Woolloomooloo Out West _menu/aw16

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2016 Winte r



曾 經 被 遺 忘 棄 置 的 這 棟 老 屋 叫 美 華 冷 凍 廠, Woolloomooloo 與 她 相 遇 時, 在 凋 零 裡 看 見 閃 光; 富 錦 街 到 信 義 路, 我 們 從 城 市 的 東 邊 開 始, 卻 深 受 古 老 且 富 生 命 力 的 西 邊 吸 引 著, 而 這 棟 老 屋 交 付 給 我 們 的 是 時 光 的 啟 發 與 延 續 的 課 題; 整 建 過 程 在 牆 面 隨 手 筆 跡 -Woolloomooloo Out West-WOW,成了老廠房的新名字。 後街的塗鴉還在,冰工廠的舊牆也在,都該被珍惜;增添的 是食物、咖啡的香氣,與無限制的創意想像,可以在這裡用 餐聚會、看電影、聽音樂、甚至婚禮,更多的可能,在這座 城市的西邊持續發生。

Woolloomooloo Voyage Your everyday trip made extraordinary

Loring Smart Roaster 地球上最聰明、環保的咖啡豆烘焙機, Woolloomooloo是地球上的第1/86, 它的必要與Jimmy老闆ㄧ樣,全是為了你到這裡喝咖啡的快樂。 我們用Loring Smart Roaster來烘焙雨林聯盟(RFA)永續地球認證/保證的當季雨林咖啡豆; 或許有天在西門店裡,可以幸運的看見正在焙豆的過程, 我們非常重視烘豆的品質,大機器只做小量烘焙,店裡有販售我們自己的豆子, 而且店員熱情的與你分享當季豆子的故事。

企業訂戶另有優惠 請洽雜貨店(Yakka) Woolloomooloo。Yakka / 02 8780 6278 / 台北市信義路4段385號


Set sail 10:OO-16:00

烙印四喜三明治 16o 四種起司、烤的脆脆的麵包、簡單無比的享受

Toasted quatro formaggio sandwich Simple enjoyment

正港風味蘿蔔糕 2oo Dinkum daikon radish rice cakes 白蘿蔔、再來米粉、臘肉、蝦米、香菇

Radish, rice flour, prosciutto, dried shrimp, mushroom

新鮮水果優格麥片 22o Fruit and cereal on yogurt 自己製作的優格,味道絕對跟商店吃起來不同 它會是你對食物的一種新認知,還有對身體的健康

Home-made yoghurt, cereal, seasonal fruit a refreshing start to your westend morning

培根花生三明治 24o Bacon & peanut butter toasted sandwich 特殊處理培根、在地花生醬 手做三明治麵包用奶油香煎,搭配薯條

Hand crafted bacon, local peanut butter, sweet and savoury wrapped in home-made sandwich bread, served with chips

生火腿炒蛋麵包 25o Scrambled eggs prosolutto on toasted sourdough 烤至酥脆的自製酵母麵包覆蓋上滑嫩炒蛋 再配上鹹香十足的生火腿跟些微辛辣的芝麻葉

Creamy scrambled eggs topped with slices of prosciutto ham on toasted homemade sourdough

經典鬆餅 25o Mooloo classic pancakes 附上蜂蜜、奶油、以及我們自己純手工做的冰淇淋 (假日限定)

With honey, butter, home-made ice cream (Weekend & holiday only)

料好實在鹹派 25o Real-good-quiche of the day 塔皮中填入大量食材與蛋液,烘烤酥脆,簡單卻飽足身靈

Filled with eggy, ingredients, love, simple and satisfying

法式吐司 25o Mooloo French toast 使用的是我們自豪的酵母麵包(不是吐司麵包) 裹上蛋液之後,煎成被受喜愛的法式 附上新鮮水果、自煮果醬、楓糖

Made with our own sourdough, dunked in egg and cream, drizzled with maple syrup served with fresh fruit gooooood morning

大口吃肉派 25o Our friend the humble meat pie 派皮包覆著燉煮過的蔬菜肉類,烤的酥酥,大口咬下

Pastry filled with chunky meat and vegetable goodness

沐露經典早午餐 3oo Mooloo brunch plate 太陽蛋、自家手做香腸、培根、煎番茄、煎洋菇 滿滿心意手做麵包,可選長棍酸麵包或白吐司

Sunny eggs, home-made sausage, bacon, fried mushies fried tomato, and home-made bread to select

澳洲來的漢堡包 3oo The Great Aussie Burger (yes with the lot!) 沒錯,漢堡包也都是我們自己做的 自製肉排、煎蛋、鳳梨、甜菜根、自家配方的美乃滋 搭配親手製作的薯條


Home-made toasted sesame buns, chunky beef melted cheese, pineapple, beetroot, home-made mayo hand craft chips you bewdy!


Embark 12:OO-22:00

田園沙拉 28o Farmhouse salad 蘿蔓、芝麻葉、進口生菜、水果、搭配堅果碎麵包

Green, vegetable, fruit, nuts, honey

凱薩沙拉 28o Caesar salad 蘿蔓、芝麻葉、鹹香麵包丁、手工培根丁及凱薩醬

Greens , tomatos, bacon, home-made caesar dressing

日式豬肉腩佐胡麻醬 3oo Pork belly salad with sesame sauce 燒烤五花肉、搭配川燙青菜 淋上自製胡麻醬


Chargrilled Taiwan black boar belly, blanched graciliaria, in specially ballanced sesame dressing

天然酵母麵包 +奶油 / 油醋 15o Sourdough & butter / oil vinaigrette 我們自己製作的麵包,搭配奶油與油醋

Home-made sourdough with butter and olive oli

今日湯品 2oo Soup of the day 用心熬煮蔬菜高湯,搭配不同食材製作每一碗 濃湯暖口,清湯暖胃

Lovingly prepared soup made from juices of its own stock, helping you stay warm this winter

時令蔬菜湯 2oo Vegetable soup 清澈湯裡鎖住全部蔬菜甜味

Vegetable goodness condensed for your health

沐露炸薯條 2oo Chips Ahoy! 手切,酥炸,百分百手工自製薯條

Hand-crafted potato fries

沐露經典炒菇 22o Sauté mushroom 奶油、蔥薑蒜、香煎翻炒,簡單美味

Butter, garlic, ginger, mushroom

季節烤蔬菜 25o Grilled seasonal vegetables 玉米筍、番茄、櫛瓜、南瓜,炙燒帶出清甜多汁、爽脆口感 佐風乾番茄沾醬,寒冬中暖胃前菜

Babycorn, tomatos, zucchini, pumpkin, juicy and refreshing served with sundried tomato purée a hearty winter starter

酒醋中卷 28o Balsamic cramel squid 快火炒脆甜透抽融合自家熬煮酒醋

Pan tossed squid in sweet & savoury balsamic sauce

冬季烤乳酪 32o Baked camembert toasted bread and chutney 自家酵母麵包佐高溫烤德國白黴乳酪 配上些許果醬,像道溫熱甜點

Lightly baked camembert sprinkled with nuts served with toasted sourdough, joined by homemade chutney, let the conversation flow


Roam 12:OO-22:00

瑪格麗特披薩 4oo Pizza margarita 經典,番茄基底披薩醬、起司、蘿勒

Classic, tomato, mozzarella, basil

蘿勒醬野蕈披薩 4oo Pizza al pesto 蘿勒青醬為基底、洋蔥、菇、些許辣椒

With onions, mushrooms, chills

四喜披薩 4oo Pizza quattro formaggio 四種不同的起司,融在一起,香醇美味

Parmesan, ricotta, feta, mozzarella

辣味蜂蜜熟肉披薩 42o Pizza with salami in spicy honey 風乾熟肉、起司、辣味蜂蜜

Salami, mozzarella, hot honey sauce

蔥香鹹豬肉披薩 42o Pizza with salty pork and soy sauce 風味鹹豬肉、蒜苗、辣椒、起司、醬油膏,本土道地風味

Local twist with salty pork, onion, chili, mozzarella and soy sauce

海鮮披薩 45o Pizza of the sea 魚、蝦、花枝、洋蔥、蘿勒、香料

Spiced seafood, prawn, squid, fish, onions, basil

生火腿芝麻葉披薩 45o Pizza layered in rocket and prosciutto 爽口芝麻葉搭配生火腿,有菜有肉的絕對滿足


Our favourite pizza topped with prosciutto, rocket

手工肉醬義大利麵 3oo Pappardelle Bolognese 大量番茄、蔬菜、豬與牛肉、起司

Tomatoes, vegetables, pork and beef, cheese

塔香辣椒雞肉義大利麵 3oo Pappardelle basilico, chili, olive and chicken 清炒、爆香、洋蔥、橄欖、乾辣椒、九層塔、雞肉

A tasty ballance of onion, olives, dry chili, basil, chicken

手工白醬培根義大利麵 3oo Pappardelle bacon and leeks in cream sauce 洋菇、培根、蒜香、大蔥

Mushrooms, bacon, garlic, leeks, cream

今日特餐 3oo Special meal of the day 詳情請詢問我們的人員或黑板

Please ask us what's on special today

蔬菜起司燉飯 3oo Vegi in risotto, freshly simply 季節的蔬菜與精選的米粒,飽足無負擔

Seasonal vegetable, lightly infused into our creamy risotto

酥炸燉飯球佐南瓜咖哩醬 32o Arancini with pumpkin curry 將燉飯捏成球狀炸至酥脆搭配上南瓜為基底的濃郁香甜醬汁

Bread courmb coated filled rice balls resting on a curry of pumpkin purée

脆香炸雞 38o Fried chicken for the whole family 一定要帶骨的!豪爽的咬下,指頭上的美味全都不放過

Crisp, simple, tasty, finger licking fulfillment

炸魚薯條 45o Fish and chips ahoy! 炸魚、薯條、自製沾醬

Beer battered crisp fried snapper with hand crafted chips

綜合炸海鮮佐鳳梨酸甜醬 48o Batter fried mix-seafood with sweet and sour chutney 海味十足草蝦、透抽、鮮魚裹覆香脆麵衣 搭配著酸甜又暖胃的醬汁

Flavours of the sea fried to perfection, accompanied with tangy sweet & sour chutney


Odyssey 12:OO-22:00

正港風味蘿蔔糕 2oo Dinkum daikon radish rice cakes 白蘿蔔、再來米粉、臘肉、蝦米、香菇

Radish, rice flour, prosciutto, dried shrimp, mushroom

沐露煎餃 22o Seriously hearty gyoza 豬絞肉、蝦子、高麗菜,煎脆脆好開胃

Pork, shrimp, chinese cabbage pot-sticker dumplings

碳烤風味豬肉玉米餅 22o Grilled pork and pineapple taco 烤梅花豬、鳳梨、紫洋蔥、香菜

Chargrilled black boar, pineapple, purple onion garnished with coriander

墨西哥莎莎醬炸魚玉米餅 22o Fish on crunchy cabbage in tangy salsa 莎莎醬、高麗菜絲、炸魚

Crisp fried fish, cabbage coleslaw in salsa picante

料好實在鹹派 25o Real-good-quiche of the day 塔皮中填入大量食材與蛋液,簡單卻飽足身心靈

Filled with egg, ingredients, love, simple and satisfied

大口吃肉派 25o My friend the humble meat pie 派皮包覆著燉煮過的蔬菜肉類,烤的酥酥,大口咬下

Pastry filled with chunky meat and vegetable goodness

簡單牛肉漢堡 25o The no-nonsense burger 自製牛肉漢堡排、烤熱乳酪、切片蕃茄、新鮮萵苣 越是簡單,越是經典

A minimalist beef burger with melted cheese, tomato, and lettuce. Simple, classic meal contrasting the wondrous burger with the lot.

波特菇蔬菜漢堡包 28o Portabello mushroom veggie burger 蘆筍、波特菇、蛋、辣味美奶滋 波特菇是閃亮主角,提供健康蔬食新選項

Serious vegetarian alternative starring the agaricus bisporus, asparagus, vege goodness in spicy mayonnaise

澳洲來的漢堡包 3oo The Great Aussie Burger (yes with the lot!) 沒錯,漢堡包也都是我們自己做的 自製肉排、煎蛋、鳳梨、甜菜根、自家配方的美乃滋 搭配親手製作的薯條

Home-made toasted sesame buns, chunky beef melted cheese, pineapple, beetroot, home-made mayo hand craft chips you bewdy!

普羅旺斯燉菜佐水波蛋 33o Provencal vegetable stew with poached egg 源於尼斯又稱尼斯燉菜,是法國傳統家常菜 用多種不同蔬菜一起燉煮 附上水波蛋與脆麵包

Winter is best served with a warm vegetable stew of tomatoes, zucchini, eggplants, bell peppers flavoured with marjoram, fennel, basil and bay leaf. Stay warm!

新加坡叻沙麵 35o Curry Laksa 是一道起源於南洋的麵食 用蝦膏、蝦米、南薑、香茅、椰奶、蒜蓉等食材 熬製成濃郁的湯頭

Intense Malaysian spicy noodle soup of Nyonya origin, made with prawns, vegetables and fried bean-curd based on thick rich cococut milk. Thick creamy southdrn comfert.

手工英式香腸與薯泥淋上洋蔥醬汁 (晚餐供應) 35o Bangers and mash in caramalised onion sauce * 以濃郁細緻的薯泥鋪底放上自製的義式風味香腸 再淋上慢火熬煮的焦化洋蔥醬汁 冬季的溫暖菜色適合搭配啤酒

Sizzled sausages on creamy potato mash drenched in tasty onion sauce. Our sausages are made in-house from succulent shoulder cuts of local black haired boar.

義大利家常肉丸子 (晚餐供應) 4oo Classic Italian meatballs *

澳洲牛加台灣黑毛豬絞肉 搭配自家熬製番茄醬汁 是jimmy學生時代在義大利裔同學家 如同家人般被對待時常吃的一道溫馨家庭美味

經典香草烤春雞 (晚餐供應) 以百里香及迷迭香新鮮香料慢烤 吃玉米長大的台東鹿野健康雞 搭配在地小農種植的烤馬鈴薯條香嫩多汁

Meatballs made from Australian ground beef and the prized Taiwan black haired boar gently simmer in a sea of ragu alla Bolognese. Clean up with bread, this timeless meal takes me back to a friend's nonna's kitchen. That love is now shared with you.

55o Lemon and herb roasted whole chicken *

Thyme and rosemary flavoured corn-fed Taidong Luye spring chicken roasted with lemon and potato wedges from certified hard working small farm.

* Available for dinner only


Trip 簡單、純粹和直接,澳洲人的個性都反應在他們的咖啡上面。 最具特色又適宜入門的咖啡品項,莫過於 espresso和牛奶之間的交融, 比例口感都恰到好處的 caffe latte。 在 Woolloomooloo,若你喜愛濃厚咖啡味,可以選擇牛奶少一點。 今天想品嚐溫和奶香的口感,那就讓牛奶多一點滿足你。 我們選擇經典 Duralex Picardie玻璃杯, 乾淨不會與味道產生任何化學反應的材質特性, 讓我們能清楚檢視咖啡萃取品質及奶泡的精準比例, 端出來的每一杯都是絕佳風味好咖啡。

圖片僅供參考, 每日甜點品項請以現場提供為準,歡迎至一樓挑選。









Gentle long black

強烈黑咖啡 13o Strong long black 碎冰咖啡露 15o Granita 冰黑咖啡 15o Iced black coffee 濾壓單品 18o French press S.O. 冰滴單品 18o Cold drip S.O. 冷泡單品 18o Cold brew S.O.




Caffe macchiato

迷你牛奶咖啡 13o Caffe latte piccolo 牛奶少一點咖啡 13o Caffe latte meno 牛奶咖啡 13o Caffe latte 牛奶多一點咖啡 13o Caffe latte maggiore

泡泡奶咖啡 13o Cappuccino 澳式牛奶咖啡 15o Flat white




熱巧克力牛奶 13o Hot chocolate

冰淇淋咖啡 15o Affogato

摩卡咖啡 15o Hot mocha

冰牛奶咖啡 18o Iced latte

冰巧克力牛奶 18o Iced chocolate

小酒咖啡 18o Correto

冰摩卡咖啡 18o Iced mocha


Invigorate 日月潭紅玉 25o Sun moon lake ruby 東方美人茶 25o Oriental beauty 有機烏龍茶 25o Organic oolong tea 有機伯爵茶 25o Organic earl grey tea 有機甘菊茶 25o Organic chamomile 有機薄荷茶 25o Organic peppermint 冷泡烏龍茶 25o Cold brew oolong 冷泡紅玉茶 25o Cold brew ruby

Energize 新鮮現榨果汁 2oo In-season fresh fruit 蘋果酪梨牛奶 2oo Appocado milk smoothie 水果奶昔 2oo Smoothie of the day

Bubble 紐澤西手工薑汁汽水 15o Boylan craft ginger ale 紐澤西手工奶油汽水 15o Boylan craft creme soda 紐澤西手工櫻桃汽水 15o Boylan craft black cherry soda 紐澤西手工經典沙士 15o Boylan craft root beer

Tingle 可口可樂 1oo Coca cola 聖沛黎洛氣泡甜橙水 1oo San pellegrino sweet orange 聖沛黎洛氣泡檸檬水 1oo San pellegrino limonata 聖沛黎洛氣泡香柚水 1oo San pellegrino grapefruit 聖沛黎洛氣泡礦泉水 (1000ml) 25o San pellegrino sparking mineral (1000ml)



All items in this menu incur 10% service charge

Woolloomooloo Your harbour of Activity More room for your creativity Come share with the world

歡慶 同樂 發表 演出 講座 會議

Woolloomooloo。包場專人服務 / 02 8789 0128 / 0988 969 150



Woolloomooloo Out West 西門 02 2388 8180

. 台北市武昌街2段120巷2號 No.2 Lin.120 Sec.2 Wu Chang St. Taipei. SUN.-THU. 10:00-24:00 FRI.-SAT. 10:00-02:00 Woolloomooloo woolloomooloo.outwest

Woolloomooloo Xinyi 信義 02 8789 0128

台北市信義路4段379號 No.379 Sec.4 Xin Yi Rd. Taipei.

SUN.-THU. 07:30-00:00 FRI.-SAT. 07:30-01:00 Woolloomooloo woolloomooloo.xinyi

Woolloomooloo Fujin 富錦 02 2546 8318

台北市富錦街95號 No.95 Fu Jin St. Taipei.

TUE.-FRI. 10:00-18:00 SAT.-SUN. 09:00-18:00 Woolloomooloo woolloomooloo.fujin

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