Celebrating worthing college autumn 2013

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Celebrating Worthing College

Autumn 2013

Fantastic - Worthing’s new college is OPEN

Opportunity Achievement Success Progression

Welcome to the new Worthing College Throughout the final months of our time at Bolsover Road, we visited the new college and whilst we all enthused about our exciting project coming to fruition, we could not have envisaged the overwhelming delight of launching our new college in August to the young people of Worthing and the surrounding areas. Our two Introductory Days in July gave us the opportunity to open our doors to our new student intake and gave new students a first taste of what it would be like at their new college campus.

Our Open Day on Saturday 31 August was a huge success. The sun shone and brought in more than 1,000 visitors to the campus welcomed by Student Ambassadors, staff and governors alike. Our visitors were clearly impressed by the new facilities and it was very pleasing to receive such positive feedback from our local community. Since the Autumn Term began I also welcomed college Principals from Varndean and BHASVIC. They were delighted (and envious) of what they saw and further invitations to visit our campus have been accepted by: • The Chief Executive of Worthing and Adur Council, Alex Bailey together with Paul Yallop, Leader of Worthing Borough Council, • The Worthing Mayor, Councillor Bob Smytherman and the Mayoress Councillor Norah Fisher • Senior Worthing Borough Council officials

Peter Corrigan, Principal with the Mayor of Worthing Councillor Bob Smytherman during his recent visit to the college

The move took place at the end of July and following the A Level results, a party was hosted by the college to congratulate students on their successes and to give them an opportunity to view the next chapter in the history of Worthing College. During the following week, GCSE results day brought further opportunities for young people to visit the new site and discuss possible enrolment options with staff.


• Third party organisations who have worked closely with the college to achieve its move to the new college site. As a college, our on-going collaborative work with Worthing high schools continues and each Head Teacher has been invited to spend some time touring the campus with their leadership team. I look forward to welcoming each of our guests throughout the remainder of the Autumn Term and beyond.

Peter Corrigan, Principal

EDITORIAL Bolsover Road is a distant memory as we now settle into Worthing’s fantastic new college. The long, hot summer seemed to go on for ever as we were busy moving in and the first half term has just flown by. I hope you enjoy reading about Worthing College’s great successes and achievements in the Autumn/Winter 2013 edition of Celebrating Worthing College. It’s probably all been said before but I can’t help but draw your attention to the great results, all round student achievements, state of the art classrooms, laboratories and learning zones, theatre, dance studio and gym, our fantastic new nursery, two great cafes and two shops all on campus in the new Worthing College. The opportunities are endless at the new Worthing College. In this edition you can also read about our students’ voluntary and charitable work, apprenticeship successes and progression and our sporting prowess. Applications for September 2014 are already coming in so if you want to be part of this great success story don’t leave it too late to apply. We look forward to meeting you sometime soon.

Caroline Pickup, Editor


Celebrating Worthing College

Students’ hard work brings great results Worthing College celebrated another great set of exam results this year. The A level pass rate remained high at 97%, and the AS pass rate improved by 2% to 86.8%. BTEC results continued to be very good, and higher than the national average for Sixth Form Colleges. These results again represent a just reward for all the hard work that students, teachers and tutors put in last year. Results improved in many subject areas compared to previous years, and a greater proportion of our students successfully completed their courses this year.

Textiles and English ‘outstanding’ ‘Outstanding’ value added in Textiles, Literature and Dance. Teachers were pleased to see that their students had achieved ‘outstanding’ results this summer when compared to national measures of value added. Textiles AS, English Literature AS, Film Studies AS and Dance AS all saw students achieve significantly better than their Minimum Target Grades, which are the predicted grades based upon the GCSE grades students bring to college. One of the ways the college measures Value Added is through a national scheme called ALPs which gives every course a score

from 1 to 9 to indicate how well it has performed against national averages. Textiles AS achieved a grade 2, placing it in the top 10% in the country, and was a tiny fraction away from a grade 1, which represents the top 1% nationally. This outcome reflects the beautiful work students have been producing on this course for several years, a fact that was particularly commented on by the OFSTED Inspector for Visual Arts in our recent inspection. English Literature AS also achieved a grade 2 for their results, a step up from their grade 3 in the preceding year. This result was due in part to the excellent creative and

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analytic work produced by students in their coursework assignments. Film Studies AS and Dance AS both achieved an ALPs grade 3, placing their results in the top 25% in the country. The Dance result came at the end of a great year for the Performing Arts team which saw some fantastic performances from students of Music, Musical Theatre and Drama as well as Dance. We are all looking forward to how these performances will develop in the new Sealight Theatre. Many thanks to the teachers of these courses for all the hard work and commitment which has contributed to these results. Ross Fuhrmann

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On Tuesday 17 September. over 90 teachers got together for the first of 9 Worthing Development Programme development sessions. This professional development programme has been designed by Worthing College for Worthing College staff to help us deliver outstanding teaching, learning and assessment. College Director Paul Cox led the first session which was called “Knowing Your Students”. We looked at ways to differentiate our teaching more effectively to meet a wide range of student needs. For example we discussed different teaching techniques and how effective they are at enabling the very able students to progress as well as supporting those students who might be struggling. The activity also allowed us to share good practice. The second half of the morning was spent in our own teams thinking about how to apply what we’d learnt in our own classes. The next session is on assessment and feedback and again will feature input from college staff followed by team time to apply the learning to our own classes. Every teacher received their own individualised Worthing Development Programme Learning Log, which we will use to record our learning and reflect on how successful the different methods are in our classrooms. This programme is in its second year, and the response from staff has been very positive. Students will benefit from better teaching, more effective assessment and more informative feedback, with the overall aim of better grades in their final exams. The college is successfully developing “The Worthing Way” of teaching learning and assessment.


Course bites Level 2 BTEC Business Studies Subsidiary Diploma groups had the privilege of receiving a talk from Anne Pithie, Marketing Manager at Worthing College. Anne has a wealth of marketing experience having run her own consultancy business as well as being Marketing Director of Laura Ashley. Anne talked to the students about the importance of market research and she gave them an insight into the use of market research, both at Worthing College and at Laura Ashley. The talk was very much appreciated by the students and they will now be able to use the information gained from the talks as part of their assessment work. Elsewhere, Work Skills students visited Chichester where they completed tasks to demonstrate team building skills. They also designed team building exercises which were tested on 3 – 4 year olds in the College Nursery. Student Paul Burgess described his work with the Nursery as “An amazing opportunity”. Students are now investigating alternatives to paid work. This included visiting the Queen Alexandra Hospital in Worthing where they toured the hospital and saw work undertaken to support physically disabled servicemen. Students were privileged to meet residents – including the oldest who is 103, and heard how a 94 year old resident still uses the hospital gym’s rowing machine regularly. Four of the students plan to return to the hospital to volunteer to undertake gardening work.


Celebrating Worthing College

Students get first taste of new college at Freshers Fair A free barbeque kept the students well fed, and entertainment was provided by college music students, and by former Worthing College student David Stewart, now a professional magician. Information on many topics was provided by among others, Oxfam who received 100s of signatures for their campaign against War in Syria. The Duke of Edinburgh scheme and New students at Worthing College had fun in the sun at their Freshers Fair at the start of term. Part of a programme called Week Zero, this is designed to help students from schools across the area to settle in and develop the new skills they need for college. This year new and returning students needed guided tours to show them the range of new

facilities across our large new campus, and all were amazed by the new environment. Workshops on Personal organisation and study skills, and an Introduction to the REACH programme introduced the habits, skills and attitudes required to succeed at college. The Freshers Fair provided a range of information about college and local events

College clubs were promoting their activities, and the Gideons gave out free New Testament Bibles. Staff from the Quest Adventure Cycle shop in Broadwater were encouraging students to cycle to college. Glorious sunshine meant that new students could have a great time while making new friends and learning new skills.

Enrolment numbers rise as interest in new campus grows Hot on the heals of overwhelmingly successful public open days has come a boom in enrolments at Worthing College. In the brief period since opening in July 2013, Worthing College has hosted thousands of visitors eager to see our fantastic new facilities and learn about the wealth of new opportunities which come with them. Admissions Director Steve Flitton is delighted with the record-breaking enrolments which have followed this massive interest.

“People have not only been impressed with our state of the art facilities but, as importantly, with how we will use them. As just one example, in addition to classes in state-of-the art classrooms, students are assigned to Learning Zones to complete independent learning packs. This develops their skills to be effective autonomous students at university and sought-after employees in the workplace.” Why not find out more first hand by visiting us and talking to current students.

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We expect public interest and enrolment numbers to continue to grow. Applications for courses starting in September 2014 are already arriving; it’s a simple on-line process on our website www.worthing.ac.uk We follow up every application with a face-to-face friendly interview with one of our expert interviewers who can ensure you can make the most of the wealth of opportunities on offer at Worthing College. Don’t delay; apply today and become part of our growing success story!

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Opportunity Achievement Success Progression The new Sealight Theatre is set for a great year thanks to the enormous efforts of the Performing Arts team during the move to the new college. The process of dismantling the old theatre and installing the new has been colossal but the new Performing

Bright future for Sealight Theatre

Arts centre is now ready to go. The team are thrilled to have the facilities which they have wanted for so long. Instead of a single space at the old college which served as a dance studio, theatre and classroom combined they now have a fabulous theatre with seating for over 100, a dedicated dance studio and a classroom for academic study. Add to that a Learning Zone, a green room for performers and a workshop for preparing sets and the experience for students has been transformed. One of the advantages of the increased space is that year 12 and 13 students can be timetabled simultaneously




them to collaborate in their future productions. Another great benefit is improved opportunities for students to develop technical skills such as lighting, sound and stage design. Many thanks to all the Performing Arts team for their hard work during this move. If you didn’t catch any of the great shows last year then make sure you join us this year for the Sealight Theatre experience.



Celebrating Worthing College

Apprenticeships to jobs Worthing College has a wide range of A Level and BTEC courses; however you may not have been aware that we also offer a range of apprenticeships. Once you have completed your college course or you have left school, many students are not sure about what they would like to do. Some go to University, some don’t get the grades they were expecting in their GCSEs or A Levels and are unsure about what to do next. Apprenticeships are another path you can take if you feel that you want to do something different. Bekah Gough was a student at Worthing College for two years and left with grades that she was very proud of. Feeling that University wasn’t the right path she wanted to go into employment. However she thought that potential employers would feel she didn’t have enough experience, so when a Business and Administration Apprenticeship was advertised on the Worthing College website she felt that it would give her the experience and confidence to progress in her career. At the end of her apprenticeship, a full time permanent job was advertised which she chose to apply for. She was enjoying working at the college and was keen to stay as a member of staff. Bekah got the job! “With the positive atmosphere and the exciting move to the new college imminent I wanted to be a part of it all. I’m now the Apprenticeship Administrator for Worthing College and I’m enjoying my new role at the new college!” Bekah is not the only person who has been successful in securing a job after completing an apprenticeship: • Tasmin Jenner, a Marketing and Admissions Apprentice, completed both a level 2 and level 3 Business and Administration apprenticeship and also successfully secured a full time, permanent job at the college as a Marketing and Admissions Assistant. • Andreea Amaximoaie was a Marketing and Admissions Apprentice and now has a full time job with the Human Resources Team at the new Worthing College. • There is also Amelia Stubbs. She was a Learning Mentor in Sport; once her apprenticeship was completed she then applied for a job as a Student Advice and Support Assistant. She applied for this role because she enjoyed working with students in the classroom, and she felt that it was something she wanted to pursue. • Katie Trevis was our Sports Development apprentice. Once she had completed her apprenticeship, she was offered a full time job at Oakgrove College as a teaching assistant. So as you can see, apprenticeships can be a stepping stone to your chosen career pathway. You can gain a qualification, experience and earn money at the same time, what could be better!

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Students give peace a chance at World Peace Day

Sleep out raises £1000 for homeless charity 19 students and three members of staff raised over £1000 for Worthing Churches Homeless Project by taking part in a sleep out despite a sharp drop in temperatures and rain which fell intermittently all night.

‘Is there a heaven or hell?’ and finally the agony aunt session about how to deal with current relationships!

The enthusiastic students started the evening in the Performing Arts Learning Zone with ice breaking games, lolly pops, chocolates and a security briefing followed by shelter building at 8pm. At 8.30pm the first

As the clock struck 2am, at last all was quiet apart from the gentle snoring until 5am when the lights came back on! Despite the rain, at 5.30am, some students managed to do their Law revision while others dozed until 6am when it was declared the night was over. Back inside for a very welcome cup of tea, warm up, showers and

and thought-provoking messages posted by students many of whom were born or grew up in countries affected by war. Students from countries as diverse as Albania and Zimbabwe, Brazil and the Philippines were positive in their views on ending war. One poignant message read “Silence is the true interpretation of peace” posted by a student from Afghanistan

rain fell dampening their sleeping bags but not their spirits.

tidy up followed with breakfast in the East Café at 7.30am.

At 9.30pm they became homeless and gathered outside the Sealight

Everyone was thrilled with the amount of money they raised and agreed

Theatre, having given up their mobiles, mp3 players, torches and any other creature comforts they had brought with them. More games followed; Ninja, duck duck goose and 4 man push ups, which kept the staff entertained.

it was a night they would always remember.

Other students joined in with the activity, many of them making ‘Pinwheels for Peace’ that were then attached to the railings outside the college. Rod Thick from the Worthing branch of the Campaign against the Arms Trade was delighted by the number of students who signed up to support the campaign and James Clarke president of the college Student Union said “It was great to see the cultural diversity of Worthing College represented on a world map covered in positive hopes for peace”

When the lights finally went out at 11pm, spooky tales began, followed by philosophical questions such as

Nearly 100 students from all around the world posted messages of peace for World Peace Day at Worthing College recently. By the end of the day a large map of the world was covered with positive

Finally, well done to Anna Docherty who organised the event for the SU and who was blamed for everything including the temperature and rain! And a special mention for Woody who slept through it all and kindly shared his roll of Gaffer Tape with everyone.

Students and staff enjoy a well-earned breakfast in the east Cafe after their ‘ordeal’



Celebrating Worthing College

Academy of Mathematics prepares to meet the challenge

Maths students gathered together in September for the first weekly Maths Academy meeting of the new academic year. The Maths Academy at Worthing College includes AS and A2 Maths students and provides enrichment opportunities for those who have an interest and enthusiasm for the subject beyond their timetabled lessons. Students meet and make friends with other like-minded students on a weekly basis and participate in a variety of activities such as quizzes, games, competitions and trips. At their first meeting students took part in a Team Mini-Relay quiz as a taster for the national competition, the Senior Team Maths Challenge. There was a great atmosphere as both AS and A2 students tackled the problems enthusiastically, supported and encouraged by Brett Mayes who was a member of last year’s team and will be the team captain this year. The Worthing College team set a high standard in last year’s competition, progressing to the final in London and finishing 11th overall in the country. Work is now underway to select the new team for this year’s competition; Brett will work alongside Debbie Collier, Maths Academy Coordinator, to select and train the team in preparation for the challenges ahead! The first heat, comprising teams from schools and colleges in the South East, will take place in November at Lancing College. We trust that they will all have a very enjoyable time and wish them the very best as they compete in this high level competition.

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Fantastic facilities at Children First Nursery and Forest School Kids@Worthing Nursery has changed its name to “Children First Nursery and Forest School�. We believe this reflects exactly what we do, putting children first and treating them as unique individuals. The children are really enjoying our fabulous new garden, the roadway is a big hit as is the artificial grass, this ensures the area is safe for crawling and toddling babies, easily maintained and not too muddy!!! The play loft is very popular and the children love having an upstairs and downstairs. The new facilities are really fantastic. We have been exploring the local area with many trips to the park, the local downs and the nature trail on the college grounds. Very soon the Forest School fence will be up and the leaders and children will be setting it up ready for the wonderful outdoor activities that will be taking place there. We have welcomed many new children since the move and are meeting prospective children and parents every day. Congratulations to Emma Sayers and Danni Coskin who have both completed their Level 3 Diploma in Children and Young People. Congratulations to Rea Monger and Lisa Taylor who have both completed their Level 5 in Management of a Childcare Setting. Cara Tappenden has also completed her Level 3 Diploma in Children and Young People and is now employed as a qualified nursery nurse. We have such a strong and well qualified team in the nursery. Before leaving Bolsover Road we had a reunion for all the children and families who had attended the setting over the years, this was a brilliant day, we had a huge bouncy castle, Martin the magician, tea coffee and ice creams, face painting and sports. The day was enjoyed by everyone and it was lovely to see so many children who are now grown up and in high school.



Celebrating Worthing College

Science students use their towering genius to reach for the sky BTEC level 2 Diploma Applied Science Students were given a problem solving exercise as part of their Workskills unit: how high can you go using only newspaper and sticky tape? A variety of tower designs emerged, some more successful than others, but a tubular building design seemed to work best – coupled with influences from the Eiffel Tower. The winning team of Tim Coleman, Fay Saunders, Allan Vurayayi and Brandon Foord achieved a height topping 2 metres and received a grand prize in recognition of their efforts.

Geology students show passion for the subject

More success for GCSE Science Evening class students

AS and A2 Geology students showed amazing commitment to the subject as they packed away all the wonderful rock, fossil and mineral specimens in Room 14b Bolsover Road and unpacked them again in room 259 at the new college. Three 2013 A2 students (Joanie Tomkinson, Ilyaaseen New and Tom Langrish) and one AS student (Karl Bernhardt) worked incredibly hard packing and unpacking, they did a fantastic job, which you can see for yourself if you visit the science area of the college on the second floor. One student said it had been an honour to do it. This follows on from a record number of students passing A2 Geology and doubling the total number of A* grades that had ever been achieved by Worthing College Geology students. It is hoped that this success will transfer to the BTEC in Environmental Sustainability that is replacing the Geology A-level.

Evening class students celebrated

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amazing results in the summer when all students received B grades – even those entered for the foundation tier. On analysis, the students who took the Foundation paper were all awarded full marks in the final exam, and it was their performance in the practical assessment that gave them enough marks to get a B grade. This was a fitting end to the year for the hard working group.

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of an energetic and entertaining performance of America from West Side Story as the grand finale.

at W Work ort hin Stor gC e olle ge

Performing Arts students put on a brilliant Variety Show at the new Sealight Theatre to celebrate Black History Month. Everything from Rapping to Ragtime was performed with gusto by enthsiastic students. The show also included monologues, singing and musical theatre in the shape

Opportunity knocks with launch of new Work Store


Real song and dance made of Black History Month

The newly branded Work Store was launched during the first week of term and included a presentation by representatives Natalie and James, from the National Citizenship Service NCS local network. Julia Flynn, Vocational Experience Co-ordinator introduced students to a range of opportunities available including teaching and hospital placement schemes. The launch was well attended by students and many in the area and seeks to address the issues of unemployment in the community. • Adur and Worthing Employability network were so impressed with the new College Work Store, that they are now looking at Worthing College as being an exemplar for their network. The network supports the work of Job Clubs in the area and seeks to address the issues of unemployment in the community. • First success from Work Store this term: A student attended the launch last Tuesday and filled in an enquiry form to register for work experience and help in finding paid part time work. An appointment was made within the week, CV help given and advice on how to make an initial approach to the employer. Student left to cold call the employer with CV and was offered a job the same day!



Celebrating Worthing College

Worthing’s new College Gym Worthing College is the proud owner of a brand new gym. Funded by Sport England the air conditioned fitness gym has 30 state of the art exercise machines as well as brand new changing and showering facilities. The gym is open to staff and students and will provide a free weekly one hour training session with a personal trainer for every student at the college as part of theirr time table. The college has appointed Nikki Gatland to run the new gym with the help of ten Personal Training Apprentices so take advantage of this fantastic facility and get active today. The gym also runs a whole programme of alternative fitness activities and sessions for students and staff such as the Running & Walking Club, Legs, Bums & Tums, Ultimate Frisbee, Core Conditioning and Circuits with Pilates, Bokwa and Zumba coming soon.


The gym is also running a special competition where students and staff can take part in a cycling challenge by completing the 1st stage of the Tour de UK from Worthing to Exeter on the cycling machines. Broadwater

The Mayor of Worthing Councillor Bob Smytherman visits the gym as part of his college tour in October

Sports Vouchers can be won. MONDAY








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Aspire at Worthing College Applying to university can be a daunting




parents and carers alike. Many students have questions about what sort of university might be good for them, what university life is like how to go about securing a place. With so many things to think about, fees, bursaries, living costs, how to apply to competitive universities such as Oxford, Cambridge and the Russell Group, we aim to give students the best advice, guidance and support. We would like to welcome Gabe Crisp and Teresa Murphy in the roles of Aspire and Widening Participation Coordinators. Gabe





through the application process for highly competitive institutions, giving students one-to-one support,

She will also be launching the new ‘First Generation’ scheme, aimed at giving students with little family experience of higher education further opportunities including student shadowing, specialist workshops and one to one support. Gabe and Teresa will also be contacting and offering guidance to parents and carers about the process. They will shortly be setting out a programme of events, including talks on finance and preparing for university aimed at all those applying for university or supporting someone through the application process. Please contact us if you have any questions by email: g.crisp@worthing.ac.uk and t.murphy@worthng.ac.uk.

and Cambridge and hosting Aspire

Please also check out our Facebook websites; ‘Aspire’ and ‘First Generation’ which can be found

sessions throughout the year.

through the college Facebook page.

arranging opportunities for students to sample university life at Oxford

Teresa is working with our university partners Sussex, Brighton, Chichester, Po r t s m o u t h , W i n c h e s t e r a n d Southampton to give Worthing students




lectures, taster days and guaranteed standard offers and interviews during the application process. “Our partners have a range of programmes designed to demystify university life and learning and I’m looking forward to increasing Worthing students’ opportunities in finding out what university is like, helping them make informed choices.””


Gabe Crisp and Teresa Murphy

Visual Arts and Media On Thursday 26th September all AS and A2 Fine Art students visited the Saatchi Gallery to view the current exhibition ‘Paper’. The exhibition features the work of 44 contemporary artists linked by the fact that they made work from or on paper. The artwork was diverse and exciting featuring sculptures, drawings, paintings and mixed media works. Students were lucky to have a guided tour of the exhibits by one of the Gallery interns, this sparked a lively debate amongst some of he students. Most memorable works were large scale drawn interiors by Dawn Clements and kite-like paper sculptures by Daniel Kelly. A2 students are fortunate to have this strong inspiration for their Personal Study, whilst AS students enjoyed the diverse and accessible artworks. The permanent installation 20.50 by Richard Wilson was a popular work. The lower gallery is filled with sump oil, giving a splendid and disorientating vision. Richard Wilson is one of Britain’s most celebrated sculptors. He is known for his interventions in architectural space which draw heavily for their inspiration from the worlds of engineering and construction and are characterised by concerns with size and structural daring. An added bonus for the trip was the proximity to the Kings Road, a brilliant location for photography, people watching and a little window shopping!


Celebrating Worthing College

Ex students Down Under Two ex students, Adam Fastnedge and Harry Short have just returned from a very exciting and demanding 6 months down under playing and coaching rugby in Brisbane. Having left college in July 2012 they were searching for a travel and work opportunity for their gap year before taking up places at university. Mark Sambrook (Teacher of PE and Sport) suggested to them that a friend of his who lives near Brisbane, works at a prestigious independent boys school and is a rugby fanatic, might host them and help them find work as well as a team to play for in Brisbane. After a few rounds of email tennis everything was sorted. Flights were booked and a vague itinerary for 6 months that just happened to coincide with the British and Irish Lions tour to Australia calling at Brisbane twice was organised. The rugby fraternity is well known for its hospitality in this country but equally

assured is the welcome that any player, ex-player or fan will receive on the far side of the world in the land of the green and gold. So it was for Adam and Harry. Christened the “Pommy Boys” from day one by the students of St. Joseph’s Academy (what else) they quickly established themselves as hardworking, innovative, friendly and fond of a night out. Their reputation grew to the point where they were given the ultimate accolade of being allowed to teach and coach year 10 and 11 students without supervision, a provision denied even to final year PE students in the school. In between working and playing rugby for a local team Adam and Harry squeezed in an “awesome” trip to Fiji where they again fell in with the local rugby fraternity and turned out for the local “touch footy” team. Perhaps the highlight of the whole trip for the boys was getting up close and sociable with many of the visiting

British and Irish Lions at their training camp in Noosa. For Mark, the highlight was getting email after email eulogising the boys, their families, England, Great Britain and Worthing College. This from a man and country known for straight talking rather than false flattery. Their trip was a spectacular success and they did Worthing College proud. Back now and replete with photos and memories, the two amigos are off to university but they may well, one day, return to the land down under.

Academy of Sport prepares for new season The Worthing College Academy of Sport is now in its 7th year and the Pre Season week has been its most intense yet. Coach Dom Baker, returning for his second campaign was pleased with the week; “Pre season went well. My season goal has nothing to do with wins or losses, if we continue to improve and work hard each week and develop as basketball players then the wins will come!” Rugby coach Ben Coulson said; “The improvements made by all the players impressed me greatly. There are plenty of areas that will need development throughout the season but I am very happy with the point we are starting from.”

Men’s Football Academy Captain Jack Barnes was also in a positive mood; “If we continue to develop there will be a chance to add to the successes that the programme has had during the last few years. The new boys that have come in show the future is bright and have bought into our effective way of playing.”

Netball Academy coach Tina Price added; “The players really enjoyed the pre season week and are looking forward to the new season starting with competition for places in the 1st team amongst both 1st and 2nd years. A lot of work and effort is required from the players to make this a successful season in terms of both development and performance but I am sure they are all up to the task.”

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Departing Women’s Fotball coach Mike Bridges comments; “Pre season week is an important time of the year and a great opportunity to get the squad together to work on things for the season ahead. We have worked hard on shape for the season ahead.” Mark Rugman, the Women’s Rugby Coach reiterates the importance of the pre season week; “Pre season week plays an important role in the development of players. We are fortunate to have a squad with a number of talented players who will all play a valuable role in the season. Therefore it has been an important part for the development of the AASE women’s rugby team and programme”.

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Worthing College Academy of Sport takes to the road for charity On Friday 27th September 150 students from Worthing College took part in a 14 mile charity walk from the new college campus at Broadwater Green to Brighton Pier in aid of Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice, a charity the students have supported for the last three years. The Deputy Mayor and Mayoress, Vic and Rosemary Walker together with Community Fundraiser Caroline Roberts-Quigley from Chestnut Tree House came along to support the students as they set off on their walk to Brighton Pier. This year’s walk was organised by Michael Bridges, Academy of Sport Coordinator, who set the students the goal of raising £3,000 for the charity by the end of October. Over £275 was raised from well-wishers along the route with another £1,300 already pledged.

The aptly named Deputy Mayor and Mayoress Vic and Rosemary Walker plus Caroline Roberts-Quigley from Chestnut House (far right) wish the other ‘Walkers’ bon voyage

The first students to reach Brighton Pier did so in three hours and twenty minutes, averaging a fourteen minute mile with all students completing the walk within four hours. Peter Corrigan, College Principal, pledged his support for this very local and worthwhile cause saying, “I’m very proud of our students who volunteered to take part and who will again this year, raise such a fantastic sum of money for Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice’



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Worthing Schools PE and Sports Co-ordinator moves into Worthing College The





provided an excellent base for Worthing Schools PE and Sports Coordinator, Ali Groves. Within this role she organises and delivers




opportunities for students in local primary and middle schools. Sports students have willingly officiated and supported the plethora of competitions and festivals offered by the Worthing Schools

Development, a primary schools competition







curriculum support PE. Ali also runs primary and secondary Leadership Academies, Talented and Gifted programmes such as Team Elite (a year 10 Talented and Gifted programme for Elite athletes linked with Chichester University) and many other National and local initiatives. Over the last three years she has worked closely with staff from the college to provide leadership and

Sports Association (WSSA) gaining valuable experience and earning themselves an excellent reputation within the community. Student support in the events has been invaluable and has been fully appreciated by everyone involved. With the competition calendar now set I am looking forward to working with another committed and hardworking cohort of young people. This year we are delighted and excited to inform you that local estate agents Jacobs Steel have generously agreed to sponsor our very popular 2014 Legacy Games. In support of these games Jacobs Steel will also be sponsoring the WSSA legacy team. This team will consist of pupil and staff representatives from each of the schools in Worthing who will be tasked to drive PE and sporting opportunities in their own school. The aim is to drive an exciting and sustainable Olympic Legacy in Worthing Schools which is supported by the wider community - look out for the sapphire blue shirts!

Petanque Champion Martin Worthing College Public Services student Martin Brooks (2nd from left) was part of the team that won the Inter Regional title for the sport of Petanque (sometimes called boules). Martin, who has been playing Petanque since he was 7 at the Worthing Petanque Club was recently selected to play for England at a team event in Holland against the hosts plus Belgium, Denmark and Luxembourg before taking part in the World Championships in France against 30 other countries. Martin, who is a specialist at ‘Shooting’ was also the highest placed from the English team in the Individual competition. Two weeks after the competition in France Martin played a key role in helping the Southern Counties win the Inter Regional title. Martin plans to carry on playing Petanque and plans to coach in middle schools in the near future.

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Opportunity Achievement Success Progression

Worthing College students help make Legacy games a real success The sun shined brightly at Worthing Leisure Centre last Wednesday for the first WSSA Year 3 Legacy Games, which have been developed on the back of last years extremely successful and positive Worthing Schools Olympic Extravaganza and vision of Ali Groves. This year saw around 900 Year 3 children from 16 Primary Schools across Worthing compete




(Performance & Participation). The day began with an address from the Mayor and an opening ceremony




Middle School Dance company performing their dance, which got them to the National Final being held at the O2 arena. Children in the Performance pathway took part in Athletics, Endball, Kwik Cricket and Multi Skill events with the children in the Participation pathway trying out Zumba, Boccia, Tri Golf and Multi Skills. Staff from the WSSA Committee as well as 75 Worthing College Academy of Sport students worked together to co-ordinate the day to

ensure it ran smoothly and allowed children of all abilities to have a very positive experience of Sport and PE. WSSA Co-ordinator Ali Groves “This time last year we were celebrating London 2012 enjoying a feast of sporting activities in celebration and anticipation of the London games. Today we witnessed Worthing School’s Legacy to these Games; 900 year 3 students, 17 schools, 75 College students, a visit from the Mayor, community involvement and an outstanding dance from regional champions Orchards Middle School. Above all we witnessed children smiling and enjoying themselves, being successful, having their self esteem raised, communities and schools working together to create long lasting positive memories for all concerned - this is a legacy we are all really proud of.” Worthing College Academy of Sport Co-ordinator Tina Price “It was a fantastic day, the dance performed by the Orchards, the oaths read by a child from each school and a short

speech from the Mayor set an inspirational tone for the rest of the afternoon. The year three children from all the first schools had a great time and the opportunity to take part in a number of new activities. The Sports apprentices and students were brilliant with the young children and despite having 900 children present the day ran like clockwork.” Gill Foan - English Martyrs School said “Absolutely brilliant yesterday. Both parents and children were thrilled! A wonderful celebration of sport that really brought back the buoyancy and love of sport that we all enjoyed last year. I would like to draw particular attention to the sports leaders from Worthing College, who were very mature, knowledgeable and fantastic with the children. I hope that they got as much from the experience of the last few weeks as we all did! Also my sincere gratitude to yourself on organising and running the event, which ran like clockworkno mean feat with 900+ children and hundreds of adults.”

Children compete in the games supported by Academy of Sport students and watched by Youth Mayor, our own Brogan Kirkby-Bott



Celebrating Worthing College

Worthing College Academy of Sport Coach Education Programme Once the playing season has finished at the Worthing College Academy of Sport the students look to give back to the community as positive young role models by completing a Coach Education programme across Worthing Primary and Middle Schools. Students have been delivering effective PE lessons across a range of sports; multi skills, boccia, tri golf, handball & athletics. This has seen around 75 Worthing College students clock up approximately 160 lessons delivered across 18 schools to around 1500 young children in the Worthing area. The aim of the lessons apart from developing basic motor skills as well as introducing new sports to all children is to prepare the school children for the upcoming WSSA (Worthing Schools Sports Association) Legacy Games. Worthing College Coach Education Programme Co-ordinator & WSSA Committee member Dave Hall couldn’t have been more proud of the students who are taking part in the programme. “Each year the

Academy and BTEC Sport students give something back as they are in an extremely privileged position by training and playing at National Level. These experiences are great for the young children of Worthing to learn from and the work that our young students do in schools is nothing short of outstanding. With this programme as well as our Sports & Activity Leaders Apprenticeship (5 third year students working in schools all year round) it will only enhance the development of PE across the whole of Worthing, which will allow children to learn vital life skills and have positive experiences in terms of healthy living and well being, which can only enhance their academic studies as well. We are also working with school teaching staff, who have really supported these programmes and have taken so much away from the process to implement into their own PE teaching in the future.”

Dave Coates (Year 3 Teacher) English Martyrs - “The sports leaders from Worthing College, who were very mature, knowledgeable and fantastic with the children. I hope that they got as much from the experience of the last few weeks as we all did!” Ed Gittins (Teacher) - Vale School “The sessions, greatly enjoyed by all, gave the children welcome exposure to less well known sports and were run with skill and enthusiasm by the Worthing College students.” On the back of these PE lessons the students will be tracking the hours that they have volunteered, which will allow them to apply and complete a volunteer certificate, which provides invaluable experience and skill set developed that can only enhance any University application or employment opportunities that come their way in the future.

The programme again has been deemed to be a success and this is backed up by quotes from schools;

Academy of Sport student volunteers in action, and Worthing College Coach Education Programme Co-ordinator Dave Hall

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Celebrating Worthing College If you want to influence the education of young people why not consider becoming a college governor? Worthing College is looking for two individuals who are the parent or legal guardian of a student at Worthing College and interested in joining its governing body. The governing body is responsible for the college and meets throughout the year to ensure that the college performs to the highest standards. It sets the strategic direction of the college and monitors the achievement of targets. To find out more about the Parent Governor Vacancies please visit the college website at www.worthing.ac.uk

DATES TO REMEMBER 16 November Open Day 10.30am - 2pm 20 November -

Autumn Music Concert at the Sealight Theatre 6 - 8pm

28 & 29 November -

An Evening of Shakespeare at the Sealight Theatre 6 - 8pm

29 November -

UCAS Final Deadline

4 December -

Winter Dance Evening at the Sealight Theatre 6 - 8pm

11, 12 & 13 December -

BTEC Musical Evening at the Sealight Theatre 6 - 8pm

13 December -

Senior Citizens’ Party

16 - 20 December Charities Week

17 December -

Carol Service, at St Botolph’s, Worthing 7 - 8pm

20 December Term ends

6 January Term starts

Novel approach to naming new road One sunny Saturday a spectacle unfolded in the centre of Worthing. At least 60 stalwart Austen fans gathered in a swish hotel to celebrate an occasion to commemorate the memory of one of the country’s best known authors. For those of you who are not familiar with the tale, Jane Austen spent at least three months in our town and one word from the Austen society will direct you in her footsteps. Did you know that when you tuck into a slice of Italy in the town’s Pizza Express, that you are actually uncovering a slice of literary history too? The site of the pizzeria is the house where Austen herself stayed. Not only did Austen stay in our town, but she penned a sadly unfinished novel based on the comings and goings of society at the time. The novel, named Sanditon, is the inspiration for the name of the road in which our new college proudly stands. After a sumptuous spread, the Austen society made their way to the college and took part in a naming ceremony which saw the unveiling of the sign that marks the entrance to Worthing College and when the novel’s central character asks “And whose very snug place is this?”, in a sheltered dip within two miles of the sea, we should answer “Why Worthing College’s of course!”

A BIG welcome to new staff: Angela Bell, Sarah Briggs, Josh Brown, Nicole Cozens, Matthew Crawley, John Donaghue, Bernie Flint, Curt Foster, Karl Gill, Emer Gillespie, Joel Hofmann, Georgie Lee, Carla Mansfield, George McNaughton, Anna Meredith, Nikki Nash, Nicola Neal, Adrian Reilly, Jonathan Richardson, Viv Rowbotham, Lynette Smith, Ellen Spall, Nick Sutton, Jeff Thomas, Katherine Turner, Danielle West, Annelie Wickson, Ellie Williams, Samuel Woolway and Emma Young

Farewell to: Mike Bridges, Barry Ford, Emma Sayers, Julie Tyrrell, and Meriel Worth

About ‘Celebrating Worthing College’ Celebrating Worthing College is produced by the Worthing College Marketing Team. If you have any comments about this publication email info@worthing.ac.uk or call Chris Hughes 01903 275755.



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