2 minute read


BELT UP all passengers are my responsibility

RESPECT THE HIGHWAY CODE rules are there to protect us all


OBEY THE SPEED LIMIT my car is made of metal, pedestrians and children are not CHECK MY TYRES both for wear and for correct inflation, including the spare

DRIVE SOBER when I am drunk or on drugs, I am a danger on the road

PROTECT MY CHILDREN keep them safe in car seats

PAY ATTENTION calling and texting make me dangerous

STOP WHEN I’M TIRED getting there late is better than not at all

WEAR A HELMET motorbikes and bicycles don’t protect my head

BE COURTEOUS AND CONSIDERATE respect other drivers

For the first time this season, the Italian F4 Championship certified by FIA crosses the Italian border and continues north, towards Belgium. The destination is a very special place: Spa-Francorchamps. Not a circuit like any other, but a true symbol of motorsport. The greatest sporting battles in the history of Formula 1 took place here. How can we ever forget the exciting and famous duel between Mika Häkkinen and Michael Schumacher in the now distant 2000, so much so that its seven kilometres of straights, bends and ups and downs earned it the title of the “University of motoring”. ACI Sport and WSK Promotion never leave anything to chance and always try to give the best of the best to their drivers: this is precisely why the Belgian track has once again found space in the italian series calendar, after the excellent debut which took place last year. For all those young people who dream of racing in F1, Spa is the perfect place to train, improve and… Win! The right opportunity to compete on one of the most selective tracks on the planet, to understand, once and for all, the level of challenges that drivers who want to reach the top in motorsport must know how to face. Throughout their career and already today, here at Spa-Francorchamps.

Per la prima volta in questa stagione, l’Italian F4 Championship certified by FIA oltrepassa i confini italiani e procede verso nord, direzione Belgio. La meta è un posto davvero speciale: Spa-Francorchamps. Non un circuito come tutti gli altri, ma un vero e proprio simbolo dell’automobilismo sportivo. Qui si sono consumate le più grandi battaglie sportive della storia della Formula 1 - come non ricordare l’appassionante quanto celebre duello tra Mika Häkkinen e Michael Schumacher nell’ormai lontano 2000 - tanto che i suoi sette chilometri di rettilinei, curve e saliscendi gli sono valsi l’appellativo di “università dell’automobilismo”.

ACI Sport e WSK Promotion non lasciano mai nulla al caso e cercano sempre di offrire il meglio del meglio ai propri piloti: per questo motivo, la pista belga ha trovato di nuovo spazio nel calendario della serie italiana, dopo l’eccellente debutto avvenuto lo scorso anno. Per tutti quei giovani che sognano di arrivare a correre in F1, Spa è il posto perfetto per potersi allenare, crescere e… Vincere! L’occasione giusta per misurarsi con una delle piste più selettive del pianeta, per comprendere, una volta per tutte, il livello delle sfide che un pilota che vuole arrivare al vertice del motorsport deve sapere affrontare. Per tutta la carriera e già oggi, qui a Spa-Francorchamps.


2023 Italian F4

Championship certified by FIA Round 3

REPORT Rd.2 / Race 1 pages 2 - 3

REPORT Rd.2 / Race 2 pages 4 - 5

REPORT Rd.2 / Race 3 pages 6 - 7

GALLERY pages 8 - 9


FOCUS pages 12 - 13

NEWS & ENTRY LIST pages 14 - 15


Informational advertising material. Based on an idea by Luca De Donno, created by Sorridi Editore.

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