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NAR Expo
from Winter 2013
by Albert Tran
Na onal Associa on of REALTORS® 2013 Conference & Expo Rise to New Heights San Francisco, CA
The Na onal Associa on of REALTORS® (NAR) held its annual Conference and
Expo in San Francisco from November 8‐11, 2013. The Conference featured Former Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton as the keynote speaker and had over 100 educa on sessions covering topics such as broker management, business technology, commercial, green, hot topics, innova on, interna onal, land, legal issues, market segments/niches, professional and personal growth, sales and marke ng, and more. There were over 400 Expo exhibitors and the overall conference and expo provided a great pla orm to learn new ideas and connect with REALTORS® from around the world.
WSGVAR Awarded 2013 Ambassador Association of the Year!
NAR presented WSGVAR with the 2013 Outstanding Ambassador Associa on Award during the Conference and Expo on November 7, 2013. WSGVAR is the Ambassador Associa on to Taiwan and Malaysia and has been hos ng inbound and outbound trade missions with both countries for several years. Most recently, WSGVAR hosted the Chinese Associa on of Real Estate Brokers from Taiwan in
San Francisco on November 9, 2013 and at the WSGVAR Office on November 12, 2013 (more informa on is on page 11). WSGVAR is honored to have received this pres gious award from NAR.