WSDA nu · ja e3
ar y
The voice of the Washington State Dental Association
CREATING LOYALTY The WSDA looks at ways to entice younger members
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For a sneak peek at the new WSDA website, see pages 8-9
WSDA news Cover story by Rob Bahnsen
guest editorial
member news
cover story
regulatory news
legislative news
membership news
ethically speaking
33 cde 34-35
pndc news
issue 3 · january 2014
clinical corner
37 newsflash 39
letters to the editor
wohf news
the source
wdia news
48, 52
in memoriam
49, 51, 53 54
classifieds parrish or perish
Like us on Facebook: WSDA News Editor Dr. Mar y Jennings Editorial Advisor y Board Dr. Victor Barry Dr. Richard Mielke Dr. Jeffrey Parrish Dr. Rhonda Savage Dr. Robert Shaw Dr. Mary Krempasky Smith Dr. Timothy Wandell Washington State Dental Association Dr. David M. Minahan President Dr. Gregory Y. Ogata, President-elect Dr. Bryan C. Edgar, Vice President Dr. D. Michael Buehler, Secretary-Treasurer Dr. Danny G. Warner, Immediate Past President Board of Directors Dr. Theodore M. Baer Dr. Dennis L. Bradshaw Dr. Ronald D. Dahl Dr. Christopher Delecki Dr. Christopher W. Herzog Dr. Gary E. Heyamoto
Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.
Eric J. Kvinsland Bernard J. Larson Christopher Pickel Lorin D. Peterson James W. Reid Ashley L. Ulmer
WSDA Staff: Executive Director Stephen Hardymon Senior Vice President/ Assistant Executive Director Amanda Tran Vice President/Chief Financial Officer Peter Aaron General Counsel Alan Wicks Vice President of Operations Brenda Berlin Vice President of Communications Kainoa Trotter
Vice President of Government Affairs Bracken Killpack Art Director/Managing Editor Robert Bahnsen Manager of Continuing Education and Speaker Ser vices Craig Mathews Government Affairs Coordinator Michael Walsh Public Policy Coordinator Emily Lovell Membership Manager Laura Rohlman Exhibits and Sponsorship Ser vices Coordinator Katie Olson Bookkeeper Joline Hartman Office Coordinator Gilda Snow
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Association Of fice: (206) 448 -1914 Fax: (206) 443 -9266 Toll Free Number: (800) 448 - 3368 E- mail: info@ w In the event of a natural disaster that takes down the WSDA web site and email accounts, the WSDA has established a separate email address. Should an emergency occur, members can contact The WSDA News is published 8 times yearly by the Washington State Dental Association. Copyright © 2014 by the Washington State Dental Association, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without permission of the editor. Statements of fact or opinion are the responsibilit y of the authors alone and do not express the opinions of the WSDA, unless the Association has adopted such statements or opinions. Subscription price is $65 plus sales tax per year for 8 issues of the News. Foreign rate is $97.92 per year. Advertising is published as a service to readers; the editor reserves the right to accept, reject, discontinue or edit any advertising offered for publication. Publication of advertising materials is not an endorsement, qualification, approval or guarantee of either the advertiser or product. Communications intended for publication, business matters and advertising should be sent to the WSDA Office, 126 NW Canal Street, Seattle, Wash. 98107. ISSN 1064-0835 Member Publication American Association of Dental Editors. Winner: 2013: Journalism Award, Platinum Pencil, 2012: Journalism Award, Best Newsletter, Division 1, 2012: Platinum Pencil Award Honorable Mention (2), 2008: Best Newsletter, Division 1, 2007 Platinum Pen Award, 2006 Honorable Mention, 2005 Platinum Pencil Award, 2005 Publication Award; International College of Dentists
table of contents issue 3, januar y 2014
a day in the life
editorial dr. mar y jennings
Why you need to be at Dental Action Day
It’s a new year, and the legislative session is revving up. I am excited about this year’s Dental Action Day! University of Washington Dean, Dr. Joel Berg, has let the students off for the day and is encouraging them to attend. WSDA’s Government Affairs Coordinator, Michael Walsh, tells me we have close to two hundred students signed up! Dr. Berg should be commended for foresightedness and wanting the very best for his students. This generation, with its massive student debt, must be ever vigilant in watching trends in our profession that will affect their ability to pay that debt, pay for a practice and provide a decent living, all while providing proper stewardship for the patients we serve. That is a big burden to bear. Most of our legislators and our fellow citizens do not realize the financial profile of dentistry is changing. Being any kind of doctor is not quite as lucrative as in the past. Most people only know what they see — the obvious signs of wealth doctors have had in the past, and not the years of hard work it takes to get it. For some reason it is okay for a Kardashian to display wealth but, good heavens, not a doctor. This generation must relay these changes to our legislators. They need to see the financial reality we face. Our students must get their story out. Giving students insight, knowledge and skills in how to negotiate with legislators will serve them the rest of their lives. It will serve them universally with issues outside of dentistry, too. Take a look at Dr. Michael Spector’s advocacy concerning Israel. He is an amazing humanitarian who actively uses his skills every day both for dentistry and his own life. He is just one of many dentists who set a strong example for advocacy. I think one of the worst, yet best, movies about politics was “Mr. Smith goes to Washington.” Jimmy Stewart plays a good, albeit naive, gentleman who’s steadfast heart and down home values turn Washington around. That is what I thought of when I was driving down to Olympia on my first legislative day. I was going to tell those legislators my truth, and if it raised a little hell, well…all to the good. So I did! Luckily it was with a legislator who agreed with me. It could have all gone horribly wrong, and that would have been my last stand. WSDA worked with my naivety and zeal. I learned negotiation takes patience and skills. I still think that right is still ultimately might, but I now know that there are more tools than just hammers. There are times to negotiate softly and times to wage war. I know the value of a team. That many voices preaching the same message works. Paying for lobbyists to sort out the back-story and lay of the land is money well invested. Most dental legislative issues are worked out early by WSDA leaders, lobbyists and staff, and never go to committee. You never hear about those. Legislators and their staff have learned to call us first. I have never seen us caught unaware. We have always advocated for our patients and our compassion and stewardship shows. Currently, WSDA leadership feels we have earned a solid reputation in Olympia. That is a huge deal. Contentious issues like midlevel providers force our legislators to have to sort out whether dentists are protecting their patients or their pocket book. If we are not believed, we burn what our lobbyists call “legislative capitol.” Keeping our reputation stellar has been difficult. Other organizations continue to lobby against some of our issues. The contentious issues take the attention away from other equally-important issues your board works on all year. We have used all the tools in our legislative toolbox not just the hammers. We have fought on all levels to make our core values clear, and we will continue to do so this year. I am proud of our record, and look forward to future battles. Remember how people know what they see? Seeing your face along with the two hundred dental students accomplishes many things. It gives us a platform to let the world know we are strong, organized, and capable of great things. It shows the legislators that we are all in basic agreement about dental issues and passionate enough to get up and do something about it. It allows us to tell our story and get our side of an issue completely laid out. It develops a relationship with the legislator which can help them turn to us first and not less informed entities. Perhaps most importantly, it shows our students, our developing peer dentists, how we write our own future.
Dr. Mary Jennings Editor, WSDA News
“Giving students insight, knowledge and skills in how to negotiate with legislators will serve them the rest of their lives. It will serve them universally with issues outside of dentistry, too.”
Dr. Mary Jennings, WSDA News editor, welcomes comments and letters from readers. Contact her at her email
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Washington state has one of the strongest dental safety nets in the nation. This is the result of long-term collaborative efforts among dentists, community health centers, nonprofits, state agencies, and legislators. WSDA members and our partners have developed the Access to Baby and Child Dentistry (ABCD) program, expanded dental residencies, and completed myriad local projects centered on providing preventive, restorative, and emergent care to low income Washingtonians in every corner of the state. We, as Washington dentists, have accomplished much over the decades and should be proud of our accomplishments. However, additional work needs to be done and it is imperative that Washington dentists remain the driving force in improving Washington’s dental safety net. As we all know, our dental safety net is the strongest for children (where the most resources have been allocated) and the weakest for adults and seniors (where the least resources have been allocated). This fact is most clearly demonstrated by the success of the ABCD program where reimbursement rates are relatively high and where resources have been dedicated to patient navigation and education as well as provider training. The results of this steady and consistent funding are quite clear from two key metrics. First, Washington leads the nation with the highest percentage (54.3%) of Medicaid-eligible children ages 1-5 receiving preventive dental care. Second, Washington has the second lowest percentage (14.9%) of 3rd grade students with untreated decay in the nation. More of Washington’s Medicaid-eligible children are going to a dentist than before. The Medicaid utilization rate for this group has increased by 6% from 2009 to 2012 (from 48.5% to 54.1%). Stability in the dental safety net for children has resulted in improved oral health despite poor economic conditions over the last several years. Our Association is continuing to work on improving the oral health of the state’s children. Washington is one of only two states in the nation where dental insurance for children is now required. This means more children will have dental insurance (whether private or Medicaid) than at any time in our state’s history. In preparation for this event, WSDA has established the Dental Referral Program for Children (DRC program). The DRC program will connect children looking for a dental home with several nearby referrals from the list of hundreds of WSDA member dentists who are accepting new child patients. WSDA is able to match children to dentists based upon insurance type, language spoken, geographic location, and several other factors. To date, over 500 dental offices have signed up to participate in this program and we encourage you to sign up, if you have not already done so. Simply go to For our state’s most vulnerable adults, the dental safety net has had a long history of cuts and reinstatements of benefits. This month, adult dental Medicaid funding was restored for thousands of adults. For the past three years, a comprehensive Medicaid benefit was only provided to 38,000 of the states nearly 500,000 Medicaid-eligible adults. Most Medicaid-eligible adults have only had access to emergent care prior to this year. The result of this penny wise, pound foolish funding methodology was that the state only funded dental care when conditions were at their worst. The emphasis on preventive and restorative care that is paramount to the ABCD program is simply nonexistent when it comes to adults. Restoration of adult dental Medicaid funding will have a very positive impact on the state’s community health centers, dental residency programs, and the University of Washington School of Dentistry. Medicaid funding is a significant source of revenue which allows these programs to provide dental access to many of the state’s most vulnerable populations. Before January, dental treatment provided by these programs to Medicaideligible adults was done without compensation or on a sliding fee schedule based on a patient’s ability to pay. Even though the impact of this new revenue will be of immediate benefit to the dental safety net, it will take significant time to rebuild, let alone improve upon, what was in place for adults in 2010. The dental safety net cannot be “turned-on” and “turned-off” like a light switch. Safety net clinics need time to re-calibrate their resources. In the past, several clinics and dentists have been caught in the middle of treatment plans with patients continued on page 7
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Dr. David Minahan President, WSDA
“For our state’s most vulnerable adults, the dental safety net has had a long history of cuts and reinstatements of benefits. This month, adult dental Medicaid funding was restored for thousands of adults.”
guest editorial dr. david minahan
Dental Medicaid - The Good, The Bad, The Future
‘14 dental action day one profession, january 31 · 7:15 a.m. one voice Schedule of Events Join us in Olympia for our largest DAD ever! DAD is a great place to connect with your peers and meet students from UWSoD. Issues facing the 2014 Legislature include: • Health care reform • Dental insurance issues
6:45 AM
DAD Tent opens Capital Grounds
7:15 AM
Legislative Briefing Breakfast DAD Tent, Capital Grounds
11:00 AM
Networking event and issues forum
All Day
Appointments with Legislators
Register ONLINE Today!
• Dental workforce • Funding for higher education and dental residency programs • Dental licensure fees and renewals
For details:
Call Michael Walsh at 800-448-3368 or email at
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only to have funding eliminated. This history makes many wary of placing too much trust on Medicaid funding being there for adult patients in the long run. Without stable funding for adults, there is no hope to achieve oral health outcomes anywhere close to the results we have achieved with children. Some believe this year’s reinstatement of adult dental Medicaid may be different than what we have seen in the past. This is due to the implementation of Medicaid expansion in Washington state. Currently, the state and federal government fund the dental Medicaid program with a 50/50 percent split. Under the Affordable Care Act, states had the option to expand Medicaid eligibility to all adults who earn less than 138% of the federal poverty level. With this expansion, the federal government will pay 100% of the cost of Medicaid benefits for the defined expansion population for the first several years before eventually dropping to a 90% match. By restoring a comprehensive dental benefit for Washington’s existing Medicaid-eligible adults, it has allowed the state to also provide a comprehensive dental benefit for adults who are newly eligible for Medicaid under the federal Medicaid expansion. As a
net. Restoration of dental Medicaid will help us reduce barriers to dental care, but with the increased number of recipients, the work is far from finished. As President of the WSDA, I am asking each member dentist to help us in the Association’s work to improve the dental safety net. First, I am asking each member to treat and bill for whatever number of Medicaid eligible adults they can accommodate in their practice. I know firsthand that the Medicaid system can be difficult to work with - but collective action by our entire Association can make a significant difference. I encourage each of you to ask your staff to determine the feasibility of billing with Provider One. The state’s Medicaid program has created a special email for helping providers with training and billing issues. This email address is WSDA is also happy to help with Medicaid billing issues in any way the Association can. For help from WSDA, please contact Emily Lovell by emailing or calling 800-448-3368. Secondly, I encourage each of you to help us articulate a vision for what a highly-functioning dental safety net for adults will look like. Please contact us to explain the barriers you have experi-
“Even with reinstatement, we all know that the dental Medicaid system for adults is broken. According to data compiled by the ADA Health Policy Resources Center, Washington dentists are reimbursed 25 cents for every dollar spent treating adult Medicaid patients. This rate is well below the national average and makes recovering the costs of treating Medicaid patients incredibly difficult.”
result, approximately 750,000 Washington adults will be eligible for dental Medicaid instead of 500,000 adults. Even with reinstatement, we all know that the dental Medicaid system for adults is broken. According to data compiled by the ADA Health Policy Resources Center, Washington dentists are reimbursed 25 cents for every dollar spent treating Medicaid patients. This rate is well below the national average and makes recovering the costs of treating adult Medicaid patients incredibly difficult. WSDA also knows that the billing process through the Provider One system has been difficult for many members to navigate. Combined, these factors incentivize many practitioners that treat Medicaid-eligible adults to not seek reimbursement. Unfortunately, this uncompensated care for Medicaid-eligible adults hurts the dental profession to the extent that utilization data compiled by the state only identifies treatment billed to Medicaid and does not recognize the total care delivered. Today we are left in a difficult situation with the dental safety
enced in providing care to the underserved. Take the opportunity to learn what your component society and local nonprofits are doing to improve access to dental care and help in any way that you can. Within the last year, your Board of Directors has ensured that considerable energy will be in developing a long-term public policy agenda for the Association. This agenda will articulate policy for building a sustainable dental safety net. We look forward to sharing this vision with the membership in the months and years ahead. WSDA is working to ensure that dentists are in the forefront of developing the dental safety net of the future. Being proactive as a profession in improving the dental safety net gives us the best chance in ensuring a desirable outcome. We will be dependent upon all of our membership to advocate for solutions to this complex issue. Together we can build upon our success in treating children and translate this success to our vulnerable adult population.
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guest editorial dr. david minahan
guest editorial, continued from page 5
member news website preview Shown here: Top shot is a preliminary view of what the new WSDA website will look like on a desktop or laptop computer. Clean, spare and modern, the site will be easy to navigate and fully responsive. Bottom image shows mock-up of the tablet version of the site. The phone version will look very similar.
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was always just a placeholder,” said Rob Bahnsen, Co-Chair of the Website Redesign Task Force for the WSDA. Bahnsen had tackled a visual freshening two years ago when the WSDA rolled out The Source, but sweeping changes in technology quickly made the site outdated — just ask anyone who’s ever tried to access on their cell phone. “It’s impossible to navigate,” agrees Task Force Co-chair Brenda Berlin, “and we knew we needed the site to be fully responsive for our members to be able to use it on all platforms — from desktops and laptops, to tablets and cell phones.” Fully responsive sites adapt automatically to whatever size screen the viewer is using, from large desktop screens to small laptops and tablet sites are stand-alone versions of the website. “The tablet and phone versions will be greatly streamlined,” Bahnsen said, “a good example is the vertical format used by so many news resources, like” While there’s still much work to be done on the new site — staffers are aiming for a PNDC rollout — the nuts and bolts of the build is going well. Shown here are some of the page mockups — gone are the small, cluttered boxes — replaced with oversized graphics and easy-to-use buttons for navigation. As with any site in its formative stages, there are subtle tweaks and changes that happen when design ideas collide with coding realities — but so far, they’re not impacting design too much. The site will be hosted by Squarespace on their new SQ6 platform, which promises advanced functionality with easy editing capabilities. “We’ve got the bulk of our work ahead of us,” said Berlin, noting that “All of the Task Force members — Craig Mathews, Katie Olson, Laura Rohlman, Kainoa Trotter, Bracken Killpack, Mike Walsh and Ruth Abate will be charged with migrating over all the content from the current site to the new one. It’s going to be a big job, but worth it — we think you’ll love the new site!”
SIMPLIFIED, BOLD WSDA’s new website will roll out this summer. What you can expect
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member news website preview
“It was time for a change. The current site
member news wsda news app preview
DIGITAL SHIFT: This month, we’d like to introduce you to the WSDA News app. The easiest way to take your publication with you everywhere. With the News app, current issues will populate in your phone or tablet’s newsstand automatically, and even send you a reminder telling you it has arrived. The app is free for WSDA members, and available now for iPhone and Android users. Gorgeous and easy to use, you’re up and running after a simple download (see instructions at right). But the app doesn’t just deliver the latest issue to your newsstand and leave it at that — it lets you clip articles* you like and send them to colleagues easily, has live links to contributors (ever wanted to send Dr. Mary Jennings a message after reading her editorial? Now with the push of an icon, you’re ready to go), and even let’s you “like” or “pin” your favorite issues with the push of a button. The app will even allow us to integrate video and sound bites into stories, and will give us unparalleled ability to update/follow-
up on stories published. With tablets and cell phones dominating the landscape, offering our members a more user-friendly and beautiful way to view our publication online just makes sense. For those of you who like reading the publication on your desktop or laptop, Maz — the company that produces the app — has promised a web reader in early 2014. Until it is available, we’ll continue to use the current web reader and email the live link directly to your inbox. Currently, all of 2012-2013 year issues are available, more will follow. * We’ve found that the clipping function works best when performed from a tablet. MAZ, the creator of the app, is working to resolve resolution issues on articles clipped from smart phones.
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Non-Member cost per issue. Free for members. As a WSDA Member, you are an Existing Subscriber
Get the app today — it’s easy, and free! 1. The app is FREE! Go to your app store (Android and iPhone only) and search for WSDA News. Select WSDA News. 2. The first screen that will appear is shown here (above left). It has buttons that say Subscribe Now and Existing Subscriber. As a WSDA Member in good standing, you are automatically an Existing Subscriber. Please note that individual issues will cost $499 for nonmembers, so it is imperative that you select Existing Subscriber.* 3. Once you have selected Existing Subscriber, you’ll be taken to a log in area that asks for the email address and zipcode associated with your WSDA membership. If you are unsure of the email address and zipcode associated with your WSDA membership, call the WSDA office and we can research it for you. 800-448-3368. 4. Once your validation is accepted, you will be asked to accept push notifications — you’ll want to accept them to be notified when a new issue arrives. You will be able to download magazines immediately. You will need to re-authenticate your validation once a year, in April. * If you accidentally select new subscriber and your account is charged, you can call your app store to have the charge removed.
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member news wsda news app preview
Once you’ve downloaded the app, Look for the WSDA News in your newsstand
member news the value of membership
How much is your WSDA membership worth? We calculate it for you*
$27,322 Benefits available only to members
Dollar value benefits available only to members
Dental Action Day The Source WSDA Update Online CDE tracking WSDA App Job Fair Complimentary webinars Find-A-Dentist listing on Online Membership Directory Dental Referral Program for Children Relief Fund Community of dentists Electronic ADA and WSDA Logos
Membership Marketplace........................ $50/issue/$300 Dentist Fast Track...................................................$1,200 WSDA News App.............................. $500/issue/$4,000 WSDA News magazine (printed publication)...............$65 PNDC Member discount........................................$1,650 WDIA and NORDIC Discounts..................................$257
WSDA’s work on behalf of all dentists
WSDA Endorsed Companies exclusive discounts.....$8,700
Advocacy Licensure fee decrease
Annual License Renewal Reminder**............ up to $10,000 Free Legal assistance****............. $300/hour/legal fees***
* These figures represent savings due to membership in the WSDA, but do not include other benefits you receive because of your membership in the ADA or your component society. ** Estimate based on loss of one week of insurance revenue.
Free PNDC badge for retired dentists.........................$200 Contract Analysis/3rd Party Insurance.....$300/hour/legal fees***
***Estimated single member usage
WSDA Peer review............................. $300/hour/legal fees***
****Pertaining to dentistry, restrictions apply.
Member Classified rate................................... $50 savings
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Packed with features and functions, apps are still the hottest thing on the mobile device landscape. Aimed squarely at younger dentists (but we expect everyone will use it), the WSDA app will have content that is mirrored on The Source (so you can access no matter where you are). We’re committed to showing how serious we are about member benefits. • Associate & Practice Connection Service This feature would connect members looking to hire an associate or sell their practice with members seeking employment or to purchase a practice. A member hiring/selling would place a listing detailing the opportunity. Once the listing was placed, it would automatically send a notification to those looking for employment or to purchase that have previously selected parameters that align with that listing. Members could also browse all listings and filter by location, opportunity, size of practice, etc. • Discounted Group Buying Think Groupon, Living Social, Amazon Local but exclusively for WSDA members. Suppliers could offer steep discounts on equipment or materials to our membership as long as a certain threshold was met to trigger the discount. • Continuing Education Calendar An interactive, statewide calendar of continuing education events. Members could sort CE courses by component society, study club, zip code, subject, number of credits, etc. and add events to their personal calendars. Members could receive notifications for courses they have marked as favorites reminding them as the event or registration deadline gets closer.
• Membership Directory In the initial version, this would most likely be a basic directory with contact and practice information. In later versions, it could include a message board, social networking, and other interactive components.
New Dentist Fast Track (Coming in 2014):
The New Dentist Fast Track would be offered for free to dentists 0-10 years out of school. In its pilot year, the program would consist of six classes held over the course of a year, with each course being held in three locations to serve more members. Classes would be capped at 20 attendees and would cover clinical and some practice management topics. Members could sign up for classes a la carte. To help promote attendance, the courses would be held on weekday evenings.
WSDA News App:
The WSDA News app is already available (see pages 14-15 for info and how to access it), and we think you’re going to love it. Razor sharp and easy to use on your Android or Apple mobile device, the app loads the magazine directly into your newsstand for instant access. Yes, you’ll continue to have a printed version of the WSDA News (especially helpful for you to share with staff). The app has some great tricks up its sleeve — embedded videos and sound files, a cool clipping function, and social media connectivity that can’t be beat. Explore it today!
WSDA website redesign:
This year, we’ll banish the banal old WSDA website in favor of a new site with a clean, modern look and increased functionality. Look for a rollout of the new site at the PNDC.
NEW BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP Never content to rest on our laurels, WSDA offers innovative new programs aimed at younger dentists
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member news new benefits of membership
WSDA Membership App (Coming in 2014):
cover stor y creating loyalty
CREATING LOYALTY What will you do for me tomorrow?
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Dr. Doug Brajcich
Dr. Jessica Bremerman
Dr. Jason Chang
Dr. David Clark
Dr. Jeffrey Henneberg
Dr. Sabrina Heppe
Dr. Chris Herzog
Dr. Erik Kvinsland
Dr. Julie Lum
For decades, Americans were joiners. From social clubs to professional associations, we liked belonging to groups that celebrated the same things we did. Then came the baby boom, computers, the Internet, and something the experts call “busyness.” Our lives filled up, belonging became less important, and membership took a hit — even memberships in organizations such as ours. That trend continues today, and for the past two years, we’ve been working to be in front of the curve, judiciously adding benefits to membership that would mean something — kicking up our advocacy efforts, developing The Source and the Job Fair, upgrading our communications, and more (for a complete list, please see pages 12-13).
Still, we’ve seen a slide — while our older members continue
to renew their memberships, younger members and those just graduating dental school have opted out in greater numbers. The same can be said of dentists moving to the state. Recently we reached out to young dentists from across the state to get their opinions and find out why they joined, what we can do to create relevance and loyalty among young dentists, and where we’re missing the mark. Most are under 40 and all have been in private practice for less than a decade. Dr. Chris Herzog, the youngest member of the WSDA Board of Directors likes the direction we’re taking, “We’re reaching out to members and providing information digitally, and that appeals to younger dentists — and they’re the future of this organization. But I’ve found that many of the more tenured dentists in the organization have taken a liking to it and love it, too. All is not lost.” Herzog recalls that at his first board meeting two years ago, he was the only member with a tab-
let and a phone in from of him – all the other Board members had the requisite three-inch stack of Board minutes, provided by WSDA staffers. Today, Herzog says, everyone brings a tablet or laptop and a smart phone. “Everything is being transmitted and accessed digitally. I think we’ve become more nimble as an organization as well — we’re not as reliant on old technologies and old ways of doing things. We’re trying to become a more younger, fluid and technology-savvy group.” [Ed. note: for more on tech, see pages 12-13] Dr. Erik Kvinsland, newly-elected WSDA Board member and immediate past president of the Pierce County Dental Society, wants to take things a little further, saying “I want to change things so that the board is younger, to make sure that we’re still relevant as a young organization, because if we don’t, we’re toast.”
The task at hand
To help stem the tide, the WSDA created the Task Force on Membership — a group responsible for developing a comprehensive re-
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cover stor y creating loyalty
Our panelists:
cover stor y creating loyalty
cruitment and retention plan. The task force was chaired by Dr. Ted Baer from Pierce County Dental Society, and included Ms. Sandra Anderson, Seattle-King County Dental Society’s Director of Membership Services, Dr. Sabrina Heppe, Seattle-King County Dental Society, Dr. Jeffery Henneberg, Spokane District Dental Society, Dr. Randall H. Ogata, Seattle-King County Dental Society, Dr. Daniel Tremblay, Seattle-King County, and Dr. Michael Warner, Clark County Dental Society. The group was charged with trying to identify reasons for the decline in membership and for making recommendations for actions to help reverse the losses — particularly among younger members. Heppe relates, “They brought us in from around the state, from all different age groups, to work on what members needed. I enjoyed the experience — the people on the task force were really nice, bright, and full of ideas. I’ve always had really good interaction with everyone at the WSDA.” Henneberg agrees, “They were great people,” he continued, “and it made me feel better about being involved with the WSDA. Everyone cared — on some committees, people just show up and don’t do much – not this group. It was a very positive experience.”
benefits — especially all the new benefits that staff has been working on— the obstacles to joining are only financial, and we have payment plans to help alleviate that. ” On the other hand, Dr. Julie Lum thinks we could be doing better, saying “When it comes to younger dentists, we’re all still paying off our loans, so money is an issue. I’d like to see discounted memberships continue for longer than they currently do.” For most of the people we talked to, membership was deeply ingrained in them in dental school, and becoming a member once they were out on their own seemed a natural progression. Drs. Dave Clark and Jeff Hennenberg, who both attended dental school at Loma Linda University, voiced the same sentiment — that membership in the ADA was not ever presented as an option, it simply was. But Dr. Doug Brajcich didn’t join immediately upon moving here from the Boston area. Brajcich explains, “I was involved in organized dentistry in dental school, but our time was limited when we began to start our practice –it wasn’t that I didn’t want to join right away. It was always my plan, but it’s not cheap and I had to reach the point where the benefit matched the investment. It’s not just the financial part of it, though. If you want to reap the rewards
“Without a united voice we run the risk of becoming like the AMA, and it’s clichéd to say it, but we really could. The AMA is completely insignificant now, and everyone thought that they were going to do wonderful things and keep everything together, but the reality is that they no longer have a unified voice.” — Dr. Erik Kvinsland
Recommendations from the group were far-reaching and have already been set in motion, along with some other changes that were already in the works. This year, we’ll add apps for both membership and the WSDA News, merge our database with Aptify, the ADA’s national database (which should save us money and create a unified database language nationally), redesign the WSDA website (and with it, the websites for NORDIC, WDIA and WOHF), and focus our attention to our younger members by offering six free CDE courses in three locations across the state (for more on these new benefits, please see pages 12-13). Additionally, we’re offering six free classified ads to any young dentist looking for work, have scheduled two more Job Fairs – one in February, another at the PNDC in June — and are working on Groupon-like discounts on big ticket items for dental offices to premiere at about the same time. So much for resting on our laurels. But that still doesn’t get at the root of the issue: why aren’t younger dentists joining? Herzog thinks he has the answer, “I think the biggest obstacle to membership is really just not knowing what it implies. I feel like once you become a member and you see all the
of membership, you have to put something into it, much like you do at your practice. With our family and our practice, we’re finally at the point where we can enjoy the meetings, the process, and the people.” Dr. Jason Chang, who did his undergrad work in Toronto, Canada and went to University of Detroit Mercy for dental school, said the same thing — that ASDA membership was the reason he joined the WSDA — that, and advocacy. He relates, “I definitely think that in terms of the political aspects and advocacy, organized dentistry is a great thing. I don’t participate as much as I should, but I definitely appreciate the people who go to Olympia on our behalf. I know how important advocacy is to the profession — it’s vital that dentistry has a voice in politics.”
Advocacy is king
Everyone said that advocacy on behalf of dentists in the state is a huge benefit — regardless of the fact that every dentist practicing in Washington benefits from our work in Olympia, whether they belong to the WSDA or not. Kvinsland, a second generation dentist from Pierce County, says “But unless you’re involved with
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board, nobody really likes the idea of a midlevel provider, but our members are able to look at the work done by the WSDA and say, ‘The money I’ve spent supporting the state association has really paid off.’ I would say that’s the biggest thing that we’ve done as an Association.”
Fighting words
As we said earlier, no matter how key our advocacy efforts are, they benefit all dentists, whether they choose to belong to the WSDA or not. So why join at all? Kvinsland opines, “That’s the ageold question. I’m not sure exactly what you say other than to try to get them involved and open their eyes to what their contribution could mean to dentistry. Without a united voice we run the risk of becoming like the American Medical Association, and it’s clichéd to say it, but we really could. The AMA is completely insignificant now, and everyone thought that they were going to do wonderful things and keep everything together, but the reality is that they no longer have a unified voice. Sometimes you just feel like smacking people when they tell you they get the benefits without being a member.” Heppe, agrees — though she doesn’t share Kvinsland
“I’m not confrontational enough to tell someone they have to join the WSDA to help support the advocacy efforts that benefit every dentist who practices in the state, but I would hope that they care enough about dentistry and their livelihood to join forces with WSDA members and pay their fair share – especially if they are just starting out in their career.” — Dr. Sabrina Heppe ers who do, and that they are looking out for our best interest.” Brajcich says, “Look, we’re really small fish in a big pond, and without the organization we wouldn’t have the lobbyists and the staff members doing the work they do for us in Olympia. There are a lot of important issues that have come up and will come up, and I know that the staff in the WSDA office are going to go to Olympia and fight for us. I see the action they’re taking — things that I wouldn’t necessarily have the time or energy to do on my own, so for me that’s the benefit that makes me sleep a little better.” Herzog agrees. He’s forged close ties to his local legislators and has taken a strong role in advocacy going back to his dental school days. “I think the biggest tangible benefit of membership is advocacy,” he says. “Obviously, we have been assaulted for the last two years on the midlevel provider issue. Kellogg thought that the Association would be an easy target — because of the political makeup of the legislature — but they didn’t plan on encountering the buzz saw they walked into. Of the first five states targeted for midlevel provider legislation, we have been the most successful in preventing it so far, and that’s an incredible coup for our members. Across the
pugilistic tendencies — saying “I’m not confrontational enough to tell someone they have to join the WSDA to help support the advocacy efforts that benefit every dentist who practices in the state, but I would hope that they care enough about dentistry and their livelihood to join forces with WSDA members and pay their fair share – especially if they are just starting out in their career.” If not for advocacy, the reason they should join, of course, is for all the other benefits of membership in the WSDA. From technology to education, community and endorsed company discounts, the WSDA provides plenty of return on investment. See page 12 for a complete breakdown.
Time and again, we were told that community and camaraderie were important aspects of membership. For Kvinsland, it is second to advocacy, and Dr. Jessica Bremerman agrees. Bremerman, a Yakima Indian working in Toppinish with the IHS, commutes 40 minutes each way to work in the clinic, notes that it can be
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an organization like the WSDA, you can get lost and overrun by companies, government, and people with different ideas about what dentistry should be. As an individual you have zero power to influence, but as an organization you can put your members together and have some significance to shape dentistry the way you want it to be. You can have a lot more control by being involved in the WSDA.” You don’t have to be a political junkie to appreciate the value of WSDA’s advocacy. Like Chang, Clark isn’t taking an active role right now, but knows that down the road, he will. Still, the value is there, “I may not be the best-case example because I don’t take advantage of a lot that the organization offers,” Clark said recently, “but the thing that I value the most is what got me into the WSDA in the first place — the legislative end of things – securing the future of dentistry through advocacy. The WSDA lobbies beautifully on our behalf, and it’s comforting to know they’re doing so much for us.” Henneberg concurs, saying, “I most appreciate the big picture stuff – that the WSDA looks out for me and advocates on my behalf. The legislative piece may not be something that I completely embrace at this point, but I know that there are oth-
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isolating being a dentist, but that is magnified when you work in the public sector. For her, membership in the WSDA has been a lifeline, a connection to specialists and mentors she didn’t have in the clinic setting. She explains, “Getting involved with the Yakima Valley Dental Society has been a huge benefit to me, especially because of the mentorship by older dentists, whom I met through component meetings. It has been great to make the connections and forge the relationships I have with the specialists in town because I don’t always have access to them in public health. My patients can’t always go to an endodontist, so to have their mentorship has been great.” Brajcich agrees, adding that, “It’s nice to meet your colleagues and bounce things off each other — people who can keenly understand what you go through on a daily basis. They don’t tell you or teach you how to run a business in dental school, it’s something you have to learn on the fly.”
reasons. Bremermen and her husband read everything on their tablets, so the WSDA News app sounds great. Kvinsland knows the membership app will be a key tool for the organization, even if he doesn’t think it will goose our membership numbers a whole lot. He says, “It’s exactly what we should be doing. It will make the organization more relevant to young members, but I don’t think we’ll see a huge influx of members because of it” Herzog is keen on the app because, as he says, “As a younger dentist, we’ve been spoiled by technology and options — without having to have to leave our house or practice — we can go online and find 85 options on Google.” The Source continues to be beneficial to members for information, forms, webinars and discounts. This year, we’ll fold its content into the app, as well, putting all of its resources at your fingertips, no matter where you are.
Educational opportunities
WDIA, NORDIC, and more
Each of the busy young dentists we spoke with was excited about the Dentist’s Fast Track (see page 13), a new program that will bring free CE across the state, targeted specifically to young dentists, and all praised the value of the PNDC. Says Lum, “At this
People sometimes forget that we own WDIA and part of NORDIC, and that those two entities alone generate enormous nondues revenue. Matt French and Kerri Seims at WDIA will come to you, review your policies and make recommendations for your
“I was involved in organized dentistry in dental school, but our time was limited when we began to start our practice. If you want to reap the rewards of membership, you have to put something into it, much like you do at your practice. With our family and our practice, we’re finally at the point where we can enjoy the meetings, the process, and the people.” — Dr. Doug Brajcich point in my career, CE is probably the most important benefit of membership that you offer. We used to fly back to Boston for the big conference there, but once we had children that just got harder to make happen. The PNDC has been great for us here – and the CE that you’re going to be offering free to young dentists sounds even better!” This year, expanded PNDC offerings include a Wednesday evening lecture on transitions specifically for young dentists, and the third installment of our popular Job Fair. For more information about the PNDC and Job Fair, see pages 34 and 26, respectively.
Technology and communications
One thing’s for sure — we communicate with our members — a lot. Between the WSDA News, the Blog, monthly WSDA Updates, Legislative calls to action through VoterVOICE, PNDC Updates, and the like, some might even say that we communicate too much, and not personally enough. Drs. Clark and Chang both extolled us to personalize our communications, “Young members are particularly good at discerning between personal emails and mass emails,” said Clark, “I get a lot of communications from the ADA and because of time constraints most of them don’t get read.” On the tech side, both the membership app and the The WSDA News app are generating real interest — for a number of different
business, your family, and your future. WSDA General Counsel Alan Wicks provides free assistance with legal questions general to the practice of dentistry, and questions regarding rules and regulations pertaining to the practice of dentistry. Within limited time available, he may also help with specific contract review or business agreement questions. For a quick overview of all the benefits of membership (and their value), please see pages 12-13.
Have a look, and give us feedback
A list of the programs we offer currently and will be rolling out this year appears on pages 12-13. If you know of ways we can either better reach young dentists or better serve our existing members, speak up! We value your input AND your participation, and we’re actively seeking out ways to make this organization more relevant. As Dr. Herzog says, “At the end of the day, our organization has to be focused on the 28-year olds just getting out of school who are going to be members for the next 40 years. We need to keep them happy and meet their needs. We’ll always have a printed version of the News, and someone will always answer questions by phone at the Association office, but those are antiquated technologies and we’re looking to the future, not the past.”
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We asked our subjects for their “Blue Sky” ideas to make the WSDA better. Some of the things they asked for are already in the works. Dr. Jessica Bremmerman –
“I love the social aspect of the local meetings, and if there was a statewide social event, I think that would be fantastic – some of my classmates and I are meeting up at the PNDC as sort of a mini-reunion. I really enjoy the social aspect of membership.”
Dr. Jason Chang
“We need to start looking out for each other to help lower costs. A lot of the choices are driven by suppliers, but often you can lower costs by looking outside of the conventional suppliers. As dentists, we sometimes think we have to go to the big companies – Burkhart, Patterson. But while they’re good companies, they’re looking out for themselves, not dentists. They’re going to build as many cabinets as they can for you, but honestly there are companies out there that do look out for dentists. You don’t have to go with Dentrix or Eaglesoft, necessarily – you can go with Opensoft, which is essentially free, or Curve, if you want to go cloud-based. It’s important to get informed about everything that’s out there. The world is changing rapidly, and I’d like to see WSDA present these other options to its members, too.”
Dr. Julie Lum
“No matter your perspective on corporate dentistry, they have an advantage when it comes to buying power – they can go to the vendors and say ‘We have 20 offices, what are you going to do for us?’ and force the companies to compete against each other. If we could figure out a way to group together to buy, we could have the same advantage that the corporations have.” [Editor’s note: We’re rolling out a Groupon-like buying strategy this summer. See page 13 for details]
Dr. Doug Brajcich
“There are several things I wish we had – as a state I wish we had more meetings and functions. On the local level we meet pretty frequently, but I think the state community could benefit from that. As a small practice, I would like to see us effect the economies of scale a bit by implementing some kind of group buying effort. The economy has taken a little dip, but the price of supplies has continued to go up, so if the state could be proactive on that it would help the little guys and would add value to the membership. [Editor’s note: We’re rolling out a Groupon-like buying strategy this summer. See page 13 for details].
Dr. David Clark
“Everyone will have a different response, and I’m a unique snowflake like everyone else, but what would be most valuable would be help with marketing and patient acquisition. We do a pretty good job in my practice, but there’s always room for improvement.”
Dr. Erik Kvinsland
“I think we need to continue to figure out what turns younger members on, how they communicate, and what’s important to them. I know that’s broad, but I really do think that’s the key. I’ve always thought that the emails that we send out should come out at a certain time, and should be in bullet form with links to more complete info – let people expand or collapse what they want.”
Dr. Chris Herzog
“I feel like a way to really integrate more people into committee memberships is to use technology like Skype and others to make meetings available to people like me who live 280 miles away, so we can take part in a meeting – not just on the phone, but to be there, watching and participating. I believe that it will open up a broad reach to our membership, not just the I-5 corridor, which is a huge thing. I think the WSDA is heading down the right path, they’re looking at it correctly, we’ve allocated money in a way that will be used perfectly so that we can accomplish this in a cost-effective manner. If we keep focusing on this it’s going to be a seamless transition for the younger dentists coming into organized dentistry.”
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Electronic Health Records: No mandate in 2014
You may have heard rumors about a federal mandate that requires dentists to begin utilizing electronic health records (EHRs) or have “paperless” offices by 2014. These rumors are not accurate. There are no mandates that require electronic health records in 2014. However, dentists who accept Medicare patients and are eligible for the Medicare EHR Incentive Program will face a payment reduction in their Medicare reimbursement for failure to implement “meaningful use” of EHRs starting in 2015. The payment reduction starts at 1 percent and increases each year that a Medicare eligible professional fails to demonstrate “meaningful use” through the implementation of EHRs, with a maximum reduction of 5 percent. If you are dentist accepting Medicare patients, visit for information on the Medicare EHR Program. If interested in registering for the program, visit login.action.
WSDA is not aware of any mandates for EHRs in Washington state at this time. However, there are incentives in place to encourage health care professionals to transition to EHRs.
Am I eligible?
In order to be eligible for the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program, providers must see at least a 30 percent Medicaid patient volume. Patient volume is calculated by dividing the number of Medicaid encounters during a continuous 90-day period in the preceding calendar year by the total number of encounters in that same period. Patient volume is a percentage derived from a fraction with a numerator of Medicaid encounters and a denominator of total encounters. Providers must also be enrolled and billing through ProviderOne. If you are interested in learning more about the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program, please check our blog on Monday, December 23, 2013 for more information about the program and how to get started.
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Over the years there have been significant changes with the transition to electronic health records (EHRs). In an effort to offset the initial costs and to incentivize providers to make the transition to EHRs, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) was authorized by federal legislation to create the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Program. These programs provide eligible professionals and hospitals with incentive payments for using EHRs in ways that positively impact patient care. Since Medicare does not typically have a dental benefit, the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program will be most applicable to dental offices.
To view the complete list of Clinical Quality Measures for 2014 CMS EHR Incentive Programs for Eligible Professionals, visit here: CQMs.pdf.
When and where do I report?
The Medicaid Incentive Program is currently being offered in 43 states, including Washington, and provides incentive payments to eligible healthcare professionals during their first year of participation and continued demonstration of “meaningful use” for up to five subsequent participation years. “Meaningful use” is being defined by the CMS as “use of EHRs in a way that positively affects patient care.”
Participants report for the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program by attesting through their state Medicaid website. The reporting period is 90 days for the first year of participation in the EHR program and 1 year subsequently. The reporting period for the first year must be 90 consecutive days within a calendar year (January 1st – December 31st) and the following reporting period must be the entire calendar year. There will be a special reporting period in 2014, meaning that regardless of a provider’s stage of meaningful use, they will only be required to demonstrate meaningful use for a 90 day EHR reporting period. This is due to the fact that in 2014 all participating providers must upgrade or adopt a 2014 certified version of EHR software.
Am I eligible?
Where can I find 2014 certified EHR software?
What is it?
See eligibility requirements on facing page
What are the incentives?
Eligible participants can receive up to $63,750 over a six year period should they choose to participate all six years; years of participation do not have to be consecutive. In their first year of participation providers can receive an initial incentive payment of $21,250.00 for the adoption, implementation or upgrading of EHR technology (AIU process). Following their first year of implementation, providers can receive incentive payments of $8,500.00 per year for up to five years, so long as they continue to demonstrate and report their meaningful use.
What are the requirements?
In their first year of participation, providers can adopt, implement, or upgrade their current EHR technology to demonstrate “meaningful use” (AIU process). In order for providers to remain eligible for EHR incentive payments they must meet the meaningful use criteria each year. The EHR program consists of three stages of meaningful use; Data Capture and Sharing, Advanced Clinical Processes and Improved Outcomes. Providers can participate in the program for three years under Stage 1 regardless of when they begin the Medicaid EHR program. After three years, providers will begin Stage 2. There are currently no rules or requirements written for Stage 3. CMS anticipates releasing proposed rulemaking for Stage 3 in the fall of 2014, with a final rule with requirements for Stage 3 following in the first half of 2015. Eligible providers who have completed at least two years of Stage 2 would then begin Stage 3 in January 2017. Under Stage 1, providers must complete 14 core objectives, five menu set objectives and nine total clinical quality measures. To view Stage 1 core and menu set objectives, visit here: http://www. Under Stage 2, providers must complete 17 core objectives, three menu set objectives and nine clinical quality measures. To view Stage 2 core and menu set objectives, visit here: http://www.
A complete list of certified EHR technology can be found on the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology’s website. Access their website here: http://oncchpl.force. com/ehrcert?q=chpl. Access Washington state EHR Incentive Program Resources here: eMIPP%20User%20Guide.pdf Access Washington state’s Eligible Professional Training Guide for Meaningful Use here: Access Washington state’s white paper regarding the AIU process here: (Adopt,%20Implement,%20or%20Upgrade)%20process%20 to%20begin%20the%20incentive%20payments%20per%20provider.pdf Learn how to get paid correctly as a servicing provider in a group practice in Washington state here: for%20payment%20reassignment.pdf Access Washington state’s white paper on EP Patient Volume Calculations here: Access Washington state’s white paper on Special Issues for EPs at FQHCs and RHCs here: and%20RHCs.pdf Access Washington state’s white paper on EHR Appeal Process here:
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Electronic Health Records: What you need to know
legislative legislative over view
2014 LEGISLATIVE OVERVIEW 2 2 路 th e wsda ne w s 路 issue 3, januar y 路 2014 路
New Leadership
The Washington State Legislature has continued to experience turnover, similar to what it saw in 2012 and 2013. Currently, three of the four legislative caucus leaders have only been in their caucuses’ top leadership post for less than a year. In the House Republican Caucus, Rep. Dan Kristiansen (R-Snohomish) will begin his first regular session as Minority Leader. In the Senate, Senator Sharon Nelson (D-Vashon Island) has replaced Ed Murray as the Minority Leader (Ed Murray was elected as Mayor of Seattle in November). The Majority Coalition Caucus will continue to control the Senate in the upcoming session. In 2013, two Democrats formed the coalition with the chamber’s 23 elected Republicans. In 2014, the coalition will include one additional Republican as Senator Jan Angel (R-Port Orchard) won the special election for the 26th legislative district seat vacated by Congressman Derek Kilmer.
Health Policy from Governor Inslee
Prior to the session, the Inslee administration announced its intent to introduce legislation aimed at improving health outcomes for children, state employees, and Medicaid recipients. This legislation includes several proposals ranging from a publicly accessible claims database managed by the Washington Health Alliance, the establishment of performance measures in health care purchased by the state, and the establishment of a healthy kid’s wellness incentive. At time of print, this legislation had not been released, and its potential impact on dentistry could not be determined.
Definition of Dentistry
Washington law very clearly prohibits the corporate practice of dentistry and the ownership of a dental practice by anyone other than a licensed dentist. Section 18.32.020(3) of the Washington Revised Code states that anyone who “owns, maintains, or operates an office for the practice of dentistry” must be a licensed dentist in the state. In addition, Washington courts have ruled that non-dentists with the ownership power to influence the operation of a dental practice are effectively practicing dentistry without a license (profession corporations wholly owned by dentist shareholders are allowed). WSDA has concerns regarding any legislative effort intended to modify the current definition of dentistry to allow for ownership of dental practices by non-licensed individuals or business entities. WSDA and its leadership have and will continue to support the current law regarding the ownership of a dental practice and oppose any changes that would allow non-licensed individuals to influence or interfere with the professional judgment of a licensed dentist. Washington law should continue to ensure that dentists are first and foremost accountable to their patients. Non-dentist share-
holders are not answerable to patients in the way dentists are and therefore should not be allowed by law to make decisions that have the potential to directly or indirectly affect the proper diagnosis and treatment of a patient.
Dental Midlevel Providers
HB 1514, HB 1516, and SB 5433 all died in committee in 2013 and are automatically reintroduced in 2014. WSDA remains opposed to all three bills and any other legislation which creates new midlevel dental practitioners. Throughout the last year, grassroots dentists, lobbyists and staff have been discussing the Association’s opposition to this provider model with legislators. The Association believes a new workforce model does not address the underlying issues with the dental safety net and will not improve access to care. Instead, the Association is working to expand the state’s network of dental residencies and make improvements to the state’s Medicaid and loan repayment programs.
Capital Funding for Residency Expansion
WSDA will continue to support “bricks and mortar” matching funds for community health centers to expand clinic capacity to accommodate new dental residency positions. Currently, dental clinics in Toppenish and Walla Walla want to expand their dental residency positions but are limited by clinic capacity. These clinics are both part of the Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic system. WSDA will continue to work with community health centers across the state to expand capacity for dental residency positions.
Independent Board for Dental Hygienists
The WDSHA is seeking legislation to create a dental hygienist board with disciplinary and rule-making authority independent of DQAC and DOH. Currently, dental hygienists are regulated by the Secretary of Health with input from the Dental Hygiene Advisory Committee. Washington is one of only two states that regulate dental hygiene through state departments and no state has an independent board of dental hygiene with regulatory powers. WSDA has concerns with the legislation as it would create two rulemaking bodies with overlapping authority. The Association is open to supporting the incorporation of dental hygienists onto DQAC as is done in most states.
Dentistry Prepayments (Insurance Premium Tax)
Currently, dental insurance carriers are allowed an insurance premium tax exemption for certain dental services. This means that prepayments for dental services are exempt from the 2 percent premium tax rate and instead are taxed at the lower B&O tax rate of 1.5 percent. There has been some discussion of a legislative committee to raise the tax rate on prepaid dental insurance. WSDA is monitoring this issue and will support the continuation of the current taxation structure.
Continuing Education Requirement for EFDAs
The Department of Health and DQAC have requested legislation to authorize DQAC to write a continuing education rule for Expanded Function Dental Auxiliaries (EFDAs). Currently, EFDAs do not have a continuing education requirement. Dentists, Hygienists, and Dental Anesthesia Assistants are all required by law to complete continuing education. This legislation does not establish a required amount of continuing education hours; it simply provides DQAC with authority to write a continuing education rule for EFDAs.
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legislative legislative over view
The Legislature convened its 60-day short session on Monday January 13, 2014. Legislators will be working on several fiscal and policy issues in 2014 including transportation, better integration of mental health into healthcare financing and delivery, medical marijuana, and health care legislation proposed by Governor Inslee. This session is the second regular session of the two year biennium and only provides legislators 24 days to get policy bills voted out of their committee of origin. In other words, legislation not voted out of committee by February 5th is dead for the year. The following is an overview of what the Association will be tracking in 2014. Check for updates online at
In an effort to generate more interest in the UW Mentor Program (a collaboration with the WSDA), the event received a reboot the past two years that has resulted in dramatic increases in both mentor and student involvement. This year, more than 100 students and mentors attended the 20th annual Mentor Reception held in November at the Burke Museum. First and foremost, the yearly event is fun — with drinks and food provided, it’s a relaxing night that encourges everyone to let loose a little, and get to know each other better. Most of the year, busy schedules only allow for phone calls and emails to be exchanged between mentors and students. Currently, 140 students participate in the mentor program and they are encouraged to communicate with their mentors on all aspects of dentistry, education and practice management. If you would like more information about the program, please email Laura Rohlman at
Photos courtesy of Steve Steinberg/UWSoD
membership mentor reception
Mentor Reception Gets a Revamp
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Photos courtesy of Steve Steinberg/UWSoD
membership mentor reception
membership job fairs
“This was the best way to find a job” — Dr. Katie Jankow
“It was nice to be able to find people who were looking for what I had to offer without having to go through a lot of expense and hassle” — Dr. John Barrett
SECOND ANNUAL JOB FAIR The Job Fair returns! Last year’s inaugural event was a resounding success — numerous connections were made between dentists hiring associates and those looking for positions, and 91 percent who attended rated their experience as either good or excellent! Join us on Friday, February 21* from 3:30 - 7:30 p.m. at the WSDA office in Fremont and meet with fellow WSDA members who are looking for positions, actively hiring, or selling their practice — all at one event. The Job Fair, open only to WSDA members, will feature: • A “speed dating approach” that matches you with as many as 12 candidates/hiring dentists
“I thought it was very well planned, and I was especially impressed by the quality of young dentists I met at the event” — Dr. Don Koontz
• Q&A with Dr. Rich Seims, a practice transitions expert • As many as 50 candidates and 26 selling/hiring dentists together at one event
Info for Members hiring an associate or selling their practice: • Only 10 more slots available. Register here: • Can’t attend but are hiring/selling? Register here:
Info for Members looking for employment or practices to purchase: • Only 50 slots available. Register here: Questions about the event? • Please contact Laura Rohlman at (206) 973-5218 or email her at • More details will be available soon regarding the opportunities that will be represented at the event. * Another Job Fair has been scheduled during the 2014 PNDC. Please see page 26.
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Drs. Miki Suetsugu, Nathan Russell and Heather Ronngren
On January 10, The Leadership Institute kicked off the year with the first of six events scheduled for 2014, the Past President’s Roundtable and Association background session. The Institute was designed to foster new leadership in the WSDA by pairing participants with WSDA Board members who mentor them throughout the process. Members selected to this year’s class are Dr. Heather Ronngren, North Central District Dental Society; Dr. Nathan Russell, Kitsap County Dental Society; Dr. Miki Suetsugu, Seattle-King County Dental Society, each chosen for their commitment to organized dentistry and their dedication to advocacy. Program mentors are Dr. Gary Heymoto, Dr. Lorin Peterson, and Dr. Bryan Edgar. Participants met with the Association’s senior staff members individually to understand that staff person’s role, and that of their department within the WSDA. Later they met key past presidents of the WSDA including Dr. Vic Barry, Dr. Doug Walsh, Dr. Mark Walker, Dr. Danny Warner, Dr. Jeff Parrish, and Dr. Rod Wentworth for an extensive Q & A session about the WSDA. Besides the scheduled events, participants are encouraged to meet privately with their mentors during the year to discuss perspectives, leadership issues and questions, and to further enhance the collaborative nature of the leadership process. The programming goal is intended to educate and illuminate the leadership process, without overwhelming participants with too many activities.
Here is a list of the remaining events for the year:
January 30-31 - DentPAC Meetings/Dental Action Day (DAD)
Spring - Committee Meeting of Participant’s Choice
June 19-20 - Board of Directors Two-Day Meeting
September 18-20 - House of Delegates
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membership leadership institute
2014 Leadership Institute kicks off the year
Member Company: American Dental Sales Practice Valuation Study Group Institute of Business Appraisers
Call Toll Free Phone (866) 348-3800 Fax (866) 348-3809 16300 Christensen Rd. Suite 213 Seattle, WA 98188 2 8 路 th e wsda ne w s 路 issue 3, januar y 路 2014 路
MARKETPLACE Each issue, the WSDA News will run up to 30 free classifieds for dental students and new graduates of dental schools. To qualify, you must be a member of ASDA or the WSDA. Restrictions apply. Please contact Laura Rohlman at for more information.
GENERAL DENTIST — Seeking long-term associate position. I strive for excellence in patient care and satisfaction. Looking for position in Snohomish County. Email me at or call 425-417-2391. GENERAL DENTIST — Seeking associate position in private practice. Focused on providing conservative dental care with the patient’s best interest at heart. Confidence with providing dental care to children. Fluent in Mandarin. Email CONFIDENT AND PERSONABLE — student (graduation 6/2014) seeking associateship with path to ownership. Interested in practices north of downtown Seattle. Six months experience as provider in CHC. Email for resume. GENERAL DENTIST — Seeking associate position in private practice. Responsible, patient, compassionate, enthusiastic. Interested in Seattle&Eastside area position. USA and EU license. View my CV at Email: GENERAL DENTIST — Seeking associate position in private practice. Confident, friendly and patientfocused. Interested in Puget Sound area but all opportunities welcomed. View CV at http://tinyurl. com/ny28pts. Email me at GENERAL DENTIST — Seeking long-term associate position in private practice. Interested in greater Seattle area. Compassionate, dynamic, patient-focused. CV available at mxg25ng. Email me at 206-972-3374. VERY MOTIVATED — and personable graduate seeking associate-position on the East Side. Comfortable doing OS, Endo, Pedo, Perio surgery, and Pros. Willing to work extra days and great addition to any staff. Email:
Welcome New Members Please join WSDA in welcoming the following new members into the community of organized dentistry
Benton-Franklin Counties Dental Society Dr. Jonathan Collette Dr. Kirk Morris
Clark County Dental Society Dr. Jordan Anderson Dr. Chelsea Baraff Dr. Joseph Kim Dr. Quinn Mitchell Dr. Adam Polan
Grant County Dental Society Dr. Janet Espinosa Dr. David Feller
Mount Baker District Dental Society Dr. Crystal Vo Dr. Jennifer Veltkamp
Pierce County Dental Society
Dr. Prabhjot Sidhu Dr. Jagjeet Singh Dr. Megan Uhlorn
Dr William Carlson Dr. Andrew Lawhorne Dr. Brian Bienstock Dr. Peder Nordberg Dr. Ajaipal Sekhon Dr. Andrew Wightman
Dr. Scott Hager Dr. Melissa Young
Seattle-King County Dental Society
Thurston-Mason Counties Dental Society
Dr. Austin Baruffi Dr. Stephen Buck Dr. Christine Chen Dr. Gregory Chinn Dr. B Cohanim Dr. Elizabeth Davis Dr. Nima Foroutan Dr. Jagdeep Gill Dr Travis Nelson Dr. Brett Nydegger Dr. Amanpreet Sidhu
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Snohomish County Dental Society
Dr. David Goerig Dr. Wendy O’Haver
Walla Walla Valley Dental Society Dr. Richard Nehring
Yakima Valley Dental Society Dr. Caitlin Kaufmann Dr. Casey Gamache Dr. Ryan Wood
membership membership marketplace, new members
6:23 PM
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ethically speaking patient referral incentives
ethically speaking In the last couple of weeks, I have been asked a few times about patient referral programs. There seems to be a lot of confusion as to how it can be done ethically. I have been asked if a dentist can promote new patient referrals by offering current patients such things as gift cards or account credits for each new patient they refer. So, how can we ethically reward our patients for their kind referrals? Let’s look at how our ADA Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct addresses it. Section 5.F.4. REFERRAL SERVICES speaks to this topic: “A dentist is allowed to pay for any advertising permitted by the Code, but is generally not permitted to make payments to another person or entity for the referral of a patient for professional services.” In addition, Section 4.E. REBATES AND SPLIT FEES notes, “Dentists shall not accept or tender ’rebates’ or ’split fees.’” A split fee occurs when you offer to return a portion of the fee you collect to the referral source. A rebate is essentially the same thing. A discount on future fees, credit on their account, or cash back to the referring party would also apply. There are also the following Washington state laws that deal with rebates and split fees: RCW 19.68.010: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or association…. to pay, or offer to pay … to any person licensed by the state of Washington to engage in the practice of …dentistry, …and it shall be unlawful for such person to request, receive or allow, directly or indirectly, a rebate, refund, commission, unearned discount or profit by means of a credit or other valuable consideration in connection with the referral of patients to any person, firm, corporation or association…. Any person violating this section is guilty of a misdemeanor. RCW 19.68.020: The acceptance directly or indirectly by any person so licensed of any rebate, refund, commission, unearned discount, or profit by means of a credit or other valuable consideration whether in the form of money or otherwise, as compensation for referring patients to any person, firm, corporation or association as set forth in RCW 19.68.030, constitutes unprofessional conduct.
RCW 19.68.030: The license of any person so licensed may be revoked or sus-
pended if he or she has directly or indirectly requested, received, or participated in the division, transference, assignment, rebate, splitting, or refunding of a fee for, or has directly or indirectly requested, received, or profited by means of a credit or other valuable consideration as a commission, discount, or gratuity in connection with the furnishing of medical, surgical, or dental care… Now that we have the legal and ethical guidance for how to proceed, it should be noted that there is no ethical prohibition on rewarding a patient for a referral. A thank-you note with a nominal gift card would not, in itself, violate our Code. However, problems could arise if you were to offer a reward or credit up front to anyone who refers a new patient. An example would be a sign in your office or on your Facebook site offering $100 for each new patient that people send your way. Another example might be a contest with a trip to Hawaii for the person who refers the most new patients. The difference between these examples and the simple thank-you is that the thank-you is a spontaneous gesture, not contingent on the referral; whereas, the others involve an upfront offer with the intent to exchange patient referrals for a reward. From a legal perspective, a thank-you gift of a large amount might be construed as a rebate; so, consultation with your legal advisor would be prudent if you have any concerns. For more in-depth information on questions like this, I welcome you to attend our Ethics Panel at the Pacific Northwest Dental Conference in Bellevue, June 13, 2014, and be a part of the discussion. If you have any questions that you would like addressed in that venue or in this column, please email them to
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Dr. Rod Wentworth Past President, WSDA
ETHICS: Patient Referral Incentives
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3 2 · th e wsda ne w s · issue 3, januar y · 2014 ·
PPO NEGOTIATING WEBINAR Negotiate low PPO fees and increase your PPO insurance reimbursements 10-40% in 90 days using seven proven steps Speaker: Ben Tuinei, Everest Advocates Date: February 12, 2014 Time: Noon Cost: $0 for WSDA members and their Staff It’s no secret that most dental professionals and their staff don’t have an extra 40 hours in their back pocket to chase down insurance representatives in an effort to analyze and negotiate their reimbursements. The truth is, PPO fee negotiating is not very well-known or understood. Before Ben’s done, you’ll learn seven easy and proven steps that will equip you to effectively negotiate better reimbursements from many of the PPO plans you contract with. Please note that some of the larger insurance companies, like WDS and
Regence will not allow you to negotiate.
Attendance is encouraged if any of the following is true for you.
• • • • • • •
You didn’t know fee negotiating was even possible You want to learn how to increase your PPO Insurance Revenue You are considering adding or dropping certain PPO plans You are considering adding an associate You run a practice where insurance is a large source of your revenue You feel like your Fee for Service status is losing you patients each month You have tried to negotiate in the past but have gotten no where
Learning Objectives:
• • • • • • • •
Spend your time gathering the right data for success! Leverage your leverage! Do you have any? How do you use it? Who you know and what you know matters! The art of negotiation Should you sign that contract? What to review first… How often should I do this? Monitor performance, track your progress! Know the regulations in your state
About the Speaker: Ben Tuinei
No QR Code reader? Register here: register/677529358d
Ben Tuinei began his dental career in 2007 at a small dental corporation in Phoenix, Ariz., managing all insurance- related functions. Ben created systems and operating protocols and restructured a 12-person billing department that improved collections from a low 65% to 98%. At the same time, Ben learned how to effectively negotiate with third-party payers, boosting annual insurance-related revenue nearly $1 million for a team of only ten general dentists. Ben opened Optimum Dental Solutions in 2009 to serve the needs of dentists seeking assistance to improve their insurance reimbursements and has worked with nearly 900 dentists since then. In 2012 Ben expanded Optimum Dental Solutions to meet the demand the dental industry was asking of him and rebranded the business as Everest Advocates, adding two new partners and opening a new headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah. Ben and Everest Advocate
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cde wsda offers ppo negotiating webinar
Complimentary Webinar for WSDA Members
pndc news highlights/new programs
Practice Transition Seminars for all Dentists at the PNDC Wednesday, June 11
Thursday, June 12
What Transition Plan is Best for You · Code 37
Practice Transitions for Sellers · Code 38
6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Audience: Dentist and spouse
6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Audience: Dentist and spouse
Richard D. Seims DDS
Richard D. Seims DDS
This course is designed to help young dentists review different professional options. Attendees will be provided with different perspectives related to employment, “startups”, and purchasing an existing practice. Preparing for a professional career, including guidelines for employment agreements, practice purchases, both general and specialty practices will be deliberately and purposefully discussed. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions at the conclusion of the course. Note: Dinner is provided
Attendees will hear about how to prepare for retirement, both from a personal satisfaction perspective and from a practice sale perspective. Attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions at the conclusion of the course. Learning Objectives: • Professional and personal options for the next step in life • Preparing the practice for sale in the present environment • Explore and review the entire process of selling a practice (general and specialty) • Choosing professional advisors
Learning objectives: • Understand employment contracts and expectations • Learn the basics of practice values • How to present yourself to lenders and “sellers” • Understand different lending options • How to consider the potential for a “startup” • Consider preparations for “later Years” • How and when to pick professional advisors
About Dr. Rich Seims Dr. Seims graduated from the University of Washington Dental School. After a tour in the U.S. Army, including the Vietnam War, he returned to practice dentistry in Seattle. After selling his practice, he began a career as a practice broker. Currently, Dr. Seims is a dental practice mentor and coach and facilitates sales when a purchaser has been identified by a seller.
Job Fair at the PNDC Friday, June 13 Job Fair
8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Room: Hyatt Grand ABCD, Olympic Tower The PNDC is proud to present the WSDA’s third Job Fair, an event connecting dentists looking to transition out of their practices or hire associates with dentists interested in buy practices or looking for associateships. This personal, welcoming event is designed to give participants ample time to talk and get a sense of needs and compatibility. Join us on Friday, June 13 at the Hyatt Regency Grand Ballroom ABCD at 8: 00 am and meet with fellow WSDA members who are looking for positions, actively hiring, or selling their practice — all at one event.
If you are loooking for an Associateship or to buy, visit:
The Job Fair, open only to WSDA members, will feature: • A “speed dating approach” that matches you with as many as 12 candidates/hiring dentists • Q&A with Dr. Rich Seims, a practice transitions expert • As many as 50 candidates and 26 selling/hiring dentists together at one event
If you have an Associate position, or want to sell, visit:
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$10 reserves your seat in these popular lectures! Last year, seating for many popular lectures filled quickly, leaving some of you out of luck. With interest high in the following lectures, we’ve decided to sell some reserved seating for just $10 Reserved seating is optional and only available in advance for the following lectures at PNDC. Beyond these reserved seating options, all lectures remain free on a first-come, first-served basis.
• Seats will be held up to 20 minutes after the program begins, after which time seats will be released if the room is full • Ticket must be presented and is nonrefundable if lost, stolen, or forgotten • Reserved seating is grouped together in a designated section so we can provide better service
Thursday, June 12 Gordon Christensen, DDS The Bottom Line, Parts 1 & 2 · Code 40 Mindy Altermatt Take Control of Your Revenue Cycle: Making Technology Work for You! · Code 43
Mark T. Murphy, DDS Supercharging Hygiene: Improving Patient Retention · Code 44
• ADA MEMBER: $220/$240*
Friday, June 13
Nancy Andrews, RDH Annual WISHA Training & Infection Control Code 45 Nestor Cohenca, DDS Root Resorption: Prevention, Diagnosis and Current Treatment Modalities · Code 46 Rella Christensen, PhD What’s New in Caries, Restorative and Laser Perio Treatments, Parts 1 & 2 · Code 47
• LIKE US ON FACEBOOK: * Register by April 30 to qualify for Early Bird discount
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pndc news highlights/new programs
PNDC offers reserved seating
WSDA MEMBERSHIP APP See story on page 12
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Figure 1
History of present illness:
This is an 82-year old white male with a two-year history of a slowly enlarging lesion on the right lateral border of tongue. The lesion is well demarcated with rolled border. It is mostly pink and has a lobular/papillary appearance. There is a smooth white patch to its posterior. The lesion is described to be 1.3 x 1.8 cm in size and is “sore” but not painful. The patient’s past medical history is significant for cigarette smoking for approximately 30 years; however, the patient quit smoking 42 years ago.
This “Clinical Corner” case was contributed by Dr. Peter Vander Ven of South Sound Oral Medicine in Federal Way, Wash.
Test your knowledge!
An answer to this case study can be found on the University of Washington’s Web site at edu/departments/oral-surgery/case-of-the-month.html. Click on “Case of the Month” and look for the January 2104 entry.
Dr. Raymond Damazo named ADA’s Humanitarian of the Year for 2014
Our very own Dr. Raymond S. Damazo (WSDA’s 2013 Citizen of the Year) has been named the 2014 ADA Humanitarian Award recipient, the ADA announced recently. “Dr. Damazo has spent more than 45 years alleviating human suffering and improving the quality of life and oral health of individuals abroad,” ADA President Charles H. Norman said recently, “including serving remote villages along the Amazon and developing and implementing a mobile clinic that provides free, modern care to people living in the bush areas of Kenya and Tanzania.” The ADA Humanitarian Award was launched in 2007 and is the Association’s highest humanitarian honor. This prestigious award recognizes dentist members who have distinguished themselves by outstanding, unselfish leadership and at least a ten year commitment to their fellow human beings in the field of dentistry, through the dedication of extraordinary time and professional skills to improve the oral health of underserved populations in the United States and abroad. Dr. Norman will present Dr. Damazo with the ADA Humanitarian Award dur-
ing the Opening General Session of the ADA 2014—America’s Dental Meeting in San Antonio in October. He will receive a $5,000 donation to the dental charity/project of his choice and a bronze statue.
UW oral and maxillofacial surgery chair plans lecture series
Dr. Thomas Dodson, Professor and Chair of the University of Washington Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS), has announced the launch on Jan. 15, 2014 of “OMS Grand Rounds,” a wideranging series of lectures of high interest to the OMS community. OMS Grand Rounds will be held from 6 to 7 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday of each month in Turner Auditorium, Room D209 of the UW Health Sciences Center. Lectures will cover topics such as management of challenging dentoalveolar and pre-prosthetics cases, surgical correction of facial trauma, presentation and management of head and neck pathology, and treatment of complex craniofacial deformities. OMS Grand Rounds is free and open to the public. While the lectures will be geared toward the OMS community, they will also be of interest to pre- and postdoctoral dental students, UW dental alum-
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ni and other practicing dentists, as well as to physicians specializing in disorders of the head and neck region, Dr. Dodson said. Continuing-education credit will be offered for registered attendees. Each 50-minute lecture will be preceded by a light meal.
UW Winter Gala
Join the UW SoD for the 2014 Winter Gala presented by the Washington AGD and the UW School of Dentistry on Saturday, February 1st, 2014. Enjoy a night out in downtown Seattle at the Columbia Tower Club on the 76th Floor of the iconic building. The Gala includes dancing, beverages, bites, a photo booth, live DJ, silent auction, specialty swag bags and more. Proceeds and donations support the UW School of Dentistry Class of 2015. Tickets are $100 for Washington AGD members, UW SoD Alumni, and other dental professionals, and can be purchased online at If you would like additional information about the event please visit www. Contact David Ludwig at for all other inquiries, including sponsorships and donations to the Silent Auction.
newsflash issue 3, january 2014
clinical corner issue 3, january 2014
Slowly enlarging lesion on the right lateral border of tongue
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Professional Management Associates, Inc
Great beginner office, 3 operatories, 20 new patients a month, 3 days a week
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Linnell Isoshima Steven Kanzaki 1206 Olympic Avenue Edmonds, WA 98020 Pager: (206) 399-0242 Fax: (425) 712-1859
Dear Editor Thanks to Dr. Barry for the great insight in his editorial about post graduate ethics requirements for licensure. As a member of the Board that brought that resolution to the House of Delegates, I was disappointed to see that part of the resolution removed before going to a vote. The truth is, we have a significant ethics problem in our profession. Just ask anyone who has served on DQAC for at least a year, and I’m certain they will be happy to give you some true life examples. After passing the initial jurisprudence exam, how many of us seek out information about changes in laws that affect our practice? When is the last time you or your neighbor read the ADA Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct? Not only do laws and rules change often, but our Code is revised on an ongoing basis. Educating our profession in ethics, jurisprudence, and professionalism is sorely needed. Dean Joel Berg has made a commitment to making this a thread throughout the new curriculum at the UWSoD, and as Dr. Barry pointed out, there is CE available right now to make this happen after graduation. I can only hope that members like Dr. Barry will keep this idea alive, and a future House will realize the importance this brings to our profession. — Dr. Rod Wentworth Dear Editor — Jeff, thanks again for keeping our CNS dental neurons clicking. Am working on a plan to teach our larger Zoo primates to be dentists, this in a one-two year drill/fill/bill crash program. Main problem emerging is that while they seem able to handle most of the mechanical aspects of procedures, they have difficulty understanding the biological, psychosociological and bioengineering aspects of why. That may take longer. Most foreign BDS type dental degree programs require six years, the last being a required clinical practice internship, usually serving a national socioeconomic need. The outstanding BDS type students accepted into the UW IDDS program initially recieve extensive laboratory and pre clinical training. Also, ADA approved post-grad dental
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programs often require graduates of 3 year dental schools (which squeeze 4 academic years into three years, yep, students are in training full bore over the holidays and dog days of summer) to additionally take a GDR or have several years of practice experience. Now I was hoping you would write something about starting up a VDS (virtual dental school) program, where one could forego the rigors, inconvenience and costs of formal training, by web tripping thru the internet. Am told this is how my neurosurgeon was trained. Should I be worried? Yours for all things serious, — Jim McGraw, VDDS Dr. Parrish responds I’ve seen some dentistry that looked like it must have been done by some of your primates, but most of it was Russian. On the other hand, I had a Russian patient who had four nice posterior bridges done in a hotel room on the weekend by some illegal Russian dentist! So all very hard to generalize. For good or for ill, much of dental school probably won’t be taught on the net in our lifetimes, but I’m sure lots of the booking could be. The few countries where I have traveled and interacted with local dentists are five year post high school plus two years of public service, but, then again, their med schools are often that same time frame. I’m not suggesting that all dental schools look to that model or the USC/UOP model, but somewhere there must be a happy medium for many. As Joel and I have talked, not all schools necessarily need to be fully research equipped, but every one of them needs to know the research and have the attitude this is more than “monkey see, monkey do” to come back to your Woodland Park proposal. There are probably several ways to skin this cat (keeping it zoo-ish) but, bottom line are our standards for accreditation and certification of the “completed student”. That’s a challenge we will always face. But don’t get me started on the entire ethics picture; that, I fear, we as parents failed miserably in instilling with our kids and now our grandkids. Dental schools are a terrible place to try to patch that deficiency. Glad I keep you reading! — Jeff
letters to the editor wentworth, mcgraw
letters to the editor
wohf news give kids a smile, phone-a-thon
Planning a Give Kids A Smile event? Let WOHF help! Every February, dentists around the state hold Give Kids a Smile events, offering free oral health care to children without access to dental care. The Washington Oral Health Foundation would like to help make your event successful. At the WSDA and the Washington Oral Health Foundation, we’d like to help make your events accessible, successful and smooth running. We can help promote your event on the WSDA website, give you tips and pointers for GKAS events, and tell your event story in the WSDA News — we welcome the chance to promote the work you do in your practice to help your community. Additionally, the ADA can provide some of the supplies necessary to make your GKAS event a hit.
Dr. Lina Kim
Free toothbrushes and supplies
The Foundation may be able to help your group get free supplies (including toothbrushes, disposable instruments and hygiene kits, depending on the scope of your event) for your GKAS event.
Want to help in other ways?
If you’re not planning your own event but would still like to be involved, consider doing a school presentation in your community with help from the Foundation. WOHF can coordinate with your local school and provide all the materials you need. Call Ruth Abate at 800-448-3368, or email her at
2013 Toothapalooza
It’s that time of year again… WOHF Phoneathon
Again this year — more callers
The WOHF Phoneathon has always been the organization’s biggest fundraiser, carried
out by a cadre of dentists dedicated to the work the Foundation does around the state. Last year, the Foundation organized callers from around the state who rang up their colleagues throughout the month of March on behalf of the Foundation. “The results were spectacular,” said Dr. Dec Barnes of WOHF, “and this year, we’re hoping to keep up the good work.”
Reaching out
Barnes has a second goal for the event: callers will pick your brain about what is needed in your community. “Along with the appeal, we thought it was more important than ever to ask dentists what we can do for them,” he said. WOHF wants to support communities across the state to fulfill its mission of improving and enhancing oral health in Washington — but to be effective, the organization needs ambassadors in every corner of the state, illuminating the needs specific to your community. The Foundation provides programming and distributes oral hygiene kits to schools, organizes and serves as liaison between providers like Medical Teams International vans and the communities in need, and provides resources for WSDA members to use in their communities to help get the word out about oral hygiene and tobacco cessation.
Tell WOHF what you need
So, this year, when you get a call from a dentist volunteer asking you for a donation to the Washington Oral Health Foundation, take a moment to think about what needs your community has, and give that information to the person calling. “Tell us how we can work together and achieve that goal. We’re eager to partner with member dentists across the state.” For more information, contact Ruth Abate at
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JiWon Kang
WOHF welcomes two new staff members The Washington Oral Health Foundation recently added two new staff members to its roster. Ms. Launa Lea will be the organization’s Oral Health Education Programs Coordinator, and Ms. JiWon Kang will perform various duties with WOHF for a year as part of the Americorps Vista Program.
demonstrates excellent writing and grammar and shows great enthusiasm as well as a genuine commitment to service learning.” The WSDA and WOHF are proud to have JiWon as a member of the team for the next year!
Ms. JiWon Kang
Ms. Lea comes to the Foundation having most recently served as the Education Program Coordinator for the Aurora Commons, where she worked with individuals and families impacted by homelessness, addiction and prostitution along the Aurora corridor. Of her role with the organization, Lea said, “I had this amazing opportunity to take a theoretical idea and take it into a physical space. We had no rules or boundaries — they trusted a small group of us to make it happen. The goal was to create a neighborhood living room where homeowners and the homeless would share a physical space and experiences together in a place where they could be regarded equally.” Lea has a bachelor’s degree in interdisciplinary education and her masters degree in sustainable communities. In her role with the Foundation, she will perform school visitations throughout the state, bringing oral health education to communities that might otherwise go without. Additionally, as a former teacher, Lea brings a set of skills to the table that will help her grow and develop school programs for the organization. We are proud to welcome Ms. Lea to the Foundation!
Kang comes to the Foundation from the University of Washington, where she earned dual bachelor’s degrees in general biology and medical anthropology. While in school, she was a resident advisor and avid volunteer. She volunteered at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and assisted the UW’s Office of Minority Affairs and Diversity Recruitment and Outreach staff by encouraging minority students in target communities to pursue higher education. In addition to all that, she volunteered weekly as a partner to an elderly person with a disability and has used her skills as a second degree black belt in Taekwondo to train youth in sparring techniques. Kang comes to the Foundation through the Americorps Vista program, and will be with the Foundation for one year. The local Americorps Vista coordinator said, “JiWon is a local applicant who shares a personal commitment to closing the gap in health disparities and is far ahead other applicants in the use of culturally competent language and a general long standing social justice involvement. She is fluent in Korean (her family immigrated to the US when she was nine) and also speaks basic Spanish. She
Ms. Launa Lea
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wohf news wohf welcomes two new staff members
Launa Lea
Aaron Pershall - Randy Harrison SW WASHINGTON – Excellent, long time G/P collecting $400K+. Very nice, spacious, 4-op office with great access and off-street parking. SW ALASKA – Great G/P situated in a sportsman’s paradise! Collecting $700K+ working only 37 weeks per year! Associateship also available! FAIRBANKS, AK – Exceptional G/P collecting $1.8M+. Excellent cash flow and 100% fee for service! Newer facilities, CT scanner and more! Flexible transition options.
RURAL ALASKA – High profit practice collecting $350K+ working only 10 weeks per year! Includes small apartment and SUV. Perfect satellite practice! ANCHORAGE, AK – Exceptional G/P collecting $1.2M with low overhead! 5 ops, digital x-rays, pano and newer equipment throughout. KENAI PENINSULA, AK Wonderful rural G/P collecting around $500K in 2012. Long established practice includes a great staff, digital x-rays, laser, and pano.
JUNEAU, AK – G/P collecting around $1 Million. Great location with plenty of parking. Beautiful office boasts 5 ops, digital x-rays, pano, and plenty of space. Work back available as needed! ANCHORAGE, AK – G/P collecting $550K in 2012. Nicely appointed office boasts 6 ops, pano, and plenty of space. Merge your practice into a beautiful office and add patients!
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The first step in protecting yourself? Knowing you need to be vigilant about safeguarding your personal information. Awareness fosters behaviors that reinforce prevention. 1. Know the people and entities with whom you share your information; 2. Store and dispose of personal information in a secure fashion – especially anything containing your Social Security number; 3. Ask detailed questions before sharing personal information – Why it’s needed; how it will be used and safeguarded; the consequences of not sharing it. Be aware of the signs that could indicate a breach in identity security. Some include: • Bank withdrawals you cannot explain • You don’t receive bills or other mail • Merchants refuse your checks • Debt collectors call you about debts that are not yours • You find unfamiliar accounts on your credit report
What you need to know
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• Medical providers bill you for services/ procedures you didn’t have • The IRS informs you that more than one tax return was filed in your name continued on page 45
the source mercer advisors
Identity theft is escalating – both in rates of occurrence and manner of breach. Sadly, most of us know someone – if not ourselves – who’s been subjected to some degree of identity theft. Adding insult to injury? Given the growing repertoire of cyber infiltration methods used by today’s hackers, physical possession of your ID, credit/debit cards, or bank, brokerage, and investment statements is no longer required. Havoc can be wrought on your finances, credit, and even medical history, without anything ever leaving your wallet or files.
• Transitions • Valuations • Consulting • Accounting • Real Estate • Sales CONTACT
Downtown Seattle —General dental practice, $850,000 collections, 4 ops, digital x-rays, great opportunity for growth.
Olympic Peninsula—General Dental practice, $450,000 collections, 30 new patients per month, building for sale as well.
North Seattle—General Dental practice, $450,000 collections, 3 equipped ops, 4th plumbed op, digital x-rays.
Bellevue—Fully equipped practice with no patients. A block from Overlake Hospital. Great location.
Bellevue—Blocks from Microsoft, 2 year old practice collecting $250,000, digital x-rays and pano, good visibility.
Get started with a free consultation
South Sound—Perio practice, 3 ops, collections over $350,000, great location.
BRUSH 2 MINUTES, TWICE A DAY BRUSH 2 MINUTES, TWICE A DAY ©2013 Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives
©2013 Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives
4 4 · th e $PAC-078_DENTAL_WA-StateDentalAssoc_BW_3.5x4.75_Nov-Dec2013.indd wsda ne w s · issue 3, januar y · 2014 · 1 9/26/13 10:52 AM
Don’t make things easy for identity thieves: • Social Media: Anything accessible through social media should not be used as a password (ex: your own, relatives’, or pets’ names, birthdates) or as a security question to retrieve a forgotten password (ex: mother’s maiden name, birth city, name of high school) • Junk Mail: Opt out of pre-screened credit and insurance offers for 5 years or, better yet, permanently! Call 1.888.567.8688 or go to A reassuring note: the three nationwide credit reporting companies – Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion – operate the phone number and website. • Tech Disposal: Computers and mobile devices should be wiped clean of all personal data before recycling, donating, or tossing. Overwrite the computer’s entire hard drive and remove the memory or “SIM” card from a mobile device. It’s also a good idea to return the device to its factory-installed settings, thereby erasing all contact lists, call/ email and web search history. • Online Safety: Before sharing any personal or financial data online, ensure the presence of one or both of the following: a ‘lock’ icon on the status bar of your internet browser or a URL that begins with https:// - the ‘s’ stands for ‘secure’. Install a firewall on your computer as well as anti-virus and anti-spyware software. If you have a laptop, don’t use the automatic login feature that saves your user name and password, and remember to log off of any site once you are finished. • Trash Tips: When in doubt, shred it – receipts, checks, expired credit cards, any kind of statement that contains personal information. Also, destroy labels on prescription bottles before tossing them. • Wi-Fi Wisdom: A public wireless network is just that – PUBLIC. Wait to transmit personal or financial information from a secure network – not from a coffee shop, library, airport, or even a hotel room. • Stranger Danger: If you don’t recognize the sender, don’t open emails or attachments. Opening anything from a stranger could expose your system to a virus or
spyware that captures your passwords and keystrokes. These emails are called phishing emails. Instead, tag the email as junk and delete it. Likewise, if you are asked for personal information on the phone or via email, don’t provide anything unless you initiated the call or email. Instead, look up the company’s customer service number online, call them directly, and ask if they initiated a request for information. Finally, decline any “free” health, financial, investment, etc. service or product that require you to provide personal, financial, or insurance information in order to be eligible. • Taxpayer Tips: The IRS doesn’t initiate contact with taxpayers via email to request personal or financial information. If you receive any such communication, do not respond; rather, forward it to the IRS at • Free Credit Reports: You have the annual right to a free credit report from each of the three nationwide credit reporting companies. By staggering your requests, you can review your credit report every four months. • Password Protocol: Never use your Social Security number as a user name or password. Use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters – the longer, the better. It is also important not to use the same password for more than one account. Be creative and substitute numbers for letters (ex: ‘to be or not to be’ becomes 2B0rn0t2B; ‘baseball’ becomes Ba53ba11.)
If your identity is stolen, do the following immediately: Place an initial fraud alert Call one of the nationwide credit reporting companies: Equifax 1.800.525.6285, Experian 1.888.397.3742, or TransUnion 1.800.680.7289. Ask that a fraud alert be placed on your credit report. That company will then contact the other two – saving you time – and direct them to flag your credit report with a fraud alert. An initial fraud alert lasts for 90 days. Order your credit reports Each company’s report is slightly dif-
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ferent so it’s important to request a report from each company. You will be asked unique questions to confirm your identity when placing your order. Read each report carefully – if you see mistakes or signs of fraud, contact the credit reporting company immediately. Create an Identity Theft Report An Identity Theft Report can help you get fraudulent information removed from your credit report and stop collection attempts for debts caused by identity theft. Two documents comprise an Identity Theft Report: • A Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Affidavit – file a complaint with the FTC at or call 1.877.438.4338; • A police report – take your FTC Affidavit to your local police, or the police where the theft occurred, and file a police report. Secure a copy of the police report. Inform Your Bank and Credit Card Carriers Acting quickly limits your liability for unauthorized charges. Your liability for unauthorized credit card use is limited to $50. If you report the loss before the card is used, you aren’t liable for any fraudulent charges. Further, if your account number, but not the physical card, is stolen, you are also not liable for any unauthorized use. Your liability for unauthorized ATM/ debit card use depends on how quickly you report the loss or theft. If you report before it is used, you have no liability. If you report after it has been used, the following limits apply: $50 within 2 business days of learning of the theft; $500 if more than 2 business days but less than 60 days from statement receipt. If you are interested in learning more about protective measures you can take to safeguard your identity, please contact Yolanda Carbajal, CFP® in our Bellevue branch location at 888.642.4636 or at Sources: IRS, Federal Trade Commission. Mercer Global Advisors Inc. is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission and delivers all investment-related services. Mercer Advisors Inc. is the parent company of Mercer Global Advisors Inc. and is not involved with investment services.
the source mercer advisors
identity theft, continued from page 43
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wdia news life insurance
THE NEED FOR LIFE INSURANCE Even if you are experiencing some financial challenges, Life Insurance should never be thought of as a non-essential expense. If a family loses a main breadwinner, the financial consequences could range from simply challenging to totally devastating. Life Insurance is one of the most important things you can have to ensure that your family will be taken care of if something happens to you. Forty percent of American households would immediately have trouble meeting their basic living expenses if a primary wage earner passed away. Life Insurance coverage is an essential tool for protecting your family and your practice by making sure that your loved ones will be taken care of in the event of your death. Life Insurance ensures that their financial future is not left to chance. Having coverage can mean the difference between your family keeping their family home, your children having money for college, and your spouse having a means to retire.
Here are a few good reasons to purchase Life Insurance: • You are the main income earner for your family and they are dependent on your income. If you were to die tomorrow, your family would have trouble meeting their basic needs. • You have significant debt due to the home mortgage, student loans, practice loan, etc. that you do not want to burden your family with if you passed away tomorrow. • You do not want your family to be burdened with estate or other taxes that would reduce the estate your family receives when you die. • You have a special needs child who depends on your income for his or her care, probably for the rest of his or her life. • You are saving for your children’s private school or college education. If you passed away, the kind of education that you would like to provide for them would be financially out of reach. Although people are told by their financial planner, spouse and others that they need Life Insurance, they still find reasons for putting off purchasing a policy. But WDIA’s advice is to buy it now. First, the premiums for the same coverage will increase the older you become, so it will be less expensive for you to buy it now versus next year. Second, the longer you wait, the more you risk developing health issues that could increase your premium or make you ineligible for coverage at all. If you are ready to look at your life insurance options, please contact Washington Dentists’ Insurance Agency at 206-441-6824 or 1-800-282-9342.
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Matthew French Director of Insurance Services WDIA
“Forty percent of American households would immediately have trouble meeting their basic living expenses if a primary wage earner passed away.”
in memoriam drs. christianson, pihl, savage, taylor
In memoriam Dr. Daniel Miles Taylor
Dr. Daniel Miles Taylor passed away the 11th of November 2013 at his home surrounded by his loving wife and children. He was born in Long Beach, California on April 7, 1950 and was the oldest of four children belonging to Dr. Louis G. and Dorothy Taylor. As a young man, he excelled in sports and academics, both of which would lead him to success in life. He completed an undergraduate degree while becoming a two-time Academic All-American playing football for Brigham Young University. After marrying Cynthia Holbrook in Los Angeles, Cal. the 27th of April 1974, he completed the Dental program at the University of Southern California, followed by the Orthodontic program at the University of Washington. Dan and his family settled near Snohomish, WA where he practiced orthodontics and involved himself in the community. He became president of the Washington State Society of Orthodontics, a member of the American Board of Orthodontics, a member of the Edward H. Angle Society of Orthodontists, and an adjunct professor of Orthodontics at the University of Washington. Following his retirement, he and Cindy visited their children, making enough memories to last a lifetime. He enjoyed snow skiing, stamp collecting, snorkeling off the beaches in Hawaii, but most of all spending time with his family. A devout member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Taylor served a two-year mission to Taiwan as a young man. He would go on to serve in many church service and leadership capacities, inviting people to believe in Jesus Christ. All those who knew him will miss his patient, kind demeanor, quiet dignity, capacity for action, disciplined approach, and congenial sense of humor. Taylor is survived by his wife Cynthia; his children, Andrew, Amy, Ann Marie, Christine, Michelle and Juliana; his mother, Dorothy; his siblings; Steven Larkin, Andrew, Suzanne and David; and his 20 grandchildren.
Dr. John Andrew Savage
On Tuesday night, November 12, 2013 our loving husband, father, brother and dentist lost his life to kidney cancer while doing what he loved, hunting in Montana with two of his sons. He was born on January 17, 1954 in St. Louis, Miss. to Bob and Charlotte (Miller) Savage. Savage graduated from Langley High School in 1972. He completed a B.S. in Zoology and a B.A. in Anthropology at the University of Washington in 1978. He studied forensic anthropology at Central Washington University. He earned his dental degree in 1986 from the University
of Washington. In June 2013 he earned his fellowship in the Academy of General Dentistry. Dr. Savage was a member of the American Dental Association, WSDA and the Yakima Valley Dental Society. He met his wife Susan while working in Bethel, Alaska where he was a commissioned officer in the US Public Health Service at the Yukon-Kuskokwim Native Alaskan Hospital. They moved to Ellensburg in 1995 and started Mountain View Dental Center, PS. He and Susan were married August 5, 1995 in Fort Wayne, IN. His family was his world and his impact will be felt for generations to come. Savage is survived by his wife Susan and their eight children, Tyler, Trevor, Justin, Riley, Tommy, Andrew, Alison and Kelby. He is also survived by his father Dr. Bob B. Savage, his brother Rory (Jennifer) Savage and his sisters Steffi (Mike) Davis, Jennifer (Bob) Burnell, Jill (Frank) Litwiller and Becky Savage. John also leaves behind numerous nieces, nephews and great-nieces and nephews.
Dr. William Christianson
Everyone who knew Chris whether as Bill, Chris, Doc, Dad, Grandpa or Great Grandpa appreciated his great sense of humor and his stories. We will all miss him immensely. Dr. William “Doc” or “Chris” Christianson died at the age of 88 in Coupeville Washington on December 5th, 2013 following a lengthy battle with cancer. He is survived by his wife of 59 years, Patricia, in Coupeville, Washington; their daughter Kim Christianson of Cathlamet; sons Vic in Bellingham, and Ron and his wife Vicky of Shoreline; grandchildren Kristin Iacono and her husband Mikeof Everett, and Andrew and Nicholas Christianson of Shoreline, Washington; great grandchildren Isabella and Athena Iacono of Everett, WA. Christianson was preceded in death by his granddaughter Elisa Kaye, his sister Phyllis Parsons and her husband Don Parsons. He was born September 13th, 1925 in Seaview, Washington to Victor and Orpha Christianson, grew up in Longview with his sister Phyllis, and graduated from R.A. Long High School in 1943. He was an accomplished musician at an early age as both a pianist and trombone player. A favorite memory was playing as a teenager with a band that christened the Kalakala Ferry. He learned to snow ski on Mount St. Helens. Christianson served in the Army Air Force after high school during World War II and was part of his unit’s band.
He graduated from University of Washington with a Doctorate of Dental Surgery and began his dental practice in Mountlake Terrace soon thereafter. He also attended college at Lower Columbia and Montana State. He established his first dental practice in Mountlake Terrace. He met the love his life, Patricia Ward, through one of his first patients, “Van” VanNortwick at a musical. They were soon married on August 28th, 1954 in Longview. They moved and set up his practice in Cathlamet in 1955, where they raised their three children, Kim, Vic and Ron. “Doc” was the town dentist for over 35 years. He was very committed to the community in a variety of ways. He served on the board of the WSDA and was a fixture on the school board for Wahkiakum County. He was a member of the Longview Elks and the Lions Club. He was also known locally for his part in the Cathlamet Little Theater and as the villain in the frequent Melodrama productions. After retiring he and Pat settled in Coupeville, Washington and also spent some time wintering in Wellton, Arizona where they met new friends. We will all miss his great sense of humor. He was legendary for the telling of his Ole and Sven jokes. He always answered “How are you doing?” with “Better than most.” He was dedicated to his family and was a wonderful husband. He collected stories and retold them with enthusiasm.
Dr. Erik Pihl
Dr. Erik “Bill” Pihl passed away in the comfort of his home during the early morning hours of November 30th, 2013. his older brother, Per Ivar. He was named for his paternal grandfather, Erik Otto Pihl, and because Hildur and Hilding wanted him to also have a very American name, he was given “Billy” as a middle name. He was raised in a household steeped in Swedish culture, values, and faith that became guideposts for his long life of service to others. He was a member of the two oldest Swedish Lutheran parishes in the State of Washington: Gethsemane in Seattle and then Salem in Mount Vernon. Pihl grew up in the Sandpoint neighborhood of Seattle and then Bothell when the family purchased a farm on Pontius Road. Other siblings joined the Pihl household: Rose Ann, Ernest, Martin, Elsie and Karen. Theirs was a close and loving family and remains so to this day. A life-long Husky, Pihl graduated from the University of Washington where he recontinued on page 52
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GENERAL DENTIST WANTED —Employee Type: Regular; Employment duration: Full time; Location: YV Tech Dental Clinic; Offer Relocation?: Yes; Job Code: 2879. Description: The Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic is dedicated to providing services to an underserved population and is looking for dental professionals who understand the importance of giving back to their communities and who want to make a difference in the lives of others by providing the best patient care experience. We are currently in search of a General Dentist to provide dental services within our mobile dental unit and our dental clinic located at the YV Tech Campus. This is a split position with a schedule that alternates weekly between the two sites. The mobile unit travels to schools and Head Start Centers throughout Central Washington providing dental screenings, fluoride treatments, sealants, and other basic dental care for children. The dental clinic at YV Tech provides both, a fully staffed community dental clinic and a learning environment for dental assistant program students. The ideal candidate has a passion for family dentistry and enjoys teaching and mentoring others. He or she is flexible and enjoys the challenges of working multi-sites. Experience is highly desired. A few of our benefits include:competitive salary, great work/life balance, comprehensive benefit package to include health insurance, profit sharing, retirement, vacation & sick time, CME, and malpractice coverage, relocation package, loan repayment options, EDR in all of our clinics. Our Dental Services: Our comprehensive dental services include an AEGD residency program. We mentor fourth year dental students on rotation in our clinics and many of our faculty members receive affiliate appointments to the University of Washington, the Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Health, and the Lutheran Medical Center AEGD residency program. About Us: The Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic (YVFWC) is the largest community health center in the Pacific Northwest. We are dedicated to providing our patients with the highest quality care and offering them affordable healthcare options. YVFWC provide comprehensive medical, dental, and social services in over 17 Pacific Northwest communities. Our medical and dental services are complemented by behavioral health services, nutrition services, drug and alcohol treatment, an HIV/AIDS clinic, community health services, the Northwest Community Action Center (which provides employment, training, mentoring, and other case management and referral services), and a mobile medical and dental unit. The Pacific Northwest: You will have the added benefit of living in the Pacific Northwest, where you can enjoy spectacular wilderness areas, scenic ocean beaches, and
crystal-clear lakes and rivers. You can enjoy fresh seafood, fine Northwest wines, and a spectacular selection of fruits and vegetables. You will also be within an easy drive to a thriving metropolitan area, offering fine dining and shopping, theatres, museums, and world-class universities. If this sounds like the opportunity you have been looking for, please apply online or contact us to learn more about what we have to offer. Call us toll free at 877.983.9247 or email us at mission celebrates diversity. We are committed to equal opportunity employment. Apply Here: http://www.
ASSOCIATE DENTIST — North Seattle. Experienced dentist needed for our extremely busy, insanely growing, established general practice. Would like to share six operatories, times/days/hours negotiable. Please contact and send resume: (206) 715-9302 or
ASSOCIATE OPPORTUNITY — Associate general dentist opportunity, General Practice Residency preferred. Three days per week advancing to full time. Established practice in Bothell/Mill Creek area. Send resume GENERAL DENTIST — We are seeking a General Dentist for our growing group practice in Yakima, WA. We are looking for someone who is confident and friendly. Earnings are production based and we are busy! Guaranteed salary of $150K, though actual earnings are higher. Please contact Jolene Babka at for further information. PEDIATRIC SPECIALIST — Seeking an experienced General Dentist with experience with children or a Pediatric Specialist for our established practice in Eastern Washington. We are looking for someone who is proficient with children’s dentistry and loves working with kids. We have a very fun building and team! Earnings are production based we guarantee $225K. Please contact Jolene Babka at for further information. WASHINGTON GENERAL DENTISTS — Our goal is to partner with our patients and practice proactive dentistry. We have excellent opportunities for skilled dentists and specialists throughout Washington. For current practice openings please contact Nathalie La Chance: 503-952-2172 or and visit See our ad on page 50! PEDIATRIC DENTIST NEEDED: Busy multioffice Orthodontic practice is looking for a Pediatric Dentist to join the practice. Modern multi chair offices, existing large patient base and excellent staff awaits for the right individual for a great opportunity. Please email CV to
th e wsda ne w s · issue 3, januar y · 2014 · · 49
DENTISTS NEEDED — Dental Professionals is recruiting dentists for temporary and permanent positions throughout western Washington – Vancouver to Bellingham and the Olympic Peninsula. No fee to you and you pick the days and geographic locations that you are available to work. This is a great opportunity to earn supplemental income or find a permanent position. If interested please call Bob at (206) 767-4851. ASSOCIATE DENTIST — Prosthodontic/IV Sedation. Practice seeks experienced dentist to practice in the Woodinville area, state of the art equipment and facility. Please fax resumes to (425) 485-0764. PORTLAND, ORE. — Dentist opportunity. Do the clinical dentistry you want to do. We offer paths in which you can manage or open your own practice with profit sharing. GENERAL DENTIST WANTED — Olympia, Wash. Ownership position in $3M+ practice available for young dentist who would like to have integrate implant dentistry. If you do not have any implant experience we will train at our Seattle based Institute. Please email inquires to: ENDODONTIST WANTED — Busy, fee for service practice in Bellevue is looking for an Endodontist to work 1 or 2 days per month. Great compensation. Please email resume to ASSOCIATE WANTED — We are looking for a dentist to join our general dental practice in Bellevue one to two days per week. Must be personable and available Fridays. Please send resume to ENDODONTIST WANTED — Endodontist, Covington Wash. Endo training, WA dental license. Mail to: J. Hawken, NW Family Dental Care, 27081 185th Ave, #B105, Covington, WA 98042, Fax 253.981.4954 Or email RETIRED DENTISTS — Please consider investing 1-2 days helping low income children and their families in Warden and Royal City clinics ( Eastern WA). Compensation and lodging is available. Call Dorothy (509) 3497420.
classifieds issue 3, januar y 2014
Call 1-800-232-3826 for a free practice appraisal, a $5,000 value! AFTCO is the oldest and largest dental practice transition consulting firm in the United States. AFTCO assists dentists with associateships, purchasing and selling of practices, and retirement plans. We are there to serve you through all stages of your career.
Bridget Reilly Sheahan, D.D.S. has acquired the practice of Priti Bhat, D.D.S. - Spokane, Washington
Michael A. Giardino, D.D.S. has acquired the practice of Daniel R. Carey, D.D.S. - Seattle, Washington AFTCO is pleased to have represented all parties in these transitions.
Helping dentists buy & sell practices for over 40 years.
5 0 路 th e wsda ne w s 路 issue 3, januar y 路 2014 路
PERIODONTIST NEEDED — We are looking for a periodontist who would like to join a care giving team and become part of patient care. The periodontist may work two days a month. The periodontist should have few years of experience in placing implants. We are a successful practice in South Seattle and growing rapidly. Compensation is based on partnership basis with excellent earning potential. We also offer 401K, Health insurance, Vision and FSA to our employees. Please send your resume to or call us at (425) 647-4318.
ASSOCIATE WANTED-Seeking FT or PT experienced general dentist to join established family and cosmetic practice in Puyallup and Tacoma. This can also lead to a Buy In/Partnership opportunity if desired. Dentist must be skilled and personable and willing to be an integral part of the practice in our state of the art facility. Please e-mail resume to: or fax to: (253) 891-1442.
FOR LEASE —Vancouver, Wash. Next to Vancouver Mall. Brand new remodel 2,000 sq. ft., just move in equipment. Built-in cabinets, Pano room, private office. Very nice!
FOR SALE — A turn-key beautiful dental office is for sale in Bellevue Downtown area, next to Overlake Hospital. It is five op office, equipped with Adec chairs, digital intraoral and Panoramic x-rays, Midmark autoclave, intraoral camera, washer/dryer, lab equipment, monitors, TV and beautiful furniture. Everything you need to bring your patients and start working within a few days. Hurry, this offer will not last for long, as it is going for only $125,000. Emailcaringdentistry1@ or call (425) 558-9998.
PART-TIME GP IN BELLEVUE — We are looking for an associate in Bellevue to work 2.5 days Wed-Fri. More days possible. We are a top office in our area. Beautiful modern office with state of the art technology. Fantastic patients and team. Fully digital. Must be highly skilled and experienced. Please email resume to
DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PRACTICE? — I am a motivated private Wash. state licensed dentist with approved financing for purchasing a dental practice and building. Email keefejc@ or call Jason (509) 675-0029. Looking forward to hearing from you.
REDMOND –Outstanding and unique opportunity to practice here in a completed, beautiful space in a great location with excellent parking. If you want to practice in Redmond or want to upgrade your existing location get more information by calling Sandy at (425) 883-4099.
DENTIST OPPORTUNITY IN GRAHAM, WASH. — Seeking experienced dentist for busy, well established, successful, fee for service, group dental practice. Full-time position available. Excellent immediate income opportunity ($180,000 to $375,000 + per year) depending on productive ability and hours worked. Secure, long-term position. You can concentrate on optimum patient treatment without practice management duties. Modern well-equipped office with excellent staff, and lab services provided. If you are bright, energetic with a desire to be productive, very personable, and people oriented, and have great general and specialty clinical skills, Fax resume to Dr. Hanssen at (425) 484-2110.
OFFICE FOR SALE — General practice on the Olympic Peninsula in very desirable location for over 30 years. Collections consistently around $900,000. Experienced and talented team. Over 2,000 loyal active patients. Fourequipped ops.
FOR LEASE — Great location, over 2000 square feet, five operating suites in beautiful Olympia, conveniently located on Martin Way close to St. Peter Hospital. Over 30 years of quality dental care provided here. Contact Don at
OPPORTUNITY AVAILABLE — Opportunity for dentist interested in TMD/facial pain practice. Poulsbo Wa. Call (360) 981-8796,
ASSOCIATE WANTED — At Hilde Family Dentistry, our busy office has created an excellent opportunity for someone who wants to work hard, treat great patients, and work with a dedicated team. We provide all aspects of general dentistry to our patients, and overdelivery of customer service is our goal. Our office utilizes digital charting, digital x-rays, and other specialized equipment. Our administrative team will handle the marketing, generating new patients, and the management of the office. We are looking for a team player who is confident, energetic and a people person. We offer great income potential and excellent working conditions with a motivated team working towards a common goal. Position is for 2-3 days per week with opportunity for more hours. Please send resume or CV, along with a cover letter to We look forward to hearing from you!
GENERAL DENTISTS — Seeking FT and PT experienced general dentists for our offices in Lynnwood and North Seattle. Guaranteed salary plus additional benefits. Please Email your CV to or call 206-407-6804 for more information.
WEST SEATTLE PRACTICE FOR SALE — Five ops, great location and steady staff staff. Tons of work to be completed. Lots of specialty referred out. 660k in 2012. $429,503 contact John (503) 320-8991. FOR LEASE — Turn key and fully equipped dental office in greater Olympia area. Located with close proximity to I-5; great visibility and easy access. Suite is 2,000+ sq.ft., five operatories, great natural light, ample parking, staff lounge, and private office. Ready for immediate use, space available February 2014. Email: or call (360) 7894841. FOR SALE OR LEASE — Attractive dental office, 5701 Bedford St., Pasco, Wash. New construction in 2003. 3,450 sq. ft. main level with 1,350 sq. ft. basement. Complete details can be obtained from Derrick Stricker, NAI Tri-Cities. (509) 430-8533 or FOR LEASE-A great opportunity available for a general dentist or specialist, office in Silverdale, Wash, located on Dyes Inlet with a view of Mt. Ranier. Over 2,000 square feet with four operating suites. Dentistry provided there since 1985. Contact David at
th e wsda ne w s · issue 3, januar y · 2014 · · 51
FOR SALE — Lakewood WASH. Great location near the mall. Four op remodeled dental practice. Adec cabinets. Digital radiographs. Intra-oral camera. Kavo Handpieces. Very low overhead. Asking 175,000. Please send inquires to FOR SALE — Downtown Seattle dental practice for sale. Long-established, small boutique practice with three operatories, Dentrix, Dexis, and Kavo handpieces. The office is nicely appointed with Stelty cabinets, and monitors and computers in the operatories. Asking $225,000, send all inquiries to: SPACE SHARING OPPORTUNITY — Presently working three days/ week and have ample room to share space in our five chair downtown Seattle general practice office with in-house lab and technician. Bring your patients and staff and share the rent, utilities and supplies. Contact Rick Nicolini, DDS at (206) 310-5709 or OFFICE SPACE TO SHARE — Excellent opportunity for specialist who wants to work one or two days a week or a start-up practice for any practitioner. Front office support. Contact Breezy at (425) 481-1038 or email
classifieds issue 3, januar y 2014
in memoriam continued
in memoriam, continued from page 48
ceived undergrad, graduate and post-graduate degrees in dentistry and orthodontics. He was an ardent Husky fan and supporter of UW athletics. After dental school, he served as a Captain in the United States Air Force providing mobile dental services for remote bases in the Pacific Northwest. He married Louise Edholm on August 12, 1956; she was the great joy of his life. Bill and Louise moved to Mount Vernon, Washington in 1959 where he established his orthodontic practice. He and Louise have four children: Erik, Andrea, Arne, and Paul all born and raised in Mount Vernon. He was proud of each of them and he always admired their hard work and supported their passions. Pihl loved the Skagit Valley and the great outdoors: hiking, climbing, skiing, hunting and fishing were all avid pursuits. He loved nature and wild places, the sound of glaciers calving above an alpine tarn and sea spray coming over the bow. He was especially fond of fishing in Alaska with Louise and his brothers and sisters. Pihl brought that same energy and vision to a life of dedicated service to many local and national volunteer activities. Always ready and willing to lend a hand, He helped many organizations with both his philanthropy and his time. He was actively involved with Holden Village since its inception in 1962 and served on its Board in the 1960’s and 1970’s. In the 1970’s Pihl served on the Lutheran Church in America’s national World Hunger task force. He was an active member of Mount Vernon Rotary, an organization he admired greatly for its global impact and commitment to service above self. During the last decades of his life, he spent many hours with a shovel and his beloved backhoe moving trees and plantings for the Western Washington Fruit Research Foundation near Mount Vernon. Strong believers in access to higher education, He and Louise created a scholarship endowment in Hildur and Hilding Pihl’s name at Pacific Lutheran University. Pihl was preceded in death by his parents Hildur and Hilding, his sister Rose Ann, and his brother Ivar. He is survived by his wife Louise; children Erik, Andrea, Arne, and Paul; brothers Ernest (Zora) and Martin (Darlene); sisters Elsie Soule and Karen Leander; sisters-in-law Joan Pihl and Hazel Edholm; nieces and nephews; grand nieces and nephews; and his faithful hunting dogs Mocha and Flicka.
U n i v e r s i t y
o f
W a s h i n g t o n
sChooL of Dentistry
D e n taL
eDUCat ion January
24 Legal, Financial and Insurance Issues Facing the Dental Practice Timothy E. Proctor, CPA; Ann J. Durham, JD; Matthew French, Insurance Expert; and Kerri Seims, Insurance Expert
Open Wide! Clinical Pathologic Correlations for Today’s general Practice Darren Cox, DDS, MBA Jasjit K. Dillon, DDS, MD, BDS, FDSRCS
25 Computers and the Dental Office MOrnIng TOPIC: Technology Fundamentals AFTernOOn TOPIC: Advanced Technical Issues Marcus Bing, IT Expert
Law/Lewis Lectureship in Pediatric Dentistry MOrnIng TOPIC: An Update in restorative Care for Children Kevin Donly, DDS, MS AFTernOOn TOPIC: The Teeth Fall Out But the Body remembers: equipping Children for a Lifetime of Oral Health Travis Nelson, DDS, MSD, MPH
February 7-9 The Art and Science of Anxiolysis and Sedation in 2014 and Beyond – nitrous Oxide and Oral Sedation (or any combination thereof) Fred Quarnstrom, DDS, FADSA, FAGD, FICD, FACD, CDC David Donaldson, BDS, FDSRCS, MDS, FADSA, FACD, FAAOP, FICD Mark Donaldson, BSP, PHARM D, FASHP, FACHE 21 Understanding and Being Successful With Older Adults in Your Practice Janet Yellowitz, DMD, MPH 28 Treatment Planning guidelines for esthetics, Tooth Wear and Occlusion Terry Tanaka, DDS This course is co-sponsored with Seattle-King and Snohomish County Dental Societies.
28 ernest M. Jones Memorial Lecture The Internet: What’s Happening Today That Should Change the Way You’re Doing Business Lou Shuman, DMD, CAGS april 4
Update in Periodontics Faculty of the UW School of Dentistry Department of Periodontics
12 To Biopsy or not to Biopsy: Interactive Soft Tissue Oral Pathology for the Dental Practitioner Dolphine Oda, BDS, MS This course will be presented in Walla Walla, Washington
Online Courses at including Bloodborne Pathogens! Registration Information: REGISTER Telephone: (206) 543-5448 Toll Free: (866) 791-1278 NOW! For more detailed course information and to register online visit
University of Washington is an aDa CerP reCogniZeD ProviDer ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
5 2 · th e wsda ne w s · issue 3, januar y · 2014 ·
FOR LEASE — Factoria /Bellevue. 2,400 sq ft dental practice for sublease. Perfect location in medical/dental building for specialist or general dentist. We have negotiated excellent lease terms for this busy Bellevue area. Please email for more information.
MOBILE DENTAL SYSTEMS — Mobile dental operatory suitable for a variety of locations ie..assisted living, missionaries. Excellent condition stackable containers. Approximately 45 lbs. Contact (360) 981-8796.
CONSTANTINE BUILDERS INC. (CBI) — WSDA endorses CBI as their preferred builder of Dental facilities with over 25 years of experience from ground up buildings, renovations, remodels, and interior tenant improvement projects. All projects are completed on time and within budget. CBI provides the highest level of quality service with integrity that exceeds our client’s expectation. Please see our display ad on page two and website at for additional information and how you can become another satisfied client. Telephone (206) 957-4400, O. George Constantine.
NEXT/ANNIE MILLER & ASSOCIATES — New dental practice listings and sites for sale in Bellevue, Kirkland, Federal Way, Renton and Tukwila. Call today for tours and info. Annie Miller, Re Max Eastside Broker’s Inc. (206) 7151444 or email at FOR LEASE — Available for immediate occupancy. A fully plumbed dental office. 1,350 sq ft , three operatories, air, water, vacuum, nitrous oxide and oxygen, private office, lab, staff lounge, separate staff entrance. This office has exceptional exposure to the Southcenter Mall traffic. Call Diana at Medical Centers Management (253) 508-1293 OPPORTUNITY — Dental office for sale in Burien. 15+ years in the same location. Grosses over $350,000 a year, six operators and laboratory. Owner is retiring but will stagy for transition. Some financial available. Call JD at (206) 992-8771. FOR LEASE — 300 Pelly Ave N. Dental suite available in Renton, walking distance to the prestigious Landing, as well as Boeing. 1,361 sq. ft. on 2nd floor, with only two other dentists in building. Three operatories, open configuration, plumbed with electrical, air, vacuum, and plumbing. Corner lot with heavy traffic flow. Rate is $23.26/SF/Y NNN, Triple Net is $5.60 (incl utilities). Contact Dennis Schmuland (425) 417-1206. NEXT/ANNIE MILLER & ASSOCIATES — Providing consulting services to the dental community for the past 35 years. New practice start-ups, practice transitions, sales and valuations. Dental space planning and architecture; real estate leasing and acquisitions, employment benefits; staffing resources and training; financing. Call today for your free consultation…we can’t mint money for you, but we can sure save what you have now! Annie Miller (206) 715-1444. Email: USED/REFURBISHED EQUIPMENT — Adec, Gendex, Pelton Crane, Dentalez, Porter, Air Tech, Midwest, Midmark and etc. Lab equipment. Parts are also available for almost all equipment. Call Dental Warehouse at 800-488-2446 or
EQUIPMENT WANTED EQUIPMENT WANTED — Looking for w ide ra nge of used equipment. Adec, Kavo, Midmark, Pelton Crane, Midwest, Gendex, Air Techniques, Apollo, Porter, Cerec, Sirona. If you want to sell equipment, call (206) 260-3563. SERVICES EQUILIBR ATION SEMINARS — Learn a simplified method of performing equilibrations using models in this hands-on seminar. In just one half-day seminar you’ll learn how to: simplify the entire process, do a complete equilibration in about 30 minutes, and profit from doing it. Learn how to sell it, obtain insurance coverage and improve your bottom line. Dr. Culver has been doing these simplified equilibrations for nearly 40 years and he can show you how to do the same thing. Seminars in your area: Portland, Ore., Apr 25, 2014, Seattle, Wash., May 9, 2014, Vancouver, BC, May 23, 2014. Receive $75 off tuition by registering 20 days prior to the seminar date. For more information and to register go to LOCUM TENENS DENTIST — Want to take a vacation? Need a knowledgeable, reliable ad personable dentist to help with your practice while you’re away? Experienced locum tenens dentist will provide exceptional care to your patients. Over 25 years of private practice general dentistry. Serving all of Washington and Oregon. References available upon request. Contact Bob Houtz, DDS at (360) 457-9568. MOBILE I.V. SEDATION — Have your patients treated in your office with safe and proven techniques. Set your practice apart from others. Attract new patients. Increase quality referrals. Neil E. Bergstrom, DDS (360) 825-6596. GUEST DENTIST — Will fill in at your practice for maternity leave, injury, illness, family emergency, etc. 35 years of general dental practice experience. Personable and patient oriented. Dr. Ed Kardong (206) 842-6300.
th e wsda ne w s · issue 3, januar y · 2014 · · 53
Classified ads in the WSDA News is easy to arrange. Simply email your ad, the number of issues you would like the ad to run, your credit card number, expiration date and CVC code to and you’ll be set. If you prefer not to send your credit card information via email, you must first email your ad, then follow up with a phone call to provide your credit card information. Without the payment information, your ad will not run. Sorry, we do not bill for classified ads. Pricing is as follows: For members: $50 for the first 30 words, $1 per word for each word over 30. For non-members: $100 for the first 30 words, $1 per word for each word over 30.must be made via email.
classifieds issue 3, januar y 2014
A letter I hope to never receive in the future
WSDS $2 (M) Washington State Dentists Serving $2 [Management] Seattle, Washington January 1, 2016 Welcome Obamacare Enrollee!
Dr. Jeffrey Parrish “If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.” — George Patton
You are among those loyal citizens who managed to persevere against impossible odds and enroll in Obamacare. Thanks to the 2015 Washington Legislature, you are now entitled an additional benefit: dental care. As the provider of near-monopoly dental benefits in our State, our firm has been selected as the prime dental insurer. We know you have heard of our ubiquitous company, Washington State Dentists Serving $2 [Management]. We are pleased to offer WSDS $2 [M]’s Premier Omegacare dental supplement to Obamacare. As you are a current recipient of Medicare coverage (we know because we are especially good at accessing government data bases to check on our people), we want to highlight those features of our Omegacare coverage that will be of the greatest importance to you:* 1. Oral STD treatment (NSA tracks your cellphone and has informed us you spend winters in Arizona: hot tubs, seniors on steroids, etc.) You need this. 2. Sports mouth guards. 3. Prenatal oral fluoride drops. 4. Orthodontic care. 5. Sealants *Not covered: prophies, restorations, crowns, bridges, surgery and extractions Log on to the Washington State Exchange and sign up today. Our fees are extremely low (mostly because we’re desperate because 25% of our prior enrollees have had their policies canceled by Obamacare because they were substandard “junk” similar to the one we just introduced for TeaUnstationary, Inc). And if your income is less than the average 25 year old living in his mother’s basement, you will receive a subsidy that will be sent directly to WSDS $2 [M] so you don’t have to worry about writing that check. Don’t like our Premier Omegacare Plan offering, try our P.P.O. (Piss Poor Options) Plan. If you peruse our L.S.P. (List of Schnookered Providers) on the website, you will see we continue to defy P.T. Barnum’s axiom. And that, Dear Friend, in the insurance game, is pure gold—a restorative medium we will pay for at 2001 prices (of gold but not crowns). Check it out. And speaking of gold, we also offer our G.O.L.D. Plan: (Getting Out of Limited Dentistry). The providers under the G.O.L.D. plan take nothing but cash! The network is very exclusive and available to folks like Bill Gates and Insurance Execs. Looking forward to having your money, D’wire James, C-RipOff-O WSDS $2 [Management]
The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or official policy of the WSDA.
5 4 · th e wsda ne w s · issue 3, januar y · 2014 ·
“On a positive note, the video of the incident has gone on to become an internet sensation”
ACCIDENTS HAPPEN. WASHINGTON DENTISTS’ INSURANCE AGENCY CAN HELP Call us today and ask about the 10% discount we give to all WSDA members on disability insurance - just one more benefit of membership. Life Disability Long Term Care Professional Liability Practice Loan Protection Health Savings Accounts Business Owner Coverage Group and Individual Medical
Matt French · Kerri Seims 206.441.6824 · 800.282.9342
Risk Management Consultation Medicare Supplements and MedAdvantage Employment Practice Liability CyberSecurity Protection ERISA Surety Bonds
Washington Dentists’ Insurance Agency: DISABILITY INSURANCE
th e wsda ne w s · issue 3, januar y · 2014 · · 55
Sole broker for:
Washington State Dental Association 126 NW Canal Street Seattle, WA 98107
Feeling lucky? You may never really know how good your liability insurance company is until a claim is filed against you.
We understand the temptation to save money on things like insurance premiums. The problem is, when a malpractice claim is filed against you, you want the best service, the brightest minds, and the most capable attorneys on your side - answering your questions. Those other guys? They’re not as good as us, and they’re not local — and they simply may not be as easy to reach as we are. Go ahead, give it a try. Pick up the phone and call us today. We want to talk with you.
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At NORDIC, we take things personally sole broker for NORDIC
5 6 · th e wsda ne w s · issue 3, januar y · 2014 ·