practical profile „A philologist attractive at labor market”

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Be exceptional! shape your own profile

language studies

translation studies

translation interpreting specialized translation conference interpreting

language for special purposes

business tourism technical legal

specialized courses

tour guide course travel agency operation

language teacher training studies Bachelor Master of Arts

English ǀ German ǀ Spanish ǀ Italian

Partner organizations and institutions

Accreditations and certificates

Language studies – practical profile „A philologist attractive at labor market” program has been prepared with the cooperation of Høgskulen i Sogn oq Fjordane, Sogndal (Norway) and employers’ representatives


BA studies

BA studies – practical training modules Translation


An original translation specialization program at the undergraduate level allows the students to familiarize themselves with problems of translation, the necessary theoretical background and the ins and outs of the work of a translator. Practical exercises on general texts allow for the first attempts at translation. Practical exercises in specialized translation provide knowledge on professional vocabulary, grammatical structures and style of texts from selected specialized areas such as medicine, engineering, law, economics, art and the media. Studying translation allows students to prepare for work as a translator in business, foreign companies, government and media.

In united, intercultural Europe the demand for interpreters is steadily increasing. The interpreting module is an introduction to the broad field of interpretation and issues related to the functioning of an interpreter in the labor market. Students have the opportunity to acquire practical skills and learn techniques and tools that assist interpreters in their everyday work. The classes are taught by practitioners with extensive experience in interpreting, including simultaneous conference interpreters. Two fully equipped laboratories with booths for simultaneous translation are at the students’ disposal.

Language for Business

Language for Tourism

The ability to efficiently move about within an international working environment, approach tasks and projects in a flexible and creative way, adapt to the requirements of the modern labor market with ease – combined with proficiency in foreign languages – guarantee professional success. The training program in specialized business language provides the development of knowledge and language skills necessary to exist in the world of business, finance, marketing, advertising, economics, services and commerce. Specialist business knowledge and practical communication skills gained during the studies open new career opportunities in an international environment to graduates.

The constantly developing tourist services industry requires excellent knowledge of foreign languages and interest in the broad areas of tourism and touristic infrastructure, as well as topics related to the economy, culture and reality of a given country. The language for tourism training program was developed in cooperation with representatives of travel agencies and training institutions from tourism industry, in response to current market needs of the tourism sector. The aim of the module is to acquire knowledge, skills and competences needed to work in travel agencies or become a foreign tour guide, a resident or an airline employee.

Language for special purposes

Teacher training

Learning content within language for special purposes module focuses on issues related to the concept, analysis, creating and translation of texts in specialized language. Practical components of the module are carried out in the form of exercises on authentic texts of specialized disciplines such as law, medicine, economics, banking and corporate communication. The main objective of the module is to develop and improve the skills of effective communication with the use of special registers of language, particularly at the lexical and terminology level. The module is realized using materials and tools of the companies cooperating with the university.

The training program for foreign language teachers within undergraduate studies was developed by an experienced team of educators in accordance with the legal requirements and the highest standards of teacher training. It is a response to the growing demand for highly qualified foreign language teachers and trainers. The main objective of the module is to develop expertise, foreign language teaching practical skills and social skills necessary to work on the first and second stage of education, i.e. with children and youth in kindergartens and primary schools. Additionally, the students have an opportunity to become teachers of two foreign languages.





MA studies


MA studies – practical training modules Specialized translation


An original and innovative program of translation training was developed in cooperation with representatives of the translation and localization industry. The design of the program provides a comprehensive approach to training translators, catering also for developing their theoretical knowl-edge and practical skills improvement. Choosing translation specialization on MA studies provides reliable preparation for entering the job market of language services industry. A graduate can easily find employment not only as a translator, a proofreader or terminology and quality controller, but also as a valuable employee of multinational companies, corporations and organizations operating in various industries. The main objective of the module is to train future translators of specialized texts within a selected field, including medicine, engineering, economics, finance and law. The classes are conducted in computer laboratories by translation practitioners experienced in teaching translation, with the use of modern CAT software and translation dedicated software.

A nationwide unique offer of interpretation training was developed by experts and industry practitioners of interpretation. The purpose of practical training in this area is to familiarize students with the interpreting techniques and strategies as well as to develop and improve practical skills of interpreting texts on general and specialized topics such as law, economics, technology and medicine. The lecturers are qualified interpreters having practical knowledge and extensive experience in the field of interpreting services, including conference booth interpreting. The classes are conducted in state-of-the- art language laboratories designed for teaching interpretation, including professionally equipped interpreting booths. The leading method of education for the module is to simulate real conditions of a conference with the participation of interpreters by scenarios developed by the teachers. The WSF’s cooperation with translation agencies provides the highest level of education of future interpreters.

Language for special purposes

Teacher training

Communication skills, the ability to precisely express themselves and competence in creating and translating specialized texts in a foreign language are one of the most sought-after assets of a candidate in today’s global job market. A unique program of training in language for special purposeswas designed in response to the growing demand for employees who are familiar with specialized varieties of foreign languages. Skillful analysis, creating and translating specialized texts related to engineering, medicine, economy, computer technology, construction and architecture, tourism industry, as well as the texts created in a specific environment (e.g. corporate) allows students not only to constantly improve their language abilities but also expand their specialized knowledge. The classes are carried out in the form of individual tasks and group mini-projects, simulating real professional situations, with the use of ICT tools such as specialized corpora, concordance programs, CAT software and more.

Foreign languages skills are essential in the world today, therefore training foreign language teachers who can transfer their passion further is so important. Master’s degree within teaching specialization entitles the graduates to become a teacher in all types of schools in Poland and all countries of the European Union. The program is based on years of the WSF’s staff experience and expertise within teacher training, the latest trends in language teaching, including the use of modern information technology. The acquisition of psychopedagogical and educational competences and enriching prospective teachers’ workshop with substantive knowledge and practical skills in the assessment and use of appropriate methods, techniques, teaching materials or designing their own, original materials are just some of the assumptions of the teacher specialization program. Practice in schools or in the form of voluntary work allows the students to build their own teacher workshop to be used in state schools, language schools or companies already during the period of studies.




practical wyjÄ…tkowe

studia MA studies magisterskie

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Courses specialized for the labor market WSF students have major impact on their learning program. By choosing practical profile studies, they have the possibility to choose and freely combine courses from practical modules and other optional subjects from the WSF’s program. They create their own chances on the labor market, thus becoming attractive to a prospective employer. Specialized professional courses, taught in Polish, are available on all faculties for students of any professional specialization of first and second degree studies.

Tour guide course The unique program of the module preparing for the profession of a tour guide was designed by practitioners, representatives of travel agencies and touristic organizations. The main objective of the course and workshops is to prepare professional tourism personnel, efficiently operating in the country and abroad, who can easily find themselves in a multicultural environment. Workshops and field practice – at the airport or in a tour bus – shape the skills in organizing a tourist group, animating free time activities and resident care. After completing the course, students receive a WSF certificate and may also take the state exam for a foreign tour guide. By combining intensive language learning with practical skills, graduates easily find themselves on the job market of the tourism industry in various forms of professional activity as an entrepreneur running a travel agency, a tour guide, a resident or a tourism animator.

Travel agency operation and functioning A travel agency is a place where you can often see linguists in action. They are the people who know foreign languages fluently and are well informed in terms of intercultural issues. Knowledge and practical skills obtained by students choosing module of Travel agency operation, as well as their orientation in current trends of tourism development, ensure the smooth functioning of the future graduate as a tour operator. The aim of the module is to broaden the students’ knowledge in the field of tourist geography of the world, functioning of travel agencies, constructing a tourist offer and operating reservation systems. The practical classes are taught in modern computer labs with state-of-the-art specialized software used in tourism, including travel agencies, tourist companies, airlines or hotels.







Teaching methods inspired by the labor market Within the practical studies program a special role is played by extensive cooperation with representatives of the socio-economic environment in the development of the curriculum and methods of teaching. The main idea behind this solution is the students’ acquisition of knowledge, skills and social competences in simulated or real conditions by performing actions and tasks typical for the profession. The lecturers – linguists, translators and interpreters, language specialists in business and tourism, as well as representatives of travel agencies and training companies, ensure implementation of the program at the highest practical level. Thanks to their commitment, students have the opportunity to experience the authentic work environment

and to find themselves quickly and work effectively in the actual work environment as graduates. On-the-job trainings and internships done during the studies are very important in training future employees of companies and corporations, including international ones. Social skills and competences acquired during trainings or internships are a direct result of the students’ performance of practical tasks, roles and duties in the organization as well as of the responsibility given to them. During their trainings students are both observers and active participants in the work environment. They focus on performing individual tasks and assignments related to their chosen field of specialization and the efficient use of language proficiency in practice.

Practical learning through action and in action Everyday close cooperation with the practitioners of business community as well as tourism and language services enabled the creation of teaching methods based on the principle of learning by doing. Such innovative and student-activating forms are connected by one main goal – to learn and experience a new environment and use a foreign language in professional communication. Students and teachers plan together and take mutual responsibility for project implementation, while the function of a teacher is of an advisor and supervisor. Projects carried out in this way are based on the performance of specific professional tasks, during which the use of linguistic knowledge and expertise is connected with action. Choosing the translation specialization, students may be faced with issues related to localization of a company website or translating specialist technical specification, whereas future teachers – with the task of developing educational language game. Creative use of knowledge and skills in action allows the students to develop their passion, put ideas into action, as well as to verify their performance under the guidance of experienced practitioners and potential employers.




practical bez ograniczeń



Practical learning in a modern surrounding In order to provide students with the best educational conditions, projects and practical workshops, the WSF constantly takes care of the highest quality of class equipment, including e-learning, computer and interpreting laboratories. The practical training of future translators, teachers, editors and business assistants requires the use of professional specialized hardware and software. The WSF’s ambition is to consistently and systematically expand the multimedia and specialized resources and to develop the professional software and specialized tools. Modern educational infrastructure provides students with the opportunity to learn about technological tools used by linguists, including the practice of a professional interpreter, a tour guide or a foreign language teacher. Students are prepared to successfully enter the job market – through practical exercises, trying their hand at simulated conditions of an international professional environment.

Language interpretation laboratories WSF students have the opportunity to study and practice interpreting, including simultaneous interpretation, in two state-of-the-art interpretation laboratories. Each of them has twenty-two stations equipped with transceiver devices, including four authentic interpretation booths. The laboratories are equipped with software for learning interpreting and a digital language laboratory. The combination of these two systems allows to simulate the operating conditions of an interpreter, imitating typical situations during a conference, communicating between the instructor and students and linking students in groups. The WSF laboratories are the only didactic infrastructure of that type in Lower Silesia. The unique offer of interpretation training has been designed in accordance with the EU standards, taking into account all the possibilities and functions of the booths.

Portal supporting career development The students’ professional development is one of the basic principles of education on the practical profile studies. In order to provide students and graduates with the latest tools to assist them in the recruitment process WSF created an innovative portal that provides a forum for communication with employers. Some of the portal’s functions include posting a variety of training materials, job offers, internships and on-the-job trainings. By using the website, an employer can easily find a candidate for the job, while a student or a graduate – an attractive place to work.




Cooperation bez ograniczeń

with practitioners


With Employers, for Students and the labor market e

In order to ensure the highest quality of education meeting the requirements of the sector of language and translation services and the contemporary labor market, WSF cares about cooper-ation with the socio-economic environment, business representatives, language education and training services market, translation agencies, travel agencies and schools. The cooperation with business and institutional partners focuses primarily on aligning practical profile curricula to labor market needs and requirements. Employers cooperating with the WSF, representatives of C&M Localization Center, Funmedia, Oświata, Pro-Staff Poland, El Sueño and tour agency Centrum Podróży Planeta reviewed and highly appreciated the practical programs developed under the project, thanks to which WSF graduates broaden prospects for their career development.

C&M Localization Center provides language services in the field of software and website localization, as well as translation services within specialized fields, including legal, technical, medical, marketing texts. It has been operating on Polish and European markets for over 10 years. In addition, C&M engages in educational initiatives and actively promotes cultural and educational institutions, also through training and instruction. C&M employs translators, proofreaders and editors.

Funmedia is the leading company of Polish elearning industry, specializing in the creation of multimedia online courses. It offers interactive language courses created in accordance with the latest e-learning developments and specialized trainings. The company successfully cooperates with schools, universities, libraries and business organizations. Currently, Funmedia courses are used by almost half a million users in 42 countries worldwide

Oświata Spółdzielnia Pracy is a modern, dynamic educational institution, operating in Lower Silesia. The main area of concern of the company is to promote economic development through the implementation of training and consulting services. It specializes in organizing professional training courses for managers and employees of public and private institutions. The company cooperates with tour guides, tourist agencies, residents and free time animators.

Pro-Staff Poland is a Slovak recruitment agency operating in the tourism industry. Its main area of operation is searching for candidates to work in tourism, particularly animators. Thanks to its activities, many tourist resorts in Europe and around the world acquire employees who are fluent in foreign languages. Pro-Staff Poland employs highly qualified multilingual staff with high language competences within English, German, Spanish and many more.

El Sueño is a network of modern language schools specializing in teaching Spanish, operating in Wroclaw, Poznan and Opole. The company also organizes linguistic-cultural trips and camps in Spain. It employs qualified teachers of Spanish, offering its customers attractive language classes. El Sueño is also involved in the organization of events related to the Spanish culture and conducts flamenco courses.

Centrum Podróży Planeta is a travel agency offering travel services in selling tours of over 40 largest tour operators in Poland, coach tickets for international trips and airline tickets. It cooperates with the largest travel agencies in Poland, including Wezyr Holidays, Itaka and Neckermann. Its employees require excellent knowledge of foreign languages and specialized skills in operating reservation systems.




Have you already found

Your professional profile? be exceptional and become a professional translator

be exceptional and become an interpreter

be exceptional and become

a specialist in an international environment

be exceptional and become a tourism industry employee

be exceptional and become a foreign language teacher

be exceptional and become whoever you want

Wyższa Szkoła Filologiczna we Wrocławiu ul. Sienkiewicza 32, 50–335 Wrocław tel. 71 328 14 14

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