Employment Essay

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Being a good employee is essential in today's world, especially in these tough economic times when there are many seeking work. Consequently, it is important to keep in mind that no employee is irreplaceable. While hearing many complain these days about his or her job, one just needs to look around and be thankful that they have the means in which to survive and are able to work. There are many who are not only unemployed, but also unable to perform due to illness or a disability. Sometimes when a person is feeling in a mood to complain, they may need to sit back, relax and take a look around in order to appreciate what they have, and learn how to be a good employee.

Being a good employee means caring about your job and your company. In...show more content...

Staying to finish the job or at least reach a stopping point will not be that much of a delay. If it is impossible to stay later, then you should plan your day more effectively

Do not call in sick unless you are, or take for granted that you can call in a vacation day spontaneously. Vacations and personal time should be scheduled. When you are out, your job is delegated to others, and having to take on unexpected responsibilities without being prepared can affect production or productivity, as well cause stress and conflict among others.

Be that employee who, when someone asks you to do something, will feel confident that the job will be done, and done right, without a doubt. Dependability goes a long way in the workforce, and having the reputation of being the employee that everyone can count on is a compliment.

*Be respectful

This means to respect others as you would want them to respect you. If you ask someone for help and they concur, do not steal the credit for their work. On the other hand, if what they helped you with is unintentionally wrong, do not blame them or yell at them, as they were only trying to help you out. Never cut someone else down in front of others, yell at them or point out their bad qualities. Do not gossip, or fall in to the trap of one who does. Gossip can destroy a person and ruin their career, and is something that is easy to fall in to.

*Use time wisely

Plan your day, have an agenda of things to

Essay about How To Be A Good Employee
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Employment Equity


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This assignment deals with the Employment Equity Act of 19 October 1998. It covers the workings of the act in terms of equity andaffirmative action and how it was implemented in Defy Appliances Ltd in 1999. It also covers some of the obstacles and challenges that were experienced by the company; as well as its success in other companies in South Africa...show more content...

Inspectors may inspect businesses and obtain undertakings from employers to comply with their duties in terms of the Act. Failing that, they may

issue compliance orders, to which or against which an employer may object or appeal. Any party assessing compliance with the Act has discretion to consider a variety of factors amounting to whether the employer has made reasonable attempts, in his/her particular circumstances, to comply. The Director–General may conduct a review of whether an employer has complied with the Act and followed it with recommendations on methods of compliance. If that fails, the Director–General may refer the matter to the Labour Court, which is the ultimate Court which may enforce the provisions of the Act. Chapter II of the Act came into operation during 1998. Since the passing of the Act, the President, in terms of Section 65, determined that Chapter III and Sections 35 to 46, 58 and 65, and Schedules 1 and 4 would come into operation on 1 December 1999.


Section 15(1) of the Labour Relations Act defines 'affirmative action measures' as 'measures designed to ensure that suitably qualified people from designated groups have equal employment opportunities and are equitably represented in all occupational categories and levels in the workplace of a designated employer' (Section 15(1)). In short, affirmative

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Equal employment opportunity (EEO) began when President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8802 in 1941. Executive Order 8802 ensured that every American citizen was guaranteed equal employment opportunities in World War II defense contracts, regardless of race, creed, color, or national origin. Today, the EEO legislation has affected businesses. The topics discussed will be, how the organization, as well as the individual employee, has rights, the effect it has on the customers, how it can improve an organization's public relations, how it can diversify the workforce, and the effect it has on Human Resources Management of an organization.

Organization and Employee Rights

A. Equal Pay Act of 1963 "To...show more content... With this act, employers are further protected from discrimination. Employees are allowed to sue employers to enforce the provisions of the act.

Effects on Customers

Equal employment opportunity affects the customers in various ways. If the employees working are satisfied and happy, the customer will see it when the employees help them. For example, a customer walks into Burger King to get something to eat, but the cashier is unhappy that a coworker is getting paid more than him for doing the same job and having the same time in the workforce, so the cashier takes it out on the customer. The customer will probably never return to the business again. If the employees work in a happy environment, they will provide better services.

Improvement of Public Relations

By applying EEO to an organization, the public relations will improve. In society, one of the main jobs is to keep good appearances. An organization wants to promote that everything in their company works perfectly and equally. By maintaining good appearances, the organization has a greater probability that other organizations will want to work with them. Also, it will attract the best workers because they will want to work for an organization that is fair.

Essay about Equal Employment Opportunity
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Despite the fact that there are several Federal, State, and Local laws regarding hiring or firing somebody from a business, I truly believe that without the required interference from the government in this matter, business owners would not only take advantage from their employees, but they will also be able to incur in many violations of their employees' rights.

Furthermore, according to the U.S Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, "Discriminatory treatment based on: race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or the employee's opposition jobdiscrimination or participation in an investigation or complaint proceeding, violates federal laws and has become an increasingly problematic source of...show more content...

Therefore, the real question in this matter is how could the government enhance its interference with business in order to ensure the image of our society? Rather than asking why should we let the government interfere with the decisions taken by an employer since it is more than clear that without letting the government stands in the business owner's decisions, this country would definitely not be what it is or stands for nowadays. Additionally, if we take a look at some of the third world countries, which are still in the process of an economic development, we find that due to the lack of proper government interference, there are still having several impediments that could help them substantially in order to achieve greater employment opportunities for each and every of their citizens such as, for example; the lack of women's economic opportunities in the Middle East, as well as the barriers and restrictions that women encounter on gender–based job in Asia, in which are frequently confining them to low–paying activities, more often than not in the informal sector (Gonzalez, 2015). As a result, due to the improper interference of their governments in the subject matter, certainly, a nation's success is left behind and will eventually lack proper growth. Nonetheless, in the process of firing employees, I absolutely agree that thanks to the government's regulations and its intervention, a business

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Essay On Employment

Nearly seven years ago, when I started working for the local DirecTV installation company, it wasn't exactly a dream come true. I had the aptitude for it, having worked previously as a home theatre installer back in Kansas City, but this job was much easier by comparison. What made this job less than desirable were the hot attics, damp crawlspaces where I wasn't always the only thing crawling around and the loose eaves near ideal dish mounting locations that were often home to swarms of hornets.

Less than a week into the job I was offered a promotion of sorts. They needed inspectors to verify that things were done correctly at several installation locations each week and they wanted someone who hadn't been around long enough to make...show more content... The best part of this situation for me was the pay. I was making $12.50 per inspection. That's over $1500 per week! Despite the great pay, I had been unemployed for nearly a month before starting this job and because of tool costs to get started hadn't taken home much during my first week as an installer. The first paycheck I received had an error in it. I was told by my Manager at the PaducahOffice to call the corporate office and talk to payroll directly and they would handle it. I regularly heard new employees being told, "Call payroll and ask for an advance", not just due to pay errors, but also to cover the startup costs of tools and ladders. This advice would soon lead to disaster.

For the first time in several months I was going to Atlanta, Georgia to visit my daughter for theweekend. I had received one puny paycheck and one nice one, but had spent everything to get caught up on bills that had accumulated during my unemployment. So, I did what experience and observation had taught me to do, I called payroll and asked for a relatively small advance to cover my weekend trip. Without incident a check showed up at the office the next day and my wife and I were off for a fun weekend with my daughter. It wasn't until late the next week that all hell began to break loose.

I was on the road somewhere in Southern Illinois when I received an angry call from the district manager inquiring why I had "bypassed" him and gone

Job Experience Essay
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Employment at will is a law that is present in all fifty states in the US; although, in Montana there requires a stated cause for termination. Employment at will creates dissent among employees when they have been terminated for a cause that is thought to be unsubstantial or when no cause is given. There are pros and cons to the presumption, and employees and employers have different views. Employment at will means that the employer can terminate an employee at any time, for any cause without warning. However, even an at–will employee cannot be terminated because of discriminatory reasons. Employment at will also means that an employee can leave a job at any time without the fear of facing any legal consequences. An employer can also...show more content...

Although his boss stated that Stone's tie was a detriment to the company and could cause a monetary loss, there was no record of customers complaining about the tie or not purchasing cars because of the tie. In another employment at will case, fourteen employees from a Florida law firm were fired for wearing orange. The employees were told that management had taken the color of their shirts to mean, "that they were staging some sort of protest." However, many of the group says that they wear orange shirts on paydays to "promote a feeling of togetherness when they would go out as a group for drinks" . An executive brought the orange wearing employees into a conference room and told "anyone wearing orange for an innocent reason should speak up", an employee immediately explained the happy hour color. After this, the executive left the room to confer with other executives. When they returned, it was stated that all people wearing orange were fired although someone had said they were wearing the color for innocent reasons . Additionally, if the employees truly had been protesting by wearing the color orange, it would have been illegal to fire them for protesting . The employees reported feeling as though their rights had been infringed upon after being fired for wearing the color orange. These employees were fired without any warning, without being asked to even change

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Employment at Will Essay

Employee Relations

Dr. Harold Griffin

HSA 530: Health Services Human Resource Management

February 23, 2012

Introduction Employee Relations involves the body of work concerned with maintaining employer–employee relationships that contribute to satisfactory productivity, motivation, and morale (Hopkins & Hampton, 1995). Essentially, employee relations is concerned with preventing and resolving problems involving individuals which arise out of or affect work situations. This paper will develop a strategy specific to my organization for integrating job performance & training, discuss the most significant performance management challenges the organization I have researched has faced, outline basics of a performance management...show more content...

A further challenge is to ensure feedback flows in both directions. Managers require timely feedback to monitor organizational results. Employees require feedback to validate, or to improve individual performance. Leadership training could be one of the major challenges in a performance management. Leadership training objectives include topics such as how to be fair and objective, what types of employee behavioral issues can be addressed effectively during a performance appraisal and how to help employees establish realistic and attainable goals for the next evaluation period.

Outline The Basics Of A Performance Management Initiative That Would Significantly Improve Employee Performance Across The Organization

As Well As Encourage Employee Retention According to Flynn, Mathis, & Jackson (2007), retention of employees have becoming a growing concern of many healthcare providers. "Every healthcare worker who is retained means one less worker to have to recruit, select, and train" (Flynn, Mathis, & Jackson, 2007, pg.140). The fundamental goal of performance management is to promote and improve employee effectiveness. It is a continuous process where managers and employees work together to plan, monitor and review an employee's work objectives or goals and his or her overall contribution to the organization. The establishment of an effective performance management system requires time and resources and therefore, the support of the

Relations Essay
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Employment or labor laws have been developed to facilitate smooth relationship between employers and employees. Employment laws provide rules and regulations that should govern both the employer and the employees in their places of work. Employment laws discuss issues related to child labor, wages and salaries, retirement, working conditions, compensations, incentives and employment benefits among others. The major objective is to ensure the employer does not exploit the employee and on the other hand, the employee honors the terms and conditions of the job as presented by the employer. The case of Mckee verses Reids Heritage Homes is a good illustration on the issues related to employment law.

McKee was a 64 year old sales manager in...show more content...

The main issue was whether McKee was an employee thus entitled to damages for wrongful dismissal or an independent contractor. The court held that McKee was an employee of Reirds Heritage Homes and not an independent contractor. The judge was concerned with the degree of the relationship between an employer and an employee. The main area of duties for Reids Heritage Homes was to sell houses and McKee totally engaged herself in this. Therefore, the Court concluded that McKee was an employee of Reirds Heritage Homes and was entitled to notice of employment termination and damages thereof. In relation to labor laws, the case explains the required conduct between the employer and the employee during work termination. The employer is required by law to provide the employee with a letter or notice of termination before the actual date. Keating (p. 258) states that the labor laws require the employer to pay the employee the employment benefits based on the number of years of service and the kind of work. In many cases benefits are awarded to employees under both casual and permanent basis. The employer should ensure that the employers are awarded their rightful amounts since it is much left at the discretion of the employer. Therefore, McKee was entitled to a notice of termination and service or employment benefits. The labor laws require that the employer provides incentives, Get more content

on Employment
and Labor Laws

Laura G. Thompson Angie Miller English IV November 6th, 2014 Important Job Skills

There are several different skills that are important to have to have no matter what the job you are in search of or already have. Employers have told us for quite sometime now what they expect out usНѕ and I'm going to talk about the most basic ones everyone should have, including: confidence in themselves and their work, excellent communication skills, flexibility, adaptability and being reliable. Everyone is drawn to confidenceНѕ it's a proven fact. Although, you also want to make sure you're still able to accept positive feedback and apply the lessons learned. Employers want you to be confident in your work and the company or business which you...show more content...

Flexibility leads to being a reliable and responsibility. You want to be a able to rely and trust other employees to do what they need to do, so you can do what you need to do. In order to be reliable you need accomplish tasks in a timely manner and stick with dues datesНѕ finish projects ahead of time for bonus points, which will also take some stress off you. You should show up when you're scheduled and even a few minutes early. Make sure to take responsibilityНѕ complete any work on time and make it to work in a timely manner at all costs. If you do ever need time off make sure you schedule it way in advance and call whenever an emergency pops up. Lastly, take responsibility when you're to blameНѕ you'll always be better off in doing so. Finally, adaptability. You need to be able to adapt and work around any given problemНѕ which means you need to be able to be resourceful and have excellent problem solving skills. To be adaptable would also include efficiently completing your work under stress, new environments, new coВworkers and with limited resources. These are some of the top skills I have found to be most important to employers that everyone should have. Now you can check what you need to work onНѕ unless you already have all these essential skills, in that case you are the perfect

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Job Skills

In order to discuss and analyse the above statement, in depth reference will be made to various documents which can in some circumstances relate to contracts of employment and whether those particular documents which are not contractual can be incorporated into a contract, creating legal enforceability for employers and employees. Firstly it must be established what exactly is a contract of employment. A contract of employment is an agreement between an employer and employee, forming the basis of an employment relationship; enforceable by law. Contracts of employment may be given orally or in writing: Employment Rights Act 1996 s 230(2) and commence immediately. Actual written contracts require an employee's signature and the signature of...show more content...

The case of Gascol Conversions v Mercer demonstrates an instance whereby the statutory particulars were held to be the contract, as the statement of the written terms had been sent to the employee who had signed them and a receipt. In other words he was agreeing that the document accurately represented the terms of the employment, he had signed what he acknowledged to be a written contract. Clearly demonstrating that a document that is not itself contractual can be incorporated into a contract, it is thus possible for what would normally be a section 1 statement to be transformed into a formal written contract by the parties signing it . Later cases showed a somewhat opposing view

System Floors (U.K.) Ltd. v. Daniel [1982]

I.C.R. 54, noted (1982) I.L.J. 118. Employment Appeal Tribunal. This was not really a contractual term at all, but a factual statement, probably inappropriate for inclusion in a contract.

When starting employment, employees will often be provided with a substantial amount of documents, these may be in the form of works rules, company/employment handbooks and policies. Documents like these could if proven, have some contractual effect by way of express or implied incorporation or custom

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Employment Law Essay

Contract of Employment A contract of employment is an agreement that is between the employer and the employee, by having the employer offer the employee work to do a particular job and agrees to work for the employer in return for wages. An employer would provide a contract to make sure the employee understands what is required of them, if so they should sign the contract. In doing this, the employee agrees only to do the jobs stated in the contract. 'In Breach of Contract' breaking your contract even though the employee has signed and agreed to the content within the contract. It is important for an employee to sign a contract to show they understand what is required of them and...show more content...

RETIREMNET AGE When retiring the employee will have to leave on their 65th birthday or slightly earlier if West Ham and the employee have to some arrangement to retire early or even to carry on working past their retirement age. IF YOU WANT TO LEAVE BEFORE YOU RETIRE

If you want to leave West Ham before your retirement the employee will have to give a weeks or a months notice depending on how long the employee has worked for West Ham. IF WE WANT YOU TO LEAVE If an employee is guilty of misconduct, West Ham will give you a weeks notice if you have worked at West Ham for more than two years (West Ham will give the employee a weeks notice for how many years an employer has worked for them), if you have worked at West Ham for less than a month West Ham does not have to give you any notice. YOUR JOB The employer will have to work as what ever their job title maybe, for example if they was a manager that would be their job role and title of their job. West Ham may move to another place or may send the employer somewhere else to work if they need to.


If you are to work outside the UK it will not be any longer than one month. If you do work in another country for longer than one month then the employer

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Essay on Contract of Employment

employee to attend a meeting again with myself and this time my colleague, we provided her with a rape alarm which she could use in the case of anyone getting too close to her or if she was to feel in any kind of danger. We also told her that we will ensure she is roterd on to work with a care worker on a two care worker visit if she agreed. She was pleased to hear this although we now had the views of other care workers to consider. After a week of the new employee working with other care workers we had reports of her still not working as a team and now reports of her using fowl language and watching television when she was meant to be supporting individuals. At this time I also had a relative of a service call me and report that he has...show more content...

8. Performance indicators help to outline and gage progress towards targets set out by a company, this can include quality of staff, continuity of care, and the effectiveness and quality of our service. On a regular basis we send out questionnaires to all service users which cover the topics of the CQC key lines of enquiry. These being are we safe? Are we effective? Are we caring? Ae we responsive? And are we well–led? This enables us to monitor the quality of the service provision and we can use the data from the questionnaires to constantly find ways of improving the service we provide. We also have similar questionnaires for staff members to complete again covering the CQC key lines of enquiry, these are retained and then can be used again to improve our service provision and will be used when carrying out appraisals and supervisions. After each of our training sessions we also ask all staff members to complete a short questionnaire relating to the training and if they found it beneficial and informative to the services they will be providing. We ask all staff members to complete the forms as honestly as possible. We will then use these to amend our training in order to constantly improve our company. When staff members leave

Essay On Employment
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So you have decided to apply for a job; well, it's time to write your resume. It may seem like a lot of hard work and time but once you've got your mindset and know your own capabilities writing a resume will be a breeze. The resume helps the employer understand what you have accomplished so far and why you should be hired for the position you applied for. A resume should consist of where you had volunteered or played a sport, what transferable skills you could deliver to the workplace and why you think you should be hired. Volunteering and extracurricular activities are what makes an employer think that you're an active person in society and in a workplace. Acquiring volunteer and extracurricular experience will make you stand out...show more content...

Careers are constantly changing within the job market which means applicants have to constantly develop new skills to meet the requirements of that job. Transferable skills are essential in anchoring your next career however, you should also consider whether your skills are compatible with the career you have in mind. Employers always make sure that they hire the correct person for the position they have open. You have to make sure that you actually want this job, it's suited to your skills and that you will perform well in the given workspace. Always include why you think the you're the right candidate for the job; be confident enough to state your opinion to your employer. Allowing the employer to see how confident your desire is for this position will make them see how well you will work; they'll want a person that can work comfortably in that job. Always mention what you could bring to the workplace; how you could be an asset. Again, mention how your transferable skills can be put to use to benefit the company that you have applied to work for. Showing the employer how much they could benefit by hiring you is what will make you a more desirable choice compared to your competitors, this is your opportunity to show what you're capable of. Always have the confidence to state why you think you deserve this job and what you have to offer. The job market is a competitive place, volunteering

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Essay On Applying For A Job

Employment Discrimination

Discrimination is a very hard barrier to break. To discriminate means to "distinguish between one another; to make a difference in treatment or favor on the basis other then individual merit." Everyone at some point in their life experiences some form of discrimination that might be on the basis of their race, religion, age, or sex. Discrimination can be examined from many different angles. Because of this, I have decided to discuss one type of discrimination, which is employment discrimination. Throughout this paper I will attempt to answer several questions. Such questions are what is employment discrimination and whom does it effect? What could one do if find that they are a victim of discrimination?...show more content...

Another example of this would be if the employer withheld an employee from achieving a promotion because of their age, sex, race, or whatever the case may be. Most cases of employment discrimination follow the sly and tricky form of unfair treatment. (The 2nd form). The law prohibits any discrimination against any person who is applying for a job and or any employee who is currently working for a company. Title V11 of the Civil Rights act of 1964 fights against employment discrimination. Title V11 doesn't allow for employment decisions to be made on the basis of stereotypes and or the assumptions about a person's abilities, performance and traits because of their race, age, sex, religion, etc. It also puts a stop to intentional discrimination and certain job polices that may exclude certain groups of people from achieving different positions that may otherwise be eligible to other groups. The question now one should ask is, "How does one prove discrimination?" To prove that discrimination has happened one must have a job where their job performance meets satisfactory standards. If one has a satisfactory performance and is fired or mistreated then it is believed that these actions occurred because of reasons other then job related. In a case in which a new employee (one who may still be on probation) is terminated may have a hard time trying to prove his/her termination was on the basis of discrimination because he/she doesn't have an

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Employment Discrimination Essay example

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