5 minute read
China Before Communism
EXPERIENCE the brilliance and majesty of China’s civilization before communism.

Exquisite beauty from the heavens, profound wisdom from dynasties past, timeless legends and ethnic traditions all spring to life through classical Chinese dance, enchanting live orchestral music, authentic costumes, and patented interactive backdrops. It is an immersive experience that will uplift your spirit and transport you to another world.
Join us for a night filled with courage and wisdom, light and hope...
Experience Shen Yun!

“A fascinating insight into what China’s culture used to be and what I hope one day will be restored to China.”
—Edward McMillan-Scott, former Vice-President of the European Parliament

I’ve reviewed about 4,000 shows. None can compare to what I saw tonight.”
—Richard Connema, Broadway critic
“There is a massive power in this. It brings great hope... It is truly a touch of heaven.”
—Daniel Herman, former Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic
“I encourage everyone to see and all of us to learn from.”
—Donna Karan, founder of DKNY

Publisher Dana Boulanger
Assistant to Publisher Carolyn Coogan
Editorial Team Sara Gurgen
Randy Kambic
Martin Miron
Design & Production
Courtney Ayers
Kathleen Fellows
Patrick Floresca
Layout Patrick Floresca
Website CC Innovations
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Dana Boulanger
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PO Box 776
Pawling, NY 12564
Ph: 845.593.0065
E-mail; Dana-na@wakeupnaturally.com WakeUpNaturally.com
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Natural Awakenings Publishing Corporation 350 Main Street, Suite 9B Bedminster, NJ 07921
Ph: 239-206-2000
© 2023 by Natural Awakenings. All rights reserved. Although some parts of this publication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permission be obtained in writing.
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Yay, spring arrives this month. What an excellent time to revitalize, nd balance, reconnect with our community and celebrate life! e Earth will start to reawaken; daylight hours will begin to lengthen; and the air will be lled with that fresh, sweet smell. Ah, spring—it’s a favorite season of mine, plus my birthday is in March. I also love this time of year because I get to meet numerous new wellness practitioners; feature many of our ongoing community partners; and reconnect with even more local healthy-lifestyle businesses that tend to join us for this annual Natural Living Directory edition. is year marks our 12th year publishing what has become a cherished health and wellness goto resource. So be sure to keep it handy all year long!
Dana Boulanger
We’ve connected with dozens of local professionals to ask them to share what they have planned for 2023, what ignites their passion for helping their clients heal, and what sets them apart from others. I am happy to inform you that these educated and dedicated practitioners are truly passionate about helping our communities get healthier. ese wellness pro les start on page 12.
We also welcomed more than 70 health and wellness providers into our Natural Living Directory. ey o er acupuncture, herbal medicine, nutrition, psychotherapy, kitchen garden installations, to yoga retreats and everything in between. Plus, we have included tips on de-stressing, as well as some incredibly informative articles about our main theme—food and nutrition. e Natural Living Directory listings start on page 56. I encourage you to curate your very own wellness team to support and help you live a healthier, happier you.
Our local yoga community has been growing and transforming recently, so I had my editorial team catch up with dozens of studio owners to o er updates on recent openings, changes and what’s trending in the world of yoga here in Hudson Valley. We were pleasantly surprised and thrilled to report how people of all ages are enjoying this ancient practice. Read more on page 37, and check out our vibrant Yoga, Pilates, Fitness network on page 39.
So much is happening in the region, and I am pleased to announce that Natural Awakenings is the media sponsor of the following fun- lled events: the Re-Awaken Wellness Fair, in Tarrytown, on March 19; the second annual Health Vibes Only! Expo on March 25; and A Cup of the Valley, in Poughkeepsie, on April 16, which promises to be a delicious day of sipping locally brewed beverages. We hope to see you there! ese are just a few of the many magni cent upcoming happenings in our area. For more events, see our calendar section, starting on page 47, and you can also nd more terri c events on our website at WakeUpNaturally.com.
Heading into my 64th year, I can honestly say that I am feeling happier, healthier and wiser than ever. My journey has been blessed with many lessons, adventures, challenges, obstacles and achievements. I am truly grateful for each day I awake and can continue to be the architect of my life. As American architect Frank Lloyd Wright said, “ e longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes.” ank you for reading Natural Awakenings. We love our readers and our health and wellness community partners! Our mission is to empower, educate and connect you with local resources and events inspiring you to lead more balanced and healthy lives. I hope you nd this directory edition helpful and that it is a valuable reference for you going forward into a healthier year.
With gratitude,
Dana Boulanger, Publisher
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Natural Awakenings is a network of natural lifestyle magazine publishers empowering local communities with knowledge, resources and connections to lead healthier lives on a healthy planet.

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To advertise with Natural Awakenings or request a media kit, please contact us at 845.593.0065 or email Dana-NA@WakeUpNaturally.com. Deadline for ads: the 8th of the month.
Email articles, news items and ideas to: Admin@WakeUpNaturally.com. Deadline for editorial: the 8th of the month.


Email Calendar Events to: Admin@WakeUpNaturally.com. Deadline for calendar: the 8th of the month.
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