Nursery Newsletter September 2017

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September 2017

General information Thank you to everyone who attended the sports day. We had a lovely day with some very competitive children and parents! As you may know we had our OFSTED inspection Thursday 10th August. The report will be published shortly. Thank you to all the parents who gave up time to talk to the inspector. The day went very smoothly. We would like to say a big hello and welcome to all the new children who have/will be starting with us over the next few weeks. We also welcome some new staff . Sonam who is an apprentice in Little Eggs and Caterpillars. Rachel who is level 3 qualified in butterflies. Jemma who is level 3 qualified in caterpillars. Monica who will job share with Emma is level 3 qualified in Little Eggs. You can see their pictures on the wall outside the rooms.

Monthly website Please see the website for more information on equality and diversity linked to the training the staff received.

Training All staff have had PREVENT briefing from the managers who attended the training along with equality and diversity.

Tel: 01903 275750 Email: Sanditon Way, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 9FD

Little Eggs This month Welcome to Caelan, Luna, Noah, Isla, Isabella and Theo who are all starting nursery this month. We look forward to getting to know you all! We welcome Jodie our new room leader whilst Raina is away on maternity leave, Emma, Amina and Monica who is starting with us at the end of this month to the Little Eggs family. Nicole is remaining with us. This month we will be spending a lot of time focused on cuddles and bond building. We will spend lots of time building relationships with each other and getting to know what all our new friends like and enjoy doing. For our current Little Eggs, we will be celebrating and extending all the skills they have built! We will spend lots of time out and about exploring the environment; nature trail, walks in buggies, playing in the two caterpillar garden areas and saying hello to our old pals who have moved up!

Acknowledgements Thank you and goodbye to Dani and Rhia. Thank you for your care while you have been in Little Eggs. Goodbye and good luck in your new rooms! A big thank you from Raina to all my lovely Little Eggs parents for all your well wishes and gifts in the lead up to me going on maternity leave. It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know you all and to take care of your little ones! See you all when I return.

Other bits and bobs Please can all new families provide us with some photos of you and your little ones’ family so we can display this on our family board.

Ideas for home Explore the power of music rhythm song and rhyme. Our Little Eggs love music, exploring all different types; music to soothe and calm, music that they can action along to and music that inspires them to move their bodies and explore their own rhythm. Try lots of different genres and have a blast!

Caterpillars This month We welcome Duggie, Isobel, Evie. P, Amelie, George, Jessie, Seth and Jenson. We are so excited to help you settle into Caterpillars! The staff in Caterpillars are now Cat, Dani, Ann, Chelsea. BS and Sonam who is floating between Little Eggs and Caterpillars. We also welcome Jemma to our team who is starting this month. This month we will be talking about ‘all about me’. We ask parents to provide photos of our immediate family so we can display them on our wall! We will also be looking at our strength and what makes us unique within our new group. We will be looking at our interests and what makes us happy! To do this we will have mirrors around the room and play and bond together.

Acknowledgements We say goodbye to Andrea and Emma who are moving to work in Little Eggs! We also say goodbye to Bertie, Noah, Lincoln, Lottie, Sienna, Max, Ralph, Harry, Lucas, Emily, Luna, Thomas and Willow who are moving up to Blossom. We will miss you all but we know you will have so much fun in your new room!

Other bits and bobs Please, please, please can we have photos from home for our display! From recent interest and conversations regarding potty training, we are always happy to talk to you about this. We also have some information as you enter the nursery on the welcome table.

Ideas for home Talk about things that make you and your children special!

Blossom This month A very warm welcome to all our children and parents from our sparkly new team in Blossom, which comprises of Nina, Sarah. T, Andrea, Becky, Amy who is floating between Blossom and Butterflies and Sarah. C as room leader. Our first few weeks will concentrate on getting to know the children, helping them settle and get used to their new environment and we will then cement our new Key Person Groups namely Cherry, Apple, Peach and Orange, which links with our room name of Blossom. Things that will help us would be putting your child's name in their coat, making sure they have appropriate clothing/footwear and some spare clothes as well as sending them in with their comforter. We would welcome information regarding your child's interests, which could be anything from cooking to trains, gardening or even hoovers! These preferences are extremely useful as well as if they have a particular schemas they are displaying e.g. transporting (filling bags), lining up toys (trajectory) or posting things (enveloping) and can all be included in our planning of activities.

Butterflies This month We welcome all 18 children that are moving up to us from Blossom and Ava. F who is new to the setting. We welcome Rhia to the Butterfly team and Chelsea. M who will be in Butterflies full time now. We would also like to give a warm welcome to Rachel who is starting with us this month. Jemma is remaining with us, as is Donna as the room leader. This month we will be getting to know each other and focusing on ‘all about me and my family’, enabling the children to see similarities and differences between each other. We would be grateful if you could send in copies of family photos to give the children opportunities to talk about them within groups. This will help all the children to see that all families are different. We will be making family trees, counting the people in our family and measuring each other to see who is the tallest and shortest. We will be looking at stories of different families including ‘The Large Family’, ‘Charlie and Lola’ and ‘The Magic Key’ and we will be doing activities connected with these books. We would also like to hear from any parents/grandparents who would like to come in and help the children with activities like sewing, reading and gardening! We will be getting the children to explore their new room and learning where the different toys get packed away. We will get the children to think about new rules for the room and having a printed handprint to show their understanding of the rules. We will also be getting the children used to the different routines. Please see the next page for a refresher on ‘The day in the life of a Butterfly’. We will be starting our book club on week commencing Monday 18th September. This is a great opportunity to read with your child in preparation for going to big school next year! There will be more information to follow.

Acknowledgements Well done to all the children who were present during the Ofsted inspection, they were amazing and so polite to Shan the inspector.

Other bits and bobs There will be some changes to keyworker groups due to room moves of staff. Donna will be talking to any parents whose child will change keyworker. All new children to the room will have two weeks working with each key worker before being given a group; which will allow us to see where good bonds are being formed.

Ideas for home Look through family photos– talking to children about the different names of relatives e.g. aunt, uncle, cousin.

Butterflies– Staffing

A day in the life of a Butterfly We can come in from 7.30am and breakfast is served until 8.15am. For those of us who do not want breakfast or have finished already we can explore the different workshop areas around the room and we also open the doors to the garden by 8.45am. At around 9.15am we start rolling snack where children can choose if they want to come and sit down to join us for snack. We do this twice over to allow plenty of time and space for children to join us. Whilst snack is taking place free flow around the room and garden is available for the children. At around 10am we split into key person groups to carry out our key person planning. At 10.50am we tidy up and split into 2 groups for circle time. This could be songs, stories, dancing, games, rhyming and many other things. This is followed by hand washing and toileting. At 11.15am we sit down for lunch where we serve our own lunch and independently feed ourselves with a grown-up sat with us on each table. After lunch we have telly time to allow our tummies to settle after lunch, a staff member sits with us. We often link telly times with the topics we have been focusing on. After telly time we move back to free flow around the room and garden. At 1.15pm we have afternoon rolling snack At around 2pm we then divide back into groups for more planned focused activities. At 2.45pm we tidy up and have reading time before tea at 3pm. Once finished we sit down for our afternoon circle time. After this we move back into free flow At around 5.15pm we tidy up and close the doors to the garden. We then either go through to play with our friends in Blossom or they come through to play with us in Butterflies. Then we have a biscuit, drink and telly time to see us through to the end of the day. We regularly go out onto the nature trail and green spaces throughout the week as well as having lots of spontaneous things we do day to day. Every day we have access to mark making equipment and arts and crafts.

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