And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
Bunnies at the Beach Jericho Beach ¬ page 30 ¬
Horses in the City
Burnaby Horsemen’s Association ¬ page 42 ¬
Awesome Animal Hybrids
Beaty Biodiversity Museum ¬ page 58 ¬
Birds of the Tropics Bloedel Conservatory ¬ page 34 ¬
Farm Animals
Southlands Heritage Farm ¬ page 14 ¬
Rescued Raptors O.W.L. Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society ¬ page 22 ¬
adventure bugs WildPlay Elements Park ¬ page 48 ¬
With writing, art and photography by:
Coastal Mountain Creatures Sea to Sky Gondola
¬ page 6 ¬
Aaliyah, age 11 Aranza, age 11 Arianne, age 11 Benny, age 7 C.C., age 12 Cathy, age 9 Dragon, age 11 Elijah, age 11 Ellie, age 7 Fritz, age 10 Gabby, age 9 Hazel, age 7 Jacky, age 9 Jeff, age 7 Jewell, age 10 Joaquin, age 9 Johnny, age 10 Julianne, age 10 Kiersten, age 10
Leah, age 10 Legend, age 10 Owen, age 7 Phillip E., age 12 Philip H., age 7 Shaylie, age 10 Stephanie M., age 9 Stephanie S., age 10 Sylvia, age 9 Teo, age 9 Thea, age 8 Thyra, age 10 Trevor, age 11 Valentina, age 9 Plus additional comic art by Hiller, a volunteer mentor.
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
Photos by Aaliyah, Aranza, Arianne, Jewell and Leah; cover photo by Leah
about this book
Each week during the summer of 2015, the kids of the Writers’ Exchange went on expeditions around Vancouver to meet different kinds of animals and learn about how they live, what they eat and what they like to do all day. During each expedition, the kids wrote stories, took photos, made quizzes and collected awesome animal facts, and did art projects, like making collages and drawing some of the animals they met. (They even made up some brand-new types of animals that never existed before!) This book is a collection of the writing and art the kids created on these expeditions. Use this book to learn about all the amazing animals you can find in Vancouver, and to get ideas for making your own animal expeditions around the city.
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
coastal mountain creatures Photo by Julianne
The kids from the Writers’ Exchange rode up to Squamish in a big bus and took the Sea to Sky Gondola to the top of the mountain. They saw habitats for eagles, cougars, bears, salamanders and squirrels, and learned about all the other kinds of animals that live in the forests and mountains around Vancouver. Then they took photos of what they saw, and wrote stories and drew pictures of the animals they learned about.
coastal mountain creatures
Bearnie the Bear By Aranza Bearnie the bear is big and black. He eats berries and fish. His home is made of branches. It smells bad. His enemies are people. Sometimes if people see this animal they will freak out, but they shouldn’t run or Bearnie could attack.
You should visit the Sea to Sky Gondola because it’s the best place ever and there is great hiking. —Julianne
A Collage by
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
Collage by Cathy
Black Bear By Jewell Black bears live in the woods and eat fish and berries. They eat fish when they aren’t busy and they eat berries when the fish aren’t out in the open. Their enemies are people because humans think they are a threat. Sometimes other bears are also enemies if they aren’t the same kind of bear.
yra Photo by Th
coastal mountain creatures
e, ead mic d , s g o d ly We saw roly-po d n a s rm as ants, wo nimal w a e t i r u d y favo he bree t bugs. M e s u a t , bec the bes the dog s a w t I oodle! se was a p d becau e t i s i v e e place w oked lik o l s n i a nt the mou It is beautiful. rs. dinosau —Cathy
Collage by Elija h
Mountain Goats By Thyra At the Sea to Sky Gondola we learned about mountain goats. Mountain goats live in the mountains (of course). Mountain goats weigh from 45 to 136 kilograms. A baby goat is called a “kid.” A male goat is called a “billy.” A female goat is called “nanny.”
Photo by Kie
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
Eagles By Arianne Eagles can see many kilometres away. They live in nests. They eat fish and other birds. A golden eagle can toss a mountain goat off a cliff and then eat it. Humans are their enemies. If the eagles see us, they should get scared and scream. If you see an eagle that is far away, take a picture. If I had a pet eagle, I would name it Angel.
ola y Gond k S o t a d The Se e visite w e c a l best p was the the view d e k i l I e because la on th o d n o g e from th ew from i v e h t and me way up rprised u s t I . p the to pension s u s a s re wa that the there. bridge —Elijah
Photo by Kie
coastal mountain creatures a
Photo by Aranz
Collage by G a
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver · Photo by Phillip E.
The s igh Goin ts were am g gond up and do azing. o wn th shou la was inc ld ha redib e v le e like “ Fanta a fancier ! It stic name Go th , ere a ” or “Ama nd yo zing. matt ” u’ er wh at (un ll like it no les afraid of he s you are —Phil ights). lip E.
Collage by Julianne
Bobcats By Cathy Bobcats eat meat. They live in the woods in the mountains. Their enemies are people.
coastal mountain creatures Collage by Thyra
Mountain Animal Facts By Elijah A grizzly’s heartbeat when hibernating is about 19 beats every minute. Cougars can jump really far. My favourite animal in the mountains is the furious bear.
Collage by Leah
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
FARM ANIMALS Photo by Phillip E.
The kids visited Southlands Heritage Farm in South Vancouver and met all of the animals there. They drew pictures, and made up interviews with some of the animals to imagine what their lives are like. They also learned about the types of bugs and plants that you can find at a farm like Southlands, and why those types of life can be just as important as the animals. Some of the kids even decided what they would call their own farm if they had one someday.
farm animals
An Interview with... Beau the Horse By Julianne and Leah What is your favourite food? I like hay. Where do you sleep? In the stable. What kind of movies do you like? Animal movies. What do you like to do all day? Eat.
Photo by A
Who are your friends on the farm? Teddy the horse. If you could talk to humans, what would you tell them? “I’m hungry” or “I want you to pet me.” Do you like all the noise we are making? No. What’s your favourite colour? Brown. What do you like most? Hay is my best friend. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you like to eat? 8. Photo by Kierst en
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
An Interview with... mittens the sheep By Aranza What is your favourite food? Grass. Where do you like to sleep? In the sheep shed. What kind of movies do you like? Scary movies. What do you like to do all day? Scare people.
Photo by Leah
Who are your friends on the farm? Toque and Jordan are my friends. Why are you so soft? Get away from me, scary person.
... it
fa r m , I ’ d c da al a l Ih Sweet Cherries Acre
“Bee” by Jewell
“Inchworm” by Leah
“Spider” by Julianne
farm animals Photo by Jewell
Photo b y Julian
An Interview with... pirate the horse By Trevor What is your favourite food? Grass. Where do you like to sleep? In the barn. What kind of movies do you like? Comedies.
“Sheep” by Trevor
What do you like to do all day? I like to see people, all day. I don’t like standing all day, but I get to go outside a lot. Who are your friends on the farm? My roommate is my best friend.
“Animal” by Elijah
What would you say if you could talk to people? “Feed me.” Why does the sign say not to feed you? Because I am a boarder horse.
“Horse” by Leah
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
What is your favourite food? Hay.
Who are your friends on the farm? Jacob and the chickens.
On a nice bed of hay.
If you could talk to humans, what would you tell them? “I’m happy to see you.”
An Interview with... teddy the horse Where do you like to sleep? By Elijah
What kind of movies do you like? The Lion King. What do you like to do all day? I like running.
vor “Bee” by Tre
a fa r m , I ’ d c al l
... it
d ha
Goofy Farm
Photo by Trevor
Do you like playing soccer? Sometimes. Do you ever travel anywhere? No.
farm animals
Photo by Sh
y Leah Photo b
An Interview with... pearl the chicken
a fa r m , I ’ d c d al a l Ih
What is your favourite food? No comment.
Who is your friend on the farm? Stir Fry the chicken.
Where do you like to sleep? In Phillip’s arms.
If you could talk to humans, what would you tell them? “Let me down!”
What kind of movies do you like? Chicken Run. What do you like to do all day? Be annoying.
Awesome Ponies
What is it like to be held by me? No comment. Why are you orange? Genes.
... it
By Phillip E.
“Poop” by Juliann e
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver · Photo by
An Interview with... jacob the horse By Jewell What is your favourite food? Hay and water. Where do you like to sleep? In my playpen.
Photo by Elijah
What kind of movies do you like? I don’t like movies, just people. What do you like to do all day? Eat, poop and pee. Who are your friends on the farm? Teddy and Beau. If you could talk to humans, what would you tell them? “Give me more food.”
... it
a fa r m , I ’ d c d al a l Ih Phil’s Pharm “Wild Plum” by Julianne Phillip E.
“Apple Tree” by Leah
farm animals
An Interview with... carl the turkey By Shaylie
Where do you sleep? I sleep in a pen. What kind of movies do you like? I like quiet movies. What do you like to do all day? I like to sleep. Who are your friends on the farm? The chickens and the roosters. If you could talk to humans, what would you tell them? “Be quiet.”
d ha
Where is your favourite place? My favourite spot is in the shade.
a fa r m , I ’ d c al l
... it
Photo by
Wild Pig Farm
“Poop” b y Jewell
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
At the O.W.L. orphaned wildlife centre in Delta, the kids saw the many different kinds of raptors that O.W.L. takes care of. Most of the birds were injured in the wild, and the people at the centre work to help them get better. The kids met some birds that live at the centre, and some that are being rehabilitated so they can go back into the wild one day. They wrote stories and took photos, and learned a lot about wild birds—try their true-and-false quizzes to see how much you know!
rescued raptors
Circle true or false!
Cathy’s Quiz 1. Newborn falcons can fly. T F 2. All owls sleep during the day. T F 3. Some birds eat worms. T F 4. All raptors have sharp talons and a sharp beak. T 5. Owls have the biggest eyes of any bird. T F 6. Chickens can do the chicken dance. T F
Emily the e a treet ops. S gle lives i n th he of an imals eats all k e inds , fish t oo. H and birds uman and only s are enem E y. If y mily’ don’t be an ou see Em s gry o r gro ily, —Juli an. anne
1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F Photo by Cathy
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver · Photo by Gabby
We s aw owls, snowy f eagle alcons, s, vul tures barn , owls and a golde n eag —The le. a
Kiersten’s Quiz 1. About 150–200 species go extinct every day. T F 2. A person in this world is going to live to 250 years old. T F 3. Owls can turn their heads almost all the way around. T F
1. F 2. F 3. T
rescued raptors
Phillip e.’s Quiz 1. Eagles become “bald” when they are four years old. T F 2. Owls drink coffee to stay up all night. T F 3. In one year, a barn owl will eat about 1,500 mice. T F 4. An owl can’t move its eyes. T F 5. An owl’s eyes are bigger than its brain. T F 6. Owls have 14 neck bones. T F
“Owl” by P
hillip E.
1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. T
Arianne’s Quiz 1. Hawks like to hide in the morning. T F 2. Falcons never stop eating. T F 3. Owls eat mice. T F 4. Hawks like climbing houses. T F 5. Owls and eagles are enemies. T F 6. Owls like to tap dance. T F 7. Falcons like hunting. T F 8. Vultures sleep in the day. T F 9. All owls like to be friends with other owls. T
1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. F 9. F
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
Photo by Ju
Thea’s Quiz 1. Owls only eat flowers.
T F 2. Owls can put on makeup. T F 3. Eagles take people’s hair away. T 4. Eagles wear glasses. T F
1. F 2. F 3. F 4. F
Julianne’s Quiz 1. Vultures hunt hawks.
T F 2. Hawks often eat cherries. T F 3. Turkey vultures order pizza. T F 4. Wild hawks live in a hotel. T F 5. Some eagles can be wider than a Toyota 6. Owls read Harry Potter books. T F 7. Hawks are great tap dancers. T F
1. F 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. F 7.F
re .L. cent The O.W place we best was the owls, w a s e W visited. d more! n a s e l g ea as hawks, animal w e t i r u o ’s My fav cause it e b e l g the ea ool. just so c —Thyra
rescued raptors
Gabby’s Quiz 1. Falcons are freaky. T F 2. Owls dance in the daytime. T F 3. The smallest monkey in the world is a baboon. T F
1. T 2. F 3. F Photo by Thyra
Photo by Thyra
Leah’s Quiz 1. Baby eagles projectile poop to keep their nests clean. T F 2. B irds fly really high only so they can poop on people easily. T 3. Eagles can attack cats. T F
1. T 2. F 3. T
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
Thyra’s Quiz 1. Eagles can make nests the size of a table. 2. Hawks poop candy. T F 3. Eagles can make chocolate. T F 4. Crows dance like people. T F
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F
Photo by Thea
“Eagle” by Gabby
rescued raptors Photo by Gabby
n a dive i n o c l a rine f metres o l i A pereg k 0 5 . up to 3 est bird t s can go a f e h s r! It is t feather per hou o n e v a sh y Vulture hat the t o s d a he in dead on their d a e h r i t k the so vomi l can stic a l l i w d . They food an r animals i e h t tuff on . smelly s ct them e t o r p nests to —Elijah Photo by Thyra
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
At Jericho Beach Park in Vancouver tons of wild rabbits live in the bushes that surround the fields and ponds. On a trip to the beach, the group explored the bushes and fields and took photos of the rabbits they saw. One of the kids wrote a story about the rabbits, and a volunteer mentor from the Writers’ Exchange made it into a comic for this book!
bunnies at the beach
hillip E.
Photos by P
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
UNNY B O H C I R JE E By Phillip
bunnies at the beach
Drawings by Hiller
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
The Bloedel Conservatory in Queen Elizabeth Park is a big glass dome with tropical birds and plants inside. The kids visited the conservatory and met all of the colourful birds that live there. Some of the birds have names, and some can even talk! They wrote about the things they learned about tropical birds, and helped some of the birds at the conservatory take their own word-bubble selfies.
birds of the tropics
ah Photo by Aaliy
Moluccan Cockatoo By Cathy
d lue an b a s i Art He acaw. m d l o g . dance il kes to —Leah
This is the largest bird in the cockatoo family, and it is endangered in the wild. They live in Indonesia. They are very smart birds. Kramer, the Moluccan cockatoo that lives at the conservatory, will show off his salmon-coloured crest if he gets excited.
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
Photo by Aranza
atory v r e s on we The c est place s he b it wa was t because the d visite al. I liked use c a tropi finch bec lso it a der laven retty, and d. ea sp my h it wa n o d lande Gabby —
Lady Amherst’s Pheasant By Gabby and Kiersten The Lady Amherst’s pheasant comes from China. It is related to the golden pheasant. They can be green, blue, red, yellow and white, and about 47 inches in length. I like this bird because it’s like a work of art.
birds of the tropics Photo by Arianne
a Photo by Aranz
Photo by Ara
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver · Photo by Gabby
Java Finch By Aranza The Java finch is also known as the Java sparrow or the Java rice bird.
Canary By Shaylie Canaries are part of the finch family but they aren’t as social.
My f a Bloe vourite bi del C Kram onse rd at the er. rv calle Every ti atory wa me s d his s o clim b do name, he meone wn w and show from hi ould s o He w p ould ff his fea erch th o “hel lo” o ccasiona ers. lly sa r “pr —Phi etty bird y llip E .” .
birds of the tropics
Budgies By Arianne Budgerigars are usually called budgies. They are from Australia.
Photos by Kiersten
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
Orange Bishop Weaver By Elijah This type of finch has orange feathers. The boys make the nest.
Photo by Ari
Bearded Reedlings By C.C. The bearded reedling comes from the wetlands of Europe and Asia.
Photo by Aranz
birds of the tropics
. My l o o kc lue s loo s the b se d r i a B u ite w w beca r u o a fav mac s. d l o g nce and it da h —Lea
Diamond Firetail Finch By Aaliyah The diamond firetail finch weaves flowers into the entrance of its nest. The females are lighter in colour. Both males and females have red beaks and rumps.
Photo by Cat hy
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
Photo by Aranza
The kids went to the stables at the Burnaby Horsemen’s Association and met all of the wonderful horses there. They got to brush and pet them, and took instant-camera pictures and made up stories about the horses they met. There is a lucky horseshoe hanging on a wall at the stables—it hangs upside-down because there is an old farmer’s tale that says horseshoes are lucky and if you keep them upside down the luck will never run out of them. The kids took a picture of the horseshoe, and wrote about what kinds of lucky things might be waiting for them inside.
horses in the city
Splatt and Ella Are Friends By Julianne One day, Billy, Regal and Splatt were playing soccer on the soccer field at recess. Splatt saw Ella walking onto the soccer field. “Hi, how are you guys doin’?” Ella asked. Splatt smiled and said, “Good.” “Can I play?” Ella asked. Splatt smiled again. “Sure,” he said. Ella smiled in excitement. After they played, Ella and Splatt smiled at each other. “I’m so lucky you’re my friend,” Ella said. “Me too. Me too,” Splatt answered.
“Horse” by Aranza
t the a s e mes hors The have na , ia re cent Sunny, T att l like y, Sp l l i B a, y. Tonk Stanle and . —C.C
Photo by Aranza
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
Splatt’s New Tricks By Jewell • • • • • • • • •
Jump through a flaming hoop Jump over a person Back flip Stand on two feet Cartwheel Draw pictures of people Drink out of a water bottle Fist pump Drive a car
“Horse” by Jewell
horses in the city
. by C.C Photo
Dee the Horse By Aranza Dee is a beautiful horse. She likes to get brushed and get petted. She likes apples. I think Dee should be with Splatt because both of them are perfect for each other. Dee is the best horse. Dee and I are the same age. She lives in a beautiful place.
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
he t e d i s In What’s oe? h s e s r o Lucky H If I had the lucky horseshoe, I would wish for candy. I would wish for summer. I would get a horse. I would have a baby pug. I would get $100. I would get a swimming pool. —Jacky
The horseshoes are lucky when you hang one from your door. If you have one and you have a good day, you will get something good. —C.C.
horses in the city
A good way to get good luck is to hang a horseshoe. If you hung a horseshoe you would get 10 wishes from one godmother. You would win all the bacon for a lifetime! —Cathy
This horseshoe is filled with rice crackers. This horseshoe is filled with ❤. This horseshoe is filled with money to make a money pool. —Aaliyah
With this lucky horseshoe you will never die. You can take a bath in Pepsi. You will look pretty. You will get a puppy on your birthday. You will find $100 in five days. You will get a mansion. Have your own property. A giant hot dog. A giant banana. Taffy. Whatever you want. 90 billion dollars! 500 minions! Your own company! You will be really active and be a celebrity. You will have your own talk show. You will be a billionaire! You’ll get everything. —Gabby
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
The group went to WildPlay Elements Park in Maple Ridge, where they have all kinds of amazing climbing adventures and obstacle courses in the woods—many are even up in the trees! While they were completing all the obstacle courses, the kids looked for the different kinds of bugs that live the forest, and took pictures and made drawings of what they found. Then they made bug sculptures out of rocks and sticks and designed their own insect adventure courses.
adventure bugs
y Jeff photo b ” s g u B “Stick
“Advent ure Cou rs
e for Bu
gs” by Fritz
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver · ny
hoto by Ben
p “Rock Bugs”
Photo by P
hilip H.
adventure bugs
“Rock + Sti ck
Bug” photo
by Sylvia
Bugs can live but l an e t ’ s ma ywhere Bugs , ke Wild would lik it fun. Pla e it hom y becaus here at e e it’s A bu and it’s awes their g wo o uld s play ay, “ me. I cou here ld all d —Ste a y.” phan ie S. ilip H.
Ph Drawings by
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
Photo by
to by Owen ck Bug” pho
Sti “Long Arm
adventure bugs gon
Photo by Dra
Photo by Jo
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
Photo b y Owen
lenti Photo by Va
adventure bugs e
Photo by Elli
Photo by
Philip H.
“Adventure Course for Bugs” by Stephanie S.
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
g by Drawin
“Adventure Course for Bugs” by Joaquin
Photo by
adventure bugs
Photo by Le
Photo by Hazel
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
Photo by Arianne
The Beaty Biodiversity Museum at U.B.C. keeps hundreds of different kinds of animals, birds and bugs preserved in glass displays so they can be saved and studied in the future. The kids learned about the incredible variety of animals that exists on earth, and how each of the animals developed very specialized parts, like fur, ears, eyes or claws, to help them with the way they live. Then the kids made up their own types of new creatures, so there could be even more diversity on the planet.
awesome animal hybrids ah
Photo by Elij
Camari the Hybrid By Aaliyah My animal hybrid is a lynx that has the pattern of a European starling, but with soft fur like a chipmunk. It has a tail of natural sponge, with the nice designs of a butterfly. The tail is also big, long and fluffy, like an eastern grey squirrel’s, and its body is hard like a locust’s. It has soft wings like a varied thrush and the tropical colour of a golden finch, with a fat body like a bearded reedling. And the hair on its neck and head would rise up like the feathers of a crested cockatoo.
Photo by Arianne
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
ory: Invent el tail Squirr rs feathe w o b n Rai head n o l l e Sh
Shquill By Leah
Shquill eats squirrels. It digs holes in trees and makes a nest so it can sleep. It uses anything red to make its nest. Shquills like to live in groups. They also eat flowers. They make an annoying sound at six in the morning and at 12 o’clock. They also eat trash.
The Spuna Rock By C.C. The Spuna Rock has a rock body and mallard wings. It also has a sponge underneath its belly, so if it falls it has a nice and soft landing. It has squirrel claws to climb with.
awesome animal hybrids
Flying Chip By Shaylie Flying Chip has a chipmunk body and thrush wings.
The Ice Shooter By Cathy He is made out of ice cream! He shoots ice cream at children to eat. He never sleeps. He travels around the world. He shoots rotten ice cream at bad people! He has bird wings!
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
ory: Invent n horn Unicor dy Dog bo wings Mallard h heels c n i o Tw coat Purple ache Moust T-shirt ots Polka d
Unipup By Gabby Unipup is the best pet in the world!
Yummy Tums By Jacky Yummy Tums likes to waddle. Yummy lives in ice-cream land. Yummy eats cookie dough and sprinkles!
awesome animal hybrids
Chipricongeirck By Aranza The Chipricongeirck likes to eat meat. It is the size of a cat. It can climb trees like a monkey. The short name for Chipricongeirck is Chipricon. They live in a group. They sleep at night. You can find them in hot places. They can see over 40 kilometres away. They can jump as high as 10 giraffes. They can run as fast as a cheetah. When they get angry, they can attack anything or anyone.
Inventory: unk Head: chipm l Body: squirre t Legs: cricke
Mouth: bird Fur: sponge wings Arms: duck hells Ears: little s
Tail Gunner By Phillip E.
by A Photo
Tail Gunner is a squirrel with a gun on its tail, except the gun doesn’t shoot bullets, it shoots excrement pellets. It is for defence, and its only way of pooping.
And the Animals Say, “Howdy!” · Exotic Expeditions in Vancouver ·
At the end of the summer, the kids of the Writers’ Exchange had a party at MacLean Park in East Vancouver to celebrate all their different animal adventures. They each made awesome buttons using the photos they took!
The beca party w a gam use we g s fun es o We s and ma t to play k aw a nima e button like ls t s. d wasp ogs, squ here too ir s. Th , e do rels and favo g s we urit re m were e becau se th y cute ey and fluff —Ari y. anne Writers’ Exchange button by Hiller