New Worthing College plans

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this exhibition

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Welcome to our exhibition relating to Worthing College’s plans to move from our existing site on Bolsover Road to a new campus at the Warren on Hill Barn Lane. Worthing College sees the delivery of new buildings as being very important to the continued success of the College and previous attempts to secure improvements have been unsuccessful, most recently following the loss of financial support from the Learning and Skills Council in 2009 due to oversubscription of their national funding programme.

We are keen to hear your views on the proposals and encourage you to complete a comment form and leave us with your feedback. All comments are important to us and will be carefully considered ahead of the submission of any planning applications. Our development team is also on hand to discuss the proposals and answer any questions that you might have. Bolsover Road Site Location Plan

No significant funding will be available from the Government for the foreseeable future; consequently Worthing College intends to sell its Bolsover Road site and a small part of the Warren to their development partner Barratt Osborne Worthing LLP, whose residential development on both sites will enable Worthing College’s relocation. This is one of the first proposals of its kind in the UK where Worthing College will fund its relocation through the receipt of private capital from the sale of their current campus, and a small area of the Warren.

The Warren Site Location Plan

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A Vision

for the


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At Worthing College, students come first. Worthing College is a popular place for 16-19 year-olds in the Worthing, Littlehampton, Angmering, Lancing and Shoreham areas to study. The college offers the largest range of A level and Level 3 BTEC courses in our local area along with a wide range of Level 2 and Level 1 BTEC, GCSE and ESOL courses. And for keen sports people, the Academy of Sport offers unrivalled opportunities to combine sporting success with academic achievement. Worthing College provides local young people with the qualifications and skills they need for the future, making a major contribution to the education and training needs of our community. Our mission is to provide: •Opportunity - with a curriculum designed to meet the needs of students •Achievement – making teaching and learning a top priority •Success - working in partnership with students to meet their needs •Progression – helping students make the right move for their future growth

In recent years the College has grown and now has more than 1,700 students including international students and 240 staff. As Worthing College is such a popular choice, we need to plan for our future. Currently we are short of space on the 13 acre site we occupy at Bolsover Road and growth has meant we have had to turn to temporary accommodation. The current buildings are of relatively poor quality, are not the right size and there is a lack of basic facilities for sport, drama and social space. In addition there is an extensive backlog of maintenance work required that is very expensive.

Our young people deserve the best educational experience we can offer

In the long term this is not acceptable for our students and we need more space to renew our teaching, sport, drama and social facilities. The simple truth is we have both outgrown and exhausted our current home – and that is why we are proposing to develop the Warren site. Worthing College’s current campus

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Why Choose site?



The Warren site will enable Worthing College to offer a learning environment for students and staff with state of the art facilities that are fit for a 21st Century education.

There will also be opportunities to develop a major community facility which could include evening classes and lettings and hirings for a range of community uses

It represents an investment in post 16 education of £21 million and the chance to improve the qualifications and skill levels of young people at a critical time for the local economy.

College Principal, Peter Corrigan, said: “This scheme will provide superb new facilities in a prestigious site in Worthing which will largely be retained in its existing form and layout. The scheme will meet the education and training needs of young people in Worthing for generations to come and be a key part of local regeneration.”

The 18 acre site will provide large size teaching rooms, extensive outdoor space, sports pitches, access to the South Downs and space for future expansion. The new facilities at the Warren will be created from refurbishing and re-modeling existing buildings offering Worthing College a unique opportunity that does not exist at any other site in Worthing.

The New Worthing College

Our students deserve the best – and the Warren gives them a prestigious location that will inspire staff and students as well as raise aspirations.

They will include a range of very good sized classrooms, laboratories, vocational rooms and Learning Centres. The extensive site will allow for two new refectories/coffee bars for students and staff as well as a larger nursery, library, fitness suite and Performing Arts Centre.

Our young people deserve the best educational experience we can offer

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NEW WORTHING COLLEGE 13041 - DHA Warren Masterplan A1 Board v1.indd 1

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Visual Arts The new Visual Arts Centre will include open plan studios in Fine Art, Graphics, Photography and Media Studies. There will be darkrooms and media editing suites as well as a Learning Centre. The new facilities will allow all Visual Arts disciplines to be located together and gain all the benefits of working alongside each other.



the neW fACilities

Performing Arts The new Performing Arts Centre will include a Drama Studio, classrooms, a Dance Studio, showers and toilets, a Green Room and an area for making and storing props. Science and Mathematics The new Science and Mathematics area will provide large laboratories for Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Electronics and Applied Sciences. The large Mathematics teaching area will meet the needs of the Mathematics Centre of Excellence and the Mathematics Academy. Sport at the new College The new site will include two sports pitches, a multi gym, changing facilities and access to the Rotary and Hill Barn playing fields. The Planning Application will also include a floodlit Netball/ Tennis facility which will not be built immediately.

The College will continue to work closely with Worthing Borough Council utilising sports facilities at Worthing Leisure Centre. In addition Worthing College intends to make its sports facilities, dance studio and other amenities available for use by the local community.

Proposed College Ground Floor Layout Plan

Creative / Performing Arts Building

Student Services and Social Space The new College will have two cafeterias, a multi gym, student parking and changing rooms, and there will be a large library with an integrated student services area including a College shop, Student Advice and Support, Finance Services and Examinations. There will also be a Health and Wellbeing Centre. Transport and Access Very few of our students drive as they are too young, haven’t passed their test or do not have a car, however there will be student parking on site and we will be encouraging cycle use. The roundabout at the Warren will be considered to facilitate car, bicycle and pedestrian access. The previous owner had 609 car parking spaces on site. Worthing College proposes 200 car parking spaces, including disabled spaces, along with spaces for motorcycle and bicycle parking.

Perfprming arts at Worthing College

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In order to make Worthing College’s plans a reality an area of the Warren would be sold to the College’s development partner Barratt Osborne Worthing LLP for residential development.

13041 - DHA Warren ResDev A1 Board v1.indd 1

The Warren residenTial developmenT


The site at the Warren is suitable for approximately 35 homes, currently comprising: • A one-bedroom coach house • 9 two-bedroom apartments • 13 five-bedroom detached houses • 8 four-bedroom detached houses • 4 four-bedroom semi-detached houses The homes will be built to level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes and incorporate a 10% renewable energy provision. Each apartment will be served by a designated parking space plus one visitor space per two apartments, and each house will be served by three or four spaces. The access will be through Worthing College’s car park.

Residential Development

View of the Proposed Development

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the WArren trAnsport

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Transport As part of the proposals a comprehensive transport assessment is being prepared considering the current status of local roads and the predicted future impact that may occur with Worthing College’s relocation.

Worthing College will also promote cycling and walking in the green travel plan and propose improved cycle and pedestrian links to the east, west and south of the Warren, with signal controlled crossings at the Grove Lodge Roundabout to ensure safe access.

When compared to the fully occupied previous use of the site in 2003, the proposed plans of both the College and the residential development will have 50% less traffic than before. Worthing College would produce a green travel plan for staff and students which will promote sustainable methods of transport and the College will do all it can to ensure that staff and students do not use the upper part of Hill Barn Lane and the unadopted road of Fourth Avenue. In order to reinforce this policy, the exit of the Warren will be signposted “Right Turn Only” directing staff, students and residents toward the Grove Lodge roundabout. The new site is close to a mile from Worthing Station and a shuttle bus service is being considered to travel from the Station to the College, interlinking with the three existing buses that provide regular services. These buses cover routes north, east and west of the site and all stop at Worthing Station.

The Warren Potential Road Improvement Plan

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Bolsover road Masterplan

NEW WORTHING COLLEGE 13041 - DHA Bolsover Masterplan B A1 Board v1.indd 1

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The largest part of the funding for Worthing College’s proposals would come from the sale of the College’s existing campus site at Bolsover Road to Barratt Osborne Worthing LLP for residential redevelopment.

13041 - DHA Bolsover Masterplan A A1 Board v1.indd 1

The affordable housing provision would equate to 53 homes, included in the summary above, and this currently comprises: • • • •

11 one-bedroom apartments 18 two-bedroom apartments 14 two-bedroom houses 10 three-bedroom houses

Access to the site will be from Bolsover Road. Each apartment will be served by a designated parking space plus one visitor space per four apartments, and each house will be served by two spaces; a number of additional parking spaces in the street for use by visitors will also be provided. Each home will be built to level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes and feature a 10% provision for renewable energy. In addition to the residential properties proposed, there is provision for a community building or medical surgery of approximately 2,500 sq ft depending on what the community desires.

Bolsover road Masterplan


This site is suitable for a development of up to 264 homes with an affordable housing provision of 20% depending on viability.

Currently the scheme comprises: • 20 one-bedroom apartments • 54 two-bedroom apartments • 27 two-bedroom houses • 91 three-bedroom houses • 72 four-bedroom houses

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13041 - DHA Bolsover ResDev A A1 Board v1.indd 1

Bolsover road residential development


This community building provides a valuable contribution to the urban streetscape addressing the large space occupied by the roundabout. Immediately to the south of this landmark building is the proposed site access in the form of a Transitional Street which introduces the visitor to the change in environment to one of a more domestic nature, with the associated reduction in vehicle speed and scale of buildings and spaces.




The housing development proposals within the main part of the site follow a ‘gridiron’ form replicating the presiding character of the general development form of the 1920s, 1930s and postwar suburban housing to the north and north-east of the site.





A positively orientated and appropriately scaled four storey building is proposed addressing the Shaftesbury Avenue roundabout. This building contains a new Doctor’s Surgery on 2 floors with 2 floors of apartments above.


View of the Suburban Transition

The housing to the south of the initial length of the access road follows the semi-detached rhythmic form of the housing to this part of Bolsover Road. This creates a Suburban Response; with the pairs of houses creating an arc of broken built form, to draw the existing street in to the new development and to draw the new development out to join with the existing community. The scale and architectural detailing of the other buildings facing onto Shaftesbury Avenue create an Urban Response to the commercial and retail buildings to the west of the site. These larger buildings, 4 storeys in height, have elementally similar architectural treatments to the housing within the development proposals but used with a more modern approach. The care taken with the materials and detailing will ensure a subtle transition from the hard, commercial, urban form at the East of Shaftesbury Avenue to the softer, domestic scale suburban form of the housing within the site.

Proposed Architectural Style

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View of the Green Arcadia

Proposed Green Arcadia Architectural Style

13041 - DHA Bolsover ResDev B A1 Board v1.indd 1

Bolsover road residential development


axis for the occupiers of the existing houses to the north and north east of the site on the journey to the Station and other facilities to the East. The primary street, forming a loop from and returning to the Transitional Street, is the Green Arcadia. This street has a footpath along its length where it travels east-west. The street introduces a series of nodal design feature squares which announce the junctions and gateways that exist along its length. The buildings addressing the street are generally a mix of 2 and 2½ storey houses with a careful mix of on street, on plot and courtyard parking. The surface treatments and alignment of the carriageway provide traffic calming, ensuring a design speed of 20mph is achieved.

View of the Urban Square

The Buildings that address this Urban Square will be houses and apartments, 3 storey in nature, with elevations having a vertical emphasis, creating a clearly defined sense of enclosure to the square. The tertiary linking streets are called Ribbon Streets. These bridge the Green Arcadia in the north-south axis, and are formed by shared surface mews of 2 and 2½ storey houses. With shared surfaces and the parking on street, these streets will feel like enclosed courtyards, private in nature and not part of the general ‘through route’ of the development. View of the Ribbon Street

At the centre of the proposals is an Urban Square; this formal area of open space is located so as to be convenient for occupiers of all of the properties within the development as well as being on the east/west Proposed Ribbon Street Architectural Style

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bolsoVer roAd trAnsport

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Following the residential redevelopment of the Bolsover Road site there is likely to be no significant change in traffic movements at peak hours when compared to the traffic movements relating to Worthing College.



Transport As part of the comprehensive transport assessment for the proposals consideration has been given to the likely changes caused by the residential redevelopment of the Bolsover Road campus.

In addition, one of the issues the College has at Bolsover Road is a lack of parking spaces for students and so with the relocation of the College, overflow parking in the surrounding streets will also see a dramatic reduction. Consequently the transport infrastructure surrounding the site will likely require only limited improvements, with the only likely change being the widening of the island on Bolsover Road by the roundabout to accommodate a large car or light goods vehicle.

Bolsover Road Potential Road Improvement Plan

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your VieWs Count Thank you for taking the time to view the proposals today. We are keen to hear your views and encourage you to complete one of the comment forms available. Please place your completed form in the comment box provided, or, if you wish to consider further the proposals before responding, please take a freepost envelope provided for your convenience. Your comments are important to us and will be carefully considered before the submission of the planning applications.

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or visit us at

0800 169 8766



Should you have any further questions following the exhibition please call our team on freephone

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