Woolloomooloo XinYi _menu/aw16/pm

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Moor in for that desperate fix



Quality In-house Roasted Coffee

Woolloomooloo Voyage Your everyday trip made extraordinary

Loring Smart Roaster 地球上最聰明、環保的咖啡豆烘焙機, Woolloomooloo是地球上的第1/86, 它的必要與Jimmy老闆ㄧ樣,全是為了你到這裡喝咖啡的快樂。 我們用Loring Smart Roaster來烘焙雨林聯盟(RFA)永續地球認證/保證的當季雨林咖啡豆; 或許改天到Woolloomooloo西門町店時,可以幸運的看見正在焙豆的過程, 我們非常重視烘豆的品質,大機器只做小量烘焙,店裡有販售我們自己的豆子, 而且店員熱情的與你分享當季豆子的故事。


Woolloomooloo。Yakka / 02 8780 6278 / 台北市信義路4段385號




或朋友相聚共享的開胃菜。 每日 12:00-21:30 daily

天然酵母麵包 + 奶油 / 沾醬 / 油醋 18o Sourdough + butter / dips / vinaigrette 希臘薄餅搭配水手沾醬 18o Pocketless pitas with homemade dips

今日濃湯 + 天然酵母麵包 2oo Thick creamy soup + sourdough 今日清湯 + 天然酵母麵包 2oo Clear broth soup + sourdough 季節炒蔬菜 2oo Seasonal vegetable fry up 炒菇 22o Sauté mushroom

酒醋中卷 28o Balsamic caramel squid 希臘沙拉 28o Greek green salad


冬季水果沙拉 28o Wintery fruit salad

營養穀類沙拉搭配澳洲油醋醬 28o Mixed grains salad 凱薩沙拉 3oo Caeser salad

傳家寶蕃茄沙拉搭配義大利水牛乳酪 3oo Heriloom tomato and buffalo mozzarella salad

黃酒炒海鮮 4oo Clams in sorghum wine garnished with leek sprouts 蒜味草蝦 4oo Garlic prawns

薩拉米帕瑪火腿片 / 新鮮起司 5oo Salumi /cheese plate


Substantial 份量多一點,口感更豐盛, 配著朋友的閒談下肚, 心情大愉悅。

每日 12:00-21:30 daily

瑪格麗特披薩 4oo Pizza Margherita

四喜披薩 45o Pizza quattro formaggi

蘿勒醬野蕈披薩 45o Pizza al pesto basilico with mushroom

風乾番茄鯷魚披薩 45o Pizza anchovies with sun-dried tomatoes 橄欖朝鮮薊披薩 45o Pizza engages the friendly artichoke

生火腿芝麻葉披薩 45o Pizza prosciutto topped with rocket

辣味義大利香腸披薩 45o Pizza boosted by spicy salami

蕃茄莎莎鮮蝦披薩 45o Pizza topped with shrimp in salsa rossa 西班牙臘腸披薩 45o Pizza with homemade chorizo

海港風情披薩 45o Pizza savouring the bounty of the sea


鄉村鹹派 25o Quiche of the day

肉派, 謝謝你 25o Me'pie please with a side salad

泰市牛肉河粉炒 3oo Beefy Thai rice noodle stir-fry

超愛越南生牛肉湯河粉 3oo Love is a phô Vietnam

手工肉醬義大利麵 3oo Pappardelle pasta bolognese

手工青醬野菇義大利麵 3oo Pappardelle mushroom pesto

泰北蠔油炒牛肉飯 3oo Stir-fried beef in oyster sauce with jasmine rice 今日燉飯 3oo Risotto of the day

今日麵 3oo Daily special pasta

清炒甜椒草蝦義大利麵 32o Pappardelle with olive, prawn and bell pepper 南洋馬來西亞咖哩飯 32o Curry from the Malay peninsula


Sumptuous 晚餐時刻,今天慶祝什麼?

無論什麼理由都是好的藉口, 爽快吃吧!

每日 17:30-21:30 daily


泰炒粿條 35o Pad thai please

特選無毒雞蛋拌炒非基因改造油豆腐 可依喜好加入鮮蝦 或也可以全素料理 是泰國經典的傳統美食

Traditional thai culinary delight based on the humble rice noodle stir-frying eggs, prawns, firm tofu, tamarind pulp, dried shrimp, flavoured with fish sauce and palm sugar. Vegetarian version is available for our guests who enjoy a carefree meat-free way of life.

義大利家庭肉丸子 4oo Classic Italian meatballs in sauce

澳洲牛加台灣黑毛豬絞肉 搭配自家熬製番茄醬汁 是jimmy學生時代在義大利裔同學家 如同家人般被對待時常吃的一道溫馨家庭美味

Meatballs made from Australian ground beef and the prized Taiwan black haired boar gently simmer in a sea of ragu alla Bolognese. Clean up with bread, this timeless meal takes me back to a friend's nonna's kitchen. That love is now shared with you.

冬季慢燉蔬菜 45o Winter slow cooked vegetable stew

有櫛瓜、甜椒、番茄等 另加入季節時蔬 再用自製蔬菜高湯燉煮 搭配自家天然酵母烤麵包

Warm your winter cockles with our slow vegetable stew. Full of vegetable goodness, courgette, sweet bell pepper, tomatoes, celery, carrots and more, all cooked in a stock of its own natural juice. Dip the night away with our home made sourdough bread.

傳統炸魚薯條 5oo All time favourite fish and chips

天然酵母混合啤酒麵糊 低溫油炸的台灣鯛魚 在地小農種植的馬鈴薯 是一道英式風格的料理

Originally not intended for our winter menu, patron insistence however ensured its return. But really how dare we deny our guests their love of crisp fried snapper in natural yeasted beer batter, along with hot homemade chips on their night of fun.

古羅馬燉牛尾或牛肚 55o Oxtail or Trippa Roman stew

選用紐澳安心牛尾或牛肚 以自家熬製的番茄醬汁及高湯煨燉 重現義大利古羅馬的星期六假日佳餚

Time honoured Roman hearty stew made from Australian oxtail, and for those more adventurous, tripe. This rustic provincial favourite is made with the tastiest but too often overlooked portions of our cuts.

手工英式香腸與豆泥淋上洋蔥醬汁 55o Bangers and mash in caramalised onion sauce 選用的黑毛豬胛心肉又名軟五花 製作成多汁厚實的傳統西式香腸 料理後肥瘦合宜每口搭配豆泥吃下完美無缺

Sizzled sausages on creamy pea mash drenched in tasty onion sauce. Our sausages are made in-house from succulent shoulder cuts of local black haired boar.

經典香草烤春雞 55o Lemon and herb roasted whole chicken

以百里香及迷迭香新鮮香料慢烤 吃玉米長大的台東鹿野健康雞 搭配在地小農種植的烤馬鈴薯條香嫩多汁

Thyme and rosemary flavoured corn-fed Taidong Luye spring chicken roasted with lemon and potato wedges from certified hard working small farms.

香煎石斑佐季節蔬菜 58o Pan seared grouper on a bed of winter vegetables

香煎石斑魚片肉質鮮甜 搭配現炒時蔬 是一道健康均衡的美麗菜餚

Succulent fish of the bass family seared to lock in its sweet juices accompanied with a selection of healthy vegetables to keep our perk on the dark danky months.

慢火烤豬肋 58o Slow barbecued Woolloomooloo pork ribs

以蕃茄醬、烏斯特克醬及醬油為基底 高溫烘製的烤豬肋排香味四溢完全無法抗拒 (然後啤酒不要忘了點啊!)

Aromatic seasonings in a balanced base of Worcestershire, tomato, and soy sauce, a flavourful feast to surrender to. Pair perfectly with a hoppy brew from our beer selection.


Handcrafted Freshbaked Committed 所有麵包與麵條皆 Woolloomooloo 用心自做

All bread & pasta are wholeheartly homemade.

Desserts 手工甜點,新鮮製作,

滿心熱情+溫暖雙手調理當季水果, 讓您陶醉的秘密配方。

手工義式冰淇淋 18o Gelato / Sorbet

椰香奇亞籽水果布丁 28o Coconut flavoured chia seeds pudding 香蕉奶油派 18o Banana cream pie 提拉米蘇 15o Tiramisu

伯爵茶蛋糕 15o Earl grey cake

時令水果塔 ^^ Seasonal fruit tart

圖片僅供參考, 每日提供甜點品項請以現場為準,歡迎至一樓挑選 :) 欲訂購整模蛋糕,請洽雜貨店 (Yakka): 02 8780 6278。 Please visit our desserts fridge for daily selection.


Coffee 簡單、純粹和直接,澳洲人的個性都反應在他們的咖啡上面。

最具特色又適宜入門的咖啡品項,莫過於 espresso和牛奶之間的交融, 比例口感都恰到好處的 caffe latte。 在 Woolloomooloo,若你喜愛濃厚咖啡味,可以選擇牛奶少一點。 今天想品嚐溫和奶香的口感,那就讓牛奶多一點滿足你。 我們選擇經典 Duralex Picardie玻璃杯, 乾淨不會與味道產生任何化學反應的材質特性, 讓我們能清楚檢視咖啡萃取品質及奶泡的精準比例, 端出來的每一杯都是絕佳風味好咖啡。

純粹咖啡露 咖啡露





溫柔黑咖啡 11o Gentle long black

強烈黑咖啡 13o Strong long black 碎冰咖啡露 15o Granita


Caffe macchiato

迷你牛奶咖啡 13o Caffe latte piccolo

冰黑咖啡 15o Iced black coffee

牛奶少一點咖啡 13o Caffe latte meno

冰滴單品 18o Cold drip S.O.

牛奶多一點咖啡 13o Caffe latte maggiore

濾壓單品 18o French press S.O. 冷泡單品 18o Cold brew S.O.



牛奶咖啡 13o Caffe latte

泡泡奶咖啡 13o Cappuccino

澳式牛奶咖啡 15o Flat white 冰淇淋咖啡 15o Affogato

冰牛奶咖啡 18o Iced latte 小酒咖啡 18o Correto




熱巧克力牛奶 13o Hot chocolate 摩卡咖啡 15o Hot mocha

冰巧克力牛奶 18o Iced chocolate 冰摩卡咖啡 18o Iced mocha

惡魔冰摩卡咖啡 25o Mocha supreme



土地精華,滋養茶香, 產地用心照料的茶品忠實呈現原始感動。

有機烏龍茶 25o Organic Oolong

日月潭紅玉 25o Sun moon lake ruby

有機早餐茶 25o Organic breakfast tea 有機伯爵茶 25o Organic earl grey tea 有機甘菊茶 25o Organic chamomile

有機薄荷茶 25o Organic peppermint 冷泡烏龍 25o Cold brew Oolong 冷泡紅玉 25o Cold brew ruby



現榨鮮果汁 2oo In-season fresh fruit 綜合鮮果汁 2oo Mixed fruit juice

薄荷小黃瓜鮮果汁 2oo Fresh cucumber and mint juice 蜂蜜檸檬汁 2oo Honey lemonade

季節風味冰沙 2oo Seasonal granita

葡萄薄荷冰沙 2oo Fresh grape and mint granita 檸檬茴香冰沙 2oo Lemon and cumin granita 蘋果酪梨牛奶 2oo Appocado milk smoothie

水果奶昔 2oo Amanda's favourite smoothie 營養豆漿 2oo Homemade soymilk supreme



可口可樂 1oo Coca Cola

薑汁汽水 1oo Schweppes Ginger Ale

聖沛黎洛氣泡甜橙水 1oo San Pellegrino Sweet Orange 聖沛黎洛氣泡檸檬水 1oo San Pellegrino Limonata

聖沛黎洛氣泡葡萄柚水 1oo San Pellegrino Grapefruit

聖沛黎洛氣泡礦泉水 (250ml) 12o San Pellegrino (250ml)

聖沛黎洛氣泡礦泉水 (1000ml) 25o San Pellegrino (1000ml)



All items in this menu incur 10% service charge

Woolloomooloo Harbour of Activity More space for your creative needs, Come share it with the world !







Woolloomooloo。包場專人服務 / 02 8789 0128 / 0988 969 150



02 2546 8318

台北市富錦街95號 No.95 Fu Jin St. Taipei.

TUE.-FRI. 10:00-18:00 SAT.-SUN. 09:00-18:00 Woolloomooloo woolloomooloo.fujin

02 8789 0128

台北市信義路4段379號 No.379 Sec.4 Xin Yi Rd. Taipei.

SUN.-THU. 07:30-00:00 FRI.-SAT. 07:30-01:00 Woolloomooloo woolloomooloo.xinyi

02 2388 8180

. 台北市武昌街2段120巷2號 No.2 Lin.120 Sec.2 Wu Chang St. Taipei. SUN.-THU. 10:00-24:00 FRI.-SAT. 10:00-02:00 Woolloomooloo woolloomooloo.outwest

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