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Newsletter September 2016

Dates for your diary Thursday 8th September: Olympics sports day Tuesday 4th October 6-8pm: Parent workshop, all details have been emailed about this

General information September brings the start of a new academic year in the nursery. We would like to extend a warm welcome to all our new starters and we look forward to getting to know you all. We also have several children moving up into their new rooms, exciting times! Stuck for ideas of how to entertain your child‌... Although the summer holidays are over, we will hopefully hang onto some warmer weather and we have a lovely board full of ideas of what to do with your children, it is next to the office door. We would love you to share any photos of any of the suggested activities you have tried so that we can display them.

Other settings (nurseries, childminders etc.) If your child attends another setting, please let us know the name of the setting they attend and if you are happy for us to contact them to share progress assessments and observations. Breakfast Please note that breakfast is served until 8.15, we cannot provide breakfast after this time as it will be cleared away to allow staff to be able to be with the children without having to supervise the breakfast table. We do have snack at approximately 9.15 so it is not long to wait. Toilets Please can parents not enter the children's toilets unless there is a staff member present. Should your child need to go into the toilet when you arrive and they are not old enough to do so independently then please let a staff member know and they will assist them. Thank you Have a look at the monthly website

Universally Speaking: The ages and stages of children’s communication development from birth to 5 years.

Tel: 01903 275750 Email: Sanditon Way, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 9FD

Little Eggs This month We welcome Duggie, Evie, Aaliyah, Skylar and Fintan; we can’t wait to get to know you all much better! This month we will be going Olympic! We will be practicing and developing our gross and fine motor skills by preparing for our Olympic day events: synchronised splashing, walker races, buggy races and more!

Acknowledgements Well done to our lovely new eggs who are settling really well!

Other bits and bobs Please email/ bring in family photos so that we can display them!

Ideas for home For great ideas of things to do; please check the ‘30 things to do this summer’ display- send in photos!

Caterpillars This month We will be having an Olympics day which everybody is invited to, so please come along to watch your children become the next Jessica Ennis or Mo Farah!

This month we will also be talking about being kind to one another, sharing, taking turns and saying please and thank you. With the new children moving up, we will be settling them in and helping them to

Acknowledgements Goodbye to Ava, Millie, Nala, Iris, Lottie and Faye who are all moving up to Blossom! We will miss you!

Other bits and bobs Breakfast finishes at 8.15am, we then have snack at 9am. If you would like your child to have breakfast, please bring them in before 8.15am– we have a lot of mouths to feed!

Ideas for home Make stamps in playdough using natural objects, pinecones, twigs, leaves, stones, footprints etc. You could also make this into a treasure hunt by going out and finding natural objects!

Blossom This month We will be participating in our own nursery Olympics! If the weather stays lovely, we will be doing our Olympic sports on the field opposite the nursery. Parents and carers are welcome to join in or sit and watch, whichever you prefer! Children who don’t usually attend on the day of our Olympics are also more than welcome to join! We will be practicing very hard in the run up to the day so your support will be very much appreciated!

Other bits and bobs Please can we remind parents and carers to put their child’s name in their clothing. Can we also remind parents not to go into the children’s toilets.

Butterflies This month We would like to welcome all the Blossoms moving up to us this month and to Theodore who is new to our setting. This month we will be getting ready for our Olympic event, taking place on the 8th September. We will be welcoming all of our parents to watch their children at the event and time slots will be emailed out. We will also be talking about harvest and how things grow.

Acknowledgements Well done to all of our children who moved up last month, they settled in very well!

Other bits and bobs We would like to wish all of our school leavers the best as they begin their next phase moving into their new schools. We will miss you! Please don’t forget to fill in your children’s interest charts as this helps us to plan activities that engage the children. Sarah will also be taking some children to Forest school for some sessions!

Ideas for home Over the next few weeks, we will be sending tasks home for children to complete!

Our outdoor environment We have been making the most of summer exploring our outside environment. We have loved walking around the nature trail spotting different creatures such as frogs, birds and more! We have been having lots of picnics on the field under the big tree. We have also been out to visit our fairy house which is hidden away in our nature trail!



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