Celebrating Worthing College January 2013

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Celebrating Worthing College January 2013

Aspire event an inspiration to make sure all current Year 11s are aware of the fantastic opportunities it offers. Admissions Director Steve Flitton was delighted with the interest the launch generated. “Our wide A Level programme is well known and second to none in the area. We were able to highlight the extras we can add through the Aspire programme including Cambridge Pre-U and the Extended Project Qualifications Competition for places at Britain’s top universities remains red hot. That was the clear message for a packed audience at Worthing College’s recent Aspire event.

at GCSE as at A Level; so the message was loud and clear for all Year 11s present - “Keep up the good work at school and hit your high grade targets as your first step”.

The College’s unique Aspire programme offers inspiration and support to students aiming to apply for places at The Russell Group of universities which includes Oxford, Cambridge, Imperial College, Bristol and Durham.

Aspire co-ordinator Antony Allchin drew parallels with our top Olympic athletes aiming for gold: the key is hard work and careful preparation. Aspire programme students benefit from university visits, expert speakers, summer schools and specialist advice. For several years Aspire has been running successfully but this year we have launched it early

The audience heard that a clutch of grade As and A*s are as important

Sammy Fairman talks about applying to Cambridge where she is currently studying Chemical Engineering

Opportunity Achievement Success Progression which enable students to prove themselves against the very strongest competition in the country”

EDITORIAL Happy New Year! I hope you all enjoyed the Christmas and New Year Festivities, despite the lack of seasonal weather. I expect the memory of festivities is beginning to fade as everyone gets back into the usual routine. All that aside, congratulations Worthing College you have done it again; so many fantastic achievements since October and a great deal of ‘giving something back’ too. First of all I must say how delighted we were to see so many visitors at the Aspire event on 10th January. Worthing is clearly high achieving.

Ex students Sammy Fairman and Rory Callan (above), currently at Cambridge, told the audience of the value they attached to the Aspire programme in securing top places and current student Ivan Croydon Veleslavov gave us a taste of his recent experiences. All three were in strong demand afterwards from applicants keen to hear more.

You can find out more from our new brochures “The Aspire Programme at Worthing College” and “Support at Worthing College for students applying to Oxbridge” which can be found on our website. Alternatively, email us at info@worthing.ac.uk or call us on 01903 243389 and we will send you copies.


In recent weeks there was a series of charity fundraising activities. For example, a Charity Day that united students and staff in raising £750 for the Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice, a tea party for senior citizens when about 70 people got into the Christmas spirit together, male staff growing moustaches and (hair)raising £75 for ‘Movember’, a Sleep-out by students and staff that raised over £1,500 for Worthing Homeless Projects and a massive £3,634 for the Chestnut Tree House following a sponsored walk by students and staff organised by the Sport Academy. And, that’s not forgetting the Worthing Education Fair in October making a donation of more than £1100 to the Chestnut Tree House - all in all a sizeable contribution made by many people. Other Christmas celebrations saw a fantastic ‘Ahhh’ inspiring Nursery nativity play and Christmas fair, a joyful carol concert in ‘Carols by Candlelight’ at St Botolph’s Heene Church and laughter and tears at the staff Christmas lunch when staff celebrated the start of the holiday and bid farewell to colleagues who were leaving.

In this edition of Celebrating Worthing College you can also see the fantastic achievements of our Arts Academy, Performing Arts Academy and Public Services students as well as reports from recent activities including Student Parliament meetings and a visit from renowned hypnotist, Martin Taylor. The Worthing College Maths Team won the regional final of the Senior Team Maths Challenge held at Lancing College in November. In sport the Women’s Rugby team was selected to represent the British Colleges Sport South East Regional Squad, Women’s football players have gained scholarships at US universities and Men’s Football players celebrated when a player was selected to represent England Schools Under 18’s squad, Worthing College students were placed third overall in the recent Southampton Solent University Inter Colleges Fitness Challenge with Harley ColwellLevene being ranked second highest male performer out of fifty-six and we have new blood in the Basketball team with the recruitment of ex-England player Dominic Baker as coach. Students have been able to ‘Visit the Future’ on trips to our new college at the Warren and we are arranging further visits and open days during the spring and summer terms. Apart from all that, students have been hard at work preparing for January exams and our applications department has been busier than ever arranging interviews for those who are enrolling in September. Yes, last term was as busy and exciting as ever and I hope you enjoy reading more about it all. Caroline Pickup, Editor


Celebrating Worthing College

Worthing College comes out on top and gains place in UK final of the Senior Team Maths Challenge The Worthing College Maths Team won the regional final of the Senior Team Maths Challenege held at Lancing College in November. They beat teams from Lancing, Brighton College, Roedean and Worth to name but a few and will be taking part in the UK final in London in February.

The team includes two students who also competed successfully last year: Rémy Naylor and James Brackin, as well as two new excellent mathematicians: Brett Mayes and Jay Almond. The team has trained with Gill Buqué under the expert guidance of Rémy Naylor at lunchtime sessions and after college on Mondays in order to achieve their success.

James Brackin scored sufficiently highly to qualify for the 1st round of the British Maths Olympiad in which both scored highly. Rémy was one of the top scorers in the country and has now qualified for the 2nd round of the British Maths Olympiad. He now has the opportunity to be selected for the UK Team dependent on his performance in the 2nd round. Also, Oliver Wright, James Cameron and Will Graham scored high enough on the Senior Maths Challenge to go through to the Kangaroo Challenge where Oliver was awarded a Merit Certificate. For the second successive year, largely driven by Rémy and his enormous enthusiasm for Maths, Worthing College held its own Maths Olympiad for members of the Maths Academy and a record 35 students took part ( Maths is fun you know, those of you who find this hard to believe). Top scorers and winners of gold certificates and HMV vouchers were James Cameron, Oliver Wright and James Brackin with some of our international

Members of the Maths Academy have also had their most successful year yet in the Senior Maths Challenge competition held in college on November 5th. There were 6 gold, 9 silver and 3 bronze certificates awarded and Rémy Naylor and

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students included in the silver certificate winners: Chen Xanyu, Wu Si and Kristian Kraevski. Students also attended Maths talks at Sussex university and particularly enjoyed the Maths of Juggling Talk and attended the Maths in Action talks in London with Debbie Collier where talks on ‘The Wisdom of the Crowd’ and ‘Shapes and Smoke Rings’ were popular.

Mentoring is an important part of the lives of students in the Maths Academy and this year has seen a new initiative with Chatsmore school. Stephen Coleman, Michael Donlevy, Hannah McCready, Michael Davies, Adib-Yaghmai, Sasha, Sarah Chegwin, Abigail Inch and Emily Waitland have all been working with Years 7 and 8 students since September. Their work has been highly praised by the Head of Maths and the Headteacher at Chatsmore school and they have made huge contributions to the mathematical understanding of the younger students at one of Worthing College’s partner schools.

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The end of term went with a bang at Worthing College in December with a Charity Day that united students and staff in raising £750 for the Chestnut Tree House Children’s Hospice. Sports Academy students were very active with an exciting mixed Netball


Tournament. Board and computer gamers also took part with a PlayStation and Wii room, and even a poker tournament. The Student Union organised a ‘Mission Impossible Nerf challenge’ and the Grand Library Quiz was won by team ‘I thought it was a Disco’ by just one point.

Other events included a Big Bang Theory Room, a raffle, the Periodic table made in cakes, and various guessing games. One of the college’s international students Emilio Conti from Italy said “This is amazing. We don’t have anything like this in my school.”


Celebrating Worthing College

Students have

the X Factor

Highlight of the Charity Day for many was the return of The ‘X Factor’ competition. More than a dozen acts took part in a very hard fought competition before the winners were announced by the judges as Emily and Ruth. There were many other brilliant performances and the standard of the whole show was of a very high standard but Emily and Ruth’s stunning rendition of Adele’s ‘Make you feel my love’ simply stole the show.


Katy bags

top prize in



For staff the main event was a bagatelle challenge organised by Richard Kendall. Always popular with the staff, and immaculately run by Richard from the Premises team the bagatelle table was a huge draw, whether playing or watching, at break times in the staff room. There was an unbelievable number of donated prizes and the leader board changed continuously over the 5 days with many staff returning each day to try and climb the ladder before Sports Apprentice Katy Trevis claimed top spot and a magnificent £400 was raised for the Chestnut Tree House.

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SU party provides true spirit of Christmas for senior citizens

Students entertain local senior citizens at the annual Student Union Christmas Party held at Worthing College

Worthing College Student Union organised a Christmas Tea Party for some local senior citizens. We had a fantastic turn out for the second year running with about 70 people getting into the Christmas spirit together. There was loads of brilliant food prepared and laid on by students, an organised picture and music quiz, plus students from the Worthing College music department came along and encouraged everyone to join in singing Christmas carols.


To finish the afternoon in winning style there was a raffle with some lovely prizes donated by staff and students from Worthing College. Student Union President, Gabby Slater said “It was very special for the senior citizens to chat and exchange stories with the younger generation and lovely to hear how appreciative they were of all the hard work that was put into arranging the event. I hope that we will have the opportunity to arrange such an

event next year and have the same success as it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience for everyone.“

Doing the quiz


Celebrating Worthing College

Visiting the future Worthing College students were given the chance to see the refurbishment of the new campus in progress at the end of January with a series of organised coach trips and tours. The idea was to give students the opportunity to experience the new campus first hand and to see what the future held for them after the move to the new college in the summer. Guided tours were held taking in all

areas including classrooms and learning centres, refectories and performance areas so students could start to picture themselves in

their new environment and find out where they would be learning, meeting and mixing. More visits are planned for later in the year.

STAFF SHOW STIFF UPPER LIP FOR MOVEMBER EVENT Male staff at Worthing College were hard at work throughout November growing moustaches and (hair) raising money for ‘Movember’, the charity that promotes awareness about prostate and testicular cancer. After a month of frantic growing the best moustache competition

was judged by Student president Gabby Slater.


lip and and were delighted to hear that they’d raised nearly £75 for the charity.

Colin Ilsley, the now hirsuit team manager for Sport, PE & Public Services bristled with pride when he was announced as the winner. It was a close shave but his losing rivals managed to keep a stiff upper

Main photo shows Steve Foden and Steve Williams in the front row with Neil Hayward, Craig Telling, James O’Reilly, Jason Lee and Colin Illsley.

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‘Best in Show’ winner, Public Services Team Manager Colin Illsley

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The whole college was represented again as massed singers, performers and readers in Carols by Candlelight at St Botolph’s Heene, and it was

truly joyful to be joined by many exstudents who turned up with their instruments to play and sing and really added to the occasion.

The church was absolutely packed to hear and take part in tremendous performances of carols old and new, and applauding Neil Turner’s brilliant playing of Bach’s Chorale Prelude: In Dulci Jubilo which finished proceedings before everyone shared in mulled wine and mince pies. It was an emotional occasion for all as we marked the retirement of Laine Greenland, Marketing and Admissions Manager, with a bouquet of flowers.

Southampton Solent University Inter Colleges Fitness Challenge

17th December 2012 – St. Mary’s Sports Centre Having established a strong link with Solent University Sports department, the invitation to take part in this fitness challenge was eagerly accepted. Being the only Sussex college invited out of fourteen teams, to an otherwise exclusively Hampshire event, added to the sense of anticipation. The event took place in the nineteenth century (ish) surroundings of the St.Mary’s sports centre near the University. The University has just begun to build a new, advanced, multi use sports centre for future students and the local population on derelict ground adjacent to the main university buildings. Due to the balcony that surrounds half of the central playing space, performances are highly visible, but for the competitive athlete this simply increases the arousal levels to the point necessary to perform at the highest level.


Our team was selected for their all round athletic ability coupled with the aforementioned concomitant necessary drive to succeed.

The four ladies were Emily Begley, Caitlin Flower, Katharina Hemann (our overseas player) and Hannah Pannell. The gentlemen were Sam Bath, Harley Colwell-Levene, James Duffield




Each athlete performed seven fitness challenges testing speed, muscular endurance, power, aerobic capacity and strength. The team also completed

a rowing challenge where all eight had to row a combined distance of 2000 metres in the shortest time. Worthing College had the fastest time recorded after eight out of fourteen teams had performed only for the ninth team to break the rower and all results to become void! Throughout the entire day our student team performed extraordinarily well combining endeavor with prowess, not to mention ‘sportspersonship’ (is that a word?) of the first magnitude. They were a delightful group of young people to spend a day with, watching them do the college and themselves, enormous credit. As for the results, we were placed third overall out of fourteen teams and might have done even better if the rowing results had not been voided. Harley Colwell-Levene was ranked second highest male performer out of fifty-six.


Celebrating Worthing College

Students’ night out

raises huge amount for the Homeless

Sleep-out raises over £1,500 for Homeless Projects Who said charity starts at home? December saw Worthing College Student Union hand over an enormous cheque for £1,153.81 to the Worthing Churches Homeless Projects. The money was the result of a very special event held earlier in the year when a group of Worthing College students and four members of staff slept out in the college grounds in order to raise money and awareness for World Homeless Day. Rhiannon Limmer of the student union said “Thankfully, the wet weather held

off, but most people still only managed an hour or two of sleep, and everyone had a busy day at college or work the next day. This gave us a first hand insight into what it is like to be homeless. Between this and other events held throughout that day, we managed to raise £1,153.81; a fantastic amount of money! It was an incredible experience, and one which none of us will ever forget.” Rhiannon handed over the cheque to Rachel Hulder and Louise Brooks of Worthing Churches Homeless Projects who thanked everyone involved in contributing to this amazing donation.

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Academy of Arts update September 2012: Portrait Paintings and Exhibition


A group of our Academy of Arts students took part in a workshop which involved choosing a portrait painting from Worthing Museum’s collection and writing a critical and appreciative response to it. The observations from our students form part of an exhibition at the museum, showing; 17 November 2012 to 16 March 2013. Portrait paintings chosen by visitors and community groups explores portraits from the Fine Art Collection Store chosen by visitors and students from Worthing College, Academy of Arts. Inspired by the Public Catalogue Foundation and BBC Your Paintings website www. bbc.co.uk/arts/yourpaintings/

November 2012: Creative Waves Art on the Pier Project

Students took part in three evening workshops with the Creative Waves project, in which they created landscapes inspired by the work of David Hockney. Their work will be installed on the Worthing Pier in a public exhibition at the end of March 2013. http://creativewaves.co.uk/freeworkshops/4571313345

June 2013: End of Year Academy of Arts Awards

Students created parts of the stage set for the Worthing College Performing Arts production of the Snow Queen. They made beautiful 3D snowflake structures using tissue paper and bamboo.

Students from the Academy of arts then visited the museum to see the portrait paintings in the vault. One of the paintings they saw is very valuable and worth more than the building of the museum itself!


March 2013: Visual Arts/ Media Portfolio workshops In the Spring term many of our students make successful applications to study Visual Arts and Media at a higher level in local and national colleges. These workshops will support students in preparing professional portfolios for interview.

November 2012: Stage Set for the Snow Queen

October 2012: Trip to Worthing Museum Vault

to showcase the creative work of our talented Visual Arts and Media students. We look forward to inviting you all to this celebratory event. Academy of Arts students will have the opportunity to gain valuable experience, working alongside technicians and staff to curate a public exhibition.

This year we will continue to celebrate the hard work and progress of our students by presenting Academy of Arts Awards during the end of year final exhibition.

February 2013: Academy of Arts interim show at Worthing Museum: Tuesday 5th Feb- Saturday 5th March 2013: Following the huge success of last year’s interim Academy of Arts show at Worthing Museum, we have now hired the space for a whole month


Celebrating Worthing College

VisualArts visiting speakers November 2012:

Tim Sandys-Renton, Senior Lecturer in Fine Art gave a talk on applying to university, the financial implications and what you can expect from study at Chichester University. Included was a showcase of student work. Paul Grivell, Course leader for BA (Hons) Contemporary Photo Arts Practice at Northbrook college gave a talk on photography arts practice and study at Northbrook college.

December 2012:

Ian Worden, Media Lecturer from Chichester University, gave a fascinating talk on narrative: ‘Making sense of 21st century stories’ looked at Batman, Harry Potter and James Bond in an exploration of the relationship between evolving representations and changing ideologies.

T.E.A.M. works for

Public Service Since October the Year 12 BTEC Public Service group has been working in teams to challenge themselves and compete against each other. The teams, called Tango, Echo, Alpha and Mike (TEAM) have earned points for attendance, punctuality, meeting deadlines, achieving MTGs, attending fitness sessions and following classroom expectations. The team that accumulated the most points and each received a free lunch in the canteen were Team Tango. Team Tango members include Martina Moravcikova, Sophie Cole, Tim Hudson, Craig Rowland, Josh Skeates. The individual with the highest score was Martin Brooks from Team Echo. Martin received a £15 iTunes voucher in recognition of his contribution. The competition will continue each half

Martin Brookes from Team Echo

term with the overall winning team earning an end of year trip. To be successful individuals and teams need to embrace the team ethos of public service life and demonstrate the behaviours and supportive nature of public service personnel.

March 2013 (TBC):

Conall Gleeson, programme leader for Performance and visual arts at the University of Brighton, will be giving a talk on the study of music, performance and dance with visual arts practice.

Taster days at Brighton Film School and Northbrook College: Selected visual arts

and media students will be invited to participate in a practical introduction to film production at Brighton Film School and a taster day of studio based photography practice at Northbrook College. Team Tango earned top points and won a free lunch in the canteen

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Student Parliament

gives students a voice On the 30th November The Student Parliament held a report and feedback meeting, a large number of class reps and senior managers attended this along with a college governor. All present got involved with discussions about issues that affect all our students such as the timetable and the move to the new site. Our Student Parliament includes a group of students who meet regularly to discuss whole college issues. During the Autumn Term they were actively involved in a number of projects that included working with the Catering Team in planning for the new college, with the Premises Team to get rain covers for student bikes and establishing the new Student Voice Facebook site.


Members of our new Teaching and Learning Academy also attended the Student Parliament meeting; they advised students about their work in holding focus groups with class reps from different subject areas and their subsequent liaison with teaching staff – this new group is providing an important student perspective to help shape teaching and learning developments at the college.


Celebrating Worthing College

Nursery Nativity really has the Ahhhh factor The nursery has had a fantastic few months with December being especially busy. This year’s nativity performed by the pre-school children was wonderful, the parents were very impressed and loved Joseph pulling Mary on the donkey! The children sang beautifully and all looked fantastic. The Christmas fair was also a great success. The children and parents enjoyed games, face painting, cakes, drinks, hot dogs, bacon rolls and visiting Santa in his grotto. We raised £100 for St Barnabas which the Pre-school children took to them on the bus just before Christmas. It’s really lovely for the children to visit and sing to the people in St Barnabas and everyone gets a lot out of it. The children made some wonderful table decorations in the forest school which many of them had on their tables at Christmas dinner and will have for years and years to come. We are looking forward to a very exciting 2013.

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Brilliant performances celebrate the new Academy Last term Year 12 BTEC Performing Arts (Musical Theatre) students performed in their own devised piece based on the traditional story of The Snow Queen. The students built their own set in classes with Kim Sheldon that involved creating four worlds for the character Gerda to travel through. The Art Acadmey came on board creating huge snowflakes to hang from the ceiling, adding another magical dimension to the show.The show was performed successfully to the pre school children from the Worthing College Nursery on December 4th and received lovely letters from the young audience afterwards. Year 13 BTEC Performing Arts (Musical Theatre) students devised their first term performance for an older audience, aiming their Theatre in Education production at GCSE Drama students. The group visited Durrington High School on 11th December and performed their short tales based on Irish legends to two separate classes and conducted a workshop linked to the pieces performed. Feedback from both staff and students was very positive, with one of the Durrington staff sharing with the group that it was the first time one particular student had fully participated in a practical exercise with confidence. November’s Autumn Concert contained magnificent performances


by many students including Sonny Bailey, Abbie Edwards, Hayden Smith, Caroline Wingrove, Hannah Mills and Lana Sivyer, Lucy Goldberg, Dan Webb, Tim Attwood Rebecca Buxton and Lisa Whiting, Ben Strusch, Jonathan Duncumb,Michael Winter and Jay Almond.

Winter Dance Show Produced by Sam LeBihan On the 27th November Worthing College produced the Winter Dance Show. This evening presented a variety of performances and dance genre’s. Work was included from AS and A2 Dance, Dance Company and Musical Theatre year 12 and 13. Highlights of the evening included Hayden Smith accompanying AS dance students with Chopin’s Nocturne number 9 played on piano, and the A2 dance students performing repertoire by Jiri Kylian of Nederland’s Dance Theatre. Year 12 and 13 students performed All That Jazz as the finale number as an assemble piece previewing the Chicago show later in the week.

Songs from Chicago Produced by Sam LeBihan and Lena Urquart The 29th November saw the year 13 Musical Theatre students perform in an evening of song and dance numbers selected from the show Chicago. Highlights of the evening included a mesmerising Cell Block Tango, an amazing solo performance by Elle Locke and a rousing rendition of All That Jazz as a finale.


Celebrating Worthing College

iPad & iPod Hypnotist shows the winners power of suggestion Winners of iPads and iPods in our recent free prize draw brought some early Christmas cheer to the following people who were more than delighted to come in to the college and be presented with thier prizes by Principal Peter Corrigan and Director of Admissions and Marketing Steve Flitton. iPad Winners Claire from Durrington High School Samuel from St Andrews High School Laura from Davison High School Kathryn from Chatsmore High School Jubril from Worthing College iPod Winners Nicholas from Durrington High School Mr Wilson from Worthing Isla from Worthing Will from Worthing Sarah from Worthing

verbal Ping Pong, and playing imaginary instruments. From this group he selected six of the most susceptible candidates to take part in the stronger suggestive games. This was where the real show started.

In November Worthing College was lucky enough to have a visit from renowned hypnotist, Martin Taylor fresh from assisting Derren Brown on his latest TV show. Around seventy five students, most of whom were studying Psychology, gathered in the library, unsure about what they’d let themselves in for. An element of fear, excitement and scepticism hung in the air as the hypnotist took the microphone. Martin Taylor began his show with an introduction to this complex art, getting laughs by the second and at the same time talking about the use of peer pressure and obedience rather than putting people into a ‘hypnotic trance’. After doing so he asked for volunteers who were happy to put his claims to the test.

The audience sat in amazement as he had the volunteers stuck to the floor, even forgetting their own names and as a finale doing the can-can in front of their friends. They knew what they were doing, but just couldn’t help themselves.

Jordan Gardner, one of the hypnotised students said, “It was amazing. I was fully conscious through the whole thing, but I just wanted to do the cancan when Martin played the music”

Fifteen daring students, swaggered onto the stage, but were they really sure what they’d let themselves in for? He had them locked in positions, unable to speak, imagining bugs crawling around their faces, playing

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STEM Sussex Engineering Education Scheme A team of five Physics and Electronics students from Worthing College are currently involved in a real engineering research project.

Ryan Bannister, Sophie Johnson, Sasha Oliver, Tom Mendes and Oliver Wilkins are currently working on a project that has been coordinated by the Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics group (STEM) at the University of Brighton. Our five students are working with a wing-mirror manufacturer called SMR Automotives in Portchester Hants. The project involves the research and development of automated inspection techniques for the plastic moulded components produced at the Portchester factory. After

several trips to Portchester, the team spent three days in mid-December at a residential workshop at the University of Brighton constructing several experiments in component inspection imaging and analysis. The results of this work will be published

and submitted for further evaluation by SMR. This has been a great opportunity for our students who will qualify for the prestigious CREST GOLD AWARD after presenting their findings at the University of Brighton in April.

Worthing College Crest Gold Award Team: Sasha Oliver, Tom Mendes, Sophie Johnson, Ryan Bannister, Oliver Wilkins with SRM Production Engineer Neal Staples

Christmas Trip to Portsmouth IELTS, ESOL and Modern Foreign Languages students went on their annual Christmas Trip to Portsmouth on 11th December. On one of the rare bright days of the winter term a large group set off for Portsmouth by train. Once there they visited the Spinnaker Tower to enjoy the splendid views all over the navy dockyards and Portsmouth and coffee and cakes in the Spinnaker café. This was followed by very entertaining tours of HMS Victory, Lord Nelson’s flagship, given by experienced naval volunteers. Finally there was time to do a bit of Christmas shopping in Gunwharf Quays with its many factory outlets.


“We had a great time, Portsmouth is a beautiful port and is full of stores and restaurants and interesting things to do.” Mirella DeSouza “It was a super experience to visit the Spinnaker Tower and learn more about it and the city. I also enjoyed having the chance to socialise with my friends and to get to know new people from different nationalities.” Dennyson Barros e Silva “Portsmouth is famous for being the most important naval dockyard in the UK. You can visit the sea museums and enjoy a tour of Lord Nelson’s ship and learn about life on board and the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.” Joao Fonseca


Celebrating Worthing College

ENGLAND Fergany boys at England trials CALL UP IZZY Great performances by the fabulous The Worthing College Men’s Football Performance Programme celebrated some excellent news for one of its players during December when forward Ryan Fergany was selected to represent England Schools Under 18’s squad for this coming season. Ryan’s brother James was also invited to attend England’s February training camp after impressing, but injury in the final trial kept him out of the final squad. Goalkeeper Jack Fagan also impressed, but unfortunately he missed out by 0.1 in the goalkeeping points scoring system.

Despite James’ injury, he was there to support his brother in his trial game against the RAF, which finished 1-1. Ryan was a constant threat on the right wing which impressed new ESFA manager Andy Buckingham and he named Ryan in the final squad of 16. “I’m so pleased to have been selected and 2013 will be an experience I will never forget. When I was released by Brighton I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. A coach told me about the Worthing College Football Programme and it has really developed my performance. Dave Hall and Danny Cullip have really helped me over that last year or so and they have been an inspiration for me to strive and be the best I can.” James’s disappointment turned to joy as Buckingham was so impressed with James during his earlier trials that he has been invited to the England training camp on 1st-3rd February at Lilleshall along with his brother to prove himself and hopefully gain a

place in the final squad. On hearing this news James said “To be honest, after that Friday I was totally gutted, but to be given another chance is so exciting and its one that I’m determined to grab with both hands.” Performance Programme coach Dave Hall couldn’t hide his pride and delight for the Fergany brothers “This is such a fantastic achievement for both players. We are so proud as I think these could be the first two players in the College’s history to represent England Schools at Men’s Football and I can’t wait to hopefully see them both in action.”

The Women’s Football Performance Programme were also celebrating when Izzy Burt became the 4th Women’s Footballer to be called up to England Colleges in the past 4 years from Worthing College. The full back is in her 2nd year at the college and had her place in the squad confirmed at the end of December after getting through the trial process. This involved the South East trial at Southampton Leisure Centre, then the South trial, which took place at Berkshire College and was played between the West Midlands, South West, South East and East. The final trial took place at Lilleshall. This is a fantastic achievement for Izzy who, came through the Brighton and Hove Albion Centre of Excellence and currently plays for Brighton Women making her 1st team debut this season.

Hall also has another reason to celebrate as his new role as joint Sussex Schools Under 18’s manager with City College Brighton’s Luke Hampton has seen four players from Sussex in the final squad. “Myself and Luke were new to this role this season, but saw some real potential in this county, so we put 9 players forward to the first trial, with 7 getting through to the South East game and 6 through to the final trial. We were the largest county contingent at the final trial and this is testament to the quality of players that are being developed in this area.”

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Izzy who will be staying on for a third year at Worthing College on her BTEC in Sport course said “I am thrilled to have made it into the squad and look forward to representing England Colleges over the coming year.” The British Colleges’ squad will take on Wales (away) on February 22nd and then a return fixture on the 15th March.

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Darcey leads the way as women football stars win US university scholarships Lead story on the University of Northwestern Ohio website features Worthing College student Darcey James who has been awarded a full scholarship and becomes the first player signed from the UK in programme history. Darcey James in action

Darcey, a defender in the Worthing first team has also competed for the British Colleges team, the Under-19 England Natonal Team and Brighton and Hove Albion. The UNOH women’s soccer coach, Stuart Gore said “We are very excited to welcome Darcey,

and she is now part of history at UNOH.” He went on to add “Darcey’s club and international experience will help our team move forward in the right direction, and her leadership qualities will impact our team tremendously. Her exceptional work in the classroom also embodies the type of student-athlete we look for here at UNOH.” The UNOH women’s soccer team begins play in the fall 2013 season and competes in the NAIA and Wolverine Athletic Conference. Three other students have also been awarded scholarships at US universities: Jade Widdows, Paige Walder and Lucy Soames (pictured below).



Celebrating Worthing College

New basketball coach goes on the offensive

but now he’s fit the team should become even stronger and it makes my job easier as a coach having a leader who can control the team on the court.

Dominic Baker has joined Worthing College as the new Basketball Coach this season and is looking forward to the challege. Dominic has represented England at u18s level and gained a scholarship to bethel Christian academy KY. From there he played at Savannah state NCAA D1 school under former NCAA championship winner and former NBA player Horace Broadnax.

The team in action against Bexhill at the end of 2012

Obviously it’s always hard when there’s a coaching change, but the team has worked really hard in both practices and games. I’ve been really pleased with the way the players have taken to the new offences and especially the defensive side of the game.

He left after a season to play

We have also introduced a full court press and are trying to speed up teams and make them turn the ball over.

professionally at FSU Iceland and followed this by going to Bergerac France. Finally he returned to his home town club Worthing Thunder where he is in his second season. This is Dominic’s second season as a coach and he is looking forward to the challenge and opportunities his new position at Worthing College will bring.

We have only lost 2 games and one of those we can feel a little disappointed about having been 8 points up with 2 minutes to play. All the players have worked really hard and I am very pleased with the progress and direction the team is taking with some stand out performances from Connor Mountifield, Sam Gulla, Elliot Trussler, Arthur Holt.”

Dominic is encouraged by the start the team has made this season and says, “Unfortunately Phil Hoy, one of our starters and leaders has been injured for the first half of the season

Women’s Rugby at Worthing College gets off to flying start The newly established Women’s Rugby Side at Worthing College has made a really promising start to their first season with four ladies being selected to represent the British Colleges Sport South East Regional Squad. The team also narrowly missed out in the Quarter finals of the British Colleges National Cup. “We were unlucky not to win the match against Peter Symonds College in thes BCS women’s cup,

however we took away a number of positives” said Mark Rugman the Women’s Rugby Coach. “To have 3 players who have never played rugby before and this being the team’s first game is a big credit to where the girls have come from in just 8 weeks.” “Furthermore, for the four ladies to be selected for the BCS South East Regional Squad is a fantastic achievement not only for the College,

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but also for ladies. This is the principle of representative honors for 16-19 year old females, and to play at Bath University against other regions including Wales and Scotland is a very exciting opportunity”.

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Celebrating Worthing College

Laughter and tears on the menu at staff Christmas lunch Worthing College staff celebrated the start of the Christmas holiday in style on Wednesday 19 December with a Christmas lunch. Secret santa visited with presents and we sang carols, the highlight being a very active “12 days of Christmas”. We also said good bye to Laine Greenland, with Steve Flitton giving a speech that had us in tears of laughter and sadness. Thanks to Dawn, Jean and Stacey in Finance, Bekah. Olivia and Sue in HR, Julia for compere duties, Lena for the music and Ron and his staff for the excellent Christmas meal. A perfect way to end the year and start the festive season.

Steve Flitton (left) gave a speech for Laine Greenland (right) who said a fond farewell after 12 years with the college



The Nursery team for giving evening presentations to parents and for putting on the Nursery Christmas Fair.

Tina Price and the ‘Waves Ahead’ Apprentices for a great half term in Middle Schools with fantastic feedback.

Erin Willis for the very well organised Egg Challenge which was enjoyed by everyone who took part.

The Maths Team for reaching the final of the Maths Team Challenge.

Richard Kendall for “Bagatelle” which raised a hefty £400 for Chestnut Tree House. Julia Flynn for bringing the student magazine to fruition.

About ‘Celebrating Worthing College’

Staff enjoy their Christmas lunch


Celebrating Worthing College is produced by the Worthing College Marketing Team. If you have any comments about this publication email info@worthing.ac.uk or telephone Chris Hughes on 01903 243389 ext 350.

Ryan Fergany on being selected for the England Schools Under 18’s squad. And everyone else whose success is celebrated in this edition of Celebrating Worthing College.

A BIG welcome to new staff: Dominic Baker, Shalene Baker, Richard Bryant, Jack Churchett, Diarmuid Drury, Michael Greene, Victoria Mayne, Jacqueline Scerri, Caroline Searle, Rajinder Singh, Julie Tyrrell.

Farewell to: Malcom Castle, Laine Greenland, Sharon Kavanagh-Hunter, Wes Mechen, David O’Callaghan, Stefano Sbuttoni, Sam Tamkin and Lawrence Wakeham.


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