1 minute read


Do you know someone who would be interested in supporting the future generation of Athletes?

The Western Sydney Academy of Sport has a range of opportunities for companies and organisations to support the potential of our programs and their Athletes. The Western Sydney Academy of Sport have opportunities such as our Ambassador Program, which provides opportunities for local businesses and individuals to contribute a small level of support for our talented young athletes


Businesses and Individuals can become an Academy Ambassador through an annual contribution of $500 which enables them to establish a connection with one of the Academy’s athletes and develop a personal relationship, supporting them in their journey and progression along the development pathway. Businesses will also receive marketing benefits in return from the Academy

As a not-for-profit community-based organisation, all revenue generated by the Academy is applied to its program operations which directly benefit over 200 athletes each year. All funds raised from the hip will be applied to the provision of specific activities for the athletes act now and become a part of securing the s and Sport.

Officer, Madeleine Haddad on 0429 434 940 or how to help the Academy and our Athletes

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