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The voice of the Washington State Dental Association
Dr. Ray Damazo 2013 Citizen of the Year
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Dr. Ray Damazo and his wife, Gail, make their way across Kenya
WSDA news Cover story by Rob Bahnsen Cover photo by Meryl Schenker Photography TOC photo by Gail Sage Damazo
guest editorial
cover story: citizen of the year
hod: how it works
hod resolution summary
candidate profiles
27 newsflash
issue 8 · august 2013
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clinical corner
in memoriam
regulatory news
41, 43, 45 46
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Like us on Facebook: WSDA News Editor Dr. Mar y Jennings Editorial Advisor y Board Dr. Victor Barry Dr. Richard Mielke Dr. Jeffrey Parrish Dr. Rhonda Savage Dr. Robert Shaw Dr. Mary Krempasky Smith Dr. Timothy Wandell Washington State Dental Association Dr. Danny G. Warner, President Dr. David M. Minahan, President-elect Dr. Gregory Y. Ogata, Vice President Dr. Bryan C. Edgar, Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Rodney B. Wentworth, Immediate Past President Board of Directors Dr. Theodore M. Baer Dr. Dennis L. Bradshaw Dr. D. Michael Buehler Dr. Ronald D. Dahl Dr. Christopher Delecki Dr. Christopher W. Herzog
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The WSDA News is published 8 times yearly by the Washington State Dental Association. Copyright © 2013 by the Washington State Dental Association, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission of the editor. Statements of fact or opinion are the responsibilit y of the authors alone and do not express the opinions of the WSDA, unless the Association has adopted such statements or opinions. Subscription price is $65 plus sales tax per year for 8 issues of the News. Foreign rate is $97.92 per year. Advertising is published as a service to readers; the editor reserves the right to accept, reject, discontinue or edit any advertising offered for publication. Publication of advertising materials is not an endorsement, qualification, approval or guarantee of either the advertiser or product. Communications intended for publication, business matters and advertising should be sent to the WSDA Office, 126 NW Canal Street, Seattle, Wash. 98107. ISSN 1064-0835 Member Publication American Association of Dental Editors. Winner: 2012: Journalism Award, Best Newsletter, Division 1, 2012: Platinum Pencil Award Honorable Mention (2), 2008: Best Newsletter, Division 1, 2007 Platinum Pen Award, 2006 Honorable Mention, 2005 Platinum Pencil Award, 2005 Publication Award; International College of Dentists
table of contents issue 8, august 2013
a day in the life
editorial dr. mar y jennings
Examining corporate practices
My Mama’s small Oklahoma town does not have a Starbucks but it has a “corporate” dental practice. Corporate practices are on the rise. The ADA chose corporate dentistry as a hot issue for last year’s ADA Mega Topic forum for our House of Delegates. Frontline and the news are all over it. Rumors of poor quality, overtreatment and lack of consequences for the corporation’s role in adverse patient outcomes cause grave concerns for dentists and the public. What is a corporate dental practice? The most salacious definition is they are dental mills hell bent on making a profit at the paying public’s expense. Others say they fill a niche market and provide good value for patients and worry-free practices for dentists. Neither definition truly defines an exact business plan, policies for ethical treatment of patients or corporate consequences for adverse outcomes. Therein lies the problem. So far, I have found several types of corporate practices. Sometimes the dentist is the owner and the corporation manages human resources, supplies and other practice details. Other times, a dentist or private equity group owns several clinics, and dentists are either associates or employees. What exactly is the difference between an employee and an associate? What is the number of dentists one must have before the practice is not just a simple associateship but is a corporate practice? Does the dentist’s autonomy matter in the definition of corporate practices? Does the corporation set policies or guidelines that effect treatment of patients? Are those policies ethical and do they fall within that state’s dental practice act? Is there punishment for not following policies? I want to know! So does the United State’s Senate. They just finished a two-year study on several corporate practices that have allegedly overtreated children and committed Medicaid fraud. According to Washington state law, all dental practices must be entirely owned by a state licensed dentist. This law supports the “corporate practice of dentistry doctrine” which essentially states that only a human being can be screened for integrity and educated to receive a professional license. Residency does not matter. The owner can live in Timbuktu and the practice is still legal. There are a few practices that may not be in compliance. Not every law on the books is enforced. The WSDA is submitting examples to the Washington State Attorney General to get a read on that office’s view on the enforceability of the law and their willingness to enforce it. Our state’s poverty clinics are not all owned by dentists. Federally Qualified Health Centers were put into place by federal law and are exempt from state law. Free clinics and non-FQHC’s are technically illegal. But these are good people doing wonderful things. I would be surprised if any legislator or enforcement agency would interfere with their good work. It proves the case that we have quite a bit of work to do in nailing down laws, rules and regulations. It also proves that well-regulated corporations can run an ethical dental clinic. But then, they are not seeking profit. The ADA Health Policy Resources Center reports a 25 percent rise in corporate practices in two years. So why are corporate practices growing? Both venture capitalists and dentists are seeing the value and profitability of large group practice. New dentists cannot afford to start or build practices due to their enormous debt. Some of them see themselves as practice owners instead of drilling dentists. Access to care is a huge problem. Bulk buying supplies and pooled resources make for smart business. A guaranteed salary and benefits like paid continuing education, vacation, and a myriad of paid insurances makes corporate dentistry quite attractive. Corporate dentistry now fits the marketplace. Having so many dentists wanting to work in corporate practices is an indicator for us not to turn up our noses. These dentists are our friends, our peers, and our fellow ADA members. How we address this issue will affect their livelihood, and their perception of organized dentistry. Technically, I am a corporate dental director. I have worked for non-profit dental agencies for 22 years. One reason I chose this type of practice was because I thought I would not have to run a practice or discuss fees with my patients. I could barely balance my checkbook. Now I can run budgets, union and non-union employees, grants and supplies, while, almost simultaneously treating disease and helping my patients manage their lack of money. Corporate dentistry has developed me. Corporate dentistry and I have done a lot of good for the world and I am proud of us. But it is not all good. I generally love the dental directors I have worked for. Much like
Dr. Mary Jennings Editor, WSDA News
“The ADA chose corporate dentistry as a hot issue for last year’s ADA Mega Topic forum for our House of Delegates. Frontline and the news are all over it.”
Dr. Mary Jennings, WSDA News editor, welcomes comments and letters from readers. Contact her at her email
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The reliance on dental insurance to bring patients into the practice is a dead-end street for dentistry as we know it. We’ve all heard the beating drums - traditional indemnity insurance is dying, giving way to the PPO plans that dictate the type of care you can provide - if patients have any coverage at all. Turn away from these plans and all people accustomed to having dental insurance will go elsewhere or not come at all. This is total nonsense and you, Doctors, have the solution right under your nose, but are too reliant on the insurance model to see. Until now. We treat patients with the best dentistry in the entire world, listen to their needs and provide our expertise to help them maintain their most important possession ... health. As dentists we preach prevention but falter in the execution of that message. Until now. The solution? Your dental practice. Why not let patients join? Give them a chance to join your prevention-emphasized program in your practice. Give them a chance to choose you. In our practice it works like this: Patients without any dental insurance can join for $399 a year which includes two exams, two prophys, and annual bitewings (prevention-based). In addition, they receive 15 percent off all dental services (cosmetics included), based on our fee schedule and they receive a $55 treatment credit per year that is bankable if unused as long as they are active on the program (can you say patient retention?). Perio maintenance patients receive prophy credit good towards the perio maintenance service, in addition to the 15 percent discount. If they sign up for two years they get free teeth whitening. If they need specialist care they receive the same discount in their offices as well. Our specialists have seen the benefit of these programs and have come on board. Benefits to the practice are numerous- no insurance paperwork hassles, no narratives, payment up front and at point of service, patient loyalty, guaranteed patient recall (they’ve already paid, so they will be there) and most importantly, a prevention-centered product to offer. The benefits to the patient are a discounted program that is less costly than traditional insurance, a discount for EVERY service, and belonging to a cost-effective program that centers on patientchoice without deductibles, calendar maximums, or missing tooth clauses. Doctors, there is your solution. The cost to implement? Nothing. Did you hear that doctors? It’s FREE! You need to change nothing in your practice and can start it today. All the tools you need to start your program are in your office. Tell me why it won’t work doctor, and I’ll bet you a growing-every-month, three year-old program with over 100 patients, and a virtually 100 percent renewal rate why it will. It sells itself. You just need to set yours up. Stop basing your practice and its future on the old dental insurance mindset. That ship has sailed. Keep doing excellent dentistry and go get your future! Gregory Yen is a second-generation dentist who started his dental career at age 8 as a dental office weed-puller, walkway sweeper, and ivy trimmer. If you need any additional information he can be reached (between yakking with his patients and doing actual dentistry) at (206) 243.5740 or at yendentristry. com.
Dr. Gregory C. Yen Fircrest Children’s Dentistry
“Doctors, there is your solution. The cost to implement? Nothing. Did you hear that doctors? It’s FREE! You need to change nothing in your practice and can start it today. All the tools you need to start your program are in your office.”
editorial, continued from facing page
the dentist owners that live in Timbuktu or a corporate board of directors they are rarely on site. In their absence, who sets the daily moral compass for that practice? Often, a non-dentist clinic manager attempts to play that important role above me, the real doctor. Many of them have very limited education and crude management skills. Most of the time my production is linked to their success. I think that is one place where things go crosswise. I can literally see why the doctrine supporting character screening and education is so very important. I believe the dentist’s autonomy does matter and plays a big part in job turnover in corporate practices. How did the
practices that the Senate is investigating lose their ethical way? Did they even start with ethics? I believe that anyone who dictates treatment to any dentist is courting disaster. The treatment has to work in the treating dentist’s head, hands and heart. So far only the treating dentist is liable for adverse outcomes. That needs to change. If a corporation makes a policy that adversely affects a patient outcome or creates fraud then they should be held accountable. The dentist should not be left to hang alone. It looks like corporate dentistry is here to stay. ADA CEO Kathleen O’Loughlin discussed it at the dental editor’s meeting last fall. She described some corporate practices that are designed and managed
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by dentists that are run on a high ethical plane and are working very well. There are several ADA Councils that are actively studying corporate dentistry. In the meantime, the corporate clinics grow without proper oversight. We must work quickly on these issues to make these practices safe and sound for our patients and our fellow dentists. My professors told me that if I take good care of my patients, my practice would grow, thrive, and take care of me. I listened, I acted, and it all came true. If corporations do not accept the responsibility for taking proper care of the human beings they serve, then we must regulate them. And that is the bottom line.
guest editorial dr. gregor y c. yen
Your practice’s future - How to keep it yours
cover stor y 2013 citizen of the year ray damazo
OUT OF AFRICA Each year, WSDA members from across the state nominate one of their own to receive the Association’s biggest honor, the Citizen of the Year Award. Steeped in tradition, the award honors the dentist who has displayed exemplary service to the community through civic/charitable activities, whether dental-related or not. This year, we honor Dr. Ray Damazo, who for nearly 20 years has given selflessly to the people of Kenya, first as an instructor helping to bring proper emergency dental care to millions, later as a mobile dentist traveling remote parts of Kenya and Tanzania, and finally as the primary benefactor responsible for building and running a permanent dental clinic in Kenya.
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Photographs courtesy of Gail Sage Damazo and Dr. Ray Damazo
2013 Citizen of the Year
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Dr. Ray Damazo
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Photographs courtesy of Gail Sage Damazo and Dr. Ray Damazo
Top photograph by Meryl Schenker
cover stor y 2013 citizen of the year ray damazo
For nearly 20 years, Dr. Raymond Damazo and his wife Gail traveled to Africa twice a year, delivering humanitarian dental care to the African people while marveling at the vast reaches of Kenya and the bounty of its wildlife. In his book, Safari Dentist, Damazo details scores of stories like the one above — putting the reader face-to-horn with all manner of wild things — using keen humor to detail near-misses by charging elephants, the demands of an oft-married Masaai Warrior, and the skills required to keep their rolling operatory rolling. The specially-outfitted Range Rover towed a massive two-axle trailer — and both were constantly losing their battle with the elements, “We’d be going along and the visors would fall off in our laps,” Gail says, “Ray would drive and I would be screwing or duct taping things back together.” Even in Africa, it seems, duct tape is essential. But it’s not just the roads that are wild, dentistry in Africa can be equally hairraising — “I’ve worked on patients with an AK-47s in their lap,” says Ray, with a huge laugh, “You don’t want to hurt a guy like that.” Nearly all the Masaai are armed in some fashion, though — with pangas (knives) and rongas (a weapon fashioned from wood), both easily capable of inflicting mortal wounds. And while Damazo clearly had the pluck to at least appear unfazed in the face of such danger, finding a partner equally possessed might have been difficult. But Gail is comparably adventurous, having spent many years exploring third world countries prior to meeting Ray. In fact, Africa was on her “bucket list” long before the pair became a couple. Part hygienist, part assistant, part MacGuyver (“I’m very mechanical, I read manuals, and I can fix just about anything”), she’s always at his side, and is often the voice of reason. With a degree in psychology and years of experience running businesses, Gail has been able to soldier through difficult circumstances and gruesome medical situations with aplomb. “So much of what we did in Kenya was creative – like making
artificial teeth in the bush, which really appealed to me because I’m artistic,” she says, “I’m not a fearful person, so I’m perfect in a crisis. We work really well as a team.” “We’re soul mates,” Damazo says, and seeing them together, you believe it. They share an undeniable electricity and humor. To prepare for their journey together, Gail studied with a hygienist and did a lot of training out in the field with Ray. She even completed a year of hygiene school before dropping out — but not because she couldn’t handle the work load, “I was getting really bored because I knew I didn’t want to polish teeth in the U.S., “ she explains. “I needed the skills that I could use in Africa, and they weren’t teaching me anything I hadn’t already learned.” Through a relationship with first-class lodges catering to tourists, the couple criss-crossed Kenya and Tanzania, traveling from lodge to lodge, delivering free dental care to thousands of lodge employees and indigenous Africans who would likely have had to live in pain or worse, see a bush dentist. The Damazos spent 3-5 months a year in Africa, seeing as many as 75 patients a day, setting up their operatory in lodges and tents all over Kenya. In all their years in Africa, the couple has paid for everything themselves, with the exception of their housing and food at the lodges. Ray says “The inner satisfaction of helping without any strings or fee, making someone’s life a little more bearable is sufficient pay. I have never received money from any corporation, and have funded the mobile clinic myself. What we do receive from the lodges is lots of love, friendship, cooperation, and the best hospitality in Africa.” Of course, they’re not counting the time that Hemingway’s Resort made them a gift of goats, but that’s another story. Regardless, the Damazo’s are careful to plan their trips in the off-season, when the resorts have many rooms available, so they’re not depriving their hosts of an opportunity to make a living. Plus, it leaves more time to share a glass or two of wine with friends at the end of a busy day of dentistry.
Dr. Livingston, I presume?
But to tell Damazo’s story, we have to start in New Bedford, Mass., where he grew up with nine siblings to parents who had emigrated from the Azores. They instilled a boundless work ethic in their brood, and stimulated a quest for knowledge that Damazo and his siblings have to this day. But the family wasn’t wealthy, so they taught
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their children to be self-sufficient, too. “My mother and father had almost no education — and no money — so none of us relied on them for anything.” Ray continues, “They motivated us and let us figure it out for ourselves. When you’re loved and confident, no one can stop you.” It was there, in the New Bedford Library, that Damazo first read the works of renowned missionary and physician Dr. David Livingston, recounting his travels in the African continent in the late 19th century. “Though Livingston was a missionary and a physician, his biggest love was for travel, adventure, and exploration,” Damazo explains, “And that was what drew me to his writing. He ended up exploring much of Africa on foot — from places Gail and I have been to, to thousands of miles away — at a time when no one knew the tribes and what danger lay ahead.“
The road to Africa
In 1977, an opportunity arose for Ray to train a Brazilian physician in emergency dentistry. He’d been looking for a way to give back, and so, for four months he and the doc flew a Cessna 180 to remote areas of the San Francisco River Islands treating patients. Damazo trained him how to perform simple extractions, manage infections, control pain, and brought him up to date on dental anatomy and local anesthesia blocks. In 1986, Damazo was asked to develop a program to train a cadre of Clinical Officers (physician assistants) in emergency dentistry — they were responsible for providing primary care for millions in Kenya. The training all took place in Nairobi in hotel conference rooms rented by Ray, and gradually evolved to become the mobile dentistry model he would later use. While there, Damazo got to explore the country as a tourist, going to game parks, the Mombassa coast, and the Highlands, but he wasn’t exposed to the “real” Africa. In 1991, Damazo’s retirement from his thriving dental practice in Bellevue was imminent. That, and success in another business venture had left him in a position to really make a difference in the world, and he began to research where he would spend his time. “I am basically a cheap guy – I want to get a lot for my money. I wanted to work someplace where a dollar was worth four dollars — so while I briefly considered Hawaii, I knew it would never work,” he says with a broad smile. With so much of the world in need, Damazo’s options were open, including Haiti
cover stor y 2013 citizen of the year ray damazo
“Things were looking up. I felt a touch of cockiness for defeating our first black hole. Then Gail, who was standing near the trailer, shouted an alarm, “Buffalo!” A male Cape Buffalo had appeared out of nowhere and was heading in our direction at a fast pace, hostilely shaking his massive curved horns back and forth.” — From Safari Dentist, by Dr. Ray Damazo
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Photographs courtesy of Gail Sage Damazo and Dr. Ray Damazo
cover stor y 2013 citizen of the year ray damazo
“Between the ages of 60 and 80, I was the most productive in my life – when most people are beginning to slow down or retire. I have a feeling I’m going to brag about 80 to 100 later on. I tell my kids that when they tell me they’re feeling old at 50.”
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Building a permanent clinic
Having made friends throughout Kenya, the Damazos began to look at ways to simplify the delivery of care to the people they had grown so fond of. Ray was 78, ready for his “second retirement,” and managing the mobile clinic and the hard slog across Kenya had just become too difficult. Shifting forward, the couple designed and built the Maasai Dental Clinic at Siana Springs in 2008, after acquiring a 33-year lease on a plot of land by the Masaai people. Additionally, Rotary International clubs from Washington and Nairobi contributed $53,000 to help equip three treatment rooms in the clinic and purchase cabinets. With a population between 50,000-100,000 and with the nearest dentist 87 kilometers away, the clinic was in a truly underserved community. “When I originally built and conceived the facility,” Ray explains, “It was with the hope that it would become a global teaching center with adjunct faculty there at all times, and there would be senior dental students circulating through the clinic.” The three apartments house visiting dentists who come to the facility from around the world. Using the Peer Pal model, dentists agree to volunteer for two weeks and three days. For the first three days, they work with the outgoing volunteer, who is able to help the new dentist figure out the lay of the land. The time is essential, according to Ray, who says, “The model really works — in March, a successful dentist came to the clinic as a volunteer. The first morning he was there,
Photographs this page by Meryl Schenker
because they don’t live for the future, they simply look for more grass.” And while the Masaai perspective has helped the Damazos to slow down and get more balance out of their lives, treatment planning with a population with no concept of the future was a problem. Ray explains, “For instance, when doing a serial extraction they would want more teeth removed than necessary, and I would say to them ‘If I extract these, then these other teeth will come down and rotate into place.’ But they didn’t understand the concept, and they didn’t trust my diagnosis.” Eventually some people took Ray’s advice, and when he returned six months later, they noted that what he had recommended had worked. “Now they believe in us, and they will let us do what is best for them,” Gail says, “But the shift in their thinking took years.”
cover stor y 2013 citizen of the year ray damazo
and Guatemala, but neither had the sex appeal of Kenya. “I’m not this great altruistic, humanitarian person,” Damazo says, laughing, “I liked Kenya because it has the beautiful coast with gorgeous beaches, and it has the Masaai Mara, the biggest game attraction in Africa. I love the people, and there was a big need.” True, but in places like Somalia or Ethiopia the need was far greater, but Damazo wanted to be productive. “And,” he says, “I can be my most productive when I am comfortable. I don’t mind all the trouble and sacrifices you go through to do this type of work, and I don’t mind providing free dentistry to the people of Africa — working on hundreds of people in all kinds of crud — if I know at night I have a good place to sleep and a great glass of wine.” Kenya fit because there was a balance — it was possible to deliver free dentistry and be comfortable. The lodges that dotted the landscape would provide the perfect place for Damazo to recharge for the next day, while giving him a central location from which to perform dentistry for the African people. It was the start of what become a decades-long love affair with a country and its people. He relates, “I saw that the people were unique and good. For the most part they are very generous, sincere, and friendly. They are trusting, they want to believe in you, and if you help them they are appreciative.” But while the Masaai trust them now, that wasn’t always the case — Gail explains, “People came to Africa all the time with good intentions and stories about how they were going to help the people, only to never return.” Gaining the Masaai’s real trust took years — something the Damazos accomplished by returning as promised, year after year, making many lifelong friends along the way. But something else about the culture proved just as difficult for the Damazos. The Masaai and many of the other 53 tribes in Africa are nomadic people, even though that is beginning to change, and in their culture they live for today. The couple says, “There is no tomorrow to them, they don’t even keep track of the year they were born, so they’re not clear about their age. The concept of the future is meaningless to them— for instance, if their cows eat up all the grass in one place, the Masaai simply move to find more grass. If they really thought it through — the grass is dead, it’s 110 degrees, and there’s no rain in sight — they might be completely stressed. But
cover stor y 2013 citizen of the year ray damazo
I happened by the operatory and saw that his hand was shaking like a junior dental student. At lunchtime, he confided in me, saying, ‘You know Ray, I can’t believe how shook up I was at the first part of the day. When you don’t have your regular dental assistant, or your own equipment, and when you have patients with no shoes and big holes in their ears – everything is so different, I was really nervous.’ At the end of the three days, he was happy to get me out of there, but there is definitely a breaking in period. You go from a sophisticated suburban place to the middle of nowhere where absolutely everything is different. It scares the hell out of some people.” At the clinic, patients are seen on a first come, first served basis, with no appointments, and on a typical day the staff sees between 12-14 people. The clinic has one volunteer dentist and six permanent staff members – two Masaai assistants, a clinic manager, and three Ascaris — or guards — who are assigned to control the crowds and assure that wild animals cannot get into the compound, even though it is completely fenced in.
What lies ahead
After running the facility for nearly three years, Ray and Gail made the decision to gift the facility to Loma Linda University School of Dentistry, with the understanding that the university would continue to manage and staff the facility for the foreseeable future. The University recently reached out to the Damazos to resume running the clinic for another two years, health permitting, giving them time to put new systems in place to streamline its management, protect the clinic, and guarantee its place in the community going forward. In coming back to right the ship, the Damazo’s legacy in Africa is secure.
The gift of the Masaai
Even with all he has done for the people of Africa over the decades, it is Damazo who says he has benefitted the most from the arrangement. “I could never give back to the Masaai what they have given me. I have learned trust from them, and I know how lucky I am because of them. Their ability to survive with very little and be happy and content is amazing. Kids have flies in their mouths and eyes, women give birth inside a mud hut and aren’t allowed to leave for a week, even for a bath. They have survived for centuries in this
way. They’re happy for the most part, they roll with the punches, they’re easy keepers, and they suffer like dogs without ever complaining. Their expectations from life are much lower than ours. They are a nice, gentle people. My daughter lives in Mercer Island, and what she told me was that the Masaai women, who have nothing, seem more content than the women she knows in Washington who have so much.” Both he and Gail remember one of the people they helped in their travels, a handsome South African Ranger with a deplorable mouth — because of it, he never smiled. “We got him to come into the clinic, told him not to be ashamed, that not everyone had access to dentistry. We decided that we were going to totally restore his mouth in the week that we were there, which we did. By the time we left, he had a beautiful mouth – and he was a completely different person, with a much better attitude about life. He wrote us a letter and rubber banded it to our side view mirror so that we would see it as we were driving out. We cried as we read the letter, because it was so heart wrenching and heartfelt. At that point, we realized that it’s not just about fixing teeth, it’s fixing self esteem, it’s the unconditional acceptance of other people. It’s a whole combination of things that play into what we’re doing.”
Interested in volunteering in Africa?
The clinic needs trained dentists to volunteer year ‘round. If you’re interested in finding out more about volunteering in Kenya at Maasai Dental Clinic at Siana Springs, please contact Dr. Damazo at, and leave your information, including phone number, so that he may contact you personally. At this time, the clinic can only use those practicing general dentistry, and they do not typically need assistant or hygienist volunteers.
More about Safari Dentist
Dr. Damazo has written an engrossing account of his years traveling in Africa with his wife, Gail. In Safari Dentist, his imaginative, clear writing style brings the African bush to life. Like Livingston before him, his stories of their adventures in the wilds will keep you interested throughout. To get your own copy, contact Dr. Damazo at, or look online at
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Photographs courtesy of Gail Sage Damazo and Dr. Ray Damazo
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cover stor y 2013 citizen of the year ray damazo
“I could never give back to the Masaai what they have given me. I have learned trust from them, and I know how lucky I am because of them. Their ability to survive with very little and be happy and content is amazing. Kids have flies in their mouths and eyes, women give birth inside a mud hut and aren’t allowed to leave for a week, even for a bath. They have survived for centuries in this way.”
2013 hod how the house works
THE HOD AND YOU: How the WSDA’s governance system works
The WSDA House of Delegates will be held this September 19-21 in Chelan, Wash. The House is the legislative body of the WSDA, with full authority to direct and regulate the Association activities within the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws. The WSDA House of Delegates is similar to the US House of Representatives, with delegates from each component society representing their constituency at the annual event. Delegates vote on resolutions, elect officers, board, committee members, and delegates to the American Dental Association House of Delegates. The House adheres to parliamentary procedure, with a Parliamentarian on hand to ensure compliance, and a Speaker of the House to maintain order. House duties include election of officers, Board of Directors and elective committee members; determination of the time and place of the House of Delegates; receipt and passing reports from officers, standing committees and task forces; the approval of a budget as submitted by the Budget and Finance Committee; and other such duties as provided in the WSDA Bylaws. Once the business of the House of Delegates has been completed, the Board of Directors has general supervision of the business of the Association and is charged with implementing the decisions of the House. The Executive Director is charged with the day-to-day management of the Association, and with ensuring that the wishes of the House of Delegates and the Board are carried out. Additionally, the House votes on any number of resolutions, which can come from a variety of sources. As outlined in the Bylaws, resolutions may only be submitted by the following: the individual officers of the WSDA, a standing committee or task force of the WSDA, a component society of the WSDA, a petition signed by ten members of the WSDA, or the Board of Directors of the WSDA. Resolutions have to be submitted 30 days prior to the House, although provisions exist which allow for resolutions to be added from the floor.
House activities, by day Thursday
On Thursday, the House opens with a critical issues forum, where selected issues or resolutions facing the Association are discussed.
This forum includes a presentation of the budget by the chair of the Committee on Budget and Finance and the Secretary-Treasurer. Immediately following the critical issues discussion, a candidate forum is held for board, Committee and ADA delegate positions. The candidates running for office are given an opportunity to speak to the House. This ends the first day.
Delegates must register in the morning, followed by the First Business Session, which includes introductions and welcome speeches, the establishment of rules for the House, presentations and reports given by officers, the Washington Oral Health Foundation (WOHF), the Washington Dentists’ Insurance Agency (WDIA), the Northwest Dentists Insurance Company (NORDIC), University of Washington School of Dentistry, the Pacific Northwest Dental Conference, and others. It is during the Friday session that candidates for officer positions will debate. Later, the Reference Committees hold hearings where delegates are encouraged to discuss all resolutions before the House, and make recommendations for amendments or changes when warranted. The primary duty of a Reference Committee is to recommend to the House of Delegates an appropriate course of action on the matters that have been placed before it. Following the hearings, Reference Committee members meet privately for further discussion, fulfilling its obligations only when it takes into consideration all of these factors and advises the House to adopt, amend, postpone, or reject a recommendation which has been placed before it. Each Reference Committee then creates a report that is made available to delegates later that evening.
Delegates register in the morning before the Second Business Session begins. The election process begins with a review of the candidates nominated at the first business session. At this time, the House can entertain nominations for additional candidates from the floor, followed by the elections. Then, Reference Committees present their reports to the House, and discussion/debate regarding resolutions is allowed on the floor. Following the discussion, resolutions are voted on, officers are sworn in and the business of the House ends.
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tion to revise the definition of dentistry in RCW 18.32.020 subparts (1) and (2) to be consistent with language developed by the ADA. Submitted by the Committee on Government Affairs.
HD-02-2013 · Committees and Parliamentarian for Annual Meeting of the House of Delegates
HD-14-2013 · DentPAC Resolution
Establishes the rules for the 2013 House of Delegates. Submitted by the President.
Names members of Credentials Committee, Rules and Order Committee, Reference Committee on Financial and Membership Affairs, Reference Committee on Legislative and Administrative Affairs, and appoints a parliamentarian for the House. Submitted by the President.
HD-03-2013 · Acceptance of WSDA Audit for the Year Ending September 30, 2012 Submitted by the Committee on Budget and Finance.
HD-04-2013 · WSDA 2013/2014 Budget
The following resolution was presented by delegate Dr. Cynthia R. Pauley to the 2012 House of Delegates but was not considered. By rule (HD1-2012), it is presented to the 2013 House of Delegates. Would create a task force consisting of five members of the House to immediately investigate new way of distributing money from the PAC with the primary goal of getting funds earmarked for Olympia to the legislators and their leaders before the next legislative session, and would require detailed annual reporting of PAC expenses.
HD-15-2013 · Positive Solutions for Dental Health
Proposes a schedule of dues. Submitted by the Committee on Budget and Finance.
The following resolution was presented by delegate Dr. Judson A. Werner to the 2012 House of Delegates but was not considered. By rule (HD-1-2012), it is presented to the 2013 House of Delegates. Requires a business plan with specific criteria for any WSDAsupported midlevel legislation, and would require WSDA to promote legislation and programs to create positive solutions for dental health across the state.
HD-06-2013 · Nominations for Elective Office
HD-16-2013 · Non-coverage of Critical Diagnostic Procedures
Proposes the operating budget for 2013/2014 fiscal year. Submitted by the Committee on Budget and Finance.
HD-05-2013 · WSDA Dues for 2014 (bylaw amendment)
Submitted by the Committee on Budget and Finance.
Calls for WSDA to promote the distribution of information related to non-coverage of clinical diagnostic procedures to all appropriate parties, and asks that WSDA petition WDS’s Board of Directors to consider the establishment of a peer review protocol to compensate patients when this diagnostic modality is used. Submitted by the Seattle King County Dental Society.
HD-08-2013 · WSDA Legislative agenda for 2014
HD-17-2013 · Dental License Renewal Regulations Change
Proposes to reaffirm the policy in determining the Association’s annual legislative agenda, and adopt legislative positions in preparation for the 2014 session of the Washington State Legislature. Submitted by the Committee on Government Affairs.
Asks the WSDA to seek regulatory and/or legislative relief for dentists that would prevent the Department of Health from suspending a license when a dentist misses a licensure renewal date. Submitted by the Seattle King County Dental Society.
HD-09-2013 · Parliamentary Procedure (Bylaw amendment)
HD-18-2013 · Core Principles
Amends Bylaws and rules of order in accordance with the most recent edition of the American Institute of Parliamentarians Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure.
Establishes core principles for the WSDA and rules regarding them for future Houses of Delegates. Submitted by the Seattle King County Dental Society.
HD-10-2013 · Reduced Faculty Dues
HD-19-2013 · Effective use of DentPAC money
Submits names for nomination for offices indicated in the resolution, with the understanding that further nominations can be made from the floor. Submitted by the Task Force on Nominations.
HD-07-2013 · Location of the 2016 House of Delegates
Would amend WSDA Bylaw Article II Dues to continue to allow reduced faculty dues for an additional year. Submitted by the WSDA Board.
Calls for new rules regarding political contributions to legislators. Submitted by the Seattle King County Dental Society.
HD-11-2013 · Ethics and Jurisprudence Requirement for Continuing Education
Establishes new criteria regarding the reporting of Board decisions and votes, calls for the writing of all unwritten rules. Submitted by the Seattle King County Dental Society.
Would create a requirement that all dentists, dental hygienists, and expanded function dental auxiliaries have three hours of Ethics/Jurisprudence continuing dental education every three years as a condition of licensure, and would encourage DQAC to classify ethics and jurisprudence education as clinical courses in determining acceptable continuing education for credit WAC 246-817440 (4). Submitted by the WSDA Board.
HD-12-2013 · WSDA Supports and Promotes the Dental Home for All Children, Adolescents, and Special Needs Adults
Would recognize the Dental Home Concept as an important element in the delivery of dental care for patients birth through age 18 and all special needs patients through adulthood, and would encourage any dental provider or dental program providing care to special needs patients or patients 18 years and younger to be a dental home and meet all the characteristics described by AAPD and other health care organizations. Submitted by the WSDA Board.
HD-13-2013 · Definition of Dentistry
Would charge WSDA with developing and supporting legisla-
HD-20-2013 · Unwritten Rule
HD-21-2013 · WSDA Transparency
Calls for supplemental financial report to be presented at the House of Delegates every year, allows members to view WSDA Financial information without signing a confidentiality agreement, and modifies the Board’s attendance policy for WSDA members. Submitted by the Seattle King County Dental Society.
HD-22-2013 · No Corporate Dentistry
Calls for WSDA to draft legislation regarding corporate practices, to investigate existing large corporate practices, and to work with the State Insurance Commissioner in the investigation of such practices. Submitted by the Seattle King County Dental Society.
HD-23-2013 · Fair Treatment of Dentists and Our Patients by Insurance Companies Calls for WSDA to work with the Washington state insurance commissioner and legislature to create new legislation favorable to patients in regard to insurance claims and benefits. Submitted by the Seattle King County Dental Society.
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2013 hod resolutions
HD-01-2013 · Rules for the House of Delegates
2013 hod candidates
Candidate for President-elect
Dr. Gregory Y. Ogata
What an interesting year! From the personal high of being elected Vice President, to the low of my stroke, what a journey. Struggling to heal what I had long taken for granted, is painful yet necessary. It has been truly unforgettable. The same can be said of the WSDA. We have defeated the financial might of the Kellogg Foundation AND the political might of the Children’s Alliance. How was this underdog victory achieved? Through bold, decisive actions by this House and grassroots activity leading to bipartisan support, a victory was achieved that has not gone unnoticed by the rest of the nation. Yet, there are some who are disgruntled, upset by the decisions of the House. They disagreed with the decisions and because they cannot (or will not) understand how we won, seek to control the process. They have condemned everything — including the Board, DentPAC, staff, and the House! Accusations have been leveled at practically every part of WSDA. They believe everything needs to be torn down and rebuilt. I would argue that the WSDA is a dynamic organization capable of amazing victories! And not just in Olympia. Our purchase of a building and an insurance company continue to pay dividends financially. Today, I believe the only enemy capable of defeating the WSDA is ourselves. Or in the words of the immortal comic character Pogo, “We have met the enemy... and he is us.” We need to unite in advocating for dentistry. It’s time to join me in healing. Current Positions WSDA: Vice President Delegate to the WSDA HOD Delegate to ADA House of Delegates Seattle-King County Dental Society, Council on Communications American Association of Orthodontists, Council on Government Affairs Former Positions Seattle-King County Dental Society, Past President
Seattle-King County Dental Foundation, Past Board of Directors Washington Oral Health Foundation, Past Board of Directors 11th District American Dental Association, Past Caucus Chair American Association of Orthodontists, Ad Hoc Committee on Crainofacial-Abnormalities
dent debt, corporate dental practices, problems with licensure, insurance company reimbursement practices and dental therapists to name a few. It is important as we go forward to develop new ways to address these issues. I ask for your support to serve you in developing this vision.
Professional Affiliations Pierre Fauchard Academy American College of Dentists International College of Dentists American Board of Orthodontics St. Louis Orthodontic Foundation
Current Positions WSDA, Secretary-Treasurer, six years ADA, Delegate AGD, Investment Committee AADB, Parliamentarian WREB Examiner
Education DDS, UW School of Dentistry, ‘92 MS in Orthodontics, St. Louis University, ‘97
Former Positions ADA, Council on Ethics, Bylaws and Judicial Affairs ADA CODA, member and Chair AGD, Board of Trustees member SKCDS, President UW School of Dentistry Dean’s Search Committee
Other Blaine Memorial Methodist Church UW School of Dentistry, Dean’s Club St. Louis Orthodontic Alumni Assoc. United States MENSA
Candidates for Vice President
Professional Affiliations American and International Colleges of Dentists Pierre Fauchard Academy Academy of Dentistry International International Congress of Oral Implantologists Academy of Microscope Enhanced Dentistry Education DDS, UW School of Dentistry, ‘76 General Practice Residency Certificate, Irwin Army Hospital, ‘77 Other Misch Institute, Fellow Kois Center Mentor
Dr. Bryan C. Edgar
WSDA is very unique compared to other associations in which I have served. We are blessed with a cohesive Board, one of the most creative Executive Directors ever, dedicated local component leaders and a strong House of Delegates. As my other responsibilities have ended in other areas, I wish to step into the position to lead WSDA to the next level. During my time on the Board of Directors, we have accomplished much. The association is in a much stronger position than ten years ago through partnering to buy a profitable insurance company and purchasing a building at below market rates. We have a news magazine recognized and respected across the country. Our PNDC is one of the best regional educational meetings anywhere. These moves will go far to offer our members tangible benefits for the future. My vision for WSDA is to build our future as an association by developing new ways to serve the members of the future, beginning with the first year of dental school. I was privileged to have recently attended the ASDA national meeting in Atlanta and had the opportunity to meet many dental students. Issues for new dentists include stu-
Dr. Mary S. Jennings
I became a dentist because I wanted to work with my head, my heart and my hands. I have been an Indian Health/ Community Health Dentist for twenty-two years. I became active in WSDA because I wanted the voices of dentists working on the front lines in poverty clinics to be heard. I wanted to protect our profession from “well intentioned fools” making decisions that affect how we deliver care to the people we serve. I got my wish. In brief, I have testified in Olympia, spoken for fluoride in Tacoma, and lobbied in Washington DC. I helped write the EFDA exam, and have lectured on methamphetamine abuse at PNDC. My three years on the ADA Council on Govern-
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Current Positions WSDA Board of Directors, ‘07 - present Editor, WSDA News, ‘09 - present ADA Council on Government Affairs, ‘11 - present Pierce County Dental Society Foundation, three years Former Positions Pierce County Dental Society: President ‘07 Board of Directors ‘00-’08 Seattle King Dental Society Access to Care Committee Chair, ‘08 WSDA Legislative Director, ‘06 - ‘09 WSDA House of Delegates, ‘05 - ‘09 ADA Alternate Delegate, ‘08 - present
get and Finance Committee and now five years on the WSDA Board of Directors I have very much enjoyed my involvement in WSDA leadership, and feel I have some unique gifts that can benefit our fine organization. I had no desire to seek office through the chairs at this time, but was approached by some people I respect to serve our organization through the office of Treasurer. I have decided to do so and have freed my “retirement schedule” to do so. Because of my experience on Budget and Finance, my time of service as Treasurer of a national mission agency with our church, and my experience of running a large group practice of five dentists with 40 employees, I feel I have the skill set to be a worthy treasurer for WSDA. It would be a honor to be elected to this position, and I would serve willingly with an eye to the fiscal integrity to this organization. I know first-hand what a stable position we are currently in, and promise to help continue that strength.
Professional Affiliations Pierre Fauchard Academy American College of Dentists Society of American Indian Dentists
Former Positions WSDA Budget & Finance Committee, ‘04 - ‘08 Chair, Budget and Finance Committee, ‘04 - ‘08 WSDA Board of Directors WOHF Senior Volunteer Award, ‘08 - present Adjunct faculty for U.W. Central Washington General Dentistry Residency, ‘10 - present
Education DDS, Case Western Reserve University College of Dentistry, ‘90 BS, Biology and Psychology, Oklahoma City University, ‘82
Professional Affiliations Yakima Valley Dental Society, Member WSDA, Member ADA, Member Academy of General Dentistry, Member
Other Lutheran Medical Dental Residency, Adjunct faculty, ‘10- ‘12 Northwest Dental Residency, Adjunct faculty, ‘09-’12 University of Washington RIDE Program, Outreach Rotation, ‘10 AT Still University College of Dentistry, Adjunct faculty, ‘06 - ’09 (Urban Clinic of the Year Award) Washington State Dental Quality Assurance Commission, ‘08 (Co-wrote the state EFDA examination)
Education DDS, UW School of Dentistry, ‘74 BS, Zoology, Washington State University, ‘70 Other WSDA Citizen of the Year, ‘02 Team leader for Medical/Dental Mission trips to Haiti, ‘05 - present Clinical Supervisor—Yakima Valley CC School of Dental Hygiene, ‘94 - present President, Habitat for Humanity
Candidates for Secretary Treasurer
Dr. Cynthia R. Pauley I have served four years on the Bud-
Current Positions SKCDS delegate to WSDA ‘10 - present Chairman, Seattle King County Dental Society Auction Committee, ‘12 - present Board member of Seattle King County Foundation, ‘09 - present Former Positions Seattle King County Dental Society President, ‘11 to ‘12 Executive Council, Seattle King County Dental Society, ‘04 - ‘12 SKCDS delegate to WSDA, ‘04 - ‘09, ‘10 - present University of Washington School of Dentistry- Outstanding Clinical Instructor in Resorative Dentistry, ‘96 WSDA Committee on Pacific Northwest Dental Conference, Chair, ‘00, Member, ‘07 - ‘09 Professional Affiliations ADA WSDA SKCDS AGD Pierre Fouchard Academy Education DDS, University of Pacific, ‘92 Other Graduate, Jennifer Dunn Leadership Institute, ‘13
Board of Directors
Dr. D. Michael Buehler
board. The last two decades have taught me that nothing is more permanent than change. The last year has taught me that we have a responsibility as individuals to do everything we can to preserve the integrity of our profession. As an individual I have spent countless hours in Olympia developing relationships with legislators that are key in shaping the future of dentistry. Through those relationships I have learned that we can and need to have a stronger presence in Olympia. I have also learned that we are powerful as individuals but we can have the strongest of voices by our joining together in organized dentistry. By listening, embracing and cherishing our members and all of their varied questions and issues, we can move forward strong and healthy. With transparency comes trust and strength. United in the concept that all of us are equals with one common goal, we can make our profession better now and into the future.
I have been in practice for 21 years and an active participant in organized dentistry for the majority of that time. I feel I am well prepared to serve on the WSDA
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2013 hod candidates
ment Affairs has given me insight on issues that I have been able to bring home and write about in WSDA News. I have enjoyed working with our fine board and remarkable staff to make our goals become reality. There is much work to do. With mid levels and the Affordable Care Act all-looming, we need all our resources at the ready. I am a strong resource. I work hard, from my head and my heart, for WSDA. Please consider me for your Vice President.
2013 hod candidates
Candidates for Board of Directors
Dr. Douglas L. Coe
Dr. Michelle L. D. Caldier
“There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range of comfortable inaction.” – JFK Our profession is faced with many challenges and needs leaders who are willing to take risks to preserve the integrity of our profession. As a young dentist, I took a risk when I established one of the few dental practices in our state that serves elderly nursing home patients. I have worked closely with Medicaid populations and have devoted my career to developing effective solutions to the “Access and Midlevel Provider” issues facing our profession. As a 2001 dental graduate, I can and will represent with passion the interests of our profession’s newer members as well as strengthen organized dentistry’s role as the gatekeeper for oral health in Washington. Current Positions University of Washington, Affiliate Professor and Guest Lecturer, ‘03 - present Seattle-King County Dental Society Executive Council, ‘12 - present Access to Care Committee Member, ‘08 - present Event Planning Committee Member, ‘11 - present Washington State Dental Association, Delegate,‘13 Former Positions WSDA, Leadership Institute (‘13) Seattle-King County Dental Society, Chair of Access to Care Committee (‘08 - ‘13) Professional Affiliations ADA WSDA SKDCS Special Care Dentistry Association Frank Spears Study Club
I am interested in running for a position on the Board of Directors. My major qualification is my 37-year involvement with organized dentistry, which includes 27 years of private practice and eight years as a House of Delegates representative. As a Board member, I will pursue the implementation of the decisions of the House of Delegates. I believe in organized dentistry, in the “team” approach for the delivery of quality dental care. I will promote membership in the tripartite dental organization. I believe in fee-for-service dentistry. I believe that I can help. Current Positions House of Delegates Representative, 8 years Walla Walla Valley Dental Society Peer Review, 10+ years Volunteer dentistry with Medical Teams International, 12 years Former Positions Past President, Walla Walla Valley Dental Society Private practice, 28 years Professional Affiliations ADA WSDA Walla Walla Valley Dental Association Pierre Fauchard Society Education DMD, University of Oregon Health Science Center, ‘76 Other Past Academy of General Dentistry member
Current Positions WSDA Board of Directors, ‘10 - present Academy of General Dentistry, Region 11 Trustee, ‘08 - present Washington State AGD, Continuing Education Chair, ‘05 - present WSDA / UW Mentor Program for Dental Students, ‘96 - present UW Dental Alumni Association, ‘80 - present Former Positions President, Washington State AGD, ‘03 - ‘05 Secretary, Seattle King County Dental Society, ‘05 - ‘06 President, Emerald City R.V. Tucker Cast Gold Clinical Study Club, ‘97 - ‘98 Professional Affiliations ADA, ‘80 - present WSDA, ‘80 - present Seattle-King County Dental Association, ‘80 - present AGD, ‘87 - present N.W. Asian-American Dental Seminars, ‘80 - present Education DDS, UW School of Dentistry, ‘80 BA, Zoology, University of Washington, ‘76 Other Fellowship, Pierre Fauchard Society, ‘00 Fellowship, Academy of Dentistry International, ‘05 Fellowship, American College of Dentists, ‘05 Fellowship, International College of Dentists, ‘06 Statistician, Seattle Seahawks; NCAA — UW Football, Basketball, Rose Bowl)
Education DDS, UW School of Dentistry, ‘01 BS, University of Washington, ‘97 Other Jennifer Dunn Leadership Institute (‘13) UW School of Dentistry Task Force for new CODA requirements (‘13) Created Nursing Home Healthy Smiles Program, which was recognized as the top four best preventative programs in the country by the American Dental Association. (‘11)
our region. In my seventh year as the Academy of General Dentistry’s Region 11 Trustee, I have an unique opportunity to communicate with many dentists in leadership positions from other states. Sitting on both boards has allowed me to gain insight and knowledge of nationwide activity, which can be readily shared and discussed as applicable to local issues. Prior to serving on this board, I was on the WSDA Budget and Finance Committee for four years when both NORDIC and The Canal Center building were purchased. My strengths lie in my ability to listen, analyze, question, understand and determine issues fairly and comprehensively. I have the experience, knowledge, connections and cautiousness to be your effective leader. I would appreciate your consideration and your support so I may continue, with the WSDA Board, to advocate on your behalf. Thank you.
Dr. Gary E. Heyamoto
My decision to run for a second term on the board of WSDA was fueled by the multiple critical issues now challenging the practice of dentistry. Many of these unresolved issues are not unique to our state or
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Dr. Eric J. Kvinsland
I have always felt that Organized Dentistry is an integral part of practicing the way we think is best. By being involved in the organization it allows us to function with a large voice which is essential to being heard. My involvement in our state association started in Dental school and I have tried to stay involved ever since. I have served on the Pierce County Dental Society Board for the last 6 years and last year was able to serve as President. In that time I was able to appreciate even more what we can accomplish as a group. I was also encouraged by the support that each of our members gives to each other. With the new dentists questioning the value of organized dentistry I believe that now is an important time for younger dentists like myself to get involved at the state level. I want to focus not only on the legislative aspect, but also the benefits to our members. At PCDS we implemented a Benefits Committee where we used our numbers to leverage our suppliers and vendors to give members extra benefits. It essentially pays for our membership dues with savings in other areas of our business. While I know this is in place at the state level, I think it can be expanded. We need market share, and to offer our members or prospective members a diverse range of benefits is essential to value. I am so excited to have the opportunity to serve our members on the Board. Current Positions WDIA Board of Trustees (2) Pierce County Dental Society Board of Trustees (5) Point Defiance Zoo Society Board of Trustees (5) Communities in Schools Board of Trustees (7) Former Positions President of the Pierce County Dental Society Professional Affiliations Spear Study Club Tacoma Implant Study Club Education BA, Business Admin, Human Resource, Washington State University, ‘97 Minor Chemistry, Pacific Lutheran University, ‘00 DDS, UW School of Dentistry, ‘04
Dr. Bernard J. Larson
It is my great pleasure to currently be serving on the Board of Directors of your WSDA. During the past three years, I have had the privilege of working with some of our most involved members and excellent staff, all dedicating their considerable efforts toward protecting the profession we love from myriad insults. Previously, I had developed some expertise in overcoming such adversity while Chairman of DentPAC when we met with resistance to the stabilization of our budget by advocating for the mandatory dues allocation. Without that Board’s foresight, we would likely already have mid-levels practicing just down our street. During my tenure, we have approved the purchase of new software which greatly streamlines member interaction with the staff, saving both entities valuable time. A re-design of our entire WSDA user interface, to be especially relevant to our young members, is ongoing. The PNDC was successfully moved to a growth area which provides fairer access to all our diverse districts. I believe that continuity and experience are important during times of duress, especially at the highest levels of an organization like ours. Also, with the continued onslaught from those seeking a mid-level practitioner to basically perform as pediatric dentists like me; it is prudent to have a firsthand explanation of ramifications immediately available to your Board. I would be honored to receive your vote for a second term on the WSDA Board of Directors, so that I can continue to advocate for our membership and patients during this critical time. Current Positions ADA Action Team Leader, WA 2nd District, ‘99 - present WSDA House of Delegates, ‘07 - present WSDA Board of Directors, ‘10 - present American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Government Affairs Committee, ‘12 - present Former Positions Washington State Department of Health, Dental Quality Assurance Commission Dental Anesthesia Committee, ‘05 - ‘06 Washington State Academy of Pediatric Dentistry President, ‘06-’07 Vice President, ‘05 - ‘06 Treasurer, ‘04 - ‘05 Foundation Board - Vice President, ‘99 - ‘00
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Professional Affiliations ADA, ‘86 - present WSDA, ‘94 - present Mount Baker District Dental Society, ‘94 - present American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, ‘92 - present Education Specialty Residency – Pediatric Dentistry, George Washington University, ‘94 Advanced Education General Dentistry, Evans Army Hospital – Fort Carson, ‘87 DDS, Marquette University School of Dentistry, ‘86 BS, Biology, Marquette University, ‘82 Other Interfaith Dental Clinic Volunteer of the Year, ‘97 Skagit County Community Action Agency Volunteer of the Year, ‘01 American College of Dentists, ‘09
Dr. Sammy B. Pak
Organized dentistry is important to me for a variety of reasons. The landscape of dentistry is changing and will continue to change and organize dentistry needs to help shape it. There will be more pressure from local/ federal governments and third party payers that will make all of us evaluate how we function with new health reforms. Preservation and status quo will not be the answer for dentistry. I would like the opportunity to help shape Washington State Dental Association and help maximize the health of current and future dentist. I hope that my son or daughter will want to join me in our great profession one day. Current Positions ADA, Council on Dental Benefits, first year of four ADA, Subcommittee on Dental Codes, first year Former Positions Pierce County Dental Society, Past President DentPAC
2013 hod candidates
WSDA Dental Benefits Committee, ‘98 - ‘99 Chairman, ‘99 Task Force on Regulation, ‘04 - ‘05 DentPAC Board, ‘04 - ‘06, Chair, ‘07 - ‘10
2013 hod candidates
Professional Affiliations ADA WSDA Pierce County Dental Society Pierre Fauchard Academy ICOI Education DDS, Loma Linda University Dental School, ‘99
Dr. James W. Reid
I believe in WSDA and am proud of the good works that this organization accomplishes on behalf of member dentists. I have served organized dentistry throughout my career in a number of capacities — on numerous boards and committees for component and state dental associations and WDS. I currently represent SKCDS as a member of the Executive Council, and was most recently the immediate past President of the Washington Dentists’ Insurance Agency Board of Directors and SKCDS Delegate to WSDA. In the ensuing years, organized dentistry will continue to establish policy on a number of important issues effecting dentistry in our state. Issues include reimbursement for non-covered services and related insurance reforms as exemplified by the recent action of WDS, the dental therapist proposal, unsupervised practice by dental hygienists, low-income access and solutions to Medicaid. A critical task of WSDA will be to continue to forge policy in response to legislative pressure to establish midlevel providers, I believe that unsupervised care in any capacity is unacceptable. The ultimate solutions will require careful thought and deliberation, taking into account the collective voices of practicing dentists including organizations such as Concerned Dentists of Washington State and the laudable efforts of grassroots political groups, the facts as determined by epidemiological and demographical data as well as the ‘clear and present danger’ of the legislative political process, I pledge to do my very best to represent the dentists of Washington State. Thank you for your support of my candidacy for the WSDA Board of Directors. Current positions Seattle King County Dental Society, ‘81 - present Executive Council, ‘12 - present
Former positions Seattle-King County Dental Society Grievance Committee, ‘83 - ‘86 Bylaws Committee, 87 – ‘97, Chair ‘87 - ‘94 Board of Trustees, Delta Dental of Washington/WDS Trustee, ‘99 - ‘09 Board of Trustees,WDS Foundation/ Delta Dental of Washington Founder and Director, ‘85 - ‘97 President, ‘96 - ‘97 Vice-President, ‘91 - ‘95 Board of Directors, First Community Bank, ‘95 - ‘96 Professional Affiliations WSDA, ‘81 - present ADA, ‘76 - present Washington State Association of Endodontists, ‘81 - present American Association of Endodontists, ‘80 - present Pierre Fauchard Academy, ‘09 - present
and discredited if they disagree. Right now we have more members and non-members motivated to get involved and make a difference because we came so close to having the mid-level provider bill pass. This is the time to harness this enthusiasm and keep the momentum going. I believe I can be an integral part of the changes that are needed to make our organization cohesive, strong and working for our member dentists. Professional Affiliations ADA WSDA Education DMD, Oregon Health Sciences University ‘96
Education BS, Zoology- Washington State University, ‘68 - ‘72 DDS, UW School of Dentistry ,‘72 - ‘76 U.S. Public Health Service Hospital Residency USPHS Hospital, New Orleans, LA, ‘76 - ‘77 USPHS Hospital Clinic, Lewisburg, PA, ‘77 - ‘78 CAGD,Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Endodontics,Boston University, ‘78 - ‘80 DScD, Doctorate of Science, Dentistry/Histology, Boston University, ‘78 - ‘80
Dr. Ashley L. Ulmer
Dr. Negar Sherkat
I am running for a position on the WSDA board. I have been a member of WSDA for the past 15 years and have kept an eye on the issues of the day, believing that the organization would take care of its members. But as I watched the mid-level provider issue unfold and did not agree with the decisions made by WSDA, I realized that if you disagree with the status quo, you can’t just sit back and hope for the best. Over the past year, I made some key connections with our legislators, informing them why this bill is not good for our state and will not solve our issues. I testified in front of the Health Care Committee in Olympia to make sure they knew this was not the dentists’ solution to a provider problem that we did not have. I believe the strength of our organization is in its transparency. We have to create an environment where the members feel empowered to voice their opinions and question the status quo without being labeled
It is a privilege and honor to seek a position on the WSDA Board. I have served on Spokane’s Executive board since the first year I began in practice and have represented Spokane in the House since 2008. Most recently, I have served on WSDA’s Committee on Government Affairs and represented the WSDA at the Emerging Issues Conference in California and the ADA Washington Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. These opportunities have afforded me new perspective and it has become clear to me that there is a major crisis facing dental associations across the nation. Does WSDA fully represent the broad range of practice settings where dentists in our state are working? Even as the makeup of the membership changes how quickly is the organization adapting to the new needs of its newest members? Does the leadership of our organization reflect the diversity of our practitioners? These are the questions we must address in order to continue to be relevant to our membership. I am committed to leading the charge to diversify the membership of the WSDA to better represent the changing demographics in our professional community. Current Positions WSDA Government Affairs Committee member, ‘12 - present House of Delegates, Delegate, 6 years, ‘08 - present Spokane Executive Council, member, 8 years, ‘05 - present
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Current Positions WSDA delegate ‘06 to present SKCDS Communications Committee, ‘09 to present
Professional Affiliations WSDA ADA SDDS
Former Positions SKCDS Executive Council ‘06 to ‘12 SKCDS Treasurer ‘06 to ‘09 WSDA Investment Task Force, ‘08 - ‘09
Education GPR, UW/Seattle VA, ‘04 - ‘05 AEGD, San Antonio VA, ‘03 - ‘04 DDS, UW School of Dentistry, ‘03 BA German, Minor Chemistry, EWU, ‘99
Professional Affiliations Pierre Fouchard Academy Academy of General Dentistry and WAGD Eastside Treatment Planning Seminar Dr. Truelove Literature Review Education BS, Commerce – Finance, Santa Clara University ‘99 DDS, UW School of Dentistry, ‘03
Candidates for Committee on Budget and Finance
Former Positions Patrons of South Sound Cultural Arts (Board of Directors, 8 years) Washington Center for the Performing Arts Board of Directors, 4 years South Puget Sound Community College Dental Advisory Committee, 25 years WSDA Recruitment and Retention Committee DentPAC Board of Directors Professional Affiliations ADA WSDA Thurston Mason County Dental Society AAPD WSAPD Education AS, Grays Harbor Community College, ‘75 BS, Pharmacy, University of Washington, ‘78 DDS, UW School of Dentistry, ‘82 Seattle Children’s Hospital certificate in Pediatric Dentistry, ‘84
Dr. Judson A. Werner
I am running for the WSDA Board of Directors because I feel that our organization needs a new direction. We need to have transparency, accountability, and a willingness to listen to our members. The WSDA has spent the last four years pushing the midlevel provider that the dentists don’t want. In doing so, they have taken their eye off the ball. I will: Initiate legislative reform to limit WDS negatively influencing our practices. We could create a law that does not allow WDS to change fee schedules to punish providers who go out of network. Document the access problem in our state. There is not a provider shortage. Educate our legislators that there is a problem with access to free care in our state (which a midlevel provider does not solve). Reform our lobbying efforts. Our lobbyists have been giving us information that has turned out to be inaccurate. Our lobbyists have been pushing an agenda in Olympia that is counter to what our member dentists believe. Our DentPac money goes preferentially to legislators who work hard to damage dentistry. We seem to have no accountability in evaluating our lobbyists and our DentPac contributions. Make sure the WSDA is using its resources wisely. We can run a leaner organization and have money left over for a PR campaign to improve the image of dentistry. If elected, I will reshape the WSDA into an organization that listens to members, respects members, and is responsible with your money.
Current Positions President, Providence St. Peter Foundation (15 years on Board) ADA WSDA (Former President WDIA Board), Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, ‘82 - present American Board of Pediatric Dentistry
Other Olympia Professional Building Directors Budget Writer for 21 years
Dr. Danny E. Davidson
I wish to be elected to the Budget and Finance Committee for the WSDA. I have been the Budget Writer for the Olympia Professional Building in which my practice is located for the past 21 years to pay for billings common to the entire building from maintenance, elevator service, utilities, insurance, and any other expenses which arise throughout the year. While not on the scale of the WSDA, it does give me insight into fixed cost and fluctuating cost predictions to help with the Budget and Finance Committee activities. I also have had to create budgets in my other affiliation endeavors since beginning practice in 1984. I want to serve in the WSDA after term limits ended my WDIA Board time during which time I served as President of the WDIA Board. I was also a longtime member of the House of Delegates for many years until I stepped aside to allow younger members to serve as I was moving into position as President of the Providence St. Peter Foundation which raises funds in Southwest Washington for care for the poor and underserved and other related care issues at Providence St. Peter Hospital and its affiliated ministries. I would appreciate your support and vote to be elected to this Committee. Thank you.
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Dr. S. Tyler Shoemaker
Thank you for considering my nomination to the Budget and Finance Committee. As a CPA and former external and internal auditor, I approach nomination to the Budget and Finance Committee with a perspective that includes experience and insight. As a CPA and auditor, my duties and responsibilities have included providing comfort to interested parties that all financial information is accurate and appropriately recorded. Our profession is continually changing and my accounting experience has provided me with a useful foundation to weather the current storms. My father was a 7th grade history teacher. From him I learned the importance of learning from the past. I am currently reading Candice Millard’s biography of Shoemaker continued on page 22
2013 hod candidates
Former Positions WSDA Leadership Institute participant, ‘11 - ‘12 SDDS Foundation Board member, 4 years ‘07 -’12, Secretary, ‘11
2013 hod candidates
Shoemaker continued from page 21
our twentieth President James Garfield. He died from the infection caused by a bullet wound that was cleaned without proper aseptic techniques. The techniques invented by Dr. Joseph Lister several years earlier, if utilized, could have saved his life. If WSDA is to thrive it must learn from the past. Electing individuals who have experience and understand the techniques necessary to maintain a vibrant association will help us focus on the important business of advancing our profession and taking care of our patients, whom we all serve. Current Positions Spokane District Dental Society, Immediate Past President, ‘12 - ‘13 Spokane District Dental Society Foundation, Board Member, ‘11 - ‘13 WSDA House of Delegates - Delegate, ‘13 Former Positions Spokane District Dental Society: Vice President, ‘11 - ‘12 Secretary/Treasurer ‘10 - ‘11 Executive Committee, ‘09 - ‘10 Professional Affiliations American Dental Association Washington State Dental Association Academy of General Dentistry Education DMD, Southern Illinois School of Dental Medicine ‘04 BA, Accounting, University of Utah ‘95
WSDA DentPac, member, 6 years WSDA Government Affairs, member, 6 years Former Positions WSDA Government Affairs, Legislative Director, 1 year Kitsap County Dental Society, President Washington State Association of Endodontists, President Professional Affiliations ADA AAE Kitsap County Dental Society Affiliate Assistant Professor, Graduate Endodontics, UW Pierre Fauchard Academy, Fellow Education BA, UCSD ‘82 DMD Washington University School of Dental Medicine, ‘86 GPR, NH San Diego, ‘87 Certificate, Endodontics, Naval Dental School, Bethesda ‘94 Other Root Canals R Us Study Club, Mentor, 19 years Washington State Science and Engineering Fair, President, Head Judge, 17 years Admiral Theatre Foundation, Board of Directors, 16 years Service With A Smile, Board of Directors, 8 years Boy Scouts of America, Cub Master, 2 years
Candidates for Delegate to the ADA
Candidates for Committee on Government Affairs
I have been involved with the WSDA for over 12 years with involvement with workforce development and grassroots. I have been an appointed member of the DentPac (currently Vice Chair) and Government Affairs (past Legislative Director) committees for over six years. During this time I have developed relationships with our elected officials which have benefited the interests of our patient’s and Dentistry. I would like to continue representing the dental community as an elected position on the Government Affairs Committee. Current Positions
Current Positions Academy of General Dentistry, National President, ‘13 - ‘14 President Elect ‘12 - ‘13 Vice President 11-12 Secretary, ‘07 - ‘09, ‘09 - ‘11 SKCDS President, ‘10 - ‘11 SKCDS Access Committee, ‘07 - ‘13 Washington PACE Approval Coordinator, ‘05 - present Former Positions Committee on Pacific Northwest Dental Conference, Chair and Member, ‘01 - ‘05 National Academy of General Dentistry Trustee, ‘05 - ‘07 Academy of General Dentistry National Membership Council, ‘00 - ‘03 University of Washington Campaign Co-Chair and Board of Directors, ‘95 - ‘08 SKCDS Executive Committee, ‘07 - ‘0 Professional Affiliations Academy of General Dentistry American College of Dentists International College of Dentists Academy of Dentistry International Pierre Fauchard Academy Education DDS, UWSoD, ‘92 Masters in Education, UW, ‘76 Mastership, AGD, ‘02
Dr. Linda Edgar
Dr. Michael W. Huey
profession. The “access to care” issues require creative solutions and people that can communicate effectively with legislators The working poor often have the most complicated cases. I would love to continue to represent you and would appreciate your vote.
I will finish my second three-year term as your ADA delegate next year. It has been an honor to work with some of the best people I know in our profession. It takes a lot of experience and relationships with many people to begin to be an effective delegate. It is important that your delegate is willing to do the preparation to seek out the details of resolutions and get up on the floor and concisely defend a position. Amendments are made quickly and your delegate must be prepared with alternative solutions at a moment’s notice. I believe that the National AGD Executive positions I have served in for six years and my current position as AGD President have allowed me to develop many positive relationships over the years that will help garner support on the ADA house floor regarding issues that are important to our
Other ADA Delegate, Alternate Delegate, ‘99 - present WSDA Delegate seven years AGD Delegate and Alternate Delegate, ten years American Association of Women Dentists
Dr. Laura Williams
I am running for the position of ADA Delegate because I want to continue to serve Washington State and the Eleventh ADA District. It has been my good fortune to serve our state association as a WSDA Board member for the last six years,
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keeping me well informed on state issues. I have been a Delegate or Alternate Delegate to the ADA House of Delegates since 2007. I also currently serve on the ADA Council of Ethics, Bylaws and Judicial Affairs. Involvement with the council allows me a unique national viewpoint concerning many issues that have ethical implications in the practice of dentistry. I believe my experience and involvement recommend me for the position of ADA Delegate, and I respectfully ask for your vote. Current positions WSDA Board of Directors, ‘07 - present ADA Council on Ethics, Bylaws, and Judicial Affairs Former Positions Committee on Budget and Finance, ‘02 - ‘06, (Chair, ‘06) North Central District Dental Society: President, ‘98 Vice President, ‘97 Secretary, ‘96 Attending Dentist, Lake Washington Vocational Technical College, ‘91 - ‘94 Professional Affiliations ADA WSDA North Central District Dental Society International College of Dentists Pierre Fauchard Academy Education Hospital Dental Residency, University of California, San Francisco, ‘88 DMD, Oregon Health and Science University Dental School, ‘87 BS, University of Nevada, Reno ‘83 Other WSDA: Committee on Strategic Planning, ‘97 - ‘01 Task Force on Association Structure, ‘99 - ‘01 House of Delegates, ‘99 - ‘07, ‘11 - present Dental Liaison, Chelan Douglas Tobacco Prevention and Control Coalition, ‘00 - ‘02 ADA House of Delegates Alternate Delegate, ‘08 - present
Compliance QuickNotes Basic Life Support
Preparing your team for a Patient Emergency Most Basic Life Support training courses follow a time honored sequential format. The traditional BLS class is a bit like a flight simulator. Your instructor explains the changes since your last BLS course then demonstrates, in sequence, the steps for effective CPR, AED and emergency oxygen use. Some BLS courses also require that you watch instructive video on the proper sequences. Your instructor then observes you practicing the skills in the proper sequence with a mannequin. If you perform the tasks properly you are issued a BLS card. As you put your new card in your purse or wallet you may be secretly hoping you’ll not be called upon to use the skills you just practiced. And the reality is that when you have a real world patient emergency, what you learned in the “flight simulator” can leave you unprepared. The sequential approach might be an effective way to conduct a BLS course but a simultaneous application of all the elements is required to respond effectively to a real patient emergency. Imagine a more comprehensive BLS course that measures your true level of preparedness with simulated emergencies in your dental clinic. The Harris Biomedical “Team Response to a Dental Patient Emergency” BLS course is exactly that. Our instructor will present the required BLS course, demonstrating proper techniques and guiding your staff members through a patient emergency as a team. In the final phase of the course, our instructor becomes the compromised patient in your dental chair. Your staff must use your equipment and function as a team to save the instructor, including CPR, using an AED and ventilating with oxygen and a bag valve mask. This “patient emergency drill” is timed with a stop watch by the instructor and is designed to reveal any inefficiency in your current emergency response procedures, which can then be corrected. By practicing as a team in your clinic with your equipment, you improve your emergency response and increase the likelihood of a positive outcome should a patient become compromised. We recommend that you perform a “patient emergency drill” at least monthly in your office to ensure that your staff remains prepared to function efficiently as a team in an emergency. You’re required by Washington State Department of Health to have certain equipment, training and drugs to respond to a patient emergency and sustain the patient until EMS arrives. Most dental offices are in compliance with these requirements but preparing your staff to use them and function as a team requires more comprehensive training. Consider Harris Biomedical’s “Team Response to a Dental Patient Emergency” BLS course.
HARRISBIOMEDICAL 206-575-4610 -- 866-548-2468
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Member Company: American Dental Sales Practice Valuation Study Group Institute of Business Appraisers
Call Toll Free Phone (866) 348-3800 Fax (866) 348-3809 16300 Christensen Rd. Suite 213 Seattle, WA 98188 2 4 路 th e wsda ne w s 路 issue 8, august 路 2013 路
Participants signing up after Saturday, August 24 will receive a free t-shirt on a first come, first served basis. Cost is $20 for students $25 for walkers to pre-register, $30 day of the event. Oral cancer survivors are free. Children five and under are free, children ages 6-10 are $10. Online registration closes at 12 pm on Friday, September 13th. After this date please register in person the morning of the walk with cash/check/money order made payable to The Oral Cancer Foundation. For more details, visit their page at http://donate.oralcancer. org /index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive. event&eventID=562.
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All proceeds will benefit the Oral Cancer Foundation, a national public service, non-profit entity designed to reduce suffering and save lives through prevention, education, research, advocacy, and support activities.
AT A GLANCE: Oral Cancer Walk for Awareness Saturday, September 14, 2013 Magnuson Park, Seattle · 9 am Students $20, $25 Pre-registered walkers, $30 day of event
event oral cancer foundation walk for awareness
The Oral Cancer Foundation Walk for Awareness—Seattle is a family-friendly FUNdraising event for the entire community! Spreading awareness and early detection are key to survival. Please join the Oral Cancer Foundation — along with your colleagues, patients and friends — on Saturday, September 14, at Magnuson Park in Seattle, to learn about oral cancer and make a difference! The Washington State Dental Association has joined the fight against oral cancer by agreeing to be a Platinum-level sponsor of this important community event. Last year, the event had more than 300 participants and raised in excess of $60,000 for the Oral Cancer Foundation. This year, the Oral Cancer Foundation Seattle Walk for Awareness (formerly the Seattle Save the Face Race) will continue those efforts. The Walk will send the critically important message of early detection and prevention, not only to the general public, but also to our dentists, who are the front-line specialists in screening for and detecting this disease at its earliest, most curable stages. The event will include free oral cancer screenings provided by Seattle area dentists and hygienists, a silent auction, food and beverages, speakers and more!
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Liu named pediatric dentist of the year WSDA member Dr. John R. Liu was
named Pediatric Dentist of the Year by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD). The group announced the winners of their yearly awards at its 66th Annual Session in Orlando. Liu was chosen because of his “significant contributions to the dental profession and the specialty of pediatric dentistry through clinical practice, academics or policy development over the past year, and for his extensive volunteer leadership service to the dental profession and the specialty.” Liu is Managing Partner at Eastside Pediatric Dental Group and is on the attending staff of Seattle Children’s Hospital. He is an examiner for the Oral Clinical Examination of the American Board of Pediatric Dentistry. Liu was President of the AAPD from 2010-2011, served on the board of trustees as a district trustee, parliamentarian, and officer, and chaired several Academy committees. He is a Fellow of the American College of Dentists. Other offices he has held include: President, Washington State Academy of Pediatric Dentistry; chair, Washington State Oral Health Coalition; Dental Chief, Odessa Brown Children’s Clinic; President, Seattle Children’s Museum. He is a past faculty member of the Loma Linda University School of Dentistry, Department of Pediatric Dentistry.
DQAC Appointments
Governor Inslee has announced his first appointments to the Dental Quality Assurance Commission. DQAC commissioners are eligible to serve two consecutive four year terms. All four of the appointed dentists are members of WSDA. Here’s a list of the seven appointments: Dr. Karim Alibhai, Dr. Paul Bryan (reappointed), Dr. John Liu, Dr. Benjamin Weege, Kara Baza, EFDA, Bree Kramer, EFDA, and Colleen Madden, public member (reappointed).
ADA Complete HIPAA Compliance Kit
The American Dental Association (ADA) has revised “The ADA Complete HIPAA Compliance Kit (J598)” to help dentists with the changes prescribed by the 2013 Omnibus Final Rule. Most of the changes are effective March 26, and covered dental practices must be in compliance by Sept. 23. HIPAA compliance is one of the most important – and challenging – undertakings for a dental practice. The kit has tools to help dentists design and implement a comprehensive HIPAA compliance program. The “ADA Practical Guide to HIPAA Training” is a two-level CD-ROM training program. Level 1 teaches the basics of HIPAA compliance to dental office staff, and is worth one hour of continuing education
credit. Level 2 is a more in-depth module designed for office managers who are developing their office’s HIPAA program in conjunction with the “ADA Practical Guide to HIPAA Compliance.” Level 2 is worth two hours of continuing education credit. The kit is $300 for ADA members and $450 retail price. To purchase the kit, please visit or call the ADA Member Service Center at 800-947-4746.
WOHF in your community’s Boys and Girls Club
The Washington Oral Health Foundation (WOHF) has worked with Boys & Girls Clubs throughout Washington for years, and this year WOHF is supporting a number of clubs around the state with their Back-to-School efforts. Many families that do not have the resources for new school supplies often turn to their local Boys & Girls Club for assistance. Backpacks for kids Some clubs support the members who need them most with donated backpacks and education supplies right before the school year begins. WOHF wanted to support the clubs in their effort, and are shipping hundreds of hygiene kits and oral health education materials to help fill backpacks in Tacoma, Everett, La Conner, and Spokane. Other clubs host large back to school fairs or family nights for members and their parents, and WOHF is working with those clubs to spread oral health education messages. Plans for family nights in Prosser, Pasco, Sequim and Anacortes are in the works. If you would like to help out, contact Tom via email at, or by calling 800-448-3368.
Apply for the Pacific Northwest Dental Conference’s Emerald City Lecture Series
FrontlineTMJ, Headache & Facial Pain Therapy UPCOMING COURSE DATES Oct 10 �����������������������������Dallas Oct 17���������������������������� Seattle Oct 31 ����������������� Los Angeles
Botox® & Dermal Filler Training
newsflash issue 8, august 2013
UPCOMING COURSE DATES Oct 11-12 �����Dallas (Lvl� I & II) Oct 18-19 ��������������������� Seattle Nov 1-2����������������Los Angeles
Special Savings! Sign Up by Oct 1ST & Save Up to $1,000 Earn Up to 24 CE Participation Hours
Do you have an exciting topic that you would like to share with the Washington dental community? The Emerald City Lecture Series is an extremely popular and competitive program that will showcase member dentists and non-dentist speakers at the 2014 PNDC, June 12 and 13. Many of our past Emerald City Lecturers are now regular speakers at the PNDC and dental meetings across the country. Each lecture will be 50 minutes in length with some additional set-up time, and speakers will receive a complimentary conference badge and access to the VIP lounge. “Last year’s ECLS topics were wide-ranging,” said Amanda Tran, Senior Vice President of the PNDC, “And we expect that this coming year will be even more fascinating. To apply to be a speaker, visit : http://www.
th e wsda ne w s · issue 8, august · 2013 · · 27 AAFE-Ad-Seattle-2.25x9.75-Mar.indd 1
8/5/13 3:42 PM
2959 Northup Way | P.O. Box 99590 | Bellevue, WA 98009 | Toll Free: 800.735.7231 |
Nakanishi’s industry-leading, full-contour zirconia restorative option is virtually designed for a precise fit and unparalleled marginal integrity. These high-quality restorations are digitally designed by our most experienced technicians, and machine milled in our Bellevue laboratory using high-precision WIELAND Dental milling technology. Nakanishi’s ZENOSTAR™ crowns are backed by our DAMAS accreditation, which certifies that only the highest-quality materials and processes are used in all our restorations. ZENOSTAR™ Pure Features • Next generation innovative zirconia material from WIELAND Dental creates lifelike esthetics • Natural appearance through individual shading to match the desired shade • 1200 MPa flexural strength means a long-lasting restoration and conservative preparation design • Zirconia ceramics offer excellent biocompatibility • No discoloration of the gums • High translucency and opal-like qualities compared to any other full-contour zirconia on the market • Very cost-effective • Not outsourced — fabricated from start to finish on-site at Nakanishi Dental Laboratory using zirconia and high-precision milling machines from WIELAND Dental • Crowns and bridges are made from a single block of ceramic, eliminating the risk of veneering porcelain chipping
Nakanishi Dental Laboratory has achieved DAMAS accreditation, a level of certified quality only 1% of laboratories in the world have reached. Quality certifications, such as DAMAS and CDL, are just another way for us to provide our clients with peace-of-mind that the restorations they receive from us not only look and fit great, but are made using the highest quality materials and production processes. • We have a system for tracking and controlling the manufacturer’s lot number for all the materials used in every patient’s restoration. • All the materials used in our products have been verified as FDA registered. • Our laboratory equipment has been maintained and inspected above and beyond industry standards, and used strictly within the manufacturer’s guidelines.
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Summer is a busy time when many dental practices are being purchased, startup practices are opening, and many offices are remodeling or just refinancing their business loans. Whether obtaining a loan to purchase a practice or refinancing an existing loan, your lender will require insurance for collateralization. Most lending institutions require several types of insurance coverage to be in place to protect their interest if you should die, become disabled or experience physical damage to the office. The best- and least expensive- way to satisfy the bank is by purchasing Term Life Insurance, Business Loan Protection and a Business Owners Policy which insures your office in case of physical damage. WDIA highly recommends that you begin the insurance application process prior to or early on in procuring your loan. The underwriting for these policies takes time, and you would want the policies approved before your loan is finalized.
Business Loan Protection Insurance
Many banks require you to collateralize disability insurance for your loan, but WDIA believes that your personal disability insurance should not be used as a collateral assignment. A less expensive Business Loan Protection (also called Business Reducing Term) policy should be used instead. Business Loan Protection is a disability policy that would specifically make your monthly loan payments for you should you become disabled. Even if your bank does not require disability insurance, WDIA believes having the coverage is worth it for your piece of mind.
Term Life Insurance
Term Life Insurance has no cash value, and so it is very inexpensive. Simply put, if you should die, your beneficiary receives the set benefit amount. Your family should be the beneficiary of your life insurance policy, NEVER the bank. When you collaterally assign the bank to your policy, they are insured that they will be paid only the amount remaining on your loan. The rest will go to your family.
Business Owners Policy
Purchasing a Business Owners Policy is also a must for protecting you in case of damage to your property due to fire, water damage, etc. This policy also covers you for general liability as well as providing a loss of income protection if you are unable to practice while damage to your office is being repaired. The bank will require that you name them as an additional insured on your policy until you have paid off your loan. If you are doing tenant improvements to your office space, you may need Builders Risk coverage which covers property and materials on-site during the build out. Because WDIA works only with dentists, we are very familiar with the loan process and can help ease some of the stress that can accompany obtaining a loan. WDIA already has working relationships with the banks and lenders that most dentists are using, as well as the practice transition teams they are utilizing. For more information on practice loan insurance and property/liability coverage, contact WDIA at 206-441-6824 or 1-800-282-9342.
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Matthew French Director of Insurance Services WDIA
“WDIA already has working relationships with the banks and lenders that most dentists are using, as well as the practice transition teams they are utilizing.”
wdia news insurance you need for your business loan
Insurance you need for your business loan
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The Leaders in Dental Consulting Miles Global is the endorsed practice management resource for WSDA members. End the anxiety of slipping revenues and shrinking profits with: •
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WSDA MEMBERS: ENJOY A 10% COURTESY DISCOUNT CALL US TODAY AT 877-343-0909 3519 56th St. NW Ste. 240, Gig Harbor, WA 98335 th e wsda ne w s · issue 8, august · 2013 · · 31
Aaron Pershall - Randy Harrison NEW! BELLEVUE, WA - Biological practice collecting $500K+ annually. This amalgam free/amalgam safe office features 7 ops (5 equipped), digital x-rays and new pano.
NEW! ANCHORAGE, AK – Exceptional G/P collecting $1.2M with low overhead! 5 ops, digital xrays, pano and newer equipment throughout.
NEW! KENAI PENINSULA, AK Wonderful rural G/P collecting around $500K in 2012. Long established practice includes a great staff, digital x-rays, laser, and pano.
NEW! REDMOND, WA – G/P collecting $570K in 2012. Very strong hygiene program! 4 ops and laser. Lots of potential!
FAIRBANKS, AK – Exceptional G/P collecting $1.8M+. Excellent cash flow and 100% fee for service! Newer facilities, CT scanner and more! Flexible transition options.
NEW! JUNEAU, AK – G/P collecting around $1 Million. Great location with plenty of parking. Beautiful office boasts 5 ops, digital xrays, pano, and plenty of space. Seller is willing to work back as needed!
NEW! ANCHORAGE, AK – G/P collecting $550K in 2012. Nicely appointed office boasts 6 ops, pano, and plenty of space. Merge your practice into a beautiful office and add patients!
RURAL ALASKA – High profit practice collecting $350K+ working only 10 weeks per year! Includes small apartment and SUV. Perfect satellite practice!
SW ALASKA – Great G/P situated in a sportsman’s paradise! Collecting $700K+ working only 37 weeks per year! Associateship also available!
DENTAL PRACTICE EXPERTS READY TO HELP YOU BUILD YOUR PRACTICE We offer a banking partnership built on the best service and the most experienced Dental lending experts in the region. Working together, we can create smart banking solutions that help our practice partners reach their financial and business goals.
Scott Harvey, 866-914-5700 //
3 2 · th e wsda ne w s · issue 8, august · 2013 ·
History of present illness:
This is a 70-year-old male who presented with a smooth-surfaced, pink, firm nodule on the left side of the upper lip (Figures 1 and 2). The patient stated that it had been present for almost 20 years and had grown larger over the last few months. It is around 1.3 cm in diameter at its greatest dimension and is otherwise asymptomatic
with an intact mucosa. The patient’s past medical history is significant for renal cell carcinoma treated five years ago. The patient is currently in remission. This “Clinical Corner” case was contributed by Dr. David Cotant of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Lakewood, Wash.
th e wsda ne w s · issue 8, august · 2013 · · 33
Test your knowledge!
An answer to this case study can be found on the University of Washington’s Web site at edu/departments/oral-surgery/case-of-themonth.html. Click on “Case of the Month” and look for the August 2013 entry.
clinical corner issue 8, august 2013
Single swelling on the left upper lip
3 4 路 th e wsda ne w s 路 issue 8, august 路 2013 路
Editors Note: The WSDA recently lost another incredibly respected WSDA member: dentist, editor and educator Dr. Vincent G. Kokich, Sr. passed away suddenly on July 24. After retiring in 2010, Kokich was preparing to return to his role as educator at the UWSoD. Always a consummate professional, it has been said that Kokich would rather have been remembered first as a devoted family man and second, a teacher. A renowned educator, scholar, researcher and a leading advocate of interdisciplinary dentistry, Dr. Kokich was a prominent lecturer, having presented more than 950 lectures throughout the world. We asked colleagues to comment about their experiences with this titan of dentistry. His obituary follows their remarks. I knew he was different. That first Gross Anatomy test in our first year of dental school (1967) had the handwriting on the wall that a knowingness set Vince apart from everyone else from the get go. To those who knew Vince, perhaps the most significant clinical dental teacher of all time, the Gross Anatomy test was his birth. I think our professor’s name was Dr. Harry Kashiwa. He walked to the front of the class, disgusted with class’ performance on our first practical. However, the professor said, that there was a Mr. Kokichi that had excelled. We all looked around and no Mr. Kokichi. Then Vince Kokich sheepishly raised his hand as he thought it might be him. It was. Vince was first our #1 learner and he had become dentistry’s #1 teacher. In our third year, Vince and I were selected into Dr. Paul Hines “honors gums” as we called it. Dr. Hines put us onto Bob
Dr. Vince Kokich was an amazing educator and even more gracious and kind person. His desire to help others in their lives surpassed most other teachers I have known. He elevated the profession by bringing fact based clinical experience to his teaching and helped revolutionize the orthodontic specialty. We have lost him way too early and our hearts go out to his family at this very difficult time. He will always be in our memory as one of the best we have known. — Drs. Bryan and Linda Edgar Vince was a great teacher and even better person. He had a way of taking complex subject matter and breaking it down into understandable and usable information. He was always quick to smile and had such a warm and inviting personality that you immediately felt comfortable with him even if you just met him. He gave so much of himself to the UW School of Dentistry and alumni that it’s hard to express the immense appreciation that those of us involved in the school have for what he has done. The practicing community will miss him deeply. — Dr. Mark Walker The word that I think of with Vince is “teacher.” Unlike many lecturers he would make an interesting point, and then answer the resulting questions from the point often before the audience could raise their hands. I realized that he not only put on a nice lecture but that he had spent the time to anticipate possible questions and answer
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them on the very next slide. That ability to share what he knew and explain it so thoroughly was what made him a great teacher. — Dr. Greg Ogata I had the professional satisfaction of working with Vince for 35 years. As a full time practicing pediatric dentist he was the primary orthodontic referral for my patients. I also had the honor of being a part of the northwest network for dental excellence study group. This study group met monthly for most of those 35 years to review and treatment plan complex cases and to learn from each other. Vince, Dave Mathews, Frank Spear, Ralph O’Connor, John West, Bob Dunley, Dave Steiner, and I forged a professional and personal bond that transcends all understanding. It paved the way for the development of interdisciplinary dentistry as we have come to know it. We came to respect, value, love, and challenge each other in a way that is indescribable and incomprehensible. His death has left a void in my professional life and a hole in my heart. His final chapter and book are written. He was a one of a kind. — Dr. Daniel Cook Dr. Kokich was a pillar in Washington’s dental community. He was not only a tremendous educator, who instilled his passion and excitement for dentistry in all his students, but his generosity and advocacy for the profession was unmatched. He will truly be missed. — Dr. Danny Tremblay
Dr. Vincent G. Kokich Sr.
Dr. Vincent G. Kokich,Sr., longtime Washington dentist and WSDA member, died on July 24. He was 68. Kokich retired from private practice in 2010, but was in the process of renewing his license so that he could once again teach orthodontics at the UWSoD — he was a University of Washington School of Dentistry alumnus and a professor of orthodontics at the school dating to the mid1970s. Dean Joel Berg said, “As a faculty member, he was instrumental in helping our School establish its reputation as one of the world’s premier centers of orthodontics education. It is incredibly difficult to measure this loss. Vince Kokich will be missed profoundly by all of us.” A lifelong resident of Tacoma, he attended Lowell Elementary, Mason Junior High and Stadium High School. He graduated
in memoriam drs. kokcih, foreman, reichelt and smith
Dr. Vincent G. Kokich, Sr.
Barclay, the father of preventive dentistry. Vince was a visionary. He wondered “why are we cutting off sick gums. Like Barclay says, we should teach them plaque control and then their perio surgery might actually help the patient instead of a requirement for the students.” This process has lasted until today. Vince and I, with the help of our wives, made a “Save the Teeth” syllabus identifying the four stages of gum disease which are designations still used today in periodontal disease sequencing. Vince was a visionary. He was a master teacher. He was interested in you. He listened like no other. He was a good father and a thoughtful, loving husband. His focus was family. He lived balance. But most of all, he was a friend, and whenever anyone spent a little time with Vince, they always felt better afterwards. I will miss you forever, Vince, and I know the gifts you gave us will last in our hearts and our children’s hearts. You did do it your way. — Dr. John West
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(Michelle), Mary Boer (Alex), Obie Kokich (Lindsay) and Marija Kokich (Lance); and seven grandchildren, Nicholas, Maddy, Nick, Luke, Kate, Jackson and Mia, all of whom he loved dearly.
Dr. Ellsworth D. Foreman
Dr. Ellsworth Dwight (“Doc”) Foreman Doc passed away on January 24. He was 96. He was born December 27, 1916, the youngest of five children in Kamiah, ID, to Nathan Kelly Foreman and Lottie Vlasta (Pitner) Foreman. He married Claire Rutledge in 1941, joining the Navy in 1942 serving in the Pacific on the aircraft carrier USS Lexington, until 1945. At the end of WWII he went to Dental School in Portland, Ore. on the GI bill, completing studies in 1951. He started his private practice in the Spokane Valley, first in Dishman, then in Opportunity, where he retired at age 76. He and Claire had three children. He was active in his church, Gideons, politics, and Boy Scout Leadership. He was married to Violet Brown from 1966 until she passed away February 8, 2001, married to Alma Zimmerman from October 26, 2002 until she passed away June 26, 2006, married to Jan Honodel from October 28, 2006 until she passed away in May 10, 2008. Most Recently, Doc was active in the Valley Church of the Nazarene, enjoying Sunday bible studies and a Pinochle group. Doc is survived by children, Bruce (Kathy) of Spokane Valley, Dennis of Seattle, WA, and Linda of Otis Orchards; nephew Don (Marie) Johnson of Spokane; and numerous stepchildren, six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
Dr. Carrol E. Reichelt
Dr. Carrol E. Reichelt died on March 17, 2013 at Providence Medical Center due to complications from pneumonia. He was born in Everett, Wash. on April 25, 1931 to Evelyn and Carl Reichelt. He graduated from Everett High School in 1948 and received his Doctorate of Dentistry from the University of Washington in 1956. After serving in the US Air Force for two years he returned to Everett and practiced dentistry for the next 35 years. Reichelt was a member of Sertoma, the Everett Elks and Eagles Clubs, the Snohomish Co. Dental Society, and the Everett Golf & Country Club. Reichelt married Diana (Dini) Dawson on June 19, 1982. He enjoyed golfing, fishing, duck hunting, bowling, snow skiing, and the “occasional” poker game. He loved going to Husky and Seahawk games and shared his passion for horseracing with family and friends. He is survived by his wife Dini; three
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children, Carol Moulton, Troy Reichelt, and Michael Reichelt (Kirsten); four grandchildren, Trevor Moulton, Tara Hammeran (James), Gracie Aiello, and Edward Reichelt; siblings, Linda Dulin (Doug) and Jim Reichelt, as well as many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, Evelyn and Carl Reichelt, siblings June Bermudez, Marlene Silkman, Janice Jaroz, first wife Sharon Vincent Reichelt, and son Scott Reichelt.
Dr. Lloyd A. W. Smith
Dr. Lloyd A. W. Smith died on June 14, 2013 in Tucson, Arizona. He was 68 years old. Smith was born January 3, 1945. He attended the University of Colorado , Boulder, receiving a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1966. While there, Smith was active in Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity and intramural sports. In the fall of 1966, Lloyd entered the University of Washington School of Dentistry, graduating in 1970. Smith served as a captain in the Army Dental Corps from 1970 to 1972 at Fort Leonard Wood in Missouri. Following that, he and his wife Carol moved to Tucson and began his long and successful dental practice. He was loved by his many patients for his empathy and caring chairside manner. He retired in 2010 after 40 years in dentistry. He was greatly looking forward to working on his long bucket list. He had spent all his professional career caring for his patients and making sure they experienced true “painless” dental treatment. Smith had a very full and busy life as a husband, father, grandfather, dentist, and athlete. He participated in many sports including baseball, golf, racquetball , skiing, scuba diving, and motorcycle riding and racing. He also enjoyed travelling throughout the world with his wife and family. Smith loved cooking and entertaining good friends in his Tucson home. Smith was an active member of the Centurians, a men’s charitable organization, as well as being involved in several dental study clubs. Even though he lived in Tucson, Dr. Smith would frequently attend the PNDC in Seattle to take great CDE courses and touch bases with classmates. He will be kindly remembered by his 1970 UWSoD classmates as a great guy and fine dentist. He loved life and always greeted you with a smile. He also happened to be the best golfer in the class. All those who knew him will miss him greatly. He is survived by his wife of 44 years Carol, his two sons Garrett and Tracy, and two grandchildren, Taryn and Milo.
in memoriam drs. kokcih, foreman, reichelt and smith
from University of Puget Sound and then went on to complete his dentistry and orthodontic degrees at the University of Washington. Kokich practiced orthodontics in Tacoma for 35 years, during which time he also taught at the University of Washington School of Dentistry and lectured all over the world. A true educator and consummate professional, he constantly worked to improve his craft, becoming a leader in the field of Orthodontics and Interdisciplinary Dentistry. Kokich, a prominent lecturer, presented more than 950 lectures throughout the world. He had been the President of the American Board of Orthodontics and the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. He retired from his practice and became the Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. Dr. Donald Joondeph, former chairman of the UW orthodontics department and past president of the American Association of Orthodontists said, “Dr. Kokich became a revered leader and advocate for interdisciplinary dentistry. He pioneered interdisciplinary treatment concepts — team treatment,” Dr. Joondeph said. “He was one of the very first.” His accomplishments in orthodontics also included service as president of the American Board of Orthodontics and the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. He was on the editorial boards of the Journal of the American Dental Association and the Australian Orthodontic Journal. He authored 21 book chapters, 84 scientific articles, 48 review articles and delivered more than 850 presentations nationally and internationally. In an announcement of Dr. Kokich’s death on the UW School of Dentistry website, Dr. Greg Huang, chair of the orthodontics department, said, “The world has lost one of its finest people, and the orthodontic profession has lost one of its greatest talents. We have all lost a friend and colleague—someone who inspired us to dream big, to strive for excellence in all our endeavors, and, through his life, led by example.” Though he loved his profession, the greatest love of his life was Marilyn, his wife of 44 years. Together, they made a home in Fircrest where they raised a family and filled it with love, laughter and tradition – extending its reach to nieces, nephews and cousins; all of whom felt at home there. Whether it was dinner together every night, holidays, vacations or spending time at the beach, everything Vince did was with family in mind and he loved nothing more than when family was together. Kokich leaves behind his wife, Marilyn; mother, Helen; four children, Vince Kokich
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3 8 · th e wsda ne w s · issue 8, august · 2013 ·
The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) has proposed lowering dental license renewal fees beginning in 2014. WSDA has been advocating for lower dental licensure renewal fees for the past year. Last August, WSDA Past President, Dr. Rod Wentworth submitted a letter to the Secretary of Health expressing his concern over the high dental license renewal fees in Washington state and requested DOH take immediate action to address the issue. WSDA continued to advocate for a license renewal fee reduction during Dental Quality Assurance Commission (DQAC) public meetings and in discussions with DOH staff. WSDA advocacy efforts will save Washington dentists over $1 million a year in dental license renewal fees. DOH is currently in the process of writing rule on dental license fees. Over the last few weeks, WSDA staff have received inquiries about the proposed fee reduction. We compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions and answers below to provide WSDA members with more guidance on this issue. Q: How much will the fee reduction be?
A: The dental licensure renewal fee is expected to drop by $176 and initial dental license fees are expected to be reduced by $200. A list of current dental license fees can be found online at
Complimentary Webinar:
Q: What is the current status on rulemaking on dental license fees? A: DOH filed the dental license fee reduction rule on July 29, 2013 and the proposal is currently awaiting final approval. DOH is required by law to hold a public hearing to allow for public comments before the rules can be formally adopted. The public hearing for the dental license fee rules is scheduled for September 12, 2013. After the public hearing takes place, DOH will file what is known as a CR103. This is the final step in the rule making process and usually takes 4-6 weeks. After the official filing is complete, rules typically do not take effect for another 31 days. Q: How long will it take DOH to implement the proposed fee reduction? A: DOH is anticipating the proposed rules will take effect around the beginning of 2014. This means license holders with early 2014 birthdays will likely be the first licensees to pay the reduced renewal fee. Renewal notices are mailed 6-8 weeks before renewal dates and DOH wants to ensure licensees have the correct statement amount in their renewal fee notice. The first notices with the reduced license fees are scheduled to be mailed in late November and early December for licensees with birthdays in early 2014.
Q: If I submit my renewal fee prior to the date the proposed rules take effect will DOH refund the difference? A: No. Dentists are required to pay the license renewal fee amount listed on their renewal notice. Fees are determined by the license expiration date, not by the day the renewal fee is processed. Q: Will the proposed rules impact the process of renewing my dental license? A: No. The proposed license fee rules will only change the cost of initial and renewed dental licenses. Dentists can still renew their license by mail but are encouraged to renew online.
Q: Does the licensure fee reduction include
dental hygienists, dental assistants, or EFDAs?
A: No. The proposed fee reduction will only impact dental licenses.
Please visit the DOH website for license renewal information and to renew your license online. If you have any questions regarding dental license or fee reductions, contact WSDA Government Affairs Coordinator Mike Walsh at 800-448-3368 or by email at
Health Care Reform: What You Need To Know
October 1 at noon (PDT) · Space is limited. Reserve your Webinar seat here: On Tuesday, October 1 from noon-1:00 p.m., join Matt French, Director of Insurance Services at the Washington Dentists’ Insurance Agency (WDIA), and Bracken Killpack, Vice President of Government Affairs at WSDA, as they discuss the changes in store for you as both a dental provider and small business owner under the Affordable Care Act. A Q&A session will immediately follow the presentation and a recording of the webinar will be made available on The Source.
Learning Objectives:
• Medical insurance requirements for you and your employees • The current status of health care reform in Washington state • How the ACA will impact the practice of dentistry After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.
Questions about the webinar? Contact Laura Rohlman at 800-448-3368 or by email at
System Requirements
PC-based attendees · Required: Windows® 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server Mac®-based attendees · Required: Mac OS® X 10.6 or newer Mobile attendees · Required: iPhone®, iPad®, Android™ phone or Android tablet
th e wsda ne w s · issue 8, august · 2013 · · 39
regulator y news doh proposes license fee reduction
Department of Health proposes license fee reduction
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4 0 · th e wsda ne w s · issue 8, august · 2013 ·
POSITION OPEN — Seeking an experienced dentist or prosthodontist to join an established group practice approximately 32 hours per week in Vancouver, Wash. Proficiency in oral surgery and dentures/partials preferred. Please send CV to jennifers@
ORAL SURGEON NEEDED — Portland, Ore. To provide the most comprehensive dental care in the industry means having the best dental specialists working at our Gentle Dental affiliated offices. That’s why we take pride in working with Oral Surgeons nothing short of exceptional. Oral Surgeons take care of complicated extractions and extensive surgical procedures that only an Oral Surgeons should perform, and give patients the confidence that will provide them with the optimum dental care they deserve. We seek high-caliber professionals possessing degrees or certificates from accredited colleges or technical schools/programs (as well as valid/current state license) with at least 2 years of experience in Oral Surgery. Gentle Dental has delivered high quality care with a personal touch for over 30 years. We have the resources you need to achieve true personal and career success. We aim to provide our network of affiliated doctors and staff with a competitive benefits package, which include: medical, dental, vision, life insurance, 401K plan, paid vacation and holidays, CE credits, and career opportunities to advance with the company. We’ll handle the details, you focus on your patients, let’s practice together. Contact Ron Brush, Manager of Doctor Recruitment, Direct: 800-836-9945, Cell: 971-2959914, or email
ASSOCIATE IN SPOKANE WA--Seeking experienced associate interested in a long term relationship for private practice of 35 years for busy existing position in modern office. We want to continue providing an amazing patient experience and seek someone to help us continue our caring mission of excellence. Please send resume to and visit website
DENTIST ASSOCIATE OPPORTUNITY — S.W. Washington State. An opportunity for an experienced Associate Dentist is open in Vancouver, WA. This is a busy, locally owned, well established, multi-dentist office. This modern, well-equipped, quality practice is very Patient-oriented, great Staff, excellent Dentists, very stable business. We offer very competitive earnings, benefits, opportunity. Email your CV to or FAX to (360) 604-7927. DENTIST NEEDED — Apple Valley Dental & Braces is seeking a general dentist for our growing group practice in Eastern Washington. We offer a great salary and great benefits. We are looking for someone who is confident, energetic and a people person! Earnings are production based and we are busy! Please contact Jolene Babka, Corporate Manager, at (509) 823-4484 for further information. ASSOCIATE DENTIST NEEDED — Currently looking for a caring dentist with exceptional interpersonal skills. The position requires a minimum of two clinical years experience to work three to four days a week. Long time practice with new digital systems, PPO and fee for service. Great staff and a competitive package for a personaable doctor looking for a long term position with potential to buy in. Please submit resume to ASSOCIATE DENTIST EVERETT — Currently looking for a caring dentist with exceptional interpersonal skills. The position requires minimum of two years clinical experience to work three to four days a week. Long time practice with new digital systems, PPO and fee for service. Great staff and a competitive package for a personable doctor looking for a long term position with potential to buy in. Please submit resume to GENERAL DENTIST — Group Specialty Practice looking for general dentist. Opportunity to create your passionate dental career experience in an environment that is all digital and state-of-the-art. We have a focused dental team dedicated to the best patient care and clinical excellence in aesthetic and family dental care. Rapidly growing, beautiful practice. Please forward resume and CV to or call (253) 981-4950 fax: (253) 981-4954.
DENTISTS NEEDED _ Dental Professionals is recruiting dentists for temporary and permanent positions throughout western Washington – Vancouver to Bellingham and the Olympic Peninsula. No fee to you and you pick the days and geographic locations that you are available to work. This is a great opportunity to earn supplemental income or find a permanent position. If interested please call Bob at (206) 767-4851. GENERAL DENTIST — Experienced dentist needed for a growing, well- established, fee-for-service practice, generating 800K per year in Seattle area. Three days a week. Long term, highly capable staff. Great income opportunity. Please email resume to DENTIST WANTED — Alaska Center for Dentistry, PC is seeking a full time associate dentist in our Wasilla location. Enjoy all that Alaska has to offer. This position has opportunity for financial growth and potential to buy into our practice. This is a full time position with a few double doctor days with the owner. Our staff is hard working and well trained. If you want to be part of an awesome team please contact Dr. Sage at (907) 529-2462. Visit our website: DENTIST OPPORTUNITY IN PORTLAND, ORE — Do the clinical dentistry you want to do. We offer paths in which you can manage or open your own practice with profit sharing.
th e wsda ne w s · issue 8, august · 2013 · · 41
PEDIATRIC ASSOCIATE POSITIONS AVAILABLE — We are seeking a pediatric dentist for a part time position in our busy South King County Offices. This position may lead to full time. Please email CVs to PART TIME — Busy family practice in tri-cities is looking for a part time general dentist. Must be comfortable performing all aspects of general dentistry. WA license is a must. PART-TIME GP IN BELLEVUE — We are looking for an associate in Bellevue to work 2.5 days Wed-Fri. More days possible. We are a top office in our area. Beautiful modern office with state of the art technology. Fantastic patients and team. Fully digital. Must be highly skilled and experienced. Please email resume to DENTIST OPPORTUNITY IN GRAHAM, WASH. — Seeking experienced dentist for busy, well established, successful, fee for service, group dental practice. Full-time position available. Excellent immediate income opportunity ($180,000 to $375,000 + per year) depending on productive ability and hours worked. Secure, long-term position. You can concentrate on optimum patient treatment without practice management duties. Modern well-equipped office with excellent staff, and lab services provided. If you are bright, energetic with a desire to be productive, very personable, and people oriented, and have great general and specialty clinical skills, Fax resume to Dr. Hanssen at (425) 484-2110. OLYMPIA, WASH — Seeking Associate/Partner Dentist. We are a well established practice with a large, growing patient base seeking a practitioner with exceptional interpersonal skills that is willing to commit to the potential of a long term partnership. Candidates must be comfortable and competent with all facets of general dentistry and share our passion for excellent patient care and superior dentistry. Our modern and attractive 8 operatory facility is home to a dedicated, skilled, long term team. We take great pride in providing an amazing patient experience and would require the same of any candidate. Experience is a must due to the pace we maintain and level of care we deliver. Please e-mail resume and CV to
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4 2 · th e wsda ne w s · issue 8, august · 2013 ·
OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE — Opportunity for dentist interested in TMD/facial pain practice. Poulsbo Wa. Call (360) 981-8796,
FOR LEASE — 3,056 sq. ft. medical office condo for sale or lease in Vancouver,Wash. Access to major Freeways. Class A office built in 2006. Contact: Doug Bartocci, CCIM, NAI Norris, Beggs & Simpson, (360) 852-9621.
FOR SALE — Attractive dental office: 5701 Bedford St., Pasco, Wash. New construction in 2003. 3,450 sq.ft main level with 1,350 sq.ft basement. Complete details can be obtained from: Victor C. Robisch, DDS, (509) 547-8955 or Derrick Stricker, NAI Tri-Cities, (509) 4308533 or
WANTED — Mobile Dental Clinic Manager, part time or full time in Redmond, Wash. The Mobile Dental Clinic Manager contributes to MTI’s mission by efficiently and safely operating the mobile clinic. Learn more about this position visit our website at www. GENERAL DENTIST — Vancouver area dental office seeking an experienced general dentist to join our established practice 1-2 days a week with a possible 3-4 in the future. Candidate should have at least 3 years experience. Email resume to: SPECIALISTS WANTED — Gentle Dental has open positions for: Periodontists, Endodontists, and Pediatric Dentists. If you are looking for a career opportunity we encourage you to get to know Gentle Dental. Our dental practices are very much like a private practice working together in a group setting. As a Specialist, you have the ability to focus on building that relationship with your patient without the hassles of practice management. For more information contact: Ron Brush Manager of Doctor Recruitment, Cell: (971) 295-9914 eFax: 877-233-3542 Email: OPPORTUNITIES WANTED ORTHODONTIST SEEKING OPPORTUNITY — I am a motivated, energetic orthodontist seeking a practice purchase opportunity, partnership arrangement or associate position. Please contact me at straightwires@ with questions or information. CV is available by request. PERIODONTIST SEEKING — Board certified Periodontist looking for GP offices that would like their periodontic/implant patients treated in-house. References available. Please call (425) 218-3388. GENERAL DENTIST — General dentist seeking long-term associate position in private practice. Experienced, personable, patientfocused. Available Monday–Friday on the Kitsap peninsula or greater Seattle area. Children and adults. Invisalign certified. ADA member. Resume available upon request. 360.990.3399 or
OFFICES FOR SALE OR LEASE SELLING YOUR PRACTICE? — Do you want to sell your practice? I am a motivated, private Washington state licensed dentist with approved financing for purchasing a dental practice and building. Email keefejc@gmail. com or call Jason (509) 675-0029. Looking forward to hearing from you.
FOR SALE South Tacoma four ops general practice for sale. Practice has been in community since 1968. Annual collection $860K, all digital and paperless office. Please email your resume or question START UP OR SATELLITE — Fully equipped, ready to move in 1,630 sq. ft., four ops dental office for sale in the beautiful city of Mukilteo, Wash. $98,000 email: FOR LEASE —Vancouver, Wash. Next to Vancouver Mall. Brand new remodel 2,000 sq. ft., just move in equipment. Built-in cabinets, Pano room, private office. Very nice! FOR SALE — Beautiful stand alone redecorated 2,000 sq. ft., open concept bldg with five ops and plumbed with N2O. This practice is nestled in the foothills of Mt. Rainier, just a 50-minute drive from Seattle. The area offers a recreational paradise, with skiing just 40 minutes away and great schools. 0ngoing practice for over 25 years with loyal patients and a experienced staff. For more details call (253) 797-1353. FOR LEASE — Newly remodeled dental space available in North Kirkland. Four chairs currently set up. Plumbed for five chairs. 1800sf includes Pano and lab. Assume lease or sublet. Email: for details. FOR LEASE — Great location, over 2000 square feet, five operating suites in beautiful Olympia, conveniently located on Martin Way close to St. Peter Hospital. Over 30 years of quality dental care provided here. Contact Don at FOR LEASE — 1,200 sq.ft. Dental Office space, incredible lake view, Kenmore. $21 per sq.ft. (+NNN). Build-out assistance available. Great location with proven track record. (253) 896-4100 or SPACE FOR LEASE, CENTRALIA — Dental suite available in a premium health-services property. Beautifully appointed 2,982 sf with six operatories plumbed with oxygen, nitrous, water and air. Visible location on main thoroughfare is known for its high-volume practices. Adaptable for specialties, which are needed in the market. Lease rate is $18/ sf/yr, modified expenses. For photographs and more information visit, or contact Greg Lund at Century 21 Lund, Realtors, office (360) 748-8619 or cell (360) 508-0752.
th e wsda ne w s · issue 8, august · 2013 · · 43
SPACE SHARING OPPORTUNITY — Presently working three days/ week and have ample room to share space in our five chair downtown Seattle general practice office with in-house lab and technician. Bring your patients and staff and share the rent, utilities and supplies. Contact Rick Nicolini, DDS at (206) 310-5709 or OFFICE SPACE TO SHARE — Excellent opportunity for specialist who wants to work one or two days a week or a start-up practice for any practitioner. Front office support. Contact Melissa at (425) 481-1038 or email FOR SALE — Renton Highlands High Quality Family Dental Practice. Long-time owner retiring. Strip mall location with outstanding pedestrian and drive-by exposure. Collecting $1,050,000 annually and low overhead. Four Ops, lab, sterilization, office/consult room, business office and reception. Pano. Email C/V or summary to: NEXT/ANNIE MILLER & ASSOCIATES — New dental practice listings and sites for sale in Bellevue, Kirkland, Federal Way, Renton and Tukwila. Call today for tours and info. Annie Miller, Re Max Eastside Broker’s Inc. (206) 7151444 or email at FOR SALE OR LEASE, PUYALLUP — Great location. Satellite or Specialist Office. 1,900 Sq. ft. with two fully equipped operatories with plumbing for a third. Large Lab, new computers with Dentrix software and Dexis Digital Xray. Email: OPPORTUNITY — Dental office for sale in Burien. 15+ years in the same location. Grosses over $350,000 a year, six operators and laboratory. Owner is retiring but will stagy for transition. Some financial available. Call JD at (206) 992-8771. DENTAL OFFICE TO SHARE — Space and equipment to lease in beautiful office near Overlake Hospital in Bellevue. Currently working three days/week with plenty room to share in our six chairs practice. Bring your patients and staff and share the rent and utilities. Email: LAB SPACE FOR LEASE South Everett (Silver Lake area). Formerly Hagstrom Dental Ceramics. Renovated two years ago. more than 12 general dentists within one mile. 1,100 sq. ft. Landlord is motivated. e-mail rjldds@ (425) 337-4200
classifieds issue 8, august 2013
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4 4 · th e wsda ne w s · issue 8, august · 2013 ·
FOR LEASE — 300 Pelly Ave N. Dental suite available in Renton, walking distance to the prestigious Landing, as well as Boeing. 1,361 sq. ft. on 2nd floor, with only two other dentists in building. Three operatories, open configuration, plumbed with electrical, air, vacuum, and plumbing. Corner lot with heavy traffic flow. Rate is $23.26/SF/Y NNN, Triple Net is $5.60 (incl utilities). Contact Dennis Schmuland (425) 417-1206.
USED/REFURBISHED EQUIPMENT — Adec, Gendex, Pelton Crane, Dentalez, Porter, Air Tech, Midwest, Midmark and etc. Lab equipment. Parts are also available for almost all equipment. Call Dental Warehouse at 800-488-2446 or
LOCUM TENENS DENTIST — Want to take a vacation? Need a knowledgeable, reliable ad personable dentist to help with your practice while you’re away? Experienced locum tenens dentist will provide exceptional care to your patients. Over 25 years of private practice general dentistry. Serving all of Washington and Oregon. References available upon request. Contact Bob Houtz, DDS at (360) 457-9568.
NEXT/ANNIE MILLER & ASSOCIATES — Providing consulting services to the dental community for the past 35 years. New practice start-ups, practice transitions, sales and valuations. Dental space planning and architecture; real estate leasing and acquisitions, employment benefits; staffing resources and training; financing. Call today for your free consultation…we can’t mint money for you, but we can sure save what you have now! Annie Miller (206) 715-1444. Email: FOR LEASE, BURIEN, WASH — Brand new, 2,700 foot, six op dental office with pano room, lab, break room, two restrooms and private offices. Completely wired and plumbed for state of the art digital dental office. $10/ft, NNN or $2,200/mo. Must see to believe and appreciate. Great opportunity for start up or relocation. Contact (206) 909-3863.
MOBILE DENTAL SYSTEMS — Mobile dental operatory suitable for a variety of locations ie..assisted living, missionaries. Excellent condition stackable containers. Approximately 45 lbs Contact (360) 981-8796. FOR SALE — Cadent Itero Oral Digital Scanner. Takes digital “impressions” of full and partial arches. Current software. Lightly utilized. Works perfectly. Articulators included. Contact Dr. Bruce Kinney (509) 972-8338.
EQUIPMENT WANTED EQUIPMENT WANTED — Looking for w ide ra nge of used equipment. Adec, Kavo, Midmark, Pelton Crane, Midwest, Gendex, Air Techniques, Apollo, Porter, Cerec, Sirona. If you want to sell equipment, call (206) 260-3563.
MOBILE I.V. SEDATION — Have your patients treated in your office with safe and proven techniques. Set your practice apart from others. Attract new patients. Increase quality referrals. Neil E. Bergstrom, DDS (360) 825-6596. GUEST DENTIST — Will fill in at your practice for maternity leave, injury, illness, family emergency, etc. 35 years of general dental practice experience. Personable and patient oriented. Dr. Ed Kardong (206) 842-6300.
OFFICE CONSTRUCTION CONSTANTINE BUILDERS INC. (CBI) — WSDA endorses CBI as their preferred builder of Dental facilities with over 25 years of experience from ground up buildings, renovations, remodels, and interior tenant improvement projects. All projects are completed on time and within budget. CBI provides the highest level of quality service with integrity that exceeds our client’s expectation. Please see our display ad on page two and website at for additional information and how you can become another satisfied client. Telephone (206) 957-4400, O. George Constantine.
Classified ads in the WSDA News is easy to arrange. Simply email your ad, the number of issues you would like the ad to run, your credit card number, expiration date and CVC code to and you’ll be set. If you prefer not to send your credit card information via email, you must first email your ad, then follow up with a phone call to provide your credit card information. Without the payment information, your ad will not run. Sorry, we do not bill for classified ads. Pricing is as follows: For members: $50 for the first 30 words, $1 per word for each word over 30. For non-members: $100 for the first 30 words, $1 per word for each word over 30.must be made via email.
th e wsda ne w s · issue 8, august · 2013 · · 45
classifieds issue 8, august 2013
parrish or perish
Dentistry’s destiny
The best days of dentistry are in the past I just cannot accept that I will be able to control my professional destiny Many will continue to believe Government and insurance companies will dominate Dentists of all ages will refuse to accept The importance of strong ethics We are nothing without DHATS and other midlevel providers We don’t need To treat our staffs according to the Golden Rule We will have success because we continue To over treat and over charge Dr. Jeffrey Parrish “If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.” — George Patton
It is totally crazy To support organized dentistry “Access” will happen if I am willing To accept a two-tiered delivery system
Props to Jonathan Reed and his “Lost Generation” poem for inspiration.
Our political foes want the public To force us to capitulate in Olympia The effect of speaking with two voices to the Legislature will be To identify our political friends and defeat our political enemies It is a dangerous game to openly try To support those politicians who don’t always support us Something that few people really understand is it is often wise To shop for the cheapest dentist The internet has made it too easy To fool many people with questionable advertising Hopefully soon we will reign in the inclination Things will soon be better “And all this will come true unless we choose to reverse it.” Jonathan Reed, Lost Generation Video
The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or official policy of the WSDA.
4 6 · th e wsda ne w s · issue 8, august · 2013 ·
LIFE INSURANCE: For the ones you love.
Washington Dentists’ Insurance Agency sells the protection you need. Life insurance policies ensure that your family will have the financial support it needs in the wake of your death. The money is provided directly to your beneficiaries to use as they see fit, for things like making up lost income, paying off household debt, funding your children’s education and paying for funeral expenses.
Life Disability Long Term Care Professional Liability Practice Loan Protection Health Savings Accounts Business Owner Coverage Group and Individual Medical Risk Management Consultation Medicare Supplements and MedAdvantage
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th eWashington wsda Dentists’ ne w sInsurance · issue 8, august · 2013 · · 47 Agency: LIFE INSURANCE
Employment Practice Liability CyberSecurity Protection ERISA Surety Bonds
Sole broker for:
Washington State Dental Association 126 NW Canal Street Seattle, WA 98107
How much is good customer service worth?
You may never really know how good your insurance company is until a claim is filed against you. At NORDIC, we’re invested in you and the business of insuring you and your practice. When you call with a question, you’ll speak directly with the person handling that aspect of your policy, not a random operator. In fact, you’ll always speak with a live person unless you call after hours. We think that’s important. Those big companies? Not so much. NORDIC prides itself in excellent customer service before, during, and after a claim is filed against our customers.
800-662-4075 · 206-343-7800 · 206-441-6824
sole broker for NORDIC
4 8 · th e wsda ne w s · issue 8, august · 2013 ·