WSAC Newsletter 3 201617 season

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WSAC Newsletter No. 3 2016/17 Season

February 2017

Live baited dummy does the trick again! (snapper shown for size comparison)

Photo credit - Felix’s neighbour and her baby

In This Issue •

Presidents Message

Shore & Boat Comp Results

Captains Report

WSAC Dictionary

Huge moki, snapper and kingies!

From the Editor

What’s Coming Up 18th—25th February

NZSFC Nationals

28th February

Social Fish Fishing from 6.30pm – 9.30 pm. For location check your email / Facebook on the Monday night before. Otherwise call Gary Whitaker H. 589 5103 M. 027 240 1685. No cancellations. We fish in a group, one rod pp, new members and novices welcome.

1st March

Club Night 7.30pm Evans Bay Yacht & Motor Boat Club

11th & 12th March

6th Boat Comp Fishing can be any time over these weekends during daylight hours, with the weigh-in at 1530 Sunday afternoon

14th & 28th March

Social Fish Fishing from 6.30pm – 9.30 pm. For location check your email / Facebook on the Monday night before. Otherwise call Gary Whitaker H. 589 5103 M. 027 240 1685. No cancellations. We fish in a group, one rod pp, new members and novices welcome.

18th & 19th March

7th Shore Comp start at 1300 hours (1 pm). Weigh in 1 pm Sunday

25th & 26th March

7th Boat Comp Fishing can be any time over these weekends during daylight hours, with the weigh-in at 1530 Sunday afternoon

4th—8th April

NZACA Nationals

Meet David...

President’s Message Happy belated New Year to you all. I’d normally state at this point that I hope the summer has been kind to you all and the fishing days plentiful and successful. But as I’m sure you’re all painfully aware this summer (to date) has been RUBBISH.

Club President - David Harvey

The fish is a popper caught Barracuda - not to be confused with our local Barracouta/Cook strait Sailfish from my recent trip to the Solomon Islands. One of the many toothy critters I encountered, it was a spectacular surface strike with crazy aerials during the fight. As for me, I’ve been a member of the club for just over 7 years since moving to Wellington. I’ve been a member of the Club Committee for the last 5 or 6 years and am into my second season as President. Prior to that I’d been shore points recorder for a number of seasons. Originally from Auckland I grew up chasing Snapper and had never caught a Spiny Dog or Red Cod till I landed in Wellington, my life is now complete! In terms of fishing I’d say I’m a Jack of all trades and master of none, enjoying all forms of fishing: surfcasting, LBG, boat fishing (straylining, softbaiting, jigging etc.), fly fishing for Trout, coarse fishing and even a little bit of game fishing. I’m an avid tackle collector and find new shiny things irresistible.

We can only hope that we get an Indian summer and the winds that have cursed us to date relent and some settled weather is on its way. The good news I guess is that for those that have toughed it out and when the weather has relented the fishing has been pretty good from both the boat and the shore. One fish of particular note is Felix Wenzel’s 10.75kg West Coast Snapper from boat comp 4, what an outstanding fish, well done Felix! I also understand there have been a large number of Kingfish hooked and slightly lesser number from the usual haunts in the harbour, including some real horses.

The committee continue to receive some though provoking and well thought out communications from members on all manner of issues, including competitions and the future direction of our club. We encourage all of you to share your thoughts with us in a constructive fashion. The management committee here to represent to interests of our members and ensure we remain a strong and vibrant club. With that in mind, we are looking to the future and considering the core values that define our club and how we can translate that into an effective plan for all of our benefits. So again if there are issues you feel passionately about then let us know.

Competition season, in a national sense, is now just around the corner with the two upcoming National Competitions: 1/ Simrad ITM New Zealand Sports Fishing Nationals 18th to the 25th February 2017 2/ New Zealand Angling & Casting Nationals 4th to the 8th April 2017 Februarys club night was devoted to discussing strategies for competing in these National events, to maximise club and individual results. WSAC has carved out a fine tradition of competing and achieving in both events. They present an opportunity for us to push ourselves for individual targets, operate as a team and measure ourselves against the best fishers across the country. This year with the NZACA Nationals being Wellington based we have the opportunity to fish our local waters and leverage our experience and local knowledge to the maximum. I’d encourage any of you who may be tempted or even just curious to get involved and give it a crack. Otherwise we still have plenty of opportunities to get involved with a number of club comp’s scheduled, club nights and social fishes. Let’s hope the weather gods smile on us and send some settled weather patterns and sun our way.

Tight lines

NZACA Nationals come to Wellington! This season we are pleased to welcome the NZACA nationals to our region. We’re hoping for great support from the club this year. If you’re interested in finding out more speak to Anthony, Gary or Craig. We hope for a really good turn out in all sections so please get your application in!

“Our Nationals Committee have provided us with a very positive and exciting proposal for the 2017 Nationals in Wellington. This event is also the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the NZACA so I am looking for each and every Club to have members in attendance. The time to start planning is now.” - NZACA President More info will at

Meet Dave...

Club Captains Report Small settled weather windows for fishing sessions are defiantly the go at the moment. These trips however are still certainly producing the fish. Wellington harbour, especially Oriental Parade has Kingfish in numbers as well as gurnard in Evans bay and on the Western side of the Harbour. Boat fishing for Snapper and Kingfish on the West Coast at present is magic. Some members now have their eyes straining over the sea surface temperature charts. Generally throwing darts at the northland map, at where the seasonal Marlin and Tuna may hopefully soon frequent over the coming few months.

Club Captain - Dave Pye

� I have been in the club for 27 years and enjoy all facets of

The December Club night was held at the Hotel Bristol, Cuba Mall, where over a dozen members enjoyed a mixed pairs pool competition. Well done to Eddie Szalkowski and Felix Wenzel for winning the competition. The first Wednesday of every month at 7.30pm we hold the club/open nights. The week prior these are advertised by email and Facebook. December 3rd/4th saw twenty two club members enjoying a weekend at the Club Lodge down the South Karori stream. Batch beach and windy bay offered up several blue Moki and Kahawai. The biggest Blue Moki of Craig's at 3.88Kg The Lodge is available all year round to hire for club and accompanied non club members. Further details are in the 2016/17 information sheet.

fishing. I started fishing the Wellington Wharves as a young adolescent and joined the club in my early twenties.�

Boat competition 3 and shore competition 4 held on 10th/11th December saw a great number of anglers weighing in and enjoying a sausage or two from the barbecue. Shore competition 5 again had good numbers fishing a mixed bag of weather conditions with some great catches being recorded on the weigh in sheets. Boat competition 4, saw all five competing anglers catching their limit of ten Snapper, with Felix Wenzel's largest Snapper weighing 10.76 Kg. Craig and Felix each caught a Kingfish. Eddie Szalkowski from his Kayak had weights of Snapper up to 7.22 Kg. For the Tuesday social fishing outings, Gary and Antony have decided that on any adverse weather evenings. Prior notification via email and Facebook to fishers for an opportunity to have a general rig/ tackle session evening held at the Evans Bay Club rooms. This will be a great opportunity for fishers to go over any fishing tackle or methods they would like to address. The 18th to the 25 February 2017 is the Simrad/ ITM New Zealand Sport Fishing Nationals. Now is the time to get your team together. The 4th to the 8th April 2017 is the New Zealand Angling & Casting Association Nationals being held in the greater Wellington area up to Patea and across to the East coastal side. This will be based from the Upper Hutt Cossie Club. Joining these nationals can be done on the NZACA website. Further information will be sent to club members over the next coming weeks.

EARLY CLUB SHORE RECORDS – PART 1 I remember reading somewhere a quote which I think is quite pertinent when talking about record fish. It goes something like this “no matter what size the species of fish caught, there is always a bigger one swimming around in the ocean.” It’s a quote I always keep in the back of my mind, especially when trying to better a really good existing catch. Nick Polak’s early season moki catch is a case in point. This is also a good way to lead into talking about “existing” proven good catches by way of club records that have stood the test of time. So I thought I would go back to the first 20 years of the club’s existence and see what records still exist. And surprisingly there are 21 shore (out of 58) and 4 freshwater (out of 8) records that still stand. Over the next few issues of the newsletter I hope to review some of these catches to give perspective to a very important and on-going part of our club’s history. And what better way to start than to recognise our oldest club record (conger eel) and the one record (snapper) clubbies would walk over broken glass to break. Both records held by that master fisher the late Peter Foreman. The oldest of these records go back to May 1963 when Peter was a teenager. At that time and up to around 1970, it was not unusual to see half a dozen congers weighing in the vicinity of 30 pounds (13+ kilos) presented on our comp days. Catching congers back then was a different mind-set than today which now has catch and release options for all non-scale fish, and nobody deliberately targets congers anyway. Nonetheless, for its time Peter’s catch was quite outstanding in terms of a really big fish of its species, weighing in at 39 pounds (17.69 kilos). Peter’s conger was taken from the Island Bay channel (now a Marine Reserve) and is the sort of record that may never be broken – but if it is, my bet will be a Palliser Bay conger, probably caught ‘out of the blue’ on the Spit.

Peter’s other record fish is the one everyone would like to claim and one many thought would not endure to the present day. And there were good reasons for this train of thought. Around the time Peter caught his (April 1972) snapper weighing 24 pounds (10.886 kilos) it was not uncommon, right up to the mid 1980’s for clubbies to weigh-in snapper of that magical 20 pounds weight and a little heavier. Sometimes four or five snapper would reach this mark each season. So many felt the record would be short lived. And while I’ve heard of a few shore caught fish bettering this mark, the fact remains that in spite of many excellent fishers trying their hearts out, this The club record every club surfcaster would like to own. The late Peter Foremans record snapper of 24 pounds record has stood for 45 years. (10.886kgs) caught in 1972

Peter caught his snapper a little by chance. He had walked around to Pipinui Beach (just short of Boom Rock) on a very dark night and had misjudged the Pipinui Channel and actually fished a hundred or so metres past it. And during that dark night he landed (not without some difficulty) his fish, and after due celebration, slept on the beach. Daylight revealed he had caught his snapper from a jumble of rock and weed that no sane fisher would throw into in the light of day. Peter kept the hook he caught the fish on – a big eyed long shank 4/0 mustard – and when he showed it to me it was twisted almost beyond recognition. There will be huge celebrations and more than one toast to Peter when this record finally falls. And that could be another 45 years away!

The third record fish was one I was lucky enough to land and was caught at that hit or miss spot, Boom Rock. Chatham Islands apart, the days of catching groper from rock or beach is, and has been for some time, an uncommon event. The summer of 1970 was kingfish heaven and I spent a whole week of my meagre two weeks annual leave fishing Boom which meant a return trip each day, either over the hill or from Makara. This particular day I was trying to land a live bait kahawai when a dark shape materialised from the shadows and had a go at my kahawai. With amazement I recognised the species straight away as a groper and quickly landed the kahawai, cut a decent sized fillet from it and in a short minute had the bait in the water. It hadn’t sunk far when the groper grabbed it and I free spooled my 18 pound line till I gauged the fish well and truly had the bait and then struck. No dramas, just a good chunky fight from a fish whose swim bladder wasn’t going to be affected by the water depth. It weighed a modest 18.5 pounds (8.329 kilos) but was a day of great joy for me. While I often reflect back to that day I am just as likely to wonder how I managed to carry my gear, the groper and two 15 kilo An uncommon catch from the shore, this kingfish back to Makara. groper weighing 18.5 pounds (8.329kgs) was taken by Jim O’Brien in December 1970

Fish of the month - December Category









SNR Shore Scale


Blue Moki


C Boyes

Bach Beach


SNR Shore Scale




Z Livingston

White rock


SNR Shore Scale




Z Livingston

White rock


SNR Shore Scale




A Sanger




SNR Shore Scale


Blue Moki


J O’Brien

The Spit



SNR Boat Scale

4.63 (CR)

Slender Tuna


M Panelidis

West Coast



SNR Boat Scale


Blue Moki


J Mikoz



SNR Boat Scale




S Reed





Fish of the month - January Category









SNR Shore Scale




C Arnst

West Coast



COLT Shore Scale




C Bennie




SNR Boat Scale




F Wenzel

South Mana


SNR Boat Scale




F Wenzel

South Mana


SNR Boat Scale




E Szalkowski



SNR Boat Scale




C Boyes



SNR Boat Scale




C Boyes






WSAC Dictionary (Pa Clubbies use lots of peculiar words! For those new to the club, this is what some of them mean. Part 2 will be in the next mag. If you have any new ones to add feel free to send them in and we’ll add them to the dictionary. Advice: Two or more contradictory pieces of angling information contained in a single phrase or sentence. Arm Chair : A one man rock, near Boom Rock at Pipinui Pointed. Rock is shaped like an arm chair. Backlash: Birds nest, overun etc Bamboo: Rare rod found on pre war cars. Basset: A large snapper. A small basset is called a spotty. Bearing: [a] a part in a reel that can seize up, [b] two points on the land which when lined should produce fish again. Beachcomber: Big bay north of Boom Rock. Bender: Something you had before you were able to pick up the rod, floppy rods do it better with less fish caught. Burley trail : A self-made trail put out by a boat fisher that is feeling very ill. Best Bucket: Sea perch, mouth, In shore orange roughy Black Rocks: Near Cape Palliser Light Blat off: See you later, I am going somewhere else Bluenose: Also called blue nose warehou, bonita Bluey: Blue, B/C, blue cod Biffidas: Another name for spiny dog fish as that is what you do with them. Big boy: Large example of a species Bonga: Conga eel B R C: Bastard red cod Brown Town: Schools of maggot spotties that go berserk in slush thrown off wharves for mackerel. Brownie Points: Collected by working around the house on days off from fishing. Bull Shit Fish: Bait fish that are not pillies. Bull Shit Line: Line that is not IGFA rated. Came away: A increase in wind speed from fishable to unfishable Canoe: Kayak Cardboard boat: Wooden boat Cave Bay: A bay on the south coast where Huey bombs bikes and 4WDs into useless galloping heaps of corrosion that will not start. Charlie: A winged under water bulldozer Cloudy: Is a cloudy bay cod Club: [a] long bar of wood used to render fish senseless. [b] long bar of wood where fishermen go to render themselves senseless. Clubbie: WSAC club member Cook Strait sail fish: Barracouta, couta, snake Cod Rocks: Well named rocks to the east of Palliser Light. Coffee Grinder : Egg beater, kitchen device, fixed spool reel, corroding fishing reel Conga : bonga, blue cod burglar, bootlace [small conga] shoelace [extremely small conga], conga eel, a species that comes in to be weighed complete with its own brand of glue, hard to get off when wet and sets hard when dry. All clubies stand back when weighmaster is trying to control it on the scales. A species that causes a hot bite to shut down. Couta: Snake, barramundi, pick handle barracouta Guptas: Another name for red cod. Named after a club member who liked eating them. Dick: Kingfish Dickery: Going kingfish fishing Doctor: [a] DR an unreliable, underpowered, Suzuki trail bike, with the agent keeping the shortest working hours so no parts are available anyway. [b] A medical man who is miles away and will see you when don't stink so much, with an up to date credit card. Five Mile: A reef out from the harbour entrance.

art 1 - A through K) Flatty: Flounder or sole Fly Rock: At batch beach which always has its population of flies. Full on: Name given to the wind when the gusts make standing up right difficult, the speed of the wind is then measured in the number of minutes a wind surfer can cross Evans Bay, eg 1 to 5 minute winds. FreshWater Cod: Trout Gazonkered: How you feel after a comp. Grot: Spotty Grunter: Red gurnard, have coloured wings and make throwing up noises when caught. Handbrake: One of the opposite sex who controls how much time and money is spent fishing. Hansens ray spot: Down from Steeple Rock. Hern: Herring Huey: The overall conservation power that lets you catch fish on your days off, or when boat fishing in Wellington he gives you light winds with screaming rips or blows hard on days with a good tide. Or starts up when you finally get into the fish. Humungus: A fish that is big but is bigger than normal. Hunters: A reef between Kapati and Mana Islands Ice Cream Cone: Cloud formation signalling a wind change. J D: John dory Jiggy: Penn Jigmaster Jim O'More's rock: A good snapper rock near Boom. Johnnys Spot: A rock that produced 5 large snapper one comp. Just Off: A beginning of a sentence of lies used to describe where a boat fisherman caught a decent fish and how many he caught and lost. Kingi : King, dick, "D", kingfish Kip: A short sleep Knot : A tangle with a name

Club Bach—Available to all! Reminder that the club has a great bach on the south coast. Ask a committee member about how to book.

2nd Joint Shore & Boat Com

mpetitions 10th & 11th Dec

Out there doing it and catching some monsters! A few pics of fish caught from recent boat and shore comps

Slow jigging is a new fishing method that is slowly Felix with a cracking Snapper (10.36kg) & Kingie catching on in Wellington which Eddie Szalkowski (15.81kg) on 10kg from boat comp 4 can a"est to by hooking onto these 2 sizable snapper out from the Makara coast from his kayak on Boat Comp 4, with them going 7.22 & 6.5kg respec-vely. Felix (boat) and Craig (kayak) with nice pair of Kingfish from boat comp 4. Craig's fish going 13.74kgs and caught on 6kg line from the kayak!

James with a nice blue moki caught as part of his bag of 6 during shore comp 4

Bernie with a spinner catch & release 90cm king at oriental bay

RESULTS OF SHORE COMPETITION No.4 10th & 11th December 2016 Tide: High 13:59

Moon: 3 days after 1st quar- Weather: Light northerly with scattered showers. ter

Scores as follows:



Details 1 Cod - Red, 1 Full House Bonus, 4 Kahawai, 6 Moki - Blue, 2 Shark - Carpet, 5 Shark Spotted, 1 Shark - Spotted Spiney, 1 Sol 6 Kahawai, 5 Red Gurnard, 2 Shark - Carpet, 5 Shark - Spotted, 3 Shark - Spotted Spiney, 1 Trevally 6 Kahawai, 8 Red Gurnard, 1 Shark - Carpet, 3 Shark - Spotted Spiney, 3 Snapper 1 Full House Bonus, 6 Moki - Blue, 2 Snapper 6 Kahawai, 3 Red Gurnard, 6 Shark - Spotted, 1 Shark - Spotted Spiney, 1 Skate Rough 1 Barracouta, 5 Cod - Red, 6 Kahawai, 1 Mackerel - Horse, 1 Moki - Blue, 2 Shark Spotted, 1 Shark - Spotted Spiney, 2 Snapper

James Bennie


Zac Livingston


Anthony Sanger Nick Polak

931.65 839.20

Zeb Livingston


Jim O'Brien


Matthew Renata


6 Cod - Red, 5 Kahawai, 2 Shark - Spotted, 1 Sole

Steve Reed Thomas McCabe Matt Balkham

418.83 397.55 357.87

Gary Whitaker


Craig Boyes Richard Newton-King Riki Nunez Trevor Molloy Mike Iorns Collin Nattrass Frank Milne

319.74 283.56 214.25 207.80 197.60 139.10 89.80

1 Eagle Ray, 1 Kahawai, 2 Shark - Spotted, 1 Snapper, 1 Stingray 1 Barracouta, 5 Cod - Red, 6 Kahawai, 1 Shark - Spotted Spiney 5 Kahawai, 1 Red Gurnard, 1 Shark - Carpet, 6 Shark - Spotted Spiney 1 Cod - Red, 2 Kahawai, 3 Red Gurnard, 1 Shark - Spotted, 1 Shark - Spotted Spiney, 2 Skate - Rough 1 Eagle Ray, 2 Kahawai, 1 Red Gurnard, 2 Shark - Spotted, 4 Shark - Spotted Spiney 1 Cod - Red, 3 Red Gurnard, 3 Shark - Spotted 2 Cod - Red, 1 Eagle Ray, 1 Kahawai, 1 Trout - Sea Run 1 Kahawai, 4 Shark - Spotted 1 Moki - Blue, 3 Red Gurnard, 1 Tarakihi 1 Kahawai, 1 Red Gurnard, 1 Shark - Spotted 1 Shark - Spotted, 1 Snapper

Troy Rosson


2 Shark - Spotted

RESULTS OF SHORE COMPETITION No.5 21st & 22nd January 2017 Tide: High 1:26

Moon: day after 3rd quarter

Weather: Light northerly with scattered showers.

Scores as follows:




Tim Henley


James Bennie Matthew Renata Mike Iorns Zac Livingston Carl Arnst Jim O'Brien Steve Reed Zeb Livingston

540.16 475.93 462.20 411.61 377.00 349.48 230.72 167.31

1 Cod - Red, 1 Eagle Ray, 2 Kahawai, 6 Shark - Spotted, 6 Shark - Spotted Spiney, 1 Stingray 2 Eagle Ray, 2 Kahawai, 1 Kelp, 5 Shark - Spotted, 4 Shark - Spotted Spiney 1 Barracouta, 10 Red Gurnard, 3 Tarakihi 1 Kahawai, 2 Red Gurnard, 9 Tarakihi 1 Red Gurnard, 1 Shark - Spotted, 1 Snapper, 6 Tarakihi 4 Snapper 1 Eel - Longfin, 1 Kahawai, 7 Red Gurnard, 1 Shark - Spotted, 1 Witch (Brill) 3 Kahawai, 1 Kelp, 1 Shark - Spotted, 1 Snapper 2 Red Gurnard, 1 Shark - Spotted, 1 Tarakihi

Collin Nattrass Anthony Sanger

162.34 68.00

2 Conger Eel, 1 Kahawai, 2 Shark - Spotted 1 Red Gurnard, 1 Tarakihi

RESULTS OF SHORE COMPETITION No.6 11th & 12th February Tide: High 1:26

Moon: day after 3rd Weather: Light northerly with scattered showers. quarter

Scores as follows:





5 Cod - Blue, 1 Full House Bonus, 1 Kahawai, 6 Moki - Blue, 6 Shark - Spotted

Tim Henley


Zeb Livingston


Nick Polak


Jim O'Brien


1 Barracouta, 6 Kahawai, 9 Red Gurnard, 3 Shark - Spotted 5 Cod - Blue, 1 Full House Bonus, 5 Moki - Blue, 1 Shark - Spotted, 1 Skate Rough 1 Full House Bonus, 8 Moki - Blue 1 Cod - Blue, 6 Cod - Red, 5 Kahawai, 1 Mullet - Yellow Eyed, 1 Shark - Spotted Spiney, 2 Snapper, 4 Tarakihi

James Bennie


4 Kahawai, 2 Moki - Blue, 7 Red Gurnard, 2 Shark - Spotted, 2 Shark - Spotted

Steve Foreman


1 Full House Bonus, 6 Snapper

Collin Nattrass


1 Kahawai, 1 Red Gurnard, 3 Shark - Spotted, 4 Snapper

Anthony Sanger


2 Kahawai, 3 Red Gurnard, 4 Snapper, 1 Stingray

Carl Arnst


1 Full House Bonus, 5 Snapper

Riki Nunez


1 Cod - Blue, 2 Eagle Ray, 2 Kahawai, 4 Tarakihi

Mike Iorns


3 Kahawai, 1 Spotty, 4 Tarakihi

Richard Cryer


1 Red Gurnard, 3 Snapper

Matthew Renata


5 Cod - Red, 1 Kahawai, 1 Shark - Spotted, 3 Shark - Spotted Spiney, 1 Snap-

Hugh McCabe


1 Barracouta, 1 Eagle Ray, 4 Kahawai, 1 Shark - Spotted Spiney

James Wells


6 Shark - Spotted

Thomas McCabe


4 Kahawai, 1 Shark - Spotted, 1 Shark - Spotted Spiney

Steve Reed


1 Kahawai, 1 Snapper

Jeff Chan


1 Trevally

Gary Whitaker


2 Shark - Spotted

Zac Livingston

SPECIES Jim O'Brien Zac Livingston James Bennie Zeb Livingston Anthony Sanger Collin Nattrass Tim Henley Matthew Renata Thomas McCabe Steve Reed Riki Nunez Gary Whitaker Craig Boyes Richard Newton-King Matt Balkham Mike Iorns Hugh McCabe Nick Polak Richard Cryer Andy McEwan James Wells Frank Milne Felix Wenzel Steve Foreman Trevor Molloy Carl Arnst Dave Pye Dave Brown Troy Rosson Jeff Chan

SENIORS Zac Livingston James Bennie Tim Henley Zeb Livingston Collin Nattrass Nick Polak Anthony Sanger Matthew Renata Mike Iorns Steve Reed Riki Nunez Craig Boyes Thomas McCabe Carl Arnst Gary Whitaker Steve Foreman Matt Balkham Richard Cryer James Wells Hugh McCabe Felix Wenzel Trevor Molloy Dave Pye Dave Brown Jeff Chan Frank Milne Troy Rosson

POINTS TABLES AFTER COMPETITION No.6 Average Count SCALE Points NON SCALE Pts/Fish 18 15 12 12 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 8 7 6 6 5 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1

Points 4,338 3,445 2,158 2,132 1,845 1,843 1,836 1,448 1,419 1,371 1,164 1,094 1,093 890 786 600 448 389 386 318 236 208 110 94 93 90 80

33.68 48.2 47.2 47.38 41.74 42.91 39.23 29.55 32.15 44.22 41.58 30.22 34.19 38.88 26.34 38.35 35.33 96.97 64.87 16.18 42.83 44.9 39.33 85.7 41.56 89 110.31 47.22 40.05 92.9

Zac Livingston Jim O'Brien James Bennie Nick Polak Anthony Sanger Zeb Livingston Tim Henley Mike Iorns Matthew Renata Collin Nattrass Carl Arnst Thomas McCabe Riki Nunez Richard Newton-King Steve Reed Craig Boyes Steve Foreman Gary Whitaker Richard Cryer Matt Balkham Felix Wenzel Hugh McCabe James Wells Dave Brown Jeff Chan Andy McEwan Frank Milne Trevor Molloy Dave Pye Troy Rosson

CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS Zeb Livingston Jim O'Brien Steve Reed Richard NewtonKing

VETERANS Jim O'Brien Richard NewtonKing Andy McEwan

2920 2275 2169 1843 1688 1563 1425 1419 1208 1088 890 778 743 718 715 648 600 503 389 302 236 227 131 94 93 81 56 33 0 0



Mike Iorns Riki Nunez Thomas McCabe Matt Balkham James Wells Hugh McCabe Frank Milne Troy Rosson

1419 1164 1093 448 386 318 90 80

Points 973 777 419 284


Zac Livingston James Bennie Collin Nattrass Tim Henley Steve Reed Zeb Livingston Craig Boyes Riki Nunez Thomas McCabe Gary Whitaker James Wells Jim O'Brien Matthew Renata Richard Newton-King Trevor Molloy Anthony Sanger Matt Balkham Dave Pye Hugh McCabe Troy Rosson Frank Milne Andy McEwan Mike Iorns Nick Polak Felix Wenzel Dave Brown Richard Cryer Steve Foreman Carl Arnst Jeff Chan



933 81

PAIRS Z.Livingstone & Z.Livingstone J.Bennie & T.Henley J.Obrien & M.Renata A.Sanger & C.Nattrass R.Nunez & T.McCabe G.Whitaker & C.Boyes S.Reed & A.McEwen

Jim O'Brien Zac Livingston

Points 6470 5603 3974 3682 2257 1880 1452

Points 5.28 4.69

Points 1418 1276 757 733 656 569 446 421 315 283 255 251 240 215 175 149 145 110 91 80 34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



Carl Arnst Anthony Sanger Steve Foreman Jim O'Brien Collin Nattrass Steve Reed Richard Cryer Nick Polak Zac Livingston Matthew Renata Frank Milne Felix Wenzel

9 7 6 4 4 3 3 2 1 1 1 1

MOST MOKI No. Nick Polak James Bennie Zac Livingston Zeb Livingston

15 8 7 5

Richard Newton-


Mike Iorns Jim O'Brien

1 1

Recent Club Events Boat Competitions

Boat Comp Number 3 (10th & 11th December) Yet again the weather played a big part in this comp, with strong southerly winds on the Saturday making it a write off for fishing. Sunday was a little better with two boats going out, Jim Mikoz fished the west, and Felix fishing the harbour. Jim’s catch of Kahawai, Gurnard and Snapper, and a very rare boat caught Moki was a very good effort considering the weather. As for Felix, he put his harbour fishing hat on and had a remarkable catch of Kahawai, Horse Mackerel, Spotty Sharks, seven Snapper up to 6.9kg, and if that wasn’t enough, a Kingfish as well! Congratulations to both Jim and Felix for making the effort to go out. With Jim’s 6kg Moki, and Felix’s Kingfish, it was a weigh in not to be missed. Here is hoping for better weather for the next boat comp.

Results of Boat Competition No. 3 Name



Felix Wenzel


5 Kahawai, 1 Kingfish, 1 Mackerel - Horse, 1 Shark - Spotted, 7 Snapper

Jim Mikoz


1 Kahawai, 1 Moki - Blue, 2 Red Gurnard, 1 Snapper

Boat Comp Number 4 (28th – 29th January) Well, the weather came right for the Saturday with light winds, and was gale force northerlies for the Sunday. All the boats made the most of the Saturday and no boats fished the Sunday. With what was caught on Saturday they did not need to go out on Sunday as it turned out. Eddie Ski fishing out of his kayak caught his limit of snapper with two fish over 6 kg, bloody good effort. Not to be outdone Craig Boyes in his kayak caught his limit of snapper not quite the same size as Eddie’s but he made up for it with a 13kg kingfish caught on 6kg IGFA nylon. All Craig’s snapper were caught on 2kg IGFA nylon. Another bloody good effort! Marty, Brian and Felix all fished the West Coast and had some of the best snapper fishing they have ever had, with big numbers of fish between 1 -2 kg. Marty said the hardest thing was not to catch snapper as they were so prolific. Felix proving he is not just a good surfcaster but that he is not a bad boat fisherman as well. In his catch was a 16kg kingfish caught on 10kg line along with a limit bag of snapper with his largest fish weigh in in at 10kg. Overall an amazing weigh in with every angler catching their limit bag of snapper along with a good assortment of other fish.

Results of Boat Competition No. 4 Name



Felix Wenzel


2 Elephantfish, 6 Kahawai, 1 Kingfish, 10 Red Gurnard, 10 Snapper, 2 Trevally

Craig Boyes


2 Kahawai, 1 Kingfish, 1 Red Gurnard, 10 Snapper, 1 Trevally

Brian Bee


6 Kahawai, 3 Red Gurnard, 10 Snapper, 1 Trevally

Martin Jeffrey


6 Kahawai, 1 Red Gurnard, 10 Snapper

Eddie Szalkowski


10 Snapper

Boat Comp Number 5 (11th & 12th February) Congratulations to all those who fished both the shore and the boat comps as it was one of the best weight ins we have had for some time, particularly as the surfcasters unusually outshone the boat fishermen. On the boat front, snapper, gurnard and trevally made up the bulk of the catch with Felix Wenzel catching his limit bag of trevally along with eight snapper up to four kilo’s, and with some other rats and mice thrown in. The crazy kayak men Craig Boyes and Eddie Ski, whilst not catching the same number of fish as the previous competition, both put in staunch efforts and got rewarded with snapper and trevally. Marty Jeffery and Brian Bee showed what a good pairing they are, with both catching good numbers of snapper, trevally and gurnard. Brian Bee recording on his weigh in sheet, an entry for the Praying Hands trophy, by weighing in a very rare Hagfish. Seldom seen at weigh ins, and pretty much never wanted, but rumour has it, Hagfish make a very good soup according to Felix Wenzel – MasterChef. On behalf of all club members, we will ask Brian the burning question - So how was the Hagfish soup Brian? A great comp, and here is hoping we can fluke such nice weather for the remaining boat comps. The BBQ that was held at the combined shore and boat weigh in was hugely successful with a big turn out, and we should consider doing more of these combined weigh ins followed by the very much enjoyed social BBQ. Tight Lines Stevo

Results of Boat Competition No. 5 Name



Felix Wenzel


6 Kahawai, 4 Red Gurnard, 8 Snapper, 10 Trevally

Martin Jeffrey


1 Eagle Ray, 4 Kahawai, 8 Red Gurnard, 3 Snapper, 8 Trevally

Brian Bee


6 Kahawai, 5 Red Gurnard, 3 Snapper, 1 Trevally

Craig Boyes


4 Kahawai, 4 Red Gurnard, 1 Snapper, 3 Trevally

Eddie Szalkowski


1 Snapper, 1 Trevally

Boat Competition 2016/17 after 5th Competition Scores to date

Competition Number


Total Points

Total Species

Average Pts/fish

Felix Wenzel




Martin Jeffrey




Brian Bee




Craig Boyes




Eddie Szalkowski




Jim Mikoz




Dave Pye




Points by Bernhardt Schiftner



















385 319 197




Club Merchandise

Club branded apparel is available to order. Those headed to the Nationals might like some branded gear to look a part of WSAC! Beanie $20 Polo Shirt $35 Fleece $55 To place your order make a payment to WSAC account (the same as you did for your membership fees) and state what the payment is for in the reference.. Then send us an email to confirm you’ve made payment and confirm the size you require. Any questions should be directed to James Beanie.

Meet Matt... The photos shows my boat project! I’ve been looking at getting a boat since landing in NZ and this is the one I’ve gone for. She’s a 17’ glass over plywood construction center consol. She’s had a troubled life and needs a little TLC! Club members have given me some repair pointers and I can start to imagine getting out on the water next summer and having a go

Newsletter Editor - Matt Balkham

From the Editor So we find ourselves half way through the season and at the end of the 3rd newsletter. Hopefully you’ve adapted to the digital format which has largely been well received. If you have any suggestions for improvement or articles you’d like to see please do send them through to us or have a chat with me at a club event.

for those amazing fish I see getting weighed in at the boat comps! I’ve been learning

We’ve got loads to look forward to throughout the rest of the season with it all to play for in the club comps, the nationals just round the corner and a heap of great social activities lined up. I’m looking forward to my first nationals experience (all tips gratefully received and offers of a fishing buddy welcomed!).

glass fiber techniques, engine maintenance, marine electronics and wiring and a heap more. It’s amazing the videos available on YouTube and the info available on books in the library.

A note on points for club comps. After the weigh-in we have to collate the points, get them into the club database, check them, format them and publish them. We try our best to get these too you as soon as possible and recognize that many of you like to use them in planning your strategy for the next comp. Please bear with us if it takes us a little while or if there are some errors. We all have full time jobs, families and other pressures on our time and like to get out for a fish every now and then. We will continue to do our best to turn these around quickly and your patience and understanding is appreciated. Tight lines

Wish me luck! Matt

Last but not least!

Wainui Social Fish

Contact Us For more information and up to date news visit us on Facebook at wsac1958/

One evening a fortnight we get together to have a social fish. Come along after work with one rod and meet some new members and pick up some tips for the next comp!

Follow us on Instagram @wsac_fishing Or contact us via email at:

Wellington Surfcasting and Angling Club Wellington, New Zealand

WSAC Wellington’s premier fishing club!

From: Wellington Surfcasting and Angling Club Inc., PO Box 3060, Wellington 6140


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