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Sydney West Sports Medicine offers an LTAD (program which are run as classes in small groups of approx 8-10 athletes Training blocks align with the school terms (10 week blocks) The commitment to the term is paid for in advance at a rate of $350 To support our athletes in their commitment to this program the Academy will provide a subsidy of $200 to reduce the cost of the program to $150 for athletes participating These sessions are customarily done in a gym-based setting at One55 in Rooty Hill However there may also be an occasional field-based session, depending on the training session requirements


The LTAD (Long Term Athletic Development) Program includes:

One (1) x 1:1 assessments and sports performance testing with an Exercise Physiologist/S&C Coach;

One (1) group session per week (60min);

Personalised programming by the Exercise Physiologist including access to their programs through the online app Teambuildr; All gym entry fees;

Individual performance reports at the end of each block

As a further commitment of support to the Academy's athletes, SWSM will provide one Scholarship for each Academy program that covers all costs for the 10-week program for a term of 2023 Expressions of interest can be submitted by the athlete/parent to the Academy's Athlete Program Manager to be considered for the Athletics Scholarship The Academy will then award these scholarships based on consultation with coaches and support staff and athlete merit

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