Q&A WITH WPA BOARD CO-CHAIRS ASHLEY GIVENS + JOCELYN SIGUE What distinguishes WPA from other arts organizations?
What gets you most excited for the future of WPA?
Ashley Givens: Our long history certainly sets us apart in DC, but our artist-organized program model sets us apart nationally. Very few long-standing arts organizations invite artists to conceive of and curate everything! We adopted the model in 2018 and have watched artists thrive in this new system, with the support and collaboration of our Curatorial Production Manager and the rest of the staff.
AG: We get to be part of artistic collaboration and experimentation, and that never gets old! We are increasingly recognized on national and international levels for the work we’re doing, and I am so grateful that we have such a dedicated community of supporters who, for example, participate in the auction year in and year out. What gets me most excited, though, is the way in which WPA makes space for artists to create and commingle.
Jocelyn Sigue: WPA has always been supportive of Washington, DC artists at all stages of their careers. At our core, we are about the cultivation of artistic talent and creativity and we hope our model continues to inspire artists to bring their ideas to the organization and the larger community.
JS: WPA has worked with many innovative and thought-provoking artists as our mission has evolved and become more focused on collaboration. I’m always surprised by what’s coming next. The last few years have been so challenging politically and socially. WPA, true to its roots, embraced the challenges of these times. I look forward to our