Italian F.4 Championship Rd.3 2023 | SPA

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all passengers are my responsibility

RESPECT THE HIGHWAY CODE rules are there to protect us all


my car is made of metal, pedestrians and children are not CHECK MY TYRES

both for wear and for correct inflation, including the spare


when I am drunk or on drugs, I am a danger on the road

PROTECT MY CHILDREN keep them safe in car seats


calling and texting make me dangerous


getting there late is better than not at all


motorbikes and bicycles don’t protect my head

BE COURTEOUS AND CONSIDERATE respect other drivers

The FIA supports the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety

For the first time this season, the Italian F4 Championship certified by FIA crosses the Italian border and continues north, towards Belgium. The destination is a very special place: Spa-Francorchamps. Not a circuit like any other, but a true symbol of motorsport. The greatest sporting battles in the history of Formula 1 took place here. How can we ever forget the exciting and famous duel between Mika Häkkinen and Michael Schumacher in the now distant 2000, so much so that its seven kilometres of straights, bends and ups and downs earned it the title of the “University of motoring”. ACI Sport and WSK Promotion never leave anything to chance and always try to give the best of the best to their drivers: this is precisely why the Belgian track has once again found space in the italian series calendar, after the excellent debut which took place last year. For all those young people who dream of racing in F1, Spa is the perfect place to train, improve and… Win! The right opportunity to compete on one of the most selective tracks on the planet, to understand, once and for all, the level of challenges that drivers who want to reach the top in motorsport must know how to face. Throughout their career and already today, here at Spa-Francorchamps.

Per la prima volta in questa stagione, l’Italian F4 Championship certified by FIA oltrepassa i confini italiani e procede verso nord, direzione Belgio. La meta è un posto davvero speciale: Spa-Francorchamps. Non un circuito come tutti gli altri, ma un vero e proprio simbolo dell’automobilismo sportivo. Qui si sono consumate le più grandi battaglie sportive della storia della Formula 1 - come non ricordare l’appassionante quanto celebre duello tra Mika Häkkinen e Michael Schumacher nell’ormai lontano 2000 - tanto che i suoi sette chilometri di rettilinei, curve e saliscendi gli sono valsi l’appellativo di “università dell’automobilismo”.

ACI Sport e WSK Promotion non lasciano mai nulla al caso e cercano sempre di offrire il meglio del meglio ai propri piloti: per questo motivo, la pista belga ha trovato di nuovo spazio nel calendario della serie italiana, dopo l’eccellente debutto avvenuto lo scorso anno. Per tutti quei giovani che sognano di arrivare a correre in F1, Spa è il posto perfetto per potersi allenare, crescere e… Vincere! L’occasione giusta per misurarsi con una delle piste più selettive del pianeta, per comprendere, una volta per tutte, il livello delle sfide che un pilota che vuole arrivare al vertice del motorsport deve sapere affrontare. Per tutta la carriera e già oggi, qui a Spa-Francorchamps.


2023 Italian F4

Championship certified by FIA Round 3

REPORT Rd.2 / Race 1 pages 2 - 3

REPORT Rd.2 / Race 2 pages 4 - 5

REPORT Rd.2 / Race 3 pages 6 - 7

GALLERY pages 8 - 9


FOCUS pages 12 - 13

NEWS & ENTRY LIST pages 14 - 15


Informational advertising material. Based on an idea by Luca De Donno, created by Sorridi Editore.

by Luca De Donno


RD.2 / RACE 1

11. Spina - 12. Egozi - 13. Bhirombhakdi - 14. Larini - 15. Blokhina

16. Quondamcarlo - 17. Beeton - 18. Akhmedkhodjaev - 19. Quintarelli

20. Elkin - 21. Frassineti - 22. Ischer - 23. Domingues - 24. Luchetti

25. Hwarang - 26. Ferreira - 27. Nobels - 28. Liu - NC. Bohra NC. Narac - NC. Hausmann - NC. Lund - NC. David

Pole Position: Taponen Tuukka [ 1’34.870 ]

Best lap: Sztuka Kacper [ 1’35.281 ]

Everyone with TATUUS F4-T421 chassis, ABARTH engine, PIRELLI tires.

2 REPORT - RD.2 / RACE 1
P. N. Name Team Time 1 8 Taponen Prema Racing 32’02.072 2 23 Lindblad Prema Racing + 0.413 3 13 Wharton Prema Racing + 1.780 4 37 Sztuka US Racing + 2.308 5 15 Badoer Van Amersfoort Racing + 3.675 6 3 Ugochukwu Prema Racing + 3.725 7 14 Al Dhaheri Prema Racing + 4.050 8 47 Lacorte Prema Racing + 9.256 9 12 Pradel US Racing + 17.511 10 10 Kluss PHM Racing + 17.762
1 8 Tuukka Taponen Prema
Racing 2 23 Arvid Lindblad Prema Racing 3 13 James Wharton Prema Racing 37 Kacper Sztuka US Racing

Tuukka Taponen (Prema Racing) won for the first time in the Italian F4 Championship certified by FIA. The Finn started perfectly from pole position, obtained during Friday’s qualifying and maintained his position ahead of Arvid Lindblad (Prema Racing), James Wharton (Prema Racing) and Ugo Ugochukwu (Prema Racing). After just a few minutes, the safety car intervened on the track to momentarily interrupt the competition, due to an accident at the rear. At the subsequent restart, Taponen tried to gain ground on his direct pursuers, but Lindblad didn’t give in and, on the contrary, remained glued to the leader of the race. The Prema Racing driver kept his nerve and crossed the chequered flag first, 0.413 seconds ahead of Lindblad. Wharton took the lowest step of the podium, while Kacper Sztuka (US Racing) and Brando Badoer (Van Amersfoort Racing) overtook Ugochukwu and finished fourth and fifth respectively, with the American coming sixth.

Arriva la prima vittoria di Tuukka Taponen (Prema Racing) nell’Italian F4 Championship certified by FIA. Il finlandese scatta perfettamente dalla pole position, ottenuta nel corso delle qualifiche di venerdì, e mantiene la propria posizione davanti ad Arvid Lindblad (Prema Racing), James Wharton (Prema Racing) e Ugo Ugochukwu (Prema Racing). Già dopo pochi minuti, interviene in pista la safety car a interrompere momentaneamente le ostilità, a causa di un incidente nelle retrovie. Nella successiva ripartenza, Taponen prova ad allungare sui diretti inseguitori, però Lindblad non cede e, anzi, rimane incollato al leader della gara. Il pilota Prema Racing mantiene i nervi saldi e transita per primo sotto la bandiera a scacchi, con 0.413 secondi di vantaggio su Lindblad. Wharton conquista il gradino più basso del podio, mentre Kacper Sztuka (US Racing) e Brando Badoer (Van Amersfoort Racing) scavalcano Ugochukwu e chiudono rispettivamente quarto e quinto, con lo statunitense sesto.

Brando Badoer Van Amersfoort Racing 10 Valentin Kluss PHM Racing 9 Alfio Spina BVM Racing 62 Manuel Quondamcarlo AS Motorsport


RD.2 / RACE 2

Pole Position: Lindblad Arvid [ 1’34.362 ]

Best lap: Lindblad Arvid [ 1’34.958 ]

4 REPORT - RD.2 / RACE 2 1 23 Arvid Lindblad Prema Racing 2 13 James Wharton Prema Racing 3 3 Ugo Ugochukwu Prema Racing
17 Ivan Domingues Van Amersfoort Racing Everyone with TATUUS F4-T421 chassis, ABARTH engine, PIRELLI tires.
P. N. Name Team Time 1 23 Lindblad Prema Racing 31’58.059 2 13 Wharton Prema Racing + 3.555 3 3 Ugochukwu Prema Racing + 4.436 4 8 Taponen Prema Racing + 4.963 5 17 Domingues Van Amersfoort Racing + 7.698 6 20 David US Racing + 8.151 7 31 Bohra US Racing + 8.639 8 15 Badoer Van Amersfoort Racing + 12.053 9 9 Spina BVM Racing + 15.027 10 12 Pradel US Racing + 15.479
11. Lacorte - 12. Egozi - 13. Ischer - 14. Elkin - 15. Liu - 16. Bhirombhakdi 17. Beeton - 18. Kluss - 19. Frassineti - 20. Hwarang - 21. Blokhina 22. Quondamcarlo - 23. Luchetti - 24. Quintarelli - 25. Narac NC. Akhmedkhodjaev - NC. Lund - NC. Sztuka - NC. Ferreira NC. Larini - NC. Nobels - NC. Al Dhaheri

The second race of the Italian F4 Championship certified by FIA at Misano Adriatico saw Arvid Lindblad (Prema Racing) return to victory. The Briton, in pole position on the starting grid, raced away from everyone when the traffic lights went out and immediately took command of the race, with Ugo Ugochukwu (Prema Racing), James Wharton (Prema Racing) and Tuukka Taponen (Prema Racing) immediately in pursuit. Lindblad imposed his own pace and quickly got away from his teammates, who were therefore forced to “limit themselves” to the fight for second place. Halfway through the race, Wharton successfully overtook Ugochukwu and finished over 3 seconds behind the winner Lindblad. Ugochukwu still achieved the lowest step of the podium, while Taponen finished in fourth place. Ivan Domingues (Van Amersfoort Racing), who came fifth, effectively recovered from tenth place, ahead of Zachary David (US Racing), who came sixth, and Akshay Bohra (US Racing), who came seventh.

La seconda gara dell’Italian F4 Championship certified by FIA a Misano Adriatico vede Arvid Lindblad (Prema Racing) tornare alla vittoria. Il britannico, in pole position sullo schieramento di partenza, brucia tutti allo spegnimento dei semafori e prende subito le redini della corsa, con Ugo Ugochukwu (Prema Racing), James Wharton (Prema Racing) e Tuukka Taponen (Prema Racing) subito al suo inseguimento. Lindblad impone il proprio ritmo e stacca velocemente i propri compagni di squadra, costretti dunque a “limitarsi” alla lotta per la seconda posizione. A metà corsa, Wharton scavalca con successo Ugochukwu e chiude con oltre 3 secondi di distacco dal vincitore Lindblad. Ugochukwu ottiene comunque il gradino più basso del podio, mentre Taponen termina in quarta posizione. Rimonta efficace dal decimo posto per Ivan Domingues (Van Amersfoort Racing), quinto classificato, davanti a Zachary David (US Racing), sesto, e Akshay Bohra (US Racing), settimo.

5 29 Ariel Elkin
63 Guido Luchetti Airflow Racing 31 Akshay Bohra US Racing
18 Andrea Frassineti BVM Racing


RD.2 / RACE 3

11. Egozi - 12. Pradel - 13. Liu - 14. Ferreira - 15. Larini - 16. Ischer

17. Kluss - 18. Bhirombhakdi - 19. Narac - 20. Quondamcarlo

21. Hwarang - 22. Quintarelli - 23. Luchetti - 24. Lund

25. Akhmedkhodjaev - 26. Blokhina - 27. Frassineti - 28. Wharton

NC. Badoer - NC. Elkin - NC. Beeton

Pole Position: Lindblad Arvid [ 1’34.417 ]

Best lap: David Zachary [ 1’35.149 ]

Everyone with TATUUS F4-T421 chassis, ABARTH engine, PIRELLI tires.

6 REPORT - RD.2 / RACE 3
1 23 Arvid Lindblad Prema Racing 2 3 Ugo Ugochukwu Prema Racing 3 20 Zachary David US Racing 48 James Egozi PHM Racing
P. N. Name Team Time 1 23 Lindblad Prema Racing 31’56.478 2 3 Ugochukwu Prema Racing + 2.731 3 20 David US Racing + 3.252 4 37 Sztuka US Racing + 6.554 5 8 Taponen Prema Racing + 11.095 6 14 Al Dhaheri Prema Racing + 16.918 7 17 Domingues Van Amersfoort Racing + 22.600 8 47 Lacorte Prema Racing + 23.190 9 9 Spina BVM Racing + 24.183 10 31 Bohra US Racing + 25.741

Arvid Lindblad (Prema Racing) rounded off the weekend of the Italian F4 Championship certified by FIA in Misano Adriatico. Once again in pole position, the Briton got off to a perfect start and was ahead of Ugo Ugochukwu (Prema Racing), Zachary David (US Racing) and James Wharton (Prema Racing) at the first bend, while Brando Badoer (Van Amersfoort Racing) remained stationary with own car on the fourth starting pitch. Lindblad repeated what he did in race 2, that is, he accumulated an advantage over his direct pursuers lap after lap and became unreachable. The Prema Racing driver crossed the finish line first again, with a gap of 2.731 seconds on his teammate Ugochukwu, who came second. David earned the lowest step of the podium, while Wharton was involved in an off-piste: Kacper Sztuka (US Racing) thanked the Australian and finished fourth, followed by Tuukka Taponen (Prema Racing), who came fifth, and Rashid Al Dhaheri (Prema Racing), who came sixth.

Arvid Lindblad (Prema Racing) chiude in bellezza il weekend dell’Italian F4 Championship certified by FIA a Misano Adriatico. Ancora una volta in pole position, il britannico scatta perfettamente al via e precede Ugo Ugochukwu (Prema Racing), Zachary David (US Racing) e James Wharton (Prema Racing) alla prima curva, mentre Brando Badoer (Van Amersfoort Racing) rimane fermo con la propria vettura sulla quarta piazzola di partenza. Lindblad ripete quanto fatto in gara 2, ovvero accumula vantaggio sui diretti inseguitori giro dopo giro e si rende irraggiungibile. Il pilota Prema Racing taglia di nuovo per primo il traguardo finale, con 2.731 secondi di gap sul compagno di squadra Ugochukwu, secondo. David guadagna il gradino più basso del podio, invece Wharton è protagonista di un fuoripista: Kacper Sztuka (US Racing) ringrazia l’australiano e conclude quarto, seguito da Tuukka Taponen (Prema Racing), quinto, e da Rashid Al Dhaheri (Prema Racing), sesto.

7 14
Rashid Al Dhaheri Prema Racing 93 Matteo Quintarelli R-ace GP 66 Ruiqi Liu US Racing
5 Davide Larini AKM Motorsport


The Italian F4 Championship certified by FIA never tires of offering contested and hard-fought races. Even the Misano World Circuit, dedicated to Marco Simoncelli, was fertile ground for thrilling manoeuvres and many emotions, some of which are impressed in these wonderful photos.

L’Italian F4 Championship certified by FIA non si stanca mai di regalare gare accese e combattute. Anche il Misano World Circuit, dedicato a Marco Simoncelli, è stato terreno fertile per manovre da urlo e tante emozioni, alcune delle quali impresse in questi bellissimi scatti.




The two victories at Misano Adriatico allow Lindblad to increase the gap in the rankings and reach 129 points. Ugochukwu moves up to second place, ahead of Lacorte and David.

Le due vittorie di Misano Adriatico permettono a Lindblad di allungare in classifica e raggiungere quota 129 punti. Ugochukwu sale al secondo posto, davanti a Lacorte e David.

1 129 p. Lindblad Arvid ®

2 81 p. Ugochukwu Ugo

3 60 p. Lacorte Nicola ®

4 56 p. David Zachary ®

5 51 p. Taponen Tuukka ®

Even among the rookies, Lindblad leads the rankings with 136 points. Lacorte is second with 98 points, while David remains stable in third place, with 81 points.

Anche tra i rookie, Lindblad comanda la classifica con un bottino di 136 punti. Lacorte è secondo a quota 98, mentre David rimane stabile al terzo, con 81 punti.

1 136 p. Lindblad Arvid ®

2 98 p. Lacorte Nicola ®

3 81 p. David Zachary ®

4 76 p. Taponen Tuukka ®

5 54 p. Al Dhaheri Rashid ®


Designed in 1920 and inaugurated in 1922, the SpaFrancorchamps Circuit was a road course over 14 km long, officially closed in 1979 and replaced by a permanent 7 km facility. After several changes over the years, in 2007 it reached its current configuration which, every year, hosts the Formula 1 GP and the famous 24 Hours, the flagship event of Gran Turismo racing.

Progettato nel 1920 e inaugurato nel 1922, il circuito di SpaFrancorchamps era un percorso stradale lungo oltre 14 km, chiuso ufficialmente nel 1979 e sostituito da un impianto permanente da 7 km. Dopo diversi cambiamenti nel corso degli anni, nel 2007 raggiunge l’attuale configurazione che, ogni anno, ospita il GP di Formula 1 e la celebre 24 Ore, manifestazione di punta delle corse Gran Turismo.

Rd.1 - Imola Rd.2 - Misano R2 R1 R1 R3 F R3 R2 0 40 120 160 80 Rd.1 - Imola Rd.2 - Misano R2 R1 R1 R3 F R3 R2 0 40 120 160 80


The injuries of Nobels and Hausmann at Misano Adriatico allow Blokhina to win three times among the “ladies” and momentarily hoist herself into first place with 126 points.

Gli infortuni di Nobels e Hausmann a Misano Adriatico permettono a Blokhina di infilare tre vittorie tra le “ladies” e di issarsi momentaneamente al primo posto con 126 punti.

1 126 p. Blokhina Viktoria

2 86 p. Nobels Aurelia Corine

3 40 p. Hausmann Tina ®

Prema Racing dominated in the second round, firmly in the lead with as much as 276 points. US Racing and Van Amersfoort Racing are behind them with 123 and 87 points, respectively.

Dominio di Prema Racing nel secondo round, saldamente al comando con la bellezza di 276 punti. US Racing e Van Amersfoort Racing inseguono rispettivamente con 123 e 87 punti.

1 276 p. Prema Racing

2 123 p. US Racing

3 87 p. Van Amersfoort Racing

4 43 p. BVM Racing

5 33 p. PHM Racing

RD. 05 July 23, 2023 LE CASTELLET
06 RD. 04 June 25, 2023 MONZA F1 CIRCUIT
1, 2023 MUGELLO October 15, 2023 VALLELUNGA Rd.1 - Imola Rd.2 - Misano R2 R1 R1 R3 F R3 R2 0 40 120 160 80 Rd.1 - Imola Rd.2 - Misano R2 R1 R1 R3 F R3 R2 0 80 240 320 160


The Italian F4 Championship certified by FIA has given space to a lot of young talent in the nine editions held to date. Our roundup of drivers, which began in the first 2023 issue of this magazine therefore continues, for those who have been able to find their place as professionals in motorsport after racing in the Italian series.

L’Italian F4 Championship certified by FIA ha dato spazio a tanti giovani talenti nelle nove edizioni disputate sino a oggi. Prosegue quindi la nostra carrellata di piloti - iniziata sul primo numero del 2023 di questo magazine - che dopo aver corso nella serie tricolore hanno saputo trovare un loro spazio da professionisti nel motorsport.


Only two appearances for the Italian in 2014, winner of the Porsche Carrera Cup Italia in that year. He has been part of the Porsche GT programme since 2017.


Two years for the Chinese driver in the Italian championship (2015 and 2016), an official Porsche driver since 2022. At the moment he is involved in the Hypercar class of the FIA WEC.

Due anni per il cinese nel campionato italiano (2015 e 2016), dal 2022 pilota ufficiale Porsche. Momentaneamente è impegnato nella classe Hypercar del FIA WEC.

Photos: @yifei_ye

Solo due presenze per l’italiano nel 2014, vincitore proprio in quell’anno della Porsche Carrera Cup Italia. Dal 2017 entra a far parte del programma GT di Porsche.


The debut in a single-seater for the Italian in 2014, fourth classified and with six podiums to his credit. He has been an official Lamborghini driver since 2023 and races in the Gran Turismo championships.

Debutto in monoposto per l’italiano nel 2014, quarto classificato e con sei podi all’attivo. Dal 2023 è pilota ufficiale Lamborghini e corre nei campionati Gran Turismo.

Photos: @leopulcini

Photos: @m_cairoli7


The Israeli-licensed driver took part in the last two rounds of the 2014 championship and finished third in the rankings in 2015. He currently races for Ferrari in the GT series and has a reserve role in F1.

Il pilota con licenza israeliana prende parte agli ultimi due round del campionato 2014 e chiude terzo in classifica nel 2015. Oggi corre con Ferrari nelle serie GT e ricopre il ruolo di riserva in F1.

Photos: @robertshwartzman


Two events over two seasons (2015 and 2016) for the German in the Italian series. In 2018 he joined Porsche and has been competing in the DTM for two years.

Due appuntamenti nell’arco di due stagioni (2015 e 2016) per il tedesco nella serie italiana. Nel 2018 si lega a Porsche e da due anni disputa il DTM.

Photos: @thomaspreining


A participation and a victory in the inaugural stage of the 2014 edition for the Japanese driver, active in the Super GT championship officially racing for Toyota.

Una partecipazione e una vittoria nella tappa inaugurale dell’edizione 2014 per il giapponese, attivo nel campionato Super GT con i colori ufficiali di Toyota.

Photos: @ukyo_sasahara


With three victories under his belt, the German driver finished fourth in the 2015 season. He signed for Porsche in 2023 as a reserve in Formula E and currently races in the FIA WEC.

Con tre vittorie all’attivo, il tedesco si classifica quarto nella stagione 2015. Firma con Porsche nel 2023 come riserva in Formula E e corre attualmente nel FIA WEC.

Photos: @david_beckmann



On the occasion of the first round of the Italian F4 Championship certified by FIA at the Enzo and Dino Ferrari racetrack in Imola, ACI Sport and WSK Promotion officially unveiled the sporting regulations of the Euro 4 Championship, the new European series reserved for Formula 4 drivers. An additional challenge, aimed at all that young talent ready to get involved in a competition of continental calibre and divided into three events, all hosted on Formula 1 GP theatre circuits: Mugello (7-9 July), Monza (15 -17 September) and Barcelona (20-22 October).

As already happens in the Italian F4 Championship certified by FIA, the Euro 4 Championship will also stage three races on each weekend, lasting 30 minutes plus one lap and with the starting grids drawn up on the basis of two timed practice sessions. The scoring system will also be the same, rewarding the top ten classified, but with the introduction of a double coefficient for the closing stage in Spain. Four titles will be awarded: overall champion, the Rookie Trophy, the Women’s Trophy and the Team Trophy.

In keeping with the saying “never change a winning team”, the choice of partners: once again the fast and reliable Tatuus T-421 will be the absolute star on the track, powered by Abarth 1.4 Fire Turbo engines supplied by Autotecnica Motori and equipped with Pirelli-branded tyres. A maximum of 38 singleseaters will be able to take to the track.

In occasione del primo appuntamento dell’Italian F4 Championship certified by FIA all’Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari di Imola, ACI Sport e WSK Promotion hanno svelato ufficialmente il regolamento sportivo dell’Euro 4 Championship, la nuova serie europea riservata ai piloti di Formula 4. Una sfida aggiuntiva, rivolta a tutti quei giovani talenti pronti a mettersi in gioco in una competizione di caratura continentale e articolata su tre appuntamenti, tutti ospitati su circuiti teatro di GP di Formula 1: Mugello (7-9 luglio), Monza (15-17 settembre) e Barcellona (20-22 ottobre).

Come già avviene nell’Italian F4 Championship certified by FIA, anche l’Euro 4 Championship disputerà tre gare in ogni weekend, dalla durata di 30 minuti più un giro e con le griglie di partenza stilate sulla base di due sessioni di prove cronometrate. Anche il sistema di punteggio sarà lo stesso che premierà i migliori dieci classificati, ma con l’introduzione del coefficiente doppio per quanto riguarda la tappa di chiusura in Spagna. Quattro i titoli che verranno assegnati: l’assoluto, il Trofeo Rookie, il Trofeo Femminile e il Trofeo Team.

All’insegna del detto “squadra che vince non si cambia”, la scelta dei partner: ancora una volta sarà la veloce e affidabile Tatuus T-421 la protagonista assoluta in pista, spinta dai motori Abarth 1.4 Fire Turbo forniti da Autotecnica Motori e dotata di pneumatici marchiati Pirelli. Potranno scendere in pista un massimo di 38 monoposto.

Mail Press office Facebook f4italianchampionship Instagram f4_italian_championship Twitter @CIFormula4 @WSKPromotion Web RD. 01 July 9, 2023 MUGELLO RD. 02 September 17, 2023 MONZA RD. 03 October 22, 2023 BARCELONA F1 CIRCUIT F1 CIRCUIT
PROVISIONAL Italian F4 Championship certified by FIA / Round 03 No. Competitor Nation Driver Nation Team 3 PremaRacing ITA Ugochukwu Ugo USA Prema Racing 5 AKMMotorsport RSM Larini Davide ITA AKM Motorsport 7 VanAmersfoortRacing NLD Ferreira Matheus BRA Van Amersfoort Racing 8 PremaRacing ITA Taponen Tuukka FIN Prema Racing 9 BVMRacing ITA Spina Alfio ITA BVM Racing 10 PHMRacing DEU Kluss Valentin DEU PHM Racing 11 VanAmersfoortRacing NLD Akhmedkhodjaev Ismoilkhuja UZB Van Amersfoort Racing 12 USRacing DEU Pradel Gianmarco AUS US Racing 13 PremaRacing ITA Wharton James AUS Prema Racing 14 PremaRacing ITA Al Dhaheri Rashid UAE Prema Racing 15 VanAmersfoortRacing NLD Badoer Brando ITA Van Amersfoort Racing 16 PremaRacing ITA Nobels Aurelia BEL Prema Racing 17 VanAmersfoortRacing NLD Domingues Ivan POR Van Amersfoort Racing 18 BVMRacing ITA Frassineti Andrea ITA BVM Racing 19 BVMRacing ITA Carrasquedo Jesse MEX BVM Racing 20 USRacing DEU Zachary David MLT US Racing 21 AKMMotorsport RSM Hausmann Tina CHE AKM Motorsport 22 AKMMotorsport RSM Deligny Enzo FRA AKM Motorsport 26 JenzerMotorsport CHE Hwarang Kim KOR Jenzer Motorsport 27 JenzerMotorsport CHE Ischer Ethan CHE Jenzer Motorsport 29 JenzerMotorsport CHE Elkin Ariel ISR Jenzer Motorsport 31 USRacing DEU Bohra Akshay SGP US Racing 37 USRacing DEU Sztuka Kacper POL US Racing 45 VanAmersfoortRacing NLD Beeton Jack AUT Van Amersfoort Racing 47 PremaRacing ITA Lacorte Nicola ITA Prema Racing 48 PHMRacing DEU Egozi James USA PHM Racing 51 PremaRacing ITA Lindblad Arvid GBR Prema Racing 57 PHMRacing DEU Nadavhud Bhirombhakdi THA PHM Racing 61 ASMotorsport SVN Wiebelhaus Finn DEU AS Motorsport 62 ASMotorsport SVN Quondamcarlo Manuel ITA AS Motorsport 63 AirflowRacing ITA Luchetti Guido ITA Airflow Racing 66 USRacing DEU Liu Ruiqi CHN US Racing 76 R-aceGP FRA Narac Raphael FRA R-ace GP 78 PHMRacing DEU Blokhina Viktoria - PHM Racing 87 AKMMotorsport RSM Lund Frederick DNK AKM Motorsport 88 AKMMotorsport RSM Peebles Griffin AUS AKM Motorsport 93 R-aceGP FRA Quintarelli Matteo ITA R-ace GP 94 R-aceGP FRA TBA - R-ace GP


MAY 26-28, 2023



FRI 09:00 - 10:00 Admin. checks - Verifiche Sportive Italian F4 Champ. certified by FIA circuit - circuito 09:00 - 09:30 Collective Test 1 - Test Collettivi 1 Clio Cup Series track - pista 09:40 - 10:10 Free Practices 1 - Prove Libere 1 TCR Europe/TCR World Tour track - pista 10:00 - 12:00 Scrutineering - Verifiche Tecniche Italian F4 Champ. certified by FIA circuit - circuito 10:20 - 11:00 Free Practices 1 - Prove Libere 1 Euroformula Open track - pista 11:10 - 11:45 Free Practices 1 - Prove Libere 1 GT Cup Europe track - pista 11:55 - 12:35 Free Practices 1 - Prove Libere 1 Italian F4 Champ. certified by FIA track - pista 12:45 - 13:45 Free Practices 1 - Prove Libere 1 International GT Open track - pista 13:55 - 14:25 Collective Test 2 - Test Collettivi 2 Clio Cup Series track - pista 14:00 Driver’s Briefing Italian F4 Champ. certified by FIA circuit - circuito 14:35 - 15:05 Free Practices 2 - Prove Libere 2 TCR Europe/TCR World Tour track - pista 15:15 - 15:55 Free Practices 2 - Prove Libere 2 Euroformula Open track - pista 16:05 - 17:05 Free Practices 2 - Prove Libere 2 Int. GT Open + GT Cup Europe track - pista 17:15 - 17:55 Free Practices 2 - Prove Libere 2 Italian F4 Champ. certified by FIA track - pista SAT 09:00 - 09:40 Free Practices 3 - Prove Libere 3 Int. GT Open + GT Cup Europe (Bronze drivers) track - pista 09:50 - 10:30 Qualifying 1/2 - Prove Uff. 1° T./2° T. Italian F4 Champ. certified by FIA track - pista 10:40 - 11:15 Qualifying 1/2 - Prove Uff. 1° T./2° T. TCR Europe/TCR World Tour track - pista 11:25 - 11:40 Qualifying 1 - Prove Uff. 1° T. GT Cup Europe (Driver 1 - all categories) track - pista 11:45 - 12:10 Qualifying 1 - Prove Uff. 1° T. International GT Open (Driver 1 - all categories) track - pista 12:20 - 12:40 Qualifying - Prove Uff. Euroformula Open track - pista 12:50 - 13:10 Qualifying 1 - Prove Uff. 1° T. Clio Cup Series track - pista 13:20 - 13:35 Qualifying 2 - Prove Uff. 2 T. GT Cup Europe (Driver 2 - all categories) track - pista 13:40 - 14:05 Qualifying 2 - Prove Uff. 2 T. International GT Open (Driver 2 - all categories) track - pista 14:30 Race 1 (30’ + 1 lap) Italian F4 Champ. certified by FIA (B-C) track - pista 15:30 Race 1 (8 laps - max. 35’) TCR Europe/TCR World Tour track - pista 16:30 Race 1 (13 laps - max. 30’) Euroformula Open track - pista 17:25 Race 1 (25’ + 1 lap) Clio Cup Series track - pista SUN 09:15 Race 2 (13 laps - max. 30’) Euroformula Open track - pista 09:55 - 10:15 Qualifying 2 - Prove Uff. 2° T. Clio Cup Series track - pista 10:35 Race 2 (30’ + 1 lap) Italian F4 Champ. certified by FIA (FINAL) track - pista 11:40 Race 2 (8 laps - max. 35’) TCR Europe/TCR World Tour track - pista 12:45 Race (2 h. 20’ + 1 lap) International GT Open + GT Cup Europe track - pista 15:35 Race 3 (13 laps - max. 30’) Euroformula Open track - pista 16:30 Race 2 (25’ + 1 lap) Clio Cup Series track - pista 17:20 Race 3 (30’ + 1 lap) Italian F4 Champ. certified by FIA (FINAL) track - pista
Live Streaming > > > ACI Sport TV Channel SKY228

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