15 minute read
YETMINSTER REP: Michaela and Graham Plaice: gplaice@gmail.com 872921
Mothering Sunday floral arrangements
A fond farewell to our friend Garth Huntley was made at his funeral at the Barn, Higher Ground Meadow, Corscombe on 29 March. It was a lovely humanist service and Garth was laid to rest in a field with far reaching views. It was wonderful to listen to stories of Garth’s life, his love of railways, his recumbent bicycle and his love of terrier dogs. He will be sorely missed.
We have confirmation that the Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca Neighbourhood Plan has been adopted by Dorset Council. It was decided to make the Plan part of the statutory development plan for the Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca Neighbourhood Area. A formal report is on page 33.
The jungle drums are beating about a potential application to build on the land between Ryme Intrinseca and Yetminster. This land was not included in the Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca Neighbourhood Plan as a site for development. Further investigation is ongoing with Dorset Council.
I have just received a flyer regarding the Yetminster Community Sports Club, which outlines their regular events and forthcoming events. A broad spectrum of events is planned, including a disco, car boot sale, family fun day, Yetminster Fair and picnic on the pitch events. The club will only survive with the support of the local community. I have my fingers crossed that the upcoming car boot sale will be a success.
We are truly becoming the epicentre for take away food. I would like to say thank you to Nom Nom pizza, Baker Man Dan, Fish and Chip Vendor, Chicken Tikka and you can also get take away food from Leigh. What a great variety and good quality. And take a look at this fabulous cake made for the White Hart Pub at Easter.
The local community will join together through a number of events and activities to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of the Queen – see the full list of planned activities on p31.
FunRaising for the church is going well, with the recent Antiques Auctioneer event raising over £700 for the church funds. The next event is the quiz night on 7 May, being run by the Jubilee Hall Team. Thank you to everybody involved in planning and executing these events, it is hard work, although at times can be very enjoyable.
With better weather on the way as spring is definitely sprung, I hope the community gets out and about and supports our village events.
Michaela and Graham Plaice
St. Andrew’s Church
Well, these are my first Churchwarden’s Notes after being elected as the churchwarden of St. Andrew’s! The job goes back to the 14th Century and as a reminder, there’s a memorial plate on the church clock with the names of three churchwardens who commissioned it in 1683 from Mr Bartholomew of Sherborne. There’s an unbroken line of job-holders and it seems strange, but also a privilege, to walk in their shoes
A huge vote of thanks to Clare who has been our churchwarden for the past six years. Everything seems to run smoothly at St. Andrew’s which is really down to her and I hope I can carry on that tradition. Clare has kindly agreed to help me out and show me the ropes for the rest of the year for which I am so thankful. It’s an odd job (literally) with 1001 things to remember and I hope I don’t make too many mistakes. Apparently one of my jobs is to keep order during services (so no rioting please). There’s a wonderful 1750’s engraving by Hogarth of a churchwarden about to take issue with an idle apprentice playing dice in the churchyard during service time, but I’m sure that wouldn’t occur in Yetminster!
The year goes on and, after all the joys of Easter, the next big events are Ascension Day on 26 May and Whit Sunday on 5 June. We will have special services for both these days, as well as all our other normal round of services. On 8 May there will be the second Sunday service at St. Andrew’s school – come along at 9.30am for coffee and croissants and the service at 10.00am. This service is becoming very popular and it’s a joy to see young families there. The evening before, on 7 May, YCP are running a quiz as part of the FunRaising events for the year. It promises to be a lot of fun so why not get a few friends together and come along. Details in the magazine and from pccsec.yetminster@ gmail.com. All to help raise money for the church and repairs to our clock which sadly has been silent for so long.
And finally, a big vote of thanks to our
wonderful churchyard volunteers who mow, prune, tend, tidy, and generally look after the grounds. They look lovely.
Churchwarden Geoff
Jubilee Flower Festival – June 2-5 2022 St Andrew’s Church, Yetminster Helpers wanted! No skill required, just enthusiasm. We want to celebrate our lovely village in flowers – if you’d like to help please call 07788710130 or email pccsec.yetminster@gmail.com
Coffee, Cake and Chat
With thanks to Mandy Beaton and Sara Greenwood for kindly bringing Peanut the pony along to the April Coffee, Cake and Chat – everybody loved meeting her.
We also held a very successful Easter raffle. We look forward to seeing everybody in May/June.
Angela and Grace
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
It’s a Knockout Comes to Yetminster!
As part of the village Platinum Jubilee celebrations, Yetminster will be hosting its very own ‘It’s a Knockout’ event on Saturday 4 June at Yetminster Sports Club. Teams of six will compete in everything from Dorset Knob throwing and obstacle races to raw egg throwing. If you would like to get a team together to take part and compete for the trophy, just email Andy Perlejewski at YCSC@ btinternet.com.
The full programme of Jubilee events is as follows:
Thursday 2 June
• Flower Festival in St. Andrew’s
Church starts and runs all weekend • Jubilee village walk from The White
Hart at 2.30 pm • The lighting of the Jubilee Beacon on the tower of St. Andrew’s Church from 9.30pm with playing of the
National Anthem and everyone toasting The Queen
Friday 3 June
Treasure Hunt around the village starting at Old School Gallery which will run from 2.00–4.00pm
Saturday 4 June
Jubilee ‘It’s a Knockout’ at the Sports Ground from midday, with live music in the evening
Sunday 5 June
• Special Jubilee Service at St. Andrew’s
Church at 10.00am • The ‘Big Lunch in the High Street’ from 1.00pm with live music from
The Fat Marrow Band at 5.30pm.
There will be an award for best decorated table and a prize for the person dressed best as a queen of any sort. Entertainment for children, ice cream van and food outside the pub in the evening and lots more.
Full details will be circulated in the next few days on flyers, posters and Facebook.
The Annual Parish Meeting Yetminster, Ryme Intrinseca and Hamlet
This is the regular annual meeting to enable the community to celebrate local activities and initiatives and to put forward their views and ideas. This year it will take place on Wednesday 18 May at 7.30pm in the Jubilee Hall, Yetminster. The chairman of the Parish Council will make their annual report and outline the Council’s aspirations for the forthcoming year.
If you are a member of an organisation and want to provide a short report on your year’s activities, then you are welcome to attend and do this in person or you can forward this to the Acting Clerk for its inclusion. The minutes of last year’s meeting are available on the parish website.
The council’s mailbox is yetminster@ dorset-aptc.gov.uk and you can also use the contact form.
Yetminster and Ryme Intrinseca Parish Council
Chairman’s Notes – March Meeting
It seems that the work carried out to resolve the sewage problem in Brister End has not been successful as the recent wet weather resulted in raw sewage being washed into the street. This problem has been highlighted by several members of the public and the Parish Council will contact Wessex Water to make them aware of the seriousness of the issue.
With the large increase in the cost of energy, there have been reports of fuel being stolen from vehicles, domestic heating fuel and gas bottles. We are advised to take steps to ensure we safeguard ourselves from such thefts.
The Parish Council has been successful in reclaiming £4,278 in VAT payments, and it has been suggested that this is used to support projects within the parish. Dorset Council will be asked to confirm whether this money can only be spent on products and services or whether it can be put to other uses.
Discussions are underway regarding starting work on the Access for All project in Yetminster High Street and a meeting will take place with Superfast Dorset to explore increasing broadband capacity at the fibre cabinet in Thornford Road. The dedicated CIL pages on the website are now active and provide
information on the CIL funding regime and on the various projects that have been approved. Further comments on the proposed projects can be made by contacting the Acting Clerk or using the contacts page on the parish website.
The Hamcrate Working Group has met with the tenant to review the agreement with the Yetminster Community Sports Club and has signed a three-year lease from 1 April 2022.
It was unanimously decided that David Torrance should take on the role of Acting Parish Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer on a temporary, voluntary basis. The advertisement for a new Clerk is below.
Andy Perlejewski
Chairman of Yetminster and Ryme Intrinseca Parish Council
Planning Notification Changes
Please be aware that Dorset Council no longer sends neighbour notification letters for planning applications unless these are specifically required by legislation. All applications continue to be publicised by displaying site notices adjacent to the proposed development, and press notices are also used where required by law. Details of all applications are also published online on the Planning Webpages – Dorset Council Planning Services and they continue to consult statutory organisations and both Town and Parish Councils. If you become aware a site notice has been removed, defaced or obscured during the consultation period, then do use the contact form on the Y&RI parish website – so that we can inform Dorset about it, and they can take steps to rectify this.
Whilst the concerns about the decision to stop sending neighbour notification letters is understood, Dorset Council’s approach is in line with the statutory requirements, which generally require either a site notice to be displayed or neighbour notification letters to be sent (and not both). The decision to stop sending these notifications was taken due to the resource constraints on their services and it is likely, in the long term, that they will seek to move back to a position where officers erect all site notices, rather than requesting this of applicants and agents as at present.
It is important therefore that you lookout for the site notice, especially if you are aware that you live in the proximity of a potential development that you have concerns about and want to alert the planning officer to these.
YRIPC Planning Group
Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca Parish Council
Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca Neighbourhood Plan
It’s done – the Y&RI Neighbourhood Plan adopted!
It is a pleasure to confirm that the Plan was considered by Dorset Council on 5 April, with a decision reached in Cabinet “to make the Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca Neighbourhood Plan part of the statutory development plan for the Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca
Neighbourhood Area”. In opening the debate on the submission, the chairman confirmed that Ryme Intrinseca was his favourite Dorset village name!
Cllr Penfold, our Dorset Councillor, spoke to recognise the effort made by everybody and Cllr Walsh (the portfolio holder for planning) offered his congratulations to the Parish Council and the Neighbourhood Plan steering group for the challenging work undertaken, recognising the many hours of time committed to producing the Plan.
The Parish Council would also, once again, like to offer its thanks to all those who helped, in way or another to produce and support the plan and recognises the effort and commitment made.
We are optimistic that the Plan will enable our parish to develop in the way that its community wants it to and that our future will be a bright one.
YRIPC Neighbourhood Plan Working Group
Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca Parish Council Position of Councillor x 2
The Parish Council is seeking two councillors to join its existing eight members to help it maintain and improve the very special environment that we live in. An important responsibility is to be involved with one or more of the initiatives or projects that we have identified and to contribute to the general day to day work of the Council.
The Council normally meets 10 times a year, on the last Wednesday of the month, although there are further meetings of sub-groups from time to time.
If you are interested, please use the contact form to tell us about yourself and how you feel you can help.
Position of Clerk
As advertised on the Parish Website, our Clerk has recently left us for pastures new and we are seeking an enthusiastic person to help ensure that we undertake our various functions in a proper manner. You should be experienced with using Microsoft Office and familiarity of an office environment and of local government administration would also be beneficial.
The successful candidate would be required to work eight hours a week and attend 10 Parish Council meetings a year as well one Annual Village Meeting and some occasional sub-committee meetings. Salary to be within the NALC SP16/22 range on a pro rata basis.
Contact Us
For further information, or to express an interest in either becoming a councillor or for the post of clerk please use the contact form on the Parish website – Contact Form.
David Torrance
Acting Clerk Yetminster & Ryme Intrinseca Parish Council
Yetminster Fair Association 50/50 Club draw
1st prize of £50 No. 66 Mr M Probert 2nd prize of £30 No. 05 Mr D Torrance 3rd prize of £20 No. 09 Mrs S Drewett
Yetminster star in the shade
The first visit for this year was to the newly refurbished Dorset Museum. Kat Broomfield, Curator and Collections Manager, explained how £16.4 million had been spent bringing together four million objects under one roof to celebrate the heritage of Dorset. Naturally, only a small percentage of these objects is displayed at a time. One of her prize objects was a Yetminster Box Wagon, now beautifully conserved and displayed in its original glory.
No doubt with us in mind, Kat focused on the Yetminster wagon to illustrate her story. The Museum’s key objective is conservation not restoration. What we might see as a restored cart, has been carefully renewed but employing a range of specialist techniques to ensure the cart will be on display in 10- or 20-years’ time, still looking like new.
This type of cart, distinguished by its box shape, was found across Dorset and over the borders to Devon, Somerset and Hampshire. The tailboards were deliberately ornate as they were used as the equivalent of today’s registration plates to allow them to pass the turnpikes of the time. The date on the tailboard suggests that as well as milling and farm work this cart would have been used in WW1 and even, possibly, in WW2.
Although very dirty when acquired, the red and yellow undercarriage is traditional for a Dorset wagon. The conservation process took about eight months to complete, with conservators determined to honour the work of the original craftsmen. The wheel hubs and side panels had a lot of woodworm. The dirt was removed and the wood coated with special woodworm treatment to prevent any further damage. The paintwork was cleaned with de-ionised water and soap, and polished with specialist waxes. To prevent any cracking, mould or rotting, the humidity levels of the display area are constantly monitored. And finally, to prevent any bleaching of the beautiful paintwork, the cart has to be displayed in the semidark.
The same level of care was devoted to all the other millions of objects. Everything had to be documented, packaged and stored. Covid delayed things but, in the summer of 2020, the reverse process of unpacking, documenting and placing in the new environment started. Fitttings and mounts, and showcases were set up to display for at least the next ten years, with the emphasis on accessiblity. The new museum is definitely worth a visit, if not several.
Next Event: 11 May 2022, a tour of Halswell House, Bridgwater. For further information on visits or booking, contact us at yetminster8@gmail.com
John Ferretter