Nursery Newsletter January 2018

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Dates for your diary School application deadline : Monday 15th January. Burns Night : 25th January

General information A warm welcome and Happy new year to all our families old and new. We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas . Thank you so much for all the cards, gifts and well wishes we received. A Big thank you to all our children for making Christmas so special, there really is nothing like seeing this exciting time through the eyes of children.

The Nursery will be celebrating Burns Night on 25th January. This will include activities such as learning about the traditions of Robert Burns, colouring pictures and enjoying a Burns Night supper! For more information visit:

Groups and club ideas There are many different group and clubs that you can attend with your child. Many children centres have a packed program so it is well worth familiarising yourself with your local family centre if you haven't done so already (link below). Below are some other groups suggested by parents: Ballet at the Warren club (opposite the nursery) Saturday mornings Music group at English Martyrs 10-11am term time only Fridays Gymco gymnastics drop in at Field Place 11-12 Wednesday and Thursdays Offington park– singing group

Monthly website This is the website for the local Children and Family Centres.

Training The following staff went on these training courses recently

Ann– Creating play environments and fresh eyes, looking at children’s involvement


Monica—Child Protection Sarah Camp and Cat—Good manager, great leader

Tel: 01903 275750 Email: Sanditon Way, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 9FD

Little Eggs This month We welcome Emily, Chloe, Ava and Isobel to Little Eggs. We look forward to watching you grow with us.

This month we will be settling in our new babies with lots of cuddles and reassurance, spending lots of time together building bonds between the babies and staff. We will be enjoying lots of messy play activities to explore sensory play as well as learning some new songs and rhymes as the babies love these.

We will be having a student called Helen joining us for 12 weeks who is studying for her degree.

Acknowledgements We would like to wish all the babies that have moved up to Caterpillars a brilliant transition. We know you will love the new room.

Other bits and bobs Please let us know any changes to your baby’s routine so we can accommodate this. We are also happy for parents to call on email frequently whilst your child is settling. We are more than happy to up date you on their day.

Ideas for home Singing lots of nursery rhymes at home to encourage language . The babies love this at nursery. They also love to learn the actions.

Caterpillars This month We welcome Caelan, Ellie, Chester, Isabelle, Ella Jack, Max, Benoit into the room

As it’s a new year we will be looking at new life. We will be reading ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and enjoy tasting different fruits. We will also focus on fireworks and animals which can see in the dark. We will continue to spend time out in the garden and exploring our mud and digging area.

Acknowledgements Thank you for all the Christmas cards and gifts. We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas

Other bits and bobs We will be celebrating Burns night.

Ideas for home Use left over tinsel, toilet rolls, tinfoil and wrapping paper to make firework rockets.

Blossom This month We really did start December off with great excitement and thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas Fair with a visit from Santa on the 2nd December. Blossom children helped decorate the room ready for the morning of fun and we continued our Christmas theme with lots of glitter and crown making for our party which was great fun. The children made Penguins in Forest School and child initiated cards with a little touch of natural mixed in. December is a busy time at nursery but we also made sure our children had some quiet times reading Christmas Books as well as outdoor activities to let off steam. We have been on a Christmas Tree hunt using maths skills to look for big and small trees and enjoyed showing the winter landscape to the children. We loved our Christmas Dinner cooked by our Chef Denise and delivered Christmas cards to the wonderfully helpful Premises Team, Principal’s Office and of course our amazing Management Team.

Acknowledgements We will be sorry to lose some children to Butterfly room but know that they will love it in the Pre-School . Our transition settles sessions have gone well and we will continue to put you and your child’s well-being at the centre of our minds. We welcome Caterpillars children moving up. Exciting times ahead in January.

Other bits and bobs Well done to Sarah Thompson for passing Unit 1 in her Level 4 studies and for Amy passing her maths. Imogen our student is moving to another room after Christmas mas and will miss her. She has been a great help.

Ideas for home Use left over Christmas decorations and cards to make collages and pictures.

Butterflies This month We would like to welcome Christian who is new to the setting. Joining our room from Blossom is William, Reuben, Indie, James, Mia, Anja, Preston, Olivia and Bonnie . Helping the new children with the older children becoming buddies to support them in their new room. We will be making our own Christmas book, showing everyone what gifts we received for Christmas. We will be developing our new rules for the room and learning the routines of the day with the help of our new visual timetable. We will become shape detectives looking for shapes within our environment. Later in the month we will start our dinosaur theme with some great creative activities and learning new dinosaur names, digging for bones and creating our very own dinosaurs. We welcome Hannah to our team, who will be working with small groups of children, developing confidence in the room.

Acknowledgements Thank you to all parents who have helped with the church trips. We couldn’t have done this without your support. Well done to all our amazing Nativity stars, what a great performance, lovely to see so many smiling face throughout. Well done Lennie on becoming a big brother. Best wishes to the family. Lastly we would like to say a big thank you to all the dedicated Butterfly team for making the children’s days full of fun.

Other bits and bobs Please remember to label outer clothing such as gloves, hats and scarves. Donna has been called for Jury service for the first two weeks in January so will not be at nursery but the rest of the Butterfly team will be.

Ideas for home We hope you have enjoyed the festive period. Go on a winter walk and see what you can discover or collect. Take photos of what you discover!

Forest School December brought us some very chilly weather for forest school but we still got out there as much as possible!! All the blossom and butterfly children visited forest school to make penguins, and have a hot chocolate. They were really proud of their creations and we hope you enjoyed them once they came home. This month we will be starting new sessions in forest school. We will be sending an email home to children who are in the next set of groups as well as putting information in the entrance next to the forest school board.

Other bits and bobs Did you know our holiday club and forest school is on Instagram. Please come and follow us at to see what we get up to out in forest school

Ideas for home As it is cold the birds need feeding!! There are lots of quick bird feeders you can make , the easiest is weaving a willow loop and attaching an apple in the middle for the birds to eat

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