Cover Collage by Josh Gundred
Garden Wall illustration by Usha Venkatasubramanian
Comic by Angela Lee
This volume of Suburbia is seperated into five different sections corresponding to five different types of gardens: meadow, japanese, desert, rose, and greenhouse. For many of us, gardens represent a safe haven where we can escape and take solice in the beauty of nature. Nevertheless, gardens themselves are often times artificially constructed, only an impression of what nature is in its pristine, much like suburbia was created to be. Still, we choose to escape to our gardens just as we escape through art from the stresses of life.
Thank you to our staff, our adviser Ms. Frame, and all of the students at West Ranch who submit their work and appreciate what we produce.
- The Suburbia Team
cover graphic by Mina Jang
sunflower: a sunflower’s leaves follow the sun to maximize photosynthesis how does one adjust? when you are facing darkness and the light fades each day how do you fight it? simply, you grow. you learn from mistakes you take things slow do not rush the process do not be afraid for life can be dark but you must look on the bright side turn and face the sun
daisy: daisies are actually two flowers blended together in harmony. they represent true love
he loves me he loves me not he loves me i know it’s true and i’ve grown to love every little thing there is to love about you from the way you smile to the way you speak and every time i hear your voice i can’t help but hope you will one day be mine
dandelion: people have been wishing on dandelions for hundreds of years, yet no one quite knows why i give hope for you need this more than me and with one simple breath in the blink of an eye your wishes fly by if only i was there to see to see you smile to see you laugh but as long as i can simply provide something as simple as hope it’s okay that it hurts me
Playlist by Maya Christensen
Left page illustration by Maya Jackson
Right page illustration by Kenny Cosme
Sugar Magnolia - Grateful Dead
Here Comes The Sun - The Beatles
I Will Miss the Jasmine - Shannon and The Clams
China Cat Sunflower - Grateful Dead
California - The Growlers
Oh! Sweet Nuthin’ - The Velvet Underground
Fire on the Mountain - Grateful Dead
San Francisco - Be Sure to Wear Flowers In Your Hair
Morning Dew - Grateful Dead
Late Bloomers - The Growlers
Coachella, Woodstock In My Mind - Lana Del Rey
Ozma - Shannon and The Clams
Uncle John’s Band - Grateful Dead
Waterloo Sunset - The Kinks
I’ll Follow The Sun - The Beatles
Turn! Turn! Turn! - The Byrds
I pour myself into people with such softness
Such clean water coolness
It is my best quality
And my worst
These roses
Wilted long before I arrived
But I will still water them
I will still wait for them
Because I know one day they will
smile again
In this garden
Of gold dust and good things
One day they will not hang their heads
In hollow heaviness
They will look at me
They will love me
I, the Watering Can
The fickle flower warrior
I gave them all of me
Their roots
Wrapped around my wrists
So tightly
They must love me
Why hold on so tight
If they do not love me
These cold corpses of petals
And pale pink
I pour out all the pretty pieces of me
Watch them soak up my sunshine
Now I just wait
I just water
One day I will give them enough
Poem by Sophia Kriegel Photo by Jenna NicholsPoem by Sidra Mirza
Illustration by Jesselin Quezada
Beauty in yellow, you are oh so sweet It seems the silent winds keep you lively And rising tall throughout the summers heat May your petals never fall, stay lovely
Colors glisten as the sun strikes your leaves
Warm and bright you sure are like the sweet breeze You lift one’s spirits and they never grieve People will smile with happiness at ease
And often forgotten you are alive They crush your existence for oils and dyes And with scissors and sharp knives they arrive Coming at your grace by complete surprise
For people pick petals and let them fly But dear Sunflower, hold your head up high
cover graphic by Mina Jang
Everybody Want to Love You - Japanese Breakfast
Dream Boy - The’s
Japanese Alice - Wild Nothing
Life in Tokyo - Japan
Woo Hoo - The’s
Postcards Holiday - Boys Age
Fish Bowl - Kero Kero Bonito, Frankie Cosmos
Sho-Jo-Ji - The’s
In Heaven - Japanese Breakfast
Lilac - Bombs Jun Togwa - Vampilla
Youniverse - Dumbo Gets Mad
Small but Enough - Shinatro Sakamoto
There is a dream
In the secret garden
Where love has grown
Where we are finally found
Where we can run away
From everything and anything we have ever seen So kalon
You would never believe something so amazing ever can exist in garden
The melodious splashes made by magical creatures gently glisten my skin
Building new skins around me
To put up my protective shield
To let me stop hurting
And to stop taking so much hatred from everyone
But despite the water such globe
A series of paroxysm erupt from me
I let my naked foot stomp gently around the plants feeling the earth
The small heartbeat
Beating quickly out of excitement
As a human finally acknowledges its presence
An unknown void of green lays in front of me
And I want to do nothing but just run and let the wind comb through my hair
And lift the hem of my skirt ever so gently
To be closer to Her
To let Her gently hold me in her soft arms as I jump to her
Hiraeth beckons with wordless call In my soul, with heart quivering, Hiraeth whispers in the garden I roam; As I wait the the call “come home”
Ethereal light dances across my face, Making my smile ever so ludic
Flowers dance all around me
Telling me
“Don’t go, please play with me”
And I will listen
As a surge of adrenaline roam through my veins
Shaking me uncontrollably
As I am looking for me
I have this ineffable feeling inside me
An epiphany
That I
A wanderer
am no longer missing
Because I am home
Right here in this garden With Her
And her little flowers glowing around her
Because I have loved life so much, I have no sorrow dying
Poem by Chika Winston Photo by Sophie LeglerGet lost in your own gardens of hope, that only you alone can create. Listen to the open call of the bird’s that have the freedom we all desire. Don’t let other’s create your garden for you rely on yourself always, no matter how much they mean to you, because the one’s you love the most have all the power to destroy you. Feel the soft grass of hope and love. See the beauty in every flowing river bend. Love what you have not what you want. Smell the fresh air of everyday that your alive. Taste the sweetness of every little thing you can.
One step forward, One step back.
Our steps are small And our journey is long, Excruciatingly so; And still, we trek on.
The destination, the journey, That is up for you to decide.
But wherever we strive, Let the truth be our guide.
They are a perpetual dance In which both hope and despair lead.
Redemption may not come, Our hearts may not be freed.
But we may hold onto that There is a story to be told.
A beginning, middle, and end, No matter how bored and old.
A journey we must finish, And memories we will hold.
Two steps forward, Two steps back.
And so we trek on.
Anonymously submitted poemI don’t recall explaining to you the story of how I came to be. Developed over time or potted by the gloved hands of the divine The truth is irrelevant because regardless, there was a seed. This seed grew into a plant and that plant bloomed Unfortunately I grew conscious, so my mind did too. With consciousness came questions that no one could answer And I developed the ability to feel things and I no longer wanted to But time passed, and surly enough other seeds sprouted Gardens and bushes intertwined with separate heads To think and reason but towards what, I still don’t know.
Although I am confined to my soil and roots
And limited to the rain of ever clear skies
The dry heat of the desert will one day consume me And I will wither up and die
I will never stop searching
And until my stalk cannot bear my weight any longer I will never be content
And I encourage you to stay hungry too Because those who thirst for more Will always have something to look for Instead of being someone just to be looked at.
Sugar Magnolia - Grateful Dead
Here Comes The Sun - The Beatles
I Will Miss the Jasmine - Shannon and The Clams
China Cat Sunflower - Grateful Dead
California - The Growlers
Oh! Sweet Nuthin’ - The Velvet Underground
Fire on the Mountain - Grateful Dead
San Francisco - Be Sure to Wear Flowers In Your Hair
Morning Dew - Grateful Dead
Late Bloomers - The Growlers
Coachella, Woodstock In My Mind - Lana Del Rey
Ozma - Shannon and The Clams
Uncle John’s Band - Grateful Dead
Waterloo Sunset - The Kinks
I’ll Follow The Sun - The Beatles
Turn! Turn! Turn! - The Byrds
Playlist by Maya Christensen Collage by Lauren Franco Photo by Dana Saulophoto by Angie Noblejas
Bottom photo by Kara Karatsu
I’m sitting here next to my grandma there’s a flower here It’s different from the rest this is the one that she picked It’s beautiful, and different, and alive just like her we would come back to the same spot everyday and see the beautiful flower But it’s dying so I stopped going one day I came back to that same spot to that spot with a flower to that flower that was different from the rest to the one my grandma picked to the one that was beautiful and alive but it wasn’t beautiful anymore it wasn’t alive anymore
I came back to that same spot where my grandma picked a flower I stood there the beautiful dead flower in front of me watching it die that spot with a flower the flower that was different from the rest the one my grandma picked the one that wasn’t beautiful anymore
I watched the flower die Dying... Dead... Decomposing... Gone
that spot with a flower had others around it that flower wasn’t different from the rest maybe it wasn’t the one that she picked but none of them were beautiful anymore
I watched them all die and in the end all the flowers will be Dying...Dead...Decomposing...Gone
cover graphics by mina jang
cover graphic by Mina Jang
The summer air makes everything melt a little bit. That’s something I’m sure of. The days have been melting for the entirety of the month now, each second dripping away from a solid ounce of hope to translucent film which I find more and more difficult to catch between my fingers. It seems like time moves all too slow. Everything around me— everything outside of me— moves so fast, but I just stay put. In this little garden, with these little petals, moving slower, slower, slower. And that’s how June’s been.
One thing that melts into the air is the stench of the roses. Their perfume almost blends along with the humidity here, caught right in the middle of the atmosphere. It reminds me of last summer. It reminds me of you.
Some roses get sent out to San Francisco. Some get handed out to policemen or woven into chains that try to hold the nation together. We see it on TV. From TV it looks like they never die. They never show them wilting, anyway. Because everything’s so fast, I suppose. The camera doesn’t have time to catch decay.
When Alice went through through the looking-glass she found roses and they were jealous. I remember just how jealous they were. Alice was a flower that could move. I wonder what my roses think. I’d hope that they would be jealous, too. Unless they don’t know that I am a flower who can move. Do they think that I’m one of them, frightened into a spine-straight shock with roots that reach past where my soul ends?
Some Flowers Who Can Move get sent out to San Francisco. Some disown men like you and find new lives in dreams that smell like herbs and sweat and charcoal. They join the whirlpool stirring up around them. They uproot. They call it Flower Power, what they’re doing. I wonder if they know how much power it takes to stay right here. To wait. To remain.
The power’s not in the flower at all— not for me. It’s in the roots. Because no matter how much you feel like uprooting, you just can’t avoid disrupting the soil.
Clothing, styling, hair, and photos by Ayden Mckenzie
Makeup by Alana Pelaez
I am trying to explain to myself
That sometimes things can just be And that is fact enough.
I can undoubtedly say
There are lessons that will not become concrete for me for a long time
But I trust that there is a lot more good Closer than may seem.
Yet why am I still so small?
I am trying to find comfort in my smallness
My growing
My everything.
There is something still holding me back About the smallness of the flowers in the wind
And the swaying of the meadow. Maybe it is because they sing of quiet
A name I cannot fathom.
I moved on and left
That dark shell compressing me
And found that the white roses I told you about were growing in my own backyard.
These little things are genuine comforts
Reminders that there is enough quiet peace in the world
To will myself to stay alive.
Its beauty is not in the delicate folds
Nor the sweet smell coming off of its petals. But rather because it is just there.
I do not have to wish for it
It is already is being.
That fact is simple enough for me to believe in
Enough to inspire me to find a complicated beauty in the simple.
Poems by Emily Marcelino Left Page: Top photo by Sophie Legler Bottom right by Kelly Duong Bottom left by Angie NoblejasPLAYLIST BY MAYA CHRISTENSEN / ILLUSTRATION BY SIMON SCHROEDER
Black Cherry - Las Rosas
Veni Vidi Vici - Black Lips
Black Lipstick - Chicano Batman
Breakfast Is Over - SadGirl
Sleepwalking - Couples Only Dance Dance Prom - Modest Mouse
The Nest - Pinky Pinky
Beautiful People Beautiful Problems - Lana Del Rey, Stevie Nicks
Ramble On Rose - Grateful Dead
Twelve Roses - Beach Fossils
Bel Air - Lana Del Rey
Hot Tears - Pinky Pinky
Wander - The Aquadolls
Nothing More Than a Body - Skating Polly
Paint It, Black - The Rolling Stones
Baby in Blue Jeans - L.A. WITCH
Little Queenie - SadGirl
Femme Fatale - The Velvet Underground
Magnolias wilt in the fall, as she does Like a flower, she’s gentle and kind But no one understands what’s on her mind Girls say mean things behind her back They ruin her self worth over their lunchtime snack She walks home alone, leaves crunching beneath her feet In rhythm with how her broken heart beats She tells herself live one more day
Magnolias die in the winter, as she does Winter Formal she gets a date She sits in her dress waiting for him as it starts to get late He never shows He only asked her as a dare
She expected a limo and a rose
But all she got was a dress she would never wear Feeling pathetic and alone she shuts her eyes closed She tells herself live one more day
Magnolias bloom in the springtime, as she does The mean girls never stopped talking But now her heart had an unbreakable blocking Prom rolled around
She got asked by another boy
But she said no and went alone Because now, her own company gave her the most joy She found happiness within herself
And when she walks home along a path of fresh flowers
She tells herself to live another day
Except this time, living wasn’t a chore
And that is the way it would permanently stay
April Come She Will - Simon and Garfunkel
Expectations - Belle and Sebastian
A Well Respected Man - The Kinks Into a Dream - Shannon and The Clams
Piazza, New York Catcher - Belle and Sebastian
Anyone Else But You - Michael Cera, Ellen Page
Dearest - Buddy Holly
Grizzly Bear - Angus and Julia Stone
Falling Apart - Surf Curse
Sad Dream - Sky Ferreira
This Feeling - Alabama Shakes
Autumn In New York - Billie Holiday
Mickey’s Dead - Elvis Depressedly
Like a Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan
All I Want Is You - Barry Louis Polisar
Sound & Color - Alabama Shakes
The Boy With The Arab Strap - Belle and Sebastian
Don’t Be Shy - Cat Stevens
Leaves That Are Green - Simon & Garfunkel
left page: photos by Aleksa Artes
top right page: photo by Rachel Dyer
bottom right page: photo by Angie Noblejas
Our goal is to highlight the creative, talented minds within our school, and to do that, we need your work! You can submit just about anything: poetry, prose, art, music scores, photos, fashion inspiration, videos, etc. You can even submit your work as “anonymous.” Your masterpiece might just end up in the next volume of our magazine.
1) Go to the submission page on our website (www.wrsuburbia.com), fill out the needed information, and then email your work to wrsuburbia@gmail.com
2) DM us your pieces through Instagram (@wrsuburbia) along with your name (if you prefer, you can write “anonymous”) and the title of your work