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Monterey Park Point of Sale Inspection Victory
from Winter 2013
by Albert Tran
SAN GABRIEL, CA, OCTOBER 2, 2013: The West San Gabriel Valley Associa on of REALTORS® legisla ve team helped to rescind point‐of‐sale inspec on ordinance.
The West San Gabriel Valley Associa on of REALTORS® reports that the city of Monterey Park has voted to rescind an ordinance that requires inspec ons at the point‐of‐sale. A staff report showed that the program was a money loser. It stated that while revenue to the city from fees charged for the inspec ons of residen al and commercial property was slightly more than $108,000 in the 2012‐2013 fiscal year, the cost to conduct those inspec ons was nearly $200,000. The legisla ve team from the West San Gabriel Valley Associa on of REALTORS® spoke before the council in favor of rescinding the ordinance, and were the only members of the public to do so. The council voted unanimously in favor of rescinding the program.
Broker/Owner Session – A Risk Management Panel Discussion
West San Gabriel Valley Associa on of REALTORS® held a panel discussion on September 27, 2013 focusing on risk management for brokers and owners. During the panel discussion several hot topics were covered including the integrity of a real estate transac on, problem issues most commonly asked on California Associa on of REALTORS® Legal Hotline, issues at the California Bureau of Real Estate and the Bureau’s posi on on them, CalBRE property management inves ga ons and how to avoid them, and more. The panelists speaking on these topics were Andy I. Chen, former General Auditor for the Department of Real Estate; William L. Jansen, President of Broker Risk Management; Neil D. Kalin, Assistant General Counsel of the California Associa on of REALTORS®; Mary E. Work, Partner of Manning & Kass, Ellrod, Ramirez, Trester, LLP and the discussion was moderated by David Fu, Esquire of David Fu & Associates. Over 120 members were in a endance and gained insigh ul knowledge from our panelists.