Nursery newsletter june 2017

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June 2017

Dates for your diary Ramadan– 27th May-25th June Fathers’ Day Tea– Friday 16th June (Friday PM children only) Washbrook Farm– Thursday 29th June (Butterflies only) Summer Fair— Saturday 22nd July

Photographer— 6th and 7th June, to take outdoor pictures of the children in Forest School. Butterflies Leavers’ party— Wednesday 19th July (School leavers only) Sports Day– Monday 7th August

General information 30 hours free entitlement I know lots of you are understandably keen to find out about our plans for the new 30-hour free entitlement in September. I can confirm that we do plan to offer the 30 hours from September but we are currently in the process of sorting out exactly how. We are still waiting for more information from our local authority and until we have received this, we are unable to finalise our plans for how best to offer the hours within the setting. The website for parents to check their eligibility is now open and is: If you are eligible, you will be issued a code, which we ask you to keep safe for the time being until we request it, and we will let you know what else we need when we contact you with further information about the 30 hours. We are also able to take the tax-free childcare for those of you who are signing up to this. The link above will take you to information about both and you can contact Jana about information on this at

Tel: 01903 275750 Email: Sanditon Way, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 9FD

June 2017

General information continued… Training This month, Kirsty, Rea, Kim and Denise all attended a PREVENT training course. Kirsty also did some PREVENT online training and Kim also attended ‘Child protection for the designated person’ and an ‘early years learning and development’ network meeting. Chelsea. M. attended ‘Understanding the attachment theory and behaviour’. Sarah. T. went on ‘Including all children’. Jodie went on ‘Practical communication activities and information for early years practitioners’ and Jade attended ‘Introduction to Child Protection’. Space Dome visit The children were able to visit the Chichester University Space dome. They had a talk about space and got to experiment with what it would be like to be an astronaut. Sunshine With the weather getting hotter we would like to remind you to ensure you have paid and signed the permission form for sun cream. Alternatively, you are welcome to bring in your own sun cream. We have displayed a poster on each door about sun safety from the NHS . Please feel free to visit the NHS site for more information. Summer fair Our Summer fair is on Saturday the 22nd July from 11am-1pm. We will have lots of games, a raffle and an ice cream van. Please bring a picnic and enjoy the lawn games. All the family welcome. We are also looking for prizes for our raffle so please let us know if you can help. Thanks in advance. Photographer We have a photographer coming to the nursery on Tuesday 6th June and Wednesday 7th June. They will take pictures of the children in the Forest School area. If you child doesn't attend on these days then you can bring them in between 11am-1pm on either day. Sports day We will be having a whole nursery Sports day on Monday 7th August. More information on this to follow. Butterflies Leavers’ party Butterflies will be having a party for all the leavers on 19th July. More information on this will follow shortly.

Tel: 01903 275750 Email: Sanditon Way, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 9FD

Little Eggs This month We welcome Sienna and Sophie and say a sad goodbye to Jasper. We will be looking closely at nature, specifically flowers and leaves, getting outside on walks to enjoy these. We will be settling new friends and continuing relationship building as a whole. We will also be celebrating the important men in our lives in the run up to Fathers day by making some cards and other creative bits and bobs!

Other bits and bobs Please remember sun cream and creams if you provide your own. Please also label all of your belongings!

Ideas for home Now that the weather is so beautiful, why not explore messy play in your garden and/or out and about with a large unwanted sheet and some paint!

Caterpillars This month We welcome Adam and Andrei to nursery– we are looking forward to getting to know you both! We will be celebrating Fathers Day using our creative sides so expect some lovely art work to be sent home! We will continue our interest in bugs by going on nature walks, looking under the logs in our garden and using our digging pit! We will also continue caring for ‘Gary the snail’ who has laid eggs! We will be keeping an eye on these to see if anything progresses. We will be supporting our interest in water play by using funnels and sea animal toys in our water tray. We will also be expanding our counting number skills by floating counting ducks and frogs on water! To celebrate Ramadan we are going to be making paper lanterns!

Acknowledgements It is with great sadness to say Chanel will be leaving mid July to further her qualifications at university! Good luck Chanel and all the best with your degree!

Other bits and bobs Please can we have some unusual bottles e.g. spray, pump, drink to continue our water experiments.

Ideas for home Go and have a look for different bugs in your garden and also try and spot some snails– you could even make a little snail home!

Blossom This month We welcome Preston and Olivia to Blossom– we are very excited to get to know you better and have lots of fun! We have started theming our afternoon planning on the whiteboard outside our room; we will update you via this on the theme for the week. We are creating stimulating activities around these themes– e.g. we had health and self care week recently, where we practised using cutlery and washing our toy babies. We have carried out this new idea over the last couple of weeks and the children have really benefitted from developing in specific areas through play!

Acknowledgements We are very sad to tell you that our lovely Charlotte will be leaving us on the 15th June! We wish her all the best for the future and will miss her very much!

Other bits and bobs Now that the weather is getting nicer, can we please remind you to either bring in your own sun cream or see a member of staff about paying and signing for the nursery sun cream.

Ideas for home Please do encourage using cutlery at home!

Butterflies This month We will be continuing our farm theme with our trip to Washbrook Farm! We will also be having some focused weeks supporting school readiness including number hunting and writing, physical activities and changing for P.E. We will be celebrating Fathers Day with lots of fun activities such as making rosettes, ties and cards for our daddies. We will also be hosting a Fathers Day Tea. We also hope to get out and about in this lovely weather on the field, in forest school, on walks and in our nature trail; exploring the changes as Summer comes!

Acknowledgements Thank you to everybody who has offered to help on the Washbrook Farm trip. Congratulations to Harry. LT and family on the safe arrival of Evie. Harry is a very excited big brother! Thank you to Louisa Wilson for inviting us up to the exhibition hall for a science talk.

Other bits and bobs Please remember to check your child’s tray regularly. We have had a few items of clothing go missing. Please can you check at home in case they have been picked up by mistake. Thank you.

Ideas for home Grow your sunflower seed and see if you can measure it!

Forest School This month we will watch with interest our courgettes and strawberries that are loving the warm weather! Also our seeds have started to sprout so hopefully our carrots and beans will grow.

The nature walk has come alive with wildlife, bird song and wild flowers. Everything is so colourful. We have pointed out nests and badger sets to the children.

Other bits and bobs The children loved the bow and arrows, fire lighting and toast this term– look out for some photographs in the weekly photo emails! Just a reminder that thin cotton long sleeve t-shirts and thin cotton leggings or knee length shorts with sturdy shoes are perfect clothing for nursery and forest school visits.

Ideas for home Visit ‘pick your own’ and have a tractor ride! Make a fruit smoothie or freeze some fruit for a frozen treat.

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