is challenging in itself and dealing with the social stigma and ignorance surrounding it makes it even more difficult. Such is the case of Fragile X Syndrome and its associated disorders. It is also disheartening to note that the patients and their guardians face social exclusion. The root of stigma lies in the differences in perception leading to lack of awareness which does not allow early intervention in terms of appropriate diagnosis and treatment to take place in such cases.

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Team of doctors at Jaypee Hospital blessed an eight month old Afghanistan baby with a new life • • •

Mujib, the patient was suffering from Severe Combined Immuno Deficiency Two brothers of Mujib had already lost their lives due to this disease Half matched bone marrow transplant is a rare procedure the second stage around 300 ml of bone marrow was taken from the donor in a 45 minute surgery and was transplanted to the patient. It took about 20 days for Arian’s marrow to start functioning in Mujib’s body. During this time Mujib’s condition was very critical and he needed a lot of support in the form of antibiotics, blood products and nutrition.”

Team of doctors at Jaypee Hospital have successfully blessed eight months old Afghanistan baby, Mujib with a second life. Doctors of Hemato – Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplant Department of Jaypee Hospital have successfully performed allogeneic bone marrow transplant. The bone marrow was donated by patient’s elder brother Arian, aged 4 years whose bone marrow was half matched on Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing. The procedure was performed last month by Dr. Pawan Kumar Singh and Dr. Esha Kaul.


xplaining about the disease, Dr. Pawan Kumar Singh, Associate Consultant, Hemato – Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplant Department, Jaypee Hospital said, “Mujib was suffering from Severe Combined Immuno Deficiency. In this disease, the patient is born without a functioning immune system because of which the patient is at risk of fatal infections. In such cases, the patient generally does not survive beyond childhood.” “When Mujib was brought to Jaypee Hospital, he was already suffering from high fever, pneumonia and diarrhea. This is a genetic disease and Mujib started having infections in his infancy only. His two elder

brothers had already lost their lives to this illness in their infancy. After getting all the tests done, the family got to know that even Mujib is suffering from Severe Combined Immunodeficiency. He had one surviving brother Arian, aged 4 years who had escaped the clutches of this disease. Arian’s blood tests confirmed normal lymphocyte counts so he could serve as a donor for his younger brother. But HLA typing showed that Arian had only 50% match with Mujib. In Severe Combined Immunodeficiency, the patient’s life can only be saved by bone marrow transplant but performing a half matched bone marrow transplant on an eight month old baby was itself a

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challenging task. There are only a few cases of successful haploidentical transplantation for this disease in the world,” Dr. Pawan Kumar Singh further explained. Dr. Esha Kaul, Associate Consultant, Hemato – Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplant Department, Jaypee Hospital said, “Bone Marrow Transplant is a procedure in which the treatment lasts for several days. In this case the procedure continued for almost a month. In the first stage chemotherapy conditioning, serum etc were given to the baby to prepare his body to receive the donor’s bone marrow without the risk of rejection. This phase lasted for about 10 days. In

Dr. Esha Kaul further explained, “In bone marrow transplantation it is very important that the donor’s blood cells are well matched with the recipient’s but in this case donor’s blood cells were only half matched to Mujib’s. In case of a half match transplant the procedure becomes all the more complicated. In order to assess the success of the transplant, the patient’s DNA is tested by a special test, which is called Chimerism. Mujib’s post transplant chimerism analysis confirmed that his blood cell DNA had completely converted to his brother’s. Our immune system has white blood cells called lymphocytes which protect our body from infections. Before the transplant, Mujib had almost zero lymphocytes in his blood. Post the transplant, his lymphocyte count has approached normal and is expected to continue to improve over the next several weeks. Mujib can now lead a normal life like other kids without the risk of fatal infections.”


“The new face of private aviation” JetSetGo is an exciting venture that will revolutionize the private aviation business in the region by re-defining the experience for private charter customers through end to end control of the value chain with collaborative partnerships and technology at its core. JetSetGo is fundamentally re-defining the private aviation business. By seamlessly creating market places that join the dots between charter customers and operators on one hand and service providers with operators on the other we are breaking every barrier that always existed and creating new possibilities that were never believed to exist.

Why JetSetGo?

“Private Flying re-defined” And not your regular broker on speed dial? Simply because at JetSetGo we do not recommend aircraft best suited to our needs (read financials and ease) but aircraft best suited to your needs. We do not present to you scarce availability or artificial demand but market availability as is where is at the same time decreasing the empty flying time you incur on an average charter. Take the case of Mr. Chowdhary who has been a regular customer of JetSetGo since inception – he belongs to a tier 2 city which has no private jet based out of his home city. Mr. Chowdhary would always contact his broker who would in turn contact another broker who would in turn contact a limited pool of operators who would then charge him to ferry flights to and from his city with layers of intermediary and opportunistic margins. Mr. Chowdhary was recommended JetSetGo and decided to give us a shot. He now gets everything he needs at the click of few buttons, the price transparency he always deserved, choice that never existed before, the ability to sell unutilized sectors providing better value for his travel spends and finally enjoys the true JetSetGo Edge- Superior unraveled flying experience with every aspect of the trip meticulously covered by the JetSetGo team to help Mr. Chowdhary “achieve”.

JetSetGo launches bed to bed more affordable Air Ambulance Services The large rural-urban divide and inadequate access to quality healthcare in Tier 2 and 3 cities in India, continues to prompt those living there to opt for better medical facilities in metros or larger cities. In addition for a whole lot of specialized treatments including for trauma, advanced transplantation surgeries, head and spinal injuries etc. patients generally have no choice but to rely on experienced doctors with more advanced facilities in the larger cities. Whilst a lot of progress has been made over the last few years in intra-city emergency and ambulance services in India, turn-around time for patients travelling from other cities also needs to be very quick and efficient with the only effective mode of transport then being through air. Commercial airlines cannot meet this requirement as this requires specialized aircraft with Advance Life Support (ALS) systems including a flight stretcher, specialized medical equipment, a full assortment of patient specific drugs and medications along with a medical team to meet the specific needs of the patient.

Leadership Team

In an attempt to make more widely available within India, Emergency Medical Retrieval Service (EMRS) JetSetGo now provides air ambulance transfers domestically and inernationally. With the paramount objective of providing better service and increasing the odds of saving lives, JetSetGo stringently selects partner across the value chain to work with and through alliances makes available aircraft or helicopters at strategic locations with immediate access to medical teams to control cost and provide professional services maintaining the highest level of medical care.

Co-Founder and Navigator SudheerPerla: A PwC trained chartered accountant and an Infosys groomed business finance professional, Sudheer also has an MBA from the University of Oxford. Having spent the last 8 years in investment and restructuring roles he currently heads M&A and business development for a Dubai listed utility that is majority owned by Mubadala were he has completed acquisitions, green-field developments and capital raising transactions in excess of $2.2 billion.

Driven from this need to provide quality and readily accessible service with a strong recall in the event of emergencies; JetSetGo hopes to make use of the available airport and aviation eco-system partners to provide far better air ambulance services at more affordable costs in the country.

Co-Founder and Driver (Chief Executive Officer) Kanika Tekriwal: A fighter all the way, Kanika set to win your heart. A relentless pursuer of hope filled with ever optimism, her focus is on bringing the luxury back into business aviation and the “experience” back into life. Having worked for close to a decade in the business aviation industry in India and the UK her determination to never give in will help JetSetGo charter new territory.

In most cases 1 to 2 passengers are able to travel with the patient and an air ambulance can simply be booked by contacting our 24*7 helpline +91 11 39585858. The cost of utilizing an air ambulance starts at INR 70,000. Medical Device ASIA | March-April 2017 | 27

KMCH LAUNCHES INDIA’s FIRST MOBILE STROKE UNIT WITH ADVANCED CT IMAGING The stroke unit will enhance KMCH’s Stroke Program and provide Kovai Medical Center and Hospital today launched the Asia’s First innovative new Mobile Stroke Unit (MSU) designed to bring time-critical stroke care to patients on the way to the hospital. This will be the world’s most comprehensive Mobile Stroke Unit that is capable of conducting and producing advanced quality imaging for stroke diagnosis and non-invasive CT-angiography.

Receiving the correct treatment for stroke quickly is based on accurate diagnosis of the stroke with a rapid neurologic assessment and CT scan. Faster diagnosis and subsequent treatment can make a lot of difference. This unique Mobile Stroke Unit is a specially built, state-of-art ambulance outfitted with telemedicine technology and a CT scanner enabling brain imaging that is critical to accurate diagnosis and timely treatment. The unit features the most advanced technologies, expert staff and

life-saving treatment to stroke victims. It is designed to significantly reduce the time from the onset of symptoms to the delivery of care, a crucial factor in improving stroke outcomes. Kovai Medical Center and Hospitals under the leadership of its Chairman, Dr.Nalla G Palaniswami, after several discussions with Schiller USA decided to be the first hospital in Asia to try to develop a similar strategy by ordering a mobile stroke unit, which was specifically developed for Indian

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KMCH is the most trusted Multispecialty Hospital in the Southern Indian City of Coimbatore.

roads. “Our ultimate goal is to show that patients treated on the mobile stroke unit will have better outcomes because of earlier treatment and therefore will have fewer long-term acute care needs and/or rehabilitation needs� says Dr. Palanisami Across the country, there is excitement as health care providers are keenly watching whether the same model can transform the treatment of stroke in India.

How does the MSU work: Mobile Stroke Units are specialized ambulances staffed with a nurse, paramedic, emergency personnel and CT technologist. The unit also contains lab testing equipment and a CT scanner, which is required to diagnose the type of stroke. A stroke physician at the main hospital evaluated each patient via telemedicine and a neuroradiologist remotely

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assessed CT images. Two way video conferencing allowed communication with the patient, family and stroke experts. The CT image is an important diagnostic test distinguishing a hemorrhagic (bleeding) stroke from ischemic stroke (blood clot blocking vessels and blood flow). The treatment for these types of strokes is different, and cannot be started until the CT scan is complete. Once alerted the MSU and its specialist team will conduct critical assessments, perform a CT scan, and work with stroke specialists, neuroradiologists, and emergency room physicians at the hospital to diagnose and treat patients having an acute ischemic stroke. Images from the unit’s CT scanner will be wirelessly transmitted to the hospital where our neuroradiologist will evaluate them for signs of a stroke and the type of stroke;

ischemic (caused by a blood clot) or hemorrhagic (caused by a ruptured blood vessel). If it is found positive the on-board medical tea, can initiate procedures in the MSU to help the clot break. Patients are then transported to the hospital for additional care. KMCH is the first hospital in Asia to offer a fully equipped Mobile Stroke Unit.

About Kovai Medical Health Center and Hospital: KMCH is the most trusted Multispecialty Hospital in the Southern Indian City of Coimbatore. The relentless service of KMCH in the past 26 years, taken health care to the most modern levels in the region catering to urban and rural population. KMCH is a Multidisciplinary Advanced Super Specialty Hospital offers total and comprehensive health solution.

Indian surgeons successfully implant 3D printed vertebrae in a 32-year-old woman all the limbs – inching towards quadriplegia; compression of the respiratory nerves and eventually death. This 10-hour long surgery is the first of its kind for reconstruction with 3D printed vertebrae in India and probably third in the World, following similar surgeries that were conducted in China and Australia for different parts of spine.


ndia’s first 3D printed artificial vertebrae gives a new life to a 32-year-old Spinal Tuberculosis (TB) patient. The Complex Spinal Reconstruction was recently conducted by Spine surgeons that helped her walk once again. The team of surgeons led by Dr. V Anand Naik, Senior Consultant Spine Surgery, Bone & Joint Institute from Medanta - The Medicity, Gurugram replaced the damaged vertebrae with a 3D printed titanium vertebrae - to bridge the gap between the first and fourth cervical vertebrae. As a pending history of infertility, the patient suffered tuberculosis due to high intake of steroid (by quakes) which lowered her immunity to a level where patient developed TB at 10 different vertebrae in the spine. The first, second and third cervical vertebrae were severely damaged up to an extent that there was no skeletal support available between skull and lower cervical spine (there was disconnect between skull and lower part of the spine) due to which the head was sliding forward and curved in such a way which was causing obstruction to the spinal cord which was causing progressive weakness in

Dr. V Anand Naik, said, “it was a very complex surgery and the patient’s condition was deteriorating each day. It would not have been possible to do it without a 3D printing technology.” “It is comparatively an effective method of surgery since everything is planned before, and also a new dimension to complex spine reconstruction in difficult anatomy and complex Tumors and infections,” he added. Shedding more light on the treatment process, Dr Gopal Kumar, Consultant, Head & neck oncosurgeon at Medanta-The Medicity said,” The challenge for our team was to reach high into the neck without altering the position of the patient. Anterior approach, small working field, in cases such as these is not basis one’s choice but a necessity. Patient being a singer, preservation of laryngeal nerve was of prime importance. Swallowing, chewing and movement of tongue, all was at risk. After mobilisation and retraction of larynx and oesophagus space was created for Dr. Anand to work and perform the implant.” Dr. Naik and his team used an intricate computer software to plan every detail of the operation. The titanium cage was customised

according to the patient’s original spine. The high resolution CT & MRI scans of the patient spine were uploaded on the software and a dummy of the patient’s spine was 3D printed to measure the gaps & surgical resection between the first and the fourth cervical vertebrae. Finally, the 3D titanium implant was printed, which was to be placed in the body. The printed 3D titanium vertebrae was further tested for biomechanics and stress risers post receiving inputs from design team in India, Sweden and USA. The standard time to plan and perform the surgery is between three to four weeks. Dr. Naik (Spine) & Dr. Gopal Kumar, Consultant, Head & neck oncosurgeon at Medanta The Medicity, effectively planned the approach and executed the complex upper cervical spine surgical approach and reconstruction, within a week, in a much lesser time citing the emergency of the case. The patient who is a teacher by profession is recovering fast with newly reconstructed cervical vertebrae. She has recovered from all her weaknesses & radiculopathies in Upper and Lower limbs within 4 days of surgery and is now able to walk. She will be able to lead an independent pain & risk free life in 2 weeks. Dr. Naik and his team are now looking forward to a long term result and a decent independent lifestyle for the patient. Dr. SKS Marya, Chairman, Institute of Bone & Joint, Medanta-The Medicity said, “Medanta believes in constant innovation in Medical technology and Healthcare practices. The outcome of the surgery clearly demonstrates our

commitment towards improving the standards in patient care. Our team of doctors have introduced a path breaking solution in a complicated case such as this. They have worked very hard and we are extremely happy with the results as the patient is gradually moving back to normalcy.”

About Medanta - The Medicity Medanta - The Medicity is one of India’s largest multi-super specialty institutes located in Gurgaon, a bustling town in the National Capital Region. Founded by eminent cardiac surgeon, Dr. Naresh Trehan, the institution has been envisioned with the aim of bringing to India the highest standards of medical care along with clinical research, education and training. It brings together an outstanding pool of doctors, scientists and clinical researchers to foster collaborative, multidisciplinary investigation, inspiring new ideas and discoveries; and translating scientific advances more swiftly into new ways of diagnosing and treating patients and preventing diseases. Medanta through its research integrates modern and traditional forms of medicine to provide accessible and affordable healthcare. For more information, visit www.

Medical Device ASIA | March-April 2017 | 31

MedGenome launches “ONCOTRACK”, the Liquid Biopsy blood test for cancer recurrence detection and monitoring F) at ACTREC, Tata Memorial Centre. Dr.Kumar Prabhash opines that, “As the care gets more personalised, doctors will be equipped to make correct diagnosis, prognosis and prediction of diseases. Cell free tumour DNA (ctDNA) analysis will help in avoiding repeat biopsies of difficult to get tumours and also in monitoring the overall response to treatment on real time basis.”


is likely to have over 1.73 Million new cases of cancer and over 880,000 deaths due to the disease by 2020. Around 70% of all cancer patients approach the doctor when the disease has advanced, and the chances of cure are very low. To address and better manage the disease, MedGenome India’s premier genomics based research and diagnostics company today announced the launch of “ONCOTRACK”. The liquid biopsy based Oncotrack is a noninvasive screening test that is set to transform the way physicians in India can identify genetic alterations, interpret, assess and treat various forms of cancer. “Management of cancer will undergo a massive transformation in India with NGS based liquid biopsies. We are constantly striving

to get the most advanced genetic testing technology/technique at affordable prices to the patients and ONCOTRACK is one such offering”, said Sam Santhosh, Chairman, MedGenome. The test developed entirely by MedGenome, is the only one to be validated in India and verified from samples of cancer patients from across the country. The test screens the samples by analyzing cell-free DNA that is isolated from the patients’ blood. Using high end sequencing technology, the screening process identifies specific gene mutations that are linked with Melanoma, Lung and Colon cancers. The test facilitates detection of mutation where there is difficulty of obtaining biopsy or in the event of a damaged biopsy material and non-availability of tissue biopsy. This offers Oncologists the power to look for actionable alterations in a patient’s treatment, management, without

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having to do an invasive biopsy or where biopsy is not an option. “Liquid biopsy has the capacity to interpret infinite mutations which will pave the way for new drug discovery, research and therapies. Over thirty five oncologists in India have already screened patients using our Oncotrack. Further, since it has a very patient friendly approach, we are confident it will be very well accepted by the doctors and patients,” said Dr V.L. Ramprasad, COO, MedGenome. Oncotrack is a proven molecular tool after histopathology diagnosis and detecting molecular changes at baseline and at the time of relapse in lung and colon cancer for deciding the right treatment. The test has been validated in a scientific study, in academic collaboration with Tata Memorial Hospital- Dr Kumar Prabhash, Medical Oncologist and Dr. Amit Dutt, Principal Investigator (Scientist

About MedGenome MedGenome is a genomics-driven research and diagnostics company with a mission to improve global health by decoding the genetic information contained in an individual’s genome. MedGenome is a market leader for genomic diagnostics in South Asia and a leading provider of genomics research services globally. MedGenome offers genomics solutions in cancer immunotherapy, diabetesetc and works with various commercial and academic researchers globally on genomic research projects. It is also a founding member of GenomeAsia 100K initiative to sequence 100,000 genomes in South, North and East Asia. MedGenome is a global genomics firm with presence in USA, India and Singapore. Our NGS lab in Foster City, California is ISO 15189 compliant, CLIA certified and CAP accredited. Our NGS lab in Bangalore, India is the highest throughput facility in South-East Asia.

MedGenome announces the launch of

CLARIA CARRIER SCREENING TEST A Genetic Test for inherited diseases in Indian population


ver a million babies are born each year in India with genetic disorders and 20 – 30% of infant mortality is due to these disorders. It is also estimated that there are over 50 Million people in India with single

The Claria Carrier screening test is revolutionary in terms of the breadth and depth of coverage of disease areas that it can screen for. “India has a heavy burden of genetic disorders, owing to

1300 recessive diseases and disease-causing variations. In addition MedGenome Claria has a dedicated expert genetic counselling unit, which offers absolutely free genetic counselling to help couples understand key genetic information while planning for a baby. The Claria Carrier screening test solution was developed in-house by MedGenome, in association with Sir Ganga Ram Hospitals and under the guidance of Dr. I.C Verma. It has been validated by clinicians and will be available across India in about 500+ of MedGenome’s partner network hospitals.

gene disorders. To help address this problem, and to give couples planning on a baby get better understanding of their risks to pass on genetic disorders, MedGenome, India’s premier genomics based research and Diagnostics Company, has announced the launch of the Claria Carrier Screening Test. The unique ‘Claria Carrier screening Test’ is based on the Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology and leverages the Indian population genetic variant database created by Sir Ganga Ram Hospital over the last twenty years. Therefore enabling MedGenome to develop a highly focussed and cost effective test to screen for diseases and genetic variations that are very specific to Indian population.

our ancient population history, inbreeding, high birth rates, consanguinity and lack of awareness among people. We believe our Claria Carrier screening test developed in collaboration with Sir Ganga Ram Hospital will help in creating a large impact in India and benefit a significant part of the population,” said Sam Santhosh, Chairman, MedGenome. The Claria Carrier Screening Test provides vital information of “Carrier” status to couples and their risks of passing down recessive diseases (condition where a person has two copies of an abnormal gene) to their child. Based on superior NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) Technology the Claria Carrier Screening test can detect over

Dr. Verma, Director of the Institute of Genetics and Genomics at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi informed that “genetic disorders are common in India due to consanguineous and endogamous marriages. The new technologies of genetic sequencing, through carrier screening in the preconception period or in early pregnancy, allow the couples to check whether they carry harmful mutations, and provide them reproductive options that help to prevent the birth of babies affected with serious genetic disorders. Medgenome has introduced cheap carrier screening tests for couples for 100, 500 and 4500 genes of relevance in our country. It will help reduce the burden of genetic disorders in India.” Some of the most common genetic disorders in India are beta-Thalassemia, G6PD Deficiency, Cystic Fibrosis, Amino Acid

Disorders, Sickle Cell Anaemia, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Growth Hormone Deficiency, Haemophilia A Mucopolysacchridosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Non-Syndromic Hearing Loss etc. “With high throughput Next Generation Sequencing and cutting edge bioinformatics we can screen for almost all the recessive diseases with high accuracy at an affordable price. This is a big boon for all the couples, high risk individuals, families, communities and ethnic populations in India,” said Dr V.L. Ramprasad, COO, MedGenome. About MedGenome MedGenome is a genomics-driven research and diagnostics company with a mission to improve global health by decoding the genetic information contained in an individual’s genome. MedGenome is a market leader for genomic diagnostics in South Asia and a leading provider of genomics research services globally. MedGenome also offers genomics solutions in cancer immunotherapy, diabetes and many other disease segments. MedGenome works with various commercial and academic researchers globally on genomic research projects. It is also a founding member of GenomeAsia 100K initiative to sequence 100,000 genomes in South, North and East Asia. With presence in USA, India and Singapore. The MedGenome NGS lab in Foster City, California is ISO 15189 compliant, CLIA certified and CAP accredited, and the NGS lab in Bangalore, has the highest throughput facility in South-East Asia.

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At Metropolis, what we believe is what we say and what we say is what we do. Being empathetic to our customers and being committed to their needs is in our DNA. Metropolis has grown to harness a culture that is open, synergistic, progressive and scientific in nature. We are the Pathology Specialists delivering over 30 million tests a year, catering to more than 20,000 Laboratories, Hospitals, Nursing homes and 2,00,000 Consultants. With 34 years of experience in delivering accurate reports, Metropolis has earned the reputation of being India’s most respected and only multinational chain of diagnostic centres with presence in Sri Lanka, Kenya, Mauritius and Ghana. Driven to make a difference, our wide network includes 140 stateof-art Laboratories across India with over 1000 collection centres, processing over 4500 varieties of tests and supported by an efficient team of more than 3500 people. Equipped with cutting edge technology, innovative work equipment, expansive logistics network and rigorous processes, Metropolis ensures and delivers precision and accuracy in every single test; each time, every time.

In the last two decades, Metropolis has expanded into new service lines like Clinical Trials, Hospital Lab Management, Home Health Services, Preventive Health Checkups and Corporate & Wellness Solutions. Metropolis is at the forefront in adopting cutting edge technologies and services that contribute new revenue streams and has positioned the company on the pedestal it is today. Today, we are one of the few laboratories that has received the CAP (College of American Pathologists), accreditation, the global gold standard in Laboratory Accreditation. We have also received the NABL Accreditation (National Accreditation Board for testing and Calibration Laboratories). In addition, we also adhere to CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) program and follow the guidelines laid by GCLP. Our unit in South Africa is accredited by SANAS (South African National Accreditation System is the only accreditation body approved by South African Government). At Metropolis, we believe in unveiling the inner health of individuals and this motto extends to our corporate social responsibility activities as well. Giving back to the society is embedded in the value system of Metropolis and we believe and aim

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to bring about a positive change in the nation. Metropolis has been at the forefront in conducting impactful camps and driving numerous workshops for different sections of the society for the past 3 decades. We partner with societies, corporates, educational institutions, government bodies, NGOs, wellness foundations and a host of other organisations to make a difference to the lives we touch. Our camps and awareness workshops emphasize on preventive healthcare and early screening of diseases. Some of our most recent associations include Epilepsy Foundation, Hep Free India, Mumbai Traffic Police, Kishori Foundation, Children of Blind School and Jeevan Jyot Cancer Trust. Metropolis has been awarded numerous accolades like the ‘Best Diagnostic Company of the year’ by Modern Medicare in 2006 and ‘Best Diagnostic Company of the Year’ in 2010 by Frost & Sullivan. Metropolis was also bestowed with ‘Best IT Integration in Customer Service Management’ at the e-Health World Expo 2011. Metropolis was also honoured with the ‘Quality Brand Award’ by NEHRDO in 2012. Metropolis won the ‘CMO Asia Award’ for Best IT practices in Healthcare in 2012. Metropolis recently bagged the ‘India’s most promising brand award’ at Global Indian Excellence

Summit 2014 held in London. Metropolis also won the acclaimed Emerging Companies Excellence Award hosted by Business Today in 2014. Metropolis won the “CMO Asia Award” for Best Diagnostic Company of the year 2015. Metropolis Healthcare is led by Ameera Shah, Promoter & Managing Director. An International & National award winner, She was conferred with ‘The Young entrepreneur of the Year Award’ by GE in 2006 and ‘The Young Achiever of the Year Award’ at the CMO Asia Awards in 2011. She was also the recipient of the prestigious ‘Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award’ in 2011 organized by Entrepreneur India and Bloomberg. She has been honored with ‘Exemplary Women Leadership award’ at the World Women Leadership and Congress awards 2014. She has been chosen as one of the most respected leaders under 40 years by Economic Times & Spencer Stuart (2014). Recently Forbes Asia listed Ms. Shah in the Asia’s Most Powerful Women 2015 for powering the rise of Metropolis Healthcare and brining a significant shift in the diagnostics industry. She is one among the only 12 Indian Women to be featured in this globally acclaimed list. Ms Shah has also been featured in the acclaimed ‘Young Global Leader’ list brought out by the prestigious ‘World Economic Forum’ in 2015.

Metropolis Healthcare Study Maternal Age above 35 increases risk of Down Syndrome increases the risk of having a baby born with this syndrome. The study reveals a worrying trend in the age group of 31-35 years. Out of 7411 samples studied, 6.68% denotes the risk of Down’s syndrome

Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that causes mental retardation and abnormal physical growth. Down syndrome occurs when an individual has a full or partial extra copy of chromosome 21 (trisomy 21). Down syndrome increases risk for certain medical conditions such as congenital heart defects, respiratory, hearing problems, childhood leukemia, and thyroid conditions. It affects about 1 in 800 babies worldwide and in India every year more than 23,000 babies are born with Down syndrome. Prenatal screening is necessary to reveal disorder or conditions that affect the fetus and help improve outcome of pregnancy. There are two types of prenatal screening that are available; Noninvasive Methods like Ultrasonography and Biochemical (blood) test like Dual marker test in the first trimester (8 to 13.6 weeks gestation age) and quadruple marker test in the second trimester (14 to 22.6 weeks). The other type of screening is Invasive procedures like Chorionic Villous Sampling and Amniocentesis. March 21st is observed as World Down’s Syndrome Day. In order to understand the intensity of the chromosomal disorder in India, Metropolis Healthcare Ltd, the Pathology Specialist, conducted a comprehensive study on 23,132 prenatal screening samples processed between July 2016 and December 2016. A prenatal biochemical marker analysis of over 23,132 samples (maternal blood) revealed that over 6.29% of samples were at a high risk of Down Syndrome. The increasing trend of late marriages and delayed first pregnancy that usually occurs between the age group of 31-35 years

pregnancies. Over 16% of samples tested between age group of 36-40 were at risk and a whopping 43% in the age group of 41-45 exhibited high risk. Adding on the study Dr. Deepak Sanghavi, Deputy Chief of Lab Services, Metropolis Healthcare Limited, Mumbai said, “Down’s syndrome is a genetic condition where the child has an extra copy of the 21st chromosome. With the increase in the maternal age, the likelihood of having a child affected with Down’s syndrome increases considerably. A woman who is 40 years old at the time of conceiving a child is at a 16 times greater risk of giving birth to a baby affected with Down’s syndrome, as compared to a woman who conceives at the age of 25.” It must be noted that The ACOG (American College of Obstetrician and Gynecologist) Guideline 2007 recommends that every pregnant woman regardless of Age needs to be screened for Downs Syndrome. All the screened positive (High risk) cases by the statistical calculation needs to be confirmed by Invasive procedures like Chorionic Villous sampling in first trimester and Amniocentesis in Second trimester. It must be noted that tests that come positive in Dual and Quadruple test may not come positive in Amniocentesis. Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) is a prenatal test in which a sample of chorionic villi is removed from the placenta for testing. The sample can be taken through the cervix (transcervical) or the abdominal wall (transabdominal). During pregnancy, the placenta provides oxygen and nutrients to the growing baby and removes waste products from the baby’s blood. The chorionic villi are wispy projections of placental tissue that share the baby’s genetic makeup. Amniocentesis is a procedure in which amniotic fluid is removed from the uterus for testing or treatment. Amniotic fluid is the fluid that surrounds and protects a baby during pregnancy. This fluid contains fetal cells and various chemicals produced by the baby. This is an invasive procedure and it is important to understand the risks and be prepared for the results. Medical Device ASIA | March-April 2017 | 35

Omega Healthcare acquires WhiteSpace Healthcare, a healthcare data analytics company

“Our vision is to be the global leader in offshore healthcare business services and the global provider of choice” Omega Healthcare Management Services announced that it has finalized the acquisition of WhiteSpace Health – a US-based healthcare analytics company with a development facility in Hyderabad, India. This move enhances the services provided by Omega Healthcareas well as giving it a new geographical footprint, its 5th in India. This first acquisition gives Omega Healthcare an immediate technology advantage. WhiteSpace Health’s guided business intelligence platform enables better patient outcomes and improved financial performance using advanced data analytics. This cloud-based platform unlocks the data asset value by integrating data from multiple sources including callcenter, patientportals, Electronic HealthRecords(EHR), Practice Management Systems (PMS) and billing systems. The solutions help healthcare providers improve practice engagement, reduce cost, improve productivity and also meet the reporting of core measures. Gopi Natarajan, CEO and co-founder of Omega Healthcare, says, “We are excited about this acquisition especially because of the huge technology 36 | March-April 2017 | Medical Device ASIA

based value-add we can now offer our clients. The new suite of technology services available from WhiteSpace Health’s repertoire is what many of our clients have been seeking, and we look forward to integrating it with our service offerings.” SasankaYella, Founder and CEO of WhiteSpace Health adds, “We have built a fantastic cloudbased analytics platform that can interface with any system, and our dashboards provide easy-to-use analytics to clients. I see immense synergies with Omega Healthcare, and leveraging its vast client base will enable us to get to market quicker.” Omega Healthcare Management Services a front-runner in the healthcare service space in India was founded in 2004, with presence spread across Bengaluru, Chennai, Trichy and Bhimavaram in India, and Manila & Cebu in the Philippines. Omega handles high-end, value-driven work pertaining to medical coding, Revenue Cycle Management (RCM)

and related work for large US based companies. With a growth rate of 30-35% year-on-year, the organisation currently has 12,000 employees. Omega’s origin is a story of personal experience. Co-founders, Mr. Gopi Natarajan & Anurag Mehta, possess over 50 years of combined experience in the medical billing and healthcare industry. This experience includes running a billing company of over 1,000 people. After various tenures in the US Healthcare industry, they both recognized a major problem in the industry; there was a major lack of support for the medical billing and healthcare payment systems. Adopting an entrepreneurial mantra, the two set out to start their own company to solve the pain points of healthcare billing companies. Eleven years later, Omega Healthcare has risen to become the number one solution for US healthcare billing and revenue cycle management companies.

How to best maintain your oral Health? Do you also think that you will eventually lose your teeth as you age? This is only a misconception. If one pays enough heed to oral care, one can keep their teeth for longer and avoid several dental problems. If one digs deeper, one can find scores of root causes for all the dental worries. Accumulation of plaque, cavities, dry mouth, improper nutrition, deep teeth crevices, tooth grinding and many more such reasons could be at the crux of most of the dental problems. These issues can be avoided through very simple steps included in an oral care routine. An issue which is at the crux of most of the oral health issues is accumulation of plaque. Plaque is a sticky substance or a mass of bacteria that grows on the interior portions of your mouth. It is very commonly found between the teeth, above the teeth, on the teeth, along the gum lines and on chewing surfaces. It is naturally formed and hence cannot be prevented. However, if the plaque that is formed is not removed through thorough brushing and

flossing, it causes an acidic reaction on the teeth leading to the development of hardened calculus also known as tartar. Calculus, once formed is very hard and cannot be cleaned using a toothbrush. It could solely be cleaned through professional oral help. This is rooted as one of the major problems of dental decay. It is highly recommended that one takes enough care to remove plaque on a daily basis to avoid formation of calculus. In order to remove plaque, it is necessary to observe a consistent oral healthcare routine. Simple steps like brushing and flossing everyday help in proper plaque removal. In order to make the most out of brushing, one can inculcate an electric toothbrush that is designed to remove more plaque into one’s oral care routine which will help prevent the accumulation of plaque in the mouth. These electric toothbrushes remove up to 100% more plaque than a regular toothbrush. A manual toothbrush doesn’t provide as deep cleaning as compared to an electric toothbrush. The electric toothbrushes come with high tech

features that remove more plaque. Electric brushes like the one from Oral-B which was just launched in India, have superior 3D cleaning action with oscillating rotating and pulsating technology that breaks up the plaque and removes it easily. Dynamic movement of this rechargeable electric toothbrush removes up to 100% more plaque vs a regular manual toothbrush. Certain external elements of the brush like the round head enhances the brush’s performance. The round head characteristic of the brush helps it surround each tooth and helps reach the difficult to reach areas. While the right technique of brushing helps remove plaque, it is also important to brush for the right amount of time to ensure complete oral health. Dentists recommend that one must brush twice a day for 2 minutes. However, most of us are usually in a rush and we cut short the brushing time. In order to remind one to brush for the right amount of time, these electric toothbrushes feature an on-handle timer that alerts when one has brushed for the dentist

recommended 2 minutes. As it is also important that you brush equally in all parts of your mouth, Electric toothbrushes have the feature which alert you when it is time to change to different quadrant of your mouth. Certain times, people tend to focus on rigorous cleaning which in turn damages sensitive parts of gums. Over brushing is a common phenomenon among several people. To avoid this, visible pressure sensors have been designed. The visible pressure sensors light up to alert when you are brushing too hard. While toothbrush can help remove the plaque from outer surfaces of the teeth, it does not help much in getting rid of plaque that is formed in between the teeth. One needs to floss in order to remove plaque from these areas. It is crucial that one must inculcate flossing in their daily oral care routine to ensure plaque removal from all areas of the mouth. Don’t wait until it is too late. Inculcate the right oral care habits right from today and make way for better health.

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Potential early warning signs of osteoporosis found in South Asian women Pre-menopausal South Asian women could be more at risk of developing osteoporosis in later life than white Caucasian women, a new study in the Journal Bone reports

In the first study of its kind, researchers from the University of Surrey examined bone resportion (the breakdown of bone tissue by osteoclast cells) in over 370 pre and post-menopausal South Asian and white Caucasian women in the UK. Bone resorption is a natural process which enables the transfer of calcium from bone tissue into the bloodstream and is required to allow bone to adapt itself to challenges (e.g. change in a person’s activity levels) and repair damage. However, if excessive, and not balanced by equivalent bone formation, overtime this can be detrimental to bone health. Monitoring the women over a 12-month period, researchers measured levels of ‘urinary N terminal telopeptide’, a by-product of bone resorption found in urine, to assess how much bone was being broken down. They discovered that pre-menopausal South Asian women had higher levels of this by- product in their urine than their white Caucasian counterparts, indicating elevated levels of bone resorption than would be expected for their age. Typically high levels of this by-product are only found in post-menopausal women, as was the case with the post-menopausal participants in this study. This indicates that osteoclast cells in premenopausal South Asian women might be breaking down bones at a quicker rate than they are being reformed, making these women more susceptible to osteoporosis and fractures in later life. Researchers will now undertake an investigation into bone formation, assessing activity of the osteoblast cells which form bone tissue. A low activity in these cells would indicate that bones may be getting thinner, increasing the risk of osteoporosis related fractures in later life. Lead author of the paper, Dr Andrea Darling from the University of Surrey, said: “When human bones break down at a quicker pace than what they can be re-formed, bone thinning may occur which can negatively impact upon a person’s quality of life. “What we have found is that pre-menopausal South Asian women have 38 | March-April 2017 | Medical Device ASIA

the same level of bone resorption as a woman who has been through the menopause. We need to investigate further whether these women simply have higher levels of both bone resorption and bone formation or if there is something more worrying occurring in their skeletal system, in terms of higher than expected bone resorption, increasing their susceptibility to bone diseases and fractures.” During the study researchers also examined Vitamin D levels of pre and post-menopausal participants and its impact on bone resorption. Vitamin D, which mainly comes from sunlight, plays a key role in the human body, including helping the body to absorb calcium and phosphorus from food which is vital for bone health. Researchers discovered that women whose Vitamin D levels fluctuated (i.e. had very high levels in summer but very low levels in winter) had higher levels of bone resorption than those whose levels remained consistent throughout the year. It was found that such a fluctuation in Vitamin D levels was more prevalent amongst the white Caucasian women, which can be attributed to lifestyle choices (e.g. summer sunbathing). To further examine the impact of fluctuating Vitamin D on bone health, the researchers will now investigate the bone formation levels in participants. It is suggested that if bone formation is low in those who have high levels of Vitamin D in the summer and low levels in the winter, these people might need to take a Vitamin D supplement during winter months only, in order to make the levels over the course of the year more constant. Dr Darling said: “The fluctuation in Vitamin D levels in white Caucasian women living in the UK is not surprising as the level of sunshine we are exposed to varies with the season. What is surprising is how the oscillation of this vitamin may be detrimental to a person’s bone health. “Those who experience such a fluctuation in Vitamin D can stabilise their levels by taking a vitamin D supplement in winter only.”

Percept Pictures Short Film ‘Avsaad’ raises awareness for the issue of Depression on World Health Day 2017 Aims to create mass awareness for the challenges faced by over 300 million people worldwide


n the occasion of World Health Day, Percept Pictures digital arm ‘Indian Chronicles’ launched yet another reality-based Short Film, ‘Avsaad’ focused on the topic of ‘Depression’, a challenge faced by over 300 million people around the globe. Directed by Anuradha Nishad, the film is captivatingly narrated in a poetic Hindi version. The essence of the film showcases the journey of an individual in today’s age struggling and surviving under the shadows of the mental disorder called ‘Depression’. The objective of the film is to create mass awareness of the issues and challenges faced by over 300 million people across all age groups around the world and highlight the fact that depression is a treatable condition. The film was launched on World Health Day, celebrated on April 7 every year to mark the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization, with an aim to mobilize action around a specific health topic of concern to people all over the world. The theme of the 2017 World Health Day campaign is “Depression – Let’s Talk” and recognizes that depression is a treatable condition and seeks to address the fact that, despite this, about 50% of cases of major depression still go untreated. According to the World Health Organization, the number of people living with Depression increased by over 18% between 2005 and 2015, and Depression is also the largest cause of disability worldwide. More that 80% of this disease burden is among people living in low- and middleincome countries, and almost 7.5% Indians suffer from major or minor mental disorders that require expert intervention. In October 2016, according to the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) mental survey, the incidence of depression is approximately 1 in every 20 Indians. Given the scale of this issue, Percept Pictures and Anuradha Nishad decided to tackle this problem creatively head on by producing and dedicating the film ‘Avsaad’ on World Health Day to highlight this major health concern and commemorate the spirit of those who have successfully been treated and emerged from the dark shadows of Depression. Produced and directed by Percept Pictures, this short film continues to add to their repertoire of achievements following in the footsteps of their award winning short film (aids+b)2 which won the Best Film award at the Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival 2016, ‘Just Begun’ which received international acclaim for its sensitive portrayal and contemporary approach on the contentious LGBTQ subject matter; and ‘Speaking Pad’ which created mass awareness for the accomplishments & challenges faced by 70 million Deaf people worldwide. Percept Pictures has a rich history of accomplishments in mainstream cinema and has established a strong foothold by consistently innovating and delivering some of the

biggest films and hits in the past two decades. It has created pioneering quality content in the ‘Cause Cinema’ genre with a focus on highlighting various key issues and maladies plaguing our society today. Speaking on ‘Avsaad’ and its concept, Aditya Joshi, Senior Manager – Marketing, Percept Pictures commented, “Every third person is dealing with a globally recognized major mental disorder Depression, and even the WHO has raised this as the key focus area for 2017. Given the scale of the problem we decided it was high time to tackle this sensitive issue and create a unique film which explores this area in a delicate yet practical manner. The key to dealing with depression lies in your own hands, and we wanted to highlight the fact that Depression is a fully treatable medical condition. We hope that ’Avsaad’ creates the required buzz to reach out to both patients of Depression and their families searching for a beacon of hope.” Anuradha Nishad, Director, ‘Avsaad’ said, “Depression alone accounts for over 7% of the total disease burden in India. But we never address it because most of our families and friends don’t believe it exists or simply suppress it out of sheer fear of social stigma. I too have suffered from depression for a while and it wasn’t possible for me to express verbally or share how it really felt with anyone. I therefore struck upon the creative idea of creating memorable stark visuals to my words and presenting a unique short film that could depict the issues, loneliness and tribulations faced by people battling depression.”

‘Avsaad’ is viewable on Percept Pictures YouTube page, “Indian Chronicles”, a digital channel dedicated to enabling and empowering the youth to express themselves. Over the past year Percept Pictures has become a nurturing ground for young aspiring creative talent and ‘Indian Chronicles’ offers an opportunity and platform for young budding creative talents across India to showcase their skills and voice their opinions in a creative manner across any topic that is close to their heart. What makes ‘Avsaad’ special is that the entire cast and crew are all young and represent the voice and skills of ‘Gen-Next’. Added Aditya Joshi, “Indian Chronicles offers a platform for the youth to express themselves. A decade ago there were no opportunities for the youth to voice their views. And it was this gap area in the industry that gave birth to Indian Chronicles. The youth today are intellectual, enthusiastic and have a passionate desire to make a positive contribution to society. Digital platforms like Indian Chronicles offers young storytellers like Anuradha the opportunity to present their thoughts and feelings in an honest and unrestricted manner.” Commenting on her first film venture with Percept Pictures digital arm Indian Chronicles Anuradha Nishad added, “To all the young promising artists out there, Indian Chronicles is a platform built specifically for you. I aim to bring many more such inspiring and eye opening stories through this platform, and I hope that Gen Next uses this channel to showcase their creative talents, views and opinions to create a better future.”

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Sahyadri Hospitals launches Sugar Care - Your Diabetes Clinic - Sugar Care clinic will be equipped with Diabetologists, Dietician, Cardiologist, Vascular Surgeon, Ophthalmologist, Nephrologist and Diabetic Foot Surgeon to address all concerns regarding diabetes under one roof -

Sahyadri Speciality Hospital Deccan Gymkhana launched a highly equipped diabetes clinic - Sugar Care, to cater to all concerns of patients suffering from diabetes. The clinic which launched today, 8th March 2017, equipped with a team of specialists aims to provide medical & social support to diabetic patients. The clinic is launched at the hands of renowned Kathak Dancer & Film personality Ms. Sharvari Jamenis, in presence of Dr. Vaishali Pathak, Diabetologist, Sahyadri Hospitals and Dr. Deepa Divekar, Medical Director, Sahyadri Speciality Hospital. In addition to providing world class treatment for diabetes, Sahyadri’s Sugar Care will also educate patients and their families

to better manage the disease. Sugar Care will be equipped with various speciality doctors each of them to assist patients suffering from problems due to diabetes. Dr. Deepa Divekar, Medical Director, Sahyadri Speciality Hospital said, “Sugar Care at Sahyadri Speciality Hospital, Deccan Gymkhana would be a one stop destination for Diabetes Management. The team of Diabetologist, Dietician, Diabetic Educator, Cardiologist, Vascular Surgeon, Ophthalmologist, Nephrologist and Diabetic Foot Surgeon will be a part of Sugar Care. “ Highlighting how important it is to take preventive care of your health,

Ms. Sharvari Jamenis mentioned a recent case she witnessed where a 40 year old theatre personality suffering from diabetes, died of heart attack. “It is very important that we all take care of our health. On this occasion, I would like to congratulate Sahyadri Hospitals for starting this innovative Sugar Care – a clinic where all diabetes related services are available under one roof. It is also important that the clinic apart from medical care also focusses on counselling and social support.” The core expert team of Sahyadri’s Sugar Care comprises of Dr. Vaishali Pathak (Diabetologist), Ms. Malavika Karkare & Ms. Medha Patwardhan (Dieticians), Dr. Atul Sajgure (Nephrologist), Dr. Abhijit Palshikar (Cardiologist), Dr. Sanjay Kolte ( General Surgeon), Dr. Advait Kothurkar (Vascular Surgeon) & Dr. Kuldeep Dole (Opthalmologist). On the occasion of International Women’s Day and launch of the clinic, Dr. Vaishali Pathak, Diabetologist, Sahyadri Hospitals said, “India is diabetic capital of world. 25% of the population in India is diabetic. Diabetes is considered as a silent killer in India and there is a need to address

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the issue immediately. Sugar Care will help Pune fight diabetes as will provide comprehensive treatment for all related ailments under one roof.” Sahyadri’s Sugar Care will help with patients with special diabetes screening packages, home lab sample collections & home delivery of medicines (in limited areas). Sahyadri’s Sugar Care will also offer free consultation of Diabetologist for all women between 8th to 15th March, 2017 at Sahyadri Hospital Deccan Gymkhana along with Special Discount on Pathology Lab Investigations & Diagnostics (if advised).

About Sahyadri Hospitals:

Sahyadri Hospitals is the largest chain of hospitals in Maharashtra with 9 hospitals across three cities of Pune, Nashik, and Karad. Founded by Dr. Charudutt Apte, a renowned neurosurgeon, Sahyadri Hospitals was conceived with an aim to make healthcare Available, Accessible, and Accountable. The hospital chain has over 900 Beds, 1200 Clinicians and 2300 Support Staff providing round the clock healthcare. To know more: http://

ACCESS Health International | Profile Our vision is that all people, no matter where they live, have a right to access high quality, affordable healthcare. Distinguished Scientist Raghunath Anant Mashelkar Joins Board of ACCESS Health International The Board of Directors of ACCESS Health International today, announced the appointment of a new director, Dr. Raghunath Anant Mashelkar. Dr. Mashelkar is one of India’s most distinguished scientists and a global leader on inclusive and frugal innovation, which is the use of cost effective engineering and technology solutions to create large scale social impact. Dr. Mashelkar is a true pioneer in science and technology and has played a critical role in shaping India’s approach to innovation,” said Dr. William A. Haseltine, President and Chairman of ACCESS Health International. We are delighted to welcome him to our Board of Directors and are excited about the deep experience and expertise he brings to our global operations.

ACCESS Health is an international think tank and advisory group that conducts practical research to improve health systems and healthcare delivery. The organization is focused on turning research into tangible healthcare improvements, fostering healthcare innovation, and elevating local knowledge and innovation to the global level, through unique partnerships and collaboratives. Dr. Mashelkar currently serves as chairman of India’s National Innovation Foundation, the Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research, and the Reliance Innovation Council. He is also president of the Global Research Alliance, an international network of organizations that apply science and technology to solve large scale challenges facing developing countries. In India, Dr. Mashelkar served for more than a decade as director general of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, one of the world’s largest publicly funded industrial research and development institutions. He was also p resident of the Indian National Science Academy and of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (U.K.).

In 2014, the President of India awarded Dr. Mashelkar the second highest civilian honor, Padma Vibhushan, for his exceptional and distinguished service to the country. Throughout his career, he has received numerous other awards and distinctions, including being appointed International Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and receiving the BusinessWeek Star of Asia from former United States President George H. W. Bush.

About ACCESS Health International Six years ago, ACCESS Health International began work in India to identify good practices in high quality and low cost healthcare. ACCESS Health has expanded

its work in India to support the expansion of good practices through close collaboration with governments and the private sector. Today, ACCESS Health India focuses on advancing healthcare finance systems and understanding how these systems can improve the quality of healthcare services. The best healthcare finance and delivery systems in India can serve as models, both within the country and abroad. ACCESS Health India designs and manages programs and projects that drive and inspire improvements in healthcare in other countries. ACCESS Health International, Inc. is a nonprofit think tank and advisory group with a mission to improve access to high quality, affordable healthcare for people everywhere. ACCESS Health partners across sectors in low, middle, and high income countries to drive innovation in healthcare finance, delivery systems, quality and process improvement, training, and business engagement. For more information about ACCESS Health International, please visit www.

VPS Rockland Hospital Successfully Removes a Football Sized Abdominal Tumour by Minimal Invasive Surgery (Laparoscopic surgery conducted at the hospital proves life saviour for 51 year old woman in Delhi) VPS Rockland Hospital, the multisuper specialty hospital, located at Qutab Institutional area in New Delhi, recently performed a rare and miraculous surgery where a cancerous tumour weighing approximately 8 - 10 kgs was removed from a 51 year old woman’s through minimal invasive surgery. By using advanced Technology, an expert team of surgeons of VPS Rockland hospital was instrumental in saving the life of the patient who was in extreme

pain. The patient was brought to the hospital with steep pain and bloating in the abdomen, followed by multiple episodes of vomiting. After giving symptomatic relief advance CT scan was done. The imaging showed a large oval shaped mass near the small intestine. Dr Vinay Kumar Shaw, minimal access, Gastrointestinal and Bariatric Surgeon at VPS Rockland hospital conducted minimal

invasive surgery and removed the tumour. The patient was able to walk same day and discharged after two days on medical therapy.

intestinal. Laparoscopic excision of

The patient was suffering from a very rare abnormal growth of tissue called Extra-intestinal Gastro Intestinal Stromal Tumour (E GIST). Usually GIST arises from the wall of the intestinal tract but in less frequently like this, may arise outside the intestinal tract as well when they are called extra

removed by open surgery.

such tumours is seldom. Such large tumours are generally However, CT scan did not show origin of tumour so the laparoscopic dissection was performed. These tumours behave like cancer and should be removed timely to avoid other major problems.

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1.0g lower salt intake reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke by 4.8% 1.65M deaths p.a. attributable to salt consumption above 5g/day • • • •

The weighted mean 24-hour salt intake was 8.59 gm/day in Delhi/Haryana and 9.46 gm/day in Andhra Pradesh Salt intake was higher in men than women. (24%) of products do not have any nutrition information, and therefore do not meet the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) Two thirds do not list salt on the nutrition information panel and do not meet International Codex Alimentarius requirements

A new analysis of salt levels in 1395 people conducted by the George Institute for Global Health has revealed that people who were aware of the dangers of high salt intake had lower salt levels. This is in stark contrast to studies done in other parts of the world where despite being aware of the dangers of salt in diet, salt levels still remain high. The study entitled “The Association of Knowledge and Behaviours Related to Salt with 24-h Urinary Salt Excretion in a Population from North and South India” was carried out to understand the consumption pattern of salt and understand the behaviour and knowledge of consumers. The salt survey was done using a 24-hour urine assessment methods in urban & Rural areas in Delhi-NCR & Andhra Pradesh. The results have been reported in the online journal Nutrition. As part of the survey, salt levels were measured in urine in 1395 people all participants were also asked questions about their diet and behaviour relating to salt intake. “What it showed was that people who were aware of the dangers of high salt intake had lower salt levels,” said Claire Johnson the study lead from The George Institute for Global Health. “In Australia similar studies have not shown this - they show that despite most people being aware of the dangers of salt in diet - their levels are still high. Showing that educational campaigns aren’t effective here.” The study results show that in India a public education campaign on the dangers of salt could really change behaviour. The assessment showed that overall urinary excretion of salt was estimated to be around 8.59 g/ day in Delhi-NCR, while it was 9.46 g/day in Andhra Pradesh. The intake 42 | March-April 2017 | Medical Device ASIA

was highest in the urban slums followed by rural areas. Another interesting finding from the survey was that majority of participants knew about the maximum salt consumption recommendation as <5 g/ day and almost 90% of the participants were aware that excess salt in the diet can lead to serious health concerns. Non-Communicable Diseases are the leading cause of deaths in the world accounting for almost 70% of mortality. Hypertension, the most common non-communicable disease is estimated to have caused 9.4 million deaths in the year 2010. In India alone, the prevalence rate of blood pressure is around 26% and it is considered to be the leading cause of death, stroke, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure and chronic renal impairment. It is estimated that around 1/3rd of Indian adult population suffers from high blood pressure making it a huge disease burden. According to the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015, approximately 3750 years of life were lost per lakh population in 2015 due to ischemic heart disease, representing more than 20% increase from 2005.

Salt is known to be a leading cause of high blood pressure and has been associated with other cardiovascular diseases. As per the Global Burden of Disease study 2010, excess consumption of salt is the 7th leading cause of mortality globally responsible for 1.65 million deaths. Sodium (salt) intake is reported to be a modifiable determinant of raised blood pressure. While in western countries, the leading source of sodium is packaged foods like chips & bread, in India, the leading source of sodium is the salt used in cooking and at the table as an addition. In India, only 10% of the salt in food occurs naturally. The rest 90% is discretionary salt, which is added during preparation of food. A recent meta-analysis of several studies undertaken in India to estimate salt intake over the past three decades found that the overall mean weighted salt intake among Indians was 10.98 g/day.

worldwide. The Institute has been ranked among the top 10 global institutes for impact for the last several years. The George Institute India partners with over sixty national and international institutions such as the Public Health Foundation of India, the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, University of Hyderabad; and affiliations with University of Sydney, Oxford and Peking.

India is one of the first countries to have developed an action plan for meeting the NCDs 10 targets. One of the targets is 30% relative reduction in mean population intake of salt/sodium. This will also directly help in achieving the other target which is 25% relative reduction in raised blood pressure, or contain the prevalence of raised blood pressure. “Raised blood pressure is one of the leading risk factors for global mortality and is estimated to have caused 9.4 million deaths and 7% of disease burden – as measured in DALYs − in 2010. The survey indicates that education can be a key factor in bringing about a behaviour change among people and influence their salt consumption pattern. For this, we need a robust multi-stakeholder system to chalk out the necessary steps to reduce the risk due to consumption of salt.,” said Dr. Vivekanand Jha, Executive Director, George Institute for Global Health, India.

About The George Institute for Global Health: The George Institute for Global Health is improving the lives of millions of people worldwide through innovative health research. Working across a broad health landscape, the Institute conducts clinical, population and health system research aimed at changing health practice and policy Medical Device ASIA | March-April 2017 | 43

b maXX talks POWERLINK EPSG-certified Baumüller servo converters

The converter series b maXX 2500, 3300, 4400 and 5000 of the drive and automation manufacturer Baumüller are now available with a certified POWERLINK interface

Baumüller, the Nuremberg-based manufacturer of drive and automation solutions, is now offering its servo converter family b maXX with a certified POWERLINK interface. The converter series b maXX 2500, 3300, 4400 and 5000 were recently awarded by the Ethernet POWERLINK Standardization Group (EPSG) as compliant with the POWERLINK specifications. Baumüller is offering another high-performance fieldbus with the implementation of POWERLINK in the control and converter series b maXX. In addition to its house bus EtherCAT, Baumüller therefore also supports POWERLINK and standard Ethernet as well as fieldbus systems, such as Sercos, EtherNET/IP, CANopen, ProfiNet IRT and Varan. The Nurembergbased automation company offers flexible and adaptable communication with its wide selection of fieldbuses.

b maXX servo converter Baumüller is also setting new standards with its b maXX 5000 converter generation. The consistent continued enhancement of the successful 44 | March-April 2017 | Medical Device ASIA

b maXX series in the direction of module systems convinces with its high-performance power units in the cooling methods of air and water each with standard and plug-in cooling and cold plates, flexible expandability and connection to a continuous communication concept. Using converters and controllers by Baumüller in the performance range of 1 to 315 kW, both standardized and complex automation solutions are possible. Power units with five cooling versions and seven sizes are also available for the controller series b maXX 4400. The series of converters and servocontrollers meets today’s and future requirements of automation technology world-wide. The servo converter b maXX 3300 is characterized by its compact and space-saving building type. The b maXX 3300 is a high-quality servo-controller with integrated position control for the low power

range. With the b maXX 2500, Baumüller has combined its proven b maXX 3300 converter series with the robust DSD2, DSC and DSP1 servo motors. This resulted in a compact drive with integrated electronics for decentralized automation in the high-end area up to 6 kW and a protection class of IP65.

Quick commissioning with software libraries With the software modules from Baumüller, mechanical engineers and machine users benefit from pre-programmed comprehensive features, which simplify the commissioning of Baumüller servo converters on POWERLINK networks considerably and thus help achieve a faster time-tomarket and high level of error security. The modules can easily be incorporated in the programming interface of the respective control unit so that there is not any additional programming work.

BST eltromat and Euromac – Continuation of Partnership

On their doctor rewinders, Euromac installs e.g. BST eltromat web guiding systems.

broken lines or weak contrasts. This sensor offers complete flexibility and very high efficiency to machine operators. The user-friendliness is another advantage of CLS Pro 600. The systems has an intuitive user guidance The high-resolution CCD color line chip provides non-contact, precise scanning of web edges, as well as of elements printed on material webs such as lines.

BST eltromat International GmbH, manufacturer of quality assurance system for the web-processing industry, and Euromac Costruzioni Meccaniche s.r.l., manufacturer for slitters and rewinders, go ahead with their partnership at ICE Europe. The companies offer reliable solutions and machines for the converting industry to customers and interested visitors. Being a longtime and satisfied customer of BST eltromat, Euromac uses the company‘s quality assurance systems on their machines. On their doctor rewinders, Euromac installs e.g. web guiding systems with line and contrast sensor CLS Pro 600. Operating at high scan rates, its highresolution CCD color line chip provides non-contact, precise scanning of web edges, as well as of elements printed on material webs such as lines. It guarantees precise guiding of the material webs, even when dealing with

and a clearly structured menu. Furthermore, Euromac uses a BST eltromat iPQ-Check on their machines, a solution for 100% inspection. iPQCheck inspects the printed materials. With its high-performance line scan cameras, the system delivers detailed color image data across the entire print format. In this context, iPQ-Check distinguishes between processrelated and sporadic errors, which are all reliably recorded. Together with the module iPQ-Workflow, the doctor rewinder will be stopped at the detected errors in order to eliminate the defects. Different configuration options guarantee comfort and high productivity for customers. iPQCheck and iPQ-Workflow belong to the iPQ-Center of BST eltromat. Other modules are iPQ-View for video web inspection and iPQ-Spectral for inline spectral color measurement. BST eltromat International shows (hall A6, booth 386) its comprehensive portfolio of solutions that seamlessly cover the converting industry’s numerous technical and economic challenges. For example, the solutions for web guiding and the quality assurance systems of iPQ-Center will be presented. The systems provide a basis for continuous improvement of printing processes and build the foundation for converting. Euromac inform visitors and customers about its portfolio of slitters and rewinders in hall A6, booth 484. The machines from Euromac are used for different materials, e.g. flexible packaging, plastic foil and aluminum foil. More information: and www.euromacslitters. com Medical Device ASIA | March-April 2017 | 45

RMS Regrow attains milestone in regenerative medicine with FDA India approval for CHONDRON

Is knee replacement now history for young arthritis? • • • •

First company in India to receive a market authorization and sale license for cell therapy product in India for Chondron® ACI Chondron® ACI is India’s first ‘Make in India’ Stem cell success story RMS Regrow is the 1st company in India to offer cell therapy in orthopedic products. Chondron® ACI (Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation) is indicated for the use of articular cartilage defects of the knee, ankle and shoulder joints guidance of the doctor and the physiotherapist. There is also medical insurance reimbursement available with Chondron® ACI.

The Ministry of Health, India and DCGI have granted Market Authorization for India’s First Cell Therapy Product of India that is Chondron® ACI by Regenerative Medical Services Regrow. Chondron® ACI is indicated for treatment of cartilage defects of the joints. It uses the body’s own autologous cartilage cells which are cultured and multiplied for 3-4 weeks at Regrow’s Cell Processing Centre. The cultured cells are then implanted into the patient’s damaged joint leading to new cartilage regeneration, avoiding the need of early joint replacement. Speaking on this, Chief Executive Officer & Managing Director, RMS Regrow, Mr. Yash Sanghavi said, “We are immensely happy with the FDA approval for Chondron® ACI. We are the first in the country and fourth in the world to achieve this FDA approval. We are creating new age cartilage regeneration procedure which optimizes the chances of healing due to the use of the body’s own cells. Patients can now expect a care free future with this treatment and RMS Regrow offers a perfect PEN solution (P -Permanent, E –Easy, N-Natural biological) to the patients”. Company Chief Scientific officer & Executive Director, RMS Regrow, Mr.Satyen Sanghavi said, “Today, knee pain is the most common ailment in every household. Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent form of arthritis, affecting over 15 million adults every year, with the number likely to escalate to over 60 million by 2025. Knee implants are expensive and the recovery of the cartilage is not fast. Chondron® ACI has 97% success rate with fast recovery, as observed in over 4-5 lakh cases performed worldwide. RMS Regrow is proud to announce the FDA approval for Chondron® ACI and it is proprietary and patented by RMS Regrow.” Advantages of Chondron® ACI - Regeneration of cartilage instead of replacing your entire knee - Minimally invasive personalized treatment - Increased quality of life - Resume complete physical activity , including of professional sports - Cost Effective - Joint preservation providing Long term relief Chondron® ACI is recommended for patients of 15-65 years age group. It is imperative for a patient to go through rehabilitation process for a minimum of six weeks. The rehabilitation process is performed in the 46 | March-April 2017 | Medical Device ASIA

In India, Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent form of arthritis, affecting over 15 million adults every year. There is no specific treatment proven as yet that can reverse the joint damage caused by osteoarthritis. Hence the objectives of Osteoarthritis management are to reduce the level of pain, reduce inflammation, slow cartilage degradation, improve function and reduce disability. There are about 4-5 lakhs of knee, ankle, shoulder and hip replacement revision surgeries being performed in India annually and the number is only going up every year. An artificial knee will only last about a decade before wearing out. So if you are under 60, you will have to undergo several more ‘revisions’ in your lifetime. Chondron® ACI helps for better solution with effective and fast term results. Similar nature products for Chondron® ACI have been available in use since 2001 in countries such as USA, Europe including UK & South Korea and being reimbursed by their respective Health agencies.

About RMS Regrow: Regenerative Medical Services Pvt. Ltd. is the first Indian Biotechnology Company established in the year 2009 to introduce cutting edge technology platform for regenerative medicine in India. Vision of Regenerative Medical Services Pvt. Ltd. is to contribute in improving human healthcare by delivering safe and effective patient specific regenerative medical

treatment. The aim of regenerative medicine is to replace, repair or enhance the function of damaged tissue or organs by accelerating and securing natural process with autologous stem cell therapy via minimally invasive techniques without side effects. The company is headquartered in Mumbai, India and has a best in class Cell Processing Centre (CPCTM at Lonavala. Our lab has been awarded & certified as India’s only Center with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Good Laboratory Practices (GLP).). The Quality Management System is also certified by ISO 13485:2003 by the British Standards Institute. RMS has two dimensions Regrow therapy & Babycell stem cell banking. Awards and Recognition: - 39th Skoch Award for India’s Best SME’s in the year 2015 - Product Innovation Award by Asian Confederation of Businesses & Starts of the Industry - Worldwide Achievers Healthcare Excellence Award by Govt of India in the year 2013 - ET Now Leaders of Tomorrow in the year 2011 and 2012 - Featured on CNBC show, Young Turks in the year 2012 - 2015 Leaders Awards Healthcare Innovator Enterprise of the Year (Biotechnology) - GMP, ISO 13485:2013, GLP & accredited by BSI for Laboratory since 2010 - In house R&D Unit is certified by Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science & Technology

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When Sleeping Beauty is not just a fairy tale! Youngest child in the world diagnosed with ultra-rare sleeping disorder at Aster Medcity was not diagnosed.

Dr Akbar Chettali with Linu (Mother) and Baby Liya..

Everyone has read the classic fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty, about a princess who falls into a deep sleep for hundreds of years. Doctors at Aster Medcity in Kochi found a real life ‘Sleeping Beauty’ when a 4 year old girl was diagnosed with an ultra rare sleeping disorder known as Kleine-Levin syndrome. She is the youngest patient in the world to be diagnosed with this disorder which is also known as ‘Sleeping Beauty’ syndrome. This is an extraordinarily rare neurological disorder with only around 1-2 cases per million people. Liya was born after six years of marriage through in-vitro fertilization. Much loved by her parents, the only concern in an otherwise normal childhood was a delay in her speech which started occurring as she turned three. In October 2016, she started crying and getting irritable without any reason. This was followed by an episode of unconsciousness where she was unresponsive for more than 24 hours. After regaining consciousness, she was confused and aloof. Suspecting epilepsy, the doctors started anti-convulsive medication. But despite this, she had eight episodes in four months. She was hospitalized at other hospitals thrice but the problem


Dr. Akbar Mohammad Chettali, Paediatric Neurologist at Aster Medcity said, “Liya was brought to the emergency in Aster Medcity for the first time on 16th February after a sudden episode of unconsciousness, where she was found to be deeply comatose and having very low heart rate and breathing. Continuous EEG monitoring ruled out nonconvulsive epileptic state. After investigations that ruled out other suspected conditions that can cause prolonged unconsiousness, the child was found to be in deep sleep with poor responsiveness lasting almost for 5 days. This was confirmed by Polysomnography, a sleep study that records brain waves, the oxygen level in blood, heart rate and breathing, as well as eye and leg movements and is used to diagnose sleep disorders. The results of the sleep study suggested prolonged REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. After further investigations and discussions across specialities, the condition was diagnosed as the rare disease ‘Kleine Levin syndrome’ or ‘Sleeping Beauty disorder’.” Two-thirds of the affected patients are male. Patients with this disorder are usually teenagers with symptoms starting during adolescence. Liya is the youngest known case of the Sleeping Beauty syndrome. In the Kleine Levin syndrome, the patient goes into

deep sleep that can last from many hours to many days at a time. In Liya’s case, she used to fall asleep for five days at a time. As in Liya’s case, the sleep state is usually preceded by a period of irritable and abnormal behavior. Dr. Akbar Mohammad Chettali, Paediatric Neurologist said, “An interesting finding from the patient’s history was unexplained psychiatric illness with prolonged coma and unexplained death in maternal grandmother at an young age, which could have been from the same Kleine Levin syndrome. The child psychiatry consultation also confirmed the diagnosis of Kleine Levin syndrome. Subsequently the child was started on medication that included neuroleptics, mood stabilizers and stimulants. She showed good response to treatment, staying awake and feeding well.” While the frequency of the sleep attacks are known to decrease with increasing age, the parents were counseled regarding the recurring nature of illness and the need to be compliant with the medication over a long duration. Sleep hygiene, that is, habit of sleeping well on a regular basis was emphasized. Mr. Denny, Liya’s father, said, “We are happy that the doctors at Aster Medcity were able to diagnose this rare condition. Thanks to them, this real life fairy tale of our Sleeping Beauty has a happy ending just like in the story. Liya is now awake and is playing with her little sister.”

8th International Exhibition on Hospital, Diagnostics, Pharmaceutical, Medical & Rehabilitation Equipment & Supplies

6-8 SEPTEMBER 2017 BANGKOK, Thailand Medical Device ASIA | March-April 2017 | 47

48 | March-April 2017 | Medical Device ASIA

New southern section of Messe Düsseldorf: MEDICA also benefits from the renovation In May 2017, the ground will be broken for reconstruction of the southern entrance area and Hall 1


he supervisory board and shareholders of Messe Düsseldorf GmbH have declared their approval, and thus the starting point has been reached for one of the most ambitious construction projects in the history of the company. The plans for a complete reconstruction of the southern entrance and the adjoining Hall 1 have been definitively approved for implementation. “We can now implement our master plan for the complete modernisation and renovation of our premises, our home base”, rejoices Werner M. Dornscheidt, Chairman and CEO of Messe Düsseldorf, adding: “As usual, it will all be done without subsidies”. The capital expenditure for the southern section amounts to EUR 140 million. In total, Messe Düsseldorf will invest around EUR 636 million in their premises before 2030. The work will begin after the packaging fair interpack in May 2017 and is to be completed by summer 2019. The blueprint for the work comes from the Düsseldorf based architectural company slapa oberholz pszczulny architekten.

Facing the city in a new way: the South

Entrance The new South Entrance will give Messe Düsseldorf a modern presence on the banks of the river Rhine, looking out over the city of Düsseldorf. Trade fair visitors and convention delegates will be welcomed by a new illuminated and translucent canopy, 7,800 square metres in size and around 20 metres high. This structure will be a strong architectural landmark at this highly visible point in the exhibition centre. Jurek Slapa, Managing Partner at sop architecten, comments: “The canopy will give the Messe Düsseldorf a new façade and a distinctive location at this unique position between the Rhine and the Nordpark. It will also integrate the existing convention centre and thus approach the existing structures in a sensitive manner.” The canopy will be 170 metres long and 93 metres wide, thus creating a large space for the convention and trade fair delegates to enjoy before they reach the exhibition centre and event spaces. The façade of the South Entrance is to open onto the forecourt via a façade constructed entirely of glass, 93 metres in length. Required

services such as cash desks and cloakrooms will be found in this 2,000-squaremetre space. The first floor is to contain a glass-walled meeting room coming out into the foyer, affording a view of the entrance and the forecourt. In addition, the entire foyer will be available as an event location. The forecourt will also contain the entrance to the underground car park with 300 spaces as well as bus stops and a taxi rank.

The new Hall 1: available for use by MEDICA from 2019 The scope of the renovation of the South Entrance also includes the reconstruction of Hall 1. To this end, Messe Düsseldorf plans to demolish the current Halls 1 and 2, which are smaller, and replace them with a new build after interpack 2017. The new Hall 1 will be open to the exhibitors of MEDICA, the world’s leading medical trade fair with over 5,000 exhibitors, from 2019. Hall 1, measuring 158 metres by 77 metres, with over 12,000 square metres of floor space, will then be around the same size as Halls 8a and 8b. The new hall will meet the high technical standards that the entire trade fair centre is subject to. It will be accessible via 7 gates, with suspensions from the hall ceiling being as easy to configure as it is to set up stands using the hall floor. Pedestrians can use the bridge on the 1st floor to cross between the hall and the Congress

Center Düsseldorf (CCD). As well as being connected to Halls 3 and 4, there will be a main route leading from the South Entrance directly to the rest of the premises. In 2017 and 2018, the transitioning years during which the building work will occur, the MEDICA exhibitors previously housed in Halls 1 and 2 will be provided with alternative stand options in modern halls, which are temporary structures created from lightweight materials. These halls will have excellent links to the other MEDICA Halls. The master plan for the modernisation of the trade fair centre was started in the year 2000 with the new construction of Halls 6 and 7a. Subsequently, before the end of 2016, 11 of the current 19 conference halls were either constructed completely from scratch or extensively renovated and brought up to the latest technical standards. The year 2004 was marked out as a milestone in this process with the renovation of the North Entrance and the construction of a new train station for the conference centre to link it directly to the city and thereby to Düsseldorf’s main train station (Hbf Düsseldorf) using the metropolitan rail system. Messe Düsseldorf provides extensive information on the building work as well as many images and animations online: bau (German); http://www.messe-duesseldorf. com/construction (English)

Dates of the next MEDICA + COMPAMED in Düsseldorf: 13 16 November 2017

Medical Device ASIA | March-April 2017 | 49

Farah Khan leads the talk on infertility with Merck’s ‘Parents of Fertility’ initiative - Launches a video sharing her journey to parenthood with IVF - Encourages couples who are unable to conceive to seek specialized treatment Farah Khan, ace director, actor and choreographer in association with

Today, despite rapid advances in treatment, infertility affects nearly

Merck, pioneers and world leaders in Fertility recently

10-15% of married couples in India, nearly 27.5 million couples. It is

released a video on infertility. The video, a personal

estimated that while female factor accounts for 40-50% of infertility

memoir of Farah’s journey to parenthood is a vivid

among couples, infertility attributable to male factors is on the rise and

recollection of her fears, challenges, doubts and

constitutes 30-40% of infertility1. Several factors including changes

ultimately her story of hope, belief and positivity

in lifestyle, stress, job pressure, galloping urbanisation, obesity, rising

towards IVF that led her to become a mother.

levels of tobacco and alcohol consumption, the

Merck released this video as part of their ‘Parents

recent trend of late marriages and lack

of Fertility’ awareness initiative that helps and

of awareness about timely diagnosis and

supports couples in India through this journey

treatment contribute to infertility1,2. The

of parenthood.

still prevalent stigma around IVF in India and the conservative backdrop linking

Talking about her experience of going through

social and religious concerns also pose

IVF, Farah Khan said, “IVF is a blessing and I

as a hurdle for people seeking IVF

am really thankful as it has changed my life.


A lot of factors today make it difficult for some couples to conceive; but we have solutions in


the form of treatments. And I strongly believe

1. Call for Action: Expanding IVF treatment in India-EY

in IVF, it helped me conceive my angels. Being

2. Reprod Biol Endocrinol. 2013; 11: 66.

persistent, positive and patient towards the

3. Facts Views Vis Obgyn. 2010; 2(2): 131–138.

procedure paid off. And if IVF can change my life, it could change yours too.”

About Parents of Fertility:

Farah and her husband Shirish tried for two years for a baby but were

Merck’s ‘Parents of Fertility’ is an awareness initiative, a global leader in fertility medicine, to support couples in India in fulfilling their dream of parenthood. It provides information on infertility in a simple, user-friendly manner for couples seeking help.

unable to conceive naturally. However, with the help of Fertility specialists, at the age of 43, they were able to become parents giving birth to daughters Diva, Anya & son Czar safely through IVF. Since then she has been very vocal about the treatment being a fantastic option for those who have not been able to conceive. The video is a medium through which Farah Khan and Merck have come together to drive awareness around infertility. Speaking about the campaign, Anand Nambiar, Managing Director, Merck India said, “We are happy to share that our awareness efforts now have a new face and voice with Actor, Director & Choreographer Farah Khan, coming on board as a Cause Ambassador for our ‘Parents of Fertility’ digital awareness initiative. Merck has taken many small steps over the years to spread awareness on infertility as we understand that seeking treatment is emotionally & physically challenging. With this video we expect to reach out to millions of couples seeking help with the message that infertility can be dealt with and one should not lose hope and seek help of specialists to fulfil their dream.” 50 | March-April 2017 | Medical Device ASIA

‘Parents of Fertility’ has also listed clinics that specialize in IVF treatment in India to help couples get closer to seeking the right guidance and expertise. Having a child is every person’s right, and with advances in IVF treatment, many couples have been able to fulfil their dream of parenthood. We believe that you too can fulfil this dream by hoping again and seeking treatment of a fertility expert. Visit and learn how infertility can be dealt with. About Merck Merck is a leading science and technology company in healthcare, life science and performance materials. Around 50,000 employees work to further develop technologies that improve and enhance life – from biopharmaceutical therapies to treat cancer or multiple sclerosis, cuttingedge systems for scientific research and production, to liquid crystals for smartphones and LCD televisions. Founded in 1668, Merck is the world’s oldest pharmaceutical and chemical company. The founding family remains the majority owner of the publicly listed corporate group. Merck, Darmstadt, Germany holds the global rights to the Merck name and brand. The only exceptions are the United States and Canada, where the company operates as EMD Serono, MilliporeSigma and EMD Performance Materials.

Food Processors Get a 360-Degree View of Line Performance with Mettler-Toledo’s ProdX™ 2.0

Data management tool enhances line performance monitoring for compliance with FSMA HARPC requirements

To support global food manufacturers in meeting the documentation and active managerial control requirements of the Food Safety Modernisation Act (FSMA) when exporting their products to the US, Mettler-Toledo Product Inspection has launched the enhanced ProdX™ 2.0 data management software system (www. Designed for use on food lines, as well as in pharmaceutical and chemical processing, this new and improved data management software package connects product inspection equipment across the entire production line into a single, unified network. In doing so, it is able to collect in-depth data about productivity and product quality issues, such as foreign body contamination, and access it in real time from one centralised location. ProdX 2.0 not only records the date, time, location of the reject, and the reason for removal, it now enables manufacturers to store verifying documentation about the active managerial control measures taken to prevent incidents re-occurring in the future. This ensures compliance with the new Hazard Analysis and Risk-Based Preventative Controls (HARPC) requirements of the FSMA, and with those of a wide range of international food standards approved by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), as well as pharmaceutical and product quality guidelines. Robert Rogers, Sr. Advisor Food Safety & Regulations, Mettler-Toledo explained: “Under the FSMA, food manufacturers looking to trade in the US now need to take a risk-based approach to implementing product safety controls - known as HARPC. This requires manufacturers to actively manage the points on their production line where food safety issues are most likely to occur by regularly reviewing and refining procedures to further minimise risk in future. For food manufacturers, documenting these steps is vital to demonstrate due diligence to food safety authorities in the US and, in doing so, retain access to such a lucrative market.” To ensure optimum product inspection documentation for manufacturers, ProdX 2.0 is able to manage data from a wide range of product inspection machines, including x-ray systems, metal detectors, checkweighers and, for the first time, vision inspection equipment. It is even capable of storing x-ray and vision inspection images of rejected packs to allow further analysis of rejection incidents by operatives at a later date. In addition to helping to optimise food safety, ProdX 2.0 can support

manufacturers in boosting productivity. Featuring a new standardised OPC Unified Architecture (OPC UA) server interface, and able to support PackML tags, the software can be seamlessly integrated into existing production line networks, not only connecting Mettler-Toledo systems, but also equipment and computer interfaces supplied by other manufacturers. This enables the software to collect data about the performance of all the inspection machines on the production line, from throughput speed to instances of product over- or under-fill, enabling the calculation of the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) of the manufacturing process by the company’s control and MES system. Robert Rogers, Sr. Advisor Food Safety & Regulations, MettlerToledo added: “Having a comprehensive understanding of the OEE for the entire production line, manufacturers can identify precisely which machines need to be adjusted to improve overall

line efficiency, so they can take steps to boost throughput speeds and minimise product waste. It is also possible to understand where steps need to be taken to minimise downtime during product changeovers, as operatives often already have an idea, in advance, of how much time each machine needs to be set up correctly, by giving them the information they need to devise an efficient and effective changeover plan.” ProdX 2.0 is available as a turnkey starter pack that can be easily installed on standard-sized production lines and existing network equipment, as well as an expandable base pack that can be scaled to manufacturers’ specific size and connectivity needs. Mettler-Toledo will showcase the software at Interpack in Düsseldorf, Germany, 4-10 May 2017. Visitors will be able to see the software for themselves at Mettler-Toledo’s stand B55 in Hall 11. To find out more about ProdX 2.0, visit the Mettler-Toledo Product Inspection website pi-prodx

About METTLER TOLEDO: METTLER TOLEDO is a leading global supplier of precision instruments and services. The company has strong leadership positions in a wide variety of market sectors and holds global number-one market positions in many of them. Specifically, METTLER TOLEDO is the largest provider of weighing and analytical instruments for use in laboratory and in-line measurement in demanding production processes of industrial and food retailing applications. The Product Inspection Division of METTLER TOLEDO is a leader in the field of automated inspection technology. The Division incorporates the Safeline Metal Detection and X-ray Inspection, Garvens and Hi-Speed Checkweighing and the CI Vision and PCE Track & Trace brands. The solutions provided by the business increase process efficiency for manufacturers while supporting compliance with industry standards and regulations. Systems also deliver improved product quality which helps to protect the welfare of consumers and reputation of manufacturers. For general information on Mettler-Toledo Product Inspection, visit: http://www. Medical Device ASIA | March-April 2017 | 51

Hospital-acquired infections: pathogens know no borders Interview with Prof. Alexander W. Friedrich, Project Director EurSafety Health-Net Many aspects are uniformly regulated in Europe, however, hospital hygiene and MRSA prevention, for example, are not. The Netherlands plays a pioneering role in the fight against hospital-acquired infections. The country is an often-cited role model. But can other countries simply adopt the same system? And what makes it so different? MEDICA asked expert Prof. Alexander W. Friedrich.

Prof. Alex Friedrich

Prof. Friedrich, the way hospital-acquired infections are handled varies greatly within Europe. You work in the Netherlands, which is often cited as a role model in this area. What are you doing that’s different? Alexander W. Friedrich: It is a multifactorial difference, which results in us having significantly fewer healthcare-associated infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria. On the one hand, the Netherlands administers antibiotics for human use less often than other countries do. In addition, we also have a more targeted approach to infection prevention. We know the exact steps we have to take because of a different microbiological diagnostic approach. We implement it so frequently to where we detect pathogens before they are able to turn into a real problem. We identify a carrier and are thus able to prevent the transmission of multidrug-resistant bacteria. This also enables us to detect patients, who – if they become infected – immediately receive the right antibiotic treatment. Meanwhile, other countries often first try out one antibiotic treatment and switch if it doesn’t work. By then, it is too late. We generally conduct microbiological diagnostic tests more often in the Netherlands, for example, with every routine urine screening that we check, with infected wounds or when patients stay in the intensive care unit. This lets us get a feel for what plays a role in the microworld of the patient. We call this “diagnostic stewardship”. We conduct the right 52 | March-April 2017 | Medical Device ASIA

diagnostic test at the right time to make a decision either about preventive measures or treatment. This is the crucial difference between the Netherlands and other countries. In the Netherlands, we have doctors of clinical microbiology with their own laboratories in almost every hospital. Meanwhile, in Germany, only 10 percent of hospitals have their own clinical microbiologist with his/her own laboratory. Some hospitals might also have hospital hygienists but they don’t have their own on-site lab that virtually lets you have “eyes for the invisible”.

Are there countries that want to follow your example? Friedrich: The implementation is not exactly easy, which is why many countries are hesitant to do so. One reason is the necessary costs because you have to re-train a whole generation of experts. Here, we currently have 87 acute care hospitals that employ between 250 and 300 clinical microbiology specialists. Germany has approximately 2,000 hospitals but only about 700 medical specialists. It would take quite some time to train a whole new generation of physicians. That’s why the idea is usually abandoned and hospitals try to other approaches. Sweden, Norway, and Denmark have similar standards to the Netherlands but are comparatively small countries in terms of population. The Netherlands is the largest country with this type of set-up, which also makes it quite unique.

The EurSafety Health-Net project, which you manage, is designed to prevent pathogens from becoming a cross-border issue. What is your approach? Friedrich: The disparity in antibiotic resistance between the Netherlands and its neighboring countries makes health care provision across the

By travelers pathogens are introduced to various countries automatically. Therefore, a screening should always be carried out when visiting a hospital, in order to prevent spreading, eg MRSA; & Copy; Segundo

New Zealand and India partnership delivers success for patients border difficult. When a Dutch person goes to a German hospital, he/she is exposed to risk. And when German patients are admitted to a Dutch hospital, they have to go into prophylactic isolation. This is obviously very unpleasant for patients. This is why there are cross-border projects between Germany and the Netherlands as well as Germany and Belgium. Experts, who collaborate in these projects have set up a network of facilities that comprises 117 hospitals and more than 300 nursing homes at this point. Experts include microbiologists, infectious disease specialists, and public health departments. They persuade hospitals and health facilities to adhere to certain rules and regulations on both sides of the border to prevent the spread of pathogens. If the facilities abide by specific guidelines, they receive the EurSafety quality seal by the Dutch Healthcare Authorities. If a patient comes from a hospital that has obtained one or several of these quality seals, he or she may not have to be isolated under certain conditions.

How do you plan to always stay one step ahead of bacteria and viruses? Friedrich: You need to actively look for pathogens because anyone can be a disease carrier, even if they are not sick yet. If I start my search once somebody is sick, at that point, there will already be 30 additional carriers in some pathogen cases, making things far too late. Let’s take the U.S. for example. They only direct targeted action once the patient has become critically ill thanks to the pathogen. That means in the case of MRSA, you are often already “too late” because everyone else besides the sick patient has already transmitted the bacteria to others. This is why it is extremely difficult to end let alone prevent an outbreak. This is also the reason why the U.S. have one of the highest MRSA infection rates in the world. Taking preventive measures, using resources and conducting studies before someone gets sick is more commonly done in Europe. Here again, it’s the Netherlands and the Scandinavian countries that lead the way. The only reason this is a difficult issue for many people in charge is because prevention means spending money before something actually happens.

Do you think that sooner or later we will reach a point where antibiotics are generally no longer effective, despite our best efforts? Friedrich: I believe Europe will at least be one of the last places on Earth where this might happen. This is definitely going to become a problem a lot sooner on other continents. But here in Europe, even in terms of all European countries, we are certainly able to keep multidrug resistance at a tolerable level. After all, you have to remember that there won’t be any effective surgeries and no complex medical interventions without antibiotics – we simply need antibiotics. It is unsustainable to just count on the development of new antibiotics because, ultimately, this leads to new types of antibiotic resistance. This is why it continues to be important to emphasize prevention and research on innovative diagnostics and antibiotics. The interview was conducted by Simone Ernst and translated by Elena O’Meara.

New Zealand High Commissioner to India, Joanna Kempkers today acknowledged the successful partnership between Surya Hospitals and New Zealand health technology company, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare. An engraved crystal memento was given to Dr B S Avasthi, Managing Director of Surya Hospitals and TP Bastin, the India Country Manager for Fisher & Paykel, during a tour of Surya Hospital in Mumbai. Surya’s expertise in neonatal and paediatric care, combined with advanced medical technology from New Zealand company Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, has allowed the two companies to focus on new approaches to achieve faster healing and recovery. “It is my pleasure to be here today to celebrate a strong New Zealand – India business partnership. India is very important to New Zealand, being our largest services trading partner, and a leading and growing source of skilled migrants, international students and tourists. Today’s acknowledgement of the Surya and Fisher & Paykel Healthcare partnership is just one of many strong business relationships between Indian and New Zealand companies, “ says Ms Kempkers. Dr Avasthi says he is pleased with the work Surya Hospitals and Fisher & Paykel Healthcare have achieved in the nearly 25 years they have been working together. “Fisher & Paykel was a natural partner for Surya due to its world-class technology and experience in working in international markets. We’re proud of the work we’re achieving together and technology from Fisher & Paykel has enabled us to make a real difference in the lives of our patients,” says Dr Avasthi. Fisher & Paykel began its foray into healthcare technology in the 1960s and has since expanded to be a leading designer, manufacturer and seller of medical device products and systems for use in respiratory care, acute care and the treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea. “India has a growing demand for smart healthcare solutions and New Zealand is in a good position to meet this demand with expertise across the continuum of care from hospitals and community clinics to telemedicine and home care,” says TP Bastin. Fisher & Paykel Healthcare has a fully owned subsidiary in Bangalore. Medical Device ASIA | March-April 2017 | 53

Unique Group brings expertise in hyperbaric oxygen treatment chambers to new healthcare markets About Unique Group Unique Group - Founded in 1993, Unique Group is among the world’s prominent integrated subsea and offshore solution providers. Through its six operational business divisions, Unique is a specialist in the provision of engineering, sales and rental of equipment for the marine, diving, and subsea market sectors. The group has an established manufacturing capability for the delivery of customized engineering projects worldwide. Unique is headquartered in Sharjah, Middle East and has local presence in the USA, UK, South Africa, India, Singapore, Rotterdam in the Netherlands, and employs over 500 people worldwide.

Unique Group, the leading integrated subsea and offshore solution provider, is investing almost 2m euros in an innovative healthcare division to bring its 25 years’ of expertise in hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) chambers to new markets. The new division – Unique Medical Technology – will launch in February 2017 at the Arab Health Show in Dubai, where the business will be demonstrating its expertise in quality focused production and client services for the healthcare sector. The move follows the acquisition in 2015 by Unique Group of Oceanwide SaS, the Netherlands-based market leader in the design, construction and maintenance of self-propelled hyperbaric lifeboats. Headquartered in Rotterdam, Unique Medical Technology will serve the healthcare market across Europe, Middle East and Asia and draw on the experience, knowledge and expertise of the wider Unique Group. Harry Gandhi, chief executive of Unique Group, comments: “This significant investment in our new division draws on nearly three decades of engineering expertise in the maritime industry to bring market-leading hyperbaric chambers and client services to the healthcare sector. “There has long been a gap for a genuine hyperbaric specialist company in the medical sector and Unique Medical Technology will fill that space. We are already processing enquiries for our products and we will be working 54 | March-April 2017 | Medical Device ASIA

initially with hospitals and clinics from our base in the Netherlands. Over the coming years we will use our engineering expertise for further product development within this important sector. ” The new business will initially focus on the production of hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) chambers with integrated critical care monitoring equipment and will also provide specialist training in the use of the technology. With a focus on efficiency and quality, the chambers will be produced within 3 to 6 months, depending on specification. Flexible finance offerings will also be available. Traditionally used in the diving industry, HBOT chambers are now used in the medical sector for treating various conditions, such as carbon monoxide poisoning, Diabetic wound care and nonhealing cuts.

Unique Group is the largest supplier of diving life support equipment in the world, with a long and successful track record of developing hyperbaric chambers and their constituent parts for the subsea and offshore industries. Unique Medical Technology’s hyperbaric oxygen treatment chambers are designed and manufactured by world-class engineers. The chambers comply with stringent design codes for medical devices (as per EC9342) and the key features of the standard chamber include ·

diameter/length of 2200mm/6.2m · capacity for 10 people in the main chamber and two in the entrance chamber · working pressure for HBO chamber is min 1.8 up to max 2.8 bar · digital chamber control system · specially-designed compression cooling control system · ‘whole room’ or individual seat entertainment, with full selection and control systems. Chambers can also be built specifically to clients’ requirements.




Government of India, Registrar of Newspapers of India (RNI)#: DELENG/2009/30008


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