2010 WPI Honor Roll of Donors

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Honor Roll of Donors 2010

Honor Roll of Donors 2010 | President’s Circle: Alumni, Parents, and Friends The President’s Circle recognizes and honors alumni, parents, and friends committed to investing in the future of WPI at a leadership level of $2,000 or more in annual giving. Nearly 500 President’s Circle members provide the critical resources necessary each year to advance the mission of WPI. An investment at the President’s Circle level enables the university to implement curricular innovations, keep the WPI academic plan on the cutting edge, and create more opportunities for our deserving students to discover, achieve, and lead.

President’s Circle Benefactor $500,000 or more

Herbert W. Coulter III ’70, ’71 (MS)

Your Investment at Work

Mrs. Donald G. Craig ’57/w Jim Demetry ’58


Margaret A. and Michael M. Galbraith ’58

Janet and Robert A. Foisie ’56

Claire L. Gaudiani

Bernard M. Gordon, D.Eng. (Hon.) ’07

John F. Kelly ’82

Edna T. and Douglas G. Noiles ’44, D.Eng. (Hon.) ’99

Paul A. Lacouture ’72

Maureen and Donald K. Peterson ’71

Mrs. William M. Lester ’28/w

Cheryl A. LaFleur and William A. Kuncik Patricia and Edward E. Lindberg ’60, ’63 (MS)

President’s Circle Benefactor

Arthur J. LoVetere ’60 Bill and Cindy Lyons, P’09


Jean and Myles McDonough

Anonymous (2) Paul R. Beswick ’57 * Dwight M. Cornell, PE, ’60 Debora M. and Michael J. Dolan ’75 Warner S. Fletcher Randie and Robert R. Martin ’75 Paul S. Morgan Priscilla and George C. Messenger Jr. ’51, D.Eng. (Hon.) ’09 Judy and Philip B. Ryan ’65 Charlotte R. and Edward R. Zieve ’45

President’s Circle Benefactor

George S. B. Morgan Charles H. Moser

President Dennis Berkey with GE Foundation President Robert Corcoran, who spoke at WPI’s Great Problems Seminars project presentation day in December 2009. Corcoran praised the Great Problems Seminars for first year students for helping to prepare the next generation of engineers and scientists to identify problems and develop innovative solutions.

Judith Nitsch, PE, LEED AP, ’75, and J. Anthony Magliozzi Karen J. ’82 and George R. Oliver ’82 Emmanuel J. Pappas ’52 John A. Pelli ’70 Barrie M. Peterson ’67 William U. Pursell Jr. ’59 Gretchen and Scott W. Ramsay ’68 William Rutherford, PE, ’73

President’s Circle Fellow

President’s Circle Patron

J. Morrison Smith ’37 *



Mary R. and William Barron IV

Anonymous (2)

Sandra and David T. Van Covern ’53

Curtis R. Carlson ’67, D.Sc. (Hon.) ’06

Herbert Asher ’44

Sophie V. Vandebroek and Jesus del Alamo, P’12


Mrs. Irving James Donahue Jr. ’44/w

John D. ’83 and Sheryl A. Atkinson ’83

James L. Carr Jr. ’74

E. Leo Douville ’39

Joyce and Paul W. Bayliss ’60

Myles A. Walton ’97

Ellen and Stu Kazin ’61

Jean and Henry J. Fitzgerald ’75

Patricia A. and Robert H. Beckett ’57

Barbara and Allen H. Levesque ’59

Eric A. Hahn ’80, D.Sc. (Hon.) ’99

Kathryn Enright Benford ’60/w

Patricia S. and John T. Wilson ’65

Bonnie and David K. Heebner ’67

Dave C. Brownell ’88

Stephen J. ’82 and Andrea J. Kaneb ’84

Scott B. Burton ’84

William A. Kerr ’60

Rebecca G. and Peter C. Clapp ’82

John T. Mollen

Daniel I. Coifman ’67

John M. Nash ’56

Richard F. Connolly Jr.

Erica A. ’96 and Robert H. Mason ’94 Barbara and Robert F. Sutherland Jr. ’57 Pamela Weathers and Stephen M. Dungan, P’01 Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Zarrilli ’71

Paul Ventimiglia ’09

Deirdre and John P. Casey ’76

Windle B. Priem ’59 Amy and Glenn Yee ’74

2 Worcester Polytechnic Institute

* deceased

P parent

/w widow of alumnus

Honor Roll of Donors 2010 | President’s Circle: Alumni, Parents, and Friends

Paul N. Kokulis, Esq., ’45

Your Investment at Work

The breadth and quality of WPI’s graduate research programs were in the spotlight this spring at Graduate Research Achievement Day (GRAD) 2010. The results of a range of ongoing research projects were covered in posters by 215 graduate students, who also delivered brief oral presentations about their work. This annual event gives students the opportunity to present their research to peers, faculty members, and the community at large.

President’s Circle Ambassador $5,000-$9,999

George A. Cowan ’41, D.Sc. (Hon.) ’02 Jean and Michael A. DiPierro ’68

Anonymous (2)

Juliann B. ’85 and Daniel F. Farrar ’84

Dorothy and James S. Adams ’49

Peter R. Fenner ’64, ’67 (MS)

Paul A. Allaire ’60, D. Eng. (Hon.) ’94

Mark J. Freitas ’78, ’80 (MS) Dale G. Freygang ’74

Charlotte K. and Gerald R. Backlund ’55

Anson C. Fyler ’45

Jean P. Balajadia ’94

William R. Grogan ’46, ’49 (MS), D.Eng. (Hon.) ’90

Joel Bartlett

John F. Gabranski ’75

Kei Lau ’91

Elizabeth and Edmund W. Bacon ’94 (MS)

Mrs. Peter H. Levine

Bruce M. Bailey ’51

Daniel Maguire ’66

Angela and Dexter A. Bailey

Francesca Maltese

McRae C. Banks II

John C. Margo ’50

William D. Bennett ’89

Maryellen and James E. Mayer ’77

Dennis and Catherine Berkey

John R. Messier ’76

Edward C. Berndt Jr. ’45

Alfred A. Molinari Jr. ’63

Jonathan and Melissa Besse ’91

Wayne D. Moore, PE, FSFPE, CFPS, SET, ’94

Bruce E. Beverly, PE, ’73, ’75 (MS)

Philip R. Morgan

Emily and John E. Bigelow ’44

David P. Norton ’62

Philip S. Blackman ’66

Mark F. O'Neil ’80

Rita and Philip G. Buffinton ’49

William A. Patch

L. and R. Barnard-Bullard

Kenneth W. Roberts ’68

John K. Busada ’39

Mary M. and Edward J. Roszko ’39, ’41 (MS)

Robert H. Cahill ’65

Amy and Sean D. S. Sebastian ’83

Elizabeth M. and Brian D. Chace ’69

Judith K. and Allan P. Sherman ’61, ’81 (MS) Alberta and Henry M. Strage, PE, ’54, D.Sc. (Hon.) ’90

Gerald J. Bibeault ’42

Theodore D. Carty ’87

Stephen G. and Rose A. Cohn, P’10 William V. Collentro ’66, ’68 (MS)

Gerrit S. Swart ’55, ’57 (MS)

Eric M. Connelly ’09

David E. ’79 and Joan B. Szkutak ’79

Cynthia and William R. Cooper ’67

Ruth P. and Donald Taylor ’49, D.Eng. (Hon.) ’80

Charles F. H. Crathern III ’52

Nancy P. and Frederick J. Costello ’59

David A. Tone ’63

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Crook ’60

Robert H. Whyte ’60

John D. Cunic ’68, ’71 (MS)

Donald D. ’92 and Jennifer J. Wyse ’94

John J. Dagostino ’82

President’s Circle Associate

Judith M. D’Agostino ’80 Jeffrey A. Dannay ’94 (MS) Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Decker, P’12

$2,000-$4,999 $1,000 for GOLD

Paula ’75 and William R. Delaney ’74

Anonymous (2)

Jatinkumar Desai ’85 (MS)

Michael L. Abrams ’77

MaryAnn DiPinto, P’14

Donald H. Adams ’52 Michael J. Aghajanian ’80

Kenda M. and Michael W. Donahue ’90

Jo-Ann G. Alessandrini

Linda S. Dunn Rumsey ’84

James A. Alfieri, PE, ’59

Beth A. and Raymond M. Dunn ’78

Rebecca M. Hedgecock

Arthur W. Anderson ’57

Stephen E. Bernacki ’70

Michael T. Horgan ’83 and Maureen Sexton Horgan ’83

Kerry Lee ’03 and Benjamin B. Andken ‘00

Rene R. Bertrand ’57

Carol A. and Frank R. Jensen ’68

Emily P. Anesta ’05

Tahar El-Korchi

Jeremy P. ’04 and Elizabeth S. Cash Hitchcock ’02

August C. Kellermann ’46

William L. Anthony Jr. ’61

Jacob N. Erlich, Esq., ’62

George J. Kennedy ’45

Drs. Diran and Seta Apelian

Malcolm E. Ferson ’49

Raj K. Chauhan ’69

Vijay R. Kirloskar ’74, ’78 (MSM)

Michael E. Aspinwall ’75

Dionysios Sp. and Elizabeth Filiotis, P’10

Ying Liu Becker ’89 (MS), ’91 (PhD)

Joyce S. Kline ’87

Charles J. Durkin Jr. ’65 Leland P. Ekstrom ’42

William A. Fitzgerald ’83

Honor Roll of Donors 2010 3

Honor Roll of Donors 2010 | President’s Circle: Alumni, Parents, and Friends

John J. Fitzgibbons Jr. ’75

Edward P. Kavanagh

Thomas J. O'Connor ’59, ’61 (MS)

John M. ’75 and Virginia A. Giordano FitzPatrick ’75

Ryan S. Kendrick ’08 and Erin J. (Vozzola) Kendrick ’08

Irving F. Orrell Jr. ’51, ’58 (MS)

Cathryn J. and Robert S. Porambo, P’12

Joseph J. Osvald ’65

Julie A. and John W. Powers ’61

Charles D. Flanagan ’53

Donald L. Kerr ’65

Elaine and Julius A. Palley ’46

Samuel J. Pullara ’93

Frances E. and Harold Fleit ’45

Paul E. Kirby

Ty P. Panagoplos ’94

Lucille and Edward W. Randall ’49

Elizabeth M. and Timothy A. French, Esq., ’73

Judith and Donald E. Kirk ’59

Leonard E. Redon ’73

Shirley and Richard D. Kirk ’54

Corliss and David R. Paolino ’88 (MBA)

C. Stewart Gentsch ’58

Mr. and Mrs. Hans H. Koehl ’56

Alex C. Papianou ’57

Jay S. Rine ’95

Prof. Susan Vernon-Gerstenfeld and Prof. Arthur Gerstenfeld

Roumen B. Kordof ’68

Marilou and Philip R. Pastore Jr. ’60

Christopher Ritter

Alisa and Ernest R. Kretzmer ’45

Richard A. Perreault ’75

Banthoon Lamsam, P’13

James M. Phelan ’07

Jennifer M. ’03 and Kevin H. Rohleder ’04

John H. Lancaster ’39

Clarence Plant

Milton E. Ross ’40

Spencer K. Lang ’40

Clark L. Poland ’48

Lisa Y. and Jonathan M. Rourke ’76

F. Clark Gesswein ’64 Albert S. Goldberg ’48 Grace and Jeremy Gorman, P’12 Denise C. Gorski, PMP, ’75, ’83 (MSM)

Dorothy and Alan G. Larsson ’56

Walter J. Grandfield Jr. ’76

Scott and Jessica Lassonde ’99

Joel P. Greene ’69 and Ann T. Lisi

John B. Lawson ’63

Richard M. Gross ’69

John B. Lewis ’61

James G. Hackendorf ’60

Irving F. Liimatta ’00

Lee P. Hackett ’61

Charles Lipson ’60

David H. Hall ’68

Bruce G. Lovelace ’68

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hansen, P’10

Brian S. Loveland ’07

Marie and John P. Harding ’47

John Machonis Jr. ’63

Charles D. Hardy Jr. ’69

Mark A. Mahoney ’74

Deborah L. Harrow ’84

Sanjayan Manivannan ’07

Cynthia A. and Robert E. Hart ’79

Louis J. Marsella ’56

John F. Harvey ’77 James R. Haupt ’05 Eric A. Hauptmann ’60

Marshall S. Levine ’55

F. William Marshall Jr. Ellen M. Sloan McCaskill ’89 Peter D. McDermott ’73 Sandra L. and Thomas G. McGee ’64

Herbert S. Hebel ’59

Bernard J. Meister ’62

Brian J. Heller ’01 William L. Herbert ’05

Kristine and James M. Melvin ’84, ’88 (MSM)

Leonard Hershoff ’43

Robert A. Moore ’58, ’59 (MS)

Steven G. and Lynn E. Heslinga, P’12

Mimi and Patrick T. Moran ’65

Paula and William Hillner ’70

Peter B. Myers ’46

Jay P. Hochstaine ’62

Richard R. Nabb ’73

Lawrence B. Horrigan Jr. ’56

Stan and Patricia J. Newcomer-Simmons ’90

Patricia and Francis Hoy, PhD Thomas F. Humphrey, PE, ’59 John J. Janas III ’79 David S. Jenney ’53, ’68 (PhD)

Charles A. Morse Jr. ’45

Bonnie J. and Thomas B. Newman ’64 Shirley L. and David L. Nickerson ’54

Timothy C. Johnson ’71

Lillian Pubillones Nolan and Matthew M. Nolan, Esq., P’10

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Kahn, P’80

S. Bailey Norton Jr. ’43

Richard A. Kashnow ’63

Kevin W. O’Connell ’71

Denise and Arthur T. Katsaros ’69

4 Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Your Investment at Work

Jason P. Macari ’84

Mrs. Herbert W. Head ’63/w

Jody E. and John E. Hossack ’46

Don and Janet Richardson

President Berkey (left), Jamo Carr ’74, Donald Peterson ’71, immediate past chair of the WPI Board of Trustees, and trustees Stuart Kazin ’61 and Judith Nitsch ’75 broke ground for the new Sports and Recreation Center at a ceremony on May 14, 2010. Moonraker 2.0, the student-designed robot that won a $500,000 prize from NASA for its ability to excavate moon dust, used its remarkable digging capabilities to help kick off construction of the new center, which is currently being built into the hillside at the west end of the WPI Quadrangle and is designed to meet LEED certification standards. With the investment of generous donors, the facility is scheduled to open in August 2012. Watch a video of the groundbreaking ceremony, view the construction site live, and learn more about the Sports and Recreation Center at wpi.edu/sportsandrecreation.

* deceased

P parent

/w widow of alumnus

Honor Roll of Donors 2010 | President’s Circle: Alumni, Parents, and Friends

Your Investment at Work

Kirsten Kunkler and Frederick D. Rucker ’81

Roger W. Swanson ’51*

Marion R. and Smil Ruhman ’49 Stephen H. Rusckowski ’79

Halil and Karen M. Tegan Padir ’90, ’95 (MBA)

George E. Saltus ’51, ’54 (MS)

Leo J. Thomas, D.Eng. (Hon.) ’88

Ginny and Reynald J. Sansoucy, PE, ’55

Anne and Alden F. Tucker ’52

Barbara and Walter C. Scanlon ’50

Annie and Christopher B. Umbricht, P’12

Alena and David M. Schwaber ’65

Daniel Turner ’64

Robert E. Seamon ’61*

Dee M. and R. Kingman Webster ’54, D.Sc. (Hon.) ’04

Paul F. Seibold ’50

John J. West Jr. ’88

Daniel H. Sheingold ’48

Elliot F. Whipple ’67

Maurice R. Silvestris, PE, ’64

Bebe and Howard P. Whittle ’54

Paul S. Sledzik ’61

Carla and Philip A. Wild ’50

Robert W. Smith ’69, ’73 (MS)

James C. Wilkinson ’91, ’93 (MS)

Earl C. Sparks III ’66, ’69 (MS)

Treva and Thomas H. Wimbrow ’76

Robert A. St. Jean ’60

Dorothea Carraway Wong ’92

Elizabeth Z. ’03 and Christopher B. Stank ’00

James R. Wong ’05

Lawrence F. Scinto ’51

The Class of 2009’s gift is the Proud Goat statue, which was installed in August 2010 on the Quadrangle near the Bartlett Center. More than 40 percent of the class raised $18,456 for the creation and placement of this statue honoring the WPI mascot. This is a record fundraising total for any Senior Class Gift and it earned the Class of 2009 a $10,000 matching gift from WPI Trustee Windle B. Priem ’59, for a final total of $28,456. The sculpture was created by Robert Shure, whose work is well known nationally and includes the Boston Irish Famine Memorial, the bronze relief of Ted Williams at the entrance to the Ted Williams Tunnel, the FAO Schwarz teddy bear at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, and the bronze portrait of George Washington at the Washington Monument. Pictured here are Shure (left), President Berkey, and Nick Pelletier ’09, on the day the statue was installed in August 2010. See more at www.flickr.com/wpialumni.

Bruce M. Szypot ’72

Richard H. Steeves ’70 Donna K. and William C. Stock, P’11

David C. and Sharon Youmans, P’04 Don Zereski ’87, ’89 (MS) Thomas P. Zgambo ’98 (MBA)

Erin Sullivan ’02, ’03 (MS)

Your Investment at Work

In August 2010 the Class of 1970 Café and HelpDesk offices opened in Gordon Library. The Class of ’70 raised $38,269 to help renovate the space and add the café. More photos may be viewed at flickr.com/wpialumni.

Honor Roll of Donors 2010 5

Honor Roll of Donors 2010 | President’s Circle: Class of 2010 The Senior Class Gift is a longstanding tradition at WPI. The Class of 2010 raised $11,749 from 34 percent of the class for the creation of a barbecue station located next to the patio behind the Campus Center. In recognition of their achievement, the class received a $10,000 matching gift from Trustee Windle B. Priem ’59, making the grand total for this project $21,749. The seniors recognized as President’s Circle members from the Class of 2010 made a gift of $100 or more.

Jairo E. Argueta William N. Barges Jr. Paige R. Bourne Adam Cartier Jason R. Climer Jason A. Codding Daniel J. Cullen Maria A. DeCicco Michael A. Ferro Roseann S. Gammal Tyler C. Golightly Eric P. Greer Alex J. Hansen Julie L. Hitchcock Erin T. Ingalls Christopher G. Jeznach Kelly E. Johnson Matthew J. King Nicole C. Klegraefe Gregory L. Lucini Amanda L. Martori Andrew J. Menelbaum Chad H. Mondor Amanda Rose Moreno Lindsay E. Mullins Michael R. Oshetsky Matthew A. Parker Sean T. Philbrook Brian F. Potts William T. Proia Matthew K. Runkle

Daniel R. Sacco Elizabeth A. Schreiber Mary P. Schultz Steven D. Shidlovsky Ashleigh R. Smeal Andrew E. Smith Heather Lee Standring Christopher P. Thomson Matthew Ryan Tomasko Arie J. Vilders Jyotsna Vinayak Myles A. Walsh

Your Investment at Work

The barbecue station donated by the Class of 2010 was constructed in August 2010. View more photos at www.flickr.com/wpialumni.

6 Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Honor Roll of Donors 2010 | Corporations, Foundations, and Other Organizations Corporations

Karl Storz Endovision, Inc.

$100,000 - $499,999

Liberty Mutual Group, Inc.

Messenger & Associates

Mass. Technology Development Corporation

Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC)

Your Investment at Work

MBIA Foundation Inc. Microsoft Corporation

$50,000 - $99,999 Anonymous

Mirick O’Connell DeMallie & Lougee, LLP

Exxon Mobil Corporation

The Pfizer Foundation

ExxonMobil Foundation

Procter & Gamble Fund

The Gillette Company

Raytheon Company

H. Carr & Sons Inc.


Intel Corporation

Rolf Jensen & Associates Inc.

Shire, Human Genetic Therapies Inc.

SolidWorks Corporation

Toyota Infotechnology Center, U.S.A. Inc.

Sun Microsystems Inc.

$2,000 - $49,999

Third Generation Consultants, LLC

Abbott Laboratories

The Travelers Companies Inc.

Accenture Foundation Inc.

Tyco Employee Matching Gift Program

Aetna Foundation Inc. Analog Devices Inc. Ayco Charitable Foundation BAE SYSTEMS Information & Electronic Systems Integration

State Street Foundation Teradyne, Inc.

Tyco International Management Company United Technologies Corporation Verizon Foundation

The Boeing Company

Weston & Sampson Engineers Inc.

Bowditch & Dewey

Wolf, Greenfield & Sacks, P.C.

Burns & Levinson, LLP

Family Foundations

Caterpillar Inc. CDM Chartwells / Compass Group

$1,000,000 Saybrook Charitable Trust

The Dow Chemical Company Foundation

$500,000 - $999,999

Fidelity Foundation

The Peterson Family Foundation

First Flight Ltd. Partnership The FM Global Foundation GE Foundation

The Gordon Foundation

$50,000 - $99,999 Beagary Charitable Trust

General Dynamics Corporation

$2,000 - $49,999

Gesmer Updegrove, LLP

Anthony-Arthur Foundation Inc.

Gilbane Building Company

Cymaron Foundation

Google Inc.

The Delle Foundation

Greenberg, Rosenblatt, Kull & Bitsoli, P.C.

Walter H. Freygang Foundation

Hamilton, Brook, Smith & Reynolds, P.C.

Macari Family Foundation

IBM Corporation Incite Innovations, LLC James S. Kemper Foundation Johnson Controls Foundation

Bernard Harris Jr., a former NASA astronaut and the first African American to walk in space, observes middleschool students working on an engineering problem during the ExxonMobil Bernard Harris Summer Science Camp held at WPI in 2009. Sponsored by ExxonMobil and the Bernard Harris Foundation, the camp provided 48 underrepresented middle school students (24 girls and 24 boys) from the central Massachusetts region with opportunities to learn technology as well as natural science, engineering, and mathematics from WPI faculty, secondary school teachers, and even ExxonMobil engineers. The camp’s theme at WPI was “Revolutionary Robotics,” which was fitting for the home of the nation’s first undergraduate degree program in robotics engineering.

Katsaros Family Foundation George and Alice Rich Foundation The LeRoy Schecter Foundation, Inc. Schwab Charitable Fund Y & R Charitable Trust

Honor Roll of Donors 2010 7

Honor Roll of Donors 2010 | Corporations, Foundations, and Other Organizations Foundations and Other Charitable Organizations

Johnson Charitable Gift Fund


The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc.

George I. Alden Trust

Macamor Foundation

Your Investment at Work

Grayce B. Kerr Fund, Inc.

National Fire Protection Association

$100,000 - $499,999 Davis Educational Foundation

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Seth Sprague Educational and Charitable Foundation

George F. and Sybil H. Fuller Foundation

Silicon Valley Community Foundation

Morgan-Worcester, Inc.

Society of Fire Protection Engineers/ Greater Atlanta Chapter

$2,000 - $49,999 Anonymous

Tech Old Timers

Combined Jewish Philanthropies

United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut

Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts

United Way of Central Massachusetts

The Denver Foundation

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

East Bay Community Foundation J. Irving England and Jane L. England Charitable Trust Albert J. Gifford Charitable Trust

WPI Alumni Association WPI Student Government Association

Jewish Communal Fund Jewish Community Foundation of Metrowest

Your Investment at Work

More than 250 elementary and middle school students from across the Northeast participated in RoboNautica, held at WPI in December 2009. Sponsored by Raytheon Network Centric Systems, RoboNautica is Massachusetts’ official state championship tournament of FIRST LEGO League, and it showcases the talents of hundreds of children ages 9–14 from across the Northeast region. (Out-of-state students were eligible to participate in the Massachusetts tournament.) Team 1044 of Lexington, Mass. ("Battery Powered Picklejar Heads") won the Champion’s Award, RoboNautica's top honor. To qualify for RoboNautica, all participating teams gave successful performances earlier in the year at one of five regional tournaments held throughout the state. A total of 64 teams competed.


$2,000 - $49,999

$500,000 - $999,999

Estate of Roy F. Bourgault ’42

Estate of Robert E. Seamon ’61

Estate of Ruth M. Knight Estate of Albert A. Nims Jr. ’39

Students and faculty enjoy state-of-the-future laboratory facilities in the George I. Alden Life Sciences and Bioengineering Educational Center, which opened at the start of the 2009–10 academic year. The Alden Center is the result of a sweeping renovation in Goddard Hall made possible by an $11.5 million grant from the George I. Alden Trust, WPI’s most generous benefactor.

8 Worcester Polytechnic Institute

$100,000 - $499,999

Dr. William Price ’37 Trust

Estate of Mabel K. Bass ’33/w

Estate of Joan Rich ’51/w

Shirley A. Mitchell Trust

Estate of Miriam B. Rutman ’30/w

Estate of Ralph W. Piper ’42

Estate of Walter A. Skers ’47

Estate of Leroy P. Smith

$50,000 - $99,999 Pauline F. Krull Trust ’16/w

/w widow of alumnus

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