2011 WPI Honor Roll of Donors

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Honor Roll of Donors 2011

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Honor Roll of Donors 2011 | President’s Circle: Alumni, Parents, and Friends The President’s Circle recognizes and honors alumni, parents, and friends committed to investing in the future of WPI at a leadership level of $2,000 or more in annual giving. Nearly 500 President’s Circle members provide the critical resources necessary each year to advance the mission of WPI. An investment at the President’s Circle level enables the university to implement curricular innovations, keep the WPI academic plan on the cutting edge, and create more opportunities for our deserving students to discover, achieve, and lead. John E. Anderson ’71

President’s Circle Benefactor $1,000,000 or more Robert A. Foisie ’56

Herbert Asher ’44 Michael E. Aspinwall ’75 and Susan Blanker

Your Investment at Work

John ’83 and Sheryl Atkinson ’83

Gloria* and Donald J. Schulz ’61

James P. Baum ’86

President’s Circle Benefactor

Kathryn Enright Benford ’60/w


Madhu C. and Kenneth Bieber

Bernard M. Gordon, D.Eng. (Hon.) ’07

Dave Brownell ’88

Maureen and Donald K. Peterson ’71

William Calder III ’61

Charlotte R. and Edward R. Zieve ’45

Rebecca G. and Peter C. Clapp ’82

Rene R. Bertrand ’57

Scott B. Burton ’84 Deirdre and John P. Casey ’76 Jim Demetry ’58, ’60 (MS)

President’s Circle Benefactor

Brenda and John Donnelly ’61


John F. Gabranski ’75

Anonymous (3) James L. Bartlett Jr. ’39 Elizabeth M. and Brian D. Chace ’69 Debora M. and Michael J. Dolan ’75 Mary F. and Warner S. Fletcher Ellen and Stu Kazin ’61 Randie and Robert R. Martin ’75 Priscilla and George C. Messenger ’51, D.Eng. (Hon.) ’09 Gale and Philip R. Morgan Daniel H. Sheingold ’48 David A. Tone ’63

Thomas C. Frary ’36 Claire L. Gaudiani

WPI honored its most generous donors by launching the newly created 1865 Society. This group recognizes individuals, foundations, and corporations that have given outright gifts of $1 million or more to the university. The 65 inaugural members have contributed over $118 million to support the advancement of WPI. A monument to these philanthropic leaders was installed outside the Campus Center on October 27, 2010; a special celebration followed on October 28.

James G. Hackendorf ’60 John Joseph ’86 August C. Kellermann ’46 John F. Kelly ’82 William A. Kerr ’60 Paul A. Lacouture ’72 Mary G. and Roderic C. Lancey ’51, ’52 (MS) Sang Ki Lee, Esq. ’60 Mrs. William M. Lester ’28/w Barbara and Allen Levesque ’59

Mayo and Daniel M. Morgan

John H. Lancaster ’39

Emmanuel J. Pappas ’52

Mahroo T. and Barrett Morgan

Patricia and Edward Lindberg ’60, ’63 (MS)

Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Zarrilli ’71

John M. Nash ’56

George H. Long Jr. ’57

George ’82 and Karen Oliver ’82

Arthur J. LoVetere Sr. ’60

Windle B. Priem ’59

Mr. and Mrs. F. William Marshall Jr.

Amy and Glenn Yee ’74

Jean and Myles McDonough

President’s Circle Benefactor

President’s Circle Fellow



Joyce and Paul W. Bayliss ’60

Colleen and William Anthony ’61

Patricia A. and Robert H. Beckett ’57

Dennis and Catherine Berkey

President’s Circle Patron

Richard F. Connolly Jr.


Denise and Craig R. Benson

E. Leo Douville ’39


Wayne D. Moore, PE, FSFPE, CFPS, SET ’94 (MS)

Curtis R. Carlson ’67, D.Sc. (Hon.) ’06

Margaret A. and Michael M. Galbraith ’58

Elizabeth and Michael J. Aghajanian ’80

Judith Nitsch ’75 and Tony Magliozzi

James L. Carr Jr. ’74

Eric Hahn ’80, D.Sc. (Hon.) ’99

Paul A. Allaire ’60, D.Eng. (Hon.) ’94

Corliss and David Paolino ’88 (MBA)

Bonnie and David K. Heebner ’67

Linda and Robert A. Allen ’59

Barrie M. Peterson ’67

Wilfrid J. Houde ’59, D.Eng (Hon.) ’01

Anne N. and Edward A. Altieri ’61

Gretchen and Scott W. Ramsay ’68

Paula and Robert M. Koerner Maria and Joseph E. Laptewicz Jr. ’71

2 Worcester Polytechnic Institute

John T. Mollen

* deceased

Norman L. Monks ’59

P parent

/w widow of alumnus

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Honor Roll of Donors 2011 | President’s Circle: Alumni, Parents, and Friends

Your Investment at Work

President’s Circle Ambassador

President’s Circle Associate


$2,000–$4,999 $1,000 for GOLD

Anonymous (2) Charlotte K. and Gerald R. Backlund ’55

Endowment support has made it possible to place three inaugural academic deans at WPI—Selçuk I. Güçeri, Bernard M. Gordon Dean of Engineering; Karen Kashmanian Oates, Peterson Family Dean of Arts and Sciences; and Mark P. Rice, Dean of the School of Business and Harry G. Stoddard Professor of Management. In addition to leading their respective academic areas, the new deans are working together and with the faculty across the university to advance WPI’s distinctive undergraduate programs, with their emphasis on project-enriched collaborative learning. They also are working to advance research and graduate education in such important fields as alternative energy, advanced materials, regenerative medicine, robotics, and information security, and on novel developments across the disciplines.

Anonymous (3)

Joel Bartlett

LindaLeigh R. ’88 and Andrew A. Aberdale ’89

Charles L. Blake, CIH ’67

Michael L. Abrams ’77

Mrs. John Brunter ’61/w

Jo-Ann G. Alessandrini

Nancy P. and Frederick J. Costello ’59

James A. Alfieri, PE ’59

John L. Dehnert ’59

Kerry Lee ’03 and Ben Andken ’00

Gregory S. Dickson ’71 Mark L. DiNapoli ’85

Elizabeth A. and Edmund W. Bacon ’94 (MS)

Jean and Michael A. DiPierro ’68

Stephen J. Barlow ’71

Beth A. and Raymond M. Dunn ’78, P’14

L & R Barnard-Bullard, Squared ’98

Henry C. Durick, Jr. ’43

Karen and Steve Bernacki ’70

Mark J. Freitas ’78, ’80 (MS)

Edward C. Berndt Jr. ’45

Dale G. Freygang ’74

Bruce E. Beverly, PE ’73, ’75 (MS)

Michael E. Grilli ’67

Emily and John E. Bigelow ’44

William R. Grogan ’46, ’49 (MS), D.Eng. (Hon.) ’90

Sandra and Norman F. Bolyea ’61

Cynthia A. and Robert E. Hart ’79

Rita and Philip Buffinton ’49

Diane and Larry Israel ’61 Timothy C. Johnson ’71

Debra and Scott J. Butler ’80, ’86 (MS)

Shirley and Richard D. Kirk ’54

Robert H. Cahill ’65

Morey R. Kraus ’91 (MS)

Brian Chu ’92

David G. LaPre ’74

George A. Clark ’74

John B. Lewis ’61

William V. Collentro ’66, ’68 (MS)

Bill and Cindy Lyons, P’09

Cynthia and William Cooper ’67

Francesca Maltese Richard J. Miczek ’61

Herbert W. Coulter III ’70, ’71 (MS)

Alfred A. Molinari Jr. ’63

Charles F. H. Crathern III ’52

George S. B. Morgan

Susan J. and Glenn A. Crathern, P’13

David P. Norton ’62

Arthur W. Anderson ’57

Ying L. Becker ’89 (MS), ’91 (PhD)

Joseph D. Bronzino ’59, ’69 (PhD)

William U. Pursell Jr. ’59

Linda M. and Carlton E. Cruff ’71, ’73 (MS)

Denise S. and Leonard E. Redon ’73

Janet Testa

Mrs. Mary M. Roszko ’39/w

Catherine M. Culnane ’84

Karen and Bernard L. Tetreault ’60

Lisa Y. and Jonathan M. Rourke ’76

Kenneth W. Roberts ’68

John D. Cunic ’68, ’71 (MS)

Sandra and David Van Covern ’53

Judy and Philip Ryan ’65

Michael C. Ruettgers, D. Eng. (Hon.) ’00

Judith M. D’Agostino ’80

Annalisa Weigel and Myles A. Walton ’97

Francis M. Scricco ’71

Thomas J. ’04 and Erin L. Daly ’04

William Rutherford, PE ’73

Amy and Sean Sebastian ’83

Winthrop M. Wassenar ’59, ’60 (MS)

Jeffrey A. Dannay ’94 (MS)

Raymond L. Skowyra Jr. ’71

William ’74 and Paula Delaney ’75

Barbara and Norman Sousa Gerrit S. Swart ’55, ’57 (MS)

Anne M. ’75 and Charles W. Dodd ’74

Sophie V. Vandebroek and Jesus del Alamo, P’12

Robert W. Dreyfoos ’80

Michael W. Vranos

Charles J. Durkin Jr. ’65

Ross E. Weaver ’70

Elise Cutler-Dysart and Theodore L. Dysart ’94

Judith R. and Allan P. Sherman ’61, ’81 (MS)

Philip A. Wild ’50

Alberta and Henry Strage ’54, D.Sc. (Hon.) ’90

Richard ’91 and Beth Anne Willett ’93

Ruth and Donald Taylor ’49, D.Eng. (Hon.) ’80 *

Pat and John Wilson ’65 Thomas F. Zimmie, PhD, PE ’60

Linda Dunn Rumsey ’84

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Honor Roll of Donors 2011 | President’s Circle: Alumni, Parents, and Friends

Leland P. Ekstrom ’42

Patricia and Frank Hoy

Karen K. and David R. Oates

Clark L. Poland ’48

Tahar El-Korchi

Paul M. Ingemi ’06

Kevin W. O’Connell ’71

Jacob N. Erlich ’62

John J. Janas III ’79

Thomas J. O’Connor ’59, ’61 (MS)

Robert S. and Cathryn J. Porambo, P’12

Robert L. Favreau ’52

David S. Jenney ’53

Mark F. O’Neil ’80

Julie A. and John W. Powers ’61

Peter R. Fenner ’64, ’67 (MS)

Siret and Jaak Jurison ’54

Irving F. Orrell Jr. ’51, ’58 (MS)

Morgan R. Rees ’61, ’69 (MS)

Gregg Fiddes ’85

Rona and John M. Kahn

Joseph J. Osvald ’65

Jay Rine ’95

John J. Fitzgibbons Jr. ’75

Cynthia L. Karlic ’79

Francis J. Pakulski ’59

Scott B. Flaherty ’87

Benjamin H. Katcoff ’71

Thomas Pantages ’61

Kevin H. ’04 and Jennifer M. Rohleder ’03

Charles D. Flanagan ’53

Denise and Arthur T. Katsaros ’69

Alex C. Papianou ’57

Stephen P. Flavin

Mel G. Keegan ’61

John A. Pelli ’70

Beth and Tim French ’73

Paul E. Kirby

Clarence Plant

Anson C. Fyler ’45 John J. Gabarro ’61

Elham Falsafi Klausbruckner ’90, ’94 (MS)

Anita Gallagher

Joyce S. Kline ’87

C. Stewart Gentsch ’58

Roberta Klisiewicz ’86

William F. Gess Jr. ’58

Christina and Hans H. Koehl ’56

F. Clark Gesswein ’64

Diana M. ’86 and David W. Kolstad ’86

Albert Goldberg ’48 Grace and Jeremy Gorman, P’12 Denise C. Gorski, PMP ’75, ’83 (MSM)

Raymond J. Lambert ’79

Walter J. Grandfield Jr. ’76

Dorothy and Alan G. Larsson ’56

John H. Graves ’94 (MS)

Scott and Jessica Lassonde ’99

Ann T. Lisi and Joel P. Greene ’69

John B. Lawson ’63

Donna and Richard M. Gross ’69

Anthony F. Leketa, PE ’69, ’77 (MS)

Stephen Z. Gunter ’57, ’59 (MS)

Robin Davidov and Christopher Lerbs, P’11

Lee P. Hackett ’61

Brian S. Loveland ’07

David H. Hall ’68

John Machonis Jr. ’63

Michelle M. ’85 and Steven W. Hall ’87

Mark A. Mahoney ’74

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hansen, P’10

Louis J. Marsella ’56 Christopher F. Martin ’53 Ellen Sloan McCaskill ’89

Mrs. William E. Hanson ’32/w

Peter D. McDermott ’73

Marie and John Harding ’47

Sandra L. and Thomas G. McGee ’64

Mrs. Herbert W. Head ’63/w Herbert S. Hebel ’59

Bernie Meister ’62

Thomas S. Heefner ’61

Kristine and Jim Melvin ’84, ’88 (MSM)

Leonard Hershoff ’43

John R. Messier ’76 (MSM)

Ann E. and Patrick J. Hester ’73

Robert A. Moore ’58, ’59 (MS)

Elizabeth ’02 and Jeremy Hitchcock ’04

Mimi and Pat Moran ’65

Jay P. Hochstaine ’62

Gail M. Morgan and Bernie Lempicki

Christine and Douglas E. Holmes ’71

Peter B. Myers ’46

Mike ’83 and Maureen Horgan ’83, P’14 Lawrence B. Horrigan Jr. ’56 Jody E. and John E. Hossack ’46

4 Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Your Investment at Work

Alisa and Ernest R. Kretzmer ’45 Banthoon Lamsam, P’13

Allan C. Hamilton Jr. ’56

Kirsten Kunkler and Frederick D. Rucker ’81

Mark A. Koretz ’71

Harish and Jyothi Grama

Selçuk I. Güçeri

Sarah D. and Carl O. Rosendahl, P’11

Richard R. Nabb ’73 Bonnie and Thomas B. Newman Jr. ’64 S. Bailey Norton Jr. ’43

Scholarship donors and recipients came together on the evening of Wednesday, March 23, 2011, at the annual Scholarship Dinner, a WPI tradition that celebrates philanthropy and those who benefit from it. It was a banner year for student scholarship support with transformational gifts from several of WPI’s most generous benefactors. Robert A. Foisie ’56 added $9.4 million to the already established Robert Foisie Scholars Fund for undergraduate students; Priscilla and George Messenger Jr. ’51 pledged more than $6 million from their estate to support the George and Priscilla Messenger Scholarship Fund, also for undergraduate students; Nancy Craig pledged a bequest of $2.2 million in memory of her husband, Donald Craig ’57, to support student scholarships through the Matthew Andrews Craig Memorial Scholarship; and Leonard White ’41 made a $1 million bequest toward the Leonard and Ann White Endowed Scholarship Fund, set up in memory of his wife, to support student financial aid.

* deceased

P parent

/w widow of alumnus

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Honor Roll of Donors 2011 | President’s Circle: Alumni, Parents, and Friends

Steve Rusckowski ’79 Robert A. St. Jean ’60 Roland R. St. Louis Sr. ’52 George E. Saltus ’51, ’54 (MS) Reynald J. Sansoucy ’55

Elizabeth Z. ’03 and Christopher B. Stank ’00

Bonnie and Edwin D. Tenney ’59

Elliot F. Whipple ’67

Richard J. Testa Jr., PE ’84

Bebe and Howard P. Whittle ’54

Beth Poulin ’73, ’78 (MS) and Frank Steiner ’71, ’74 (MS)

Leo J. Thomas, D.Eng. (Hon.) ’88*

Jim Wilkinson ’91, ’93 (MS)

William C. and Donna K. Stock, P’11

Alesia A. Tringale and Rudy Cepko

Treva and Thomas Wimbrow ’76

Anne and Alden Tucker ’52

Alex and Dorothea C. Wong ’92 Eileen R. Wood ’87, ’91 (MS) and Christopher B. Wood ’85, ’95 (MS)

Erin Sullivan ’02, ’03 (MS)

Daniel Turner ’64

Alena and David M. Schwaber ’65

Philip W. Suomu ’80

Frank Verprauskus ’61

Lawrence F. Scinto ’51

Mrs. Roger W. Swanson ’51/w

Maurice R. Silvestris, PE ’64

Joan B. ’79 and David E. Szkutak ’79

Pamela Weathers and Stephen M. Dungan, P’01

Walter Scanlon ’50

Paul S. Sledzik ’61 Susan and Gary Sowyrda ’78

Halil and Karen Padir ’90, ’95 (MBA)

John D. Writer ’51

Thomas Weil ’71

Donald D. ’92 and Jennifer J. Wyse ’94

Kristin ’93 and David Wheeler ’93, ’04 (MS)

Sharon and David C. Youmans, P’04

Honor Roll of Donors 2011 | President’s Circle: Class of 2011 The Senior Class Gift is a longstanding tradition at WPI. The Class of 2011 raised $10,327 from 42.6 percent of the class for the restoration of the memorial garden and reflecting pool behind Higgins House. In recognition of their achievement, the class received a $15,000 matching gift from Trustee Windle B. Priem ’59, making the grand total for this project $25,327.

Your Investment at Work The seniors recognized as President’s Circle members from the Class of 2011 made a gift of $100 or more. Elizabeth M. Dailey Richard L. Emberley Stephen J. Esposito Jason B. Gabriel Rachel K. Heller Mark E. Kuhlwein Anas B. Maghfur Michelle L. Maurice Jonathan F. Morgan Linnea M. Palmer Paton Gregory J. Richmond Matthew K. Runkle

At Commencement 2011, the Senior Class presented President Berkey with a check for $25,327, which will be used to restore the memorial garden and reflecting pool behind Higgins House. This lush, quiet area commemorates the memory of students who have passed away. The Class of 2011 raised $10,327, earning them $15,000 in matching funds from WPI Trustee Windle B. Priem ’59—for a grand total of $25,327. The Class of 2011 dedicated the project to their friend and classmate Jon Rowell, who passed away in February 2011.

Yuan Shi Joseph R. Sima Kayla A. Sousa Ryan P. Stock Nicholas Tsitsilianos

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Honor Roll of Donors 2011 | Corporations, Foundations, and Other Organizations Corporations

IBM Corporation

$100,000 - $499,999

Incite Innovation LLC

ExxonMobil Foundation

Intel Corporation

Messenger & Associates

Intel Foundation

Your Investment at Work

IR Charitable Foundation 130


James S. Kemper Foundation

Analog Devices Inc.

Johnson Controls Foundation

ExxonMobil Corporation

Karl Storz Endovision Inc.

Geosynthetic Institute

Klausbruckner & Associates

H. Carr & Sons Inc.

Kodiak Enterprises Inc.

Toyota Infotechnology Center, U.S.A. Inc.

Liberty Mutual Group Inc.

United Technologies Corporation

Massachusetts Life Sciences Center The MathWorks Inc.


MBIA Foundation Inc.

Abbott Laboratories

The Merck Company Foundation

Aon Fire Protection Engineering

Microsoft Corporation

BAE Systems Information and Electronic Systems Integration

Mirick O’Connell

Bank of America Foundation

The Northrop Grumman Foundation

Bowditch & Dewey

Pratt & Whitney

Burns & Levinson LLP

The Procter & Gamble Fund

Capone Iron Corporation

Raytheon Company

Caterpillar Inc.

Rolf Jensen & Associates Inc.

Chartwells / Compass Group

Saeilo Manufacturing Industries

Consolidated Edison Company of New York

St. Francis/St. Charles Motels


Shire, Human Genetic Therapies Inc.

SolidWorks Corporation

Skylight Studios Inc.

Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation

The Sousa Corporation

ECI Biotech

Suffolk Construction

EMC Corporation

The Travelers Companies, Inc.

Fidelity Foundation

Tyco Employee Matching Gift Program

Fire Equipment Manufacturers Association

State Street Foundation

UTC Fire & Security

FireLink LLC

Verizon Foundation

Fisher Engineering Inc.

Wolf, Greenfield and Sacks, PC

FletcherTilton PC GE Foundation

Family Foundations

General Dynamics C4 Systems

$1,000,000 or more

Gesmer Updegrove LLP

Saybrook Charitable Trust

The Gillette Company Google Inc. Greenberg, Rosenblatt, Kull and Bitsoli, PC

$500,000–$999,999 The Gordon Foundation

Morgan family members with President Berkey.

WPI continues to attract support from foundations that recognize the value WPI brings to its students, to the Worcester Community, and to society. Recent grants: • A pledge of $2.1 million by Morgan-Worcester Inc. and the Beagary Charitable Trust to name WPI’s Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning • A $1 million gift by the George F. and Sybil H. Fuller Foundation to name the atrium in the new Sports and Recreation Center • Two grants totaling $298,000 from the Kern Family Foundation to fund programs that promote an entrepreneurial mindset in undergraduate engineers WPI has benefited from the generous support of Worcester-area foundations for many years. The Worcester Community Project Center, which celebrated its first decade in 2011, is supported by a $1.8 million initial investment by the Stoddard Charitable Trust, the Fletcher Foundation, the Ruth H. and Warren A. Ellsworth Foundation, the Mildred H. McEvoy Foundation, the Hoche-Scofield Foundation, and the Fairlawn Foundation.

The Peterson Family Foundation

Gurney Engineering Corp.



The Kern Family Foundation

Hamilton, Brook, Smith and Reynolds, PC

Beagary Charitable Trust

Anthony-Arthur Foundation Inc.

Benson Family Charitable Trust

Cymaron Foundation

The McDonough Charitable Foundation Trust

Hughes Associates Inc.

Walter H. Freygang Foundation John P. and Kelley A. Joseph Family Foundation Katsaros Family Foundation

6 Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Jack and Bonnie Mollen Charitable Foundation Trust The Vranos Family Foundation Y & R Charitable Trust

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Honor Roll of Donors 2011 | Corporations, Foundations, and Other Organizations Foundations and Other Charitable Organizations

George F. and Sybil H. Fuller Foundation


The Albert J. Gifford Charitable Trust

The George I. Alden Trust

$100,000–$499,999 The Fred Harris Daniels Foundation Inc. Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fletcher Foundation Morgan-Worcester Inc.

Gulf Coast Community Foundation of Venice The Jewish Communal Fund Jewish Community Foundation of Metrowest New Jersey Johnson Charitable Gift Fund The Henry Luce Foundation Inc. The Macamor Foundation


MIT Lincoln Laboratory

WPI Alumni Association

National Fire Protection Association

Wyman-Gordon Foundation

Red & Blue Foundation Inc.


Rotary Club of Yarmouth


Schwab Charitable Fund

The Aberdale Foundation

The Seth Sprague Educational and Charitable Foundation

The Ayco Charitable Foundation Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund

United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut

Coleman Foundation

United Way of Central Massachusetts

Combined Jewish Philanthropies

United Way of Rhode Island

East Bay Community Foundation

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

J. Irving England and Jane L. England Charitable Trust

Your Investment at Work

Great music and science come together at WPI through the generous philanthropy of Dr. and Mrs. Herman Medwin ’41. A significant bequest from the Medwin Family Trust will ensure that the campus community will be enriched by the Medwin String Ensemble and the Medwin String Honors Quartet for generations to come.

Stanley W. Watson Foundation

Estates $1,000,000–$5,000,000

Your Investment at Work

Estate of Richard T. Whitcomb ’43

$100,000–$499,999 Anonymous Estate of Clayton E. Hunt Jr. ’34 Medwin Family Trust Robert ’46 and Barbara Schramm Trust Estate of Leroy P. Smith Kathryn T. Stoughton Trust

$50,000–$99,999 Estate of Raymond K. Houston ’38 The Dr. William Price ’37 Trust Estate of Percy Clayton Smith 1907

$2,000–$49,999 Anonymous

President Dennis Berkey joined Massachusetts Lt. Governor Tim Murray, Congressman Jim McGovern, Worcester Mayor Joseph O’Brien, O’Connell Development Group President Dennis Fitzpatrick, WPI trustees, administrators, and other community leaders to break ground on a $32 million, 92,000–sq.ft. facility at Gateway Park in Worcester, on April 21, 2011. WPI’s new Fire Protection Engineering facility and laboratory will be housed there and has received generous financial support from Honeywell, UTC, Rolf Jensen & Associates, Siemens Industry, and AON Fire Protection Engineering.

Estate of Benjamin E. Chadwick ’31 Hathaway Family Trust Estate of Sylvia C. Koerber ’40/w Albert J. LaLiberte ’33 Trust Estate of Beatrice M. Mencow ’37/w Estate of Norman A. Packard ’39 Estate of Ralph W. Piper ’42 Estate of Elsie C. Strandberg ’39/w Estate of Robert S. Tamblyn ’46

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Honor Roll of Donors 2011 | Faculty and Staff More than 220 faculty and staff made contributions to support student financial aid and university departments over the past year. In recognition of the many important contributions faculty and staff make to the life and success of this vibrant university, two Trustees, (who wish to remain anonymous) matched dollar-for-dollar any faculty/staff donations (cash and securities) to the university during the last fiscal year and are continuing this challenge for gifts made through June 30, 2012. The matching funds will be used to create an endowed fund for student financial aid.

Jon P. Abraham

Martha Cyr ’87 (MS), ’97 (PhD)

Peter H. Hansen

Francis Hoy

David S. Adams

John F. Delorey

Dana L. Harmon

Mayer Humi

Kathleen T. Adams

Nicholas A. Dembsey

Ajayi Harris

Peggy Isaacson

W. A. Addison

Chrysanthe Demetry ’88

A. Tracy Hassett

Judith Jaeger

Jo-Ann G. Alessandrini

Jim Demetry ’58, ’60 (MS)

Arthur C. Heinricher

J. S. Jiusto

Margarita Alicea

Marie E. DiRuzza

William Hobey

Allan E. Johannesen ’68

Charles R. Anderson ’99

Michael J. DiRuzza

Allen H. Hoffman ’63, ’67 (MS)

Sharon Johnson

Dexter A. Bailey

David B. Dollenmayer

Francis Horanzy

James F. Kenary

Sheila J. Bailey

Michael W. Dorsey

Marylou G. Horanzy

Paul E. Kirby

William A. Baller

James K. Doyle

McRae C. Banks

Christine Drew

Patricia A. Barrows

Joseph B. Duffy

Jon E. Bartelson ’01

Raymond Dunn ’78

Christopher J. Bartley

Donald D. Easson

Karen L. Bean ’86 (MBA)

Ryan Egge

Roderick J. Beaton

Charles Rusty Eggen

Diane Begreen

Denise A. Ehnstrom

Paul A. Bennett

Tahar El-Korchi

Dennis D. Berkey

Michael W. Ellsworth

Gina M. Betti

Michael B. Elmes

Deborah A. Bockus

Adam Epstein ’05, ’11 (MS)

Deborah A. Bordage

Robyn Esposito

David A. Botelho

Brenton Faber

Kristin Boudreau

Rebecca Faber

Joel J. Brattin

Giacomo P. Ferraro

Jodi Briggs

Laura D. Ferro

Lora T. Brueck

Gregory S. Fischer

Dorothy A. Campaniello

Kathryn Fisler

Steffanie C. Carnazza

Robert Fitzgerald ’53, ’60 (MS)

Michelle Carrara

Stephen P. Flavin

Julie L. Chapman

Jennifer Gamache

Ronald D. Cheetham

Glenn R. Gaudette

Ki H. Chon

Michael A. Gennert

Philip N. Clay

Denise M. Giguere

Jennifer A. Cluett

Cynthia E. Gillespie

William Collentro ’66, ’68 (MS)

Christine Girouard

Edward J. Connor ’92

Zofia Glazer

Robert E. Connors

Edward M. Gonsalves ’81, ’94 (MS)

Ginger Conti

Karen Goudey

Paul Cotnoir ’83, ’88 (MS), ’10 (PhD)

Margaret B. Gribouski

Emily Cox

Martha Gunnarson

Constance Cramer

Bonnie J. Hall

Theodore C. Crusberg

Steven W. Hall ’87

Kristy Cullivan

Laura R. Hanlan

8 Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Selcuk Guceri

Your Investment at Work

Your investment continues to grow WPI’s reputation nationally and internationally. The Princeton Review recognizes WPI in its new 2012 edition of "The Best 376 Colleges," rating it 17th in the nation for Career Services, 6th on a list of the 10 best places to study game design, one of the top five universities in the nation that provide the greatest opportunity for women studying business and management, and included it among the most environmentally responsible colleges and universities in the United States and Canada in its “Guide to 311 Green Colleges.” WPI graduates rank 7th in the nation for highest starting median salary, according to a recent report by PayScale Inc. The 2012 Fiske Guide to Colleges named WPI to its “Most Interesting Colleges” list.

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Honor Roll of Donors 2011 | Faculty and Staff

Your Investment at Work

With the special distinction of graduating during WPI’s 150th anniversary year, the Class of 2015 arrived on campus Sunday, August 21. This sesquicentennial class sets many records: WPI received more than 7,000 applications for admission to this class, which is composed of more than 1,000 students—the largest ever in the university’s 146-year history. These students’ average SAT composite score (combined verbal and math) is 1298, the highest ever among incoming classes; their average high school grade point average is 3.8, and more than 40 percent had perfect GPAs of 4.0. There are 44 class valedictorians and 55 salutatorians among this group. The class is composed of the largest numbers of women (31 percent), domestic students of color (12.5 percent), and international students (14.5 percent) in WPI history. The Class of 2015 also represent 41 states and 35 foreign countries.

Karen Kashmanian Oates

Cornelius W. Spellman

Robert A. Oborne

Susan E. Spies

John T. O’Connor

Kenneth Stafford

John A. Orr

Richard A. Stanley ’99 (PhD)

David B. Ortendahl

Roger W. Steele ’91

Connie O’Toole

Samuel K. Stewart

Eric W. Overström

Donna K. Stock

Taskin Padir

John M. Sullivan

Ann-Marie Pagonis

Susan J. Tarplin

Jennifer Palmer Andrews

Jessica R. Telemaque

Stephanie Pasha

Peter A. Thomas

Gina M. Patterson

Benjamin R. Thompson ’73

R. Creighton Peet

Kristin R. Tichenor

Terrence J. Pellerin

Elizabeth Tomaszewski

Donna D. Pellinger Emily Perlow

Walter T. Towner ’83, ’01 (MS),’03 (MS)

Leigh A. Persico

Aubrey A. Valley

Robert A. Peura ’64

Dianne Vanacore

Deborah A. Pizzimenti

Helen G. Vassallo ’82 (MBA)

Clarence Plant

Richard Vaz ’79, ’84 (MS), ’87 (PhD)

Jeanine D. Plummer Harold Resington Mark P. Rice Charles Rich Donald G. Richardson Janet B. Richardson Evelyn M. Riley Kent J. Rissmiller Marsha Rolle Yvette M. Rutledge Brenda M Salvi Tressa J. Santillo Brian J. Savilonis ’72, ’73 (MS)

Audrey Klein-Leach

Michael Manning

Tricia Sawyer

William Krein ’62

Cheryl A. Martunas

Lance E. Schachterle

Kathy A. Kuhlwein

Maureen E. Maynard

Anastasia Schelkin

Jason R. Laperriere

Ann McCarron

Ann S. Schlickmann

David Leach

Elenore M. McGourty

Stacy Schwartz

Melissa Leahy ’97

James McLaughlin

Deborah C. Scott

Tracey Leger-Hornby

Anthony McMahon

Catherine A. Seed

Allen H. Levesque ’59

Brian J. Meacham ’84, ’91 (MS)

Robert Sheehan

Fred J. Looft

Eliza Michie Laurent

Ingrid K. Shockey

Linda C. Looft

Susan M. Milkman

Candace L. Sidner

David A. Lucht

Fabienne Miller

Richard D. Sisson

Christine Lynch

Dianne M. Moreau

Jeanine Skorinko

Patricia MacInnes

Thomas P. Moreau

Laurie A. Smith

Maren Madore

Charles C. Morse

Jeffrey S. Solomon

Lisa C. Maizite

Stacie D. Murray

Suzanne M. Sontgerath ’88

Patrick T. Maloney

Kathy Notarianni ’86, ’88 (MS)

Jonathan Sparling

Bogdan M. Vernescu Luis Vidali Homer F. Walker Maria C. Warren Pamela Weathers Stephen J. Weininger Amy E. Weymouth Abbie C. White Joann Whitefleet-Smith Norman D. Wilkinson Lori Willens Craig E. Wills Kristin K. Wobbe Wanli Zhao Luanne Zingarelli Donald Zwiep

Honor Roll of Donors 2011 9

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