1 minute read

Recreation for a Diverse Community


It is no surprise that residents of Tracy like to keep moving. Feedback gathered during the planning process indicates a high demand for sports and fitness activities from traditional team-oriented sports such as basketball and soccer to individual activities such as fitness walking and lifting weights, as well interest in some new activities. Just as important, there is a desire for these spaces to be available not just for organized sports but for pick-up games and casual use.

The Master Plan Update used a data-driven approach not only to understand current offerings and potential future demand but to analyze how programs are monitored, evaluated, refined and weighed with regard to available resources—both physical and financial.


The Plan Update process involved mapping existing recreation resources and exploring how they serve the community. The analysis identified gaps and pointed to strategies to fill in those gaps.

The first Recreation goal is focused on meeting the community’s recreation needs equitably across the city as well as across the full spectrum of ages and levels of desired activity.


The second major Recreation goal is focused on tailoring programs and activities to the community’s aspirations and needs. This entails classifying programs and services and taking into account the full cost involved to offer and host programs.

Facing page: Downtown Tracy Block Party

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