Celebrating Worthing College April 2013

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Celebrating Worthing College April 2013

Worthing College students win more FE Awards

This year our four winners were:

Remy Naylor - Winner AQA Learner of the Year

We were absolutely delighted that Remy Naylor, an ex Durrington High School pupil, was awarded AQA learner of the year, predominantly for his achievements in maths and science.

Remy Naylor, Ashley Wilmot, Samatha Fairman and Izzy Burt with their awards

On Thursday 21 March, the FE Sussex Spring Awards were held at the Hilton Metropole, Brighton. Worthing College Principal, Peter Corrigan attended with Julia Hoare, Kim Hards, Gill Buque, Gabe Crisp and Mark Rugman. Worthing College was delighted to achieve four awards at the prestigious 2013 FE Sussex Spring Awards. Winning one of these awards is a major achievement; winners have demonstrated that they can achieve the highest standards through hard

work, application, diligence and enthusiasm. The Nominations are submitted by twelve Sixth Form and FE colleges from across Sussex. The awards ceremony was held at the Brighton Metropole Hotel where award recipients, their families, their teachers and local dignitaries were able to congratulate them on their success. The work of our staff has made a huge difference to the lives of these young people and we should all be proud of their achievements and the work we do with young people every day.

Remy is a passionate mathematician and relishes the opportunities offered in our Maths Academy. He keenly contributes to Academy activities; he is a peer mentor and has helped train fellow mathematicians for national competitions. Remy has represented the college on winning sides in a number of maths competitions. Remy has an excellent set of A level results to date- with 100% for Maths and 99% for Further Maths, along with outstanding results in Physics and Chemistry.

Samantha Fairman – Runner up A Level/IB Learner of the Year Samantha, an ex Davison Church of England High School pupil, was recognised as an exceptionally intelligent student with all the attributes of a high flyer. Samantha continues to be passionate about

Opportunity Achievement Success Progression (continued from front page) science and is now enjoying Life at Cambridge University where she is reading Chemical Engineering. She continues to return to college to share her passion with prospective students and we are confident that she has already inspired a number of girls to take up Physics with her speech at the recent college Aspire event.

Ashley Wilmot - Runner up Outstanding Progression to HE Ashley joined Worthing College in 2010 from Durrington High school. In his first year at college he took a programme of four AS courses continuing with three to A2. His advanced level achievements exceeded all value added predictions based upon his GCSE results and include A level Maths A*, Further Maths A, ICT C and an AS in Physics. These impressive results enabled him to move on to read Maths with Computer Science at Sussex University in October 2012, something that could never have been predicted when he first came to us.

Isabelle Burt – Runner up FE Sports Learner of the Year At Worthing College we strive for our learners to develop into the Academic Athlete and Izzy is a prime example of what we want our students to aspire to be. Izzy stands out from the rest of our Academy and Sport students because she not only has to balance training, playing and learning, she also lives with a host family and travels back to Hastings most weekends. For her age Izzy is an extremely mature individual, who has a great talent both on the field and in the classroom. This is evidence for her well deserved British Colleges’ call up and performances for both Worthing College and Brighton & Hove Albion Women’s team.


EDITORIAL Welcome to the April edition of Celebrating Worthing College. Since January we have experienced a long and cold winter and I do hope Spring is truly on its way as we enter April in the year of our move to the fantastic new Worthing College. All is on track for this and we are getting more and more excited by the minute. You will see that we are holding Introductory Days for our new students at the new college on the 1st and 2nd July this year. We will send applicants further details about this in due course. We are also opening the new college to the public on Saturday 6th July from 10.30am to 2pm and we can’t wait to show it off. In the meantime we have a wide range of achievements and events to tell you about in this edition from students winning prestigious awards to fire service visits to the college and nursery and several sporting successes. Not to mention two new grants for Worthing College – one to develop Women’s Rugby apprenticeships and the other to develop a state of the art gym and fitness suite at the new college. Further details are inside and on the college website. I should also say that associated with developments there are a number of apprenticeship opportunities at Worthing College for the coming year. Details of these can be found on our web site www.worthing.ac.uk or better still do come along to our Apprenticeship Fair on 19 April from 1pm to 4pm.

Caroline Pickup, Editor

Around the college Dave Hall successfully led the Sussex Schools U18 team to victory in the National Cup on Wednesday winning 1-0, The team included 5 students from Worthing college.

Staff from the Academy of Sport and PE departments took students to the BCS National Championships in Bath to compete for the South East against all other regions of the country. We have students competing in girls’ football, hockey, women’s rugby, swimming and badminton’

Congratulations to the Student Advice and Support team who hosted another successful Health & Information Day on Thursday 21st March. There were representatives from a variety of agencies including the Police and the Drugs Action team. College Nurse Louise used the event to promote ‘No Smoking Day’. Visitors reported a good deal of interest in the information on display.


Celebrating Worthing College

Maths boys a hit at Senior Maths Challenge final

Worthing College students make a splash at awards night

On Tuesday 5th February 65 teams of mathematicians from Years 12 and 13 competed in the 2013/14 Senior Team Maths Challenge final at the Camden Centre London. The Senior Team Maths Challenge is organised by the UK Mathematics Trust and the Further Maths Support Programme. With over 1100 schools entering the competition, places in the final were gained by the winning teams from 56 nationwide heats in the UK. The Worthing College team won their regional final held at Lancing College (beating Collyers, BHASVIC, Roedean and Lancing College to name a few), for the second year running to secure their place in this prestigious UK final. This year the final was sponsored by Rolls Royce, and Sarah Malik from Rolls Royce gave a talk and presented the prizes. The Worthing College team, Rémy Naylor, Brett Mayes, James Brackin and Stephen Coleman (substituting for Jay Almond who had fractured his arm) came a very creditable 11th in the competition. This represented a remarkable success for Worthing College as competition was extremely fierce with Westminster School, Eton College ending as

The team in action at the Camden Centre, London in February

winners and Magdalen School, Oxford and City of London Boys School finishing as runners up. In addition, Worthing College were the winners in a special poster competition that comprised part of a full day of Maths challenges in London that day. Their poster on Set Theory and Logic will now be commercially produced and made available to schools next year. The team thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere, the lunch and all the ‘hard maths’ they had to face. They lost only 3 marks in the first 4 rounds so were very close indeed to gaining a top placement and deserve the highest congratulations from us all.

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A group of Worthing College students put on the style at the Splash fm Awards in order to present the Best Teacher Award which was sponsored by Worthing College and won by Worthing High School dance teacher, Anna Strudwick. Julia Flynn, Student Liaison Officer, was accompanied by five students to the awards night held at the Dome Cinema Worthing on 21st March. Tom Mendes, Worthing College A Level student, presented the award to the Top Teacher who was nominated by pupils at Worthing High School. Other students attending were Edward McCartney, Madeline Knight, Matthew Lewes and Elissa Flynn who said: “All of the nominees were inspirational and were worthy winners”. After the award ceremony, the students joined with other sponsors and guests to enjoy a formal dinner which was described by Edward McCartney as “really good food!”

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Environmental Sustainability students really going places

Photo: Barratts

Students on the Environmental Sustainability BTEC course had a very busy January! In their first lesson back after Christmas College Principal Peter Corrigan visited the group to run a session that set the scenario for the Sustainable Construction Unit of the course. The session helped students to understand why the college was moving and brought the unit to life, giving it relevance and topicality. A week later and the students were visited by Professor Andrew Miller


from Brighton University. An expert in sustainable building materials, Professor Miller explained how materials used in construction could be environmentally friendly. There then followed two trips, firstly to visit the Barratts Homes site next to the new college, and secondly to visit the Biffa Biological and Mechanical Treatment works near Horsham which is currently under construction to see the sustainable

building techniques being employed. These enrichment activities helped the students to see the real world relevance of their studies and understand how techniques that they had encountered in the classroom were being used in industry. The students are currently studying the Geology of Natural Resources and this will involve lots of practical work, visits and field trips. The course is proving to be very ‘hands on’!


Celebrating Worthing College

The new Worthing College at The Warren takes shape Students and staff had the opportunity to see how the refurbishment of the new campus at The Warren is progressing. Coach trips were organised and people have been visiting the future over the past couple of months ahead of the opening in August this year. While exterior landscaping and road

Worthing College Secures Significant Sport England Funding

layouts are being worked on the interior spaces are all moving ahead on schedule.

Worthing College is delighted to announce that it has secured a £70,000 Sport England grant to fund a personal training and wellbeing project for its students and staff over the next two years.

Introductory Days for students will be held at the new college site on 1st and 2nd of July ahead of an Open Morning for members of the public on Saturday 6th July.

The grant will enable the College to offer timetabled weekly personal training and wellbeing sessions for students to complement their academic programme of study.

Bowling trip strikes the right balance between work and play Travel & Tourism students enjoyed a trip to the Spectrum at Guildford recently to experience the facilities at the bowling and skating centre. The trip was organised by A2 Travel & Tourism students as part of a unit where they are required to organise an event or trip for other students. Everyone learnt a lot and had lots of fun at the same time while Holly Wiseman and Laura Syphas who are both studying on the BTEC First Diploma Travel & Tourism course came away with trophies for the Bowling and ‘Dancing on Ice’ competitions.

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Worthing College students strike Gold at Duke of Edinburgh Awards Below is a piece written by our latest Gold Achiever Ben Wright who has just received his Award at St. James’ Palace. “The Gold part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award felt like such an achievement and only really hit me on entering St. James’ Palace. To be only 1 of about 20 others in the south east region, for my time slot, vastly up-scaled the experience as a whole. I started from the Bronze at School and worked my way up, but I think by completing one level it made me want to go on to complete the whole lot. Overall visiting the palace was by far the highlight of the award. We were introduced into the rooms and eventually got into the room where HRH Prince Edward would talk to our group for about 4 minutes. Sir Richard Stilgoe was our guest and it was so strange to talk to these sorts of people at once. Towards the end of the presentation we got called up individually to receive our certificates from Sir Richard Stilgoe. Completing the Gold award is one of the best things I have achieved so far and all you really need is a determined attitude and hey presto you have an award which puts you out and above other candidates when applying for jobs. If I got asked to do it again I would honestly say no, but that’s only because it will never meet my expectations of my first go. If you want to do it, try and do it whilst you have the chance because now is the best time !!”


Ben Wright with his mother outside St James’ Palace after receiving his gold award








Physics Surrey).

What Ben did not mention as a highlight in completing his Award is the day he carried his team mate’s full rucksack of kit and his own for the entire day as his team mate was so ill. By doing this it meant his team mate had recovered by the next day and was able to complete his expedition!! Other achievers at Gold Level include: Michael Chambers, Mark Austin, Peter Vale, Grace McCutchan, Nicola Hull and Sophie Hoskins and Georgina Scott. At Silver level completions include: Charlotte Frankling, Stephanie Powell, Alice Heasman, James Hawkins, Katie Tillman, Tim Emery, Amy

Bea Dighe, Louise Maloney, Laura Muchmore, Florence Scordouus, Sam Wall, Jason White, Callum Meeney, Ben Perrett and Kate Willis. I would like to see completions continue to increase at the college. The key to completion is to keep the online system up to date and being thoroughly committed to getting those final reports done by your assessors. If DofE was not a huge challenge to undertake it would not be the world’s leading achievement programme for young people and rated number one in the work place….. but don’t let that put you off!! Joanna Ireland DofE Centre Co-ordinator Worthing College


Celebrating Worthing College

Worthing College team star at Surrey Business Challenge and win for the third year running Worthing College is proud of its exstudents and Carissa Rickeard is no exception. Having been home educated, Carissa joined the college in September 2006 to study Level 2 Media, gaining a Distinction.

The Worthing College Maths Academy team that undertook the Surrey Space centre task ‘Golf on the Moon’ at Surrey University on Friday were announced overall winners in the Surrey Business Challenge for the 3rd successive year.

also included tasks set by Vodafone and Coutts Bank.

This highly competitive event involves a team of 4 students tackling tasks set by big businesses and this year

level of mathematical interpretation and the ability to produce and work as a team in the final presentation.

The team had a business scenario to tackle and problem solve and then produce and present their findings in a 10 minute talk as a team. The skills required involve team-work, a high

This is an excellent preparation for HE and both Worthing College teams were noted for their excellent team work and their slick presentations. Many congratulations to the winning team of Will Graham, James Cameron, Kristian Kraevski and Brett Mayes.

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Severely dyslexic, Carissa was supported by her teacher, Jason Lee and Babette Tappin, Student Advice and Support Assistant. Carissa went on to do a Level 3 course at Northbrook in Performance Production, and was accepted for a BA Hons in Physical Theatre at East 15 Acting School at the University of Essex. During her degree Carissa mastered being a trapeze artist and acrobat, use of rapiers, daggers and the art of unarmed combat, puppetry and Commedia Dell’arte. She is also an accomplished singer having trained with Jacquelyn Fugelle, a highly renowned Operatic performer who works frequently for the BBC. During her final year, Carissa was involved in performing during the opening ceremony of the Olympics, for which she sadly had to miss her graduation, and is now working in Switzerland with ‘A Point’ Theatre Company who will be performing their new production ‘Transit’ at the Brighton Fringe in May and June.

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Teen Star Abbie sings her way to regional final

Worthing College student Abbie Edwards from Shoreham-by-Sea has been given the big thumbs up by judges at the TeenStar auditions. Along with other impressive acts, Abbie has made it through to the Regional Finals and will now be performing at the live stages of TeenStar, the brand new competition for teens and pre-teens! Abbie sang ‘Can’t make you love me’ by Bonnie Ray and is now in the running to compete for a place in the National Final at The O2 in London. “We went into a room with four other contestants and performed in front of

six judges. The 30 minute wait for their verdict seemed like forever”. Thousands of hopefuls entered nationwide and those who made it through the audition stage will now take part in a live Regional head to head battle alongside the best talent in their area. They’ll be performing live in front of an audience and a professional judging panel to win a place at the National Grand Final. “I couldn’t have done it without the inspiration and support of my family and staff at Worthing College. Mum and dad are really proud of me.” said a jubilant Abbie.

Girl Power: Worthing College School Science Challenge won by Davison High School The 2nd Annual Worthing Science Challenge took place on Tuesday 29th January at Worthing College, with four local schools taking part. Teams were sent from Davison CE High School for Girls, St Andrew’s CE High School for Boys, Chatsmore Catholic High School and Durrington High Schools. Teams of four students took part in a series of challenges, which included analysis of human bones, building a bridge out of spaghetti, a chemistry test and a catapult engineering and firing competition. This year, part of the day was run successfully by students from the


Worthing College Science Society, who also helped staff throughout the busy programme. Pupils from all the schools said they had had an entertaining and interesting day and in a close run race, Davison edged out the previous holders, St Andrew’s, to be crowned this years winners. They were presented with their trophy by Worthing College Principal Peter Corrigan who thanked everyone for taking part and looked forward to next year’s event which would be held in the fantastic new science labs at the new Worthing College campus at The Warren.

The winners recieve their trophy from Principal Peter Corrigan above, and below competing in the Catapault competition.


Celebrating Worthing College

Public Services: crisis, what crisis? Public Service

Students get ‘Real’

With the conflict in Afghanistan still continuing to dominate the news it was good that Public Service students had the opportunity to hear about ‘Afghanistan – The Real Story’.

Students on the Level 3 Public Services course recently had a rare but welcome opportunity to participate in a fast-moving international crisis scenario when Andy Gillman MBE from the MOD Education Outreach Programme in Whitehall visited College. Andy brought with him footage and maps of an overseas crisis where UK nationals are trapped, humanitarian issues are worsening, and a peaceful solution receding. In teams students had to role-play the Prime Minister and other Government Ministers in trying to broker a peaceful solution yet having to build contingency plans as well and deliver their action plan in a formal press conference setting with searching questions afterwards. Andy explained ‘I take this workshop all over the UK and it was a pleasure

to visit again the Public Services students in Worthing College. This scenario is very realistic and I was pleased to see how students worked in their teams and presented their findings, just like many of them will have to do in their future careers in either the Armed Forces or Emergency Services. In this uncertain world it gave students an insight into some of the decisions that have to be made across Government often very quickly where the outcomes and timescales are unknown.”

This presentation by Major Steve Ansell of the Army gave students the history behind the conflict, its impact on the Armed Forces and the Army’s changing role from being a force with a target to overthrow the Taliban regime to one where reconstruction & training of the Afghan Army & Police are key responsibilities. It provided excellent background information for the students as they are currently studying units on international institutions and war and conflict.

Photograph shows Martin Brooks, Ayesha Hill and Dan Morgan who received commendations for their presentation skills along with the winning team, Craig Rowland, Josh Skeates, Martina Moravcikova, Tim Hudson and Sophie Cole.

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Worthing College Visual Arts

students light up Worthing Museum with ‘Bright Ideas’ The show was well received by visitors who commented favourably about the excellent standard of work on show, and the exhibition has encouraged prospective students to choose to study Visual Arts/ Media subjects at Worthing College next year. Our Academy of Arts interim exhibition, ‘Bright Ideas’, was held at Worthing Museum & Art Gallery, from Tuesday 5th February- Saturday 2nd March 2013. The show was opened on the Private View evening on Thursday 7th February, with a speech from the Deputy Mayor, Bob Smytherman, and was well attended by proud parents, students and staff to celebrate the fantastic work of our students of Fine Art, Textiles, Photography, Graphics, Film and Media.


“A wonderful display of the huge amount of talent at Worthing College! “ “I can’t fault any of the works, amazing. So much so I will be looking at doing a course at the college.”

Special thanks and commendations go to our students who helped to organise and curate the show; Caroline Attill, Harriet Broom, Connor KirkbyBott, Laura Bosely, Rhiane Smith and Emily Skates who all gained valuable work experience working with our technicians and staff at the museum.

“Well done. Very Good Exhibition. P.S. Much Fun.” “Wonderful, exciting work!” It has been a great experience working with the curators and staff at the museum, and the Academy of Arts is planning to take part in some of the museum’s exciting community projects in the future.


Celebrating Worthing College

Lights Camera Action

The Visual Arts Academy took 12 students from Visual Arts and Media for an introductory workshop at Brighton Film School. After a brief introduction and showreel from the staff the students got straight into a practical session planning and shooting a short sequence on DSLR with a professional ‘Gaffer’ (lighting electrician) and Director. Students were introduced to using professional lighting equipment and on-set procedures, giving them a taste of professional industry practice. Working with external providers such as BFS and Northbrook College, Arts Academy aims to foster student practice across media and arts related subjects and to offer students enrichment and progression opportunities and support. All the students loved it and got a lot out of learning from professionals and working on a proper set.

Gondola but not forgotten - students come back with fond memories of trip to Venice

​ isual Arts and Media V Venice trip 2013

Forty students and four staff spent four days in Venice before half term. The extreme weather conditions tested the resilience of all, but everyone appeared to enjoy the trip and returned with brilliant memories and photographs that will inspire some interesting artworks this term.

Student Matt Lewis videoed his time in Venice - if you’d like to see his film follow the link below to view the footage. http://youtu.be/5qr7G_eNTQI

They arrived in a blizzard, Saint Marks Square was magical with its covering of snow, and they left in spring sunshine having enjoyed the sandy Lido beach. Students experienced a mix of contemporary and historic culture, they visited the Academia, the Doge’s Palace the Peggy Guggenheim Museum, and the exotic glass factories of Murano. They witnessed the final days of the masked Carnival celebrations and became used to travelling between locations by boat.

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Fire Service visit shows true value of teamwork The first Workskills unit that Workskills students study is ‘Working in a Team’. Initially, the students take part in a range of team activities, after which they reflect on their experiences to help them understand the advantages and disadvantages of having a team complete a task. They begin to recognise the different strengths, skills and experiences different people can bring to a task and learn how to allocate roles and responsibilities within a team.

Thankfully, there were no call-outs and the crew, and their appliance, were able to stay long enough for Colin Illsley’s Public Service students to also take advantage of their visit.

In this context, it is important for the students to be able to apply what they have learned to real-life situations, which is where the West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service comes in. The fire fighters at the Worthing station have always been very obliging when it comes to helping out at Worthing College. Students were shown around the appliance and listened to Gavin Ross talk about how the team would work together at the scene of an incident. They were encouraged to have a go at handling some of the (very heavy) equipment whilst dressed in the (very cumbersome) protective clothing. Gavin followed this up with a presentation; he used photographic record of incidents that the crew had attended in recent years to illustrate and explain how teamwork had been a vital element in many cases. On this particular occasion, they were happy to talk to Workskills students about the importance of teamwork in their line of work.


The visit had originally been planned a few weeks earlier but had to be cancelled due to the crew being called out to a serious RTA on the A24. The students were eager for the visit to be arranged and gave the fire fighters a very enthusiastic welcome. We were extremely proud of the students during the visit as there was no shortage of volunteers to ‘have a go’ and they showed their genuine interest with lots of intelligent questions.

The students then had the opportunity to ask questions they had prepared prior to the visit that related to their coursework.


Celebrating Worthing College

Dressing up is child’s play

In the nursery we got dressed up for World book day, the children and staff came as various characters from books: The Gruffalo, Spiderman, Alice in Wonderland, Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz and even an Ugly Duckling. Staff also dressed as the 3 pigs and enjoyed some role play with

library. The children have loved using the building set and the fire fighter equipment which was really brought to life when they had a visit from a real fire engine. We invited all the mummies in for Mothers Day cream tea, where they enjoyed sandwiches, scones and tea. The children loved having them here and so did we. Raina our Early Years Professional has been asked to teach for “ICAN” the communication charity that supports speech and language development. Congratulations to Raina on this fantastic achievement.

the children. Other staff came as characters from the children’s favourite books “Room on the Broom” “Goldilocks and the 3 Bears” and “Rumble in the Jungle” We also invited parents in to read stories. Many came and shared their children’s favourite books. In the forest school the children made vegetable stir fry and prawn crackers on the fire to celebrate Chinese New Year.

Three members of the nursery staff took part in a skydive from 10.000 feet for Comic Relief and raised a magnificent £500. Well done Raina, Tegan and Cara.

The children walked to the local family centre with a trolley (and some staff) and collected some toys from the toy

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Ex-students scale new heights and look to the future

Ex Worthing College students Steph Parkman and Katie Eyre, who both studied biology, chemistry and PE at A2 and psychology AS have been taking a rather strenuous break recently with a trip to Everest Base Camp, before moving on to further studies. Steph said of their adventure, “We did it just because we thought we might not get the opportunity to do something like that again, and it made us realise what an easy life we have here in England compared with how hard people work, living in the mountains.” Katie is going on to do Sports Therapy while Steph is going to do Diagnostic Radiography at Portsmouth University. Congratulations to them both on reaching base camp and we wish them well with their studies.

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BTEC Musical Theatre students praised by National Theatre Director

Gotta dance! Dance has had a very exciting term. The AS dance students experienced a duet teaching day by the guest choreographer Claire Coleman. This was then followed by the amazing choreographer Sam Ingram working with the A2 students for the day.

Director, Rachel Maddix was delighted to read in a report from the National Theatre recently, that they felt… “The company at Worthing College is in a strong position with plenty of time to tighten their production before the partner theatre festival. The production has a great shape to it and the company have laid the foundations to what will be a really brilliant show.” The report followed a visit from National Theatre Director, Laura Keefe and Chichester Festival Theatre’s Partnership Officer, Luna Russell to watch and assess the progress being made by Yr 13 BTEC Musical Theatre students who are currently in the process of rehearsing the National Theatre Connections play, ‘Don’t Feed The Animals’ by Jemma Kennedy. The visit was


part of the college’s participation in the Connections 2013 Festival of New Writing for young people. Rachel Maddix responded to the report by saying, ‘I am delighted that the play is going so well and received such positive feedback. We would love it if people could make the trip to The Capitol in Horsham to see the final performance.’ Anyone wishing to do so can book tickets for the final production on Wednesday, 1st May via The Capitol Theatre Box Office on 01403 750220.

The whole dance team had an interesting outing to the Theatre Royal, Brighton for the latest work by Rambert. In preparation for the final exams the A2 students put on an Twilight Dance evening of their own choreography.

There will be two plays for the price of one with The College’s performance sharing the evening with St Paul’s Catholic College who are performing Ailie and the Alien by Morna Pearson.


Celebrating Worthing College

Faustus - just what the doctor ordered for Performing Arts by a Question and Answer session with the performers and took place as part of the Economic Health and Wellbeing events at the college. The performance was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The English students are currently studying the text, while it will be part of the A2 Drama and Theatre studies course at the college for the first time next year

The Barefoot Players perform Dr Faustus by Christopher Marlowe at Worthing College On March 28th Burgess Hill based Theatre Company, The Barefoot Players visited Worthing College’s Theatre to perform for English and Academy of Performing Arts Students. The show was followed

Worthing College’s Dylan wins Theatre

Singer of the Year

In addition to the show itself, the post show conversations provided really valuable insights into the profession itself, starting a theatre company and the process of producing a piece of classical theatre. It was fantastic that our students could hear this information from young performers at the early stages of their careers who met during Congratulations to Dylan Suddaby of Worthing College who has won the Worthing Theatre Singer of the Year at the Worthing Music Theatre Awards where he performed “If I Loved You” from Carousel and “Gethsemane” from Jesus Christ Superstar. He also received the Runner-up award in the Worthing Recital Singer competition. Dylan is studying for a BTEC in Musical Theatre and AS Dance and says that the college and the courses have greatly increased his performance skills and his confidence. Lena Urquart who teaches music at Worthing College said: “Dylan has always shown exceptional and consistent strengths as a performer. He achieved very high marks for his

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their own time at College.’ said Head of performing Arts, Rachel Maddix who arranged the visit. The Artistic Director Eleanor Conlon was also enthusiastic about the outcome of the experience, which served as the last date on their tour…’Thank you so much for the kind reception at Worthing from you, your colleagues and students. It was such a positive experience for us and we all really enjoyed performing at the college. Such an encouraging response from the students, and we hope it will inspire them in their future work on Doctor Faustus! I do hope we can stay in touch and maintain a link with you and the college in the future.”’ performance units in AS and A2 Music with programmes of a wide range of classical and Musical Theatre songs. He has also performed in many College concerts and productions, always preparing well and performing beautifully. He has done a fair amount of directing of individuals and groups and has shown very good skills in this area, bringing the best out of his peers, particularly in terms of their vocal skills.Winning this award is very well deserved.” Dylan hopes to go on to study for a Degree in Musical Theatre at Trinity Laban in Greenwich. His next performance is in the leading role of Galileo in the musical “We Will Rock You” in June.

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Opportunity Achievement Success Progression Want to influence the education of young people? Become a parent governor. Worthing College is looking for a second parent governor to join its governing body. The governing body is responsible for the college and meets throughout the year to ensure that the college performs to the highest standards. It sets the strategic direction of the college and monitors the achievement of specific targets.

Why become a governor? Because you get: •

An opportunity to contribute to and influence key decisions affecting the College and the students Membership of a team of committed governors from varied backgrounds Experience of working with the Principal and the Strategic Leadership Team

• •

An understanding of the corporate decision-making process Induction and on-going training and development support

Parent Governors are full members of the Governing Body and have an equal voice in the decision making process with all the other governors. Parent Governors serve for 2 years. If you would like to become a Parent Governor please contact: Rajinder Singh, Clerk to the Governors, Worthing College, Bolsover Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN13 1NS or email r.singh@worthing.ac.uk

Governors meet Teaching and Learning Academy Governors met members of the Teaching and Learning Academy at their annual planning conference and talked about the work that these students undertake to support improvements in teaching. Governors also took the opportunity to hear the views of the students on a wide range of issues.

Debating Matters The college debating team recently took part in the Regional Finals of the ‘Debating Matters’ competition at the Canterbury University Conference Centre in Tunbridge Wells. Year 12 pairing of Charlie Smith and Abigail Inch, debating environmental sustainability with a team from Royal Grammar School, Guildford. Despite performing well in their very first debate the judges awarded the debate to the opposing team. After lunch, Year 13 students Maia Almaida-Amir and Jack Chapman were defending the proposed changes


to limit press freedom against a team from Barton Court Grammar School from Kent. This was a much closer debate, particularly well aided by difficult questions for the other team from supporting members of the college team. However this debate was also, even more controversially, awarded to the opposition.

Governors were very impressed with the professional way in which the students carried out their role. The annual Governors conference is an opportunity for governors to discuss some of the important areas of work of the college for the coming year. The Governors discussed the move to the Warren as well as confirming their commitment to the Mission, Vision and Values of Worthing College. Governors meet regularly throughout the year and make decisions about the way in which the college works. They also review the performance of the college and support the Principal and senior managers in ensuring that the college continues to provides the best learning opportunities for all students to achieve the success that they deserve. The final was a very thrilling debate about ‘Trade not Aid’ to promote international development, which was won by the overall winners, Oakwood Park Grammar School from Maidstone who were awarded a three day all expenses trip to London for the national finals to be held later in the year. The Worthing team also included international students Emilio Conti and Kristian Kraevski, and supporters Sarah Johnson, Ben Luto, Walt Liu, and previous debater Alex Philips who won a special commendation for the quality of his questions and comments from the floor.


Celebrating Worthing College

Netball squad brush Strodes aside 30-15 in BCS Plate victory

Due to the girls umpiring at the Sussex Winter Games on the Wednesday – Strodes agreed to play this game on Tuesday lunchtime. It was like a summer day, the sun was shining, the courts were dry and an umpire had been organised. Worthing were missing some 1st team players due to injury and had no idea what Strodes were like as they are not part of the Hampshire set up.

coach’s instructions were not heeded and a very scrappy 2nd quarter continued. Fortunately for Worthing, Strodes attack was equally as bad and their shooters missed more than they scored resulting in a half-time score of 17-9 to Worthing College. Some of the team on court had been part of a team that had played the

previous night when a 13 goal lead had turned into a 5 goal defeat so no one was taking anything for granted.

In the third quarter, Worthing tightened up the defence which restricted Strodes to just 2 goals. Worthing continued to score freely and led to lead of 25-11 going into the fourth quarter. From there on Worthing controlled the game and though they did not perform as well as they had the previous week against an excellent Farnborough side, they ran out convincing winners with a final score of 30-15.

Worthing got off to a slow start attacking wise but fortunately the defence of Amelia Smith and Shannon Brightman stood firm. Eventually Worthing started to find their shooting boots and took a quarter time lead of 5 goals with the score at 9-4. The instruction at quarter time was to look after the ball, drive forward and not be panicked into passing wayward balls. Unfortunately the

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Women footballers win 6th County Cup in a row with 5-0 victory

The triumphant Women’s Football Academy proudly show off thier shield as they celebrate their victory over Lewes Sussex Downs

Congratulations to the magnificent Worthing College Women’s Football Academy squad who won their sixth County Cup in a row with a 5-0 win over a battling Lewes Sussex Downs side in Lewes on March 6th. Worthing got off to a bright start and took the lead through Amy Green who scored with a long range shot. This was followed by a tap in by Lucy Soames after good work by Player of the Match Izzy Burt. Lewes worked hard to get back into the game but the Worthing College defence stood firm


and had extended their lead to 3-0 by half-time with a goal from Charlotte Owen. The second half started with a real battle in the midfield before Worthing once again gained the upper hand. With Worthing now controlling most of the possession more chances started to come thier way culminating in a wonder strike from Lucy Soames which stretched the lead to 4-0 with 30 minutes to go. After a series of substitutions to rest players ahead of their next key fixture in the BCS Elite League, the game

became more of a battle before the fifth goal was finally added by Paige Adams when she raced through to score past the helpless Sussex Downs keeper. This powerful display shows the strength in depth at Worthing College and is a fantastic achievement for the Academy. The team is still well placed to qualify for the Elite League play offs and earlier in the season won the BCS regionals which sees them represent the South East at the BCS National Championships.


Celebrating Worthing College

Women’s Rugby in seventh heaven after National Schools tournament win

Worthing College Under-18 girls rugby team made their first appearance in a competitive competition, at the Berkhamsted National Schools Sevens, and walked away victorious in the Shield Competition.

competition at Berkhamsted, coupled

With only a small squad, and with five girls never playing any form of sevensrugby before they played against a number of established independent school rugby teams, and notched up 100 points throughout the day.

have been Coulsdon’s and Moulton

The Berkhamsted Sevens in its tenth anniversary has welcomed the elite of girls rugby with teams travelling as far as Wales, Scotland and France to enter. Worthing head coach Mark Rugman paid tribute to the girls’ efforts, both in the tournament and throughout the year. He said: “We have a mixed bag of abilities in the team this year, with potential Divisional players to girls who have only started playing this year. However there is a great team ethos and willingness to play for one another. Winning the Shield

with 5 girls representing the BCS South East team is just the start for these talented bunch of players, but also the college. Previous winners of this competition College, who have gone on to win National




Rosslyn Park and this is where we would like to be in a few years. We have just laid the foundations of something special for the college, and we look forward to the future”.

Worthing College secures RFU partnership to deliver elite Women’s Rugby programme Following a competitive selection process Worthing College has been selected by the Rugby Football Union (RFU) to deliver its Women’s Rugby Advanced Apprenticeship in the Sporting

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Excellence (AASE) programme. As an established RFU Beacon College this is further endorsement of the quality of rugby offered at Worthing College. The AASE programme is aimed at developing the next generation of elite Women’s Rugby players who will go on to international success in the 15-a-side or 7-a-side game. With the 7-a-side game now an Olympic sport and with the next Women’s Rugby World Cup being held in France in 2014 this is an exciting time for talented and aspirational young Women’s Rugby players. The RFU Women’s Rugby Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence is available to applicants who wish to study A Level or BTEC qualifications. Pathway 1 combines the AASE programme with the BTEC Extended Diploma in Sport Performance and Excellence whilst Pathway 2 allows the AASE programme to be combined with a core group of A Levels. Peter Corrigan, Worthing College Principal, said “This is yet another endorsement of our sporting reputation by a leading National Governing Body. Our outstanding staff team of leading coaches and inspirational teachers will ensure that the aspirational and talented Women’s Rugby players who choose to study and train at Worthing College, will meet their potential and no doubt go on to have long and successful elite sporting careers.”

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Celebrating Worthing College

Worthing College students commended at Year 7 tournament The Year 7 netball tournament at Lancing college was an absolute success, played in a round robin style which meant every team played each other, giving all the girls plenty of netball and it didn’t matter that some teams were much better than others as everyone had some games against equal opposition. The attitude and behaviour of the girls was first class and the students from Worthing College, Lancing College and Sion School who officiated said it was a pleasure to be there. The tournament was played in the right manner, with teams wanting to win every game but not at all costs. Perhaps this was down to the opening ceremony in the Chapel – the children were so well behaved there and were in awe of their surroundings. A fantastic venue for the games – we hope we are invited back in future years.

DATES TO REMEMBER Apprentice Fair: Friday April 19, 1.00pm - 4.00pm at Bolsover Road Information Evening: Thursday June 19, 5.30pm - 7.30pm at Bolsover Road Introductory Days: July 1 and 2 at The Warren Open Morning for the public at The Warren: Saturday 6 July,

100% success for Evening Class students Adult students studying GCSE Science at Tuesday’s Evening Class celebrated a fantastic result for the January exams. The students achieved 100% A-C grades, with all students who took the foundation paper achieving a C grade, and all who took the higher paper achieving B grades.

About ‘Celebrating Worthing College’ Celebrating Worthing College is produced by the Worthing College Marketing Team. If you have any comments about this publication email info@worthing.ac.uk or telephone Chris Hughes on 01903 243389 ext 315.

This is the first time the new OCR Gateway course has been run at Worthing College, so the results are especially pleasing. The students, who are in employment during the day, are taking the qualification to gain access to further courses such as Teaching. One delighted student said, “I couldn’t believe it; I asked them to phone back just to check!” Congratulations to this dedicated and hard working group!

A BIG welcome to new staff:

Jason Edmonds and Stewart Grant Farewell to: Heather Apsey, Sarah Funnell, Mike Glennon, Danielle Gowing, Mike Homer, Stacey Jefferson, Eddy Reynolds, Honor Venus and Caroline Whittaker,

10.30am - 2.00pm



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