Celebrating Worthing College Autumn 2012

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Celebrating Worthing College Autumn 2012

Congratulations Worthing College

On 4 October 2012, Worthing College became the proud owners of the new college site at The Warren. Principal, Peter Corrigan, stated “It is now absolutely confirmed that the new home for Worthing College is The Warren site in Worthing. Very soon work will begin to create a ‘state of the art’ college with excellent teaching, learning, social and recreational facilities for students.

This development will give young

West Worthing MP, Sir Peter Bottomley,

people in our local area a college to

said “I join students, families and

be proud of with super new facilities

local businesses in congratulating

on a prestigious site. The college

Peter Corrigan, his Senior Team and

is set within 18 acres of campus

college Governors in bringing these

parkland adjacent to the South

ambitions plans to fruition. The staff

Downs National Park. We are totally

of the college will soon be teaching

committed to giving our students the

in a building to be proud of which will

very best teaching available and the

meet the needs of young people, local

best exam results in an inspirational setting.”

business and our local community for generations to come.”

Opportunity Achievement Success Progression East Worthing MP, Tim Loughton, said: “At long last Worthing College will have a building which enables staff and students alike to realise their full potential. Though it has been a long time coming future prospects are bright indeed enabling the College to progress as a key element in our town’s flourishing education offer. I congratulate Peter Corrigan and his staff for the immense amount of hard work that has gone into the despite the frustration of not a few false dawns in the past and I very much look forward to seeing the College rapidly move from strength to strength.” Peter Corrigan, Principal, stated: “The new Worthing College will be a truly special place which will inspire all the young people who study there. Demand for places at the new college is going to be very high. If you wish to be part of our new college community, please apply for a place without delay to avoid disappointment.” The existing buildings at The Warren will be refurbished and converted for college use. The total cost of the scheme is £25 million. There will be dedicated, specialist, integrated learning spaces in all curriculum areas. The site will also include a Conference Centre, a Performing Arts Centre for Music, Dance and Performing Arts courses and a college nursery for the use of students, staff and the local community. Work on the new college has begun and will be completed in June 2013. The college will move in, ready for the new academic year 2013/14. See www.worthing.ac.uk for further details


Students can’t wait to have a look around the new £25m site at The Warren.

EDITORIAL Well, congratulations Worthing College you have done it at last. Summer came and went (at least I think it did!), students received their well-earned results in August and the College received final confirmation that it would be moving to a fantastic new building next summer. Since receiving this long awaited news at the start of October there has been huge excitement. Finally, we have a new college and we are all looking forward to it. Students, staff and governors are so pleased that young people in Worthing will at long last have a great local choice. Principal Peter Corrigan said: “It all feels so much more tangible now that we have the final go ahead, it has been such a long time coming and it feels fantastic to get to this stage. We will move in next summer after the term ends, ready to start again at the new site at the start of the 2013/14 academic year. We are aiming for a seamless transition from our current site in Bolsover Road to the Warren. We will do the best job we can to ensure the best possible experience for everyone before and after our move. There will be no disruption to teaching at Bolsover Road. We plan to run tours of the new site for current Year 12 students as work progresses. There is so much excitement for the move now it is certain and we are most

excited about what’s happening in Worthing for education in terms of having the best possible teaching and learning facilities. The new site provides more of a ‘campus’ atmosphere which is akin to a university campus. Students will love the spaces they will have to work and socialise in – it opens up people’s senses being in a parkland setting – it is a fantastic moment.” Apart from all that, this fourth edition of Celebrating Worthing College includes a range of features focused on Worthing College students’ achievements from great qualification results to sporting achievements, debating society successes, freshers’ fair, Olympic races in the nursery, the second Worthing Education Fair and much, much more. At the end of last year we said a fond farewell to some staff and at the beginning of this term we extended a huge welcome to our new staff as well as welcoming all our new students. Yes, this term has certainly been very busy and exciting. We are full of excitement about what the future holds and can’t wait for next summer to come around so we can do all this from our stunning new campus. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the festivities in the run up to Christmas and the New Year. Caroline Pickup, Editor


Celebrating Worthing College

Education Fair brings in the crowds again

The second Worthing Education Fair was hosted and sponsored by Worthing College at the Worthing Leisure Centre on Saturday 13th October. It was a huge success with nearly 700 visitors and exhibitors attending to see a wide variety of careers, further education and training options on offer. It was amazing to see how a huge sports hall can be transformed so quickly into an informative, vibrant, colourful and musical event for our community with more than 70 exhibition stands and a range of activities.

construction, sport to hospitality, performing arts and a wide range of academic areas of study as well as apprenticeships, the public services including the RAF and the Army, early years childcare and so much more.

College student ambassadors who covered exhibition stands, provided musical entertainment and acted as information guides to visitors.

Worthing College Marketing and Premises Teams worked hard to organise the event to ensure it went smoothly and was the best it could be.

Several college governors attended and said how impressed they were and the deputy mayor and his consort spent over 3 hours at the event speaking to providers and employers and joining in with activities.

We appreciated the loyal and informative commitment of Worthing

Well done and thank you everyone for helping to make it such a success.

Visitors were able to obtain advice and guidance on a variety of options ranging from hair and beauty to

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New students at Worthing College had fun in the sun at their Freshers Fair at the start of term. Part of a programme called Week Zero, this is designed to help students from high schools across the area to settle in and develop the new skills they need for college. As well as being introduced to the college IT Network, and the library, new students also have workshops on Personal


Organisation and Study Skills which help them make the move from High School to College. They also receive a welcome from the College Principal, Peter Corrigan, and other members of the College Senior team. This year the Freshers Fair was bigger than ever before with a range of activities. A free barbecue kept the students well fed, and


Celebrating Worthing College

an inflatable gladiator stall proved very popular for the more energetic. Information on many topics was provided by Oxfam, the National Blood Donor Service, the Duke of Edinburgh scheme, Allsorts LGBT project and others, plus the Gideons gave out free New Testaments. Sussex Police were also present to give young drivers advice on safe driving and staff from Quest Adventure Cycle shop in Broadwater

were encouraging students to cycle to college. Entertainment was provided by college music students and by former Worthing College student David Stewart, now a professional magician, fresh from his success at the Arundel Festival.

That’s magic! Ex Worthing College student David Stewart confounds new students with some of his card tricks.

Glorious sunshine meant that new students could have a great time while making new friends and learning new skills.

Freshers Fare: Park Life brought some colour to the proceedings, and an excellent BBQ was served up by the college’s own catering team.

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Great results celebrated in style by students and staff

Sammy Fairman, Amy Dighe, Florence Scordoulis, Emma Pike, Melanie Rich and Sulagna Roy (front) celebrate together.

Students and staff got together to celebrate a great set of A Level

Rachel Austin was also delighted with her A*, A, A, A, Distinction 2 and goes

Callum Hammond was off to Bristol to study Medicine after his A, A, A and

and BTEC results at the college in August. A buffet was laid on and the sun came out to greet happy students who came in to share their good news and find out how their frinds had done and there were many success stories to celebrate.

on to study Medicine at UCL. “Find yourself some lucky pants and wear them in every exam” was her advice.

Amy Rowson obviously took heed of her own words when she advised that “Hard work pays off” and got A*, A*, A*, A and a place at Nottingham to study Geography. She hopes to go on to work in the Human Rights sector of the UN - lofty ambitions indeed.

Lucy Hammond was very happy with her A*, A, A, and was looking forward to starting at UCL where she will study Human Science.


Jake Stoddart’s advice to “Just keep working hard, it’s worth it!” was more conventional yet seems to be equally successful as he celebrated his A*, A*, A, A, Distinction 3 and prepared to start studying Anatomy, Developmental and Human Biology at King’s College London.

“Work hard” seemed to be the most popular piece of advice given by students, including Heather Hayward who managed


Celebrating Worthing College

Peter Corrigan with Mat Watkinson, Raj Patel and Daniel Collet.

Amelia Stubbs and Jamie Hide

Hans-Gerd Forster and Jasmine Elliot with their impressive sets of results.

Peter Corrigan with Heather Hayward.

a magnificent four As, Sammy Fairman with three A*s, an A and a

Dominic Stannard, the outgoing Student Union President is off to

years to come and hope that some of that advice will be taken on board.

Distinction Pre-U, and Melanie Rich who picked up three As and an A*.

Exeter University with A*, A, A, C in his pocket. “The fear of disappointment drove me to do well” said Dominic who plans to go into the Royal Marines and then possibly into politics.

However, Joseph Salmon’s advice to “Never stop believing in yourself” certainly seems to have worked for him after he gained A, B, B. and Ellis Wooley’s “Practice makes perfect” appears to have paid off for him. He’s off to Loughborough to study Chemical Engineering and play hockey after getting A, A, B..

There were too many success stories to tell here but we did enjoy talking to all the students that turned up to share their celebrations. We also enjoyed reading the students’ advice to those that are about to follow them in the

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Principal Peter Corrigan, who met with the students during the celebrations said “These results are a fantastic achievement and a reward for all the hard work and effort of students and staff at Worthing College. The results reflect the quality of teaching and learning we offer. We wish our students every success in their future at University or in the world of work.”

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Students put on an impressive display at the recent Business Show at the college.

Last year we introduced the Institute of Financial Services Level 2 Certificate in Personal Finance. This was thoroughly enjoyed by our students, with all of them passing each unit on their first sitting. The marks they gained were impressive. Jack Searle said about the course, “I have found that personal finance has been very beneficial in my personal life, especially when we learnt about current accounts and ISAs. What we learnt in the personal finance lessons has helped me understand my own financial situation. It has also given me an insight in to what I will need to do in the future to keep myself in a good financial situation”. Kyran Harding opened his first current account and set up an ISA, with a direct debit going into it each month. He said it has made him more aware of his


spending. Overall, he believes this course to be great and key to anyone who wishes to manage finance or set up budgets. As part of the course, the students participated in the ifs Student Investor Challenge. Jack said “Before I didn’t know much about stocks and shares, but taking part made me begin to understand the stock market. We checked the stocks daily and also did our own research into which companies to buy using, amongst others, the Guardian website. There was one point when we had all of the top five stocks in our portfolio which gave a boost in our position and helped us gain a final position of 68 out 7334”. This was a fantastic result. Kyran said that his enjoyment of the competition has inspired him to become a stock broker/investor.

Both Jack and Kyran have moved onto the Level 3 Certificate/Diploma in Financial Studies which has been launched at the College this year. The launch created so much interest that another class had to be set up. On completion of this course, Kyran is looking at studying an ifs degree. The ifs courses are aimed at those students wanting to learn the life skills of managing their finances and/or entering a career in financial services.


Celebrating Worthing College

Celebrating diversity at Worthing College INTERNATIONAL DAY PROVIDES TASTE OF MULTI-CULTURISM A brilliant and very successful International Day was held in May in TDCA with the involvement of all IELTS and ESOL students and their teachers. This was held to give our students the opportunity to showcase their own countries, cultures and food and to encourage staff and students to drop by and learn about the diversity of nationalities(50+!) at Worthing College. The highlight of the occasion was the chance to sample the national delicacies and to get to know our international students who had all worked very hard creating colourful posters and Powerpoint presentations about their various countries, which included Afghanistan, Latvia and the Philippines. They also set to baking and cooking enthusiastically and visitors were able to sample a wide selection of food such as Hong Kong fried rice, Brazilian sweets, German sausages and Somalian samosas. Over 100 students and staff attended, including the Principal and Vice Principal, and an end of term atmosphere prevailed with everyone mingling and having a great time. Don’t miss it next year!

Steve Williams tries some traditional Somali food with student ZamzamAhmed Farah whilst students from around the world get together for some fun.

Irish eyes are smiling for student Leonardo Hoffman with Judith Ferguson.

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The new Student Union On behalf of the Student Union I’d like to welcome you all to Worthing College and introduce you to the union who will be serving your interests this year. The Student Union is made up of eight members who have been elected by the students at Worthing College. It’s our pleasure to represent the students’ views during their time

here and to make the necessary changes you want to the college.

any questions please get in touch with any member of the Student Union.

This year our main aim is for the Student Union to provide a positive environment for all the students, focusing on clubs and extra curricular activities, making student life more sociable and enjoyable for all. I hope you have a good time while you are studying at the college and if you have

You can find us in the Student Centre most days around lunch times or you can find details of how to email us on the student intranet. You can also follow us on Twitter. @WorthingSU Gabby Slater Student Union President

Gabby Slater: President

Lisa Whiting: Education

Rhia Limmer: Charities

Reme Naylor: Finance

Victoria Edwards: Communications

Jubril Olajire: Entertainments

Rebecca Buxton: Welfare

Jack Watson: Vice President



Celebrating Worthing College

‘No pain no gain’ as Public

Service students get into

training with Military Fitness Level 2 & 3 Public Services students recently began a year-long fitness training programme with British Military Fitness. For one hour a week the students will take part in physical activities and fitness tests to give them a realistic experience of what levels of fitness they must attain to gain entry into the various public services and how they can prepare themselves for the individual fitness tests conducted by the public services. With recruitment into the public services becoming increasingly competitive it is crucial that those who apply can successfully complete the physical requirements first time. Whilst there is a serious nature to the training, it is very much aimed at having fun, whilst getting fitter. At the end of first session students were pleased with how enjoyable it had been and although hard at times, they liked the discipline. “It was rewarding to complete the exercises” commented Alice Cameron, whilst Jake Spencer confirmed “I’m still aching”. The exercises and tests that the students are completing also contribute to a number of units on their course. British Military run fitness programmes

public and schools. Their instructors are all ex-servicemen and women who are currently in the public service. With many of them veterans

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of Iraq and Afghanistan, they bring a very real experience of the physical requirements of life in the public service.

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Worthing College

students win UK Chinese Writing


Congratulations to the Chinese A Level Class where three students have won awards in the UK Chinese Writing Competition 2012. They are: 1st Prize winner: Baohua Huang 2nd Prize winner: Xixi Luo 3rd Prize winner: Dongcai Liang

Debating Matters: Worthing College

students talk their way to regional final

Eddy pulls the right strings

on X Factor TV audition After hitting all the right notes at his recent X Factor audition, ex Worthing College student and singer Eddy String popped into college to see friends and staff. After a brief photo session in front of the college he bumped into Principal Peter Corrigan

who congratulated him on his TV appearance. Likeable Eddy (real name Edward Wilkinson, as X Factor viewers already know) left college just a few months ago at the end of June. Eddy’s music heroes are Robbie Williams, Marc Bolan and Mick

Worthing College’s Debating Team won the Brighton and Hove round of the National ‘Debating Matters’ competition recently. Maia AlmeidaAmir, Harry Melvin, Alex Philips and Jack Chapman represented the college at Hove Park School and emerged triumphant after two debates. The first, with Steyning Grammar School, saw Harry & Maia arguing eloquently against the minimum pricing of alcohol citing philosopher J S Mills’ ‘harm principle’. In the second debate Jack & Alex were opposing a


Jagger, but his audition was all about impressing Gary Barlow and his fellow X Factor Judges which he did with aplomb when he wowed the audience and received 4 “yes” votes and an invitation to the famous Boot Camp for a performance full of energy, wit and confidence. Whether Eddy’s 15 minutes of fame makes him a star or not, only time will tell. However his life is unlikely to return to normal for a while and he’s determined to enjoy the whole experience as long as it lasts. Worthing teams on their research, their quick answers to challenges from the audience and their team work.

motion from Hove Park in favour of factory farming. The distinguished judges who included BBC journalist & presenter, Barbara Myers, Professor Anthony Carr from Sussex University and controversial writer Christopher Snowdon complimented both

The Worthing College team go through to the South East regional final to be held later in the year. Now in its 10th year, the competition is organised by the Institute of Ideas, and sponsored by Unilever. Photo shows: Left to right, Harry Melvin (but no Bluenotes), Maia Almeida-Amir, Alex Philips, Jack Chapman & Walt Liu (supporter)


Celebrating Worthing College

Nursery celebrates the

Olympics and strikes gold for St Barnabas The nursery really enjoyed the Olympics this summer and the children celebrated Great Britain’s success in cycling by bringing their wheels to nursery, the children brought in bikes, trikes and scooters they enjoyed races and riding them on the tennis courts. The children also carried their homemade Olympic torches around the nursery!! We had a very successful Olympic themed summer fair and raised over £100 for St Barnabas which the children took to the hospice on the bus. In September 2012 the new Early Year Foundation Stage came into practice, staff attended a 3 hour training session on this and have changed the format of observations

and assessment. The emphasis of the new documentation is spending quality time with the children. The nursery welcomes the changes and staff like nothing more than spending

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time interacting with the children in their care. We will be having a workshop to introduce the revised Early Years Foundation stage to our parents in November 2012.

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University success for Worthing College students This year, Worthing College continued its long-running success in helping students to progress to university degree courses. Following the 2012 A level results, 306 students gained places and will be starting university in September (with a small number electing to defer their entry to 2013). Well done to them all! We wish them every success in the future. Where have they gone? Local universities are consistently the most popular choice, with Brighton (27 students) and Portsmouth (26 students) at the top of the popularity list, and Chichester, Winchester, Sussex, Plymouth and Southampton also proving very attractive to our students. As the cost of studying at university has increased, many students have found it financially beneficial to stay local, with lower travel costs, and for some saving money by staying at home and keeping an income from their parttime jobs. However at the same time many have elected to travel further to more distant parts of the country. In all, Worthing College students will be starting out at 75 different universities spreading right across the UK from Glasgow and Edinburgh in Scotland, to Aberystwyth and Cardiff in Wales, and across all parts of England. The range of courses is also huge, from the academic to the vocational. Among the more popular choices this year were Psychology, Mathematics, Law, Sports Science and Education.


Top university success This has also been a successful year for students taking up places at the top universities and the most competitive courses. 45 students have secured places at Russell Group universities, including 11 at Southampton, 6 at Bristol and 5 at UCL, and 5 students will be starting at the most prestigious universities of all: Oxford and Cambridge. These five deserve special mention because not only did they have to get straight As at A level (including an A* for Cambridge), but they also had to take additional tests and impress in the highly demanding interviews. They are Amy Dighe (Cambridge, Natural Sciences), Samantha Fairman (Cambridge, Chemical Engineering), Florence Scordoulis (Cambridge, History) Polly Rylands-Richey (Oxford, Experimental Psychology), and Josie Lamb (Oxford, Medicine). Aspire Coordinator Antony Allchin, who helped the students prepare for their interviews, said, “These are

exceptional students who thoroughly deserve their success. They will flourish in the Oxbridge environment�. Future doctors and nurses This was a notably successful year for future medicine students. 26 students have been successful in progessing to a range of degree courses in the medical field. The most competitive courses of all are Medicine and Veterinary Medicine. Six Worthing College students are destined to become doctors of the future, and two are future vets. They are Ayesha Husain, Josie Lamb, Callum Hammond, Rachel Austin, Sulagna Roy and Georgina Scott for medicine, and Chloe Donovan and Lizzie Buckham for veterinary medicine. In addition, 18 Worthing College students have started out on the first stage of their future careers in a range of health professions including nursing, midwifery, paramedicine and radiography. We wish them all well in their future careers.


Celebrating Worthing College

Pre-U. The best preparation for life at university By Ivan Croydon Veleslavov Competition for University placements is becoming fiercer every year, with A-level results only playing a minor role in deciding between two applicants gunning for the same qualification. For those students who are willing to stretch themselves beyond the confines of the national curriculum, and broaden their horizons as a result, Worthing College offer the Cambridge Pre-U Diploma in Global Perspectives. I took it last year and haven’t looked back since. As a scientist I have become an expert in staring at text books until it sinks in, taking my exam and moving on. Pre-u opened my eyes to what education can be instead. It required me to look up from my revision notes at the world around me, taking me from my comfort zone to comment on issues such as Euthanasia and the political state of Iran before the first term was out. With each topic fundamental lessons are learnt in areas of essay writing, logical fallacies and source analysis. All of these are combined in the assessed sections within the first year; an essay on a topic of your choosing, a presentation based on source material and a critical thinking exam. I have found that no other qualification has prepared me more for life at university than the Pre-u and I urge anyone considering aiming for a top university to at least consider this hugely rewarding course.

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What next for


Sammy Fairman - CAMBRIDGE, Chemical Engineering Emma Pike - YORK, History Rachel Austin - UCL, Medicine Wesley Bond - UCL, Astrophysics Chloe Donovan - R VET, Veterinary Molly Holland - NOTTINGHAM, French and Chinese Fleur Gribble - LEEDS, International Relations Tom Steadman - EAST ANGLIA, Pharmacy Jake Stoddart - KCL, Anatomy and Developmental & Human Biology Callum Hammond - BRISTOL, Medicine Amy Dighe - CAMBRIDGE, Natural Sciences Florence Scordoulis - CAMBRIDGE, History Lucy Hammond - UCL, Human Sciences Ayesha Hussain - KEELE, Medicine Dexter Brainnard - UCL, Mathematics Fraser McCluskey - BRISTOL, Economics Ben Angell - EXETER, Acient History Sophie Marshman - Primary Maths Lydia Scott-Tomney - BATH, Social Work Toby Benham - BRISTOL, Chemistry Emily Scholar - CARDIFF, Music

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Worthing College students deserved a medal for their olympian efforts at the Schools Olympics held at the Worthing Leisure Centre.

2,000 competitors, 130 sports Leaders, 50 home-made torches, 46 Olympic Mascots, 30 Dancers, 27 schools, 9 sporting competitions, 4 legacy teams, 3 winning songs, 2 winning poems, 2 venues, 2 Mayors, 2 Olympians, and 1 Olympic Extravaganza! This was without question a fantastic day when novice and elite athletes met and competed side by side. Year 3s enjoyed a morning of Hoop ball, Multi skills and Zumba whilst year 4,5,6 and 7 turned their hand at Tri Golf, Team Building, Cricket, Rowing, Boccia, Handball, Volleyball and Athletics .


All events were carried out under the watchful eye of Sports Leaders from Worthing College, Durrington and Davison who scored, encouraged and managed the teams admirably. Much of the preparation for the events had been done by Worthing College students who had spent much of the summer term in the schools training and coaching the children. The whole event was an outstanding success and congratulations go to Tina Price and Dave Hall who co-ordinated this valuable part of the project, plus all of the students who contributed so much of their time.


Celebrating Worthing College

A great day in any language

No ‘I’ in TEAM, only DHS 23 BTEC Level 3 Public Service Diploma




Durrington High School to support the school’s Year 8 Teambuilding Days. For the second year running DHS called





students to run the bases for the event. Students needed to organise the equipment, explain the activities to each team leader, score and manage the base. Whilst, some students stayed dry inside organising the building of a huge ‘Meccano’ style cart, others were getting soaked outside; soaked from the deluge of rain on the Wednesday but also from the range of water based activities that the Year 8’s had to complete. Despite the conditions and

Students from the four corners of the earth came together on the Worthing College sports field for the Centre of English Studies Sports Day. With the sun shining it proved to be a really enjoyable event for the students, whether they took part or just relaxed and watched the fun. Under the watchful eyes of their fellow students, the more energetic were able to compete in a variety of sporting events including running, throwing and a very closely fought limbo. They were cheered on by very patriotic groups of supporters who helped to create a very exciting and enjoyable atmosphere. Well done to everybody involved in the event and we look forward to welcoming the Centre of English Studies and their students back again next summer.

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limited time to prepare, the event was extremely well organised and delivered and the students should be commended for getting so involved. Chris




commented: “The team you sent on both days were great. Please pass on my thanks to them. They were a credit to your college. I’m not sure at times who was having more





year 8 or the college students! Same again for next year please.” Volunteering is a key element of Public Service life and integral to the Public Service course. You will also see Public Service students around college




community’. If anyone has other areas of volunteering we can get involved with please send the information to Colin Illsley at Worthing College.

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Academy of Sport prepares for another challenging season The Worthing College Academy of Sport prepared for another exciting, yet challenging season with their intense pre season programme. All five squads took part in training

Academy Manager Tina Price heralded the importance of the practical and theoretical mix of the week “Its really important for us at the College to ensure that our

sessions and classroom based sessions designed to prepare all players for the season ahead. Training sessions were based upon technique, tactical awareness, game intelligence and fitness testing. In the classroom players were introduced to the Gamebreaker match analysis programme that is used at the College as well as nutritional and sports psychology advice. The emergency services also put on a safe drive stay alive session, which highlighted the risks that come with being on the road.

students are prepared for the tough season ahead. Some of these players are not used to training and playing three times a week and at the level they play at we want to make sure that they are educated in how to look after themselves and therefore give themselves the best chance to develop not only as sports performers, but academically also. Students are made aware that if their academic studies are not taken care of the privilege of training and playing is taken away and this for me is a vital part of this programme.

At the Academy we have unfortunately had a few members involved in serious traffic accidents, so again the safe drive stay alive sessions are an important part of the students education.” For the fourth year the Worthing College Academy of Sport have teamed up with the Chestnut Tree House as their official charity and the students were spoken to during the week about the House and the great work it does with extremely sick young people. “Our students are extremely privileged, so its only right that they give back to the community and that is why we have this link with the Chestnut Tree. Students will be partaking in our annual pier to pier walk where money raised will go straight to this very worthy cause” Price explained. As for each squad they were extremely productive to make sure that players will hit the ground running come their first sets of matches in September. The Women’s Football Programme has a very successful week, but coach Mike Bridges had already had the squad training with Brighton & Hove Albion during July and August, making the following reflections upon the week.



Celebrating Worthing College competitions.” The Men’s squad also had a pre season friendly against on Old Academy XI at Wick FC on Friday night. The match ended 2-2 with Stephen Herbert giving the New squad a 2 goal advantage before a Lee Mottershead strike and an own goal took the game to penalties, which the new squad ended up being 4-2 victors.

“The week for us went extremely well. The girls’ attitudes and work rate has been first rate. On Wednesday we went to Gillingham to play their reserves, who play in the top reserve league in the country and to come away 4-3 winners shows how quickly they are developing in such a short space of time, which makes for a promising year ahead.” Men’s Football Programme Coach Dave Hall is also excited about the year ahead when saying “The boys have put in a lot of work this week and are willing to learn, which is a great trait to have and one that will only make them into better players in the future. Early August and Pre Season training has gone well and the training games in particular have been very competitive, which will give me many nice selection headaches before the first game on September 12th. For me its all about player development and if this squad of players continue to perform the way they have been then potentially this season we could hold our own again at National League level and progress in both County Cup

The Netball Programme had a positive training week with coach Tina Price looking forward to a developmental year. “The girls have been great this week and have looked to gel as a squad extremely quickly. This was extremely apparent during the fitness testing where all girls were encouraged to work their hardest. There will be tough times ahead, but if the girls take the advice on board that is given both game and fitness wise they will have a positive season.” Rugby Programme coach Ben Coulson describes pre season week as setting the “building blocks” in place for the season ahead with all players looking to develop upon their current level of abilities. “Training has been tough for the boys this week. They have been certainly put through their paces, especially around the track and at Goring Gap during their beach run sessions. I’ve also

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been pleased with their application during the technical sessions and if they continue with this attitude the players will develop, which is what the Academy of Sport is all about, improving player performance and game understanding.” Last year the Basketball Programme learnt a lot of lessons from their year at the top National level in College Basketball, which coach James Brame feels will put them in good stead for the season ahead. “These guys have come a long way in such a short space of time. The training sessions at Durrington High School have been intense and if the hard work on the training court goes into game time, then these players should be proud of their efforts and will come away with performances to match.” The Worthing College Academy of Sport play their fixtures on Wednesday afternoons. To see weekly fixtures and match reports please visit the Academy of Sport blog that can be found on http://www. worthingcollegeacademyofsport.com/ If you are interested in being a part of the programme next year you can contact the College on 01903 243389 or info@worthing.ac.uk for more information.

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Celebrating Worthing College

Oxford and Cambridge Open Days 25



THANKS TO: Our catering staff for providing a brilliant BBQ for Freshers Fair and delicious buffet for the A Level Results Day Party.


took advantage of the opportunity to visit open days and Oxford and



June and July this year.



Allchin, Worthing College Aspire Coordinator who organised the visits said “Visiting a university is an essential element in choosing which universities to apply to. This is particularly true for Oxford and Cambridge, because students have to decide which of the many colleges they want to apply to. They are all academically excellent, but each one offers a slightly different experience and environment which can only really be appreciated by a visit.” Whilst at the universities students were able to discuss the courses in detail with university lecturers, talk to current students, and visit a range of colleges. The Aspire Programme at Worthing College offers a range of activities and experiences designed to help students in their applications to competitive universities, and trips to





Universities and an integral part of



programme activities



year. talks,

discussions, debates and lecture visits,




students prepare their university applications


interview skills.




Apprentices take the lead in activity initiative for local

middle schools

Worthing College in conjunction with Waves Ahead and Hove RFC have employed 5 apprentices to deliver sport in middle schools in Worthing and Adur. Paige and Katie are currently working at Downsbrook Middle School, helping teachers in PE lessons and delivering lunch time and after school clubs in evasion games, football, netball. Fleur and Lucy are working at the Orchards Middle School doing the same. Kieron Leeming is supporting Rugby coaching in the Hove area. The apprentices are studying their NVQ in Activity Leadership at Worthing College.

About ‘Celebrating Worthing College’ Celebrating Worthing College is produced by the Worthing College Marketing Team. If you have any comments about this publication email info@worthing.ac.uk or telephone Laine Greenland on 01903 243389 ext 350.

Year 12 Sport and Public Service students for their great work at the Durrington High School Year 8 Teambuilding activity days. CONGRATULATIONS TO: Adam Fitchett who attended an awards ceremony at Surrey University as the “Best Chemist” from Worthing College. Adam hopes to progress to Oxford to study Biochemistry.

A BIG welcome to new staff: Andreea Amaximoaie, Dan Cook, Fleur Charman-Kitchener, Tiffany Cooney, Sally Crathern, Rob Duke, Kate Ellis, Louise Foddy, Darragh Gallagher, Bekah Gough, Will Hall, Louisa Hoad, Joshua Klose, Rachel Maddix, Wes Mechen, Teresa Murphy, Judith New, Katie Pearcy, David O’Callaghan-Murdoch, Emma Prince, Stefano Sbuttoni, Lucy Somes, Kevin Stoner, Amelia Stubbs, Craig Telling, Kate Trevis, Paige Walder.

We bid farewell to: David Alexander, James Brame, Jack Churchett, Helen Collins, Philip Crompton, Javier Garcia-Sanchez, Charlotte Gosden, Jo Green, Rob Gresham, Becky Kirkpatrick, Iain Landles, Gill Miles, Ann Monaghan, Simon O’Donoghue, Luke Parry, Liz Richards, Michael Ryan, Glen Thomas, Jamie Walker, Jonathan Whymark.


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