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Create Your 2023 WELLNESS Dream Team
Alternative Healing Clinic
Dr. Christine Jordan, NA.D., Ph.D.
78 Secor Rd., #4, Mahopac, NY
914.330.5594 •
Atthe Alternative Healing Clinic, we nd root cause and natural solutions to subhealth conditions using Electrodermal Screening (EDS). is includes nding your needs for body work, diet, a rmations, exercise and more.
What makes your business special?
My work began in 1965 a er a misdiagnosis. Since then, I have attained degrees in many forms of natural healing. Clients who come to me have tried other ways of healing and not gotten the results they are seeking. ese loving souls are frustrated and desperate for validation of what they suspect is going on with them. Once they get to the core of their issues, they embrace their healing and relax into gratitude and conviction.
How does your work di er from that of others in your profession? is work is customized. EDS, an FDA-approved, non-invasive, safe, e ective and accurate testing method, nds root cause and how to address your issues, no matter the issue. is method of detection has saved lives and improved quality of life, including mobility issues. It works by putting a person in a circuit and then touching the acupuncture meridian points determining the origin of complaints and solutions. Once stress is located, pathogens are uncovered, including emotional issues, then customized remedies are matched with the body. is includes foods, thinking patterns, your surroundings, your entertainment—just about everything you’re exposed to. And it is safe and e ective. We provide the answers to why you’re experiencing a lack of well-being; you get to say how you wish to live your life.
What should someone expect from working with you?
Inside this Natural Awakenings Wellness Directory, you’ll nd a cornucopia of local practitioners, providers and specialists that align with the proactive, synergistic beliefs and values that set our readers apart from the herd.
From Ayurveda and addiction cessation to medical marijuana, these trusted resources also educate patients to empower control over their own destiny. Working individually or as a team, they can add years to your life and life to your years!
Immediate results are o en felt. Further healing takes six to 18 months. A commitment to do the work necessary to give you back your vitality is essential to any healing. We support your work, and I say “your work,” as we are teachers and you the student. Our website has a free book that introduces those interested in living a healthy life. It outlines what it takes to be in the world of healing.
What changes do you have planned for 2023?
In 2023 we are planning to have other healers join us to expand services. Hopefully, we can nd that special person who will service our clients with love and compassion through bodywork and or other forms of healing techniques.
Anything else our readers should know?
Together we create a workable wellness plan that meets your needs!
See ad, page 6.