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Celebrating Worthing College

Autumn 2015

Best results ever!

Natasha Hall was over the moon to get A*A*A* and wants to do Vetinary Science

James Atwood was “chuffed and relieved� to get 4 As while Rory Fennessy plans to go to university to study Politics after getting AAAB

Jay Vachhani, Esina Barker, Isaiah Amoo, Will Baker and Sohail Khan celebrate their results.



Opportunity Achievement Success Progression

EDITORIAL Caroline Pickup

What more is there to say but congratulations and well done to all our wonderful students and staff who have worked so hard and done so well. We have had a fantastic two years on our new campus and we are already enjoying the first term of this academic year. If you are still looking for a place at college for this year we might just be able to offer you one. If not, there is always next year! Aspiration and success are the buzzwords in this edition of Celebrating Worthing College, if this is you, we look forward to meeting you soon.

Students are welcomed on their frst day by Principal Peter Corrigan before finding their way around at the Freshers’ Fair


Results highlights**** Calling all Level pass rate 98.3% and 39.2% of students *• Aachieved high grades at A*- B. pass rate 90.8%, (more than 5% better *• AS than last year and 3% better than 6th Form Colleges nationally). rate for BTEC Level 3 97.7% with 79.4% *• Pass high grades.


• Pass rate for BTEC Level 2 97.7% with 72.4% high grades.


• Students in 32 A and AS Level subjects achieved 100% pass rate.


If you are an ex Worthing College student with news about what you are up to, or have a story to tell please contact the college. For further details visit: www.worthing.ac.uk/SitePages/ Alumni.aspx To keep in touch with who’s doing what and what’s going on visit and like our facebook page. ‘Worthing College Alumni’

students achieved 3 or 4 A grades or *• 129 equivalent at A Level, AS or BTEC Level 3.



Celebrating Worthing College

Worthing College students and staff celebrate best ever results Worthing College celebrated its bestever AS, A Level and BTEC results this August. The overall pass rate for A Levels was 98.4% with more than a third of students clinching top marks between A* and B. BTEC Level 3 results were also up with the pass rate at 97.8% and more than three quarters of students achieving top grades. Worthing College Principal Peter Corrigan praised his ‘talented and inspirational students and staff’ for all their efforts. “These students are the first to be taught exclusively at our outstanding new college and these results reflect the outstanding learning environments and teaching that the college provides.” The college was also lauded by Worthing West MP Sir Peter Bottomley who said “Sixth form colleges and Worthing in particular have earned recognition and deserve extra support. These excellent results show the outstanding commitment to high-quality learning, education and training.”

Olivia Carter, Charlotte Cozens and Matt Isaacs: very happy with their grades and to be moving on to university

James Clegg, Dan Cooper, Zoe Chellingworth, Poppy Taylor and Annis Ferrey at the reception held at the college on reults day

Double celebrations as twins look to the future

Identical twins Oli and James Lewis got identical grades in the same subjects and are now both off to study History at the same university (Queen Mary University, London). The twins said “ Doing the same subjects just happened, we’re both interested in the same stuff. The best scenario was ending up with identical grades.”

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Another set of twins are setting off for different universities after achieving a mix of As and A*s. James on the left is heading for Warwick University to study Maths while his brother Michael is off to Oxford to study Physics after getting through the notoriously difficult three day interview process.

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Opportunity Achievement Success Progression

Success stories allow students to aspire to great things Many success stories emerged after the students received their brilliant high grades. A delighted and surprised Natasha Hall (photo front page) picked up A*A*A* which was better than she had thought and enabled her to apply to Bristol to study Vetinary Science. Also pictured on the front page is a “chuffed” James Atwood who managed four A grades in his AS levels and Rory Fennessy who bagged three As and a B. Olivia Carter is off to Kings College London to study War Studies & History and after getting AAA said “Much better than I expected and now I don’t need to do a 3rd year.” Charlotte Cozens was “Absolutely delighted!” with A*AA and is heading to York University to study Maths.

Jess Jackman, Danielle Golds, Zoe Chellingworth, Rachel Thomas, Harry Burnell. Applying to university for Medicine, Veterinary science or related degree courses.

Matt Isaacs is off to Bristol with his AABB to study Economics and declared he was “Over the moon.” Esina Barker recieved three A grades and is off to Southampton to study French, 1st years Hannah Young and Sophie Collins both got AAAB at AS level and can now aim for university while Sohail Khan is the first in his family to get to university and heads to Liverpool to study Law. Also off to university are Jacob Pennells studying Computer Science, Elham and Emily Catling studying to be Doctors and Abanoub Beshara studying Dentistry. Far to many to mention, we can’t cover every success story but many of our students exceeded expectations and have got the rewards they deserve for all their hard work and dedication. Well done to them all.


All were selected for a prestigious Sutton Trust or Cambridge FE student summer school and were inspired by the opportunity so are now applying for: Alfie Spencer – Physics at Cambridge, Andrew Jeffery – Computer science at Cambridge, Tom Reynard – Maths at Oxford, Jon Deedman - Human Social and Political Sciences at Cambridge, Hannah Dickinson – Chemistry at Durham, Hazel Bacon – Maths at Oxford.


Celebrating Worthing College

Cambridge Summer School: a taste of university life for Worthing College students James Clegg – Physical Sciences “Everything about the Cambridge summer school was positive and refreshing to experience. The accommodation was quaint and functional, with the ability to make a cup of tea which is always essential. All of the academic sessions themselves were intense but manageably so - across a wide range of topics within physics and maths: material science, inductive theory, ice core investigating etc. Other parts of the schedule were devoted more to leisure, with punting on the river Cam, a formal silver service dinner, Ice breakers on the first night and a little free time to explore Cambridge.

Jenny Brown – Arts and Humanities “The summer school in Cambridge was a fantastic opportunity. We began with punting along the River Cam, which was definitely improved due to the weather. The lectures were engaging and I particularly enjoyed sessions on ‘Representations of Gender and Sexuality in the Media’ and ‘Politics and International relations’, as well as our trip to the Fitzwilliam museum. Overall I would say this was an excellent opportunity – not only for looking at Cambridge, but also finding out about possible subjects, meeting new people, and being able to discuss topic areas and ideas not already covered in college.”

Leaving was rather sad but with several hours to tour Cambridge and its colleges with new friends, every minute was well spent. Overall an opportunity to grab with both hands, you will always have something to do or somewhere to be - it’s a packed few days.” Right: Jon Deedman, who won a prize for Best Summer School student on the Arts strand, with Jenny Brown and Caitlin Bone on the river Cam

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Caitlin Bone – Physical Sciences “The Cambridge FE Summer School was an amazing experience to be a part of. Everyone working with us was friendly and helpful, as were the people around Cambridge. The lectures were really interesting and covered a variety of subjects within the chosen strand that helped get a feel for how diverse courses can be. The accommodation was nice and there was always so much to eat! The evening activities including the theatre trip and punting, as well as the disco which allowed everyone to make loads of new friends and get a taste of life at university.” Jon Deedman – Arts and Humanities “Overall, the summer school was genuinely amazing. We studied many various, interesting topics, and overall met tons of very nice people. The week really did break down common misconceptions about Cambridge, and really showed how nice and genuine academics, students and applicants really are. It was a really lovely week, in a beautiful city in beautiful weather. I would say one of the nicest trips I’ve ever had in my life, and could not recommend it more.”

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Opportunity Achievement Success Progression

We taught the law, and the students won

Congratulations to Health & Social Care students

Two students who both gained A* in A Level Law and have gone on to study law at prestigious law departments. Isaac Daughtrey is doing Law with Maritime Law at University of Southampton and Adel Msolly (pictured below) has gone to UCL to study Law.

He was a ruthlessly efficient learner, knowing all 250 cases in contract law off by heart and gaining full marks in most written assignments.

Josh Biggs, did so well in his work

Isaac was adamant that he didn’t want to go to university when he first came to college, then he realised that he had a real talent for law, and his other subjects as well, and this changed his mind.

summer and while taking his degree.

He did an extended project based on intellectual property in the pharmaceutical industry and gained such a good grade that Southampton University were prepared to lower the grades he had to get in his A Levels.

Adel, came to the UK for further education after attending school in Slovakia. He was an excellent ambassador for the college and helped at every open evening as well as helping other students.

Tim Westcott, who teaches Law at Worthing College congratulated both students adding “These are useful examples of success because it shows that A Level Law is fine if you want to progress on to a Law degree, which contradicts some career advice.”

experience placement at a local nursing home that they offered him a long term part time job over the He has progressed to a degree in Adult Nursing at Brighton University. Lauren Howard was an exceptional student in A Level Health & Social Care, she has gone on to study Nursing at Kings College London. Grace Tozer has gone on to study Midwifery at the University of Surrey. Abby Windle has gone on to study Primary Teaching at Brighton University. Chloe Pannell completed a course in A2 Health & Social Care and then stayed as a member of the department in the role of Learning Mentor, helping other students to achieve




completed an NVQ in Learning Support during her year as a Learning Mentor and this helped support her application to Brighton University to study Primary Education. Georgie Hook completed a BTEC in law before staying on as a member of the law team in the role of learning mentor. She was so efficient in this role that at times it seemed like she was running the department. Georgie has gone on to study Criminology with Substance Abuse at Brighton University and hopes to work with young offenders in the future.



Celebrating Worthing College

Fresh start for students as Freshers’ Fair opens new Academic Year at Worthing

University trips open doors for aspiring students Students visited Oxford University in July for admissions advice, a top lunch and subject specific meetings. Later in the summer a number of Aspire students secured placements on Sutton Trust courses. These competitive entry summer schools are very prestigious. This year students are visiting Durham, Imperial and Cambridge. We also saw three students secure Nuffield bursaries to carry out a summer scientific research project and another two on a computer science course. Well done to all these students for taking these opportunities to expand their horizons.

Michaell Shelton, Charlotte Cozens, Jacob Pennells with Ross Fuhrmann at Oxford University’s Hertford College

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The appliance of science Worthing College at the hub of gene technology Worthing College is delighted to announce that they have been selected to be a Gene Technology Hub on behalf of CLEAPPS. CLEAPPS is a national organisation in place to




and technologies in schools and colleges. Part of their current brief is to develop Gene technology as progress in molecular biology over the past 30 years has been phenomenal. Since the 1960s there has been rapid progress in the understanding of cellular genetics, and the content of science courses at GCSE and A Level has changed to reflect this so that students can understand the implications of developments in this field.

The processes and equipment needed to explore cellular genetics are collectively known as gene technology. CLEAPPS is helping to organise equipment, materials and training so that more gene technology practical work can take place in schools and colleges and to facilitate this they are setting up regional hubs and networks. In July Worthing College science staff were trained to use the most modern technologies available to schools and colleges so that they can assist not only Worthing College students, but also other teachers and students locally in providing both expertise and equipment for hands on experience with processes such as bacterial transformation, PCR and electrophoresis.

Technicians Conference may become annual event On Wednesday 8th July Worthing College joined forces with the Mathematics and Science Learning Centre from the University of Southampton to offer a Science Technician Conference. Key note speaker, John Schollar, from The National Centre for Biotechnology Education, University of Reading, launched the day for over 70 delegates with an illustrated talk of up to date practical demonstrations that could be used in the classroom. 15 workshops, led by visiting speakers and Worthing College staff, were then available for delegates to develop their skills and understanding of practical science, these workshops included options such as Beginners Forensics, Bacterial Transformations and soldering. Feedback from the day was excellent with a request for the Worthing College based conference to become an annual event.



Celebrating Worthing College

Worthing College students reach for the stars with the National Space Academy During their transition day on Monday 6th July a group of year 10 students enjoyed a session run by Andy McMurray of the National Space Academy. During his workshop they enjoyed designing and making rockets that flew nearly 100m as well as witnessing the construction of a new comet from raw materials such as sand, red wine and Worcester sauce! Feedback from the students involved adjectives such as amazing, awesome and enjoyable. Most students that attended the maths and science sessions on the day said that the event had helped convince them of the value of continuing with these subjects after GCSE. The rocket competition was won by a team from Worthing High School – their rocket flew over 90m.

Worthing College Pre-U students are overwhelmed by library

Worthing College students embarking on their Independent Research Report visited Sussex University Library to explore the wealth of resources available. Each student received a pass (available to any member of the public with ID) to freely access the library for a year. Students are researching topics as diverse as what can and should be done to counteract gender imbalance in engineering?, How do I know I am awake?, Do arts and science subjects have equal validity in education? All the students were overwhelmed by the size of the collection and the wealth of knowledge waiting to be discovered.

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Year 10 students get a taste of life and learning at Worthing College







welcomed over 300 Year 10 students from across three local schools – St. Andrews, Davison and Worthing High School – to a high energy, fun packed day of activity across a general transition programme, which introduced students to the breadth of curriculum available here at the College, with the Learning Zones, the Sealight Theatre and the Science Labs hosting a huge variety of interactive activities to introduce students to the demands and delights of subjects from across the curriculum. Alongside the general programme was a Gifted and Talented Science Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) Day which was kick started


with a talk by Andy McMurray of the National Space Academy, about the Engineering challenges faced by current technology (landing a rover and exploring mars, landing on a comet, google glass) then about the STEM skills gap and earning potential for STEM graduates. Students had the opportunity to participate in two of four workshops on the day: • Maths: Code breaking • Physics Electronics: Transformers • Chemistry: Luminescence practical • Biology: Rickets STEM Day students were also lucky enough to have a session with Andy

McMurray which started with some scaling activities; calculating the number of galaxies in the universe, for example if matter was as dense as a neutron star then what size box would the whole human race fit into? Following this they launched compressed air rockets (see page 9) and used the range or time of flight to calculate launch velocity and to finish with a demo whoosh rocket – all within the narrative of exploring space. The day was a huge success and we congratulate all the staff and students of the College who put the day together and gave our year 10s such a great experience; we can’t wait for next year!


Celebrating Worthing College

Apprenticeships go from strength to strength at Worthing College We would like to welcome our new Apprentices to Worthing College! We have Learning Mentors, Sports Activity Personal

Leadership Trainers,

Apprentices, Business


Administration Apprentices and an IT Apprentice who have all started their apprenticeship journey with us. We would also like to congratulate our apprentices who have successfully completed their apprenticeship at the end of the last academic year. Louise Chamberlin, Learning Mentor apprentice picked up her certificates in the summer. Louise was based in the College library however she had the opportunity to help out in various parts of the college such as, ESOL, Travel and Tourism, English, Visual Arts and Geography. Louise said, “I was able to support students from different countries and with different abilities which developed my Learning Mentor skills. I was able to help students grow academically

and socially. I am now qualified with my Level 3 in Supporting Teaching and Learning and working at Chesswood Junior School as a Teaching Assistant!” Also, Sam Wildman, a Personal Training apprentice completed his Level 2 in Instructing Exercise and Fitness and has now gained full time employment at a local gym! Sam mentioned that without his apprenticeship, he wouldn’t have secured his job. Elsewhere, the nursery would like to thank Eloise Slaughter their Business and Administration apprentice who has been an invaluable addition to the nursery team. She has enabled nursery staff to focus and concentrate on caring for the children and providing them and their families with an outstanding service. She has taken on various tasks and completed them efficiently helping to ensure the nursery is ready for new starters and maintains effective communication

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with their parents. She has learnt valuable skills and is flying through her apprenticeship. All their hard work as apprentices has paid off. Many more of them secured places at Universities or went onto employment. You can view our Apprenticeship Vacancies on the Worthing College website. Apprenticeships can be another route instead of College or University. Or if University isn’t for you when you finish college, it is always possible to complete an apprenticeship and then apply to university once your apprenticeship is completed. Our dedicated assessors are always on hand to help you progress onto the next stage. For more information on all of our Apprenticeships, please contact Rebekah Gough, Apprenticeship Administrator, email: apprenticeships@worthing.ac.uk or phone 01903 275723.

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Opportunity Achievement Success Progression

Two new Artists take up residence at Worthing College Lorenza has worked closely with Indian communities in Brighton to understand what it means to make a home in a culture different from your own.

The Visual Arts and Creative Media department are very pleased to welcome two new Artists to the college to showcase their work and work alongside our students. The artists we have with us are Lorenza Ippolito and Karen Woodman. Italian born, Lorenza, is an artist based in New England House in Brighton. Her interests in art pivot around ideas of identity, belonging, intimacy and nostalgia. She works with still and moving images to create pieces that look at the everyday whilst blurring the boundaries between fine art, photography and video.

She also has an inquisitive relationship with her hometown, Bologna. She routinely returns to photograph the landscape and investigates the concept of portraiture and identity through observing socia lsituations and conversations. In July 2012 and 2014, she was awarded an Arts Council’s Grant for the Arts to concentrate on her Research and Development Project Moving Boundaries to further her practice and create more works.

Karen’s work is about memory, nostalgia and family albums. We all relate to a fleeting trace of what once was; a fragrance, a place, a sound or an image. Karen is interested in how nostalgia is mediated through imagery. She tries to communicate this by using multiple processes to create her work in order to visualise it. The physicality of the processes incorporating print, painting, photography, pattern, repetition, layering and the building up of an image are integral to her working practice. The conveyance of a feeling, creating age and distress through texture and application is also of interest to her. Influences include Peter Doig, Andy Warhol, George HoyningenHeune, David Hockney and Richard Hamilton. The artists’ work will be on show in the Visual Arts and Creative Media Learning Zones, be sure to go and take a look up on the second floor.



Celebrating Worthing College

Take part in Exchange Trip to USA

Nearly every year since 1992 about

• Visited Trump Tower, Tiffany’s, Grand Central Station and New

15 College students have spent 12

York Public Library.

days in the USA as guests of students in Cleveland, Ohio. We fly to New York City and spend two or three days sight-seeing before flying up to Cleveland, where we stay with the families of high school students attending Shaker Heights High School. Amongst the things we have done in previous years have been: In New York: • Watched the sun set over New York from either the Top of The Rock or the Empire State building. • Watched the street entertainers in Battery Park before walking to Ground Zero and then taking the subway to Central Park.

• A river tour up the Hudson River, taking in the Statue of Liberty. • Walked the Highline and Brooklyn Bridge. • Met in Times Square at sunset and had dinner. • Visited all nine floors of Macys, the biggest department store in the world. • Walked through or hired bikes in Central Park. • Shopped!

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In Cleveland: • Had a guided visit to the Amish Community. • Attended classes at Shaker High School. Visited the rain forest museum at Cleveland Zoo. • Explored the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. • Visited the Great Lakes Science Centre. • Shopped at Tower City, the main shopping mall in Cleveland. • Had a guided tour of the Cleveland Cavaliers Arena. • Attended baseball, football and basketball games. • Experienced an American court house.

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Opportunity Achievement Success Progression

Three Peaks Challenge: a mountain too far by Colin Illsley

Spurred on by regular coffee breaks, toilet stops and witty comments from the back of the minibus, we drove relentlessly ‘up north’ in search of the ‘Misty Mountains’ to take on the notorious 3 Peaks Challenge in support of Multiple Sclerosis. Whilst some staff provided a wealth of regular geographical updates and anecdotes, others slept and ate (sometimes simultaneously).

When the wind is so strong that you are being blown off the path, it is time to reconsider your plan. So with little daylight remaining, driving rain and 60mph winds we decided that caution was the safest path and aborted the ascent 40 minutes short of the summit. It was a huge disappointment but the right decision.

Sadly, crossing the border into Scotland proved to be the last time we saw the sun for two days. At the evening meal staff were in high spirits as we enjoyed the end of another year of teaching, however, whilst a huge breakfast filled our stomachs, the gloom and rain drained our spirits. The drive to Fort William was beautiful but there was not a lot to see through the rain and mist, and that set the tone for the coming days. Tourist Information met our request about current conditions on Ben Nevis with “You do know that the mountain has no rangers if you get stuck?” so we started walking earlier, just in case. It took about an hour before we met anyone coming the other way who had actually made it to the top, so we kept going and going and going. Eventually, things brightened up. But that was only the snow that accompanied the high winds and rain that now battered us. With walking poles now becoming ski poles we eventually summited and unfurled the MS-UK banner. Only three descents and two more mountains to go. Tiredness and injuries set in but with McDonald’s coffee waiting in the minibus we all got down safely. Unfortunately it took 9 hours.


With light fading, the wind increasing and the rain getting wetter we pushed on. Snowdon’s well-worn paths provided some light relief from the stones of Scafell Pike and Ben Nevis. We made good time but increased altitude exposes you to the elements.

Descending by torchlight, we returned to an anxious minibus at 11.00pm. With facilities closed, the toilets turned into a gathering of boot emptying, sock wringing ‘drowned rats’.

On we went, driving through the night back to scale Scafell Pike in the Lake District. Ben Nevis and 6 hours in a minibus had taken its toll and soon the ‘Intrepid Eleven’ were unfortunately reduced to six. Scafell provided no respite from the mist, wind and rain, but it was conquered. If going up was hard, coming down proved even more eventful and getting lost in the mist meant we took an alternative path. We were reunited with the expectant crowd waiting at the minibus, providing refreshments and support. And off we went again to tame the ‘Welsh Dragon’ of Snowdon.

A long overnight drive back to Worthing gave us time to reflect on what had been achieved rather than what had not. The team gave the challenge their best efforts but were beaten by the conditions. But what proved more important was the opportunity to meet and enjoy everyone’s company at the end of a very busy year. We enjoyed it so much that we are discussing another challenge for 2016. A bit closer to home and perhaps a bit easier. We’ll keep you posted. The Worthing College team was Colin Illsley, Barry Paine, Fiona Hilditch, Nina Alliston, Mark Sambrook, Jack Churchett, Ellie Williams, Helen Stewart, Pat Sired, Tim Westcott, Nikki Gatland, Cyrena Lownds. A big thank you to all the team, and everyone who supported and sponsored us, even when you knew we hadn’t finished the challenge. We raised £1044.50 for MS-UK and it is very much appreciated by us all.


Celebrating Worthing College

New Student Union welcomes students Worthing College Grassland project needs help to grow Over the next few weeks at Worthing College we will be preparing and planting up an area of set-aside land to help encourage a low-nutrient grassland sward and increase the plant diversity on site. We will be stripping off some of the turfs, and cutting and raking grass to reduce the nutrient input.

“Welcome to Worthing College. The student union is here to make your life at college as fun and enjoyable as possible. We organise events, help to improve the college and set up charity events to raise money for great causes. But most of all we’re here to get your voice heard.

If you have any questions or problems over the next year, please do not hesitate to ask one of us. You can contact us by email or add the ‘Worthing College Student Union’ on Facebook and message us. Also if you see us around college feel free to ask us any time!”

We organise many charity events throughout the year which happen nationally such as Movember and Red Nose day, whist also hosting a variety of other charity events such as the sleep out, raising money for the Worthing Churches Homeless project. We organise many other events at Christmas and Easter and the end of year party.

Jurgen Forster Student Union President

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As we are planting wild flower plugs we need them to be in the ground before the end of autumn to give them the best chance of toughening up and gaining a head start in spring. This is a fairly large scale project for us to complete on our one day a week but very worthwhile. Grasslands are very productive and a greater diversity of habitats onsite will be a real benefit to wildlife. With that in mind it would be good to see as many of you as possible involved in this project over the next few weeks. Feel free to spread the word among your friends and peers to help build capacity of the group and enable us to take on more projects like this.

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England ace excited by talent on show at AASE Worthing College Women’s Rugby Worthing College, one of eight Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence centres in the UK, opened its doors on the 26th August to top players across the South. 45 players from U15s and U18s were welcomed to the college, to show how the AASE centre is run and how it produces players for future Olympic games. Previous student and England 7s player, Amy Wilson Hardy was the guest coach on the day, along with Divisional Coach for the South East, Alex Austerberry, coaching the skills needed to perform at the highest level.

Ex student Amy Wilson Hardy passes on her England experience and expertise at the AASE workshops held at Worthing College in August

Wilson Hardy said “The talent on display was exceptional, and the state of the women’s game is in good hands”. Mark Rugman AASE manager at Worthing agreed saying “it was excellent to see so many talented and aspirational players, taking advantage of the AASE provision at the college, and the 2016/2017 season enrolment of players looks very exciting” AASE is the recognised RFU pathway for female rugby players who have the potential to go on and represent England. Since the AASE accreditation was awarded to Worthing, two years ago, they have gone on and won the National Finals, five 7s tournament and have had a number of players who have trialed at U20s level.



Celebrating Worthing College

Ex Worthing College Lucy achieves her goal and sets her sights on England Ex Worthing College student Lucy Soames is now a regular in Brighton & Hove Albion’s women’s team and is definitely starting to make her mark at the highest level. The team have made a fine start to the season and like their male counterparts they head the table ahead of Cardiff and have yet to concede a goal.

Lucy in action against Gillingham

Durrington girl Soames has been very pleased with the way things have started and said “It’s been a really great start, we’ve gone into this season with all guns blazing and we are hoping to keep it that way. As a team, we’ve done really well as a

International Foundation Year

defensive unit. We want to stay strong mentally, try to pick up some more wins, and keep the goals coming.” As a student Lucy studied BTEC Sport in which she achieved A*A*A* as well as being a vital member of the Women’s Football programme. before spending a year at the college as an Activity Leadership Apprentice. She also played for England Colleges and was selected for England Under 19 squad. Whilst at college she stated her ambitions were to play in the Women’s Super League and represent England in the full senor squad.

The International Foundation Year is a one year pre-university qualification which includes a significant amount of English language teaching. The qualification is designed to provide an entry route to a UK or overseas university or progression on to the NCC Education Level 4 Diplomas in Computing, Business or Business IT.

Welcome to our new international students seen here with Head of our International Office, Martin Cox

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The qualification will allow international students to: • Improve and develop English language skills and ability. • Enhance study skills and cultural understanding. • Introduce academic study in English within Computing and/or Business. • Boost research, presentation and study skills.

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We’ve got a lovely bunch of coconut drinks September saw our new hydration partner for Sports Academy students, Coco5, come in to talk about the fantastic health benefits of the drink and how it improves performance. After a presentation by CEO of C7Brands Steve Barton, which showcased elite sportsmen and women who endorsed the hydration qualities of the drink, students were given free samples to taste. They were also presented with free drinks bottles to ensure they stay hydrated

This was just the start of a whole host of activities which will create a partnership between the brand and the Worthing College Sports Academies which will contribute to such things as an inovative new Sports app which will provide fixture, training and match reports straight to students and fans alike. Coco5 will also provide access for the college to a variety of elite sports people who will give workshops, advice and training sessions to Academy students.



Celebrating Worthing College

Catering team move in-house Since the 1st July the catering team have become part of the Worthing College staff team. The rationale is to ensure we can provide both the quality of the product on offer and affect both sales and profitability. The team led by catering manager Ron Bell have joined the Marketing, Events, and Estates team to provide an excellent service to both students and staff as well as provide the hospitality services for our growing number of corporate customers. We’d like to welcome the team to the fold and wish them good luck as they start to deliver this new and exciting venture for the college.


• Conference Centre • Meeting Rooms • Large Exhibition Hall • Training Rooms • Cafés and catering • Dance Studio and Theatre • Tennis and Netball Courts • Free on-site parking • For your business or social events

For more information contact info@worthing.ac.uk or visit www.worthing.ac.uk

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Celebrating Worthing College

Key dates to remember for 2015/16 From October 2015

Apply on line at www.worthing.ac.uk or complete the application form (available on our website) and return it by 18 December 2015 to our Admissions Office: Worthing College,1 Sanditon Way, Worthing, BN14 9FD. On receipt of your application, we will invite you to attend an admission interview on a specific date and time.

Tues 6 October 2015

Year 12 Information Evening for Parents / Carers 5.00pm - 8.00pm

Sat 7 November 2015

Open Day

Mon 9 November 2015 Tues 10 November 2015

Open Evening Open Evening

4.30pm - 7.30pm 4.30pm - 7.30pm

Thurs 3 December Tues 8th December

Year 12 Consultation Evening A - K Year 12 Consultation Evening L - Z

5.0pm - 8.00pm 5.0pm - 8.00pm

Thurs 17 March 2016

Open Evening

5.00pm - 7.30pm

Tues 7 June 2016

Open Event

3.00pm - 6.00pm

Tues 5 July 2016

Introductory Day

8.30am - 3.00pm

Wed 31 August to Fri 2 September 2016

Enrolment. Your offer letter will give you details about your exact enrolment date and time.

10.30am - 2.00pm

A nursery that really lives up to its name Please call today to arrange a visit to view our fantastic nursery on 01903 www.worthing.ac.uk Email: nursery@worthing.ac.uk

Welcome to our new staff: Ben Albiston, David Beaney, Chelsea Bell-Savage, Lawrence Benzie, Alex Blackburn, Charles Bowen, Steven Cook, Chris Cooper, Nigel Crawley, Ryan Etherington, Joseph Fife, Chloe Ford, Giorgio Green, Harley Griffin, Emilie Gwennap, Connor Heaney, Roxanne Humphrey, Taylor Jeal, Jake Lamb, Callum Lee, Jack LLoyd, John Loader, Nicola Macmaster, Henry


Children First Nursery


Forest School

Marshall, Elizabeth Newington, Emily Newton, Andrew Nicholson, Jodie Penney, Ray Perry, Shannon Sanders, Calum Scott, Katie Smithers, Chris Stabler, Rick Wakeman

Georgie Hook, Nick Humphrey,

Farewell to:

Amelia Smith, Harry Smith, Jack

Gabie Archer, Ashley Arnott, Louise Chamberlin, Harley Colwell-Levene, Bernie Flint, Ollie Francisco, Nikki Gatland, Karl Gill, Dan Grevatt, Courtney Hazelwood, Tom Hoare,

Rachel Jones, Lucy Kyle, Patricia Lockwood, Cyrena Lownds, Paige Manvell, George McNaughton, Connor Mountfield, Chloe Pannell, Smith, Lyn Smith, Andy Strickland, Nick Sutton, Phoebe Thorpe, Luke Toughey, Lena Urquart, Peter Varley, Ollie Watkins, Gemma Webb, Samuel Wildman

About ‘Celebrating Worthing College’ Celebrating Worthing College is produced by the Worthing College Marketing Team. If you have any comments about this publication email info@worthing.ac.uk or call Chris Hughes 01903 275755.



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